static PyObject *fs_root_is_file(FileSystemRootObject *self, PyObject *args) { svn_boolean_t is_file; apr_pool_t *temp_pool; char *path; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &path)) return NULL; temp_pool = Pool(NULL); if (temp_pool == NULL) return NULL; RUN_SVN_WITH_POOL(temp_pool, svn_fs_is_file(&is_file, self->root, path, temp_pool)); apr_pool_destroy(temp_pool); return PyBool_FromLong(is_file); }
static PyObject *fs_root_file_length(FileSystemRootObject *self, PyObject *args) { svn_filesize_t filesize; apr_pool_t *temp_pool; char *path; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &path)) return NULL; temp_pool = Pool(NULL); if (temp_pool == NULL) return NULL; RUN_SVN_WITH_POOL(temp_pool, svn_fs_file_length(&filesize, self->root, path, temp_pool)); apr_pool_destroy(temp_pool); return PyLong_FromLong(filesize); }
static PyObject *repos_delete(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *path; apr_pool_t *temp_pool; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &path)) return NULL; temp_pool = Pool(NULL); if (temp_pool == NULL) return NULL; RUN_SVN_WITH_POOL(temp_pool, svn_repos_delete(path, temp_pool)); apr_pool_destroy(temp_pool); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
/** Destroy ASR engine */ ASR_CLIENT_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) asr_engine_destroy(asr_engine_t *engine) { if(engine->mrcp_client) { /* shutdown client stack */ mrcp_client_shutdown(engine->mrcp_client); /* destroy client stack */ mrcp_client_destroy(engine->mrcp_client); engine->mrcp_client = NULL; engine->mrcp_app = NULL; } /* destroy singleton logger */ apt_log_instance_destroy(); /* destroy APR pool */ apr_pool_destroy(engine->pool); return TRUE; }
int ltapi_globals_register( lua_State * L, lt_server_plugin_t * plugin, lt_var_set_t * varset ) { /* create new empty table and set it under the key "variables" into the * table of globals */ lua_pushstring( L, "variables" ); lua_newtable( L ); /* for each variable in a varset, create light user data object and push * it under the key to the table at -3 in the stack */ { apr_hash_t * h = NULL; apr_hash_index_t * hi = NULL; const char * key = NULL; lt_var_t * var = NULL; apr_pool_t * pool = NULL; apr_pool_create( &pool, NULL ); h = lt_var_set_variables_get( varset ); hi = apr_hash_first( pool, h ); for( ; hi != NULL; hi = apr_hash_next( hi ) ) { apr_hash_this( hi, (const void**)&key, NULL, (void**)&var ); #if 0 fprintf( stderr, "DEBUG: creating lightuserdata for variable %s" " of lintouch type %d\n", key, lt_var_type_get( var ) ); #endif lua_pushstring( L, key ); lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void*) var ); lua_settable( L, -3 ); } apr_pool_destroy( pool ); } lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ); /* create new light user data and set it under the key "plugin" into the * table of globals */ lua_pushstring( L, "plugin" ); lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void*) plugin ); lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ); return 0; }
static apt_bool_t mrcp_server_agent_connection_accept(mrcp_connection_agent_t *agent) { apr_socket_t *sock; apr_pool_t *pool; mrcp_connection_t *connection; if(!agent->null_connection) { apr_pool_create(&pool,NULL); if(apr_socket_accept(&sock,agent->listen_sock,pool) != APR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } apt_log(APT_PRIO_NOTICE,"Rejected TCP/MRCPv2 Connection"); apr_socket_close(sock); apr_pool_destroy(pool); return FALSE; } pool = agent->null_connection->pool; if(apr_socket_accept(&sock,agent->listen_sock,pool) != APR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } connection = mrcp_connection_create(); connection->sock = sock; connection->sock_pfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; connection->sock_pfd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN; connection->sock_pfd.desc.s = connection->sock; connection->sock_pfd.client_data = connection; if(apr_pollset_add(agent->pollset, &connection->sock_pfd) != APR_SUCCESS) { apt_log(APT_PRIO_WARNING,"Failed to Add to Pollset"); apr_socket_close(sock); mrcp_connection_destroy(connection); return FALSE; } connection->it = apt_list_push_back(agent->connection_list,connection); apr_socket_addr_get(&connection->sockaddr,APR_REMOTE,sock); if(apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&connection->remote_ip.buf,connection->sockaddr) == APR_SUCCESS) { connection->remote_ip.length = strlen(connection->remote_ip.buf); } apt_log(APT_PRIO_NOTICE,"Accepted TCP/MRCPv2 Connection %s:%d", connection->remote_ip.buf, connection->sockaddr->port); return TRUE; }
apr_status_t h2_session_stream_destroy(h2_session *session, h2_stream *stream) { apr_pool_t *pool = h2_stream_detach_pool(stream); h2_mplx_stream_done(session->mplx, stream->id, stream->rst_error); h2_stream_set_remove(session->streams, stream->id); h2_stream_destroy(stream); if (pool) { apr_pool_clear(pool); if (session->spare) { apr_pool_destroy(session->spare); } session->spare = pool; } return APR_SUCCESS; }
term_t bif_set_cwd1(term_t Dir, process_t *ctx) { apr_status_t rs; apr_pool_t *p; const char *path; if (!is_string(Dir)) return A_BADARG; apr_pool_create(&p, 0); path = ltoz(Dir, p); rs = apr_filepath_set(path, p); apr_pool_destroy(p); if (rs == 0) result(A_OK); else result(make_tuple2(A_ERROR, decipher_status(rs), proc_gc_pool(ctx))); return AI_OK; }
SV *xml_to_hash( const char *xml_file ) { apr_pool_t *tmp_mp; apr_file_t *file; json_t *json; SV *hash = &PL_sv_undef; apr_pool_create( &tmp_mp, NULL ); apr_file_open( &file, xml_file, APR_READ | APR_BUFFERED, 0, tmp_mp ); xml_to_json( tmp_mp, file, 1, &json ); if ( json ) { hash = json_to_perl_variable( json ); } apr_pool_destroy( tmp_mp ); return hash; }
term_t bif_delete1(term_t File, process_t *ctx) { apr_pool_t *tmp; apr_status_t rs; const char *path; if (!is_string(File)) return A_BADARG; apr_pool_create(&tmp, 0); path = ltoz(File, tmp); rs = apr_file_remove(path, tmp); if (rs == 0) result(A_OK); else result(make_tuple2(A_ERROR, decipher_status(rs), proc_gc_pool(ctx))); apr_pool_destroy(tmp); return AI_OK; }
static void test_add_last( CuTest* tc ) { apr_pool_t* pool; lcn_linked_list_t* l; unsigned int i; int vals[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 }; int* p_vals = vals; LCN_TEST( apr_pool_create( &pool, main_pool ) ); LCN_TEST( lcn_linked_list_create( &l, pool ) ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, 0, lcn_linked_list_size( l ) ); for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { const lcn_linked_list_el_t* first, *last; LCN_TEST( lcn_linked_list_add_last( l, (p_vals + i ) ) ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, i+1, lcn_linked_list_size( l ) ); first = lcn_linked_list_first( l ); last = lcn_linked_list_last( l ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, vals[i], *((int*)lcn_linked_list_content( last ) ) ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, vals[0], *((int*)lcn_linked_list_content( first ) ) ); } i = 0; while( lcn_linked_list_size( l ) > 0 ) { const lcn_linked_list_el_t* last; last = lcn_linked_list_last( l ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, vals[9 - i++], *((int*)lcn_linked_list_content( last ) ) ); lcn_linked_list_remove_last( l ); } apr_pool_destroy( pool ); }
void print(struct userRecord *user) { apr_pool_t *p = NULL; char *timeReadable = NULL; apr_pool_create(&p, NULL); int i = 0; timeReadable = apr_palloc(p, APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN); apr_rfc822_date(timeReadable, user->creationDate); printf("Username:\t\t %s\n", user->username); printf("Password:\t\t %s\n", user->password); printf("CreationDate:\t\t %s\n", timeReadable); apr_pool_destroy(p); return; }
static void test_append_format( CuTest* tc ) { apr_pool_t* pool; lcn_string_buffer_t* sb; char* test_str; LCN_TEST( apr_pool_create( &pool, main_pool ) ); LCN_TEST( lcn_string_buffer_create( &sb, pool ) ); LCN_TEST( lcn_string_buffer_append_format( sb, "%d : %c : %s", 10, 'b', "blah" ) ); LCN_TEST( lcn_string_buffer_to_string( sb, &test_str, pool ) ); CuAssertStrEquals( tc, test_str, "10 : b : blah" ); CuAssertIntEquals( tc, strlen( test_str ), lcn_string_buffer_length( sb ) ); apr_pool_destroy( pool ); }
apr_status_t run_client_and_mock_servers_loops(test_baton_t *tb, int num_requests, handler_baton_t handler_ctx[], apr_pool_t *pool) { apr_pool_t *iter_pool; int i, done = 0; MockHTTP *mh = tb->mh; apr_status_t status; apr_time_t finish_time = apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(15); apr_pool_create(&iter_pool, pool); while (!done) { mhError_t err; apr_pool_clear(iter_pool); /* run server event loop */ err = mhRunServerLoop(mh); /* Even if the mock server returned an error, it may have written something to the client. So process that data first, handle the error later. */ /* run client event loop */ status = serf_context_run(tb->context, 0, iter_pool); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status) && SERF_BUCKET_READ_ERROR(status)) return status; done = 1; for (i = 0; i < num_requests; i++) done &= handler_ctx[i].done; if (!done && (apr_time_now() > finish_time)) return APR_ETIMEDOUT; if (err == MOCKHTTP_TEST_FAILED) return SERF_ERROR_ISSUE_IN_TESTSUITE; } apr_pool_destroy(iter_pool); return APR_SUCCESS; }
void switch_core_memory_stop(void) { #ifndef INSTANTLY_DESTROY_POOLS switch_status_t st; void *pop = NULL; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "Stopping memory pool queue.\n"); memory_manager.pool_thread_running = 0; switch_thread_join(&st, pool_thread_p); while (switch_queue_trypop(memory_manager.pool_queue, &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && pop) { apr_pool_destroy(pop); } #endif }
/** Destroy MRCP server */ MRCP_DECLARE(apt_bool_t) mrcp_server_destroy(mrcp_server_t *server) { apt_task_t *task; if(!server || !server->task) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_WARNING,"Invalid Server"); return FALSE; } mrcp_engine_factory_destroy(server->engine_factory); mrcp_engine_loader_destroy(server->engine_loader); task = apt_consumer_task_base_get(server->task); apt_task_destroy(task); apr_pool_destroy(server->pool); return TRUE; }
std::string makeRequest( const std::string& name, const std::string& httpRequest, bool timeout = false) { LLPipeStringInjector* injector = new LLPipeStringInjector(httpRequest); LLPipeStringExtractor* extractor = new LLPipeStringExtractor(); apr_pool_t* pool; apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL); LLPumpIO* pump; pump = new LLPumpIO(pool); LLPumpIO::chain_t chain; LLSD context; chain.push_back(LLIOPipe::ptr_t(injector)); LLIOHTTPServer::createPipe(chain, mRoot, LLSD()); chain.push_back(LLIOPipe::ptr_t(extractor)); pump->addChain(chain, DEFAULT_CHAIN_EXPIRY_SECS); pumpPipe(pump, 10); if(mResponse.notNull() && (! timeout)) { mResponse->result(mResult); mResponse = NULL; } pumpPipe(pump, 10); std::string httpResult = extractor->string(); chain.clear(); delete pump; apr_pool_destroy(pool); if(mResponse.notNull() && timeout) { mResponse->result(mResult); mResponse = NULL; } return httpResult; }
static PyObject *fs_root_file_checksum(FileSystemRootObject *self, PyObject *args) { apr_pool_t *temp_pool; bool force = false; char *path; #if ONLY_SINCE_SVN(1, 6) svn_checksum_kind_t kind; const char *cstr; svn_checksum_t *checksum; #else int kind; unsigned char checksum[APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE]; #endif PyObject *ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|ib", &path, &kind, &force)) return NULL; temp_pool = Pool(NULL); if (temp_pool == NULL) return NULL; #if ONLY_SINCE_SVN(1, 6) RUN_SVN_WITH_POOL(temp_pool, svn_fs_file_checksum( &checksum, kind, self->root, path, force?TRUE:FALSE, temp_pool)); cstr = svn_checksum_to_cstring(checksum, temp_pool); if (cstr == NULL) { ret = Py_None; Py_INCREF(ret); } else { ret = PyUnicode_FromString(cstr); } #else if (kind > 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Only MD5 checksums allowed with subversion < 1.6"); return NULL; } RUN_SVN_WITH_POOL(temp_pool, svn_fs_file_md5_checksum(checksum, self->root, path, temp_pool)); ret = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((char *)checksum, APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE); #endif apr_pool_destroy(temp_pool); return ret; }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_dir_remove(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *arg; nx_value_t path; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); arg = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(arg != NULL); ASSERT(arg->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &path, arg->expr); if ( path.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'path' is undef"); } if ( path.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&path); throw_msg("string type required for 'path'"); } // TODO: remove contents before pool = nx_pool_create_core(); rv = apr_dir_remove(path.string->buf, pool); if ( APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv) ) { } else if ( rv == APR_SUCCESS ) { } else { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to remove directory '%s'", path.string->buf); } apr_pool_destroy(pool); nx_value_kill(&path); }
term_t bif_rename2(term_t Src, term_t Dst, process_t *ctx) { apr_status_t rs; apr_pool_t *tmp; const char *from_path, *to_path; if (!is_string(Src) || !is_string(Dst)) return A_BADARG; apr_pool_create(&tmp, 0); from_path = ltoz(Src, tmp); to_path = ltoz(Dst, tmp); rs = apr_file_rename(from_path, to_path, tmp); if (rs == 0) result(A_OK); else result(make_tuple2(A_ERROR, decipher_status(rs), proc_gc_pool(ctx))); apr_pool_destroy(tmp); return AI_OK; }
static void table_getm(abts_case *tc, void *data) { const char *orig, *val; apr_pool_t *subp; apr_pool_create(&subp, p); orig = "bar"; apr_table_setn(t1, "foo", orig); val = apr_table_getm(subp, t1, "foo"); ABTS_PTR_EQUAL(tc, orig, val); ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, "bar", val); apr_table_add(t1, "foo", "baz"); val = apr_table_getm(subp, t1, "foo"); ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, "bar,baz", val); apr_pool_destroy(subp); }
/* Helper function, runs the client and server context loops and validates that no errors were encountered, and all messages were sent and received. */ apr_status_t test_helper_run_requests_no_check(CuTest *tc, test_baton_t *tb, int num_requests, handler_baton_t handler_ctx[], apr_pool_t *pool) { apr_pool_t *iter_pool; int i, done = 0; apr_status_t status; apr_pool_create(&iter_pool, pool); while (!done) { apr_pool_clear(iter_pool); /* run server event loop */ status = run_test_server(tb->serv_ctx, 0, iter_pool); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status) && SERF_BUCKET_READ_ERROR(status)) return status; /* run proxy event loop */ if (tb->proxy_ctx) { status = run_test_server(tb->proxy_ctx, 0, iter_pool); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status) && SERF_BUCKET_READ_ERROR(status)) return status; } /* run client event loop */ status = serf_context_run(tb->context, 0, iter_pool); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status) && SERF_BUCKET_READ_ERROR(status)) return status; done = 1; for (i = 0; i < num_requests; i++) done &= handler_ctx[i].done; } apr_pool_destroy(iter_pool); return APR_SUCCESS; }
term_t bif_list_dir2_1(term_t Dir, process_t *ctx) { apr_status_t rs; apr_pool_t *p; const char *path; apr_dir_t *dir; term_t r = nil; if (!is_string(Dir)) return A_BADARG; apr_pool_create(&p, 0); path = ltoz(Dir, p); rs = apr_dir_open(&dir, path, p); if (rs == 0) { term_t cons = nil; apr_finfo_t fi; for (;;) { term_t v; term_t name; rs = apr_dir_read(&fi, APR_FINFO_NAME | APR_FINFO_SIZE, dir); if (rs != 0) break; name = ztol(, proc_gc_pool(ctx)); if (fi.filetype == APR_DIR) v = make_tuple2(A_DIR, name, proc_gc_pool(ctx)); else if (fi.filetype == APR_REG) v = make_tuple3(A_FILE, name, intnum(fi.size), proc_gc_pool(ctx)); //TODO: large size else v = make_tuple2(A_UNKNOWN, name, proc_gc_pool(ctx)); lst_add(r, cons, v, proc_gc_pool(ctx)); } apr_dir_close(dir); } if (rs != 0 && !APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rs)) result(make_tuple2(A_ERROR, decipher_status(rs), proc_gc_pool(ctx))); else result(make_tuple2(A_OK, r, proc_gc_pool(ctx))); apr_pool_destroy(p); return AI_OK; }
/** Process MPF response */ static apt_bool_t mpf_suite_response_process(mpf_suite_engine_t *suite_engine, const mpf_message_t *mpf_message) { mpf_task_msg_t *task_msg = NULL; apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_DEBUG,"Process MPF Response"); if(mpf_message->command_id == MPF_ADD_TERMINATION) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_DEBUG,"On Add Termination"); if(mpf_message->termination) { mpf_suite_session_t *session; session = mpf_termination_object_get(mpf_message->termination); if(session->termination2 == mpf_message->termination && session->rtp_mode == TRUE) { void *descriptor = mpf_rtp_remote_descriptor_create(session); mpf_engine_termination_message_add( suite_engine->engine, MPF_MODIFY_TERMINATION,session->context,session->termination2,descriptor, &task_msg); } } } else if(mpf_message->command_id == MPF_SUBTRACT_TERMINATION) { apt_log(APT_LOG_MARK,APT_PRIO_DEBUG,"On Subtract Termination"); if(mpf_message->termination) { mpf_suite_session_t *session; session = mpf_termination_object_get(mpf_message->termination); if(session->termination1 == mpf_message->termination) { session->termination1 = NULL; } if(session->termination2 == mpf_message->termination) { session->termination2 = NULL; } mpf_termination_destroy(mpf_message->termination); if(!session->termination1 && !session->termination2) { mpf_engine_context_destroy(session->context); session->context = NULL; apr_pool_destroy(session->pool); apr_thread_mutex_lock(suite_engine->wait_object_mutex); apr_thread_cond_signal(suite_engine->wait_object); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(suite_engine->wait_object_mutex); } } } return mpf_engine_message_send(suite_engine->engine,&task_msg); }
term_t bif_sendto4(term_t Sock, term_t RemIP, term_t RemPort, term_t Bin, process_t *ctx) { apr_status_t rs; port_t *port; apr_socket_t *sock; const char *host; int udp_port; apr_sockaddr_t *sa; apr_pool_t *p; if (!is_port(Sock)) return A_BADARG; if (!is_binary(RemIP) || !is_int(RemPort)) return A_BADARG; if (!is_binary(Bin)) return A_BADARG; port = port_lookup(prp_serial(Sock)); if (port == 0) return A_CLOSED; if (!port->is_socket(port)) return A_BADARG; sock = port->get_socket(port); host = (const char *)bin_data(RemIP); udp_port = (apr_port_t)int_value(RemPort); apr_pool_create(&p, 0); rs = apr_sockaddr_info_get(&sa, host, APR_INET, udp_port, 0, p); if (rs == 0) { apr_size_t len = (apr_size_t)int_value(bin_size(Bin)); rs = apr_socket_sendto(sock, sa, 0, (const char *)bin_data(Bin), &len); } if (rs != 0) { apr_pool_destroy(p); return decipher_status(rs); } result(A_OK); return AI_OK; }
/* gets the current encoding of the system */ MVMString * MVM_proc_getencoding(MVMThreadContext *tc) { MVMString *result; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *tmp_pool; char *encoding; /* need a temporary pool */ if ((rv = apr_pool_create(&tmp_pool, POOL(tc))) != APR_SUCCESS) { MVM_exception_throw_apr_error(tc, rv, "Failed to get encoding: "); } encoding = (char *)apr_os_locale_encoding(tmp_pool); result = MVM_string_utf8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, encoding, strlen(encoding)); apr_pool_destroy(tmp_pool); return result; }
SV *json_to_hash( const char *json_file ) { apr_pool_t *tmp_mp; apr_file_t *in_file; json_t *json; SV *hash = &PL_sv_undef; parser_t *json_parser; apr_pool_create( &tmp_mp, NULL ); json_parser = json_parser_create( tmp_mp ); if ( open_apr_input_file( tmp_mp, json_file, &in_file ) && json_parser_parse_file_to_obj( tmp_mp, json_parser, in_file, &json ) ) { hash = json_to_perl_variable( json ); } apr_pool_destroy( tmp_mp ); return hash; }
void ll_cleanup_apr() { LL_INFOS("APR") << "Cleaning up APR" << LL_ENDL; if (gLogMutexp) { // Clean up the logging mutex // All other threads NEED to be done before we clean up APR, so this is okay. apr_thread_mutex_destroy(gLogMutexp); gLogMutexp = NULL; } if (gAPRPoolp) { apr_pool_destroy(gAPRPoolp); gAPRPoolp = NULL; } apr_terminate(); }
static void cleanup_cache_object(cache_object_t *obj) { mem_cache_object_t *mobj = obj->vobj; /* Cleanup the mem_cache_object_t */ if (mobj) { if (mobj->m) { free(mobj->m); } if (mobj->type == CACHE_TYPE_FILE && mobj->fd) { #ifdef WIN32 CloseHandle(mobj->fd); #else close(mobj->fd); #endif } apr_pool_destroy(mobj->pool); } }
int main(int argc, const char* const argv[]) { apr_pool_t* pool = NULL; apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG // only Release configuration dump generating SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(dbg_top_level_filter); #endif #endif setlocale(LC_ALL, ".ACP"); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #ifdef USE_GETTEXT bindtextdomain("hc", LOCALEDIR); /* set the text message domain */ textdomain("hc"); #endif /* USE_GETTEXT */ status = apr_app_initialize(&argc, &argv, NULL); if(status != APR_SUCCESS) { lib_printf(_("Couldn't initialize APR")); lib_new_line(); out_print_error(status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } atexit(apr_terminate); apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL); hsh_initialize_hashes(pool); configuration_ctx_t* configuration_ctx = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(configuration_ctx_t)); configuration_ctx->pool = pool; configuration_ctx->argc = argc; configuration_ctx->argv = argv; configuration_ctx->pfn_on_string = &prhc_on_string; configuration_ctx->pfn_on_hash = &prhc_on_hash; configuration_ctx->pfn_on_file = &prhc_on_file; configuration_ctx->pfn_on_dir = &prhc_on_dir; conf_run_app(configuration_ctx); apr_pool_destroy(pool); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }