int main(int argc, char** args) { int argchar; char* progname = args[0]; char* outfn = NULL; char* outwcsfn = NULL; int outwcsext = 0; anwcs_t* outwcs; sl* inimgfns = sl_new(16); sl* inwcsfns = sl_new(16); sl* inwtfns = sl_new(16); il* inimgexts = il_new(16); il* inwcsexts = il_new(16); il* inwtexts = il_new(16); int i; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; int order = 3; coadd_t* coadd; lanczos_args_t largs; double sigma = 0.0; anbool nearest = FALSE; anbool divweight = FALSE; int plane = 0; while ((argchar = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case '?': case 'h': printHelp(progname); exit(0); case 'D': divweight = TRUE; break; case 'p': plane = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': nearest = TRUE; break; case 's': sigma = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 'e': outwcsext = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': outwcsfn = optarg; break; case 'o': outfn = optarg; break; case 'O': order = atoi(optarg); break; } log_init(loglvl); fits_use_error_system(); args += optind; argc -= optind; if (argc == 0 || argc % 6) { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } for (i=0; i<argc/6; i++) { sl_append(inimgfns, args[6*i+0]); il_append(inimgexts, atoi(args[6*i+1])); sl_append(inwtfns, args[6*i+2]); il_append(inwtexts, atoi(args[6*i+3])); sl_append(inwcsfns, args[6*i+4]); il_append(inwcsexts, atoi(args[6*i+5])); } logmsg("Reading output WCS file %s\n", outwcsfn); outwcs = anwcs_open(outwcsfn, outwcsext); if (!outwcs) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS from file: %s ext %i\n", outwcsfn, outwcsext); exit(-1); } logmsg("Output image will be %i x %i\n", (int)anwcs_imagew(outwcs), (int)anwcs_imageh(outwcs)); coadd = coadd_new(anwcs_imagew(outwcs), anwcs_imageh(outwcs)); coadd->wcs = outwcs; if (nearest) { coadd->resample_func = nearest_resample_f; coadd->resample_token = NULL; } else { coadd->resample_func = lanczos_resample_f; largs.order = order; coadd->resample_token = &largs; } for (i=0; i<sl_size(inimgfns); i++) { anqfits_t* anq; anqfits_t* wanq; float* img; float* wt = NULL; anwcs_t* inwcs; char* fn; int ext; float overallwt = 1.0; int W, H; fn = sl_get(inimgfns, i); ext = il_get(inimgexts, i); logmsg("Reading input image \"%s\" ext %i\n", fn, ext); anq = anqfits_open(fn); if (!anq) { ERROR("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", fn); exit(-1); } img = anqfits_readpix(anq, ext, 0, 0, 0, 0, plane, PTYPE_FLOAT, NULL, &W, &H); if (!img) { ERROR("Failed to read image from ext %i of %s\n", ext, fn); exit(-1); } anqfits_close(anq); logmsg("Read image: %i x %i.\n", W, H); if (sigma > 0.0) { int k0, nk; float* kernel; logmsg("Smoothing by Gaussian with sigma=%g\n", sigma); kernel = convolve_get_gaussian_kernel_f(sigma, 4, &k0, &nk); convolve_separable_f(img, W, H, kernel, k0, nk, img, NULL); free(kernel); } fn = sl_get(inwcsfns, i); ext = il_get(inwcsexts, i); logmsg("Reading input WCS file \"%s\" ext %i\n", fn, ext); inwcs = anwcs_open(fn, ext); if (!inwcs) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS from file \"%s\" ext %i\n", fn, ext); exit(-1); } if (anwcs_pixel_scale(inwcs) == 0) { ERROR("Pixel scale from the WCS file is zero. Usually this means the image has no valid WCS header.\n"); exit(-1); } if (anwcs_imagew(inwcs) != W || anwcs_imageh(inwcs) != H) { ERROR("Size mismatch between image and WCS!"); exit(-1); } fn = sl_get(inwtfns, i); ext = il_get(inwtexts, i); if (streq(fn, "none")) { logmsg("Not using weight image.\n"); wt = NULL; } else if (file_exists(fn)) { logmsg("Reading input weight image \"%s\" ext %i\n", fn, ext); wanq = anqfits_open(fn); if (!wanq) { ERROR("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", fn); exit(-1); } int wtW, wtH; wt = anqfits_readpix(anq, ext, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PTYPE_FLOAT, NULL, &wtW, &wtH); if (!wt) { ERROR("Failed to read image from ext %i of %s\n", ext, fn); exit(-1); } anqfits_close(wanq); logmsg("Read image: %i x %i.\n", wtW, wtH); if (wtW != W || wtH != H) { ERROR("Size mismatch between image and weight!"); exit(-1); } } else { char* endp; overallwt = strtod(fn, &endp); if (endp == fn) { ERROR("Weight: \"%s\" is neither a file nor a double.\n", fn); exit(-1); } logmsg("Parsed weight value \"%g\"\n", overallwt); } if (divweight && wt) { int j; logmsg("Dividing image by weight image...\n"); for (j=0; j<(W*H); j++) img[j] /= wt[j]; } coadd_add_image(coadd, img, wt, overallwt, inwcs); anwcs_free(inwcs); free(img); if (wt) free(wt); } // logmsg("Writing output: %s\n", outfn); coadd_divide_by_weight(coadd, 0.0); /* if (fits_write_float_image_hdr(coadd->img, coadd->W, coadd->H, outfn)) { ERROR("Failed to write output image %s", outfn); exit(-1); } */ /* if (fits_write_float_image(coadd->img, coadd->W, coadd->H, outfn)) { ERROR("Failed to write output image %s", outfn); exit(-1); } */ { qfitsdumper qoutimg; qfits_header* hdr; hdr = anqfits_get_header2(outwcsfn, outwcsext); if (!hdr) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file \"%s\" ext %i\n", outwcsfn, outwcsext); exit(-1); } fits_header_mod_int(hdr, "NAXIS", 2, NULL); fits_header_set_int(hdr, "NAXIS1", coadd->W, "image width"); fits_header_set_int(hdr, "NAXIS2", coadd->H, "image height"); fits_header_modf(hdr, "BITPIX", "-32", "32-bit floats"); memset(&qoutimg, 0, sizeof(qoutimg)); qoutimg.filename = outfn; qoutimg.npix = coadd->W * coadd->H; qoutimg.fbuf = coadd->img; qoutimg.ptype = PTYPE_FLOAT; qoutimg.out_ptype = BPP_IEEE_FLOAT; if (fits_write_header_and_image(NULL, &qoutimg, coadd->W)) { ERROR("Failed to write FITS image to file \"%s\"", outfn); exit(-1); } qfits_header_destroy(hdr); } coadd_free(coadd); sl_free2(inimgfns); sl_free2(inwcsfns); sl_free2(inwtfns); il_free(inimgexts); il_free(inwcsexts); il_free(inwtexts); anwcs_free(outwcs); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argchar; char* infn = NULL; char* outfn = NULL; FILE* fout; anbool tostdout = FALSE; anqfits_t* anq; int W, H; qfits_header* hdr; const anqfits_image_t* animg; float* img; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; int scale = 2; int winw; int winh; int plane; int out_bitpix = -32; float* outimg; int outw, outh; int edge = EDGE_TRUNCATE; int ext = 0; int npixout = 0; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 's': scale = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': ext = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': case 'h': printHelp(argv[0]); return 0; default: return -1; } log_init(loglvl); log_to(stderr); errors_log_to(stderr); fits_use_error_system(); if (argc - optind != 2) { logerr("Need two arguments: input and output files.\n"); printHelp(argv[0]); exit(-1); } infn = argv[optind]; outfn = argv[optind+1]; if (streq(outfn, "-")) { tostdout = TRUE; fout = stdout; } else { fout = fopen(outfn, "wb"); if (!fout) { SYSERROR("Failed to open output file \"%s\"", outfn); exit(-1); } } anq = anqfits_open(infn); if (!anq) { ERROR("Failed to open input file \"%s\"", infn); exit(-1); } animg = anqfits_get_image_const(anq, ext); W = (int)animg->width; H = (int)animg->height; if (!animg) { ERROR("Failde to read image from \"%s\"", infn); exit(-1); } /* if (tostdout) dump.filename = "STDOUT"; else dump.filename = outfn; dump.ptype = PTYPE_FLOAT; dump.out_ptype = out_bitpix; */ get_output_image_size(W % scale, H % scale, scale, edge, &outw, &outh); outw += (W / scale); outh += (H / scale); hdr = qfits_header_default(); fits_header_add_int(hdr, "BITPIX", out_bitpix, "bits per pixel"); if (animg->planes > 1) fits_header_add_int(hdr, "NAXIS", 3, "number of axes"); else fits_header_add_int(hdr, "NAXIS", 2, "number of axes"); fits_header_add_int(hdr, "NAXIS1", outw, "image width"); fits_header_add_int(hdr, "NAXIS2", outh, "image height"); if (animg->planes > 1) fits_header_add_int(hdr, "NAXIS3", animg->planes, "number of planes"); if (qfits_header_dump(hdr, fout)) { ERROR("Failed to write FITS header to \"%s\"", outfn); exit(-1); } qfits_header_destroy(hdr); winw = W; winh = (int)ceil(ceil(1024*1024 / (float)winw) / (float)scale) * scale; outimg = malloc((int)ceil(winw/scale)*(int)ceil(winh/scale) * sizeof(float)); logmsg("Image is %i x %i x %i\n", W, H, (int)animg->planes); logmsg("Output will be %i x %i x %i\n", outw, outh, (int)animg->planes); logverb("Reading in blocks of %i x %i\n", winw, winh); for (plane=0; plane<animg->planes; plane++) { int bx, by; int nx, ny; for (by=0; by<(int)ceil(H / (float)winh); by++) { for (bx=0; bx<(int)ceil(W / (float)winw); bx++) { int i; int lox, loy, hix, hiy, outw, outh; nx = MIN(winw, W - bx*winw); ny = MIN(winh, H - by*winh); lox = bx*winw; loy = by*winh; hix = lox + nx; hiy = loy + ny; logverb(" reading %i,%i + %i,%i\n", lox, loy, nx, ny); img = anqfits_readpix(anq, ext, lox, hix, loy, hiy, plane, PTYPE_FLOAT, NULL, &W, &H); if (!img) { ERROR("Failed to load pixel window: x=[%i, %i), y=[%i,%i), plane %i\n", lox, hix, loy, hiy, plane); exit(-1); } average_image_f(img, nx, ny, scale, edge, &outw, &outh, outimg); free(img); logverb(" writing %i x %i\n", outw, outh); if (outw * outh == 0) continue; for (i=0; i<outw*outh; i++) { int nbytes = abs(out_bitpix)/8; char buf[nbytes]; if (qfits_pixel_ctofits(PTYPE_FLOAT, out_bitpix, outimg + i, buf)) { ERROR("Failed to convert pixel to FITS type\n"); exit(-1); } if (fwrite(buf, nbytes, 1, fout) != 1) { ERROR("Failed to write pixels\n"); exit(-1); } } npixout += outw*outh; } } } free(outimg); anqfits_close(anq); if (tostdout) { // pad. int N; char pad[2880]; N = (npixout * (abs(out_bitpix) / 8)) % 2880; memset(pad, 0, 2880); fwrite(pad, 1, N, fout); } else { if (fits_pad_file(fout)) { ERROR("Failed to pad output file"); exit(-1); } if (fclose(fout)) { SYSERROR("Failed to close output file"); exit(-1); } } logverb("Done!\n"); return 0; }