예제 #1
파일: arg_file.c 프로젝트: BRAT-DEV/main
struct arg_file* arg_file1(const char* shortopts,
                           const char* longopts,
                           const char *datatype,
                           const char *glossary)
    return arg_filen(shortopts,longopts,datatype,1,1,glossary);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // First: Sort out the command line.
    struct arg_file *files_to_verify = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "<table file>", 0, 100000, "GRT parts to verify.");
    struct arg_dbl *percent = arg_dbl0(NULL, "percent", "[0-100]", "Percent of chains to randomly verify.");
    struct arg_int *sequential = arg_int0(NULL, "sequential", "<n>", "Check every nth chain");
    void *argtable[] = {table_files, output_directory, bits, move_source, end};

    // Get arguments, collect data, check for basic errors.
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) {
      printf("error: insufficient memory\n");
    // Look for errors
    int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
    if (nerrors > 0) {
      // Print errors, exit.
      // Print help.
      printf("\n\nOptions: \n");
      arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-20s %s\n");
예제 #3
파일: cmdl-args.c 프로젝트: pbtrung/cfeap
int cargs_parse(int argc, char *argv[], bstring *input_fn,
                bstring *output_fn, bstring *log_fn)
    struct arg_lit *help, *version;
    struct arg_file *arg_input_fn, *arg_output_fn, *arg_log_fn;
    struct arg_end *end;

    void *argtable[] = {
        help          = arg_litn("h", "help", 0, 100, "display this help and exit"),
        version       = arg_litn("v", "version", 0, 100, "display version info and exit"),
        arg_input_fn  = arg_filen("i", "input", "input_file", 1, 1, "input file (required)"),
        arg_output_fn = arg_filen("o", "output", "output_file", 0, 1, "output file (optional)"),
        arg_log_fn    = arg_filen("l", "log", "log_file", 0, 1, "log file (optional)"),
        end           = arg_end(20),

    int rc = 0;
    int nerrors = 0;
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);

    // special case: help and version take precedence over error reporting
    if(help->count >= 1) {
        rc = cargs_print_help(argtable, help);
        goto exit;
    if(version->count >= 1) {
        rc = cargs_print_version(version);
        goto exit;
    // If the parser returned any errors, then display them and exit.
    if(nerrors > 0) {
        rc = cargs_print_error(end);
        goto exit;

    cargs_export_file_name(arg_input_fn, arg_output_fn, arg_log_fn,
                           input_fn, output_fn, log_fn);

    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
    return rc;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    void* argtable[] = {
                input = arg_filen(   "i",   "input",              "<string>", 0, 100,    "input file")
        ,  o_validate = arg_strn(   "v",  "validate",     "<string>",         0, 10,   "validate operations")
        ,         o_h = arg_file0(   NULL,  "output-h",           "<string>",            "output h file dir")
        ,     o_lib_c = arg_file0(   NULL,  "output-lib-c",       "<string>",            "output c lib file")
        , o_lib_c_arg = arg_str0(   NULL,  "output-lib-c-arg",    "<string>",            "output c lib file")
        ,   o_lib_bin = arg_file0(   NULL,  "output-lib-bin",     "<string>",            "output c lib file")
        ,        help = arg_lit0(   NULL,  "help",                                   "print this help and exit")
        ,         end = arg_end(20)

    struct error_monitor em_buf;
    error_monitor_t em;
    int rv;
    int nerrors;

    cpe_error_monitor_init(&em_buf, cpe_error_log_to_consol, 0);
    em = &em_buf;

    rv = -1;

    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) {
        CPE_ERROR(em, "init arg table fail!");
        goto exit;

    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    if (help->count > 0) {
        printf("Usage: %s", argv[0]);
        rv = 0;
        goto exit;

    if (nerrors > 0) {
        arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]);
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0]);
        goto exit;

    rv = tools_main(em);

    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));

    return rv;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* the global arg_xxx structs are initialised within the argtable */
    void *argtable[] = {
        help    = arg_lit0(NULL, "help", "display this help and exit"),
        version = arg_lit0(NULL, "version", "display version info and exit"),
        a       = arg_lit0("a", NULL,"the -a option"),
        b       = arg_lit0("b", NULL, "the -b option"),
        c       = arg_lit0("c", NULL, "the -c option"),
        scal    = arg_int0(NULL, "scalar", "<n>", "foo value"),
        verb    = arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "verbose output"),
        o       = arg_file0("o", NULL, "myfile", "output file"),
        file    = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "<file>", 0, 100, "input files"),
        end     = arg_end(20),

    int exitcode = 0;
    char progname[] = "testargtable3.exe";

    int nerrors;
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n");
        printf("List information about the FILE(s) "
               "(the current directory by default).\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "  %-25s %s\n");
        exitcode = 0;
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        arg_print_errors(stdout, end, progname);
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname);
        exitcode = 1;
        goto exit;

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */
    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
    return exitcode;
예제 #6
파일: clcc.c 프로젝트: TabTwo/Mini-LED-Cube
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    // parameter structures
    struct arg_lit  *param_stop   = arg_lit0("p", "stop", "stop animation");
    struct arg_lit  *param_single = arg_lit0("s", "single", "single animation");
    struct arg_lit  *param_loop   = arg_lit0("l", "loop", "loop animation");
    struct arg_int  *param_frame  = arg_int0("f", "frame", "<n>", "frame data");
    struct arg_int  *param_pos    = arg_int0("p", "pos", "<n>", "frame pos in eeprom");
    struct arg_int  *param_delay  = arg_int0("d", "delay", "<n>", "frame delay in eeprom");
    struct arg_lit  *param_save   = arg_lit0("v", "save", "save one frame to the EEPROM (position, delay and frame required)");
    //struct arg_lit  *param_tty    = arg_lit0("t", "terminal", "terminal mode");
    //struct arg_lit  *param_daemon = arg_lit0("d", "daemon", "daemon mode");
    struct arg_lit  *param_help   = arg_lit0("h", "help", "show help");
    struct arg_file *param_file   = arg_filen("i", "ihex-file","<file>", 0, 1, "iHex input file to write to the EEPROM");
    struct arg_end  *param_end    = arg_end(20);

    // default parameter
    param_frame->ival[0] = 0x00000000;
    param_pos->ival[0]   = 0;
    param_delay->ival[0] = 1;

    // argtable array
    void *argtable[] = {

    // parse the commandline arguments
    int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        printf("error: insufficient memory\n");
        return 0;

    if (nerrors == 0 && param_help->count > 0)
        printf("usage: ./clcc <OPTIONS>\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "\t%-25s %s\n");
        return 0;

    // parsing failed or to less parameter given
    if (nerrors > 0
        || argc < 2
        || (param_save->count > 0 && (param_pos->count == 0 || param_delay->count == 0 || param_frame->count == 0))
        printf("usage: ./clcc <OPTIONS>\n");
        return -1;

    if (lc_init() != SUCCESSFULLY_CONNECTED)
        return -2;

    if (param_stop->count > 0)
        printf("stop animation loop\n");
    else if (param_loop->count > 0)
        printf("starting animation loop\n");
    else if (param_single->count > 0 )
        printf("starting animation as single shot\n");
    else if (param_save->count > 0
                && param_pos->count > 0
                && param_delay->count > 0
                && param_frame->count > 0)

        int frame = param_frame->ival[0];
        int delay = param_delay->ival[0];
        int pos = param_pos->ival[0];
        printf("saving frame: index=%d delay=%d frame=0x%08x\n", pos, delay, frame);
        lc_saveFrame(frame, delay, pos);

    else if (param_frame->count > 0)
        int frame = param_frame->ival[0];
        printf("view frame: data=0x%08x\n", frame);




    return 0;
예제 #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* SYNTAX 1: insert [-nvR] <file> [file]...  -o <file> */
    struct arg_rex  *cmd1     = arg_rex1(NULL,  NULL,  "insert", NULL, REG_ICASE, NULL);
    struct arg_lit  *noact1   = arg_lit0("n",   NULL,  "take no action");
    struct arg_lit  *verbose1 = arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "verbose messages");
    struct arg_lit  *recurse1 = arg_lit0("R",   NULL,  "recurse through subdirectories");
    struct arg_file *infiles1 = arg_filen(NULL, NULL,  NULL, 1,argc+2, "input file(s)");
    struct arg_file *outfile1 = arg_file0("o",  NULL,  "<output>", "output file (default is \"-\")");
    struct arg_end  *end1     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable1[] = {cmd1,noact1,verbose1,recurse1,infiles1,outfile1,end1};
    int nerrors1;

    /* SYNTAX 2: remove [-nv] <file> */
    struct arg_rex  *cmd2     = arg_rex1(NULL, NULL, "remove", NULL, REG_ICASE, NULL);
    struct arg_lit  *noact2   = arg_lit0("n",  NULL, NULL);
    struct arg_lit  *verbose2 = arg_lit0("v",  "verbose", NULL);
    struct arg_file *infiles2 = arg_file1(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end2     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable2[] = {cmd2,noact2,verbose2,infiles2,end2};
    int nerrors2;

    /* SYNTAX 3: search [-v] <pattern> [-o <file>] [--help] [--version] */
    struct arg_rex  *cmd3     = arg_rex1(NULL, NULL, "search", NULL, REG_ICASE, NULL);
    struct arg_lit  *verbose3 = arg_lit0("v",  "verbose", NULL);
    struct arg_str  *pattern3 = arg_str1(NULL, NULL, "<pattern>", "search string");
    struct arg_file *outfile3 = arg_file0("o", NULL, "<output>", NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end3     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable3[] = {cmd3,verbose3,pattern3,outfile3,end3};
    int nerrors3;

    /* SYNTAX 4: [-help] [-version] */
    struct arg_lit  *help4    = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",     "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version4 = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",  "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_end  *end4     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable4[] = {help4,version4,end4};
    int nerrors4;

    const char* progname = "multisyntax";
    int exitcode=0;

    /* verify all argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable1)!=0 ||
        arg_nullcheck(argtable2)!=0 ||
        arg_nullcheck(argtable3)!=0 ||
        arg_nullcheck(argtable4)!=0 )
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* set any command line default values prior to parsing */

    /* Above we defined a separate argtable for each possible command line syntax */
    /* and here we parse each one in turn to see if any of them are successful    */
    nerrors1 = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable1);
    nerrors2 = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable2);
    nerrors3 = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable3);
    nerrors4 = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable4);

    /* Execute the appropriate main<n> routine for the matching command line syntax */
    /* In this example program our alternate command line syntaxes are mutually     */
    /* exclusive, so we know in advance that only one of them can be successful.    */
    if (nerrors1==0)
        exitcode = mymain1(noact1->count, verbose1->count, recurse1->count,
                           outfile1->filename[0], infiles1->filename, infiles1->count);
    else if (nerrors2==0)
        exitcode = mymain2(noact2->count, verbose2->count, infiles2->filename[0]);
    else if (nerrors3==0)
        exitcode = mymain3(verbose3->count, pattern3->sval[0], outfile3->filename[0]);
    else if (nerrors4==0)
        exitcode = mymain4(help4->count, version4->count, progname,
                           argtable1, argtable2, argtable3, argtable4);
        /* We get here if the command line matched none of the possible syntaxes */
        if (cmd1->count > 0)
            /* here the cmd1 argument was correct, so presume syntax 1 was intended target */ 
            printf("usage: %s ", progname);
        else if (cmd2->count > 0)
            /* here the cmd2 argument was correct, so presume syntax 2 was intended target */ 
            printf("usage: %s ", progname);
        else if (cmd3->count > 0)
            /* here the cmd3 argument was correct, so presume syntax 3 was intended target */ 
            printf("usage: %s ", progname);
            /* no correct cmd literals were given, so we cant presume which syntax was intended */
            printf("%s: missing <insert|remove|search> command.\n",progname); 
            printf("usage 1: %s ", progname);  arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable1,"\n");
            printf("usage 2: %s ", progname);  arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable2,"\n");
            printf("usage 3: %s ", progname);  arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable3,"\n");
            printf("usage 4: %s",  progname);  arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable4,"\n");

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in each argtable */

    return exitcode;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	int exitstatus = 0;

	/* declare CL args */
	arg_lit_t *help = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("h", "help", "prints the command glossary");
	arg_lit_t *myip = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("m", NULL, "prints the external ip of the interface currently being used");
	arg_lit_t *bounce_opt = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("b", NULL, "creates a bouncer to send the message received back to the sender");
	arg_lit_t *listen_opt = (arg_lit_t*) arg_lit0("l", NULL, "creates a listener to print the messages received");
	arg_file_t *proto = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("p", "protocol", "acronym", 0, 1, "specify the protocol being manipulated");
	arg_file_t *source = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("s", "source", "x.x.x.x", 0, 1, "specify the source IP");
	arg_file_t *dest = (arg_file_t*) arg_filen("d", "dest", "x.x.x.x", 0, 1, "specify the destination IP");
	arg_int_t *sport = (arg_int_t*) arg_intn(NULL, "srcport", "short", 0, 1, "specify the source port if applicable");
	arg_int_t *dport = (arg_int_t*) arg_intn(NULL, "dstport", "short", 0, 1, "specify the destination port if applicable");

	arg_str_t *mcontent = (arg_str_t*) arg_strn(NULL, NULL, "string", 0, 1, "message content as a string");
	arg_end_t *end = (arg_end_t*) arg_end(20);
	void *argtable[] = {help,myip,bounce_opt,listen_opt,proto,source,

	if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: insufficient memory");
		exitstatus = -1;
		goto exit_prog;

	/* parse and act */
	int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
	if(nerrors == 0)
		char sourceipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
		size_t contentlen = 0;
		char message_content[MAX_MESSAGELEN + 1];

		/* get glossary */
			arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n");

		/* get current IP address */
		else if(myip->count)
			if(getmyip(sourceipbuf) == 0)
				printf("Your packets will have the source IP address %s\n", sourceipbuf);
				fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get your IP address.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
		/* start bouncer */
		else if(bounce_opt->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <srcport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Starting bouncer for UDP packets on port %u...\n", sport->ival[0]);
				/* start_udp_listener(sport->ival[0], bounce_udp_packet);*/
				fprintf(stderr, "Bouncing for %s packets is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
		/* start listener */
		else if(listen_opt->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <srcport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Starting listener for UDP packets on port %u...\n", sport->ival[0]);
				char filter[FILTER_BUFLEN];
				memset(filter, 0, FILTER_BUFLEN);
				sprintf(filter, "udp dst port %i", sport->ival[0]);

				start_listener(filter, print_udp_packet);
				/* start_udp_listener(sport->ival[0], print_packet);*/
				fprintf(stderr, "Listening for %s packets is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;

		/* send packet */
			/* take into account stdin reading if necessary */
				contentlen = read(STDIN_FILENO, message_content, MAX_MESSAGELEN);
				if(contentlen < 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not read message from stdin.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				message_content[contentlen] = '\0';
				int tempstrlen = strlen(mcontent->sval[0]);
				contentlen = tempstrlen > MAX_MESSAGELEN ? MAX_MESSAGELEN : tempstrlen;
				memcpy(message_content, mcontent->sval[0], contentlen);
				message_content[contentlen] = '\0';

			if(!proto->count || !dest->count)
				fprintf(stderr, "error: expected <protocol> and <dest> specified.\n");
				exitstatus = -1;
				goto exit_prog;
				if(getmyip(sourceipbuf) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get your IP address.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
				strncpy(sourceipbuf, source->filename[0], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);

			enum Protocol protocol = parse_protocol(proto->filename[0]);
			if(protocol  == proto_ICMP)
				time_t t;
				if(time(&t) == -1)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not get timestamp.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				printf("Sending ICMP ping packet...\nSource -> %s\n"
							       "Destination -> %s\n"
							       "Message -> %i\n",
							       (int) t);

				/* construct ICMP header */
				int err;
				int payloadsize = sizeof(icmpheader_t) + sizeof(time_t);
				char ip_payload[payloadsize];
				/* copy in timestamp */
				/* we must do this first for the checksum calculation */
				t = htonl(t);
				memcpy(ip_payload + sizeof(icmpheader_t), &t, sizeof(time_t));
				/* identifier is lower 16 bits,
				   sequence number is upper 16 bits */ 
				uint32_t rest = htons(0x00);
				rest <<= 16;
				rest |= htons(0x7b);

				if((err = fill_icmp_header((icmpheader_t*) ip_payload, 8, 0, rest, sizeof(time_t))) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not fill icmp header, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				/* send the ip packet */
				ipheader_t iph;
				iph.ip_p = 1; /* ICMP */
				inet_aton(sourceipbuf, (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_src);
				inet_aton(dest->filename[0], (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_dst);
				if((err = send_ip_packet(&iph, ip_payload, payloadsize)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not send ip packet, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
			else if(protocol  == proto_UDP)
				/* get port info */
				unsigned short srcport = sport->count ? (unsigned short) sport->ival[0] : 0;
					fprintf(stderr, "error: <dstport> specified.\n");
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
				unsigned short dstport = (unsigned short) dport->ival[0];

				printf("Sending UDP packet...\nSource -> %s:%i\n"
							       "Destination -> %s:%i\n"
							       "Message Length -> %u bytes\n",
							       sourceipbuf, srcport,
							       dest->filename[0], dstport,
							       (unsigned int) contentlen);

				/* construct UDP header */
				int err;
				int payloadsize = sizeof(udpheader_t) + contentlen;
				char ip_payload[payloadsize];

				if((err = fill_udp_header((udpheader_t*) ip_payload, srcport, dstport, contentlen)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not fill udp header, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;

				/* set up IP payload */
				memcpy(ip_payload + sizeof(udpheader_t), message_content, contentlen);

				/* send the ip packet */
				ipheader_t iph;
				iph.ip_p = 17; /* UDP */
				inet_aton(sourceipbuf, (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_src);
				inet_aton(dest->filename[0], (struct in_addr*) &iph.ip_dst);
				if((err = send_ip_packet(&iph, ip_payload, payloadsize)) != 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "error: could not send ip packet, returned %i.\n", err);
					exitstatus = -1;
					goto exit_prog;
			else if(protocol  == proto_TCP)
				printf("TCP currently not supported.\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "error: protocol %s is not supported.\n", proto->filename[0]);

		arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]);
		exitstatus = -1;
		goto exit_prog;

	arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]));
예제 #9
파일: rm.c 프로젝트: tibo-xx/NvPcomp
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char* progname = "rm";
    struct arg_lit  *dir   = arg_lit0("d", "directory",   "unlink file(s), even if it is a non-empty directory");
    struct arg_rem  *dir2  = arg_rem( NULL,               "(super-user only)");
    struct arg_lit  *force = arg_lit0("f", "force",       "ignore nonexistant files, never prompt");
    struct arg_lit  *inter = arg_lit0("i", "interactive", "prompt before any removal");
    struct arg_lit  *recur = arg_lit0("rR","recursive",   "remove the contents of directories recursively");
    struct arg_lit  *verb  = arg_lit0("v", "verbose",     "explain what is being done");
    struct arg_lit  *help  = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",        "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *vers  = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",     "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *files = arg_filen(NULL,NULL,NULL,1,argc+2,NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end   = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {dir,dir2,force,inter,recur,verb,help,vers,files,end};
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("Remove (unlink) the specified file(s).\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-20s %s\n");
        printf("\nReport bugs to <no-one> as this is just an example program.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (vers->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* command line options are all ok, now perform the "rm" functionality */
    mymain(dir->count, force->count, inter->count, recur->count, verb->count, files->filename, files->count);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
예제 #10
파일: mv.c 프로젝트: SebastianSchlag/KaHIP
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *progname = "mv";
    struct arg_str  *backupc  = arg_str0(NULL, "backup", "[CONTROL]",    "make a backup of each existing destination file");
    struct arg_lit  *backup   = arg_lit0("b", NULL,                      "like --backup but does not accept an argument");
    struct arg_lit  *force    = arg_lit0("f", "force",                   "do not prompt before overwriting");
    struct arg_rem  *force1   = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  equivalent to --reply=yes");
    struct arg_lit  *interact = arg_lit0("i", "interactive",             "Prompt before overwriting");
    struct arg_rem  *interact1= arg_rem (NULL,                           "  equivalent to --reply=yes");
    struct arg_str  *reply    = arg_str0(NULL,"reply", "{yes,no,query}", "specify how to handle the prompt about an");
    struct arg_rem  *reply1   = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  existing destination file");
    struct arg_lit  *strpslsh = arg_lit0(NULL,"strip-trailing-slashes",  "remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument");
    struct arg_str  *suffix   = arg_str0("S", "suffix", "SUFFIX",        "override the usual backup suffix");
    struct arg_str  *targetd  = arg_str0(NULL,"target-directory", "DIRECTORY",  "move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY");
    struct arg_lit  *update   = arg_lit0("u", "update",                  "copy only when the SOURCE file is newer");
    struct arg_rem  *update1  = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  than the destination file or when the");
    struct arg_rem  *update2  = arg_rem (NULL,                           "  destination file is missing");
    struct arg_lit  *verbose  = arg_lit0("v", "verbose",                 "explain what is being done");
    struct arg_lit  *help     = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                    "display this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version  = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",                 "display version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *files    = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "SOURCE", 1, argc+2, NULL);
    struct arg_rem  *dest     = arg_rem ("DEST|DIRECTORY", NULL);
    struct arg_end  *end      = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {backupc,backup,force,force1,interact,interact1,reply,reply1,strpslsh,suffix,targetd,update,update1,update2,verbose,help,version,files,dest,end};
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Set default argument values prior to parsing */
    backupc->sval[0] = "existing";  /* --backup={none,off,numbered,t,existing,nil,simple,never} */
    suffix->sval[0]  = "~";         /* --suffix=~ */
    reply->sval[0]   = "query";     /* --reply={yes,no,query} */
    targetd->sval[0] = NULL;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-30s %s\n");
        printf("\nThe backup suffix is \"~\", unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.\n"
               "The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through\n"
               "the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable.  Here are the values:\n\n"
               "  none, off       never make backups (even if --backup is given)\n"
               "  numbered, t     make numbered backups\n"
               "  existing, nil   numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise\n"
               "  simple, never   always make simple backups\n\n"
               "Report bugs to <foo@bar>.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Command line parsing is complete, do the main processing */
    exitcode = mymain(backupc->sval[0],

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
예제 #11
파일: kangarg.cpp 프로젝트: ste69r/Biokanga
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])
// determine my process name
main(int argc, const char** argv)
// determine my process name
CUtility::splitpath((char *)argv[0],NULL,gszProcName);
int iScreenLogLevel;		// level of screen diagnostics
int iFileLogLevel;			// level of file diagnostics
char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write diagnostics to this file

int Rslt;
int Idx;
int iMode = 0;			// processing mode
int iRandSeed = 0;		// random base seed to use (if < 0 then current time used to seed generator)

int KMerLen;			// what length kmer to generate for 1..cMaxKMerLen

int NumInFileSpecs;			// number of input file specs 
char *pszInFiles[cMaxInFileSpecs];			// input control aligned reads files

char szOutputFile[_MAX_PATH];

// command line args
struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("hH","help",                "print this help and exit");
struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0("v","version,ver",			"print version information and exit");
struct arg_int *FileLogLevel=arg_int0("f", "FileLogLevel",		"<int>","Level of diagnostics written to screen and logfile 0=fatal,1=errors,2=info,3=diagnostics,4=debug");
struct arg_file *LogFile = arg_file0("F","log","<file>",		"diagnostics log file");

struct arg_int  *Mode = arg_int0("m","mode","<int>",			"processing mode - 0 randomise genome");
struct arg_int  *kmerlen = arg_int0("k","kmerlen","<int>",		"maintain frequency composition of K-mer length (default = 1, range 1..15)");

struct arg_file *InFiles = arg_filen("i",NULL,"<file>",1,cMaxInFileSpecs, "input genome assembly multifasta files (s) to randomise");
struct arg_file *OutFile= arg_file1("o",NULL,"<file>",			"output randomised assembly to this file as multifasta");
struct arg_int *RandSeed = arg_int0("s","randseed","<int>",		"random seed to use (default is use system time)");
struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20);

void *argtable[] = {help,version,FileLogLevel,LogFile,Mode,kmerlen,InFiles,OutFile,RandSeed,end};

char **pAllArgs;
int argerrors;
argerrors = CUtility::arg_parsefromfile(argc,(char **)argv,&pAllArgs);
if(argerrors >= 0)
	argerrors = arg_parse(argerrors,pAllArgs,argtable);

/* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
if (help->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Kanga randomise genome K-mers, Version %s\nOptions ---\n", gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
		printf("\nNote: Parameters can be entered into a parameter file, one parameter per line.");
		printf("\n      To invoke this parameter file then precede its name with '@'");
		printf("\n      e.g. %s @myparams.txt\n",gszProcName);
		printf("\nPlease report any issues regarding usage of %s at https://github.com/csiro-crop-informatics/biokanga/issues\n\n",gszProcName);

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
if (version->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);

if (!argerrors)
	if(FileLogLevel->count && !LogFile->count)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-f%d' specified but no logfile '-F<logfile>\n'",FileLogLevel->ival[0]);

	iScreenLogLevel = iFileLogLevel = FileLogLevel->count ? FileLogLevel->ival[0] : eDLInfo;
	if(iFileLogLevel < eDLNone || iFileLogLevel > eDLDebug)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-l%d' specified outside of range %d..%d\n",iFileLogLevel,eDLNone,eDLDebug);
		szLogFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		iFileLogLevel = eDLNone;
		szLogFile[0] = '\0';

	// now that log parameters have been parsed then initialise diagnostics log system
		printf("\nError: Unable to start diagnostics subsystem\n");
		if(szLogFile[0] != '\0')
			printf(" Most likely cause is that logfile '%s' can't be opened/created\n",szLogFile);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Version: %s",cpszProgVer);

	iMode = Mode->count ? Mode->ival[0] : 0;
	if(iMode < 0 || iMode >= cMaxSupportedModes)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Unsupported Mode '-m%d' requested",iMode);

	KMerLen = 0;
	switch(iMode) {
		case 0:					// generate random species fasta sequence
			for(NumInFileSpecs=Idx=0;NumInFileSpecs < cMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < InFiles->count; Idx++)
				pszInFiles[Idx] = NULL;
				if(pszInFiles[NumInFileSpecs] == NULL)
					pszInFiles[NumInFileSpecs] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
				pszInFiles[NumInFileSpecs][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
				if(pszInFiles[NumInFileSpecs][0] != '\0')

				gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no input file(s) specified with '-i<filespec>' option)\n");

			KMerLen = kmerlen->count ? kmerlen->ival[0] : cDfltKMerLen;
			if(KMerLen < 1 || KMerLen > cMaxKMerLen)
				gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: K-mer length specified with '-k%d' is outside of range 1..10",KMerLen);

			if(!OutFile->count || OutFile->filename[0][0] == '\0')
				gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: No output fasta file specified with '-o<filename>'");
			szOutputFile[_MAX_PATH] = '\0';

				iRandSeed = -1;
				iRandSeed = RandSeed->ival[0];
				if(iRandSeed < 0 || iRandSeed > 32767)
					gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Random seed specified as '-s%d' must be between 0 and 32767",iRandSeed);


	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Processing parameters:");

	switch(iMode) {
		case 0:
			gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Mode: 0 (randomise genome K-mers)");
			for(Idx=0; Idx < NumInFileSpecs; Idx++)
				gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Use frequency compositions from these genome multifasta file(s) (%d): '%s'",Idx+1,pszInFiles[Idx]);
			gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Maintain K-mer composition of length: %d",KMerLen);
			gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Genome output file: '%s'",szOutputFile);
			if(iRandSeed >= 0)
				gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Random seed: %d",iRandSeed);
				gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Random seed: will use current time as seed");
#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
	Rslt = GenerateRandFasta(iMode,KMerLen,NumInFileSpecs,pszInFiles,szOutputFile,iRandSeed);
	Rslt = Rslt >=0 ? 0 : 1;
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Exit code: %d Total processing time: %s",Rslt,gStopWatch.Read());
	printf("\n%s Kanga randomise genome K-mers, Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
	arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\nUse '-h' to view option and parameter usage\n");
return 0;
예제 #12
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])
// determine my process name
main(int argc, const char** argv)
// determine my process name
CUtility::splitpath((char *)argv[0],NULL,gszProcName);

int iFileLogLevel;			// level of file diagnostics
int iScreenLogLevel;		// level of file diagnostics
char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write diagnostics to this file

int Rslt = 0;   			// function result code >= 0 represents success, < 0 on failure
int Idx;

etPMode PMode;				// processing mode

int MinCovBases;				// accept SNPs with at least this number covering bases
double MaxPValue;				// accept SNPs with at most this P-value
int MinSpeciesTotCntThres;		// individual species must have at least this number of total bases at SNP loci to count as SNP - 0 if no threshold
int AltSpeciesMaxCnt;			// only report markers if no other species has more than this number of counts at the putative SNP loci
int MinSpeciesWithCnts;			// only report markers where at least this number of species has SNP at the SNP loci

char szRefGenome[cMaxLenName+1];	// reference genome against which other relative genomes were aligned

int NumRelGenomes;			// number of relative genome names
char *pszRelGenomes[cRRMaxInFileSpecs];  // names of relative genome names

int NumSNPFiles;			// number of input SNP files
char *pszSNPFiles[cRRMaxInFileSpecs];  // input SNP files

int NumAlignFiles;			// number of input alignment files
char *pszAlignFiles[cRRMaxInFileSpecs];  // input alignment files

char szMarkerFile[_MAX_PATH];		// write markers to this file

int NumberOfProcessors;		// number of installed CPUs
int NumThreads;				// number of threads (0 defaults to number of CPUs)

// command line args
struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("hH","help",                "print this help and exit");
struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0("v","version,ver",			"print version information and exit");
struct arg_int *FileLogLevel=arg_int0("f", "FileLogLevel",		"<int>","Level of diagnostics written to logfile 0=fatal,1=errors,2=info,3=diagnostics,4=debug");
struct arg_file *LogFile = arg_file0("F","log","<file>",		"diagnostics log file");

struct arg_int *pmode = arg_int0("m","mode","<int>",		    "Marker processing mode: 0 - default");
struct arg_int *mincovbases=arg_int0("b", "MinCovBases","<int>","Filter out SNPs with less than this number of covering bases (default 5)");
struct arg_dbl *maxpvalue=arg_dbl0("p", "MaxPValue","<dbl>",	"Filter out SNPs with P-Value higher (default 0.05)");

struct arg_int *mintotcntthres = arg_int0("z","mintotcntthres","<int>",	"Species must have at least this number of total bases covering marker loci");
struct arg_int *mincovspecies=arg_int0("Z", "mincovspecies","<int>","Do not report markers unless this minimum number of species have SNP at same loci");
struct arg_int *altspeciesmaxcnt = arg_int0("a","altspeciesmaxcnt","<int>",	"Only report markers if no other species has more than this number of counts at the putative SNP loci (defaults to 1)");

struct arg_str *refgenome=arg_str1("r", "refgenome","<str>",	 "alignments and SNPs of relative genomes were against this genome assembly (default 'RefGenome')");
struct arg_str *relgenomes = arg_strn("R","relgenomes","<relgenomes>",1,cRRMaxInFileSpecs,"alignments and SNPs from these genomes");
struct arg_file *snpfiles = arg_filen("i","insnps","<file>",1,cRRMaxInFileSpecs,"Load SNPs from file(s)");
struct arg_file *alignfiles = arg_filen("I","inaligns","<file>",1,cRRMaxInFileSpecs,"Load alignments from file(s)");

struct arg_file *markerfile = arg_file1("o","out","<file>",		"Output markers to this file");

struct arg_int *threads = arg_int0("T","threads","<int>",		"number of processing threads 0..128 (defaults to 0 which sets threads to number of CPU cores)");
struct arg_end *end = arg_end(100);

void *argtable[] = {help,version,FileLogLevel,LogFile,
char **pAllArgs;
int argerrors;
argerrors = CUtility::arg_parsefromfile(argc,(char **)argv,&pAllArgs);
if(argerrors >= 0)
	argerrors = arg_parse(argerrors,pAllArgs,argtable);

/* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
if (help->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Generate Markers, Version %s\nOptions ---\n", gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
		printf("\nNote: Parameters can be entered into a parameter file, one parameter per line.");
		printf("\n      To invoke this parameter file then precede its name with '@'");
		printf("\n      e.g. %s @myparams.txt\n",gszProcName);
		printf("\nPlease report any issues regarding usage of %s at https://github.com/csiro-crop-informatics/biokanga/issues\n\n",gszProcName);

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
if (version->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);

if (!argerrors)
	if(FileLogLevel->count && !LogFile->count)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-f%d' specified but no logfile '-F<logfile>\n'",FileLogLevel->ival[0]);

	iScreenLogLevel = iFileLogLevel = FileLogLevel->count ? FileLogLevel->ival[0] : eDLInfo;
	if(iFileLogLevel < eDLNone || iFileLogLevel > eDLDebug)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-l%d' specified outside of range %d..%d\n",iFileLogLevel,eDLNone,eDLDebug);

		szLogFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		iFileLogLevel = eDLNone;
		szLogFile[0] = '\0';

	// now that log parameters have been parsed then initialise diagnostics log system
		printf("\nError: Unable to start diagnostics subsystem\n");
		if(szLogFile[0] != '\0')
			printf(" Most likely cause is that logfile '%s' can't be opened/created\n",szLogFile);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Version: %s",cpszProgVer);

	PMode = (etPMode)(pmode->count ? pmode->ival[0] : ePMdefault);
	if(PMode < ePMdefault || PMode >= ePMplaceholder)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Processing mode '-m%d' specified outside of range %d..%d\n",PMode,ePMdefault,(int)ePMplaceholder-1);

#ifdef _WIN32
	SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
	NumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
	NumberOfProcessors = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
	int MaxAllowedThreads = min(cMaxWorkerThreads,NumberOfProcessors);	// limit to be at most cMaxWorkerThreads
	if((NumThreads = threads->count ? threads->ival[0] : MaxAllowedThreads)==0)
		NumThreads = MaxAllowedThreads;
	if(NumThreads < 0 || NumThreads > MaxAllowedThreads)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLWarn,gszProcName,"Warning: Number of threads '-T%d' specified was outside of range %d..%d",NumThreads,1,MaxAllowedThreads);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLWarn,gszProcName,"Warning: Defaulting number of threads to %d",MaxAllowedThreads);
		NumThreads = MaxAllowedThreads;

	MinCovBases = mincovbases->count ? mincovbases->ival[0] : 5;
	if(MinCovBases < 1 || MinCovBases > 10000)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Minimum covering bases '-b%d' must be in range 1..1000",MinCovBases);

	AltSpeciesMaxCnt = altspeciesmaxcnt->count ? altspeciesmaxcnt->ival[0] : 1;
	if(AltSpeciesMaxCnt < 1 || AltSpeciesMaxCnt > 10000)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Max alternative species coverage '-a%d' at putative marker loci must be in range 1..1000",AltSpeciesMaxCnt);

	MaxPValue = maxpvalue->count ? maxpvalue->dval[0] : 0.05;
	if(MaxPValue < 0.0 || MaxPValue > 0.25)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Maximum P-Value '-p%1.4f' must be in range 0.0..0.25",MaxPValue);

		szRefGenome[cMaxLenName-1]= '\0';

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: No alignment from genome name(s) specified with with '-R<relgenomes>' option)");
	for(NumRelGenomes=Idx=0;NumRelGenomes < cRRMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < relgenomes->count; Idx++)
		pszRelGenomes[Idx] = NULL;
		if(pszRelGenomes[NumRelGenomes] == NULL)
			pszRelGenomes[NumRelGenomes] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
		pszRelGenomes[NumRelGenomes][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		if(pszRelGenomes[NumRelGenomes][0] != '\0')

	szMarkerFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: No input SNP file(s) specified with with '-i<filespec>' option)");

	for(NumSNPFiles=Idx=0;NumSNPFiles < cRRMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < snpfiles->count; Idx++)
		pszSNPFiles[Idx] = NULL;
		if(pszSNPFiles[NumSNPFiles] == NULL)
			pszSNPFiles[NumSNPFiles] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
		pszSNPFiles[NumSNPFiles][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		if(pszSNPFiles[NumSNPFiles][0] != '\0')

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no input SNP file(s) specified with '-i<filespec>' option");

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: No input alignment file(s) specified with with '-I<filespec>' option)");

	for(NumAlignFiles=Idx=0;NumAlignFiles < cRRMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < alignfiles->count; Idx++)
		pszAlignFiles[Idx] = NULL;
		if(pszAlignFiles[NumAlignFiles] == NULL)
			pszAlignFiles[NumAlignFiles] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
		pszAlignFiles[NumAlignFiles][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		if(pszAlignFiles[NumAlignFiles][0] != '\0')

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no input alignment file(s) specified with '-I<filespec>' option");

	// number of alignment files must be same as the number of SNP files and genome names!
	if(NumAlignFiles != NumSNPFiles && NumAlignFiles != NumRelGenomes)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Expected same number of genome names, alignment files and SNP files, %d genome names, %d alignment files, %d SNP files",NumRelGenomes,NumAlignFiles,NumSNPFiles);
	MinSpeciesTotCntThres = mincovspecies->count ? mincovspecies->ival[0] : 1;
	if(MinSpeciesTotCntThres < 1 || MinSpeciesTotCntThres > 10000)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Minimum species total bases '-z%d' must be in range 1..10000",MinSpeciesTotCntThres);

	MinSpeciesWithCnts = mincovspecies->count ? mincovspecies->ival[0] : 1;
	if(MinSpeciesWithCnts < 1 || MinSpeciesWithCnts > NumAlignFiles)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Minimum species to call marker '-Z%d' must be in range 1..%d",NumAlignFiles);

// show user current resource limits
#ifndef _WIN32
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo, gszProcName, "Resources: %s",CUtility::ReportResourceLimits());

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Processing parameters:");
	const char *pszDescr;

	switch(PMode) {
		case ePMdefault:
			pszDescr = "Default marker processing";

	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Processing mode is : '%s'",pszDescr);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Minimum coverage : %d",MinCovBases);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Maximum P-Value : %1.4f'",MaxPValue);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Reference genome assembly name : '%s'",szRefGenome);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Minimum total bases for species at SNP call loci : %d",MinSpeciesTotCntThres);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Maximum alternative species coverage at SNP call loci : %d",AltSpeciesMaxCnt);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Minimum number of species with SNP call at same loci : %d",MinSpeciesWithCnts);

	for(Idx=0; Idx < NumRelGenomes; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Alignments and SNPs from this genome (%d) : '%s'",Idx+1,pszRelGenomes[Idx]);

	for(Idx=0; Idx < NumSNPFiles; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Input SNP file (%d) : '%s'",Idx+1,pszSNPFiles[Idx]);

	for(Idx=0; Idx < NumAlignFiles; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Input alignment file (%d) : '%s'",Idx+1,pszAlignFiles[Idx]);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Output markers to file : '%s'",szMarkerFile);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"number of threads : %d",NumThreads);

	#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
	Rslt = Process(PMode,MinCovBases,MaxPValue,MinSpeciesTotCntThres,MinSpeciesWithCnts,AltSpeciesMaxCnt,szRefGenome,NumRelGenomes,pszRelGenomes,NumThreads,NumSNPFiles,pszSNPFiles,NumAlignFiles,pszAlignFiles,szMarkerFile);
	Rslt = Rslt >=0 ? 0 : 1;
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Exit code: %d Total processing time: %s",Rslt,gStopWatch.Read());
	printf("\n%s Generate Markers, Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
	arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\nUse '-h' to view option and parameter usage\n");
return 0;
예제 #13
void conf_configure_app(configuration_ctx_t* ctx) {
    struct arg_lit* help = arg_lit0(OPT_HELP_SHORT, OPT_HELP_LONG, OPT_HELP_DESCR);
    struct arg_lit* helpF = arg_lit0(OPT_HELP_SHORT, OPT_HELP_LONG, OPT_HELP_DESCR);
    struct arg_lit* helpS = arg_lit0(OPT_HELP_SHORT, OPT_HELP_LONG, OPT_HELP_DESCR);
    struct arg_lit* grep = arg_lit0(OPT_GREP_SHORT, OPT_GREP_LONG, OPT_GREP_DESCR);
    struct arg_lit* grepF = arg_lit0(OPT_GREP_SHORT, OPT_GREP_LONG, OPT_GREP_DESCR);
    struct arg_lit* grepS = arg_lit0(OPT_GREP_SHORT, OPT_GREP_LONG, OPT_GREP_DESCR);

    struct arg_str* string = arg_str1(OPT_STR_SHORT, OPT_STR_LONG, NULL, OPT_STR_DESCR);
    struct arg_str* stringG = arg_str0(OPT_STR_SHORT, OPT_STR_LONG, NULL, OPT_STR_DESCR);
    struct arg_file* file = arg_file1(OPT_FILE_SHORT, OPT_FILE_LONG, NULL, OPT_FILE_DESCR);
    struct arg_file* fileG = arg_file0(OPT_FILE_SHORT, OPT_FILE_LONG, NULL, OPT_FILE_DESCR);

    struct arg_str* macro = arg_str1(OPT_MACRO_SHORT, OPT_MACRO_LONG, NULL, OPT_MACRO_DESCR);
    struct arg_str* macroS = arg_str1(OPT_MACRO_SHORT, OPT_MACRO_LONG, NULL, OPT_MACRO_DESCR);
    struct arg_str* macroF = arg_str1(OPT_MACRO_SHORT, OPT_MACRO_LONG, NULL, OPT_MACRO_DESCR);

    struct arg_file* files = arg_filen(OPT_F_SHORT, OPT_F_LONG, NULL, 1, ctx->argc + 2, OPT_F_DESCR);
    struct arg_file* filesS = arg_filen(OPT_F_SHORT, OPT_F_LONG, NULL, 1, ctx->argc + 2, OPT_F_DESCR);
    struct arg_file* filesF = arg_filen(OPT_F_SHORT, OPT_F_LONG, NULL, 1, ctx->argc + 2, OPT_F_DESCR);

    struct arg_end* end = arg_end(10);
    struct arg_end* endF = arg_end(10);
    struct arg_end* endS = arg_end(10);

    void* argtable[] = {help, grep, stringG, fileG, macro, files, end};
    void* argtableF[] = {helpF, grepF, file, macroF, filesF, endF};
    void* argtableS[] = {helpS, grepS, string, macroS, filesS, endS};

    if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0 || arg_nullcheck(argtableF) != 0 || arg_nullcheck(argtableS) != 0) {
        prconf_print_syntax(argtable, argtableS, argtableF);
        goto cleanup;

    int nerrors = arg_parse(ctx->argc, ctx->argv, argtable);
    int nerrorsF = arg_parse(ctx->argc, ctx->argv, argtableF);
    int nerrorsS = arg_parse(ctx->argc, ctx->argv, argtableS);

    if(nerrors > 0 || help->count > 0) {
        prconf_print_syntax(argtable, argtableS, argtableF);
        if(help->count == 0 && ctx->argc > 1) {
            arg_print_errors(stdout, end, PROGRAM_NAME);
        goto cleanup;

    if(nerrorsS == 0) {
        ctx->on_string(filesS, macroS->sval[0], string->sval[0], grepS->count > 0);
    else if(nerrorsF == 0) {
        ctx->on_file(filesS, macroF->sval[0], file->filename[0], grepF->count > 0);
    else {
        prconf_print_syntax(argtable, argtableS, argtableF);
        arg_print_errors(stdout, endF, PROGRAM_NAME);
        arg_print_errors(stdout, endS, PROGRAM_NAME);

    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
    arg_freetable(argtableS, sizeof(argtableS) / sizeof(argtableS[0]));
    arg_freetable(argtableF, sizeof(argtableF) / sizeof(argtableF[0]));
예제 #14
파일: kangax.cpp 프로젝트: ste69r/Biokanga
int kangax(int argc, char* argv[])
// determine my process name
kangax(int argc, char** argv)
// determine my process name
CUtility::splitpath((char *)argv[0],NULL,gszProcName);
int iScreenLogLevel;		// level of screen diagnostics
int iFileLogLevel;			// level of file diagnostics
char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write diagnostics to this file

int Rslt;

char szOutputFileSpec[_MAX_PATH];
int MinSeqLen;								// only accept for indexing sequences which are at least this length
int SimGenomeSize;							// if 1..1000 then simulating indexing of a genome of this size in Gbp.
int NumInputFileSpecs;						// number of input file specs
char *pszInputFileSpecs[cMaxInFileSpecs];	// input files
char szDescription[cMBSFFileDescrLen];
char szTitle[cMBSFShortFileDescrLen];
char szRefSpecies[cMaxDatasetSpeciesChrom];
int iMode;									// processing mode
bool bSOLiD;								// colorspace (SOLiD) generation
int NumberOfProcessors;						// number of installed CPUs
int NumThreads;								// number of threads (0 defaults to number of CPUs)

char szSQLiteDatabase[_MAX_PATH];	// results summaries to this SQLite file
char szExperimentName[cMaxDatasetSpeciesChrom+1];			// experiment name
char szExperimentDescr[1000];		// describes experiment

// command line args
struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("hH","help",                "print this help and exit");
struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0("v","version,ver",			"print version information and exit");
struct arg_int *FileLogLevel=arg_int0("f", "FileLogLevel",		"<int>","Level of diagnostics written to logfile 0=fatal,1=errors,2=info,3=diagnostics,4=debug");
struct arg_file *LogFile = arg_file0("F","log","<file>",		"diagnostics log file");

struct arg_int *Mode=arg_int0("m", "mode",	"<int>",			"Processing mode, 0=standard, 1=bisulphite index, 2=simulated genome (default 0)");
struct arg_lit  *solid = arg_lit0("C","colorspace",             "Generate for colorspace (SOLiD)");
struct arg_int *simgenomesize=arg_int0("s", "simgenomesize",	"<int>","Simulated genome size in Gbp (default 5, range 1..1000");

struct arg_int *minseqlen=arg_int0("l", "minseqlen",			"<int>","Do not accept for indexing sequences less than this length (default 50, range 1..1000000)");

struct arg_file *infiles = arg_filen("i",NULL,"<file>",0,cMaxInFileSpecs,	"input from wildcarded kangas or fasta files");
struct arg_file *OutFile = arg_file0("o",NULL,"<file>",			"output suffix array file");
struct arg_str *Descr = arg_str0("d","descr","<string>",		"full description");
struct arg_str *Title = arg_str0("t","title","<string>",		"short title");
struct arg_str *RefSpecies = arg_str1("r","ref","<string>",		"reference species");
struct arg_int *threads = arg_int0("T","threads","<int>",		"number of processing threads 0..128 (defaults to 0 which sets threads to number of CPU cores)");
struct arg_file *summrslts = arg_file0("q","sumrslts","<file>",		"Output results summary to this SQLite3 database file");
struct arg_str *experimentname = arg_str0("w","experimentname","<str>",		"experiment name SQLite3 database file");
struct arg_str *experimentdescr = arg_str0("W","experimentdescr","<str>",	"experiment description SQLite3 database file");
struct arg_end *end = arg_end(200);

void *argtable[] = {help,version,FileLogLevel,LogFile,

char **pAllArgs;
int argerrors;
argerrors = CUtility::arg_parsefromfile(argc,(char **)argv,&pAllArgs);
if(argerrors >= 0)
	argerrors = arg_parse(argerrors,pAllArgs,argtable);

/* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
if (help->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s %s %s, Version %s\nOptions ---\n", gszProcName,gpszSubProcess->pszName,gpszSubProcess->pszFullDescr,cpszProgVer);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
		printf("\nNote: Parameters can be entered into a parameter file, one parameter per line.");
		printf("\n      To invoke this parameter file then precede its name with '@'");
		printf("\n      e.g. %s %s @myparams.txt\n",gszProcName,gpszSubProcess->pszName);
		printf("\nPlease report any issues regarding usage of %s at https://github.com/csiro-crop-informatics/biokanga/issues\n\n",gszProcName);

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
if (version->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s %s Version %s\n",gszProcName,gpszSubProcess->pszName,cpszProgVer);

if (!argerrors)
	if(FileLogLevel->count && !LogFile->count)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-f%d' specified but no logfile '-F<logfile>'",FileLogLevel->ival[0]);

	iScreenLogLevel = iFileLogLevel = FileLogLevel->count ? FileLogLevel->ival[0] : eDLInfo;
	if(iFileLogLevel < eDLNone || iFileLogLevel > eDLDebug)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-l%d' specified outside of range %d..%d",iFileLogLevel,eDLNone,eDLDebug);
		szLogFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		iFileLogLevel = eDLNone;
		szLogFile[0] = '\0';
			// now that log parameters have been parsed then initialise diagnostics log system
		printf("\nError: Unable to start diagnostics subsystem\n");
		if(szLogFile[0] != '\0')
			printf(" Most likely cause is that logfile '%s' can't be opened/created\n",szLogFile);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Subprocess %s Version %s starting",gpszSubProcess->pszName,cpszProgVer);
	gExperimentID = 0;
	gProcessID = 0;
	gProcessingID = 0;
	szSQLiteDatabase[0] = '\0';
	szExperimentName[0] = '\0';
	szExperimentDescr[0] = '\0';

		szExperimentName[sizeof(szExperimentName)-1] = '\0';
		szExperimentName[0] = '\0';

	MinSeqLen = 0;
	gExperimentID = 0;
	gProcessID = 0;
	gProcessingID = 0;
	szSQLiteDatabase[0] = '\0';
	szExperimentDescr[0] = '\0';
		szSQLiteDatabase[sizeof(szSQLiteDatabase)-1] = '\0';
		if(strlen(szSQLiteDatabase) < 1)
			gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no SQLite database specified with '-q<filespec>' option");

		if(strlen(szExperimentName) < 1)
			gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no SQLite experiment name specified with '-w<str>' option");
			szExperimentDescr[sizeof(szExperimentDescr)-1] = '\0';
		if(strlen(szExperimentDescr) < 1)
			gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no SQLite experiment description specified with '-W<str>' option");

		gExperimentID = gSQLiteSummaries.StartExperiment(szSQLiteDatabase,false,true,szExperimentName,szExperimentName,szExperimentDescr);
		if(gExperimentID < 1)
		gProcessID = gSQLiteSummaries.AddProcess((char *)gpszSubProcess->pszName,(char *)gpszSubProcess->pszName,(char *)gpszSubProcess->pszFullDescr);
		if(gProcessID < 1)
		gProcessingID = gSQLiteSummaries.StartProcessing(gExperimentID,gProcessID,(char *)cpszProgVer);
		if(gProcessingID < 1)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Initialised SQLite database '%s' for results summary collection",szSQLiteDatabase);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"SQLite database experiment identifier for '%s' is %d",szExperimentName,gExperimentID);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"SQLite database process identifier for '%s' is %d",(char *)gpszSubProcess->pszName,gProcessID);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"SQLite database processing instance identifier is %d",gProcessingID);
		szSQLiteDatabase[0] = '\0';
		szExperimentDescr[0] = '\0';

	iMode = Mode->count ? Mode->ival[0] : 0;
	if(iMode < 0 || iMode > 2)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: processing mode '-m%d' must be specified in range %d..%d",iMode,0,1);

	if(iMode == 2)
		SimGenomeSize = simgenomesize->count ? simgenomesize->ival[0] : 5;
		if(SimGenomeSize < 1 || iMode > cMaxSimGenomeGbp)
			gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: simulated genome size in Gbp '-s%d' must be specified in range 1..%d",SimGenomeSize,cMaxSimGenomeGbp);
		SimGenomeSize = 0;

	bSOLiD = solid->count ? true : false;

	int Idx;

	if(iMode != 2)
		MinSeqLen = minseqlen->count ? minseqlen->ival[0] : 50;
		if(MinSeqLen < 1)
			MinSeqLen = 1;
			if(MinSeqLen > 1000000)
				MinSeqLen = 1000000;

		for(NumInputFileSpecs=Idx=0;NumInputFileSpecs < cMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < infiles->count; Idx++)
			pszInputFileSpecs[Idx] = NULL;
			if(pszInputFileSpecs[NumInputFileSpecs] == NULL)
				pszInputFileSpecs[NumInputFileSpecs] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
			pszInputFileSpecs[NumInputFileSpecs][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
			if(pszInputFileSpecs[NumInputFileSpecs][0] != '\0')

			gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no input file(s) specified with '-i<filespec>' option)\n");
		NumInputFileSpecs = 0;
		pszInputFileSpecs[0] = NULL;

		szOutputFileSpec[0] = '\0';

	if(iMode != 2 && szOutputFileSpec[0] == '\0')
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: no output file(s) specified with '-o<filespec>' option)\n");

	szRefSpecies[cMaxDatasetSpeciesChrom-1] = '\0';

		szTitle[cMBSFShortFileDescrLen-1] = '\0';

		szDescription[cMBSFFileDescrLen-1] = '\0';

// show user current resource limits
#ifndef _WIN32
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo, gszProcName, "Resources: %s",CUtility::ReportResourceLimits());

	int AvailGBMemory;
#ifdef _WIN32
	SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
	NumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;

	status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
	AvailGBMemory = (int)(status.ullTotalPhys / 0x040000000);	// set to be gigabytes
	NumberOfProcessors = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);

	long pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
	long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
	AvailGBMemory = (int)(((INT64)pages * (INT64)page_size)/0x040000000);

	int MaxAllowedThreads = min(cMaxWorkerThreads,NumberOfProcessors);	// limit to be at most cMaxWorkerThreads
	if((NumThreads = threads->count ? threads->ival[0] : MaxAllowedThreads)==0)
		NumThreads = MaxAllowedThreads;
	if(NumThreads < 0 || NumThreads > MaxAllowedThreads)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLWarn,gszProcName,"Warning: Number of threads '-T%d' specified was outside of range %d..%d",NumThreads,1,MaxAllowedThreads);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLWarn,gszProcName,"Warning: Defaulting number of threads to %d",MaxAllowedThreads);
		NumThreads = MaxAllowedThreads;

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Processing parameters:");
	if(iMode == 2)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Simulating indexing of a genome of size: %dGbp",SimGenomeSize);
		if(AvailGBMemory < (SimGenomeSize * 7))		// allowing for 6 bytes per base plus overheads
			gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLWarn,"May be memory allocation problems when loading or indexing this simulated genome, available memory: %dGB",AvailGBMemory);

		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Process for colorspace (SOLiD)");

	if(iMode != 2)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Accepting for indexing sequences of length at least: %dbp",MinSeqLen);
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Process input files as: '%s'",iMode == 0 ? "standard" : "bisulphite");
		for(Idx=0; Idx < NumInputFileSpecs; Idx++)
			gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Input source file spec: '%s'",pszInputFileSpecs[Idx]);

	if(szOutputFileSpec[0] != '\0')
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Output to suffix array file: '%s'",szOutputFileSpec);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Reference species: '%s'",szRefSpecies);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Title text: '%s'",szTitle);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Descriptive text: '%s'",szDescription);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Number of threads : %d",NumThreads);

	if(szExperimentName[0] != '\0')
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"This processing reference: %s",szExperimentName);

#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
	Rslt = CreateBioseqSuffixFile(iMode,MinSeqLen,SimGenomeSize,NumThreads,bSOLiD,NumInputFileSpecs,pszInputFileSpecs,szOutputFileSpec,szRefSpecies,szDescription,szTitle);
	Rslt = Rslt >=0 ? 0 : 1;
	if(gExperimentID > 0)
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Exit code: %d Total processing time: %s",Rslt,gStopWatch.Read());
    printf("\n%s %s %s, Version %s\n", gszProcName,gpszSubProcess->pszName,gpszSubProcess->pszFullDescr,cpszProgVer);
	arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\nUse '-h' to view option and parameter usage\n");
예제 #15
파일: main.c 프로젝트: tyrel/DCPUToolchain
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Define our variables.
	FILE* in;
	FILE* out;
	int nerrors, i;
	char* test;
	uint16_t offset, current, store, mem_index;
	struct lprov_entry* required = NULL;
	struct lprov_entry* provided = NULL;
	struct lprov_entry* adjustment = NULL;
	struct lprov_entry* temp = NULL;

	// Define arguments.
	struct arg_lit* show_help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "Show this help.");
	struct arg_file* input_files = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "<file>", 1, 100, "The input object files.");
	struct arg_file* output_file = arg_file1("o", "output", "<file>", "The output file (or - to send to standard output).");
	struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20);
	void *argtable[] = { show_help, input_files, output_file, end };
	// Parse arguments.
	nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
	if (nerrors != 0 || show_help->count != 0)
		if (show_help->count != 0)
			arg_print_errors(stdout, end, "linker");
		printf("syntax:\n    linker");
		arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n");
		arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "    %-25s %s\n");
		return 1;

	// Open the output file for writing.
	out = fopen(output_file->filename[0], "wb");
	if (out == NULL)
		// Handle the error.
		fprintf(stderr, "linker: unable to write to output file.\n");
		return 1;

	// We initially need to get a list of ALL provided
	// labels before we can start replacing them.
	offset = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < input_files->count; i++)
		// Open the input file.
		in = fopen(input_files->filename[i], "rb");
		if (in == NULL)
			// Handle the error.
			fprintf(stderr, "linker: unable to read input file '%s'.\n", input_files->filename[i]);
			return 1;
		// Is this the object format?
		test = malloc(strlen(ldata_objfmt) + 1);
		memset(test, 0, strlen(ldata_objfmt) + 1);
		fread(test, 1, strlen(ldata_objfmt), in);
		fseek(in, 1, SEEK_CUR);
		if (strcmp(test, ldata_objfmt) != 0)
			// Handle the error.
			fprintf(stderr, "linker: input file '%s' is not in object format 1.0.\n", input_files->filename[i]);
			return 1;

		// Load only the provided label entries into memory.
		objfile_load(input_files->filename[i], in, &offset, &provided, NULL, NULL);

		// Close the file.
	// Now we can start replacing the labels with the provided values
	// since we have ALL of the provided labels available.
	offset = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < input_files->count; i++)
		// Open the input file.
		in = fopen(input_files->filename[i], "rb");
		if (in == NULL)
			// Handle the error.
			fprintf(stderr, "linker: unable to read input file '%s'.\n", input_files->filename[i]);
			return 1;
		// Skip over the object format label; we already tested
		// for this in phase 1.
		fseek(in, strlen(ldata_objfmt) + 1, SEEK_CUR);

		// Load only the required and adjustment entries into memory.
		current = offset;
		objfile_load(input_files->filename[i], in, &offset, NULL, &required, &adjustment);

		// Copy all of the input file's data into the output
		// file, word by word.
		mem_index = 0;
		fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN %s\n", input_files->filename[i]);
		while (!feof(in))
			// Read a word.
			fread(&store, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, in);

			// For some strange reason, the last two bytes get
			// written twice, as if it's only EOF after you
			// attempt to read past the end again.  I'm not sure
			// why the semantics are like this, but checking again
			// for EOF here prevents us writing double.
			if (feof(in))

			// Check to see if we need to do something with this
			// word, such as adjusting it.
			if (lprov_find_by_address(adjustment, mem_index) != NULL)
				// We need to adjust this word by the offset.
				store += current;
				fprintf(stderr, "ADJUSTED 0x%04X: 0x%04X -> 0x%04X\n", mem_index, store - current, store);

			// Check to see if we need to resolve this word into
			// an actual address because it was imported.
			temp = lprov_find_by_address(required, mem_index);
			if (temp != NULL)
				// Find the position we should change this to.
				temp = lprov_find_by_label(provided, temp->label);

				// We need to set this word to the proper location.
				fprintf(stderr, "RESOLVED 0x%04X: 0x%04X -> 0x%04X\n", mem_index, store, temp->address);
				store = temp->address;

			// Now write the (potentially modified) word to the
			// output.
			fprintf(stderr, " >> WRITE 0x%04X\n", store);
			fwrite(&store, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, out);

			// Increment memory position.

		// Close the file.

		// Reset and free the required and adjustment linked list.
		// FIXME: Actually free the lists!
		required = NULL;
		adjustment = NULL;

	// Close file.
	fprintf(stderr, "linker: completed successfully.\n", input_files->filename[i]);

	return 0;
예제 #16
파일: myargs.c 프로젝트: amolai/hello-world
int ParseMyArgs(int argc, char *argv[])
	int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

	argtable[0] =i= arg_lit0("i", "insert",           "insert a tag into the text file");
	argtable[1]=s= arg_lit0("s", "separate",          "separate a text file into smaller parts");
	               arg_rem("NULL",                    "new files with number suffix");
    argtable[2] =author= arg_lit0(NULL,"author",              "print the author of each file");
	argtable[3]=keyword= arg_str0(NULL, "keyword", "WORD",          "keyword to seperate the parts in ");
						 arg_rem(NULL,                            " a text book");
    argtable[4] =size= arg_int0(NULL,"size", "SIZE",              "size of each of parts");
	argtable[5] =help= arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                "display this help and exit");
	argtable[6] =version= arg_lit0(NULL,"version",             "display version information and exit");
	argtable[7] = files = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "FILE", 0, argc+2, NULL),
	argtable[8] = end= arg_end(20);

 /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",argv[0]);
        goto exit;

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
	if(author->count >0)
		printf("This software is developed by a teacher and some students\n");
		printf("Detail can be found in README file");

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", argv[0]);
		 arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0){
        printf("Dec 2010, \n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",argv[0]);
        goto exit;

    /* Command line parsing is complete, do the main processing */

    return exitcode;
예제 #17
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])
// determine my process name
main(int argc, const char** argv)
// determine my process name
CUtility::splitpath((char *)argv[0],NULL,gszProcName);
int iScreenLogLevel;		// level of screen diagnostics
int iFileLogLevel;			// level of file diagnostics
char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write diagnostics to this file

int Rslt;
int Idx;
int iProcMode;
char Strand;							// process features on this strand
int MinLen;
int JoinLen;
int LenFileList;
int NumIncludeChroms;
char *pszIncludeChroms[cMaxIncludeChroms];
int NumExcludeChroms;
char *pszExcludeChroms[cMaxExcludeChroms];
etBEDRegion Region;				// process for this functional region only
int NumInFiles;							// number of control input files
char *pszInFileSpecs[cMaxNumBedFiles];  // input (wildcards allowed) BED files

char szOutFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write merged to this file

// command line args
struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("h","help",                 "print this help and exit");
struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0("v","version,ver",			"print version information and exit");
struct arg_int *FileLogLevel=arg_int0("f", "FileLogLevel",		"<int>","Level of diagnostics written to screen and logfile 0=fatal,1=errors,2=info,3=diagnostics,4=debug");
struct arg_file *LogFile = arg_file0("F","log","<file>",		"diagnostics log file");
struct arg_int  *ProcMode = arg_int0("m","mode","<int>",		"merge processing mode: 0 - Strand independent union, 1 - Strand dependent union");
struct arg_int  *strand = arg_int0("s","strand","<int>",		"filter for this strand: 0 - any, 1 - Watson '+', 2 - Crick '-' (default is any)");
struct arg_int *region = arg_int0("r","genomicregion","<int>",	"Retain annotated regions 0:ALL,1:Intergenic,2:Exons,3:Introns,4:CDS,5:UTRs,6:5'UTR,7:3'UTR (default = ALL)");
struct arg_int  *minlen = arg_int0("l","minlen","<int>",		"generated merged features must be of at least this length (default is 20)");
struct arg_int  *joinlen = arg_int0("j","joinlen","<int>",		"merge features which are separated by at most this length, 0 if no merging (default is 1)");
struct arg_str  *excludechroms = arg_strn("Z","chromexclude","<string>",0,cMaxExcludeChroms,"regular expressions defining chromosomes to always exclude");
struct arg_str  *includechroms = arg_strn("z","chromeinclude","<string>",0,cMaxIncludeChroms,"regular expressions defining chromosomes to explicitly include if not already excluded");
struct arg_file *infiles = arg_filen("i","srcfiles","<file>",0,  cMaxNumBedFiles,"merge features contained in these BED files (wildcards alllowed)");
struct arg_file *OutFile = arg_file1("o",NULL,"<file>",			"output merged features to this BED file");
struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20);

void *argtable[] = {help,version,FileLogLevel,LogFile,

char **pAllArgs;
int argerrors;
argerrors = CUtility::arg_parsefromfile(argc,(char **)argv,&pAllArgs);
if(argerrors >= 0)
	argerrors = arg_parse(argerrors,pAllArgs,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
if (help->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s BED Merge Blocks, Version %s\nOptions ---\n", gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
		printf("\nNote: Parameters can be entered into a parameter file, one parameter per line.");
		printf("\n      To invoke this parameter file then precede its name with '@'");
		printf("\n      e.g. %s @myparams.txt\n",gszProcName);
		printf("\nPlease report any issues regarding usage of %s at https://github.com/csiro-crop-informatics/biokanga/issues\n\n",gszProcName);

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
if (version->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
if (!argerrors)
	if(FileLogLevel->count && !LogFile->count)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-f%d' specified but no logfile '-F<logfile>'",FileLogLevel->ival[0]);

	iScreenLogLevel = iFileLogLevel = FileLogLevel->count ? FileLogLevel->ival[0] : eDLInfo;
	if(iFileLogLevel < eDLNone || iFileLogLevel > eDLDebug)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-l%d' specified outside of range %d..%d",iFileLogLevel,eDLNone,eDLDebug);
		szLogFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		iFileLogLevel = eDLNone;
		szLogFile[0] = '\0';

	iProcMode = ProcMode->count ? ProcMode->ival[0] : ePMDefault;
	if(iProcMode < ePMDefault || iProcMode >= ePMplaceholder)
		printf("Error: Processing mode '-p%d' is not in range 0..%d",iProcMode,ePMplaceholder-1);

	MinLen = minlen->count ? minlen->ival[0] : cDfltMergeLen;
	if(MinLen < cMinMergeLen || MinLen > cMaxMergeLen)
		printf("Error: minimum length '-l%d' is not in range %d..%d",MinLen,cMinMergeLen,cMaxMergeLen);

	JoinLen = joinlen->count ? joinlen->ival[0] : 1;
	if(JoinLen < 0 || JoinLen > cMaxMergeLen)
		printf("Error: Join length '-j%d' is not in range 0..%d",JoinLen,cMaxMergeLen);

	Strand = strand->count ? strand->ival[0] : 0;
	if(Strand < 0 || Strand > 2)
		printf("\nError: Strand '-s%d' specified outside of range 0..2",Strand);

	switch(Strand) {
		case 1: Strand = (int)'+'; break;
		case 2: Strand = (int)'-'; break;
		case 0: Strand = (int)'*'; break;

	Region = (etBEDRegion)(region->count ? region->ival[0] : eMEGRAny);	// default as being any region
	if(Region < eMEGRAny || Region > eMEG3UTR)
		printf("\nSpecified region '-g%d' outside of range 0..%d",Region,eMEG3UTR);

	NumIncludeChroms = includechroms->count;
	for(Idx=0;Idx < includechroms->count; Idx++)
		LenFileList = (int)strlen(includechroms->sval[Idx]);
		pszIncludeChroms[Idx] = new char [LenFileList+1];

	NumExcludeChroms = excludechroms->count;
	for(Idx=0;Idx < excludechroms->count; Idx++)
		LenFileList = (int)strlen(excludechroms->sval[Idx]);
		pszExcludeChroms[Idx] = new char [LenFileList+1];

		printf("\nError: No input file(s) specified with with '-i<filespec>' option)");

	for(NumInFiles=Idx=0;NumInFiles < cMaxNumBedFiles && Idx < infiles->count; Idx++)
		pszInFileSpecs[Idx] = NULL;
		if(pszInFileSpecs[NumInFiles] == NULL)
			pszInFileSpecs[NumInFiles] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
		pszInFileSpecs[NumInFiles][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		if(pszInFileSpecs[NumInFiles][0] != '\0')

		printf("\nError: After removal of whitespace, no input file(s) specified with '-i<filespec>' option)");

	szOutFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';

			// now that command parameters have been parsed then initialise diagnostics log system
		printf("\nError: Unable to start diagnostics subsystem.");
		if(szLogFile[0] != '\0')
			printf(" Most likely cause is that logfile '%s' can't be opened/created",szLogFile);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Version: %s Processing parameters:",cpszProgVer);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Processing Mode: %d (%s)",iProcMode,ProcMode2Txt((etProcMode)iProcMode));
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"process for this strand only: '%c'",(char)Strand);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"generated merged features will be at least this length: %d",MinLen);
	if(JoinLen == 0)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"keep separate features, no merging");
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"merge features separated by upto: %d",JoinLen);
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Retain Region: %s",Region2Txt((etBEDRegion)Region));
	for(Idx = 0; Idx < NumIncludeChroms; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"reg expressions defining chroms to include: '%s'",pszIncludeChroms[Idx]);
	for(Idx = 0; Idx < NumExcludeChroms; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"reg expressions defining chroms to exclude: '%s'",pszExcludeChroms[Idx]); 
	for(Idx=0;Idx < NumInFiles; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"merge features from this input BED file (%d): '%s'",Idx+1,pszInFileSpecs[Idx]);		
	gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Output merged features into BED file: '%s'",szOutFile);

#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
	Rslt = Process((etProcMode)iProcMode,Strand,MinLen,JoinLen,Region,
			NumIncludeChroms,	// number of chromosome regular expressions to include
			pszIncludeChroms,	// array of include chromosome regular expressions
			NumExcludeChroms,	// number of chromosome expressions to exclude
			pszExcludeChroms,	// array of exclude chromosome regular expressions
	Rslt = Rslt >=0 ? 0 : 1;
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Exit code: %d Total processing time: %s",Rslt,gStopWatch.Read());
	printf("\n%s BED Merge Blocks, Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
	arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\nUse '-h' to view option and parameter usage\n");
예제 #18
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])
// determine my process name
main(int argc, const char** argv)
// determine my process name
CUtility::splitpath((char *)argv[0],NULL,gszProcName);
int iScreenLogLevel;		// level of screen diagnostics
int iFileLogLevel;			// level of file diagnostics
char szLogFile[_MAX_PATH];	// write diagnostics to this file

int Rslt;
etPMode PMode;				// processing mode
int Idx;

int NumInputFiles;							// number of input sequence files
char *pszInFastaFile[cMaxInFileSpecs];		// names of input sequence files (wildcards allowed)

char szRsltsFile[_MAX_PATH];	// output stats to this file

// command line args
struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0("h","help",                 "print this help and exit");
struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0("v","version,ver",			"print version information and exit");
struct arg_int *FileLogLevel=arg_int0("f", "FileLogLevel",		"<int>","Level of diagnostics written to screen and logfile 0=fatal,1=errors,2=info,3=diagnostics,4=debug");
struct arg_file *LogFile = arg_file0("F","log","<file>",		"diagnostics log file");

struct arg_int *pmode = arg_int0("m","mode","<int>",		    "Processing mode:  0 - BED output, single exon");
struct arg_file *pinputfiles = arg_filen("i","infasta","<file>",1,cMaxInFileSpecs,"input fasta file(s)");
struct arg_file *RsltsFile = arg_file0("o","output","<file>",	"output BED file");
struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20);

void *argtable[] = {help,version,FileLogLevel,LogFile,
char **pAllArgs;
int argerrors;
argerrors = CUtility::arg_parsefromfile(argc,(char **)argv,&pAllArgs);
if(argerrors >= 0)
	argerrors = arg_parse(argerrors,pAllArgs,argtable);

/* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
if (help->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Generate BED file from multifasta file, Version %s\nOptions ---\n", gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
		printf("\nNote: Parameters can be entered into a parameter file, one parameter per line.");
		printf("\n      To invoke this parameter file then precede its name with '@'");
		printf("\n      e.g. %s @myparams.txt\n",gszProcName);
		printf("\nPlease report any issues regarding usage of %s at https://github.com/csiro-crop-informatics/biokanga/issues\n\n",gszProcName);

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
if (version->count > 0)
		printf("\n%s Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);

if (!argerrors)
	if(FileLogLevel->count && !LogFile->count)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-f%d' specified but no logfile '-F<logfile>\n'",FileLogLevel->ival[0]);

	iScreenLogLevel = iFileLogLevel = FileLogLevel->count ? FileLogLevel->ival[0] : eDLInfo;
	if(iFileLogLevel < eDLNone || iFileLogLevel > eDLDebug)
		printf("\nError: FileLogLevel '-l%d' specified outside of range %d..%d\n",iFileLogLevel,eDLNone,eDLDebug);
		szLogFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		iFileLogLevel = eDLNone;
		szLogFile[0] = '\0';

	// now that log parameters have been parsed then initialise diagnostics log system
		printf("\nError: Unable to start diagnostics subsystem\n");
		if(szLogFile[0] != '\0')
			printf(" Most likely cause is that logfile '%s' can't be opened/created\n",szLogFile);

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Version: %s",cpszProgVer);

	PMode = (etPMode)(pmode->count ? pmode->ival[0] : ePMdefault);
	if(PMode < ePMdefault || PMode >= ePMplaceholder)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: Processing mode '-m%d' specified outside of range %d..%d\n",PMode,ePMdefault,(int)ePMplaceholder-1);

	NumInputFiles = 0;

	for(NumInputFiles=Idx=0;NumInputFiles < cMaxInFileSpecs && Idx < pinputfiles->count; Idx++)
		pszInFastaFile[Idx] = NULL;
		if(pszInFastaFile[NumInputFiles] == NULL)
			pszInFastaFile[NumInputFiles] = new char [_MAX_PATH];
		pszInFastaFile[NumInputFiles][_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
		if(pszInFastaFile[NumInputFiles][0] != '\0')

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: After removal of whitespace, no input file(s) specified with '-i<filespec>' option)\n");

		gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLFatal,gszProcName,"Error: No output BED file specified");
	szRsltsFile[_MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';

	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Processing parameters:");
	for(Idx=0; Idx < NumInputFiles; Idx++)
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"input fasta sequence files (%d): '%s'",Idx+1,pszInFastaFile[Idx]);

	if(szRsltsFile[0] != '\0')
		gDiagnostics.DiagOutMsgOnly(eDLInfo,"Output to BED file: '%s'",szRsltsFile);

#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
	// processing here...
	Rslt = Process(PMode,NumInputFiles,pszInFastaFile,szRsltsFile);

	Rslt = Rslt >=0 ? 0 : 1;
	gDiagnostics.DiagOut(eDLInfo,gszProcName,"Exit code: %d Total processing time: %s",Rslt,gStopWatch.Read());
	printf("\n%s Generate BED file from multifasta file, Version %s\n",gszProcName,cpszProgVer);
	arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\nUse '-h' to view option and parameter usage\n");
return 0;
예제 #19
파일: mymain.c 프로젝트: rforge/phyexe
 * @brief Parse command line parameters. Will exit if help/usage etc
 * are called or or call Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, ) if an error was detected.
 * @param[out] user_opts
 * User parameter struct, with defaults already set.
 * @param[in] argc
 * mains argc
 * @param[in] argv
 * mains argv
ParseCommandLine(cmdline_opts_t *user_opts, int argc, char **argv)

     /* argtable command line parsing:
     * see
     * http://argtable.sourceforge.net/doc/argtable2-intro.html
     * basic structure is: arg_xxxN:
     * xxx can be int, lit, db1, str, rex, file or date
     * If N = 0, arguments may appear zero-or-once; N = 1 means
     * exactly once, N = n means up to maxcount times
     * @note: changes here, might also affect main.cpp:ConvertOldCmdLine()
    struct arg_rem  *rem_seq_input  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nSequence Input:");
    struct arg_file *opt_seqin = arg_file0("i", "in,infile",
                                            "Multiple sequence input file (- for stdin)");
    struct arg_file *opt_hmm_in = arg_filen(NULL, "hmm-in", "<file>",
                                            /*min*/ 0, /*max*/ 128,
                                            "HMM input files");
    struct arg_lit *opt_dealign = arg_lit0(NULL, "dealign",
                                           "Dealign input sequences");
    struct arg_file *opt_profile1 = arg_file0(NULL, "profile1,p1",
                                              "Pre-aligned multiple sequence file (aligned columns will be kept fix)");
    struct arg_file *opt_profile2 = arg_file0(NULL, "profile2,p2",
                                              "Pre-aligned multiple sequence file (aligned columns will be kept fix)");
    struct arg_str *opt_seqtype = arg_str0("t", "seqtype",
                                           "{Protein, RNA, DNA}",
                                           "Force a sequence type (default: auto)");
/*    struct arg_lit *opt_force_protein = arg_lit0(NULL, "protein",
                                         "Set sequence type to protein even if Clustal guessed nucleic acid"); */
    struct arg_str *opt_infmt = arg_str0(NULL, "infmt",
                                            "Forced sequence input file format (default: auto)");

    struct arg_rem  *rem_guidetree  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nClustering:");
    struct arg_str *opt_pairdist = arg_str0("p", "pairdist",
                                             "Pairwise alignment distance measure");
    struct arg_file *opt_distmat_in = arg_file0(NULL, "distmat-in",
                                                "Pairwise distance matrix input file (skips distance computation)");
    struct arg_file *opt_distmat_out = arg_file0(NULL, "distmat-out",
                                                 "Pairwise distance matrix output file");
    struct arg_file *opt_guidetree_in = arg_file0(NULL, "guidetree-in",
                                                  "Guide tree input file (skips distance computation and guide-tree clustering step)");
    struct arg_file *opt_guidetree_out = arg_file0(NULL, "guidetree-out",
                                                   "Guide tree output file");
    /* AW: mbed is default since at least R253
       struct arg_lit *opt_mbed = arg_lit0(NULL, "mbed",
       "Fast, Mbed-like clustering for guide-tree calculation");
       struct arg_lit *opt_mbed_iter = arg_lit0(NULL, "mbed-iter",
       "Use Mbed-like clustering also during iteration");
    /* Note: might be better to use arg_str (mbed=YES/NO) but I don't want to introduce an '=' into pipeline, FS, r250 -> */
    struct arg_lit *opt_full = arg_lit0(NULL, "full",
                                        "Use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation (might be slow; mBed is default)");
    struct arg_lit *opt_full_iter = arg_lit0(NULL, "full-iter",
                                        "Use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation during iteration (might be slowish; mBed is default)");

    struct arg_str *opt_clustering = arg_str0("c", "clustering",
                                              "Clustering method for guide tree");

    struct arg_rem *rem_aln_output  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nAlignment Output:");
    struct arg_file *opt_outfile = arg_file0("o", "out,outfile",
                                             "Multiple sequence alignment output file (default: stdout)");
    struct arg_str *opt_outfmt = arg_str0(NULL, "outfmt",
                                            "MSA output file format (default: fasta)");

    struct arg_rem *rem_iteration  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nIteration:");
    struct arg_str *opt_num_iterations = arg_str0(NULL, "iterations,iter",
                                                  /* FIXME "{<n>,auto}", "Number of combined guide-tree/HMM iterations"); */
                                                  "<n>", "Number of (combined guide-tree/HMM) iterations");
    struct arg_int *opt_max_guidetree_iterations = arg_int0(NULL, "max-guidetree-iterations",
                                                            "<n>", "Maximum number guidetree iterations");
    struct arg_int *opt_max_hmm_iterations = arg_int0(NULL, "max-hmm-iterations",
                                                      "<n>", "Maximum number of HMM iterations");

    struct arg_rem *rem_limits  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nLimits (will exit early, if exceeded):");
    struct arg_int *opt_max_seq = arg_int0(NULL, "maxnumseq", "<n>",
                                           "Maximum allowed number of sequences");
    struct arg_int *opt_max_seqlen = arg_int0(NULL, "maxseqlen", "<l>", 
                                              "Maximum allowed sequence length");

    struct arg_rem *rem_misc  = arg_rem(NULL, "\nMiscellaneous:");

    struct arg_lit *opt_autooptions = arg_lit0(NULL, "auto",
                                         "Set options automatically (might overwrite some of your options)");
    struct arg_int *opt_threads = arg_int0(NULL, "threads", "<n>", 
                                              "Number of processors to use");
    struct arg_file *opt_logfile = arg_file0("l", "log",
                                             "Log all non-essential output to this file");
    struct arg_lit *opt_help = arg_lit0("h", "help",
                                         "Print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit *opt_version = arg_lit0(NULL, "version",
                                           "Print version information and exit");
    struct arg_lit *opt_long_version = arg_lit0(NULL, "long-version",
                                           "Print long version information and exit");
    struct arg_lit *opt_verbose = arg_litn("v", "verbose",
                                           0, 3,
                                           "Verbose output (increases if given multiple times)");
    struct arg_lit *opt_force = arg_lit0(NULL, "force",
                                         "Force file overwriting");
    struct arg_int *opt_macram = arg_int0(NULL, "MAC-RAM", "<n>", /* keep this quiet for the moment, FS r240 -> */
                                          NULL/*"maximum amount of RAM to use for MAC algorithm (in MB)"*/);

    struct arg_end *opt_end = arg_end(10); /* maximum number of errors
                                            * to store */

    void *argtable[] = {rem_seq_input,
                        /* opt_force_protein, */
#if 0
                        /* no other options then default available or not implemented */
                        opt_full, /* FS, r250 -> */
                        opt_full_iter, /* FS, r250 -> */
#if 0
                        /* no other options then default available */



                        opt_macram, /* FS, r240 -> r241 */

    int nerrors;

    /* Verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable)) {
        Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "insufficient memory (for argtable allocation)");

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[]
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);

    /* Special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting
    if (opt_help->count > 0) {
        printf("%s - %s (%s)\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, PACKAGE_CODENAME);

        printf("If you like Clustal-Omega please cite:\n%s\n", CITATION);
        printf("If you don't like Clustal-Omega, please let us know why (and cite us anyway).\n");
        /* printf("You can contact reach us under %s\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); */
        printf("Check http://www.clustal.org for more information and updates.\n");
        printf("Usage: %s", basename(argv[0]));
        arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable, "\n");

        printf("A typical invocation would be: %s -i my-in-seqs.fa -o my-out-seqs.fa -v\n",
        printf("See below for a list of all options.\n");

        arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "  %-25s %s\n");
        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]));

    /* Special case: '--version' takes precedence over error reporting
    if (opt_version->count > 0) {
        printf("%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION);

    /* Special case: '--long-version' takes precedence over error reporting
    if (opt_long_version->count > 0) {
        char zcLongVersion[1024];
        PrintLongVersion(zcLongVersion, sizeof(zcLongVersion));
        printf("%s\n", zcLongVersion);

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit
    if (nerrors > 0) {
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        arg_print_errors(stdout, opt_end, PACKAGE);
        fprintf(stderr, "For more information try: %s --help\n", argv[0]);

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     * Command line successfully parsed. Now transfer values to
     * user_opts. While doing so, make sure that given input files
     * exist and given output files are writable do not exist, or if
     * they do, should be overwritten.
     * No logic checks here! They are done in a different function
     * ------------------------------------------------------------*/
    /* not part of user_opts because it declared in src/util.h */
    if (0 == opt_verbose->count) {
        rLog.iLogLevelEnabled = LOG_WARN;
    } else if (1 == opt_verbose->count) {
        rLog.iLogLevelEnabled = LOG_INFO;
    } else if (2 == opt_verbose->count) {
        rLog.iLogLevelEnabled = LOG_VERBOSE;
    } else if (3 == opt_verbose->count) {
        rLog.iLogLevelEnabled = LOG_DEBUG;

    user_opts->aln_opts.bAutoOptions = opt_autooptions->count;

    user_opts->bDealignInputSeqs = opt_dealign->count;

    /* NOTE: full distance matrix used to be default - there was
       --mbed flag but no --full flag after r250 decided that mBed
       should be default - now need --full flag to turn off mBed.
       wanted to retain mBed Boolean, so simply added --full flag. if
       both flags set (erroneously) want --mbed to overwrite --full,
       therefore do --full 1st, the --mbed, FS, r250 */
    if (opt_full->count){
        user_opts->aln_opts.bUseMbed = FALSE;

    if (opt_full_iter->count){
        user_opts->aln_opts.bUseMbedForIteration = FALSE;

    user_opts->bForceFileOverwrite = opt_force->count;

    /* log-file
    if (opt_logfile->count > 0) {
        user_opts->pcLogFile = CkStrdup(opt_logfile->filename[0]);
        /* warn if already exists or not writable */
        if (FileExists(user_opts->pcLogFile) && ! user_opts->bForceFileOverwrite) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "%s '%s'. %s",
                  "Cowardly refusing to overwrite already existing file",
                  "Use --force to force overwriting.");
        if (! FileIsWritable(user_opts->pcLogFile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Sorry, I do not have permission to write to file '%s'.",

    /* normal sequence input (no profile)
    if (opt_seqin->count > 0) {
        user_opts->pcSeqInfile = CkStrdup(opt_seqin->filename[0]);

    /* Input limitations
    /* maximum number of sequences */
    if (opt_max_seq->count > 0) {
        user_opts->iMaxNumSeq = opt_max_seq->ival[0];
    /* maximum sequence length */
    if (opt_max_seqlen->count > 0) {
        user_opts->iMaxSeqLen = opt_max_seqlen->ival[0];
    /* Output format
    if (opt_infmt->count > 0) {
        /* avoid gcc warning about discarded qualifier */
        char *tmp = (char *)opt_infmt->sval[0];
        user_opts->iSeqInFormat = String2SeqfileFormat(tmp);
    } else {
        user_opts->iSeqInFormat = SQFILE_UNKNOWN;

    /* Sequence type
    if (opt_seqtype->count > 0) {
        if (STR_NC_EQ(opt_seqtype->sval[0], "protein")) {
            user_opts->iSeqType = SEQTYPE_PROTEIN;
        } else if (STR_NC_EQ(opt_seqtype->sval[0], "rna")) {
            user_opts->iSeqType = SEQTYPE_RNA;
        } else if  (STR_NC_EQ(opt_seqtype->sval[0], "dna")) {
            user_opts->iSeqType = SEQTYPE_DNA;
        } else {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Unknown sequence type '%s'", opt_seqtype->sval[0]);
/*    if (opt_force_protein->count > 0) {
        user_opts->iSeqType = SEQTYPE_PROTEIN;
    } */

    /* Profile input
    if (opt_profile1->count > 0) {
        user_opts->pcProfile1Infile = CkStrdup(opt_profile1->filename[0]);
        if (! FileExists(user_opts->pcProfile1Infile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "File '%s' does not exist.", user_opts->pcProfile1Infile);
    if (opt_profile2->count > 0) {
        user_opts->pcProfile2Infile = CkStrdup(opt_profile2->filename[0]);
        if (! FileExists(user_opts->pcProfile2Infile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "File '%s' does not exist.", user_opts->pcProfile2Infile);
    /* HMM input
    user_opts->aln_opts.iHMMInputFiles = 0;
    user_opts->aln_opts.ppcHMMInput = NULL;
    if (opt_hmm_in->count>0) {
        int iAux;
        user_opts->aln_opts.iHMMInputFiles = opt_hmm_in->count;
        user_opts->aln_opts.ppcHMMInput = (char **) CKMALLOC(
            user_opts->aln_opts.iHMMInputFiles * sizeof(char*));
        for (iAux=0; iAux<opt_hmm_in->count; iAux++) {
            user_opts->aln_opts.ppcHMMInput[iAux] = CkStrdup(opt_hmm_in->filename[iAux]);
            if (! FileExists(user_opts->aln_opts.ppcHMMInput[iAux])) {
                Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "File '%s' does not exist.", user_opts->aln_opts.ppcHMMInput[iAux]);

    /* Pair distance method
    if (opt_pairdist->count > 0) {
        if (STR_NC_EQ(opt_pairdist->sval[0], "ktuple")) {
            user_opts->aln_opts.iPairDistType = PAIRDIST_KTUPLE;
        } else {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Unknown pairdist method '%s'", opt_pairdist->sval[0]);

    /* Distance matrix input
    if (opt_distmat_in->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatInfile = CkStrdup(opt_distmat_in->filename[0]);
        if (! FileExists(user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatInfile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "File '%s' does not exist.", user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatInfile);

    /* Distance matrix output
    if (opt_distmat_out->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatOutfile = CkStrdup(opt_distmat_out->filename[0]);
        /* warn if already exists or not writable */
        if (FileExists(user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatOutfile) && ! user_opts->bForceFileOverwrite) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "%s '%s'. %s",
                  "Cowardly refusing to overwrite already existing file",
                  "Use --force to force overwriting.");
        if (! FileIsWritable(user_opts->aln_opts.pcDistmatOutfile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Sorry, I do not have permission to write to file '%s'.",

    /* Clustering
    if (opt_clustering->count > 0) {
        if (STR_NC_EQ(opt_clustering->sval[0], "upgma")) {
            user_opts->aln_opts.iClusteringType = CLUSTERING_UPGMA;
        } else {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Unknown guide-tree clustering method '%s'", opt_clustering->sval[0]);

    /* Guidetree input
    if (opt_guidetree_in->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeInfile = CkStrdup(opt_guidetree_in->filename[0]);
        if (! FileExists(user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeInfile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "File '%s' does not exist.", user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeInfile);
    /* Guidetree output
    if (opt_guidetree_out->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeOutfile = CkStrdup(opt_guidetree_out->filename[0]);
        /* warn if already exists or not writable */
        if (FileExists(user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeOutfile) && ! user_opts->bForceFileOverwrite) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "%s '%s'. %s",
                  "Cowardly refusing to overwrite already existing file",
                  "Use --force to force overwriting.");
        if (! FileIsWritable(user_opts->aln_opts.pcGuidetreeOutfile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Sorry, I do not have permission to write to file '%s'.",

    /* max guidetree iterations
    if (opt_max_guidetree_iterations->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.iMaxGuidetreeIterations = opt_max_guidetree_iterations->ival[0];

    /* max guidetree iterations
    if (opt_max_hmm_iterations->count > 0) {
        user_opts->aln_opts.iMaxHMMIterations = opt_max_hmm_iterations->ival[0];

     /* number of iterations
     if (opt_num_iterations->count > 0) {
        if (STR_NC_EQ(opt_num_iterations->sval[0], "auto")) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Automatic iteration not supported at the moment.");
            user_opts->aln_opts.bIterationsAuto = TRUE;

        } else {
            int iAux;
            user_opts->aln_opts.bIterationsAuto = FALSE;
            for (iAux=0; iAux<(int)strlen(opt_num_iterations->sval[0]); iAux++) {
                if (! isdigit(opt_num_iterations->sval[0][iAux])) {
                    Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Couldn't iteration parameter: %s",
            user_opts->aln_opts.iNumIterations = atoi(opt_num_iterations->sval[0]);

    /* Alignment output
    if (opt_outfile->count > 0) {
        user_opts->pcAlnOutfile = CkStrdup(opt_outfile->filename[0]);

        /* warn if already exists or not writable */
        if (FileExists(user_opts->pcAlnOutfile) && ! user_opts->bForceFileOverwrite) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "%s '%s'. %s",
                  "Cowardly refusing to overwrite already existing file",
                  "Use --force to force overwriting.");
        if (! FileIsWritable(user_opts->pcAlnOutfile)) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Sorry, I do not have permission to write to file '%s'.",

    /* Output format
    if (opt_outfmt->count > 0) {
        /* avoid gcc warning about discarded qualifier */
        char *tmp = (char *)opt_outfmt->sval[0];
        user_opts->iAlnOutFormat = String2SeqfileFormat(tmp);
        if (SQFILE_UNKNOWN == user_opts->iAlnOutFormat) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Unknown output format '%s'", opt_outfmt->sval[0]);

    /* Number of threads
    if (opt_threads->count > 0) {
        if (opt_threads->ival[0] <= 0) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Changing number of threads to %d doesn't make sense.", 
        user_opts->iThreads = opt_threads->ival[0];

    if (opt_threads->count > 0) {
        if (opt_threads->ival[0] > 1) {
            Log(&rLog, LOG_FATAL, "Cannot change number of threads to %d. %s was build without OpenMP support.", 
                  opt_threads->ival[0], PACKAGE_NAME);    

    /* max MAC RAM (maximum amount of RAM set aside for MAC algorithm)
    if (opt_macram->count > 0) { /* FS, r240 -> r241 */
        user_opts->aln_opts.rHhalignPara.iMacRamMB = opt_macram->ival[0];



예제 #20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Define arguments.
	struct arg_lit* show_help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "Show this help.");
	struct arg_str* type_assembler = arg_str0("t", NULL, "<type>", "The type of assembler to output for.");
	struct arg_file* input_file = arg_file1(NULL, NULL, "<file>", "The input file (or - to read from standard input).");
	struct arg_file* output_file = arg_file1("o", "output", "<file>", "The output file (or - to send to standard output).");
	// 20 is maxcount for include directories, this has to be set to some constant number.
	struct arg_file* include_dirs = arg_filen("I", NULL, "<directory>", 0, 20, "Adds the directory <dir> to the directories to be searched for header files.");
	struct arg_lit* verbose = arg_litn("v", NULL, 0, LEVEL_EVERYTHING - LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Increase verbosity.");
	struct arg_lit* quiet = arg_litn("q", NULL,  0, LEVEL_DEFAULT - LEVEL_SILENT, "Decrease verbosity.");
	struct arg_end* end = arg_end(20);
	void* argtable[] = { output_file, show_help, type_assembler, include_dirs, input_file, verbose, quiet, end };

	// Parse arguments.
	int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);

	if (nerrors != 0 || show_help->count != 0)
		if (nerrors != 0)
			arg_print_errors(stderr, end, "compiler");

		fprintf(stderr, "syntax:\n    dtcc");
		arg_print_syntax(stderr, argtable, "\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "options:\n");
		arg_print_glossary(stderr, argtable, "	  %-25s %s\n");
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;

	// Set verbosity level.
	debug_setlevel(LEVEL_DEFAULT + verbose->count - quiet->count);

	// Set global path variable.

	// Run the preprocessor.
	for (int i = 0; i < include_dirs->count; ++i)
	bstring pp_result_name = pp_do(bautofree(bfromcstr(input_file->filename[0])));

	if (pp_result_name == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "compiler: invalid result returned from preprocessor.\n");
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;

	// Parse C.
	yyout = stderr;
	yyin = fopen((const char*)(pp_result_name->data), "r");

	if (yyin == NULL)
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;


	if (yyin != stdin)


	if (program == NULL)
		std::cerr << "An error occurred while compiling." << std::endl;
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;

	// Assembler type.
	const char* asmtype = "toolchain";

	if (type_assembler->count > 0)
		asmtype = type_assembler->sval[0];

	// Initially save to a temporary file.
	std::string temp = std::string(tempnam(".", "cc."));

	// Generate assembly using the AST.
		AsmGenerator generator(asmtype);
		AsmBlock* block = program->compile(generator);

		std::ofstream output(temp.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
		if (output.bad() || output.fail())
			printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "compiler: temporary file not writable.\n");
			arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
			return 1;
		output << *block << std::endl;

		delete block;
	catch (CompilerException* ex)
		std::string msg = ex->getMessage();
		std::cerr << "An error occurred while compiling." << std::endl;
		std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;

	// Re-open the temporary file for reading.
	std::ifstream input(temp.c_str(), std::ios::in);
	if (input.bad() || input.fail())
		printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "compiler: temporary file not readable.\n");
		arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
		return 1;

	// Open the output file.
	std::ostream* output;
	if (strcmp(output_file->filename[0], "-") != 0)
		// Write to file.
		output = new std::ofstream(output_file->filename[0], std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);

		if (output->bad() || output->fail())
			printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "compiler: output file not readable.\n");
			arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
			return 1;
		// Set output to cout.
		output = &std::cout;

	// Copy data.
	std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(*output));

	// Close files and delete temporary.
	if (strcmp(output_file->filename[0], "-") != 0)
		delete output;

	arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
	return 0;
int GRTCLCrackCommandLineData::ParseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int deviceCount, i;

    std::vector<std::string> webTableFilenames;

    // Command line argument parsing with argtable
    struct arg_lit *verbose = arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "verbose output");
    struct arg_lit *silent = arg_lit0(NULL, "silent", "silence all output");

    // Table related options
    struct arg_file *table_file = arg_filen(NULL,NULL,"<file>", 0, 10000, "GRT Tables to use");

    struct arg_file *hash_file = arg_file0("f","hashfile","<file>", "Hashfile to use");

    struct arg_str *hash_value = arg_str0("s", "hashstring", "hashstring", "The hash string");
    struct arg_str *hash_type = arg_str1("h", "hashtype", "{NTLM, MD4, MD5, SHA1}", "hash type to crack");

    // CUDA related params
    struct arg_int *device = arg_int0("d", "device", "<n>", "OpenCL device to use");
    struct arg_int *platform = arg_int0("p", "platform", "<n>", "OpenCL platform to use");
    struct arg_int *m = arg_int0("m", "ms", "<n>", "target step time in ms");
    struct arg_int *blocks = arg_int0("b", "blocks", "<n>", "number of thread blocks to run");
    struct arg_int *threads = arg_int0("t", "threads", "<n>", "number of threads per block");
    struct arg_lit *zerocopy = arg_lit0("z", "zerocopy", "use zerocopy memory");
    struct arg_file *o = arg_file0("o", "outputfile", "outputfile", "output file for results");
    // hexoutput: Adds hex output to all password outputs.
    struct arg_lit *hex_output = arg_lit0(NULL, "hexoutput", "Adds hex output to all hash outputs");

    struct arg_lit *amd_kernels = arg_lit0(NULL, "amd", "use AMD vector kernels");
    struct arg_int *vector_width = arg_int0(NULL, "vectorwidth", "<n>", "vector width");

    struct arg_lit *debug = arg_lit0(NULL, "debug", "Use debug display class");
    struct arg_lit *devdebug = arg_lit0(NULL, "devdebug", "Developer debugging output");
    struct arg_str *debugfiles = arg_str0(NULL, "debugdumpfiles", "<filename>", "Filename base to dump candidates and chains to");

    struct arg_int *prefetch_count = arg_int0(NULL, "prefetch", "<n>", "number of prefetch threads");
    struct arg_int *candidates_to_skip = arg_int0(NULL, "skip", "<n>", "number of candidate hashes to skip");

    struct arg_str *table_url = arg_str0(NULL, "tableurl", "<URL>", "URL of the web table script");
    struct arg_str *table_username = arg_str0(NULL, "tableusername", "<username>", "Username, if required, for the web table script");
    struct arg_str *table_password = arg_str0(NULL, "tablepassword", "<password>", "Password, if required, for the web table script");

    struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20);
    void *argtable[] = {verbose,silent,table_file,hash_value,hash_file,hash_type,
        debug, devdebug, prefetch_count,table_url,table_username,table_password,

    // Get arguments, collect data, check for basic errors.
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) {
      printf("error: insufficient memory\n");
    // Look for errors
    int nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
    if (nerrors > 0) {
      // Print errors, exit.
      printf("\n\nOptions: \n");
      arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-20s %s\n");

    // Verbose & silent
    if (verbose->count) {
        this->Verbose = 1;
    if (silent->count) {
        this->Silent = 1;
    if (zerocopy->count) {
        this->CUDAUseZeroCopy = 1;
    if (debug->count) {
        this->Debug = 1;
    if (devdebug->count) {
        this->Debug = 1;
        this->DeveloperDebug = 1;
    if (debugfiles->count) {
        this->DebugDump = 1;
        this->DebugDumpFilenameBase = *debugfiles->sval;
    if (prefetch_count->count) {
        this->NumberPrefetchThreads = *prefetch_count->ival;
    if (candidates_to_skip->count) {
            this->CandidateHashesToSkip = *candidates_to_skip->ival;

    // Web table stuff
    if (table_url->count) {
        this->useWebTable = 1;
        this->tableURL = *table_url->sval;
            // If someone has NOT specified the candidates to skip, set to default.
            if (!candidates_to_skip->count) {
                    this->CandidateHashesToSkip = DEFAULT_CANDIDATES_TO_SKIP;
    if (table_username->count) {
        this->tableUsername = *table_username->sval;
    if (table_password->count) {
        this->tablePassword = *table_password->sval;

    this->HashType = this->GRTHashTypes->GetHashIdFromString(*hash_type->sval);
    if (this->HashType == -1) {
        printf("Unknown hash type %s: Exiting.\n\n", *hash_type->sval);
    int correct_length = this->GRTHashTypes->GetHashLengthFromId(this->HashType);
    // if we know the correct length, we make sure the hash is the correct length
    if (correct_length != 0) {
        if ((hash_value->count) && (strlen(*hash_value->sval) != correct_length)) {
            printf("Hash string is not %d hex characters. Exiting.\n\n", correct_length);

    if (hash_value->count) {
        convertAsciiToBinary(*hash_value->sval, this->Hash, 16);
    } else if (hash_file->count) {
        this->hashFileName = hash_file->filename[0];
        this->useHashFile = 1;
    } else {
        printf("Must provide a hash value or a hash file!\n");

    if (o->count) {
        this->outputHashFileName = o->filename[0];
        this->useOutputHashFile = 1;

    // Desired kernel time
    if (m->count) {
        this->KernelTimeMs = *m->ival;

    // Do this to emulate CUDA behavior for now...
    // Threads - if not set, leave at default 0
    if (threads->count) {
        this->OpenCLWorkitems = *threads->ival;

    // Blocks - if not set, leave at default 0
    if (blocks->count) {
        this->OpenCLWorkgroups = *blocks->ival * this->OpenCLWorkitems;

    if (hex_output->count) {
        this->AddHexOutput = 1;

    // Allocate space for the list of pointers

    // Create the table header type
    if (this->useWebTable) {
        this->TableHeader = new GRTTableHeaderVWeb();

        GRTTableHeaderVWeb *WebTableHeader =
                (GRTTableHeaderVWeb *)this->TableHeader;
        webTableFilenames = WebTableHeader->getHashesFromServerByType(this->HashType);

    } else {
        // V1 will work for both V1 & V2 types
        this->TableHeader = new GRTTableHeaderV1();

    // If we don't have any table filenames, get the ones from the web.
    // Note: The script ONLY reutrns valid tables.
    if ((table_file->count == 0) && this->useWebTable) {
        this->Table_File_Count = webTableFilenames.size();
        this->Table_Filenames = (char **)malloc(this->Table_File_Count * sizeof(char *));
        for (i = 0; i < this->Table_File_Count; i++) {
            // Increment size by 1 for null termination
            this->Table_Filenames[i] = (char *)malloc((webTableFilenames.at(i).size() + 1) * sizeof(char));
            strcpy(this->Table_Filenames[i], webTableFilenames.at(i).c_str());
    } else {
        this->Table_File_Count = table_file->count;
        this->Table_Filenames = (char **)malloc(this->Table_File_Count * sizeof(char *));
        // Handle the file list sanely
        for (i = 0; i < table_file->count; i++) {
            // Check to ensure the file is valid
            if (!this->TableHeader->isValidTable(table_file->filename[i], -1)) {
                printf("%s is not a valid GRT table!  Exiting.\n", table_file->filename[i]);
            // Check to ensure the file is of the right type
            if (!this->TableHeader->isValidTable(table_file->filename[i], this->HashType)) {
                printf("%s is not a valid %s GRT table!\n", table_file->filename[i],

            // Increment size by 1 for null termination
            this->Table_Filenames[i] = (char *)malloc((strlen(table_file->filename[i]) + 1) * sizeof(char));
            strcpy(this->Table_Filenames[i], table_file->filename[i]);

    // Finally, set the CUDA device and look for errors.
    if (device->count) {
        this->OpenCLDevice = *device->ival;
    if (platform->count) {
        this->OpenCLPlatform = *platform->ival;

    if (amd_kernels->count) {
        this->useAmdKernels = 1;
        this->vectorWidth = 4;

    if (vector_width->count) {
        this->vectorWidth = *vector_width->ival;
예제 #22
파일: myprog.c 프로젝트: btbytes/examples
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct arg_lit  *list    = arg_lit0("lL",NULL,                      "list files");
    struct arg_lit  *recurse = arg_lit0("R",NULL,                       "recurse through subdirectories");
    struct arg_int  *repeat  = arg_int0("k","scalar",NULL,              "define scalar value k (default is 3)");
    struct arg_str  *defines = arg_strn("D","define","MACRO",0,argc+2,  "macro definitions");
    struct arg_file *outfile = arg_file0("o",NULL,"<output>",           "output file (default is \"-\")");
    struct arg_lit  *verbose = arg_lit0("v","verbose,debug",            "verbose messages");
    struct arg_lit  *help    = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                    "print this help and exit");
    struct arg_lit  *version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",                 "print version information and exit");
    struct arg_file *infiles = arg_filen(NULL,NULL,NULL,1,argc+2,       "input file(s)");
    struct arg_end  *end     = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = {list,recurse,repeat,defines,outfile,verbose,help,version,infiles,end};
    const char* progname = "myprog";
    int nerrors;
    int exitcode=0;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* set any command line default values prior to parsing */

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("This program demonstrates the use of the argtable2 library\n");
        printf("for parsing command line arguments.\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* special case: uname with no command line options induces brief help */
    if (argc==1)
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* normal case: take the command line options at face value */
    exitcode = mymain(list->count, recurse->count, repeat->ival[0],
                      defines->sval, defines->count,
                      outfile->filename[0], verbose->count,
                      infiles->filename, infiles->count);

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
예제 #23
파일: ls.c 프로젝트: SebastianSchlag/KaHIP
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* The argtable[] entries define the command line options */
    void *argtable[] = {
                a = arg_lit0("a", "all",                 "do not hide entries starting with ."),
                A = arg_lit0("A", "almost-all",          "do not list implied . and .."),
           author = arg_lit0(NULL,"author",              "print the author of each file"),
                b = arg_lit0("b", "escape",              "print octal escapes for nongraphic characters"),
        blocksize = arg_int0(NULL,"block-size","SIZE",   "use SIZE-byte blocks"),
                B = arg_lit0("B", "ignore-backups",      "do not list implied entries ending with ~"),
                c = arg_lit0("c", NULL,                  "with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  modification of file status information)"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  with -l: show ctime and sort by name"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  otherwise: sort by ctime"),
                C = arg_lit0("C", NULL,                  "list entries by columns"),
            color = arg_str0(NULL,"color","WHEN",        "control whether color is used to distinguish file"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'"),
                d = arg_lit0("d", "directory",           "list directory entries instead of contents,"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                        "  and do not dereference symbolic links"),
                D = arg_lit0("D", "dired",               "generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode"),
                f = arg_lit0("f", NULL,                  "do not sort, enable -aU, disable -lst"),
                F = arg_lit0("F", "classify",            "append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries"),
           format = arg_str0(NULL,"format","WORD",       "across -x, commas -m, horizontal -x, long -l,"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  single-column -1, verbose -l, vertical -C"),
         fulltime = arg_lit0(NULL,"full-time",           "like -l --time-style=full-iso"),
                g = arg_lit0("g", NULL,                  "like -l, but do not list owner"),
                G = arg_lit0("G", "no-group",            "inhibit display of group information"),
                h = arg_lit0("h", "human-readable",      "print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)"),
               si = arg_lit0(NULL,"si",                  "likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024"),
                H = arg_lit0("H", "dereference-command-line","follow symbolic links listed on the command line"),
            deref = arg_lit0(NULL,"dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir","follow each command line symbolic link"),
                    arg_rem(NULL,                       "  that points to a directory"),
            indic = arg_str0(NULL,"indicator-style","WORD","append indicator with style WORD to entry names:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  none (default), classify (-F), file-type (-p)"),
                i = arg_lit0("i", "inode",               "print index number of each file"),
                I = arg_str0("I", "ignore","PATTERN",    "do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN"),
                k = arg_lit0("k", NULL,                  "like --block-size=1K"),
                l = arg_lit0("l", NULL,                  "use a long listing format"),
                L = arg_lit0("L", "dereference",         "when showing file information for a symbolic"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  link, show information for the file the link"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  references rather than for the link itself"),
                m = arg_lit0("m", NULL,                  "fill width with a comma separated list of entries"),
                n = arg_lit0("n", "numeric-uid-gid",     "like -l, but list numeric UIDs and GIDs"),
                N = arg_lit0("N", "literal",             "print raw entry names (don't treat e.g. control"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  characters specially)"),
                o = arg_lit0("o", NULL,                  "like -l, but do not list group information"),
                p = arg_lit0("p", "file-type",           "append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries"),
                q = arg_lit0("q", "hide-control-chars",  "print ? instead of non graphic characters"),
           shcont = arg_lit0(NULL,"show-control-chars",  "show non graphic characters as-is (default"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "unless program is `ls' and output is a terminal)"),
                Q = arg_lit0("Q", "quote-name",          "enclose entry names in double quotes"),
           Qstyle = arg_str0(NULL,"quoting-style","WORD","use quoting style WORD for entry names:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  literal, locale, shell, shell-always, c, escape"),
                r = arg_lit0("r", "reverse",             "reverse order while sorting"),
                R = arg_lit0("R", "recursive",           "list subdirectories recursively"),
                s = arg_lit0("s", "size",                "print size of each file, in blocks"),
                S = arg_lit0("S", NULL,                  "sort by file size"),
             sort = arg_str0(NULL,"sort","WORD",         "extension -X, none -U, size -S, time -t, version -v,"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "status -c, time -t, atime -u, access -u, use -u"),
             Time = arg_str0(NULL,"time","WORD",         "show time as WORD instead of modification time:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  atime, access, use, ctime or status; use"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  specified time as sort key if --sort=time"),
          timesty = arg_str0(NULL, "time-style","STYLE", "show times using style STYLE:"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  full-iso, long-iso, iso, locale, +FORMAT"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "FORMAT is interpreted like `date'; if FORMAT is"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "FORMAT1<newline>FORMAT2, FORMAT1 applies to"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "non-recent files and FORMAT2 to recent files;"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "if STYLE is prefixed with `posix-', STYLE"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "takes effect only outside the POSIX locale"),
                t = arg_lit0("t", NULL,                  "sort by modification time"),
                T = arg_int0("T", "tabsize", "COLS",     "assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8"),
                u = arg_lit0("u", NULL,                  "with -lt: sort by, and show, access time"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  with -l: show access time and sort by name"),
                    arg_rem (NULL,                       "  otherwise: sort by access time"),
                U = arg_lit0("U", NULL,                  "do not sort; list entries in directory order"),
                v = arg_lit0("v", NULL,                  "sort by version"),
                w = arg_int0("w", "width", "COLS",       "assume screen width instead of current value"),
                x = arg_lit0("x", NULL,                  "list entries by lines instead of by columns"),
                X = arg_lit0("X", NULL,                  "sort alphabetically by entry extension"),
              one = arg_lit0("1", NULL,                  "list one file per line"),
             help = arg_lit0(NULL,"help",                "display this help and exit"),
          version = arg_lit0(NULL,"version",             "display version information and exit"),
            files = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "FILE", 0, argc+2, NULL),
              end = arg_end(20),
    const char *progname = "ls";
    int exitcode=0;
    int nerrors;

    /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
    if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0)
        /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */
        printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* allow optional argument values for --color */
    /* and set the default value to "always" */
    color->hdr.flag |= ARG_HASOPTVALUE;
    color->sval[0] = "always";

    /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);

    /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */
    if (help->count > 0)
        printf("Usage: %s", progname);
        printf("List information about the FILE(s) (the current directory by default).\n");
        printf("Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuSUX nor --sort.\n\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        printf("\nSIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:\n"
               "kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1,000,000, M 1,048,576, and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y.\n\n"
               "By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files.  That is\n"
               "equivalent to using --color=none.  Using the --color option without the\n"
               "optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using --color=always.  With\n"
               "--color=auto, color codes are output only if standard output is connected\n"
               "to a terminal (tty).\n\n"
               "Report bugs to <foo@bar>.\n");
        goto exit;

    /* special case: '--version' takes precedence error reporting */
    if (version->count > 0)
        printf("'%s' example program for the \"argtable\" command line argument parser.\n",progname);
        printf("September 2003, Stewart Heitmann\n");
        goto exit;

    /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */
    if (nerrors > 0)
        /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/
        printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n",progname);
        goto exit;

    /* Command line parsing is complete, do the main processing */
    exitcode = mymain();

    /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */

    return exitcode;
예제 #24
파일: main.c 프로젝트: jathd/DCPUToolchain
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Define our variables.
    int nerrors, i;
    int32_t saved = 0; // The number of words saved during compression and optimization.
    struct errinfo* errval;
    const char* prepend = "error: ";
    const char* warnprefix = "no-";
    int msglen;
    char* msg;
    int target;

    // Define arguments.
    struct arg_lit* show_help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "Show this help.");
    struct arg_str* target_arg = arg_str0("l", "link-as", "target", "Link as the specified object, can be 'image', 'static' or 'kernel'.");
    struct arg_file* symbol_file = arg_file0("s", "symbols", "<file>", "Produce a combined symbol file (~triples memory usage!).");
    struct arg_str* symbol_ext = arg_str0(NULL, "symbol-extension", "ext", "When -s is used, specifies the extension for symbol files.  Defaults to \"dsym16\".");
    struct arg_file* input_files = arg_filen(NULL, NULL, "<file>", 1, 100, "The input object files.");
    struct arg_file* output_file = arg_file1("o", "output", "<file>", "The output file (or - to send to standard output).");
    struct arg_file* kernel_file = arg_file0("k", "kernel", "<file>", "Directly link in the specified kernel.");
    struct arg_file* jumplist_file = arg_file0("j", "jumplist", "<file>", "Link against the specified jumplist.");
    struct arg_str* warning_policies = arg_strn("W", NULL, "policy", 0, _WARN_COUNT * 2 + 10, "Modify warning policies.");
    struct arg_lit* keep_output_arg = arg_lit0(NULL, "keep-outputs", "Keep the .OUTPUT entries in the final static library (used for stdlib).");
    struct arg_lit* little_endian_mode = arg_lit0(NULL, "little-endian", "Use little endian serialization (for compatibility with older versions).");
    struct arg_lit* no_short_literals_arg = arg_lit0(NULL, "no-short-literals", "Do not compress literals to short literals.");
    struct arg_int* opt_level = arg_int0("O", NULL, "<level>", "The optimization level.");
    struct arg_lit* opt_mode = arg_lit0("S", NULL, "Favour runtime speed over size when optimizing.");
    struct arg_lit* verbose = arg_litn("v", NULL, 0, LEVEL_EVERYTHING - LEVEL_DEFAULT, "Increase verbosity.");
    struct arg_lit* quiet = arg_litn("q", NULL,  0, LEVEL_DEFAULT - LEVEL_SILENT, "Decrease verbosity.");
    struct arg_end* end = arg_end(20);
    void* argtable[] = { show_help, target_arg, keep_output_arg, little_endian_mode, opt_level, opt_mode, no_short_literals_arg,
                         symbol_ext, symbol_file, kernel_file, jumplist_file, warning_policies, output_file, input_files, verbose, quiet, end

    // Parse arguments.
    nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);

    if (nerrors != 0 || show_help->count != 0)
        if (show_help->count != 0)
            arg_print_errors(stdout, end, "linker");

        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "syntax:\n    dtld");
        arg_print_syntax(stderr, argtable, "\n");
        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "options:\n");
        arg_print_glossary(stderr, argtable, "    %-25s %s\n");
        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
        return 1;

    // Set verbosity level.
    debug_setlevel(LEVEL_DEFAULT + verbose->count - quiet->count);

    // Set global path variable.

    // Set endianness.
    isetmode(little_endian_mode->count == 0 ? IMODE_BIG : IMODE_LITTLE);

    // Set up warning policies.

    // Set up error handling.
    if (dsethalt())
        errval = derrinfo();

        // FIXME: Use bstrings here.
        msglen = strlen(derrstr[errval->errid]) + strlen(prepend) + 1;
        msg = malloc(msglen);
        memset(msg, '\0', msglen);
        strcat(msg, prepend);
        strcat(msg, derrstr[errval->errid]);
        printd(LEVEL_ERROR, msg, errval->errdata);

        // Handle the error.
        printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "linker: error occurred.\n");

        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
        return 1;

    // Check to make sure target is correct.
    if (target_arg->count == 0)
        target = IMAGE_APPLICATION;
        if (strcmp(target_arg->sval[0], "image") == 0)
            target = IMAGE_APPLICATION;
        else if (strcmp(target_arg->sval[0], "static") == 0)
            target = IMAGE_STATIC_LIBRARY;
        else if (strcmp(target_arg->sval[0], "kernel") == 0)
            target = IMAGE_KERNEL;
            // Invalid option.
            dhalt(ERR_INVALID_TARGET_NAME, NULL);

    // Load all passed objects and use linker bin system to
    // produce result.
    for (i = 0; i < input_files->count; i++)
        if (!bins_load(bautofree(bfromcstr(input_files->filename[i])), symbol_file->count > 0, (symbol_file->count > 0 && symbol_ext->count > 0) ? symbol_ext->sval[0] : "dsym16"))
            // Failed to load one of the input files.
            dhalt(ERR_BIN_LOAD_FAILED, input_files->filename[i]);
    if (target == IMAGE_KERNEL)
    saved = bins_optimize(
                opt_mode->count == 0 ? OPTIMIZE_SIZE : OPTIMIZE_SPEED,
                opt_level->count == 0 ? OPTIMIZE_NONE : opt_level->ival[0]);
    if (no_short_literals_arg->count == 0 && target != IMAGE_STATIC_LIBRARY)
        saved += bins_compress();
    else if (no_short_literals_arg->count == 0)
        target == IMAGE_STATIC_LIBRARY,
        target == IMAGE_STATIC_LIBRARY);
        keep_output_arg->count > 0,
        symbol_file->count > 0 ? symbol_file->filename[0] : NULL,
        jumplist_file->count > 0 ? jumplist_file->filename[0] : NULL);
    if (saved > 0)
        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "linker: saved %i words during optimization.\n", saved);
    else if (saved < 0)
        printd(LEVEL_DEFAULT, "linker: increased by %i words during optimization.\n", -saved);

    arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0]));
    return 0;
예제 #25
ArgTableEntry_File::ArgTableEntry_File(std::string shortopts, std::string longopts, std::string glossary) {
	m_argFile = arg_filen(shortopts.c_str(), longopts.c_str(), "", 0, 1, glossary.c_str());
	m_type = ArgType_t::FILE;