예제 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	astring *dirname = NULL, *tempfilename = NULL, *tempheader = NULL, *tempfooter = NULL;
	UINT32 bufsize;
	void *buffer;
	int listnum;
    int result;

    /* first argument is the directory */
    if (argc < 4)
    	fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\nregrep <template> <outputdir> <summary1> [<summary2> [<summary3> ...]]\n");
    	return 1;
    tempfilename = astring_dupc(argv[1]);
    dirname = astring_dupc(argv[2]);
    list_count = argc - 3;

	/* read the template file into an astring */
	if (core_fload(astring_c(tempfilename), &buffer, &bufsize) == FILERR_NONE)
		tempheader = astring_dupch((const char *)buffer, bufsize);

	/* verify the template */
	if (tempheader == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read template file\n");
		return 1;
	result = astring_findc(tempheader, 0, "<!--CONTENT-->");
	if (result == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "Template is missing a <!--CONTENT--> marker\n");
		return 1;
	tempfooter = astring_substr(astring_dup(tempheader), result + 14, -1);
	tempheader = astring_substr(tempheader, 0, result);

    /* loop over arguments and read the files */
    for (listnum = 0; listnum < list_count; listnum++)
        result = read_summary_log(argv[listnum + 3], listnum);
        if (result != 0)
            return result;

    /* output the summary */
    output_report(dirname, tempheader, tempfooter, sort_file_list());

    return 0;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	astring *srcdir = NULL, *dstdir = NULL;
	int unadorned = 0;
	int result;
	int argnum;

	/* loop over arguments */
	for (argnum = 1; argnum < argc; argnum++)
		char *arg = argv[argnum];

		/* include path? */
		if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'I')
			*incpathhead = malloc(sizeof(**incpathhead));
			if (*incpathhead != NULL)
				(*incpathhead)->next = NULL;
				(*incpathhead)->path = astring_replacechr(astring_dupc(&arg[2]), '/', PATH_SEPARATOR[0]);
				incpathhead = &(*incpathhead)->next;

		/* other parameter */
		else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 0)
			srcdir = astring_dupc(arg);
		else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 1)
			dstdir = astring_dupc(arg);
			goto usage;

	/* make sure we got 2 parameters */
	if (srcdir == NULL || dstdir == NULL)
		goto usage;

	/* recurse over subdirectories */
	result = recurse_dir(astring_len(srcdir), astring_len(dstdir), srcdir, dstdir);

	/* free source and destination directories */
	return result;

	fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s <srcroot> <destroot> [-Iincpath [-Iincpath [...]]]\n", argv[0]);
	return 1;
예제 #3
파일: ldplayer.c 프로젝트: nitrologic/emu
static chd_file *get_disc(const device_config *device)
	mame_file *image_file = NULL;
	chd_file *image_chd = NULL;
	mame_path *path;

	/* open a path to the ROMs and find the first CHD file */
	path = mame_openpath(mame_options(), OPTION_ROMPATH);
	if (path != NULL)
		const osd_directory_entry *dir;

		/* iterate while we get new objects */
		while ((dir = mame_readpath(path)) != NULL)
			int length = strlen(dir->name);

			/* look for files ending in .chd */
			if (length > 4 &&
				dir->name[length - 4] == '.' &&
				tolower(dir->name[length - 3]) == 'c' &&
				tolower(dir->name[length - 2]) == 'h' &&
				tolower(dir->name[length - 1]) == 'd')
				file_error filerr;
				chd_error chderr;

				/* open the file itself via our search path */
				filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_IMAGE, dir->name, OPEN_FLAG_READ, &image_file);
				if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
					/* try to open the CHD */
					chderr = chd_open_file(mame_core_file(image_file), CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &image_chd);
					if (chderr == CHDERR_NONE)
						set_disk_handle(device->machine, "laserdisc", image_file, image_chd);
						filename = astring_dupc(dir->name);
						add_exit_callback(device->machine, free_string);

					/* close the file on failure */
					image_file = NULL;

	/* if we failed, pop a message and exit */
	if (image_file == NULL)
		fatalerror("No valid image file found!\n");

	return get_disk_handle(device->machine, "laserdisc");
예제 #4
파일: x86log.c 프로젝트: nitrologic/emu
x86log_context *x86log_create_context(const char *filename)
	x86log_context *log;

	/* allocate the log */
	log = alloc_clear_or_die(x86log_context);

	/* allocate the filename */
	log->filename = astring_dupc(filename);

	/* reset things */
	return log;
예제 #5
x86log_context *x86log_create_context(const char *filename)
	x86log_context *log;

	/* allocate the log */
	log = malloc_or_die(sizeof(*log));
	memset(log, 0, sizeof(*log));

	/* allocate the filename */
	log->filename = astring_dupc(filename);

	/* reset things */
	return log;
예제 #6
static void output_report(const astring *dirname, const astring *tempheader, const astring *tempfooter, summary_file *filelist)
	summary_file *buckethead[BUCKET_COUNT], **buckettailptr[BUCKET_COUNT];
	summary_file *curfile;
	astring *title = astring_dupc("MAME Regressions");
	astring *tempname = astring_alloc();
	int listnum, bucknum;
	core_file *indexfile;
	int count = 0, total;

	/* initialize the lists */
	for (bucknum = 0; bucknum < BUCKET_COUNT; bucknum++)
		buckethead[bucknum] = NULL;
		buckettailptr[bucknum] = &buckethead[bucknum];

	/* compute the total number of files */
	total = 0;
	for (curfile = filelist; curfile != NULL; curfile = curfile->next)

	/* first bucketize the games */
	for (curfile = filelist; curfile != NULL; curfile = curfile->next)
		int statcount[STATUS_COUNT] = { 0 };
		int bucket = BUCKET_UNKNOWN;
		int unique_codes = 0;
		int first_valid;

		/* print status */
		if (++count % 100 == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Processing file %d/%d\n", count, total);

		/* find the first valid entry */
		for (first_valid = 0; curfile->status[first_valid] == STATUS_NOT_PRESENT; first_valid++) ;

		/* do we need to output anything? */
		for (listnum = first_valid; listnum < list_count; listnum++)
			if (statcount[curfile->status[listnum]]++ == 0)

		/* were we consistent? */
		if (unique_codes == 1)
			/* were we consistently ok? */
			if (curfile->status[first_valid] == STATUS_SUCCESS)
				bucket = compare_screenshots(curfile);

			/* must have been consistently erroring */

		/* ok, we're not consistent; could be a number of things */
			/* were we ok at the start and end but not in the middle? */
			if (curfile->status[first_valid] == STATUS_SUCCESS && curfile->status[list_count - 1] == STATUS_SUCCESS)

			/* did we go from good to bad? */
			else if (curfile->status[first_valid] == STATUS_SUCCESS)
				bucket = BUCKET_REGRESSED;

			/* did we go from bad to good? */
			else if (curfile->status[list_count - 1] == STATUS_SUCCESS)
				bucket = BUCKET_IMPROVED;

			/* must have had multiple errors */
				bucket = BUCKET_MULTI_ERROR;

		/* add us to the appropriate list */
		*buckettailptr[bucket] = curfile;
		buckettailptr[bucket] = &curfile->next;

	/* terminate all the lists */
	for (bucknum = 0; bucknum < BUCKET_COUNT; bucknum++)
		*buckettailptr[bucknum] = NULL;

	/* output header */
	astring_printf(tempname, "%s" PATH_SEPARATOR "%s", astring_c(dirname), "index.html");
	indexfile = create_file_and_output_header(tempname, tempheader, title);
	if (indexfile == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file '%s'\n", astring_c(tempname));

	/* iterate over buckets and output them */
	for (bucknum = 0; bucknum < ARRAY_LENGTH(bucket_output_order); bucknum++)
		int curbucket = bucket_output_order[bucknum];

		if (buckethead[curbucket] != NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "Outputting bucket: %s\n", bucket_name[curbucket]);
			append_driver_list_table(bucket_name[curbucket], dirname, indexfile, buckethead[curbucket], tempheader, tempfooter);

	/* output footer */
	output_footer_and_close_file(indexfile, tempfooter, title);
예제 #7
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, const astring *srcdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	int result = 0;
	int entindex;

	/* iterate first over directories, then over files */
	for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry **listarray = NULL;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		list_entry *curlist;
		osd_directory *dir;
		int found = 0;

		/* open the directory and iterate through it */
		dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir));
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		/* build up the list of files */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = (list_entry *)malloc(sizeof(*lentry));
				lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name);
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		/* close the directory */

		/* skip if nothing found */
		if (found == 0)

		/* allocate memory for sorting */
		listarray = (list_entry **)malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found);
		found = 0;
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		/* sort the list */
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		/* rebuild the list */
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];

		/* iterate through each file */
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring *srcfile;

			/* build the source filename */
			srcfile = astring_alloc();
			astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));

			/* if we have a file, output it */
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				/* make sure we care, first */
				if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), ".c"))
					tagmap *depend_map = tagmap_alloc();
					tagmap_entry *map_entry;
					file_entry *file;
					astring *target;
					int taghash;

					/* find dependencies */
					file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, srcfile);
					recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

					/* convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules) */
					target = astring_dup(file->name);
					astring_replacec(target, 0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					astring_replacec(target, 0, ".c", ".o");
					printf("\n%s : \\\n", astring_c(target));

					/* iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well */
					for (taghash = 0; taghash < TAGMAP_HASH_SIZE; taghash++)
						for (map_entry = depend_map->table[taghash]; map_entry != NULL; map_entry = map_entry->next)
							printf("\t%s \\\n", astring_c((astring *)map_entry->object));


			/* if we have a directory, recurse */
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, srcfile);

			/* free memory for the names */

		/* free all the allocated entries */
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			astring_free((astring *)list->name);
			list = next;

	return result;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	include_path **incpathhead = &incpaths;
	exclude_path **excpathhead = &excpaths;
	astring *srcdir = NULL;
	int unadorned = 0;
	int result;
	int argnum;

	/* loop over arguments */
	for (argnum = 1; argnum < argc; argnum++)
		char *arg = argv[argnum];

		/* include path? */
		if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'I')
			*incpathhead = (include_path *)malloc(sizeof(**incpathhead));
			if (*incpathhead != NULL)
				(*incpathhead)->next = NULL;
				(*incpathhead)->path = astring_replacechr(astring_dupc(&arg[2]), '/', PATH_SEPARATOR[0]);
				incpathhead = &(*incpathhead)->next;

		/* exclude path? */
		else if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'X')
			*excpathhead = (exclude_path *)malloc(sizeof(**excpathhead));
			if (*excpathhead != NULL)
				astring *path;
				(*excpathhead)->next = NULL;
				path = astring_replacechr(astring_dupc(&arg[2]), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/');
				(*excpathhead)->recursive = (astring_replacec(path, astring_len(path) - 4, "/...", "") != 0);
				(*excpathhead)->path = path;
				(*excpathhead)->pathlen = astring_len(path);
				excpathhead = &(*excpathhead)->next;

		/* ignore -include which is used by sdlmame to include sdlprefix.h before all other includes */
		else if (strcmp(arg,"-include") == 0)

		/* other parameter */
		else if (arg[0] != '-' && unadorned == 0)
			srcdir = astring_replacechr(astring_dupc(arg), '/', PATH_SEPARATOR[0]);
			goto usage;

	/* make sure we got 1 parameter */
	if (srcdir == NULL)
		goto usage;

	/* create a tagmap for tracking files we've visited */
	file_map = tagmap_alloc();

	/* recurse over subdirectories */
	result = recurse_dir(astring_len(srcdir), srcdir);

	/* free source and destination directories */
	return result;

	fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s <srcroot> [-Iincpath [-Iincpath [...]]]\n", argv[0]);
	return 1;
예제 #9
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcdir, const astring *dstdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	const astring *srcdir_subpath;
	core_file *indexfile = NULL;
	astring *indexname;
	int result = 0;
	int entindex;

	/* extract a normalized subpath */
	srcdir_subpath = normalized_subpath(srcdir, srcrootlen + 1);
	if (srcdir_subpath == NULL)
		return 1;

	/* create an index file */
	indexname = astring_alloc();
	astring_printf(indexname, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], "index.html");
	indexfile = create_file_and_output_header(indexname, "MAME Source Code", astring_c(srcdir_subpath));

	/* output the directory navigation */
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "<h3>Viewing Directory: ");
	output_path_as_links(indexfile, srcdir_subpath, TRUE, FALSE);
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "</h3>");
	astring_free((astring *)srcdir_subpath);

	/* iterate first over directories, then over files */
	for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		list_entry **listarray;
		list_entry *curlist;
		osd_directory *dir;
		int found = 0;

		/* open the directory and iterate through it */
		dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir));
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		/* build up the list of files */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = malloc(sizeof(*lentry));
				lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name);
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		/* close the directory */

		/* skip if nothing found */
		if (found == 0)

		/* allocate memory for sorting */
		listarray = malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found);
		found = 0;
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		/* sort the list */
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		/* rebuild the list */
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];

		/* iterate through each file */
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring *srcfile, *dstfile;

			/* add a header */
			if (curlist == list)
				core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<h2>%s</h2>\n\t<ul>\n", (entry_type == ENTTYPE_DIR) ? "Directories" : "Files");

			/* build the source filename */
			srcfile = astring_alloc();
			astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));

			/* if we have a file, output it */
			dstfile = astring_alloc();
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				file_type type = FILE_TYPE_INVALID;
				int extnum;

				/* make sure we care, first */
				for (extnum = 0; extnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(extension_lookup); extnum++)
					if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), extension_lookup[extnum].extension))
						type = extension_lookup[extnum].type;

				/* if we got a valid file, process it */
				if (type != FILE_TYPE_INVALID)
					astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s.html", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));
					if (indexfile != NULL)
						core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></li>\n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name));
					result = output_file(type, srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, astring_cmp(srcdir, dstdir) == 0);

			/* if we have a directory, recurse */
				astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));
				if (indexfile != NULL)
					core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s/index.html\">%s/</a></li>\n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name));
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile);

			/* free memory for the names */

		/* close the list if we found some stuff */
		if (list != NULL)
			core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t</ul>\n");

		/* free all the allocated entries */
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			astring_free((astring *)list->name);
			list = next;

	if (indexfile != NULL)
	return result;