예제 #1
 * parse an EC JWK
static apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_ec(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_jwk_t *jwk) {

	/* allocated space and set key type */
	jwk->type = APR_JWK_KEY_EC;
	jwk->key.ec = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_key_ec_t));

	/* parse x */
	char *s_x = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, &jwk->value, "x", &s_x);
	if (s_x == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* parse x size */
	jwk->key.ec->x_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &jwk->key.ec->x, s_x, 1);

	/* parse y */
	char *s_y = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, &jwk->value, "y", &s_y);
	if (s_y == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* parse y size */
	jwk->key.ec->y_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &jwk->key.ec->y, s_y, 1);

	/* that went well */
	return TRUE;
예제 #2
 * parse an RSA JWK in raw format (n,e,d)
static apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_rsa_raw(apr_pool_t *pool, json_t *json,
		apr_jwk_key_rsa_t **jwk_key_rsa, apr_jwt_error_t *err) {

	/* allocate space */
	*jwk_key_rsa = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_key_rsa_t));
	apr_jwk_key_rsa_t *key = *jwk_key_rsa;

	/* parse the mandatory modulus */
	char *s_modulus = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "n", TRUE, &s_modulus, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* base64url decode the modulus and get its size */
	key->modulus_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, (char **) &key->modulus,
			s_modulus, 1);
	if (key->modulus_len <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of modulus failed");
		return FALSE;

	/* parse the mandatory exponent */
	char *s_exponent = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "e", TRUE, &s_exponent, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* base64url decode the exponent and get its size */
	key->exponent_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, (char **) &key->exponent,
			s_exponent, 1);
	if (key->exponent_len <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of exponent failed");
		return FALSE;

	/* parse the optional private exponent */
	char *s_private_exponent = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "d", FALSE, &s_private_exponent, NULL);
	if (s_private_exponent != NULL) {
		/* base64url decode the private exponent and get its size */
		key->private_exponent_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
				(char **) &key->private_exponent, s_private_exponent, 1);
		if (key->private_exponent_len <= 0) {
					"apr_jwt_base64url_decode of private exponent failed");
			return FALSE;

	/* that went well */
	return TRUE;
예제 #3
 * parse JSON object from string in to JWT value
static apr_byte_t apr_jwt_base64url_decode_object(apr_pool_t *pool,
		const char *str, apr_jwt_value_t *value, apr_jwt_error_t *err) {

	/* base64url-decode the string representation into value->str */
	if (apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, &value->str, str, 1) <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of (%s) failed", str);
		return FALSE;

	/* decode the string in to a JSON structure into value->json */
	json_error_t json_error;
	value->json = json_loads(value->str, 0, &json_error);

	/* check that we've actually got a JSON value back */
	if (value->json == NULL) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "JSON parsing (json_loads) failed: %s (%s)",
				json_error.text, value->str);
		return FALSE;

	/* check that the value is a JSON object */
	if (!json_is_object(value->json)) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "JSON value is not an object");
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #4
static char * test_jwt_parse(apr_pool_t *pool) {

	// from http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-20
	// 3.1.  Example JWT
	char *s = apr_pstrdup(pool,
			"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9" \
			".eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ" \

	apr_jwt_t *jwt = NULL;

	TST_ASSERT("apr_jwt_parse", apr_jwt_parse(pool, s, &jwt, NULL, NULL));

	TST_ASSERT_STR("header.alg", jwt->header.alg, "HS256");
	TST_ASSERT_STR("header.enc", jwt->header.enc, NULL);
	TST_ASSERT_STR("header.kid", jwt->header.kid, NULL);

	TST_ASSERT_STR("payload.iss", jwt->payload.iss, "joe");
	TST_ASSERT_LONG("payload.exp", (long)apr_time_sec(jwt->payload.exp), 1300819380L);

	char *str_key = "AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow";
	char *raw_key = NULL;
	int raw_key_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, &raw_key, str_key, 1);

	TST_ASSERT("apr_jws_verify_hmac", apr_jws_verify_hmac(pool, jwt, raw_key, raw_key_len));

	s[5] = '.';
	TST_ASSERT("corrupted header (1) apr_jwt_parse", apr_jwt_parse(pool, s, &jwt, NULL, NULL) == FALSE);

	s[0] = '\0';
	TST_ASSERT("corrupted header (2) apr_jwt_parse", apr_jwt_parse(pool, s, &jwt, NULL, NULL) == FALSE);

	return 0;
예제 #5
 * parse JWT signature
static apr_byte_t apr_jwt_parse_signature(apr_pool_t *pool,
		const char *s_signature, apr_jwt_signature_t *signature) {

	signature->length = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &signature->bytes, s_signature, 1);

	return (signature->length > 0);
예제 #6
 * parse an RSA JWK in raw format (n,e,d)
static apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_rsa_raw(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_jwt_value_t *jwk,
		apr_jwk_key_rsa_t **jwk_key_rsa) {

	/* allocate space */
	*jwk_key_rsa = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_key_rsa_t));
	apr_jwk_key_rsa_t *key = *jwk_key_rsa;

	/* parse the modulus */
	char *s_modulus = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, jwk, "n", &s_modulus);
	if (s_modulus == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* parse the modulus size */
	key->modulus_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, (char **) &key->modulus,
			s_modulus, 1);

	/* parse the exponent */
	char *s_exponent = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, jwk, "e", &s_exponent);
	if (s_exponent == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	/* parse the exponent size */
	key->exponent_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, (char **) &key->exponent,
			s_exponent, 1);

	/* parse the private exponent */
	char *s_private_exponent = NULL;
	apr_jwt_get_string(pool, jwk, "d", &s_private_exponent);
	if (s_private_exponent != NULL) {
		/* parse the private exponent size */
		key->private_exponent_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
				(char **) &key->private_exponent, s_private_exponent, 1);

	/* that went well */
	return TRUE;
예제 #7
 * parse an EC JWK
static apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_ec(apr_pool_t *pool, json_t *json,
		apr_jwk_t *jwk, apr_jwt_error_t *err) {

	/* allocated space and set key type */
	jwk->type = APR_JWK_KEY_EC;
	jwk->key.ec = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_key_ec_t));

	/* parse x */
	char *s_x = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "x", TRUE, &s_x, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* base64url decode x and get its size */
	jwk->key.ec->x_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &jwk->key.ec->x, s_x, 1);
	if (jwk->key.ec->x_len <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of x length failed");
		return FALSE;

	/* parse y */
	char *s_y = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "y", TRUE, &s_y, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* base64url decode y and get its size */
	jwk->key.ec->y_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &jwk->key.ec->y, s_y, 1);
	if (jwk->key.ec->y_len <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of y length failed");
		return FALSE;

	/* that went well */
	return TRUE;
예제 #8
static char *test_jwt_url_encode_decode(apr_pool_t *pool) {
	char *dst = NULL;
	char *src = "abcd";

	TST_ASSERT("apr_jwt_base64url_encode (1)",
			apr_jwt_base64url_encode(pool, &dst, src, strlen(src), 0));
	TST_ASSERT_STR("apr_jwt_base64url_encode (2)", dst, "YWJjZA");

	src = dst;

	TST_ASSERT("apr_jwt_base64url_decode (1)",
			apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, &dst, src, 1));
	TST_ASSERT_STR("apr_jwt_base64url_decode (2)", dst, "abcd");

	return 0;
예제 #9
 * parse a an octet sequence used to represent a symmetric key
static apr_byte_t apr_jwk_parse_oct(apr_pool_t *pool, json_t *json,
		apr_jwk_t *jwk, apr_jwt_error_t *err) {

	/* allocated space and set key type */
	jwk->type = APR_JWK_KEY_OCT;
	jwk->key.oct = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(apr_jwk_key_oct_t));

	/* parse k */
	char *s_k = NULL;
	if (apr_jwt_get_string(pool, json, "k", TRUE, &s_k, err) == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	/* base64url decode k and get its size */
	jwk->key.oct->k_len = apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool,
			(char **) &jwk->key.oct->k, s_k, 1);
	if (jwk->key.oct->k_len <= 0) {
		apr_jwt_error(err, "apr_jwt_base64url_decode of k length failed");
		return FALSE;

	/* that went well */
	return TRUE;
예제 #10
 * parse JSON object from string in to JWT value
static apr_byte_t apr_jwt_base64url_decode_object(apr_pool_t *pool,
        const char *str, apr_jwt_value_t *value) {

    /* base64url-decode the string representation into value->str */
    if (apr_jwt_base64url_decode(pool, &value->str, str, 1) < 0)
        return FALSE;

    /* decode the string in to a JSON structure into value->json */
    json_error_t json_error;
    value->json = json_loads(value->str, 0, &json_error);

    if (value->json == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    /* check that we've actually got a JSON value back */
    if (value->json == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    /* check that the value is a JSON object */
    if (!json_is_object(value->json))
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;