예제 #1
void KoPathPointMoveCommand::redo()
    if (! m_undoCalled)
    applyOffset( 1.0 );
    m_undoCalled = false;
예제 #2
void KoPathPointMoveCommand::undo()
    if (m_undoCalled)
    applyOffset( -1.0 );

    m_undoCalled = true;
예제 #3
MojErr MojDbQuotaEngine::applyUsage(MojDbStorageTxn* txn)

	for (OffsetMap::ConstIterator i = txn->m_offsetMap.begin();
		 i != txn->m_offsetMap.end(); ++i) {
		MojErr err = applyOffset(i.key(), i.value()->offset(), txn);
	return MojErrNone;
snlPoint snlCircularOffsetCurve::eval ( knot param ) const
    // Eval curve at param.
    // --------------------
    // param:    Paramter to evaluate at.
    snlPoint retPoint = base_curve -> eval ( param );
    applyOffset ( retPoint,
                  chord_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ),
                  angle_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ),
                  tangent_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ) );     
    return retPoint;
예제 #5
void InputToInputMix::apply() const
	if (m_index != Input_None)
		if (m_source != Input_None)
			rc::setInput(m_index, applyOffset(rc::getInput(m_index)));
예제 #6
MojErr MojDbQuotaEngine::applyUsage(MojDbStorageTxn* txn)
    LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__);

	for (OffsetMap::ConstIterator i = txn->m_offsetMap.begin();
		 i != txn->m_offsetMap.end(); ++i) {
		MojErr err = applyOffset(i.key(), i.value()->offset(), txn);

		if(!m_db->getQuotaAlert().isEmpty()) //optimization for empty list
			err = informQuotaSubscribers(i.key());
	return MojErrNone;
void snlCircularOffsetCurve::vertexNetParam ( snlVertexNet* vNet, double tolerance )
    // Generate an approximation to curve using a parametric analysis.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    // vNet:         Vertex network to fill with data.
    // tolerance:    Maximum error to curve.
    int              size;    
    snlPoint* pts = 0;
    if ( tolerance <= 0.0 )
        size = base_curve -> controlPointNet().size();
        pts = new snlPoint [ size ];
        double minParam = base_curve -> minParam();
        double paramStep = ( base_curve -> maxParam() - minParam ) / (double) ( size - 1 );
        for ( int index = 0; index < size; index ++ )
            double param = minParam + paramStep * (double) index;            
            pts [ index ] = base_curve -> eval ( param );
            applyOffset ( pts [ index ],
                          chord_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ),
                          angle_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ),
                          tangent_offsetCurve -> eval ( param ) );
    vNet -> vertexNet ( pts, size );
    if ( pts ) delete[] pts;
void snlCircularOffsetCurve::vertexNet ( snlVertexNet* vNet, double tolerance, bool parametric )
    // Return approximation to curve.
    // --------------------------------
    // tolerance:    Tolerance to approximate to.
    // parametric:   Do a parametric analysis as opposed to knot refinement.
    // vNet:         Vertex net to fill with data.
    if ( parametric )
        vertexNetParam ( vNet, tolerance );
    snlCtrlPointNetCurve*    ctrlPtNet;
    int                      size;
    const snlCtrlPoint*      chordOffsetPts;
    const snlCtrlPoint*      angleOffsetPts;
    const snlCtrlPoint*      tangentOffsetPts;
    // Get control point net to work with.
    snlCircularOffsetCurve* tmpCurve = 0;
    if ( tolerance > 0.0 )
        tmpCurve = new snlCircularOffsetCurve ( *this );
        tmpCurve -> refine ( tolerance );
        ctrlPtNet = new snlCtrlPointNetCurve ( ( tmpCurve -> base_curve ) -> controlPointNet() );
        size = ctrlPtNet -> getNumPts();
        chordOffsetPts = ( tmpCurve -> chord_offsetCurve ) -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
        angleOffsetPts = ( tmpCurve -> angle_offsetCurve ) -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
        tangentOffsetPts = ( tmpCurve -> tangent_offsetCurve ) -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
        ctrlPtNet = new snlCtrlPointNetCurve ( base_curve -> controlPointNet() );
        size = ctrlPtNet -> getNumPts();
        chordOffsetPts = chord_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
        angleOffsetPts = angle_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
        tangentOffsetPts = tangent_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
    snlCtrlPoint* ctrlPts = ctrlPtNet -> getCtrlPtsPtr();
    // Offset base curve control points.
    for ( int index = 0; index < size; index ++ )
        applyOffset ( ctrlPts [ index ], chordOffsetPts [ index ], angleOffsetPts [ index ], tangentOffsetPts [ index ] );
    // Generate vertex net.
    vNet -> vertexNet ( ctrlPts, size );
    delete ctrlPtNet;
    if ( tmpCurve ) delete tmpCurve;
void snlCircularOffsetCurve::refine ( double tolerance )
    // Refine control point net until tolerance is achieved.
    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // Notes:    This is a little tricky because the offset_curve's control points
    //           have to be evaluted relative to the base_curve to get the points to test
    //           for flatness.
    bool tolOk = false;    
    int deg = base_curve -> degree();
    int numTestPts = deg + 1;
    snlPoint* testPoints = new snlPoint [ numTestPts ];
    snlPoint** testPtPtrs = new snlPoint* [ numTestPts ];
    for ( int index = 0; index < numTestPts; index ++ )
        testPtPtrs [ index ] = testPoints + index;

    while ( ! tolOk )
        tolOk = true;
        for ( int index = 0; (unsigned) index < ( base_curve -> controlPointNet().size() ) - deg; index ++ )
            const snlCtrlPoint* basePts = base_curve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
            const snlCtrlPoint* chordOffsetPts = chord_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
            const snlCtrlPoint* angleOffsetPts = angle_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
            const snlCtrlPoint* tangentOffsetPts = tangent_offsetCurve -> controlPointNet().getCtrlPts();
            // Generate points to test for flatness.
            for ( int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < numTestPts; ptIndex ++ )
                testPoints [ ptIndex ] = basePts [ index + ptIndex ];
                applyOffset ( testPoints [ ptIndex ],
                              chordOffsetPts [ index + ptIndex ],
                              angleOffsetPts [ index + ptIndex ],
                              tangentOffsetPts [ index + ptIndex ] );
            // Test for flatness
            double flatness = ( base_curve ->controlPointNet() ).snlCtrlPointNet::calcFlatness ( testPtPtrs, numTestPts );            
            if ( flatness > tolerance )
                // Insert knot into surface. Half way between existing knots.
                const snlKnotVector& knotVect = base_curve -> knotVector();
                int insertIndex = index + deg;
                knot insertParam = ( ( knotVect.val ( insertIndex + 1 )
                                       - knotVect.val ( insertIndex ) ) / 2 )
                                       + knotVect.val ( insertIndex );

                base_curve -> insertKnot ( insertParam, true );
                chord_offsetCurve -> insertKnot ( insertParam, true );
                angle_offsetCurve -> insertKnot ( insertParam, true );
                tangent_offsetCurve -> insertKnot ( insertParam, true );

                tolOk = false;

                index ++;  // If this is not done then nothing converges if the curvature is too great.
    delete[] testPoints;
예제 #10
void QgsMapToolOffsetCurve::canvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  mCtrlHeldOnFirstClick = false;

  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )

  if ( mOriginalGeometry.isNull() )
    // first click, get feature to modify
    mGeometryModified = false;

    QgsPointLocator::Match match = mCanvas->snappingUtils()->snapToCurrentLayer( e->pos(),
                                   QgsPointLocator::Types( QgsPointLocator::Edge | QgsPointLocator::Area ) );

    if ( ( match.hasEdge() || match.hasArea() ) && match.layer() )
      mLayer = match.layer();
      QgsFeature fet;
      if ( match.layer()->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest( match.featureId() ) ).nextFeature( fet ) )
        mCtrlHeldOnFirstClick = ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ); //no geometry modification if ctrl is pressed
        prepareGeometry( match, fet );
        mRubberBand = createRubberBand();
        if ( mRubberBand )
          mRubberBand->setToGeometry( mManipulatedGeometry, match.layer() );
        mModifiedFeature = fet.id();

        bool hasZ = QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( mLayer->wkbType() );
        bool hasM = QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( mLayer->wkbType() );
        if ( hasZ || hasM )
          emit messageEmitted( QStringLiteral( "layer %1 has %2%3%4 geometry. %2%3%4 values be set to 0 when using offset tool." )
                               .arg( mLayer->name() )
                               .arg( hasZ ? "Z" : "" )
                               .arg( hasZ && hasM ? "/" : "" )
                               .arg( hasM ? "M" : "" )
                               , Qgis::Warning );

    if ( mOriginalGeometry.isNull() )
      emit messageEmitted( tr( "Could not find a nearby feature in any vector layer." ) );
    // second click - apply changes
    double offset = calculateOffset( e->snapPoint() );
    applyOffset( offset, e->modifiers() );
예제 #11
void QgsMapToolOffsetCurve::canvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent* e )
  if ( !mCanvas )

  QgsVectorLayer* layer = currentVectorLayer();
  if ( !layer )

  if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )

  if ( !mOriginalGeometry )
    mGeometryModified = false;
    mForceCopy = false;

    if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )

    QgsSnappingUtils* snapping = mCanvas->snappingUtils();

    // store previous settings
    int oldType;
    double oldSearchRadius;
    QgsTolerance::UnitType oldSearchRadiusUnit;
    QgsSnappingUtils::SnapToMapMode oldMode = snapping->snapToMapMode();
    snapping->defaultSettings( oldType, oldSearchRadius, oldSearchRadiusUnit );

    // setup new settings (temporary)
    QSettings settings;
    snapping->setSnapToMapMode( QgsSnappingUtils::SnapAllLayers );
    snapping->setDefaultSettings( QgsPointLocator::Edge,
                                  settings.value( "/qgis/digitizing/search_radius_vertex_edit", 10 ).toDouble(),
                                  ( QgsTolerance::UnitType ) settings.value( "/qgis/digitizing/search_radius_vertex_edit_unit", QgsTolerance::Pixels ).toInt() );

    QgsPointLocator::Match match = snapping->snapToMap( e->pos() );

    // restore old settings
    snapping->setSnapToMapMode( oldMode );
    snapping->setDefaultSettings( oldType, oldSearchRadius, oldSearchRadiusUnit );

    if ( match.hasEdge() && match.layer() )
      mSourceLayerId = match.layer()->id();
      QgsFeature fet;
      if ( match.layer()->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest( match.featureId() ) ).nextFeature( fet ) )
        mForceCopy = ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ); //no geometry modification if ctrl is pressed
        mOriginalGeometry = createOriginGeometry( match.layer(), match, fet );
        mRubberBand = createRubberBand();
        if ( mRubberBand )
          mRubberBand->setToGeometry( mOriginalGeometry, layer );
        mModifiedFeature = fet.id();
