예제 #1
 *			        do_getinfo				     *
PUBLIC int do_getinfo(struct proc * caller, message * m_ptr)
/* Request system information to be copied to caller's address space. This
 * call simply copies entire data structures to the caller.
  size_t length;
  vir_bytes src_vir; 
  int nr_e, nr, r;
  int wipe_rnd_bin = -1;
  struct proc *p;
#if !defined(__ELF__)
  struct exec e_hdr;

  /* Set source address and length based on request type. */
  switch (m_ptr->I_REQUEST) {
    case GET_MACHINE: {
        length = sizeof(struct machine);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &machine;
    case GET_KINFO: {
        length = sizeof(struct kinfo);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &kinfo;
    case GET_LOADINFO: {
        length = sizeof(struct loadinfo);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &kloadinfo;
    case GET_CPUINFO: {
        length = sizeof(cpu_info);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &cpu_info;
    case GET_HZ: {
        length = sizeof(system_hz);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &system_hz;
    case GET_IMAGE: {
        length = sizeof(struct boot_image) * NR_BOOT_PROCS;
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) image;
    case GET_IRQHOOKS: {
        length = sizeof(struct irq_hook) * NR_IRQ_HOOKS;
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) irq_hooks;
    case GET_PROCTAB: {
        length = sizeof(struct proc) * (NR_PROCS + NR_TASKS);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) proc;
    case GET_PRIVTAB: {
        length = sizeof(struct priv) * (NR_SYS_PROCS);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) priv;
    case GET_PROC: {
        nr_e = (m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E == SELF) ?
		caller->p_endpoint : m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E;
	if(!isokendpt(nr_e, &nr)) return EINVAL; /* validate request */
        length = sizeof(struct proc);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) proc_addr(nr);
    case GET_PRIV: {
        nr_e = (m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E == SELF) ?
            caller->p_endpoint : m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E;
        if(!isokendpt(nr_e, &nr)) return EINVAL; /* validate request */
        length = sizeof(struct priv);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) priv_addr(nr_to_id(nr));
    case GET_REGS: {
        nr_e = (m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E == SELF) ?
            caller->p_endpoint : m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E;
        if(!isokendpt(nr_e, &nr)) return EINVAL; /* validate request */
        p = proc_addr(nr);
        length = sizeof(p->p_reg);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &p->p_reg;
    case GET_WHOAMI: {
	int len;
	/* GET_WHOAMI uses m3 and only uses the message contents for info. */
	m_ptr->GIWHO_EP = caller->p_endpoint;
	len = MIN(sizeof(m_ptr->GIWHO_NAME), sizeof(caller->p_name))-1;
	strncpy(m_ptr->GIWHO_NAME, caller->p_name, len);
	m_ptr->GIWHO_NAME[len] = '\0';
	m_ptr->GIWHO_PRIVFLAGS = priv(caller)->s_flags;
	return OK;
    case GET_MONPARAMS: {
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) params_buffer;
	length = sizeof(params_buffer);
    case GET_RANDOMNESS: {		
        static struct k_randomness copy;	/* copy to keep counters */
	int i;

        copy = krandom;
        for (i= 0; i<RANDOM_SOURCES; i++) {
  		krandom.bin[i].r_size = 0;	/* invalidate random data */
  		krandom.bin[i].r_next = 0;
    	length = sizeof(copy);
    	src_vir = (vir_bytes) &copy;
    case GET_RANDOMNESS_BIN: {		
	int bin = m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E;

	if(bin < 0 || bin >= RANDOM_SOURCES) {
		printf("SYSTEM: GET_RANDOMNESS_BIN: %d out of range\n", bin);
		return EINVAL;

	if(krandom.bin[bin].r_size < RANDOM_ELEMENTS)
		return ENOENT;

    	length = sizeof(krandom.bin[bin]);
    	src_vir = (vir_bytes) &krandom.bin[bin];

	wipe_rnd_bin = bin;

    case GET_KMESSAGES: {
        length = sizeof(struct kmessages);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &kmess;
    case GET_IRQACTIDS: {
        length = sizeof(irq_actids);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) irq_actids;
    case GET_IDLETSC: {
	struct proc * idl;
	idl = proc_addr(IDLE);
        length = sizeof(idl->p_cycles);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &idl->p_cycles;
#if !defined(__ELF__)
    case GET_AOUTHEADER: {
        int hdrindex, index = m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN2_E;
        if(index < 0 || index >= NR_BOOT_PROCS) {
            return EINVAL;
        if (iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(image[index].endpoint))) { 
            hdrindex = 0;
        } else {
            hdrindex = 1 + index-NR_TASKS;
        arch_get_aout_headers(hdrindex, &e_hdr);
        length = sizeof(e_hdr);
        src_vir = (vir_bytes) &e_hdr;
	printf("do_getinfo: invalid request %d\n", m_ptr->I_REQUEST);

  /* Try to make the actual copy for the requested data. */
  if (m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN > 0 && length > m_ptr->I_VAL_LEN) return (E2BIG);
  r = data_copy_vmcheck(caller, KERNEL, src_vir, caller->p_endpoint,
	(vir_bytes) m_ptr->I_VAL_PTR, length);

  if(r != OK) return r;

	if(wipe_rnd_bin >= 0 && wipe_rnd_bin < RANDOM_SOURCES) {
		krandom.bin[wipe_rnd_bin].r_size = 0;
		krandom.bin[wipe_rnd_bin].r_next = 0;

예제 #2
파일: main.c 프로젝트: boostsup/minix3
 *				main                                         *
PUBLIC void main()
/* Start the ball rolling. */
  struct boot_image *ip;	/* boot image pointer */
  register struct proc *rp;	/* process pointer */
  register struct priv *sp;	/* privilege structure pointer */
  register int i, j, s;
  int hdrindex;			/* index to array of a.out headers */
  phys_clicks text_base;
  vir_clicks text_clicks, data_clicks, st_clicks;
  reg_t ktsb;			/* kernel task stack base */
  struct exec e_hdr;		/* for a copy of an a.out header */

   /* Architecture-dependent initialization. */

   /* Global value to test segment sanity. */
   magictest = MAGICTEST;
  /* Clear the process table. Anounce each slot as empty and set up mappings 
   * for proc_addr() and proc_nr() macros. Do the same for the table with 
   * privilege structures for the system processes. 
  for (rp = BEG_PROC_ADDR, i = -NR_TASKS; rp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++rp, ++i) {
  	rp->p_rts_flags = SLOT_FREE;		/* initialize free slot */
	rp->p_magic = PMAGIC;
	rp->p_nr = i;				/* proc number from ptr */
	rp->p_endpoint = _ENDPOINT(0, rp->p_nr); /* generation no. 0 */
  for (sp = BEG_PRIV_ADDR, i = 0; sp < END_PRIV_ADDR; ++sp, ++i) {
	sp->s_proc_nr = NONE;			/* initialize as free */
	sp->s_id = i;				/* priv structure index */
	ppriv_addr[i] = sp;			/* priv ptr from number */

  /* Set up proc table entries for processes in boot image.  The stacks of the
   * kernel tasks are initialized to an array in data space.  The stacks
   * of the servers have been added to the data segment by the monitor, so
   * the stack pointer is set to the end of the data segment.  All the
   * processes are in low memory on the 8086.  On the 386 only the kernel
   * is in low memory, the rest is loaded in extended memory.

  /* Task stacks. */
  ktsb = (reg_t) t_stack;

  for (i=0; i < NR_BOOT_PROCS; ++i) {
	int ci;
	bitchunk_t fv;

	ip = &image[i];				/* process' attributes */
	rp = proc_addr(ip->proc_nr);		/* get process pointer */
	ip->endpoint = rp->p_endpoint;		/* ipc endpoint */
	rp->p_max_priority = ip->priority;	/* max scheduling priority */
	rp->p_priority = ip->priority;		/* current priority */
	rp->p_quantum_size = ip->quantum;	/* quantum size in ticks */
	rp->p_ticks_left = ip->quantum;		/* current credit */
	strncpy(rp->p_name, ip->proc_name, P_NAME_LEN); /* set process name */
	(void) get_priv(rp, (ip->flags & SYS_PROC));    /* assign structure */
	priv(rp)->s_flags = ip->flags;			/* process flags */
	priv(rp)->s_trap_mask = ip->trap_mask;		/* allowed traps */

	/* Warn about violations of the boot image table order consistency. */
	if (priv_id(rp) != s_nr_to_id(ip->proc_nr) && (ip->flags & SYS_PROC))
		kprintf("Warning: boot image table has wrong process order\n");

	/* Initialize call mask bitmap from unordered set.
	 * A single SYS_ALL_CALLS is a special case - it
	 * means all calls are allowed.
	if(ip->nr_k_calls == 1 && ip->k_calls[0] == SYS_ALL_CALLS)
		fv = ~0;		/* fill call mask */
		fv = 0;			/* clear call mask */

	for(ci = 0; ci < CALL_MASK_SIZE; ci++) 	/* fill or clear call mask */
		priv(rp)->s_k_call_mask[ci] = fv;
	if(!fv)			/* not all full? enter calls bit by bit */
		for(ci = 0; ci < ip->nr_k_calls; ci++)

	for (j = 0; j < NR_SYS_PROCS && j < BITCHUNK_BITS; j++)
		if (ip->ipc_to & (1 << j))
			set_sendto_bit(rp, j);	/* restrict targets */

	if (iskerneln(proc_nr(rp))) {		/* part of the kernel? */ 
		if (ip->stksize > 0) {		/* HARDWARE stack size is 0 */
			rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = (reg_t *) ktsb;
			*rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = STACK_GUARD;
		ktsb += ip->stksize;	/* point to high end of stack */
		rp->p_reg.sp = ktsb;	/* this task's initial stack ptr */
		hdrindex = 0;		/* all use the first a.out header */
	} else {
		hdrindex = 1 + i-NR_TASKS;	/* servers, drivers, INIT */

	/* Architecture-specific way to find out aout header of this
	 * boot process.
	arch_get_aout_headers(hdrindex, &e_hdr);

	/* Convert addresses to clicks and build process memory map */
	text_base = e_hdr.a_syms >> CLICK_SHIFT;
	text_clicks = (e_hdr.a_text + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
	data_clicks = (e_hdr.a_data+e_hdr.a_bss + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
	st_clicks= (e_hdr.a_total + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
	if (!(e_hdr.a_flags & A_SEP))
		data_clicks= (e_hdr.a_text+e_hdr.a_data+e_hdr.a_bss +
		text_clicks = 0;	   /* common I&D */
	rp->p_memmap[T].mem_phys = text_base;
	rp->p_memmap[T].mem_len  = text_clicks;
	rp->p_memmap[D].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks;
	rp->p_memmap[D].mem_len  = data_clicks;
	rp->p_memmap[S].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks + st_clicks;
	rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir  = st_clicks;
	rp->p_memmap[S].mem_len  = 0;

	/* Set initial register values.  The processor status word for tasks 
	 * is different from that of other processes because tasks can
	 * access I/O; this is not allowed to less-privileged processes 
	rp->p_reg.pc = (reg_t) ip->initial_pc;
	rp->p_reg.psw = (iskernelp(rp)) ? INIT_TASK_PSW : INIT_PSW;

	/* Initialize the server stack pointer. Take it down one word
	 * to give crtso.s something to use as "argc".
	if (isusern(proc_nr(rp))) {		/* user-space process? */ 
		rp->p_reg.sp = (rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir +
				rp->p_memmap[S].mem_len) << CLICK_SHIFT;
		rp->p_reg.sp -= sizeof(reg_t);

	/* scheduling functions depend on proc_ptr pointing somewhere. */
	if(!proc_ptr) proc_ptr = rp;

	/* If this process has its own page table, VM will set the
	 * PT up and manage it. VM will signal the kernel when it has
	 * done this; until then, don't let it run.
	if(priv(rp)->s_flags & PROC_FULLVM)
	/* Set ready. The HARDWARE task is never ready. */
	if (rp->p_nr == HARDWARE) RTS_SET(rp, PROC_STOP);
	RTS_UNSET(rp, SLOT_FREE); /* remove SLOT_FREE and schedule */