예제 #1
 * Sends a command to the database proxy.
 * @param	Cmd		The command to be sent.
UBOOL ExecuteDBProxyCommand(FSocket *Socket, const TCHAR* Cmd)

	INT CmdStrLength = appStrlen(Cmd);
	INT BytesSent = 0;

	// add 1 so we also send NULL

	TCHAR *SendBuf = (TCHAR*)appMalloc(CmdStrLength * sizeof(TCHAR));

	// convert to network byte ordering. This is important for running on the ps3 and xenon
	for(INT BufIndex = 0; BufIndex < CmdStrLength; ++BufIndex)
		SendBuf[BufIndex] = htons(Cmd[BufIndex]);

	UBOOL bRet = Socket->Send((BYTE*)SendBuf, CmdStrLength * sizeof(TCHAR), BytesSent);


	return bRet;
예제 #2
void DConsoleWindow::AddString( lpctstr lpszString, dword dwParam )
	if( m_apLines==NULL ) return;

	TCHAR szBuf[256];

	int dwPos=0;
	int dwBufPos=0;
	int dwSize = appStrlen( lpszString );

	while( dwPos<dwSize )
		if( lpszString[dwPos]=='\n' )
		{// new line and.. add a line!
			szBuf[dwBufPos] = 0;
			AddLine( szBuf );
			szBuf[dwBufPos] = lpszString[dwPos];
	if( dwBufPos>0 )
		szBuf[dwBufPos] = 0;
		AddLine( szBuf );
 * Starts writing stats data to disk
void FStatNotifyProvider_BinaryFile::StartWritingStatsFile()
	// NOTE: Make sure to update BinaryStatFileVersion if you change serialization behavior or data formats!

	if( File != NULL )
		debugf( TEXT( "Stats System: Can't start capturing stats because a capture is already in progress." ) );

	// Create the file
	if( !CreateOutputFile() )
		debugf( TEXT( "Stats System: Couldn't create output file for stat capture." ) );
	check( File != NULL );

	// We're expecting the files to be written out in big-endian since that's what StatsViewer wants
	File->SetByteSwapping( TRUE );

	debugf( TEXT( "Stats System: Capturing stat data to disk." ) );

	FArchive& OutputFile = *File;

	// Write header
		// NOTE: If you change the binary stats file format, update this version number as well
		//       as the version number in StatsViewerMisc.cpp!
		/* const */ DWORD BinaryStatFileVersion = 3;

		// Header tag (ASCII)
		const ANSICHAR* HeaderTagString = "USTATS";
		const INT HeaderTagLength = appStrlen( HeaderTagString );
		for( INT CharIndex = 0; CharIndex < HeaderTagLength; ++CharIndex )
			BYTE CurCharByte = ( BYTE )HeaderTagString[ CharIndex ];
			OutputFile << CurCharByte;

		// Version info
		OutputFile << BinaryStatFileVersion;

		// Number of seconds for each cycle value
		FLOAT SecondsPerCycleAsFloat = ( FLOAT )GSecondsPerCycle;
		OutputFile << SecondsPerCycleAsFloat;

	// Force scoped cycle stats to be enabled.
예제 #4
 * Builds a human readable name from the commandlets name
 * @param Commandlet the commandlet to mangle the name of
static FString GetCommandletName(UCommandlet* Commandlet)
	// Don't print out the default portion of the name
	static INT SkipLen = appStrlen(TEXT("Default__"));
	FString Name(*Commandlet->GetName() + SkipLen);
	// Strip off everything past the friendly name
	INT Index = Name.InStr(TEXT("Commandlet"));
	if (Index != -1)
		Name = Name.Left(Index);
	// Get the code package this commandlet is contained in
	UObject* Outer = Commandlet->GetOutermost();
	// Build Package.Commandlet as the name
	FString FullName = Outer->GetName();
	FullName += TEXT(".");
	FullName += Name;
	return FullName;
void FFileManagerWindows::Init(UBOOL Startup)
	// a shipped PC game will always run as if installed
	// shipping PC game 
	bIsRunningInstalled = TRUE;
	// for development, use a commandline param (-installed)
	bIsRunningInstalled = ParseParam(appCmdLine(),TEXT("installed"));

	// Allow overriding use of My Documents folder with -NOHOMEDIR
	if( ParseParam(appCmdLine(),TEXT("NOHOMEDIR") ) )
		bIsRunningInstalled = FALSE;

	if (bIsRunningInstalled)
		debugf( TEXT( " ... running in INSTALLED mode" ) );

		// get the My Documents directory

		// get the per-game directory name to use inside the My Documents directory 
		FString DefaultIniContents;
		// load the DefaultEngine.ini config file into a string for later parsing (ConvertAbsolutePathToUserPath will use
		// original location since WindowsUserDir hasn't been set yet)
		// can't use GDefaultEngineIni, because that may be something that doesn't have the tag
		if (!appLoadFileToString(DefaultIniContents, *(appGameConfigDir() + TEXT("DefaultEngine.ini")), this))
			// appMsgf won't write to a log if GWarn is NULL, which it should be at this point
			appMsgf(AMT_OK, TEXT("Failed to find default engine .ini file to retrieve My Documents subdirectory to use. Force quitting."));

		#define MYDOC_KEY_NAME TEXT("MyDocumentsSubDirName=")

		// find special key in the .ini file (can't use GConfig because it can't be used yet until after filemanager is made)
		INT KeyLocation = DefaultIniContents.InStr(MYDOC_KEY_NAME, FALSE, TRUE);
		if (KeyLocation == INDEX_NONE)
			// appMsgf won't write to a log if GWarn is NULL, which it should be at this point
			appMsgf(AMT_OK, TEXT("Failed to find %s key in DefaultEngine.ini. Force quitting."), MYDOC_KEY_NAME);

		// skip over the key to get the value (skip key and = sign) and everything after it
		FString ValueAndLeftover = DefaultIniContents.Mid(KeyLocation + appStrlen(MYDOC_KEY_NAME));
		// now chop off this string at an end of line
		TArray<FString> Tokens;
		ValueAndLeftover.ParseIntoArray(&Tokens, TEXT("\r\n"), TRUE);

		// make the base user dir path
		WindowsUserDir = FString(UserPath) 
							+ TEXT("\\My Games\\") 
							+ Tokens(0) 
							+ TEXT(" Demo")
							+ TEXT("\\");

		// find out our executable path
		WindowsRootDir = appBaseDir();
		// strip off the Binaries directory
		WindowsRootDir = WindowsRootDir.Left(WindowsRootDir.InStr(TEXT("\\Binaries\\"), TRUE, TRUE) + 1);

		// Now that the root directory has been set, create directories at startup.
		// Note this must come after the above because MakeDirectory calls
		// ConvertAbsolutePathToUserPath which uses WindowsRootDir and WindowsUserDir.
		INT FindStartPos = INDEX_NONE;
		while ( TRUE )
			// find special key in the .ini file (can't use GConfig because it can't be used yet until after filemanager is made)
			const INT KeyLocation = DefaultIniContents.InStr(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME, FALSE, TRUE, FindStartPos);
			if (KeyLocation == INDEX_NONE)
			// Advance the find pos because we're doing a multi find.
			FindStartPos = KeyLocation + appStrlen(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME);

			// skip over the key to get the value (skip key and = sign) and everything after it
			FString ValueAndLeftover = DefaultIniContents.Mid(KeyLocation + appStrlen(DIRSTOCREATATSTARTUP_KEY_NAME));
			// now chop off this string at an end of line
			TArray<FString> Tokens;
			ValueAndLeftover.ParseIntoArray(&Tokens, TEXT("\r\n"), TRUE);

			// Create the directory.
			MakeDirectory( *Tokens(0), TRUE );
