bool aptMainLoop() { while(1) { //if(__system_runflags&RUNFLAG_APTWORKAROUND)__handle_notification(); switch(aptGetStatus()) { case APP_RUNNING: return true; case APP_EXITING: return false; case APP_SUSPENDING: aptReturnToMenu(); break; case APP_APPLETSTARTED: aptAppletStarted(); break; case APP_APPLETCLOSED: aptAppletClosed(); break; case APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE: aptSignalReadyForSleep(); // Fall through default: //case APP_NOTINITIALIZED: //case APP_SLEEPMODE: aptWaitStatusEvent(); break; } } }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); aptSetupEventHandler(); APP_STATUS status; while((status=aptGetStatus())!=APP_EXITING) { if(status==APP_RUNNING) { u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, (u32*)®Data, 4); renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); } svc_sleepThread(16666666); } hidExit(); gspGpuExit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
void system_checkPolls() { APP_STATUS status; while((status=aptGetStatus()) != APP_RUNNING) { if(status == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } else if(status == APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE) { aptSignalReadyForSleep(); aptWaitStatusEvent(); } else if (status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { } else if (status == APP_EXITING) { system_cleanup(); exit(0); } gspWaitForVBlank(); } gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxMySwapBuffers(); consoleCheckFramebuffers(); }
static int lua_check(lua_State *L) { int argc = lua_gettop(L); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (argc != 2) return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments."); #endif u32 pad = luaL_checknumber(L, 1); u32 button = luaL_checknumber(L, 2); if (button == KEY_HOME){ APT_AppStatus status = aptGetStatus(); lua_pushboolean(L,((status == APP_SUSPENDING) && aptGetStatusPower() == 0)); }else if (button == KEY_POWER){ APT_AppStatus status = aptGetStatus(); lua_pushboolean(L,((status == APP_SUSPENDING) && aptGetStatusPower() == 1)); }else lua_pushboolean(L, ((pad & button) == button)); return 1; }
static bool __handle_incoming_parameter(void) { u8 type; aptOpenSession(); APT_ReceiveParameter(currentAppId, 0x1000, aptParameters, NULL, &type); aptCloseSession(); _aptDebug(2, type); switch(type) { case 0x1: // Application just started. aptAppStarted(); return true; case 0x3: // "Launched library applet finished loading" if (aptGetStatus() != APP_SUSPENDED || __apt_launchapplet_appID==0) return true; aptSetStatus(APP_APPLETSTARTED); return true; case 0xA: // "Launched library applet closed" if (aptGetStatus() != APP_SUSPENDED || __apt_launchapplet_appID==0) return true; if(__apt_launchapplet_parambuf && __apt_launchapplet_parambufsize)memcpy(__apt_launchapplet_parambuf, aptParameters, __apt_launchapplet_parambufsize); aptSetStatus(APP_APPLETCLOSED); return true; case 0xB: // Just returned from menu. if (aptGetStatus() != APP_NOTINITIALIZED) { GSPGPU_AcquireRight(0x0); GSPGPU_RestoreVramSysArea(); aptAppletUtility_Exit_RetToApp(0); aptSetStatus(APP_RUNNING); } else aptAppStarted(); return true; case 0xC: // Exiting application. aptSetStatus(APP_EXITING); return false; } return true; }
void aptExit() { if (!aptInitialised) return; if(!aptIsCrippled())aptAppletUtility_Exit_RetToApp(0); // This is only executed when application-termination was triggered via the home-menu power-off screen. if(aptGetStatusPower() == 1) { aptOpenSession(); APT_ReplySleepQuery(NULL, currentAppId, 0x0); aptCloseSession(); } if(!aptIsCrippled()) { bool isReinit = aptIsReinit(); if (aptGetStatus() == APP_EXITING || !isReinit) { aptOpenSession(); APT_PrepareToCloseApplication(NULL, 0x1); aptCloseSession(); aptOpenSession(); APT_CloseApplication(NULL, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); aptCloseSession(); if (isReinit) { extern void (*__system_retAddr)(void); __system_retAddr = NULL; } } else if (isReinit) { aptOpenSession(); APT_Finalize(NULL, currentAppId); aptCloseSession(); } } svcSignalEvent(aptEvents[2]); svcWaitSynchronization(aptEventHandlerThread, U64_MAX); svcCloseHandle(aptEventHandlerThread); svcCloseHandle(aptEvents[2]); svcCloseHandle(aptSleepSync); svcCloseHandle(aptStatusMutex); svcCloseHandle(aptLockHandle); svcCloseHandle(aptStatusEvent); aptInitialised = false; }
void conn_main() { APP_STATUS status; u32 it = 0; int ret = 0; int first = 1; int exiting = 0; while((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { hidScanInput(); consoleClear(&bot); print(&bot, "frame: %08x\n", it); print(&bot, "ret: %08x\n", ret); print(&bot, "last_cmd: %02x\n", last_cmd & 0xFF); if(!first) { u32 bytes_read = 0; while(1) { ret = recv(sock, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0); if(ret < 0) { if(ret == -EWOULDBLOCK) continue; break; } bytes_read += ret; if(bytes_read == sizeof(cmd)) { svcSignalEvent(new_cmd_event); svcWaitSynchronization(cmd_done_event, U64_MAX); svcClearEvent(cmd_done_event); send(sock, &resp, sizeof(resp), 0); if(last_cmd_result == 0xDEAD) exiting = 1; break; } } } first = 0; it++; if(enable_draw) renderFrame(); u32 keys = hidKeysUp(); if(keys & KEY_A || exiting) break; } }
bool aptMainLoop(void) { while(1) { //if(aptIsCrippled())__handle_notification(); switch(aptGetStatus()) { case APP_RUNNING: return true; case APP_EXITING: aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONEXIT); return false; case APP_SUSPENDING: aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONSUSPEND); aptReturnToMenu(); if (aptGetStatus() == APP_RUNNING) aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONRESTORE); break; case APP_APPLETSTARTED: aptAppletStarted(); break; case APP_APPLETCLOSED: aptAppletClosed(); aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONRESTORE); break; case APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE: aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONSLEEP); aptSignalReadyForSleep(); // Fall through default: //case APP_NOTINITIALIZED: //case APP_SLEEPMODE: aptWaitStatusEvent(); aptCallHook(APTHOOK_ONWAKEUP); break; } } }
int main() { //Grab the status of the app (running, suspending, sleeping, exiting) APP_STATUS status; //Initialize 3ds services srvInit(); fsInit(); aptInit(); gfxInit(); hidInit(NULL); //Setup event handler to listen for changes in status aptSetupEventHandler(); while ((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { if (status == APP_RUNNING) { //If the app is currently in the forground running, execute the program. program(); } else if (status == APP_SUSPENDING) { //If the app is currently suspended in the background, return to the home menu. aptReturnToMenu(); } else if (status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { //If the app is currently suspended in sleep mode, wait. aptWaitStatusEvent(); } //Wait for GPU gspWaitForVBlank(); } //Close all opened services. hidExit(); gfxExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); //Kill the process. svcExitProcess(); return 0; }
int main() { srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(NULL); irrstInit(NULL); gfxInit(); gfxSet3D(false); srand(svcGetSystemTick()); curQuote=rand()%numQuotes; superStr[0]=0; ftp_init(); int connfd=ftp_getConnection(); APP_STATUS status; while((status=aptGetStatus())!=APP_EXITING) { if(status == APP_RUNNING) { ftp_frame(connfd); drawFrame(); hidScanInput(); if(hidKeysDown()&KEY_B)break; } else if(status == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } else if(status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { aptWaitStatusEvent(); } gspWaitForEvent(GSPEVENT_VBlank0, false); } ftp_exit(); gfxExit(); irrstExit(); hidExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); return 0; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); Handle fsuHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(NULL, &fsuHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_Initialize(fsuHandle); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive=(FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath=(FS_path){PATH_CHAR, 10, (u8*)"/test.bin"}; FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(fsuHandle, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, (u32*)gspHeap, 0x46500); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); aptSetupEventHandler(); while(!aptGetStatus()) { u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, ®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(1000000000); } svc_closeHandle(fsuHandle); hidExit(); gspGpuInit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
void system_checkPolls() { APT_AppStatus status; while((status=aptGetStatus()) != APP_RUNNING) { if(status == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } else if(status == APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE) { aptSignalReadyForSleep(); aptWaitStatusEvent(); } else if (status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { } else if (status == APP_EXITING) { handy_3ds_quit(); } } }
int load_file(char **wildcards, char *result, bool startup) { Handle dirHandle; FS_DirectoryEntry entry; char current_dir_name[MAX__PATH]; char prev_dir_name[MAX__PATH]; char current_dir_short[81]; u32 current_dir_length; u32 total_filenames_allocated; u32 total_dirnames_allocated; char **file_list; char **dir_list; u32 num_files; u32 num_dirs; char *file_name; u32 file_name_length; u32 ext_pos = -1; s32 return_value = 1; u32 current_file_selection; u32 current_file_scroll_value; u32 current_dir_selection; u32 current_dir_scroll_value; u32 current_file_in_scroll; u32 current_dir_in_scroll; u32 current_file_number, current_dir_number; u32 current_column = 0; u32 repeat; u32 i; strcpy(current_dir_name, config_roms_path); strcpy(prev_dir_name, current_dir_name); while(return_value == 1) { current_file_selection = 0; current_file_scroll_value = 0; current_dir_selection = 0; current_dir_scroll_value = 0; current_file_in_scroll = 0; current_dir_in_scroll = 0; total_filenames_allocated = 32; total_dirnames_allocated = 32; file_list = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 32); dir_list = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 32); memset(file_list, 0, sizeof(char *) * 32); memset(dir_list, 0, sizeof(char *) * 32); num_files = 0; num_dirs = 0; file_name= (char*) malloc(0x105); FS_Path dirPath = (FS_Path){PATH_ASCII, strlen(current_dir_name)+1, (u8*)current_dir_name}; FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&dirHandle, sdmcArchive, dirPath); // DEBUG printf("Current directory: %s\n", current_dir_name); u32 nread = 0; do { if(dirHandle) FSDIR_Read(dirHandle, &nread, 1, &entry); if(nread) { //(current_file) { strncpy_u2a(file_name,, 0x105); //utf-16 to ascii function yoinked from blargSNES file_name_length = strlen(file_name); if(((file_name[0] != '.') || (file_name[1] == '.'))) { //if(S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode)) { //!!!!!!!! if(entry.attributes & FS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if((strcmp(file_name, "filer") != 0) && (strcmp(file_name, "Nintendo 3DS") != 0) && (strcmp(file_name, "private") != 0)) { dir_list[num_dirs] = (char *)malloc(file_name_length + 1); strcpy(dir_list[num_dirs], file_name); num_dirs++; } } else { // Must match one of the wildcards, also ignore the . if(file_name_length >= 4) { if(file_name[file_name_length - 4] == '.') ext_pos = file_name_length - 4; else if(file_name[file_name_length - 3] == '.') ext_pos = file_name_length - 3; else ext_pos = 0; for(i = 0; wildcards[i] != NULL; i++) { if(!strcasecmp((file_name + ext_pos), wildcards[i])) { file_list[num_files] = (char *)malloc(file_name_length + 1); strcpy(file_list[num_files], file_name); num_files++; break; } } } } } if(num_files == total_filenames_allocated) { file_list = (char **)realloc(file_list, sizeof(char *) * total_filenames_allocated * 2); memset(file_list + total_filenames_allocated, 0, sizeof(char *) * total_filenames_allocated); total_filenames_allocated *= 2; } if(num_dirs == total_dirnames_allocated) { dir_list = (char **)realloc(dir_list, sizeof(char *) * total_dirnames_allocated * 2); memset(dir_list + total_dirnames_allocated, 0, sizeof(char *) * total_dirnames_allocated); total_dirnames_allocated *= 2; } } } while(nread); qsort((void *)file_list, num_files, sizeof(char *), sort_function); qsort((void *)dir_list, num_dirs, sizeof(char *), sort_function); FSDIR_Close(dirHandle); current_dir_length = strlen(current_dir_name); if(current_dir_length > 80) { memcpy(current_dir_short, "...", 3); memcpy(current_dir_short + 3, current_dir_name + current_dir_length - 77, 77); current_dir_short[80] = 0; } else { memcpy(current_dir_short, current_dir_name, current_dir_length + 1); } repeat = 1; if(num_files == 0) current_column = 1; if(num_dirs == 0) current_column = 0; char print_buffer[81]; while(repeat) { sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); //!! sftd_draw_text(font, 0, 4, COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, 10, current_dir_short); const char strMsg[] = "[A] Select Rom [X] Run BIOS [Y] Dir up [B] Back"; guitextwidth = sftd_get_text_width(font, 10, strMsg); sftd_draw_text(font, (320 - guitextwidth) / 2, 225, COLOR_HELP_TEXT, 10, strMsg); for(i = 0, current_file_number = i + current_file_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_file_number++) { if(current_file_number < num_files) { strncpy(print_buffer,file_list[current_file_number], 30); //38); print_buffer[30] = 0; //38] = 0; if((current_file_number == current_file_selection) && (current_column == 0)) { sftd_draw_text(font, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 2) * 10), COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, 10, print_buffer); } else { sftd_draw_text(font, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 2) * 10), COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, 10, print_buffer); } } } for(i = 0, current_dir_number = i + current_dir_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_dir_number++) { if(current_dir_number < num_dirs) { strncpy(print_buffer,dir_list[current_dir_number], 8); //13); print_buffer[9] = 0; //14] = 0; if((current_dir_number == current_dir_selection) && (current_column == 1)) { sftd_draw_text(font, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 2) * 10), COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, 10, print_buffer); } else { sftd_draw_text(font, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 2) * 10), COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, 10, print_buffer); } } } // Catch input // change to read key state later if (aptGetStatus() == APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE) { aptSignalReadyForSleep(); aptWaitStatusEvent(); } else if (aptGetStatus() == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } hidScanInput(); u32 keydown = hidKeysDown(); if (keydown & KEY_A) { if(current_column == 1) { if(num_dirs != 0) { repeat = 0; strcpy(prev_dir_name, current_dir_name); if (strlen(current_dir_name)>1) strcat(current_dir_name, "/"); strcat(current_dir_name, dir_list[current_dir_selection]); } } else { if(num_files != 0) { repeat = 0; return_value = 0; //strcpy(result, file_list[current_file_selection]); sprintf(result, "%s/%s", current_dir_name, file_list[current_file_selection]); break; } } } if (keydown & KEY_Y) { repeat = 0; char* findpath = strrchr(current_dir_name,'/'); if(findpath > current_dir_name) findpath[0] = '\0'; else findpath[1] = '\0'; } if (keydown & KEY_B ) { return_value = -1; repeat = 0; break; } if (keydown & KEY_X ) { return_value = 1; repeat = 0; break; } if (keydown & KEY_UP) { if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection) { current_file_selection--; if(current_file_in_scroll == 0) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value--; } else { current_file_in_scroll--; } } } else { if(current_dir_selection) { current_dir_selection--; if(current_dir_in_scroll == 0) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value--; } else { current_dir_in_scroll--; } } } } if (keydown & KEY_DOWN) { if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection < (num_files - 1)) { current_file_selection++; if(current_file_in_scroll == (FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value++; } else { current_file_in_scroll++; } } } else { if(current_dir_selection < (num_dirs - 1)) { current_dir_selection++; if(current_dir_in_scroll == (FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value++; } else { current_dir_in_scroll++; } } } } if (keydown & KEY_L) { if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection>FILE_LIST_ROWS) { current_file_selection-=FILE_LIST_ROWS; current_file_scroll_value -= FILE_LIST_ROWS; if (current_file_in_scroll>current_file_selection){ //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value=0; current_file_in_scroll=current_file_selection; } } else { current_file_selection=0; current_file_scroll_value=0; current_file_in_scroll=0; } } else { if(current_dir_selection) { current_dir_selection--; if(current_dir_in_scroll == 0) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value--; } else { current_dir_in_scroll--; } } } } if (keydown & KEY_R) { if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection < (num_files - 1 - FILE_LIST_ROWS)) { current_file_selection+=FILE_LIST_ROWS; current_file_scroll_value+=FILE_LIST_ROWS; if (current_file_scroll_value>(num_files - FILE_LIST_ROWS)){ //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value=num_files - FILE_LIST_ROWS; current_file_in_scroll= FILE_LIST_ROWS - (num_files - current_file_selection); } //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); } else { current_file_selection = num_files - 1; current_file_in_scroll = (num_files<=FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)?num_files:FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1; current_file_scroll_value = (num_files > FILE_LIST_ROWS)?num_files - FILE_LIST_ROWS:0; } } else { if(current_dir_selection < (num_dirs - 1)) { current_dir_selection++; if(current_dir_in_scroll == (FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)) { //clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value++; } else { current_dir_in_scroll++; } } } } if (keydown & KEY_LEFT) { if(current_column == 1) { if(num_files != 0) current_column = 0; } } if (keydown & KEY_RIGHT) { if(current_column == 0) { if(num_dirs != 0) current_column = 1; } } sf2d_end_frame(); gui_DrawTopScreen(); sf2d_swapbuffers(); } // free pointers for(i = 0; i < num_files; i++) free(file_list[i]); free(file_list); for(i = 0; i < num_dirs; i++) free(dir_list[i]); free(dir_list); free(file_name); } return return_value; }
/* Main function that runs all the stuff */ void gui_MainMenuRun(MENU *menu) { APT_AppStatus status; MENUITEM *mi; done = 0; while(!done) { mi = menu->m + menu->itemCur; // pointer to highlite menu option while((status=aptGetStatus()) != APP_RUNNING) { if(status == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } else if(status == APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE) { aptSignalReadyForSleep(); aptWaitStatusEvent(); } else if (status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { } else if (status == APP_EXITING) { return; } } hidScanInput(); u32 keydown = hidKeysDown(); if (keydown & KEY_A) if(mi->itemOnA != NULL) { // gui_ClearScreen(); (*mi->itemOnA)(); } // B - exit or back to previous menu if (keydown & KEY_B) return; // UP - arrow down if (keydown & KEY_UP) if(--menu->itemCur < 0) menu->itemCur = menu->itemNum - 1; // DOWN - arrow up if (keydown & KEY_DOWN) if(++menu->itemCur == menu->itemNum) menu->itemCur = 0; // LEFT - decrease parameter value if (keydown & KEY_LEFT) { if(mi->itemPar != NULL && *mi->itemPar > 0) *mi->itemPar -= 1; } // RIGHT - increase parameter value if (keydown & KEY_RIGHT) { if(mi->itemPar != NULL && *mi->itemPar < mi->itemParMaxValue) *mi->itemPar += 1; } sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); if(!done) { ShowMenu(menu); // show menu items } sf2d_end_frame(); gui_DrawTopScreen(); sf2d_swapbuffers(); } }
int main() { int i, x, y; touchPosition lastTouch; u32 repeatkeys = 0; int repeatstate = 0; int repeatcount = 0; running = 0; pause = 0; exitemu = 0; PPU_Init(); srvInit(); aptInit(); aptOpenSession(); APT_SetAppCpuTimeLimit(NULL, 30); // enables syscore usage aptCloseSession(); gfxInit(); hidInit(NULL); fsInit(); GPU_Init(NULL); gpuCmdSize = 0x40000; gpuCmd = (u32*)linearAlloc(gpuCmdSize*4); GPU_Reset(gxCmdBuf, gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize); shader = SHDR_ParseSHBIN((u32*)blarg_shbin, blarg_shbin_size); GX_SetMemoryFill(gxCmdBuf, (u32*)gpuOut, 0x404040FF, (u32*)&gpuOut[0x2EE00], 0x201, (u32*)gpuDOut, 0x00000000, (u32*)&gpuDOut[0x2EE00], 0x201); gfxSwapBuffersGpu(); UI_SetFramebuffer(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); BorderTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); MainScreenTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); SubScreenTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); BrightnessTex = (u8*)linearAlloc(8*256); borderVertices = (float*)linearAlloc(5*3 * 2 * sizeof(float)); screenVertices = (float*)linearAlloc(7*3 * 2 * sizeof(float)); float* fptr = &vertexList[0]; for (i = 0; i < 5*3*2; i++) borderVertices[i] = *fptr++; for (i = 0; i < 7*3*2; i++) screenVertices[i] = *fptr++; sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FSUSER_OpenArchive(NULL, &sdmcArchive); if (!LoadBorder("/blargSnesBorder.bmp")) CopyBitmapToTexture(defaultborder, BorderTex, 400, 240, 0xFF, 0, 64, true); CopyBitmapToTexture(screenfill, PPU_MainBuffer, 256, 224, 0, 16, 64, false); memset(PPU_SubBuffer, 0, 256*256*4); memset(PPU_Brightness, 0xFF, 224); UI_Switch(&UI_ROMMenu); svcCreateEvent(&SPCSync, 0); aptSetupEventHandler(); APP_STATUS status; while((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { if(status == APP_RUNNING) { svcSignalEvent(SPCSync); hidScanInput(); u32 press = hidKeysDown(); u32 held = hidKeysHeld(); u32 release = hidKeysUp(); GPUCMD_SetBuffer(gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize, 0); RenderTopScreen(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_Run(gxCmdBuf); if (running) { // emulate CPU_Run(); // runs the SNES for one frame. Handles PPU rendering. // SRAM autosave check // TODO: also save SRAM under certain circumstances (pausing, returning to home menu, etc) framecount++; if (!(framecount & 7)) SNES_SaveSRAM(); } else { // update UI if (held & KEY_TOUCH) { hidTouchRead(&lastTouch); UI_Touch(true, lastTouch.px,; held &= ~KEY_TOUCH; } else if (release & KEY_TOUCH) { UI_Touch(false, lastTouch.px,; release &= ~KEY_TOUCH; } if (press) { UI_ButtonPress(press); // key repeat repeatkeys = press & (KEY_UP|KEY_DOWN|KEY_LEFT|KEY_RIGHT); repeatstate = 1; repeatcount = 15; } else if (held == repeatkeys) { repeatcount--; if (!repeatcount) { repeatcount = 7; if (repeatstate == 2) UI_ButtonPress(repeatkeys); else repeatstate = 2; } } } UI_SetFramebuffer(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); UI_Render(); /*GPUCMD_SetBuffer(gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize, 0); RenderTopScreen(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_Run(gxCmdBuf);*/ // flush the bottomscreen cache while the PICA200 is busy rendering GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(NULL, gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), 0x38400); // wait for the PICA200 to finish drawing gspWaitForP3D(); // copy new screen textures // SetDisplayTransfer with flags=2 converts linear graphics to the tiled format used for textures GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, PPU_MainBuffer, 0x01000200, MainScreenTex, 0x01000200, 0x2); gspWaitForPPF(); GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, PPU_SubBuffer, 0x01000200, SubScreenTex, 0x01000200, 0x2); gspWaitForPPF(); // copy brightness. // TODO do better u8* bptr = BrightnessTex; for (i = 0; i < 224;) { u32 pixels = *(u32*)&PPU_Brightness[i]; i += 4; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 2; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 6; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 2; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 22; } // transfer the final color buffer to the LCD and clear it // we can mostly overlap those two operations GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, gpuOut, 0x019001E0, (u32*)gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), 0x019001E0, 0x01001000); svcSleepThread(20000); GX_SetMemoryFill(gxCmdBuf, gpuOut, 0x404040FF, &gpuOut[0x2EE00], 0x201, gpuDOut, 0x00000000, &gpuDOut[0x2EE00], 0x201); gspWaitForPPF(); gspWaitForPSC0(); gspWaitForEvent(GSPEVENT_VBlank0, false); gfxSwapBuffersGpu(); } else if(status == APP_SUSPENDING)
void conn_main() { APP_STATUS status; u32 it = 0; int ret = 0; int first = 1; int exiting = 0; while((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { hidScanInput(); consoleClear(&bot); print(&bot, "frame: %08x\n", it); print(&bot, "ret: %08x\n", ret); print(&bot, "last_cmd: %02x\n", last_cmd & 0xFF); int i;for(i=0;i<GSPEVENT_MAX;i++)print(&bot, "%d : %08X\n", i, gspEventCounts[i]); if(!first) { u32 bytes_read = 0; while(1) { ret = recv(sock, &cmd, 4, 0); if(ret < 0) { if(ret == -EWOULDBLOCK) continue; break; } if(!cmd.numarg)cmd.numarg=7; u32 size=cmd.numarg*4; ret = recv(sock, &cmd.args, size, 0); if(ret < 0) { if(ret == -EWOULDBLOCK) continue; break; } bytes_read += ret; if(bytes_read == size) { svcSignalEvent(new_cmd_event); svcWaitSynchronization(cmd_done_event, U64_MAX); svcClearEvent(cmd_done_event); size=4+4*resp.numarg; send(sock, &resp, size, 0); if(last_cmd_result == 0xDEAD) exiting = 1; break; } } } first = 0; it++; if(enable_draw) renderFrame(); u32 keys = hidKeysUp(); if(keys & KEY_A || exiting) break; } }
static void __handle_notification(void) { APT_Signal type; Result ret=0; // Get notification type. aptOpenSession(); ret = APT_InquireNotification(currentAppId, &type); aptCloseSession(); if(R_FAILED(ret)) return; _aptDebug(1, type); switch(type) { case APTSIGNAL_HOMEBUTTON: case APTSIGNAL_POWERBUTTON: // The main thread should call aptReturnToMenu() when the status gets set to this. if(aptGetStatus() == APP_RUNNING) { aptOpenSession(); APT_ReplySleepQuery(currentAppId, 0x0); aptCloseSession(); if(type == APTSIGNAL_HOMEBUTTON) aptSetStatusPower(0); if(type == APTSIGNAL_POWERBUTTON) aptSetStatusPower(1); aptSetStatus(APP_SUSPENDING); } break; case APTSIGNAL_PREPARESLEEP: // Reply to sleep-request. aptStatusBeforeSleep = aptGetStatus(); aptSetStatus(APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE); svcWaitSynchronization(aptSleepSync, U64_MAX); svcClearEvent(aptSleepSync); aptOpenSession(); APT_ReplySleepQuery(currentAppId, 0x1); aptCloseSession(); break; case APTSIGNAL_ENTERSLEEP: if(aptGetStatus() == APP_PREPARE_SLEEPMODE) { // Report into sleep-mode. aptSetStatus(APP_SLEEPMODE); aptOpenSession(); APT_ReplySleepNotificationComplete(currentAppId); aptCloseSession(); } break; // Leaving sleep-mode. case APTSIGNAL_WAKEUP: if(aptGetStatus() == APP_SLEEPMODE) { if(aptStatusBeforeSleep == APP_RUNNING)GSPGPU_SetLcdForceBlack(0); // Restore old aptStatus. aptSetStatus(aptStatusBeforeSleep); } break; default: break; } }
/*----------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { APP_STATUS status; srvInit(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gfxInit(); hidInit(NULL); fsInit(); svcCreateEvent(&new_cmd_event, 0); svcCreateEvent(&cmd_done_event, 0); svcCreateThread(&thread, cmd_thread_func, 0x0, (u32*)((char*)thread_stack + sizeof(thread_stack)), 0x31, 0xfffffffe); int where = 0; u32 ret = SOC_Initialize((u32*)0x08000000, 0x48000); if(ret == 0) { listen_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(listen_socket == -1) { where = 1; ret = SOC_GetErrno(); } else { u32 tmp = fcntl(listen_socket, F_GETFL); fcntl(listen_socket, F_SETFL, tmp | O_NONBLOCK); struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = __swap16(PORT); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; ret = bind(listen_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if(ret != 0) { where = 2; ret = SOC_GetErrno(); } else { ret = listen(listen_socket, 1); if(ret == -1) { ret = SOC_GetErrno(); where = 3; } } } } u32 it = 0; int accept_errno = 0; int first = 1; while((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { hidScanInput(); consoleClear(&top); print(&top, "newver\n"); print(&top, "ret: %08x, where: %d\n", ret, where); print(&top, "frame: %08x\n", it); u32 ip = gethostid(); print(&top, "ip: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip & 0xFF, (ip>>8)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>>24)&0xFF); if(accept_errno != 0) print(&top, "accept returned errno %d\n", accept_errno); if(!first) { int s = accept(listen_socket, NULL, NULL); if(s == -1) { int err = SOC_GetErrno(); if(err != -EWOULDBLOCK) accept_errno = err; } else { sock = s; conn_main(); closesocket(sock); } } it++; first = 0; if(enable_draw) renderFrame(); u32 keys = hidKeysUp(); if(keys & KEY_A) break; } thread_exit = 1; svcSignalEvent(new_cmd_event); svcWaitSynchronization(thread, U64_MAX); svcCloseHandle(thread); svcCloseHandle(new_cmd_event); svcCloseHandle(cmd_done_event); SOC_Shutdown(); fsExit(); hidExit(); gfxExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); return 0; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); Handle fsuHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(NULL, &fsuHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_Initialize(fsuHandle); aptSetupEventHandler(); init_map(); int i; int j; int p=4; int d=0; int q; int frogx = 0; int frogy = 0; int carx[6][9]; int logx[5][6]; // Cant use rand. //for(d=1;d<6;d++){ // while(p>4){ // p = rand(); // } // carx[d]=26+p; for(d=0;d<8;d++){ carx[0][d]=26; if(d<5){ logx[0][d]=26; } d++; } for(d=1;d<8;d++){ if(d<5){ logx[0][d]=0; } carx[0][d]=0; d++; } for(q=0;q<8;q++){ for(d=1; d<6; d++){ if(q<5){ if(d<5){ logx[d][q]=26+p+6; } } carx[d][q]=26+p +6; p=p+6; } p=0; q++; } p= 0; for(q=1;q<8;q++){ for(d=1;d<5;d++){ if(q<5){ if(d<5){ logx[d][q] = p-6; } } carx[d][q]=p-6; p=p-6; } p=0; q++; } while(!aptGetStatus()){ u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; if (PAD == BUTTON_UP){ frogy+= 1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_DOWN){ frogy+= -1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_LEFT){ frogx+= -1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_RIGHT){ frogx+=1; } u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; init_map(); for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ draw_car(carx[i][j],15+j*15); if(i<5){ if(j<5){ draw_logs(logx[i][j],150+j*15); } } } } draw_frog(frogx,frogy); //Checks Colition for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ if(frogy==j+1){ if(frogx==carx[i][j]){ frogy =0; frogx =0; } } } } //Checks if frog in poodle if(frogy >9){ for(i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<5;j++){ if(frogy==j+10){ if(frogx==logx[i][j] || frogx==logx[i][j]+1 || frogx==logx[i][j]+2){ frogx= frogx -1; } else{ frogx =0; frogy =0; } } } } } //reinitialize the cars :D // Cant use f*****g rand //for(p=0;p<6;p++){ // if(carx[p]==0){ // d=5; // while(d>4){ // d = rand(); // } // carx[p]= 26+d; // } // else { // carx[p]=carx[p]-1; // } //} for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<9;j=j+2){ if(i<5){ if(j<5){ if(logx[i][j]==0){ logx[i][j]=26; } else{ logx[i][j]=logx[i][j]-1; } } } if(carx[i][j]==0){ carx[i][j] =26; } else{ carx[i][j]=carx[i][j]-1; } } } for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=1;j<9;j=j+2){ if(i<5){ if(j<5){ if(logx[i][j]==26){ logx[i][j]=0; } else{ logx[i][j]=logx[i][j]+1; } } } if(carx[i][j]==26){ carx[i][j]=0; } else{ carx[i][j]= carx[i][j]+1; } } } copyBuffer(); swapBuffers(); GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, ®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(220000000); } svc_closeHandle(fsuHandle); hidExit(); gspGpuInit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }