예제 #1
int HTTPConnectionSendFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path, strarg_t const type, int64_t size) {
	int rc = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(UV_ENOENT == rc) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 404);
	if(rc < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400); // TODO: Error conversion.

	uv_file file = rc; rc = 0;
	if(size < 0) {
		uv_fs_t req[1];
		rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
		if(rc < 0) {
			rc = HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400);
			goto cleanup;
		if(S_ISDIR(req->statbuf.st_mode)) {
			rc = UV_EISDIR;
			goto cleanup;
		if(!S_ISREG(req->statbuf.st_mode)) {
			rc = HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 403);
			goto cleanup;
		size = req->statbuf.st_size;
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, size);
	// TODO: Caching and other headers.
	if(type) rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", type);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionEnd(conn);

	async_fs_close(file); file = -1;
	return rc;
예제 #2
int HTTPConnectionWriteChunkFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path) {
	bool worker = false;
	uv_file file = -1;
	byte_t *buf = NULL;
	int rc;

	async_pool_enter(NULL); worker = true;
	rc = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	file = rc;

	buf = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
	if(!buf) rc = UV_ENOMEM;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	uv_buf_t const chunk = uv_buf_init((char *)buf, BUFFER_SIZE);
	ssize_t len = async_fs_readall_simple(file, &chunk);
	if(len < 0) rc = len;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	// Fast path for small files.
	if(len < BUFFER_SIZE) {
		str_t pfx[16];
		int const pfxlen = snprintf(pfx, sizeof(pfx), "%llx\r\n", (unsigned long long)len);
		if(pfxlen < 0) rc = UV_UNKNOWN;
		if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

		uv_buf_t parts[] = {
			uv_buf_init(pfx, pfxlen),
			uv_buf_init((char *)buf, len),
			uv_buf_init((char *)STR_LEN("\r\n")),
		async_fs_close(file); file = -1;
		async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false;
		rc = HTTPConnectionWritev(conn, parts, numberof(parts));
		goto cleanup;

	uv_fs_t req[1];
	rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	if(0 == req->statbuf.st_size) goto cleanup;

	async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false;

	// TODO: HACK, WriteFile continues from where we left off
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteChunkLength(conn, req->statbuf.st_size);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWritev(conn, &chunk, 1);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWrite(conn, (byte_t const *)STR_LEN("\r\n"));

	if(file >= 0) { async_fs_close(file); file = -1; }
	if(worker) { async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false; }
	assert(file < 0);
	return rc;
예제 #3
int HTTPConnectionSendFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path, strarg_t const type, int64_t size) {
	uv_file const file = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(UV_ENOENT == file) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 404);
	if(file < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400); // TODO: Error conversion.
	int rc = 0;
	if(size < 0) {
		uv_fs_t req[1];
		rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
		if(rc < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400);
		size = req->statbuf.st_size;
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, size);
	// TODO: Caching and other headers.
	if(type) rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", type);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionEnd(conn);
	return rc;