bool adjustMulticopterPositionFromRCInput(void) { int16_t rcPitchAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[PITCH], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband); int16_t rcRollAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[ROLL], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband); if (rcPitchAdjustment || rcRollAdjustment) { // If mode is GPS_CRUISE, move target position, otherwise POS controller will passthru the RC input to ANGLE PID if (posControl.navConfig->flags.user_control_mode == NAV_GPS_CRUISE) { float rcVelX = rcPitchAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_speed / 500; float rcVelY = rcRollAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_speed / 500; // Rotate these velocities from body frame to to earth frame float neuVelX = rcVelX * posControl.actualState.cosYaw - rcVelY * posControl.actualState.sinYaw; float neuVelY = rcVelX * posControl.actualState.sinYaw + rcVelY * posControl.actualState.cosYaw; // Calculate new position target, so Pos-to-Vel P-controller would yield desired velocity posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X = posControl.actualState.pos.V.X + (neuVelX / posControl.pids.pos[X].param.kP); posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y = posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y + (neuVelY / posControl.pids.pos[Y].param.kP); } return true; } else { // Adjusting finished - reset desired position to stay exactly where pilot released the stick if (posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition) { t_fp_vector stopPosition; calculateMulticopterInitialHoldPosition(&stopPosition); setDesiredPosition(&stopPosition, 0, NAV_POS_UPDATE_XY); } return false; } }
int32_t calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(int32_t vel_tmp, float accZ_tmp, float accZ_old) { int32_t result = 0; int32_t error; int32_t setVel; if (!isThrustFacingDownwards(&inclination)) { return result; } // Altitude P-Controller if (!velocityControl) { error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -500, 500); error = applyDeadband(error, 10); // remove small P parameter to reduce noise near zero position setVel = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDALT] * error / 128), -300, +300); // limit velocity to +/- 3 m/s } else { setVel = setVelocity; } // Velocity PID-Controller // P error = setVel - vel_tmp; result = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDVEL] * error / 32), -300, +300); // I errorVelocityI += (pidProfile->I8[PIDVEL] * error); errorVelocityI = constrain(errorVelocityI, -(8192 * 200), (8192 * 200)); result += errorVelocityI / 8192; // I in range +/-200 // D result -= constrain(pidProfile->D8[PIDVEL] * (accZ_tmp + accZ_old) / 512, -150, 150); return result; }
int32_t calculateBaroPid(int32_t vel_tmp, float accZ_tmp, float accZ_old) { uint32_t newBaroPID = 0; int32_t error; int32_t setVel; if (!isThrustFacingDownwards(&inclination)) { return newBaroPID; } // Altitude P-Controller error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -500, 500); error = applyDeadband(error, 10); // remove small P parametr to reduce noise near zero position setVel = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDALT] * error / 128), -300, +300); // limit velocity to +/- 3 m/s // Velocity PID-Controller // P error = setVel - vel_tmp; newBaroPID = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDVEL] * error / 32), -300, +300); // I errorAltitudeI += (pidProfile->I8[PIDVEL] * error) / 8; errorAltitudeI = constrain(errorAltitudeI, -(1024 * 200), (1024 * 200)); newBaroPID += errorAltitudeI / 1024; // I in range +/-200 // D newBaroPID -= constrain(pidProfile->D8[PIDVEL] * (accZ_tmp + accZ_old) / 64, -150, 150); return newBaroPID; }
float AdvancedJoystick::GetRawAxis (axis_t channel) { update(); if ((channel < 6) && (channel != 3)) return applyDeadband(m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(channel)); else if (channel == 3) return m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(3); else { if (channel == AdvancedJoystick::kLeftTrigger) { if (m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(3) < 0) m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(3); else return 0.0; } else { if (m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(3) > 0) return fabs(m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(3)); else return 0.0; } } }
float AdvancedJoystick::GetRawAxis (axis_t channel) { update(); if ((channel < 2) || (channel > 3)) return applyDeadband(m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(channel)); else return m_gamepad->GetRawAxis(channel); }
int16_t getAxisRcCommand(int16_t rawData, int16_t rate, int16_t deadband) { int16_t stickDeflection; stickDeflection = constrain(rawData - masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc, -500, 500); stickDeflection = applyDeadband(stickDeflection, deadband); return rcLookup(stickDeflection, rate); }
// rotate acc into Earth frame and calculate acceleration in it void imuCalculateAcceleration(uint32_t deltaT) { static int32_t accZoffset = 0; static float accz_smooth = 0; float dT; fp_angles_t rpy; t_fp_vector accel_ned; // deltaT is measured in us ticks dT = (float)deltaT * 1e-6f; // the accel values have to be rotated into the earth frame rpy.angles.roll = -(float)anglerad[AI_ROLL]; rpy.angles.pitch = -(float)anglerad[AI_PITCH]; rpy.angles.yaw = -(float)heading * RAD; accel_ned.V.X = accSmooth[0]; accel_ned.V.Y = accSmooth[1]; accel_ned.V.Z = accSmooth[2]; rotateV(&accel_ned.V, &rpy); if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_unarmedcal == 1) { if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { accZoffset -= accZoffset / 64; accZoffset += accel_ned.V.Z; } accel_ned.V.Z -= accZoffset / 64; // compensate for gravitation on z-axis } else accel_ned.V.Z -= acc_1G; accz_smooth = accz_smooth + (dT / (fc_acc + dT)) * (accel_ned.V.Z - accz_smooth); // low pass filter // apply Deadband to reduce integration drift and vibration influence accSum[X] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.X), accDeadband->xy); accSum[Y] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.Y), accDeadband->xy); accSum[Z] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accz_smooth), accDeadband->z); // sum up Values for later integration to get velocity and distance accTimeSum += deltaT; accSumCount++; }
// rotate acc into Earth frame and calculate acceleration in it void acc_calc(uint32_t deltaT) { static int32_t accZoffset = 0; static float accz_smooth; float rpy[3]; t_fp_vector accel_ned; // the accel values have to be rotated into the earth frame rpy[0] = -(float)anglerad[ROLL]; rpy[1] = -(float)anglerad[PITCH]; rpy[2] = -(float)heading * RAD; accel_ned.V.X = accSmooth[0]; accel_ned.V.Y = accSmooth[1]; accel_ned.V.Z = accSmooth[2]; rotateV(&accel_ned.V, rpy); if (cfg.acc_unarmedcal == 1) { if (!f.ARMED) { accZoffset -= accZoffset / 64; accZoffset += accel_ned.V.Z; } accel_ned.V.Z -= accZoffset / 64; // compensate for gravitation on z-axis } else accel_ned.V.Z -= acc_1G; accz_smooth = accz_smooth + (deltaT / (fc_acc + deltaT)) * (accel_ned.V.Z - accz_smooth); // low pass filter // apply Deadband to reduce integration drift and vibration influence accSum[X] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.X), cfg.accxy_deadband); accSum[Y] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.Y), cfg.accxy_deadband); accSum[Z] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accz_smooth), cfg.accz_deadband); // sum up Values for later integration to get velocity and distance accTimeSum += deltaT; accSumCount++; }
bool adjustFixedWingAltitudeFromRCInput(void) { int16_t rcAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[PITCH], posControl.rcControlsConfig->alt_hold_deadband); if (rcAdjustment) { // set velocity proportional to stick movement float rcClimbRate = -rcAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_climb_rate / (500.0f - posControl.rcControlsConfig->alt_hold_deadband); updateAltitudeTargetFromClimbRate(rcClimbRate, CLIMB_RATE_RESET_SURFACE_TARGET); return true; } else { return false; } }
static void calculateVirtualPositionTarget_FW(float trackingPeriod) { float posErrorX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X; float posErrorY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y; float distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY)); // Limit minimum forward velocity to 1 m/s float trackingDistance = trackingPeriod * MAX(posControl.actualState.velXY, 100.0f); // If angular visibility of a waypoint is less than 30deg, don't calculate circular loiter, go straight to the target #define TAN_15DEG 0.26795f bool needToCalculateCircularLoiter = isApproachingLastWaypoint() && (distanceToActualTarget <= (posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius / TAN_15DEG)) && (distanceToActualTarget > 50.0f); // Calculate virtual position for straight movement if (needToCalculateCircularLoiter) { // We are closing in on a waypoint, calculate circular loiter float loiterAngle = atan2_approx(-posErrorY, -posErrorX) + DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45.0f); float loiterTargetX = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.X + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * cos_approx(loiterAngle); float loiterTargetY = posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Y + posControl.navConfig->fw_loiter_radius * sin_approx(loiterAngle); // We have temporary loiter target. Recalculate distance and position error posErrorX = loiterTargetX - posControl.actualState.pos.V.X; posErrorY = loiterTargetY - posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y; distanceToActualTarget = sqrtf(sq(posErrorX) + sq(posErrorY)); } // Calculate virtual waypoint virtualDesiredPosition.V.X = posControl.actualState.pos.V.X + posErrorX * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget); virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y = posControl.actualState.pos.V.Y + posErrorY * (trackingDistance / distanceToActualTarget); // Shift position according to pilot's ROLL input (up to max_manual_speed velocity) if (posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition) { int16_t rcRollAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[ROLL], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband); if (rcRollAdjustment) { float rcShiftY = rcRollAdjustment * posControl.navConfig->max_manual_speed / 500.0f * trackingPeriod; // Rotate this target shift from body frame to to earth frame and apply to position target virtualDesiredPosition.V.X += -rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.sinYaw; virtualDesiredPosition.V.Y += rcShiftY * posControl.actualState.cosYaw; posControl.flags.isAdjustingPosition = true; } } }
// rotate acc into Earth frame and calculate acceleration in it void imuCalculateAcceleration(uint32_t deltaT) { static int32_t accZoffset = 0; static float accz_smooth = 0; float dT; t_fp_vector accel_ned; // deltaT is measured in us ticks dT = (float)deltaT * 1e-6f; accel_ned.V.X = accSmooth[0]; accel_ned.V.Y = accSmooth[1]; accel_ned.V.Z = accSmooth[2]; imuTransformVectorBodyToEarth(&accel_ned); if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_unarmedcal == 1) { if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { accZoffset -= accZoffset / 64; accZoffset += accel_ned.V.Z; } accel_ned.V.Z -= accZoffset / 64; // compensate for gravitation on z-axis } else accel_ned.V.Z -= acc_1G; accz_smooth = accz_smooth + (dT / (fc_acc + dT)) * (accel_ned.V.Z - accz_smooth); // low pass filter // apply Deadband to reduce integration drift and vibration influence accSum[X] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.X), accDeadband->xy); accSum[Y] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accel_ned.V.Y), accDeadband->xy); accSum[Z] += applyDeadband(lrintf(accz_smooth), accDeadband->z); // sum up Values for later integration to get velocity and distance accTimeSum += deltaT; accSumCount++; }
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(uint32_t currentTime) { static uint32_t previousTime; uint32_t dTime; int32_t baroVel; float dt; float vel_acc; int32_t vel_tmp; float accZ_tmp; int32_t sonarAlt = -1; static float accZ_old = 0.0f; static float vel = 0.0f; static float accAlt = 0.0f; static int32_t lastBaroAlt; static int32_t baroAlt_offset = 0; float sonarTransition; #ifdef SONAR int16_t tiltAngle; #endif dTime = currentTime - previousTime; if (dTime < BARO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_40HZ) return; previousTime = currentTime; #ifdef BARO if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { performBaroCalibrationCycle(); vel = 0; accAlt = 0; } BaroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude(); #else BaroAlt = 0; #endif #ifdef SONAR tiltAngle = calculateTiltAngle(&inclination); sonarAlt = sonarRead(); sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarAlt, tiltAngle); #endif if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) { baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt; BaroAlt = sonarAlt; } else { BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset; if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt <= 300) { sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f; BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition); } } dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec if (accSumCount) { accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount; } else { accZ_tmp = 0; } vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum; // Integrator - Altitude in cm accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt; accalttemp=lrintf(100*accAlt); //Checking how acc measures height // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2) accAlt = accAlt * barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt); // complementary filter for altitude estimation (baro & acc) vel += vel_acc; #ifdef DEBUG_ALT_HOLD debug[1] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration debug[2] = vel; // velocity debug[3] = accAlt; // height #endif imuResetAccelerationSum(); #ifdef BARO if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { return; } #endif if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) { // the sonar has the best range EstAlt = BaroAlt; } else { EstAlt = accAlt; } baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime; lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt; baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -1500, 1500); // constrain baro velocity +/- 1500cm/s baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10); // to reduce noise near zero // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity). // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay vel = vel * barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel); vel_tmp = lrintf(vel); // set vario vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5); if (1)//!(ABS(rcData[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > rcControlsConfig->alt_hold_deadband)) { altHoldThrottleAdjustment = calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old); }//dronadrona_1200am Temp=pidProfile->I8[PIDALT]; barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt=1-Temp/1000 ; accZ_old = accZ_tmp; }
int32_t calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(int32_t vel_tmp, float accZ_tmp, float accZ_old) { int32_t result = 0; int32_t error; int32_t setVel; if (!isThrustFacingDownwards(&inclination)) { return result; } // Altitude P-Controller if(!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED))//Drona alt {AltHold= EstAlt + 100; //initialThrottleHold=1500;//Drona pras }//default alt = 100cm; if (!velocityControl) { error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -500, 500); error = applyDeadband(error, 10); // remove small P parameter to reduce noise near zero position setVel = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDALT] * error / 128), -300, +300); // limit velocity to +/- 3 m/s //led2_op(false); } else { //led2_op(true); setVel = setVelocity; } /*if((setVelocity>50)) {led1_op(true);} else {led1_op(false);}*/ /*if(setVel>50) { led0_op(true); } else { led0_op(false); } */ // Velocity PID-Controller // P error = setVel - vel_tmp; result = constrain((pidProfile->P8[PIDVEL] * error / 32), -300, +300); // I if(ARMING_FLAG(ARMED))/*//Drona alt*/ { errorVelocityI += (pidProfile->I8[PIDVEL] * error); } else { errorVelocityI = 0; }/*//Drona alt*/ errorVelocityI = constrain(errorVelocityI, -(8192 * 300), (8192 * 300)); result += errorVelocityI / 8192; // I in range +/-200 // D result -= constrain(pidProfile->D8[PIDVEL] * (accZ_tmp + accZ_old) / 512, -150, 150); return result; }
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(uint32_t currentTime) { static uint32_t previousTime; uint32_t dTime; int32_t baroVel; float dt; float vel_acc; int32_t vel_tmp; float accZ_tmp; static float accZ_old = 0.0f; static float vel = 0.0f; static float accAlt = 0.0f; static int32_t lastBaroAlt; static int32_t baroAlt_offset = 0; float sonarTransition; #ifdef SONAR int16_t tiltAngle; #endif dTime = currentTime - previousTime; if (dTime < BARO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_40HZ) return; previousTime = currentTime; if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { performBaroCalibrationCycle(); vel = 0; accAlt = 0; } BaroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude(); #ifdef SONAR tiltAngle = calculateTiltAngle(&inclination); sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarAlt, tiltAngle); #endif if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) { baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt; BaroAlt = sonarAlt; } else { BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset; if (sonarAlt > 0) { sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f; BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition); } } dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount; vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum; // Integrator - Altitude in cm accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt; // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2) accAlt = accAlt * barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt); // complementary filter for Altitude estimation (baro & acc) vel += vel_acc; #if 1 debug[1] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration debug[2] = vel; // velocity debug[3] = accAlt; // height #endif accSum_reset(); if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { return; } if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) { // the sonar has the best range EstAlt = BaroAlt; } else { EstAlt = accAlt; } baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime; lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt; baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -300, 300); // constrain baro velocity +/- 300cm/s baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10); // to reduce noise near zero // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity). // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay vel = vel * barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel); vel_tmp = lrintf(vel); // set vario vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5); BaroPID = calculateBaroPid(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old); accZ_old = accZ_tmp; }
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(uint32_t currentTime) { static uint32_t previousTime; uint32_t dTime; int32_t baroVel; float dt; float vel_acc; int32_t vel_tmp; float accZ_tmp; static float accZ_old = 0.0f; static float vel = 0.0f; static float accAlt = 0.0f; static int32_t lastBaroAlt; #ifdef SONAR int32_t sonarAlt = SONAR_OUT_OF_RANGE; static int32_t baroAlt_offset = 0; float sonarTransition; #endif dTime = currentTime - previousTime; if (dTime < BARO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_40HZ) return; previousTime = currentTime; #ifdef BARO if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { performBaroCalibrationCycle(); vel = 0; accAlt = 0; } BaroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude(); #else BaroAlt = 0; #endif #ifdef SONAR sonarAlt = sonarRead(); sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarAlt, getCosTiltAngle()); if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < sonarCfAltCm) { // just use the SONAR baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt; BaroAlt = sonarAlt; } else { BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset; if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt <= sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm) { // SONAR in range, so use complementary filter sonarTransition = (float)(sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm - sonarAlt) / (sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm - sonarCfAltCm); BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition); } } #endif dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec if (accSumCount) { accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount; } else { accZ_tmp = 0; } vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum; // Integrator - Altitude in cm accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt; // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2) accAlt = accAlt * barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt); // complementary filter for altitude estimation (baro & acc) vel += vel_acc; #ifdef DEBUG_ALT_HOLD debug[1] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration debug[2] = vel; // velocity debug[3] = accAlt; // height #endif imuResetAccelerationSum(); #ifdef BARO if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { return; } #endif #ifdef SONAR if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < sonarCfAltCm) { // the sonar has the best range EstAlt = BaroAlt; } else { EstAlt = accAlt; } #else EstAlt = accAlt; #endif baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime; lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt; baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -1500, 1500); // constrain baro velocity +/- 1500cm/s baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10); // to reduce noise near zero // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity). // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay vel = vel * barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel); vel_tmp = lrintf(vel); // set vario vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5); altHoldThrottleAdjustment = calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old); accZ_old = accZ_tmp; }
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(timeUs_t currentTimeUs) { static timeUs_t previousTimeUs = 0; const uint32_t dTime = currentTimeUs - previousTimeUs; if (dTime < BARO_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_40HZ) { return; } previousTimeUs = currentTimeUs; static float vel = 0.0f; static float accAlt = 0.0f; int32_t baroAlt = 0; #ifdef BARO if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) { if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { performBaroCalibrationCycle(); vel = 0; accAlt = 0; } else { baroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude(); estimatedAltitude = baroAlt; } } #endif #ifdef SONAR if (sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)) { int32_t sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarRead(), getCosTiltAngle()); if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt >= sonarCfAltCm && sonarAlt <= sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm) { // SONAR in range, so use complementary filter float sonarTransition = (float)(sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm - sonarAlt) / (sonarMaxAltWithTiltCm - sonarCfAltCm); sonarAlt = (float)sonarAlt * sonarTransition + baroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition); estimatedAltitude = sonarAlt; } } #endif float accZ_tmp = 0; #ifdef ACC if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) { const float dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec if (accSumCount) { accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / accSumCount; } const float vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum; // Integrator - Altitude in cm accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt; // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2) accAlt = accAlt * CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_FLOAT(barometerConfig()->baro_cf_alt) + (float)baro.BaroAlt * (1.0f - CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_FLOAT(barometerConfig()->baro_cf_alt)); // complementary filter for altitude estimation (baro & acc) vel += vel_acc; estimatedAltitude = accAlt; } #endif DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, DEBUG_ALTITUDE_ACC, accSum[2] / accSumCount); DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, DEBUG_ALTITUDE_VEL, vel); DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_ALTITUDE, DEBUG_ALTITUDE_HEIGHT, accAlt); imuResetAccelerationSum(); int32_t baroVel = 0; #ifdef BARO if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) { if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) { return; } static int32_t lastBaroAlt = 0; baroVel = (baroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime; lastBaroAlt = baroAlt; baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -1500, 1500); // constrain baro velocity +/- 1500cm/s baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10); // to reduce noise near zero } #endif // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity). // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay vel = vel * CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_FLOAT(barometerConfig()->baro_cf_vel) + baroVel * (1.0f - CONVERT_PARAMETER_TO_FLOAT(barometerConfig()->baro_cf_vel)); int32_t vel_tmp = lrintf(vel); // set vario estimatedVario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5); static float accZ_old = 0.0f; altHoldThrottleAdjustment = calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old); accZ_old = accZ_tmp; }
/** * @brief Process inputs and arming * * This will always process the arming signals as for now the transmitter * is always in charge. When a transmitter is not detected control will * fall back to the failsafe module. If the flight mode is in tablet * control position then control will be ceeded to that module. */ int32_t transmitter_control_update() { lastSysTime = PIOS_Thread_Systime(); float scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NUMELEM]; bool validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NUMELEM]; if (settings_updated) { settings_updated = false; ManualControlSettingsGet(&settings); } /* Update channel activity monitor */ uint8_t arm_status; FlightStatusArmedGet(&arm_status); if (arm_status == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED) { if (updateRcvrActivity(&activity_fsm)) { /* Reset the aging timer because activity was detected */ lastActivityTime = lastSysTime; } } if (timeDifferenceMs(lastActivityTime, lastSysTime) > 5000) { resetRcvrActivity(&activity_fsm); lastActivityTime = lastSysTime; } if (ManualControlCommandReadOnly()) { FlightTelemetryStatsData flightTelemStats; FlightTelemetryStatsGet(&flightTelemStats); if(flightTelemStats.Status != FLIGHTTELEMETRYSTATS_STATUS_CONNECTED) { /* trying to fly via GCS and lost connection. fall back to transmitter */ UAVObjMetadata metadata; ManualControlCommandGetMetadata(&metadata); UAVObjSetAccess(&metadata, ACCESS_READWRITE); ManualControlCommandSetMetadata(&metadata); } // Don't process anything else when GCS is overriding the objects return 0; } if (settings.RssiType != MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_NONE) { int32_t value = 0; extern uintptr_t pios_rcvr_group_map[]; switch (settings.RssiType) { case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_PWM: value = PIOS_RCVR_Read(pios_rcvr_group_map[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PWM], settings.RssiChannelNumber); break; case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_PPM: value = PIOS_RCVR_Read(pios_rcvr_group_map[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PPM], settings.RssiChannelNumber); break; case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_ADC: #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_ADC) value = PIOS_ADC_GetChannelRaw(settings.RssiChannelNumber); #endif break; case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_OPENLRS: #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_OPENLRS_RCVR) value = PIOS_OpenLRS_RSSI_Get(); #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_OPENLRS_RCVR */ break; case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_FRSKYPWM: #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FRSKY_RSSI) value = PIOS_FrSkyRssi_Get(); #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_FRSKY_RSSI */ break; case MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_RSSITYPE_SBUS: #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_SBUS) value = PIOS_RCVR_Read(pios_rcvr_group_map[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_SBUS], settings.RssiChannelNumber); #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_SBUS */ break; } if(value < 0) value = 0; if (settings.RssiMax == settings.RssiMin) cmd.Rssi = 0; else cmd.Rssi = ((float)(value - settings.RssiMin)/((float)settings.RssiMax-settings.RssiMin)) * 100; cmd.RawRssi = value; } bool valid_input_detected = true; // Read channel values in us for (uint8_t n = 0; n < MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NUMELEM && n < MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_CHANNEL_NUMELEM; ++n) { extern uintptr_t pios_rcvr_group_map[]; if (settings.ChannelGroups[n] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE) { cmd.Channel[n] = PIOS_RCVR_INVALID; validChannel[n] = false; } else { cmd.Channel[n] = PIOS_RCVR_Read(pios_rcvr_group_map[settings.ChannelGroups[n]], settings.ChannelNumber[n]); } // If a channel has timed out this is not valid data and we shouldn't update anything // until we decide to go to failsafe if(cmd.Channel[n] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_TIMEOUT) { valid_input_detected = false; validChannel[n] = false; } else { scaledChannel[n] = scaleChannel(n, cmd.Channel[n]); validChannel[n] = validInputRange(n, cmd.Channel[n], CONNECTION_OFFSET); } } // Check settings, if error raise alarm if (settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ROLL] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE || settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PITCH] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE || settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_YAW] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE || settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_THROTTLE] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE || // Check all channel mappings are valid cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ROLL] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PITCH] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_YAW] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_THROTTLE] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID || // Check the driver exists cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ROLL] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PITCH] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_YAW] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_THROTTLE] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER || // Check the FlightModeNumber is valid settings.FlightModeNumber < 1 || settings.FlightModeNumber > MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_FLIGHTMODEPOSITION_NUMELEM || // If we've got more than one possible valid FlightMode, we require a configured FlightMode channel ((settings.FlightModeNumber > 1) && (settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE)) || // Whenever FlightMode channel is configured, it needs to be valid regardless of FlightModeNumber settings ((settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE] < MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE) && ( cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID || cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE] == (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER ))) { set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_SETTINGS); cmd.Connected = MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_CONNECTED_FALSE; ManualControlCommandSet(&cmd); // Need to do this here since we don't process armed status. Since this shouldn't happen in flight (changed config) // immediately disarm pending_control_event = CONTROL_EVENTS_DISARM; return -1; } // the block above validates the input configuration. this simply checks that the range is valid if flight mode is configured. bool flightmode_valid_input = settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE] >= MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE || validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE]; // because arming is optional we must determine if it is needed before checking it is valid bool arming_valid_input = (settings.Arming < MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_ARMING_SWITCH) || validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ARMING]; // decide if we have valid manual input or not valid_input_detected &= validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_THROTTLE] && validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ROLL] && validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_YAW] && validChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PITCH] && flightmode_valid_input && arming_valid_input; // Implement hysteresis loop on connection status if (valid_input_detected && (++connected_count > 10)) { cmd.Connected = MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_CONNECTED_TRUE; connected_count = 0; disconnected_count = 0; } else if (!valid_input_detected && (++disconnected_count > 10)) { cmd.Connected = MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_CONNECTED_FALSE; connected_count = 0; disconnected_count = 0; } if (cmd.Connected == MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_CONNECTED_FALSE) { // These values are not used but just put ManualControlCommand in a sane state. When // Connected is false, then the failsafe submodule will be in control. cmd.Throttle = -1; cmd.Roll = 0; cmd.Yaw = 0; cmd.Pitch = 0; cmd.Collective = 0; set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_NORX); } else if (valid_input_detected) { set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_NONE); // Scale channels to -1 -> +1 range cmd.Roll = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ROLL]; cmd.Pitch = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_PITCH]; cmd.Yaw = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_YAW]; cmd.Throttle = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_THROTTLE]; cmd.ArmSwitch = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ARMING] > 0 ? MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_ARMSWITCH_ARMED : MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_ARMSWITCH_DISARMED; flight_mode_value = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_FLIGHTMODE]; // Apply deadband for Roll/Pitch/Yaw stick inputs if (settings.Deadband) { applyDeadband(&cmd.Roll, settings.Deadband); applyDeadband(&cmd.Pitch, settings.Deadband); applyDeadband(&cmd.Yaw, settings.Deadband); } if(cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_COLLECTIVE] != (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_INVALID && cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_COLLECTIVE] != (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_NODRIVER && cmd.Channel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_COLLECTIVE] != (uint16_t) PIOS_RCVR_TIMEOUT) { cmd.Collective = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_COLLECTIVE]; } AccessoryDesiredData accessory; // Set Accessory 0 if (settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY0] != MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE) { accessory.AccessoryVal = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY0]; if(AccessoryDesiredInstSet(0, &accessory) != 0) //These are allocated later and that allocation might fail set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_ACCESSORY); } // Set Accessory 1 if (settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY1] != MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE) { accessory.AccessoryVal = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY1]; if(AccessoryDesiredInstSet(1, &accessory) != 0) //These are allocated later and that allocation might fail set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_ACCESSORY); } // Set Accessory 2 if (settings.ChannelGroups[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY2] != MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE) { accessory.AccessoryVal = scaledChannel[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_ACCESSORY2]; if(AccessoryDesiredInstSet(2, &accessory) != 0) //These are allocated later and that allocation might fail set_manual_control_error(SYSTEMALARMS_MANUALCONTROL_ACCESSORY); } } // Process arming outside conditional so system will disarm when disconnected. Notice this // is processed in the _update method instead of _select method so the state system is always // evalulated, even if not detected. process_transmitter_events(&cmd, &settings, valid_input_detected); // Update cmd object ManualControlCommandSet(&cmd); return 0; }
int getEstimatedAltitude(void) { static uint32_t previousT; uint32_t currentT = micros(); uint32_t dTime; int32_t error; int32_t baroVel; int32_t vel_tmp; int32_t BaroAlt_tmp; int32_t setVel; float dt; float vel_acc; float accZ_tmp; static float accZ_old = 0.0f; static float vel = 0.0f; static float accAlt = 0.0f; static int32_t lastBaroAlt; static int32_t baroGroundAltitude = 0; static int32_t baroGroundPressure = 0; int16_t tiltAngle = max(abs(angle[ROLL]), abs(angle[PITCH])); dTime = currentT - previousT; if (dTime < UPDATE_INTERVAL) return 0; previousT = currentT; if (calibratingB > 0) { baroGroundPressure -= baroGroundPressure / 8; baroGroundPressure += baroPressureSum / (cfg.baro_tab_size - 1); baroGroundAltitude = (1.0f - powf((baroGroundPressure / 8) / 101325.0f, 0.190295f)) * 4433000.0f; vel = 0; accAlt = 0; calibratingB--; } // calculates height from ground via baro readings // see: BaroAlt_tmp = lrintf((1.0f - powf((float)(baroPressureSum / (cfg.baro_tab_size - 1)) / 101325.0f, 0.190295f)) * 4433000.0f); // in cm BaroAlt_tmp -= baroGroundAltitude; BaroAlt = lrintf((float)BaroAlt * cfg.baro_noise_lpf + (float)BaroAlt_tmp * (1.0f - cfg.baro_noise_lpf)); // additional LPF to reduce baro noise // calculate sonar altitude only if the sonar is facing downwards(<25deg) if (tiltAngle > 250) sonarAlt = -1; else sonarAlt = sonarAlt * (900.0f - tiltAngle) / 900.0f; // do sonarAlt and baroAlt fusion if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) { baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt; BaroAlt = sonarAlt; } else { BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset; if (sonarAlt > 0) { sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f; BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition); } } dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount; vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum; // Integrator - Altitude in cm accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt; // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2) accAlt = accAlt * cfg.baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - cfg.baro_cf_alt); // complementary filter for Altitude estimation (baro & acc) // when the sonar is in his best range if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) EstAlt = BaroAlt; else EstAlt = accAlt; vel += vel_acc; #if 0 debug[0] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration debug[1] = vel; // velocity debug[2] = accAlt; // height #endif accSum_reset(); baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime; lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt; baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -300, 300); // constrain baro velocity +/- 300cm/s baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10); // to reduce noise near zero // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity). // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay vel = vel * cfg.baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1 - cfg.baro_cf_vel); vel_tmp = lrintf(vel); // set vario vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5); if (tiltAngle < 800) { // only calculate pid if the copters thrust is facing downwards(<80deg) // Altitude P-Controller error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -500, 500); error = applyDeadband(error, 10); // remove small P parametr to reduce noise near zero position setVel = constrain((cfg.P8[PIDALT] * error / 128), -300, +300); // limit velocity to +/- 3 m/s // Velocity PID-Controller // P error = setVel - vel_tmp; BaroPID = constrain((cfg.P8[PIDVEL] * error / 32), -300, +300); // I errorAltitudeI += (cfg.I8[PIDVEL] * error) / 8; errorAltitudeI = constrain(errorAltitudeI, -(1024 * 200), (1024 * 200)); BaroPID += errorAltitudeI / 1024; // I in range +/-200 // D BaroPID -= constrain(cfg.D8[PIDVEL] * (accZ_tmp + accZ_old) / 64, -150, 150); } else { BaroPID = 0; } accZ_old = accZ_tmp; return 1; }
void DriveTrain::Drive(float throttle, float turn, bool isQuickTurn) { // Modified Cheesy Drive; base code courtesy of FRC Team 254 throttle *= -1; // Limit values to [-1 .. 1] throttle = limit(throttle, 1.f); turn = limit(turn, 1.f); /* Apply joystick deadband * (Negate turn since joystick X-axis is reversed) */ throttle = applyDeadband(throttle); turn = applyDeadband(turn); double negInertia = turn - m_oldTurn; m_oldTurn = turn; float turnNonLinearity = m_settings.GetDouble("TURN_NON_LINEARITY"); /* Apply a sine function that's scaled to make turning sensitivity feel * better. turnNonLinearity should never be zero, but can be close */ turn = std::sin(M_PI / 2.0 * turnNonLinearity * turn) / std::sin(M_PI / 2.0 * turnNonLinearity); double angularPower = 0.f; double linearPower = throttle; double leftPwm = linearPower, rightPwm = linearPower; // Negative inertia! double negInertiaScalar; if (turn * negInertia > 0) { negInertiaScalar = m_settings.GetDouble("INERTIA_DAMPEN"); } else { if (std::fabs(turn) > 0.65) { negInertiaScalar = m_settings.GetDouble("INERTIA_HIGH_TURN"); } else { negInertiaScalar = m_settings.GetDouble("INERTIA_LOW_TURN"); } } m_negInertiaAccumulator += negInertia * negInertiaScalar; // adds negInertiaPower // Apply negative inertia turn += m_negInertiaAccumulator; if (m_negInertiaAccumulator > 1) { m_negInertiaAccumulator -= 1; } else if (m_negInertiaAccumulator < -1) { m_negInertiaAccumulator += 1; } else { m_negInertiaAccumulator = 0; } // QuickTurn! if (isQuickTurn) { if (std::fabs(linearPower) < 0.2) { double alpha = 0.1; m_quickStopAccumulator = (1 - alpha) * m_quickStopAccumulator + alpha * limit(turn, 1.f) * 5; } angularPower = turn; } else { angularPower = std::fabs(throttle) * turn * m_sensitivity - m_quickStopAccumulator; if (m_quickStopAccumulator > 1) { m_quickStopAccumulator -= 1; } else if (m_quickStopAccumulator < -1) { m_quickStopAccumulator += 1; } else { m_quickStopAccumulator = 0.0; } } // Adjust straight path for turn leftPwm += angularPower; rightPwm -= angularPower; // Limit PWM bounds to [-1..1] if (leftPwm > 1.0) { // If overpowered turning enabled if (isQuickTurn) { rightPwm -= (leftPwm - 1.f); } leftPwm = 1.0; } else if (rightPwm > 1.0) { // If overpowered turning enabled if (isQuickTurn) { leftPwm -= (rightPwm - 1.f); } rightPwm = 1.0; } else if (leftPwm < -1.0) { // If overpowered turning enabled if (isQuickTurn) { rightPwm += (-leftPwm - 1.f); } leftPwm = -1.0; } else if (rightPwm < -1.0) { // If overpowered turning enabled if (isQuickTurn) { leftPwm += (-rightPwm - 1.f); } rightPwm = -1.0; } m_leftGrbx.setManual(leftPwm); m_rightGrbx.setManual(rightPwm); }
bool adjustFixedWingPositionFromRCInput(void) { int16_t rcRollAdjustment = applyDeadband(rcCommand[ROLL], posControl.rcControlsConfig->pos_hold_deadband); return (rcRollAdjustment); }