예제 #1
double MDL_PAR(iteratortype st, iteratortype en)
	double d1 = d_euc(*st, *en);
	double PER_DIST=0, ANG_DIST=0;
	iteratortype it = st;
	iteratortype it2 = it;
	it2 ++;
	while (true)
		double d2 = d_euc(*it, *it2);
		if (d1 >= d2)
			PER_DIST += perpen_dist(*st,*en,*it,*it2);
			ANG_DIST += angle_dist(*st,*en,*it,*it2);
			PER_DIST += perpen_dist(*it,*it2,*st,*en);
			ANG_DIST += angle_dist(*it,*it2,*st,*en);
		if (it2 == en) 		
		it ++;
		it2 ++;
	// information calculation
	double LH = log2(d1);
	double LDH = log2(PER_DIST) + log2(ANG_DIST);
	return LH + LDH;
예제 #2
double total_dist(point &si,point &ei,point &sj,point &ej, 
		double w_perpendicular=0.33, double w_parallel=0.33, double w_angle=0.33)
	double td =   w_perpendicular * perpen_dist(si,ei,sj,ej)
			    + w_parallel      *    par_dist(si,ei,sj,ej)
				+ w_angle         *  angle_dist(si,ei,sj,ej);
	return td;
예제 #3
// eccentricity: 0->circle, limit->1: line
EllipseGenerator get_ellipse_generator(Eigen::Vector2f center_span, Eigen::Vector2f radius_span, float min_r_ratio,
    float min_arc_angle, float sigma)
  std::uniform_real_distribution<float> center_dist(center_span(0), center_span(1));
  std::uniform_real_distribution<float> radius_dist(radius_span(0), radius_span(1));
  std::uniform_real_distribution<float> angle_dist(0, 2*M_PI);
  // Center.
  float cx = center_dist(G_engine);
  float cy = center_dist(G_engine);
  // Rotation. Doesn't make sense to rotate ellipse more than 180 deg.
  float angle = angle_dist(G_engine);
  if (angle > M_PI)
    angle -= M_PI;
  // Radii; ratio of minor/major radii must not be < min_r_ratio
  float a, b;
  do {
    a = radius_dist(G_engine);
    b = radius_dist(G_engine);
    if (a < b)
      std::swap(a, b);
  } while (b/a < min_r_ratio);
  // Arc span; must be at least min_arc_angle
  float phi_min, phi_max;
  do {
    phi_min = angle_dist(G_engine);
    phi_max = angle_dist(G_engine);
    if (phi_max < phi_min)
      std::swap(phi_max, phi_min);
  } while (phi_max - phi_min < min_arc_angle);
  EllipseGeometry geometry{Eigen::Vector2f(cx, cy), Eigen::Vector2f(a, b), angle};
  return EllipseGenerator(geometry, Eigen::Vector2f(phi_min, phi_max), sigma);
/* ************************************************************************* *
 * ******  st_SRotation:
 * ************************************************************************* */
TEST( C99_CommonBeamElementDriftTests, MinimalAddToBufferCopyRemapRead )
    using size_t   = ::st_buffer_size_t;
    using object_t = ::st_Object;
    using raw_t    = unsigned char;
    using belem_t  = ::st_SRotation;
    using real_t   = SIXTRL_REAL_T;

    static real_t const ZERO = real_t{   0.0 };
    static real_t const EPS  = real_t{ 1e-13 };

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    std::mt19937_64::result_type const seed = 20180830u;

    std::mt19937_64 prng;
    prng.seed( seed );

    using angle_dist_t = std::uniform_real_distribution< real_t >;

    angle_dist_t angle_dist( real_t{ -1.57079632679 },
                             real_t{ +1.57079632679 } );

        NUM_BEAM_ELEMENTS = size_t{ 1000 };

    ::st_object_type_id_t const BEAM_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = ::st_OBJECT_TYPE_SROTATION;
    std::vector< belem_t > orig_beam_elements( NUM_BEAM_ELEMENTS, belem_t{} );

    size_t const slot_size      = ::st_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SLOT_SIZE;
    size_t const num_objs       = NUM_BEAM_ELEMENTS;
    size_t const num_garbage    = size_t{ 0 };
    size_t const num_dataptrs   = size_t{ 0 };
    size_t num_slots            = size_t{ 0 };

    for( size_t ii = size_t{ 0 } ; ii < NUM_BEAM_ELEMENTS ; ++ii )
        real_t const angle = angle_dist( prng );

        belem_t* ptr_srot = ::st_SRotation_preset( &orig_beam_elements[ ii ] );
        ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );
        ::st_SRotation_set_angle( ptr_srot, angle );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs(
            std::cos( angle ) - ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs(
            std::sin( angle ) - ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot  ) ) );

        real_t const cmp_angle = ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot );
        real_t const delta     = std::fabs( angle - cmp_angle );

        if( EPS <= std::fabs( delta  ) )
            std::cout << "here" << std::endl;

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs(
            angle - ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) ) );

        num_slots += ::st_ManagedBuffer_predict_required_num_slots( nullptr,
            sizeof( ::st_SRotation ), ::st_SRotation_get_num_dataptrs( ptr_srot ),
                nullptr, nullptr, slot_size );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    size_t const requ_buffer_size = ::st_ManagedBuffer_calculate_buffer_length(
        nullptr, num_objs, num_slots, num_dataptrs, num_garbage, slot_size );

    ::st_Buffer* eb = ::st_Buffer_new( requ_buffer_size );
    ASSERT_TRUE( eb != nullptr );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    size_t   be_index = size_t{ 0 };
    belem_t* ptr_orig = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];
    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_orig != nullptr );

    object_t* ptr_object = ::st_Buffer_add_object( eb, ptr_orig, sizeof( belem_t ),
        BEAM_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID, ::st_SRotation_get_num_dataptrs( ptr_orig ),
            nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );

    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_object != nullptr );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) == be_index );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_const_begin_ptr( ptr_object ) != nullptr );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_size( ptr_object ) >= sizeof( belem_t ) );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_type_id( ptr_object ) == BEAM_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID );

    belem_t* ptr_srot = reinterpret_cast< belem_t* >(
        ::st_Object_get_begin_ptr( ptr_object ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ptr_orig  = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];
    ptr_srot = ::st_SRotation_new( eb );

    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) == be_index );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) - ZERO ) );

    ::st_SRotation_set_angle( ptr_srot, ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ptr_orig  = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];
    ptr_srot = ::st_SRotation_add( eb, ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) == be_index );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig  ) ) );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ptr_orig  = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];

    ptr_srot = ::st_SRotation_add_detailed( eb,
        std::cos( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ),
        std::sin( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) == be_index );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                  ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    for( ; be_index < NUM_BEAM_ELEMENTS ; )
        ptr_orig = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];
        ptr_srot = ::st_SRotation_add( eb, ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_srot != nullptr );
        ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) == be_index );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_srot ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_size( eb ) > size_t{ 0 } );

    std::vector< raw_t > data_buffer( ::st_Buffer_get_size( eb ), raw_t{ 0 } );
    data_buffer.assign( ::st_Buffer_get_const_data_begin( eb ),
                        ::st_Buffer_get_const_data_end( eb ) );

    ::st_Buffer cmp_buffer;
    ::st_Buffer_preset( &cmp_buffer );
    int success = ::st_Buffer_init(
        &cmp_buffer, data_buffer.data(), data_buffer.size() );

    ASSERT_TRUE( success == 0 );
    ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( eb ) ==
                 ::st_Buffer_get_num_of_objects( &cmp_buffer ) );

    object_t const* obj_it  = ::st_Buffer_get_const_objects_begin( eb );
    object_t const* obj_end = ::st_Buffer_get_const_objects_end( eb );
    object_t const* cmp_it  = ::st_Buffer_get_const_objects_begin( &cmp_buffer );

    be_index = size_t{ 0 };

    for( ; obj_it != obj_end ; ++obj_it, ++cmp_it )
        ptr_orig = &orig_beam_elements[ be_index++ ];

        ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_type_id( obj_it ) == BEAM_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID );
        ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_type_id( obj_it ) ==
                     ::st_Object_get_type_id( cmp_it ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_size( obj_it ) >= sizeof( belem_t ) );
        ASSERT_TRUE( ::st_Object_get_size( obj_it ) ==
                     ::st_Object_get_size( cmp_it ) );

        belem_t const* elem = reinterpret_cast< belem_t const* >(
            ::st_Object_get_const_begin_ptr( obj_it ) );

        belem_t const* cmp_elem = reinterpret_cast< belem_t const* >(
            ::st_Object_get_const_begin_ptr( cmp_it ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_orig != elem );
        ASSERT_TRUE( ptr_orig != cmp_elem );

        ASSERT_TRUE( elem     != nullptr );
        ASSERT_TRUE( cmp_elem != nullptr );
        ASSERT_TRUE( cmp_elem != elem    );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_angle( cmp_elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( cmp_elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_cos_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

        ASSERT_TRUE( EPS > std::fabs( ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( cmp_elem ) -
                                      ::st_SRotation_get_sin_angle( ptr_orig ) ) );

    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ::st_Buffer_delete( eb );
    ::st_Buffer_free( &cmp_buffer );
예제 #5
size_t poisson_square(tkernel<glm::tvec2<T, P>> & kernel, const T min_dist, const unsigned int num_probes)
    assert(kernel.depth() == 1);

    std::random_device RD;
    std::mt19937_64 generator(RD());

    std::uniform_real_distribution<> radius_dist(min_dist, min_dist * 2.0);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<> angle_dist(0.0, 2.0 * glm::pi<T>());

    std::uniform_int_distribution<> int_distribute(0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());

    auto occupancy = poisson_square_map<T, P>{ min_dist };

    size_t k = 0; // number of valid/final points within the kernel
    kernel[k] = glm::tvec2<T, P>(0.5, 0.5);

    auto actives = std::list<size_t>();

    occupancy.mask(kernel[k], k);

    while (!actives.empty() && k < kernel.size() - 1)
        // randomly pick an active point
        const auto pick = int_distribute(generator);

        auto pick_it = actives.begin();
        std::advance(pick_it, pick % actives.size());

        const auto active = kernel[*pick_it];

        std::vector<std::tuple<glm::tvec2<T, P>, T>> probes{ num_probes };

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(num_probes); ++i)
            const auto r = radius_dist(generator);
            const auto a = angle_dist(generator);

            auto probe = glm::tvec2<T, P>{ active.x + r * cos(a), active.y + r * sin(a) };

            // within square? (tilable)
            if (probe.x < 0.0)
                probe.x += 1.0;
            else if (probe.x >= 1.0)
                probe.x -= 1.0;

            if (probe.y < 0.0)
                probe.y += 1.0;
            else if (probe.y >= 1.0)
                probe.y -= 1.0;

            // Note: do NOT make this optimization
            //if (!tilable && (probe.x < 0.0 || probe.x > 1.0 || probe.y < 0.0 || probe.y > 1.0))
            //    continue;

            // points within min_dist?
            const auto masked = occupancy.masked(probe, kernel);
            const auto delta = glm::abs(active - probe);

            probes[i] = std::make_tuple<glm::tvec2<T, P>, T>(std::move(probe), (masked ? static_cast<T>(-1.0) : glm::dot(delta, delta)));
        // pick nearest probe from sample set
        glm::vec2 nearest_probe;
        auto nearest_dist = 4 * min_dist * min_dist;
        auto nearest_found = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(num_probes); ++i)
            // is this nearest point yet? - optimized by using square distance -> skipping sqrt
            const auto new_dist = std::get<1>(probes[i]);
            if (new_dist < 0.0 || nearest_dist < new_dist)

            if (!nearest_found)
                nearest_found = true;

            nearest_dist = new_dist;
            nearest_probe = std::get<0>(probes[i]);

        if (!nearest_found && (actives.size() > 0 || k > 1))

        kernel[++k] = nearest_probe;

        occupancy.mask(nearest_probe, k);

    return k + 1;