as_status aerospike_scan_async( aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, const as_scan* scan, uint64_t* scan_id, as_async_scan_listener listener, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop ) { as_error_reset(err); as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(as->cluster); uint32_t n_nodes = nodes->size; if (n_nodes == 0) { as_nodes_release(nodes); return as_error_set_message(err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_SERVER, "Scan command failed because cluster is empty."); } // Reserve each node in cluster. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_nodes; i++) { as_node_reserve(nodes->array[i]); } as_status status = as_scan_async(as, err, policy, scan, scan_id, listener, udata, event_loop, nodes->array, n_nodes); as_nodes_release(nodes); return status; }
/* gets information back from any of the nodes in the cluster */ int citrusleaf_info_cluster(as_cluster *cluster, char *names, char **values_r, bool send_asis, bool check_bounds, int timeout_ms) { if (timeout_ms == 0) { timeout_ms = 100; // milliseconds } uint64_t start = cf_getms(); uint64_t end = start + timeout_ms; int ret = -1; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* values = 0; if (citrusleaf_info_host_auth(cluster, sa_in, names, &values, (int)(end - cf_getms()), send_asis, check_bounds) == 0) { *values_r = values; ret = 0; break; } if (cf_getms() >= end) { ret = -2; break; } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return ret; }
static bool aerospike_udf_put_is_done(aerospike* as, as_error * err, const as_policy_info* policy, char* filter) { // Query all nodes for task completion status. bool done = true; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(as->cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size && done; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* response = 0; as_status status = aerospike_info_socket_address(as, err, policy, sa_in, "udf-list", &response); if (status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { char* p = strstr(response, filter); if (! p) { done = false; } free(response); } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return done; }
as_status aerospike_job_info( aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_info* policy, const char* module, uint64_t job_id, bool stop_if_in_progress, as_job_info* info) { as_error_reset(err); if (! policy) { policy = &as->; } char command[128]; sprintf(command, "jobs:module=%s;cmd=get-job;trid=%" PRIu64 "\n", module, job_id); info->status = AS_JOB_STATUS_UNDEF; info->progress_pct = 0; info->records_read = 0; as_status status = AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER; uint64_t deadline = as_socket_deadline(policy->timeout); as_cluster* cluster = as->cluster; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* response = 0; status = as_info_command_host(cluster, err, sa_in, command, true, deadline, &response); if (status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { as_job_process(response, info); free(response); if (stop_if_in_progress && info->status == AS_JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS) { break; } } else if (status == AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND) { if (info->status == AS_JOB_STATUS_UNDEF) { info->status = AS_JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED; } as_error_reset(err); status = AEROSPIKE_OK; } else { if (status != AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER) { break; } } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return status; }
int citrusleaf_info_cluster_foreach( as_cluster *cluster, const char *command, bool send_asis, bool check_bounds, int timeout_ms, void *udata, bool (*callback)(const as_node * node, const struct sockaddr_in * sa_in, const char *command, char *value, void *udata) ) { //Usage Notes: //udata = memory allocated by caller, passed back to the caller callback function, ufn() //command = command string, memory allocated by caller, caller must free it, passed to server for execution //value = memory allocated by c-client for caller, caller must free it after using it. if (timeout_ms == 0) { timeout_ms = 100; // milliseconds } uint64_t start = cf_getms(); uint64_t end = start + timeout_ms; int ret = 0; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* value = 0; if (citrusleaf_info_host_auth(cluster, sa_in, (char *)command, &value, (int)(end - cf_getms()), send_asis, check_bounds) == 0) { bool status = callback(node, sa_in, command, value, udata); if (value) { free(value); } if(! status) { ret = -1; break; } } if (cf_getms() >= end) { ret = -2; break; } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return ret; }
/** * Send an info request to the entire cluster. * * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c} * if ( aerospike_info_foreach(&as, &err, NULL, "info", callback, NULL) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) { * // handle error * } * ~~~~~~~~~~ * * The callback takes a response string. The caller should not free this string. * * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c} * bool callback(const as_error * err, const as_node * node, const char * req, char * res, void * udata) { * // handle response * } * ~~~~~~~~~~ * * * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation. * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs. * @param policy The policy to use for this operation. If NULL, then the default policy will be used. * @param req The info request to send. * @param callback The function to call when a response is received. * @param udata User-data to send to the callback. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error. * * @ingroup info_operations */ as_status aerospike_info_foreach( aerospike * as, as_error * err, const as_policy_info * policy, const char * req, aerospike_info_foreach_callback callback, void * udata) { as_error_reset(err); if (! policy) { policy = &as->; } as_status status = AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER; uint64_t deadline = as_socket_deadline(policy->timeout); as_cluster* cluster = as->cluster; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* response = 0; status = as_info_command_host(cluster, err, sa_in, (char*)req, policy->send_as_is, deadline, &response); if (status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { bool result = callback(err, node, req, response, udata); free(response); if (! result) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR_QUERY_ABORTED; break; } } else { if (status != AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER) { break; } } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return status; }
static bool aerospike_index_create_is_done(aerospike* as, as_error * err, as_policy_info* policy, char* command) { // Index is not done if any node reports percent completed < 100. // Errors are ignored and considered done. bool done = true; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(as->cluster); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size && done; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); char* response = 0; as_status status = aerospike_info_socket_address(as, err, policy, sa_in, command, &response); if (status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { char* find = "load_pct="; char* p = strstr(response, find); if (p) { p += strlen(find); char* q = strchr(p, ';'); if (q) { *q = 0; } int pct = atoi(p); if (pct >= 0 && pct < 100) { done = false; } } cf_free(response); } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return done; }
/** * Send an info request to a node in the cluster. If node request fails, send request to the next * node in the cluster. Repeat until the node request succeeds. The response must be freed by * the caller on success. * * ~~~~~~~~~~{.c} * char * res = NULL; * if ( aerospike_info_any(&as, &err, NULL, "info", &res) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) { * // handle error * } * else { * // handle response * free(res); * res = NULL; * } * ~~~~~~~~~~ * * @param as The aerospike instance to use for this operation. * @param err The as_error to be populated if an error occurs. * @param policy The policy to use for this operation. If NULL, then the default policy will be used. * @param req The info request to send. * @param res The response from the node. The response will be a NULL terminated string, allocated by the function, and must be freed by the caller. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK on success. Otherwise an error. * * @ingroup info_operations */ as_status aerospike_info_any( aerospike * as, as_error * err, const as_policy_info * policy, const char * req, char ** res) { as_error_reset(err); if (! policy) { policy = &as->; } as_status status = AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLUSTER; uint64_t deadline = as_socket_deadline(policy->timeout); as_cluster* cluster = as->cluster; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); bool loop = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes->size && loop; i++) { as_node* node = nodes->array[i]; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = as_node_get_address(node); status = as_info_command_host(cluster, err, sa_in, (char*)req, policy->send_as_is, deadline, res); switch (status) { case AEROSPIKE_OK: case AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT: case AEROSPIKE_ERR_INDEX_FOUND: case AEROSPIKE_ERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND: loop = false; break; default: break; } } as_nodes_release(nodes); return status; }
/** * Use non-inline function for garbarge collector function pointer reference. * Forward to inlined release. */ static void release_nodes(as_nodes* nodes) { as_nodes_release(nodes); }
static as_status as_scan_generic( aerospike* as, as_error* err, const as_policy_scan* policy, const as_scan* scan, aerospike_scan_foreach_callback callback, void* udata, uint64_t* task_id_ptr) { as_error_reset(err); if (! policy) { policy = &as->config.policies.scan; } as_cluster* cluster = as->cluster; as_nodes* nodes = as_nodes_reserve(cluster); uint32_t n_nodes = nodes->size; if (n_nodes == 0) { as_nodes_release(nodes); return as_error_set_message(err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_SERVER, "Scan command failed because cluster is empty."); } // Reserve each node in cluster. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_nodes; i++) { as_node_reserve(nodes->array[i]); } uint64_t task_id; if (task_id_ptr) { if (*task_id_ptr == 0) { *task_id_ptr = cf_get_rand64() / 2; } task_id = *task_id_ptr; } else { task_id = cf_get_rand64() / 2; } // Create scan command as_buffer argbuffer; uint16_t n_fields = 0; size_t size = as_scan_command_size(scan, &n_fields, &argbuffer); uint8_t* cmd = as_command_init(size); size = as_scan_command_init(cmd, policy, scan, task_id, n_fields, &argbuffer); // Initialize task. uint32_t error_mutex = 0; as_scan_task task; task.cluster = as->cluster; task.policy = policy; task.scan = scan; task.callback = callback; task.udata = udata; task.err = err; task.error_mutex = &error_mutex; task.task_id = task_id; task.cmd = cmd; task.cmd_size = size; as_status status = AEROSPIKE_OK; if (scan->concurrent) { uint32_t n_wait_nodes = n_nodes; task.complete_q = cf_queue_create(sizeof(as_scan_complete_task), true); // Run node scans in parallel. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_nodes; i++) { // Stack allocate task for each node. It should be fine since the task // only needs to be valid within this function. as_scan_task* task_node = alloca(sizeof(as_scan_task)); memcpy(task_node, &task, sizeof(as_scan_task)); task_node->node = nodes->array[i]; int rc = as_thread_pool_queue_task(&cluster->thread_pool, as_scan_worker, task_node); if (rc) { // Thread could not be added. Abort entire scan. if (ck_pr_fas_32(task.error_mutex, 1) == 0) { status = as_error_update(task.err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLIENT, "Failed to add scan thread: %d", rc); } // Reset node count to threads that were run. n_wait_nodes = i; break; } } // Wait for tasks to complete. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_wait_nodes; i++) { as_scan_complete_task complete; cf_queue_pop(task.complete_q, &complete, CF_QUEUE_FOREVER); if (complete.result != AEROSPIKE_OK && status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { status = complete.result; } } // Release temporary queue. cf_queue_destroy(task.complete_q); } else { task.complete_q = 0; // Run node scans in series. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_nodes && status == AEROSPIKE_OK; i++) { task.node = nodes->array[i]; status = as_scan_command_execute(&task); } } // Release each node in cluster. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_nodes; i++) { as_node_release(nodes->array[i]); } // Release nodes array. as_nodes_release(nodes); // Free command memory. as_command_free(cmd, size); // If user aborts query, command is considered successful. if (status == AEROSPIKE_ERR_CLIENT_ABORT) { status = AEROSPIKE_OK; } // If completely successful, make the callback that signals completion. if (callback && status == AEROSPIKE_OK) { callback(NULL, udata); } return status; }