MOD_INIT_DECL( pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages )
#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Modules might be imported repeatedly, which is to be ignored.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Coroutine_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_CoroutineWrapper_Type );



    // Enable meta path based loader if not already done.




    // puts( "in initpip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages = Py_InitModule4(
        "pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.packages",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages = PyModule_Create( &mdef_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );

    moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages)->md_dict;

    CHECK_OBJECT( module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_717e0aa5e359f200231896bcbab797ab, module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObject *exception_type = NULL, *exception_value = NULL;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = -1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_8;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1;
    PyFrameObject *frame_module;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_2fda06de9b427b74c9496097feae88ce;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    tmp_assign_source_3 = LIST_COPY( const_list_str_digest_d3e5a07139fdaf41b1ccc2e249a03040_list );
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___path__, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_assign_source_4 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___cached__, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    tmp_assign_source_5 = const_str_digest_717e0aa5e359f200231896bcbab797ab;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, tmp_assign_source_5 );
    tmp_assign_source_6 = PyObject_GetAttrString(PyImport_ImportModule("__future__"), "absolute_import");
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_absolute_import, tmp_assign_source_6 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    frame_module = MAKE_MODULE_FRAME( codeobj_690c45c406de567b9656102a490ecf48, module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exclusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_import_globals_1 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 3;
    tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_empty, tmp_import_globals_1, tmp_import_globals_1, const_tuple_str_plain_ssl_match_hostname_tuple, const_int_pos_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 3;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_7 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_1, const_str_plain_ssl_match_hostname );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_7 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 3;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_ssl_match_hostname, tmp_assign_source_7 );

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;
    tmp_assign_source_8 = const_tuple_str_plain_ssl_match_hostname_tuple;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___all__, tmp_assign_source_8 );

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$requests$packages$urllib3$packages );
    RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED( exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
MOD_INIT_DECL( pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes )
#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Modules might be imported repeatedly, which is to be ignored.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Coroutine_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_CoroutineWrapper_Type );



    // Enable meta path based loader if not already done.




    // puts( "in initpip$_vendor$requests$status_codes" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes = Py_InitModule4(
        "pip._vendor.requests.status_codes",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes = PyModule_Create( &mdef_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );

    moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes)->md_dict;

    CHECK_OBJECT( module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_7407a472cb7f92da9dfbd02c8e685bfe, module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObject *tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value = NULL;
    PyObject *exception_type = NULL, *exception_value = NULL;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = -1;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_1;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_1;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_1;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_keeper_lineno_1;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_2;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_2;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_2;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_keeper_lineno_2;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_3;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_3;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_3;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_keeper_lineno_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_8;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_9;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_10;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_11;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_12;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_13;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_14;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_15;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_16;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_17;
    PyObject *tmp_called_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_called_name_2;
    PyObject *tmp_called_name_3;
    PyObject *tmp_called_name_4;
    int tmp_cond_truth_1;
    PyObject *tmp_cond_value_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1;
    PyObject *tmp_iter_arg_1;
    PyObject *tmp_iter_arg_2;
    PyObject *tmp_iter_arg_3;
    PyObject *tmp_iterator_attempt;
    PyObject *tmp_iterator_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_kw_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_next_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_next_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_attr_1;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_attr_2;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_target_1;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_target_2;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_value_1;
    PyObject *tmp_setattr_value_2;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_2;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_3;
    PyObject *tmp_unpack_1;
    PyObject *tmp_unpack_2;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED PyObject *tmp_unused;
    PyFrameObject *frame_module;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_edc503ce8640402b515eac9b4be2e49c;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    tmp_assign_source_3 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___cached__, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_assign_source_4 = const_str_digest_92068ee7fa29014ac06ffc664a1b4b4e;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    frame_module = MAKE_MODULE_FRAME( codeobj_fc398c3ce42402f17822919035abca66, module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exclusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_import_globals_1 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 3;
    tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_structures, tmp_import_globals_1, tmp_import_globals_1, const_tuple_str_plain_LookupDict_tuple, const_int_pos_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 3;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_5 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_1, const_str_plain_LookupDict );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_5 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 3;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_LookupDict, tmp_assign_source_5 );
    tmp_assign_source_6 = PyDict_Copy( const_dict_19730b058f28080932defca1165e072e );
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain__codes, tmp_assign_source_6 );
    tmp_called_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_LookupDict );

    if (unlikely( tmp_called_name_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_called_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_LookupDict );

    if ( tmp_called_name_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "LookupDict" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 84;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_kw_name_1 = PyDict_Copy( const_dict_38252060f20256dc080a28c7e1fb8512 );
    frame_module->f_lineno = 84;
    tmp_assign_source_7 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_KEYARGS( tmp_called_name_1, tmp_kw_name_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_kw_name_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_7 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 84;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_codes, tmp_assign_source_7 );
    tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain__codes );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain__codes );

    if ( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "_codes" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_called_name_2 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_1, const_str_plain_items );
    if ( tmp_called_name_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 86;
    tmp_iter_arg_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_NO_ARGS( tmp_called_name_2 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_name_2 );
    if ( tmp_iter_arg_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_8 = MAKE_ITERATOR( tmp_iter_arg_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_iter_arg_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_8 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    assert( tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator == NULL );
    tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator = tmp_assign_source_8;

    // Tried code:
    tmp_next_source_1 = tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator;

    tmp_assign_source_9 = ITERATOR_NEXT( tmp_next_source_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_9 == NULL )

            goto loop_end_1;

            FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
            frame_module->f_lineno = 86;
            goto try_except_handler_1;

        PyObject *old = tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value;
        tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value = tmp_assign_source_9;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    // Tried code:
    tmp_iter_arg_2 = tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value;

    tmp_assign_source_10 = MAKE_ITERATOR( tmp_iter_arg_2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_10 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto try_except_handler_2;
        PyObject *old = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter;
        tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter = tmp_assign_source_10;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    tmp_unpack_1 = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter;

    tmp_assign_source_11 = UNPACK_NEXT( tmp_unpack_1, 0, 2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_11 == NULL )
        if ( !ERROR_OCCURRED() )
            exception_type = PyExc_StopIteration;
            Py_INCREF( exception_type );
            exception_value = NULL;
            exception_tb = NULL;
            FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto try_except_handler_2;
        PyObject *old = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1;
        tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 = tmp_assign_source_11;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    tmp_unpack_2 = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter;

    tmp_assign_source_12 = UNPACK_NEXT( tmp_unpack_2, 1, 2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_12 == NULL )
        if ( !ERROR_OCCURRED() )
            exception_type = PyExc_StopIteration;
            Py_INCREF( exception_type );
            exception_value = NULL;
            exception_tb = NULL;
            FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto try_except_handler_2;
        PyObject *old = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2;
        tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 = tmp_assign_source_12;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    tmp_iterator_name_1 = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter;

    // Check if iterator has left-over elements.
    CHECK_OBJECT( tmp_iterator_name_1 ); assert( HAS_ITERNEXT( tmp_iterator_name_1 ) );

    tmp_iterator_attempt = (*Py_TYPE( tmp_iterator_name_1 )->tp_iternext)( tmp_iterator_name_1 );

    if (likely( tmp_iterator_attempt == NULL ))
        PyObject *error = GET_ERROR_OCCURRED();

        if ( error != NULL )
            if ( EXCEPTION_MATCH_BOOL_SINGLE( error, PyExc_StopIteration ))
                FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

                goto try_except_handler_2;
        Py_DECREF( tmp_iterator_attempt );

        // TODO: Could avoid PyErr_Format.
        PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "too many values to unpack" );
        PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "too many values to unpack (expected 2)" );
        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        goto try_except_handler_2;
    goto try_end_1;
    // Exception handler code:
    exception_keeper_type_1 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_1 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_1 = exception_tb;
    exception_keeper_lineno_1 = exception_lineno;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_lineno = -1;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 = NULL;

    // Re-raise.
    exception_type = exception_keeper_type_1;
    exception_value = exception_keeper_value_1;
    exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_1;
    exception_lineno = exception_keeper_lineno_1;

    goto try_except_handler_1;
    // End of try:
    tmp_assign_source_13 = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1;

    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_code, tmp_assign_source_13 );
    tmp_assign_source_14 = tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2;

    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_titles, tmp_assign_source_14 );
    CHECK_OBJECT( (PyObject *)tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__source_iter = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_1 = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 );
    tmp_tuple_unpack_1__element_2 = NULL;

    tmp_iter_arg_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_titles );

    if (unlikely( tmp_iter_arg_3 == NULL ))
        tmp_iter_arg_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_titles );

    if ( tmp_iter_arg_3 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "titles" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 87;
        goto try_except_handler_1;

    tmp_assign_source_15 = MAKE_ITERATOR( tmp_iter_arg_3 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_15 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 87;
        goto try_except_handler_1;
        PyObject *old = tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator;
        tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator = tmp_assign_source_15;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    // Tried code:
    tmp_next_source_2 = tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator;

    tmp_assign_source_16 = ITERATOR_NEXT( tmp_next_source_2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_16 == NULL )

            goto loop_end_2;

            FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
            frame_module->f_lineno = 87;
            goto try_except_handler_3;

        PyObject *old = tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value;
        tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value = tmp_assign_source_16;
        Py_XDECREF( old );

    tmp_assign_source_17 = tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value;

    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title, tmp_assign_source_17 );
    tmp_setattr_target_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_codes );

    if (unlikely( tmp_setattr_target_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_setattr_target_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_codes );

    if ( tmp_setattr_target_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "codes" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 88;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_setattr_attr_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if (unlikely( tmp_setattr_attr_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_setattr_attr_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if ( tmp_setattr_attr_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "title" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 88;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_setattr_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_code );

    if (unlikely( tmp_setattr_value_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_setattr_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_code );

    if ( tmp_setattr_value_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "code" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 88;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_unused = BUILTIN_SETATTR( tmp_setattr_target_1, tmp_setattr_attr_1, tmp_setattr_value_1 );
    if ( tmp_unused == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 88;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    tmp_source_name_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if ( tmp_source_name_2 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "title" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 89;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_called_name_3 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_2, const_str_plain_startswith );
    if ( tmp_called_name_3 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 89;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 89;
    tmp_cond_value_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_ARGS1( tmp_called_name_3, &PyTuple_GET_ITEM( const_tuple_str_chr_92_tuple, 0 ) );

    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_name_3 );
    if ( tmp_cond_value_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 89;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    tmp_cond_truth_1 = CHECK_IF_TRUE( tmp_cond_value_1 );
    if ( tmp_cond_truth_1 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_cond_value_1 );

        exception_lineno = 89;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_cond_value_1 );
    if ( tmp_cond_truth_1 == 1 )
        goto branch_no_1;
        goto branch_yes_1;
    tmp_setattr_target_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_codes );

    if (unlikely( tmp_setattr_target_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_setattr_target_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_codes );

    if ( tmp_setattr_target_2 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "codes" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_source_name_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_3 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_title );

    if ( tmp_source_name_3 == NULL )

        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "title" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_called_name_4 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_3, const_str_plain_upper );
    if ( tmp_called_name_4 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 90;
    tmp_setattr_attr_2 = CALL_FUNCTION_NO_ARGS( tmp_called_name_4 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_name_4 );
    if ( tmp_setattr_attr_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    tmp_setattr_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_code );

    if (unlikely( tmp_setattr_value_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_setattr_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_code );

    if ( tmp_setattr_value_2 == NULL )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_setattr_attr_2 );
        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "code" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;

    tmp_unused = BUILTIN_SETATTR( tmp_setattr_target_2, tmp_setattr_attr_2, tmp_setattr_value_2 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_setattr_attr_2 );
    if ( tmp_unused == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 90;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    if ( CONSIDER_THREADING() == false )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 87;
        goto try_except_handler_3;
    goto loop_start_2;
    goto try_end_2;
    // Exception handler code:
    exception_keeper_type_2 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_2 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_2 = exception_tb;
    exception_keeper_lineno_2 = exception_lineno;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_lineno = -1;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value );
    tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator );
    tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator = NULL;

    // Re-raise.
    exception_type = exception_keeper_type_2;
    exception_value = exception_keeper_value_2;
    exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_2;
    exception_lineno = exception_keeper_lineno_2;

    goto try_except_handler_1;
    // End of try:
    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value );
    tmp_for_loop_2__iter_value = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator );
    tmp_for_loop_2__for_iterator = NULL;

    if ( CONSIDER_THREADING() == false )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 86;
        goto try_except_handler_1;
    goto loop_start_1;
    goto try_end_3;
    // Exception handler code:
    exception_keeper_type_3 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_3 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_3 = exception_tb;
    exception_keeper_lineno_3 = exception_lineno;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_lineno = -1;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value );
    tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator );
    tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator = NULL;

    // Re-raise.
    exception_type = exception_keeper_type_3;
    exception_value = exception_keeper_value_3;
    exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_3;
    exception_lineno = exception_keeper_lineno_3;

    goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    // End of try:

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;
    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value );
    tmp_for_loop_1__iter_value = NULL;

    Py_XDECREF( tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator );
    tmp_for_loop_1__for_iterator = NULL;

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$requests$status_codes );
    RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED( exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
MOD_INIT_DECL( django$utils$simplejson )

#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Packages can be imported recursively in deep executables.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_django$utils$simplejson );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );



    registerMetaPathBasedUnfreezer( meta_path_loader_entries );


    // puts( "in initdjango$utils$simplejson" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_django$utils$simplejson = Py_InitModule4(
        "django.utils.simplejson",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_django$utils$simplejson = PyModule_Create( &mdef_django$utils$simplejson );

    moduledict_django$utils$simplejson = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;

    assertObject( module_django$utils$simplejson );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_8e395302c5225c24e16f9edd8dd95062, module_django$utils$simplejson );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_django$utils$simplejson );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );
    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, Py_None );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObjectTempVariable tmp_or_1__value_1;
    PyObjectTempVariable tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator;
    PyObject *exception_type, *exception_value;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_1;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_1;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_1;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_2;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_2;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_2;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_3;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_3;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_3;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_type_4;
    PyObject *exception_keeper_value_4;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_keeper_tb_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_8;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_9;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_10;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_11;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_12;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_13;
    PyObject *tmp_call_arg_element_1;
    PyObject *tmp_call_arg_element_2;
    PyObject *tmp_call_kw_1;
    PyObject *tmp_call_pos_1;
    PyObject *tmp_called_1;
    PyObject *tmp_called_2;
    PyObject *tmp_called_3;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_left_1;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_left_2;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_right_1;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_right_2;
    PyObject *tmp_compexpr_left_1;
    PyObject *tmp_compexpr_right_1;
    int tmp_cond_truth_1;
    int tmp_cond_truth_2;
    PyObject *tmp_cond_value_1;
    PyObject *tmp_cond_value_2;
    int tmp_exc_match_exception_match_1;
    PyObject *tmp_hasattr_attr_1;
    PyObject *tmp_hasattr_value_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_2;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_3;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_4;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_5;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_6;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_7;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_8;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_2;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_3;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_4;
    bool tmp_is_1;
    bool tmp_result;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_2;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_3;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_4;
    PyObject *tmp_star_imported_1;
    PyObject *tmp_star_imported_2;
    int tmp_tried_lineno_1;
    int tmp_tried_lineno_2;
    PyObject *tmp_tuple_element_1;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED PyObject *tmp_unused;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_b263340febec452f7ce0d23d319dd69a;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    PyFrameObject *frame_module = MAKE_FRAME( codeobj_525b0a67f88de51bd5157e3eb4d3fcf3, module_django$utils$simplejson );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exlusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_import_globals_1 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 8;
    tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain___future__, tmp_import_globals_1, tmp_import_globals_1, const_tuple_str_plain_absolute_import_tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 8;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_3 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_1, const_str_plain_absolute_import );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_3 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 8;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_absolute_import, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_import_globals_2 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 10;
    tmp_assign_source_4 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_warnings, tmp_import_globals_2, tmp_import_globals_2, Py_None, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_4 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 10;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_warnings, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_warnings );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_warnings );

    if ( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 6021 ], 30, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 11;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_called_1 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_1, const_str_plain_warn );
    if ( tmp_called_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 11;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_call_pos_1 = PyTuple_New( 2 );
    tmp_tuple_element_1 = const_str_digest_7169b7e65e78489e48321bf243165725;
    Py_INCREF( tmp_tuple_element_1 );
    PyTuple_SET_ITEM( tmp_call_pos_1, 0, tmp_tuple_element_1 );
    tmp_tuple_element_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_DeprecationWarning );

    if (unlikely( tmp_tuple_element_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_tuple_element_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_DeprecationWarning );

    if ( tmp_tuple_element_1 == NULL )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_called_1 );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_call_pos_1 );
        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 6058 ], 40, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 12;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    Py_INCREF( tmp_tuple_element_1 );
    PyTuple_SET_ITEM( tmp_call_pos_1, 1, tmp_tuple_element_1 );
    tmp_call_kw_1 = PyDict_Copy( const_dict_f154c9a58c9419d7e391901d7b7fe49e );
    frame_module->f_lineno = 12;
    tmp_unused = CALL_FUNCTION( tmp_called_1, tmp_call_pos_1, tmp_call_kw_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_call_pos_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_call_kw_1 );
    if ( tmp_unused == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 12;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_unused );
    tmp_assign_source_5 = Py_True;
    assert( tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object == NULL );
    tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( tmp_assign_source_5 );

    // Tried code
    // Tried block of try/except
    tmp_import_globals_3 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 15;
    tmp_assign_source_6 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_simplejson, tmp_import_globals_3, tmp_import_globals_3, Py_None, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_6 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 15;
        goto try_except_handler_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_simplejson, tmp_assign_source_6 );
    goto try_except_end_1;
    // Exception handler of try/except
    tmp_assign_source_7 = Py_False;
    if (tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object == NULL)
        tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( tmp_assign_source_7 );
        PyObject *old = tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object;
        tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( tmp_assign_source_7 );
        Py_DECREF( old );
    // Preserve existing published exception.
    PRESERVE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );
    if (exception_tb == NULL)
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( frame_module ) );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module || exception_tb->tb_lineno != frame_module->f_lineno )
        exception_tb = ADD_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_tb );

    NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
    PUBLISH_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
    tmp_compare_left_1 = PyThreadState_GET()->exc_type;
    tmp_compare_right_1 = PyExc_ImportError;
    tmp_exc_match_exception_match_1 = EXCEPTION_MATCH_BOOL( tmp_compare_left_1, tmp_compare_right_1 );
    if ( tmp_exc_match_exception_match_1 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 16;
        goto try_finally_handler_1;
    if (tmp_exc_match_exception_match_1 == 1)
        goto branch_yes_1;
        goto branch_no_1;
    tmp_assign_source_8 = Py_False;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_use_simplejson, tmp_assign_source_8 );
    goto branch_end_1;
    RERAISE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
    if (exception_tb && exception_tb->tb_frame == frame_module) frame_module->f_lineno = exception_tb->tb_lineno;
    goto try_finally_handler_1;
    tmp_compare_left_2 = tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object;

    tmp_compare_right_2 = Py_True;
    tmp_is_1 = ( tmp_compare_left_2 == tmp_compare_right_2 );
    if (tmp_is_1)
        goto branch_yes_2;
        goto branch_no_2;
    tmp_import_globals_4 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 21;
    tmp_import_name_from_2 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_json, tmp_import_globals_4, tmp_import_globals_4, const_tuple_str_plain___version___tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 21;
        goto try_finally_handler_1;
    tmp_assign_source_9 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_2, const_str_plain___version__ );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_9 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 21;
        goto try_finally_handler_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_stdlib_json_version, tmp_assign_source_9 );
    // Tried code
    tmp_assign_source_10 = NULL;
    // Tried code
    tmp_hasattr_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_simplejson );

    if (unlikely( tmp_hasattr_value_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_hasattr_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_simplejson );

    if ( tmp_hasattr_value_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 15633 ], 32, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 22;
        goto try_finally_handler_3;

    tmp_hasattr_attr_1 = const_str_plain__speedups;
    tmp_assign_source_11 = BUILTIN_HASATTR( tmp_hasattr_value_1, tmp_hasattr_attr_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_11 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 22;
        goto try_finally_handler_3;
    assert( tmp_or_1__value_1.object == NULL );
    tmp_or_1__value_1.object = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( tmp_assign_source_11 );

    tmp_cond_value_1 = tmp_or_1__value_1.object;

    tmp_cond_truth_1 = CHECK_IF_TRUE( tmp_cond_value_1 );
    if ( tmp_cond_truth_1 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 22;
        goto try_finally_handler_3;
    if (tmp_cond_truth_1 == 1)
        goto condexpr_true_1;
        goto condexpr_false_1;
    tmp_assign_source_10 = tmp_or_1__value_1.object;

    Py_INCREF( tmp_assign_source_10 );
    goto condexpr_end_1;
    tmp_assign_source_10 = NULL;
    // Tried code
    tmp_result = tmp_or_1__value_1.object != NULL;
    if ( tmp_result == true )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_or_1__value_1.object );
        tmp_or_1__value_1.object = NULL;

    assert( tmp_result != false );
    tmp_source_name_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_simplejson );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_3 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_3 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_simplejson );

    if ( tmp_source_name_3 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 15633 ], 32, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;

    tmp_source_name_2 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_3, const_str_plain___version__ );
    if ( tmp_source_name_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    tmp_called_2 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_2, const_str_plain_split );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_source_name_2 );
    if ( tmp_called_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    tmp_call_arg_element_1 = const_str_dot;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
    tmp_compexpr_left_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_ARGS1( tmp_called_2, tmp_call_arg_element_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_2 );
    if ( tmp_compexpr_left_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    tmp_source_name_4 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_stdlib_json_version );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_4 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_4 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_stdlib_json_version );

    if ( tmp_source_name_4 == NULL )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_compexpr_left_1 );
        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 27036 ], 41, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;

    tmp_called_3 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_4, const_str_plain_split );
    if ( tmp_called_3 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_compexpr_left_1 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    tmp_call_arg_element_2 = const_str_dot;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
    tmp_compexpr_right_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_ARGS1( tmp_called_3, tmp_call_arg_element_2 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_called_3 );
    if ( tmp_compexpr_right_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_compexpr_left_1 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    tmp_assign_source_10 = RICH_COMPARE_GE( tmp_compexpr_left_1, tmp_compexpr_right_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_compexpr_left_1 );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_compexpr_right_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_10 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 23;
        goto try_finally_handler_4;
    // Final block of try/finally
    // Tried block ends with no exception occured, note that.
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_keeper_type_1 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_1 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_1 = exception_tb;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;

    // Re-reraise as necessary after finally was executed.
    // Reraise exception if any.
    if ( exception_keeper_type_1 != NULL )
        exception_type = exception_keeper_type_1;
        exception_value = exception_keeper_value_1;
        exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_1;

        goto try_finally_handler_3;

    goto finally_end_1;
    // Final block of try/finally
    // Tried block ends with no exception occured, note that.
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_keeper_type_2 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_2 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_2 = exception_tb;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;

    // Re-reraise as necessary after finally was executed.
    // Reraise exception if any.
    if ( exception_keeper_type_2 != NULL )
        exception_type = exception_keeper_type_2;
        exception_value = exception_keeper_value_2;
        exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_2;

        goto try_finally_handler_2;

    goto finally_end_2;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_use_simplejson, tmp_assign_source_10 );
    // Final block of try/finally
    // Tried block ends with no exception occured, note that.
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_keeper_type_3 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_3 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_3 = exception_tb;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;

    tmp_tried_lineno_1 = frame_module->f_lineno;
    Py_XDECREF( tmp_or_1__value_1.object );
    tmp_or_1__value_1.object = NULL;

    frame_module->f_lineno = tmp_tried_lineno_1;
    // Re-reraise as necessary after finally was executed.
    // Reraise exception if any.
    if ( exception_keeper_type_3 != NULL )
        exception_type = exception_keeper_type_3;
        exception_value = exception_keeper_value_3;
        exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_3;

        goto try_finally_handler_1;

    goto finally_end_3;
    // Final block of try/finally
    // Tried block ends with no exception occured, note that.
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;
    exception_keeper_type_4 = exception_type;
    exception_keeper_value_4 = exception_value;
    exception_keeper_tb_4 = exception_tb;
    exception_type = NULL;
    exception_value = NULL;
    exception_tb = NULL;

    tmp_tried_lineno_2 = frame_module->f_lineno;
    tmp_result = tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object != NULL;
    if ( tmp_result == true )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object );
        tmp_try_except_1__unhandled_indicator.object = NULL;

    assert( tmp_result != false );
    frame_module->f_lineno = tmp_tried_lineno_2;
    // Re-reraise as necessary after finally was executed.
    // Reraise exception if any.
    if ( exception_keeper_type_4 != NULL )
        exception_type = exception_keeper_type_4;
        exception_value = exception_keeper_value_4;
        exception_tb = exception_keeper_tb_4;

        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    goto finally_end_4;
    tmp_cond_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_use_simplejson );

    if (unlikely( tmp_cond_value_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_cond_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_use_simplejson );

    if ( tmp_cond_value_2 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 27077 ], 36, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 26;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_cond_truth_2 = CHECK_IF_TRUE( tmp_cond_value_2 );
    if ( tmp_cond_truth_2 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 26;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    if (tmp_cond_truth_2 == 1)
        goto branch_yes_3;
        goto branch_no_3;
    tmp_import_globals_5 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 27;
    tmp_star_imported_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_simplejson, tmp_import_globals_5, tmp_import_globals_5, const_tuple_str_chr_42_tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_star_imported_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 27;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_result = IMPORT_MODULE_STAR( module_django$utils$simplejson, true, tmp_star_imported_1 );
    if ( tmp_result == false )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_star_imported_1 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 27;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_star_imported_1 );
    tmp_import_globals_6 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 28;
    tmp_import_name_from_3 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_simplejson, tmp_import_globals_6, tmp_import_globals_6, const_tuple_str_plain___version___tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_3 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 28;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_12 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_3, const_str_plain___version__ );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_3 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_12 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 28;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___version__, tmp_assign_source_12 );
    goto branch_end_3;
    tmp_import_globals_7 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 30;
    tmp_star_imported_2 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_json, tmp_import_globals_7, tmp_import_globals_7, const_tuple_str_chr_42_tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_star_imported_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 30;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_result = IMPORT_MODULE_STAR( module_django$utils$simplejson, true, tmp_star_imported_2 );
    if ( tmp_result == false )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_star_imported_2 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 30;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_star_imported_2 );
    tmp_import_globals_8 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_django$utils$simplejson)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
    tmp_import_name_from_4 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_json, tmp_import_globals_8, tmp_import_globals_8, const_tuple_str_plain___version___tuple, const_int_0 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_4 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_13 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_4, const_str_plain___version__ );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_4 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_13 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_django$utils$simplejson, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___version__, tmp_assign_source_13 );

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 1
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 1
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( frame_module ) );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = (PyTracebackObject *)MAKE_TRACEBACK( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( frame_module ) );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_django$utils$simplejson );
    PyErr_Restore( exception_type, exception_value, (PyObject *)exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
MOD_INIT_DECL( Crypto$Random$OSRNG )

#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Packages can be imported recursively in deep executables.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );



    registerMetaPathBasedUnfreezer( meta_path_loader_entries );


    // puts( "in initCrypto$Random$OSRNG" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG = Py_InitModule4(
        "Crypto.Random.OSRNG",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG = PyModule_Create( &mdef_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );

    moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG)->md_dict;

    assertObject( module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_bc407d35a8cca84be9184e875aad04dc, module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );
    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, Py_None );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObject *exception_type, *exception_value;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_8;
    int tmp_cmp_Eq_1;
    int tmp_cmp_Eq_2;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_left_1;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_left_2;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_right_1;
    PyObject *tmp_compare_right_2;
    PyObject *tmp_hasattr_attr_1;
    PyObject *tmp_hasattr_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_2;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_3;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_4;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_2;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_3;
    PyObject *tmp_make_exception_arg_1;
    PyObject *tmp_raise_type_1;
    int tmp_res;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_1;
    PyObject *tmp_source_name_2;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = const_str_digest_f01c2b13d766443866465debfd607d0e;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_ff978bc30768b4bce0b5b1f0a5855595;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    tmp_assign_source_3 = LIST_COPY( const_list_str_digest_a10cd80b314d8fd7184d913c98d61dfa_list );
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___path__, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_assign_source_4 = const_str_digest_e716a6839c8454d1d77f5308c1bdd157;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___revision__, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    PyFrameObject *frame_module = MAKE_FRAME( codeobj_c96d8313b82a8f9bc4e63bebe63be847, module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exlusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_import_globals_1 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 29;
    tmp_assign_source_5 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_os, tmp_import_globals_1, tmp_import_globals_1, Py_None, const_int_neg_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_5 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 29;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os, tmp_assign_source_5 );
    tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if ( tmp_source_name_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 7477 ], 24, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_compare_left_1 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_1, const_str_plain_name );
    if ( tmp_compare_left_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_compare_right_1 = const_str_plain_posix;
    tmp_cmp_Eq_1 = RICH_COMPARE_BOOL_EQ_NORECURSE( tmp_compare_left_1, tmp_compare_right_1 );
    if ( tmp_cmp_Eq_1 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_compare_left_1 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 31;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_compare_left_1 );
    if (tmp_cmp_Eq_1 == 1)
        goto branch_yes_1;
        goto branch_no_1;
    tmp_import_globals_2 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 32;
    tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_digest_c36bc412b01c803f6316b97c4821aeff, tmp_import_globals_2, tmp_import_globals_2, const_tuple_str_plain_new_tuple, const_int_neg_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 32;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_6 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_1, const_str_plain_new );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_6 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 32;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_new, tmp_assign_source_6 );
    goto branch_end_1;
    tmp_source_name_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if (unlikely( tmp_source_name_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_source_name_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if ( tmp_source_name_2 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 7477 ], 24, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 33;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_compare_left_2 = LOOKUP_ATTRIBUTE( tmp_source_name_2, const_str_plain_name );
    if ( tmp_compare_left_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 33;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_compare_right_2 = const_str_plain_nt;
    tmp_cmp_Eq_2 = RICH_COMPARE_BOOL_EQ_NORECURSE( tmp_compare_left_2, tmp_compare_right_2 );
    if ( tmp_cmp_Eq_2 == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );
        Py_DECREF( tmp_compare_left_2 );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 33;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    Py_DECREF( tmp_compare_left_2 );
    if (tmp_cmp_Eq_2 == 1)
        goto branch_yes_2;
        goto branch_no_2;
    tmp_import_globals_3 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 34;
    tmp_import_name_from_2 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_digest_06dd65564ea0dd8766c2222a8271160e, tmp_import_globals_3, tmp_import_globals_3, const_tuple_str_plain_new_tuple, const_int_neg_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 34;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_7 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_2, const_str_plain_new );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_7 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 34;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_new, tmp_assign_source_7 );
    goto branch_end_2;
    tmp_hasattr_source_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if (unlikely( tmp_hasattr_source_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_hasattr_source_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_os );

    if ( tmp_hasattr_source_1 == NULL )

        exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT( PyExc_NameError );
        exception_value = UNSTREAM_STRING( &constant_bin[ 7477 ], 24, 0 );
        exception_tb = NULL;

        frame_module->f_lineno = 35;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    tmp_hasattr_attr_1 = const_str_plain_urandom;
    tmp_res = PyObject_HasAttr( tmp_hasattr_source_1, tmp_hasattr_attr_1 );
    if ( tmp_res == -1 )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 35;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    if (tmp_res == 1)
        goto branch_yes_3;
        goto branch_no_3;
    tmp_import_globals_4 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 36;
    tmp_import_name_from_3 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_digest_623da4fa9a2ac5457959104e083f5513, tmp_import_globals_4, tmp_import_globals_4, const_tuple_str_plain_new_tuple, const_int_neg_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_3 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 36;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_8 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_3, const_str_plain_new );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_3 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_8 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 36;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_Crypto$Random$OSRNG, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_new, tmp_assign_source_8 );
    goto branch_end_3;
    tmp_make_exception_arg_1 = const_str_digest_d0d695099e39173eb72601dce2dbb05f;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 38;
    tmp_raise_type_1 = CALL_FUNCTION_WITH_ARGS1( PyExc_ImportError, tmp_make_exception_arg_1 );
    if ( tmp_raise_type_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

        PyErr_Fetch( &exception_type, &exception_value, (PyObject **)&exception_tb );

        frame_module->f_lineno = 38;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    exception_type = tmp_raise_type_1;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 38;
    RAISE_EXCEPTION_WITH_TYPE( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
    goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( frame_module ) );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = (PyTracebackObject *)MAKE_TRACEBACK( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( frame_module ) );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_Crypto$Random$OSRNG );
    PyErr_Restore( exception_type, exception_value, (PyObject *)exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
예제 #5
static PyObject *Nuitka_Generator_send( struct Nuitka_GeneratorObject *generator, PyObject *value )
    if ( generator->m_status == status_Unused && value != NULL && value != Py_None )
        PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "can't send non-None value to a just-started generator" );
        return NULL;

    if ( generator->m_status != status_Finished )
        PyThreadState *thread_state = PyThreadState_GET();

        PyObject *saved_exception_type = thread_state->exc_type;
        Py_XINCREF( saved_exception_type );
        PyObject *saved_exception_value = thread_state->exc_value;
        Py_XINCREF( saved_exception_value );
        PyTracebackObject *saved_exception_traceback = (PyTracebackObject *)thread_state->exc_traceback;
        Py_XINCREF( saved_exception_traceback );

        if ( generator->m_running )
            PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "generator already executing" );
            return NULL;

        if ( generator->m_status == status_Unused )
            // Prepare the generator context to run.
            int res = prepareFiber( &generator->m_yielder_context, (void *)Nuitka_Generator_entry_point, (uintptr_t)generator );

            if ( res != 0 )
                PyErr_Format( PyExc_MemoryError, "generator cannot be allocated" );
                return NULL;

            generator->m_status = status_Running;

        generator->m_yielded = value;

        // Put the generator back on the frame stack.
        PyFrameObject *return_frame = thread_state->frame;
#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        if ( return_frame )
            assertFrameObject( return_frame );

        if ( generator->m_frame )
            // It would be nice if our frame were still alive. Nobody had the
            // right to release it.
            assertFrameObject( generator->m_frame );

            // It's not supposed to be on the top right now.
            assert( return_frame != generator->m_frame );

            Py_XINCREF( return_frame );
            generator->m_frame->f_back = return_frame;

            thread_state->frame = generator->m_frame;

        // Continue the yielder function while preventing recursion.
        generator->m_running = true;

        swapFiber( &generator->m_caller_context, &generator->m_yielder_context );

        generator->m_running = false;

        thread_state = PyThreadState_GET();

        // Remove the generator from the frame stack.
        if ( generator->m_frame )
            assert( thread_state->frame == generator->m_frame );
            assertFrameObject( generator->m_frame );

            Py_CLEAR( generator->m_frame->f_back );

        thread_state->frame = return_frame;

        if ( generator->m_yielded == NULL )
            assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

            generator->m_status = status_Finished;

            Py_XDECREF( generator->m_frame );
            generator->m_frame = NULL;

            Nuitka_Generator_release_closure( generator );

            assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_type );
            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_value );
            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_traceback );

            if ( generator->m_code_object->co_flags & CO_FUTURE_GENERATOR_STOP &&
                 GET_ERROR_OCCURRED() == PyExc_StopIteration )
                PyObject *saved_exception_type, *saved_exception_value;
                PyTracebackObject *saved_exception_tb;

                FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &saved_exception_type, &saved_exception_value, &saved_exception_tb );
                NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &saved_exception_type, &saved_exception_value, &saved_exception_tb );

                    "generator raised StopIteration"
                PyObject *exception_type, *exception_value;
                PyTracebackObject *exception_tb;

                FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );


                CHECK_OBJECT( exception_value );
                CHECK_OBJECT( saved_exception_value );

                Py_INCREF( saved_exception_value );
                PyException_SetContext( exception_value, saved_exception_value );

                Py_DECREF( saved_exception_type );
                Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_tb );

                RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED( exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb );

            return NULL;
            SET_CURRENT_EXCEPTION( saved_exception_type, saved_exception_value, saved_exception_traceback );

            return generator->m_yielded;
        PyErr_SetObject( PyExc_StopIteration, (PyObject *)NULL );

        return NULL;
MOD_INIT_DECL( pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper )
#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Modules might be imported repeatedly, which is to be ignored.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Coroutine_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_CoroutineWrapper_Type );



    // Enable meta path based loader if not already done.




    // puts( "in initpip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper = Py_InitModule4(
        "pip._vendor.cachecontrol.wrapper",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper = PyModule_Create( &mdef_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );

    moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper)->md_dict;

    CHECK_OBJECT( module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_752ad0551f1bf40ca5b6a8cda161ccf4, module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObject *exception_type = NULL, *exception_value = NULL;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = -1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_defaults_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_globals_2;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_1;
    PyObject *tmp_import_name_from_2;
    PyFrameObject *frame_module;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_b31e0a7d9885533032515f63a652cb9c;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    tmp_assign_source_3 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___cached__, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_assign_source_4 = const_str_digest_cf6ad67e1fcab184ae3b2b70b1bd41c1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    frame_module = MAKE_MODULE_FRAME( codeobj_22e6269ebd4aca7f4dc21ac4b8656728, module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exclusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_import_globals_1 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 1;
    tmp_import_name_from_1 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_adapter, tmp_import_globals_1, tmp_import_globals_1, const_tuple_str_plain_CacheControlAdapter_tuple, const_int_pos_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_1 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 1;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_5 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_1, const_str_plain_CacheControlAdapter );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_1 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_5 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 1;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_CacheControlAdapter, tmp_assign_source_5 );
    tmp_import_globals_2 = ((PyModuleObject *)module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper)->md_dict;
    frame_module->f_lineno = 2;
    tmp_import_name_from_2 = IMPORT_MODULE( const_str_plain_cache, tmp_import_globals_2, tmp_import_globals_2, const_tuple_str_plain_DictCache_tuple, const_int_pos_1 );
    if ( tmp_import_name_from_2 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 2;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    tmp_assign_source_6 = IMPORT_NAME( tmp_import_name_from_2, const_str_plain_DictCache );
    Py_DECREF( tmp_import_name_from_2 );
    if ( tmp_assign_source_6 == NULL )
        assert( ERROR_OCCURRED() );

        FETCH_ERROR_OCCURRED( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );

        exception_lineno = 2;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_DictCache, tmp_assign_source_6 );

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;
    tmp_defaults_1 = const_tuple_none_true_none_none_tuple;
    tmp_assign_source_7 = MAKE_FUNCTION_function_1_CacheControl_of_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper( INCREASE_REFCOUNT( tmp_defaults_1 ) );
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_CacheControl, tmp_assign_source_7 );

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_pip$_vendor$cachecontrol$wrapper );
    RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED( exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
MOD_INIT_DECL( chardet$langthaimodel )
#if defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
    static bool _init_done = false;

    // Modules might be imported repeatedly, which is to be ignored.
    if ( _init_done )
        return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_chardet$langthaimodel );
        _init_done = true;

    // In case of a stand alone extension module, need to call initialization
    // the init here because that's the first and only time we are going to get
    // called here.

    // Initialize the constant values used.

    // Initialize the compiled types of Nuitka.
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Generator_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Function_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Method_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Frame_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_Coroutine_Type );
    PyType_Ready( &Nuitka_CoroutineWrapper_Type );



    // Enable meta path based loader if not already done.




    // puts( "in initchardet$langthaimodel" );

    // Create the module object first. There are no methods initially, all are
    // added dynamically in actual code only.  Also no "__doc__" is initially
    // set at this time, as it could not contain NUL characters this way, they
    // are instead set in early module code.  No "self" for modules, we have no
    // use for it.
    module_chardet$langthaimodel = Py_InitModule4(
        "chardet.langthaimodel",       // Module Name
        NULL,                    // No methods initially, all are added
                                 // dynamically in actual module code only.
        NULL,                    // No __doc__ is initially set, as it could
                                 // not contain NUL this way, added early in
                                 // actual code.
        NULL,                    // No self for modules, we don't use it.
    module_chardet$langthaimodel = PyModule_Create( &mdef_chardet$langthaimodel );

    moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel = (PyDictObject *)((PyModuleObject *)module_chardet$langthaimodel)->md_dict;

    CHECK_OBJECT( module_chardet$langthaimodel );

// Seems to work for Python2.7 out of the box, but for Python3, the module
// doesn't automatically enter "sys.modules", so do it manually.
        int r = PyObject_SetItem( PySys_GetObject( (char *)"modules" ), const_str_digest_dc79ec5cbcd38530b7ee96bca471ee48, module_chardet$langthaimodel );

        assert( r != -1 );

    // For deep importing of a module we need to have "__builtins__", so we set
    // it ourselves in the same way than CPython does. Note: This must be done
    // before the frame object is allocated, or else it may fail.

    PyObject *module_dict = PyModule_GetDict( module_chardet$langthaimodel );

    if ( PyDict_GetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__ ) == NULL )
        PyObject *value = (PyObject *)builtin_module;

        // Check if main module, not a dict then.
#if !defined(_NUITKA_EXE) || !0
        value = PyModule_GetDict( value );

#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        int res =
            PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___builtins__, value );

        assert( res == 0 );

    PyDict_SetItem( module_dict, const_str_plain___loader__, metapath_based_loader );

    // Temp variables if any
    PyObject *exception_type = NULL, *exception_value = NULL;
    PyTracebackObject *exception_tb = NULL;
    NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED int exception_lineno = -1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_1;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_2;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_3;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_4;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_5;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_6;
    PyObject *tmp_assign_source_7;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_key_1;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_key_2;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_key_3;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_key_4;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_key_5;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_value_1;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_value_2;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_value_3;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_value_4;
    PyObject *tmp_dict_value_5;
    PyFrameObject *frame_module;

    // Module code.
    tmp_assign_source_1 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___doc__, tmp_assign_source_1 );
    tmp_assign_source_2 = const_str_digest_fab0ff0cfd28ba77212ac4129d2d6d3f;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___file__, tmp_assign_source_2 );
    tmp_assign_source_3 = Py_None;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___cached__, tmp_assign_source_3 );
    tmp_assign_source_4 = const_str_plain_chardet;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain___package__, tmp_assign_source_4 );
    tmp_assign_source_5 = const_tuple_7d72fee6787d507d887d69cdea35a4a9_tuple;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_TIS620CharToOrderMap, tmp_assign_source_5 );
    tmp_assign_source_6 = const_tuple_d3af699605e5a0a7fd9bffcfaf0dd97e_tuple;
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT0( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_ThaiLangModel, tmp_assign_source_6 );
    // Frame without reuse.
    frame_module = MAKE_MODULE_FRAME( codeobj_2c0e8ffc754dbed723c12963ef7fcab5, module_chardet$langthaimodel );

    // Push the new frame as the currently active one, and we should be exclusively
    // owning it.
    pushFrameStack( frame_module );
    assert( Py_REFCNT( frame_module ) == 1 );

    frame_module->f_executing += 1;

    // Framed code:
    tmp_assign_source_7 = _PyDict_NewPresized( 5 );
    tmp_dict_key_1 = const_str_plain_charToOrderMap;
    tmp_dict_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_TIS620CharToOrderMap );

    if (unlikely( tmp_dict_value_1 == NULL ))
        tmp_dict_value_1 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_TIS620CharToOrderMap );

    if ( tmp_dict_value_1 == NULL )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_assign_source_7 );
        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "TIS620CharToOrderMap" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 193;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    PyDict_SetItem( tmp_assign_source_7, tmp_dict_key_1, tmp_dict_value_1 );
    tmp_dict_key_2 = const_str_plain_precedenceMatrix;
    tmp_dict_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_ThaiLangModel );

    if (unlikely( tmp_dict_value_2 == NULL ))
        tmp_dict_value_2 = GET_STRING_DICT_VALUE( dict_builtin, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_ThaiLangModel );

    if ( tmp_dict_value_2 == NULL )
        Py_DECREF( tmp_assign_source_7 );
        exception_type = PyExc_NameError;
        Py_INCREF( exception_type );
        exception_value = PyUnicode_FromFormat( "name '%s' is not defined", "ThaiLangModel" );
        exception_tb = NULL;
        NORMALIZE_EXCEPTION( &exception_type, &exception_value, &exception_tb );
        CHAIN_EXCEPTION( exception_value );

        exception_lineno = 194;
        goto frame_exception_exit_1;

    PyDict_SetItem( tmp_assign_source_7, tmp_dict_key_2, tmp_dict_value_2 );
    tmp_dict_key_3 = const_str_plain_mTypicalPositiveRatio;
    tmp_dict_value_3 = const_float_0_926386;
    PyDict_SetItem( tmp_assign_source_7, tmp_dict_key_3, tmp_dict_value_3 );
    tmp_dict_key_4 = const_str_plain_keepEnglishLetter;
    tmp_dict_value_4 = Py_False;
    PyDict_SetItem( tmp_assign_source_7, tmp_dict_key_4, tmp_dict_value_4 );
    tmp_dict_key_5 = const_str_plain_charsetName;
    tmp_dict_value_5 = const_str_digest_81abb6a16c2b4c1510e4bf593a6a3c99;
    PyDict_SetItem( tmp_assign_source_7, tmp_dict_key_5, tmp_dict_value_5 );
    UPDATE_STRING_DICT1( moduledict_chardet$langthaimodel, (Nuitka_StringObject *)const_str_plain_TIS620ThaiModel, tmp_assign_source_7 );

    // Restore frame exception if necessary.
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    assertFrameObject( frame_module );
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    goto frame_no_exception_1;
#if 0
    RESTORE_FRAME_EXCEPTION( frame_module );

    if ( exception_tb == NULL )
        exception_tb = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
    else if ( exception_tb->tb_frame != frame_module )
        PyTracebackObject *traceback_new = MAKE_TRACEBACK( frame_module, exception_lineno );
        traceback_new->tb_next = exception_tb;
        exception_tb = traceback_new;

    // Put the previous frame back on top.

    frame_module->f_executing -= 1;
    Py_DECREF( frame_module );

    // Return the error.
    goto module_exception_exit;

    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( module_chardet$langthaimodel );
    RESTORE_ERROR_OCCURRED( exception_type, exception_value, exception_tb );
    return MOD_RETURN_VALUE( NULL );
예제 #8
static PyObject *Nuitka_Generator_send( Nuitka_GeneratorObject *generator, PyObject *value )
    if ( generator->m_status == status_Unused && value != NULL && value != Py_None )
        PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "can't send non-None value to a just-started generator" );
        return NULL;

    if ( generator->m_status != status_Finished )
        PyThreadState *thread_state = PyThreadState_GET();

        PyObject *saved_exception_type = INCREASE_REFCOUNT_X( thread_state->exc_type );
        PyObject *saved_exception_value = INCREASE_REFCOUNT_X( thread_state->exc_value );
        PyTracebackObject *saved_exception_traceback = INCREASE_REFCOUNT_X( (PyTracebackObject *)thread_state->exc_traceback );

        if ( generator->m_running )
            PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, "generator already executing" );
            return NULL;

        if ( generator->m_status == status_Unused )
            generator->m_status = status_Running;

            // Prepare the generator context to run.
            prepareFiber( &generator->m_yielder_context, generator->m_code, (intptr_t)generator );

        generator->m_yielded = value;

        // Put the generator back on the frame stack.
        PyFrameObject *return_frame = thread_state->frame;
#ifndef __NUITKA_NO_ASSERT__
        if ( return_frame )
            assertFrameObject( return_frame );

        if ( generator->m_frame )
            // It would be nice if our frame were still alive. Nobody had the
            // right to release it.
            assertFrameObject( generator->m_frame );

            // It's not supposed to be on the top right now.
            assert( return_frame != generator->m_frame );

            Py_XINCREF( return_frame );
            generator->m_frame->f_back = return_frame;

            thread_state->frame = generator->m_frame;

        // Continue the yielder function while preventing recursion.
        generator->m_running = true;

        swapFiber( &generator->m_caller_context, &generator->m_yielder_context );

        generator->m_running = false;

        thread_state = PyThreadState_GET();

        // Remove the generator from the frame stack.
        if ( generator->m_frame )
            assert( thread_state->frame == generator->m_frame );
            assertFrameObject( generator->m_frame );

            Py_CLEAR( generator->m_frame->f_back );

        thread_state->frame = return_frame;

        if ( generator->m_yielded == NULL )
            assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

            generator->m_status = status_Finished;

            Py_XDECREF( generator->m_frame );
            generator->m_frame = NULL;

            if ( generator->m_context )
                // Surpressing exception in cleanup, to restore later before
                // return.
                generator->m_cleanup( generator->m_context );
                generator->m_context = NULL;

            assert( ERROR_OCCURED() );

            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_type );
            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_value );
            Py_XDECREF( saved_exception_traceback );
            return NULL;
            SET_CURRENT_EXCEPTION( saved_exception_type, saved_exception_value, saved_exception_traceback );

            return generator->m_yielded;
        PyErr_SetObject( PyExc_StopIteration, (PyObject *)NULL );

        return NULL;