예제 #1
void smf_write_bolomap( ThrWorkForce *wf, smfArray *res, smfArray *lut,
                        smfArray *qua, smfDIMMData *dat, dim_t msize,
                        const Grp *bolrootgrp, int varmapmethod,
                        const int *lbnd_out, const int *ubnd_out,
                        AstFrameSet *outfset, int *status ) {

  int addtomap=0;               /* Set if adding to existing map */
  size_t bstride;               /* Bolometer stride */
  double *curmap=NULL;          /* Pointer to current map being rebinned */
  double *curvar=NULL;          /* Pointer to variance associate with curmap */
  dim_t dsize;                  /* Size of data arrays in containers */
  size_t idx=0;                 /* index within subgroup */
  size_t k;                     /* loop counter */
  int *lut_data=NULL;           /* Pointer to DATA component of lut */
  char name[GRP__SZNAM+1];      /* Buffer for storing names */
  dim_t nbolo;                  /* Number of bolometers */
  size_t nbolomaps = 0;         /* Number of bolomaps written */
  char *pname=NULL;             /* Poiner to name */
  smf_qual_t *qua_data=NULL;    /* Pointer to DATA component of qua */
  double *res_data=NULL;        /* Pointer to DATA component of res */

  if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if( !res || !lut || !qua || !dat || !bolrootgrp ||
      !lbnd_out || !ubnd_out || !outfset ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": NULL inputs supplied", status );

  /* Loop over subgroup index (subarray) */
  for( idx=0; idx<res->ndat; idx++ ) {
    smf_qual_t *bolomask = NULL;
    double *bmapweight = NULL;
    double *bmapweightsq = NULL;
    int *bhitsmap = NULL;

    /* Pointers to everything we need */
    res_data = res->sdata[idx]->pntr[0];
    lut_data = lut->sdata[idx]->pntr[0];
    qua_data = qua->sdata[idx]->pntr[0];

    smf_get_dims( res->sdata[idx], NULL, NULL, &nbolo, NULL,
                  &dsize, &bstride, NULL, status );

    /* Make a copy of the quality at first time slice as a good
       bolo mask, and then set quality to SMF__Q_BADB. Later we
       will unset BADB for one bolo at a time to make individual
       maps. */

    bolomask = astMalloc( nbolo*sizeof(*bolomask) );
    bmapweight = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*bmapweight) );
    bmapweightsq = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*bmapweightsq) );
    bhitsmap = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*bhitsmap) );

    if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      for( k=0; k<nbolo; k++ ) {
        bolomask[k] = qua_data[k*bstride];
        qua_data[k*bstride] = SMF__Q_BADB;

      /* Identify good bolos in the copied mask and produce a map */
      for( k=0; (k<nbolo)&&(*status==SAI__OK); k++ ) {
        if( !(bolomask[k]&SMF__Q_BADB) ) {
          Grp *mgrp=NULL;       /* Temporary group to hold map names */
          smfData *mapdata=NULL;/* smfData for new map */
          char tmpname[GRP__SZNAM+1]; /* temp name buffer */
          char thisbol[20];     /* name particular to this bolometer */
          size_t col, row;
          char subarray[10];


          /* Set the quality back to good for this single bolometer */
          qua_data[k*bstride] = bolomask[k];

          /* Create a name for the new map, take into account the
             chunk number and subarray. Only required if we are using a single
             output container. */
          pname = tmpname;
          grpGet( bolrootgrp, 1, 1, &pname, sizeof(tmpname), status );
          one_strlcpy( name, tmpname, sizeof(name), status );
          one_strlcat( name, ".", sizeof(name), status );

          /* Subarray, column and row. HDS does not care about case but we
             convert to upper case anyhow. */
          smf_find_subarray( res->sdata[idx]->hdr, subarray, sizeof(subarray),
                             NULL, status );
          if (*status == SAI__OK) {
            size_t len = strlen(subarray);
            size_t n = 0;
            for (n=0; n<len; n++) {
              subarray[n] = toupper(subarray[n]);

          col = (k % res->sdata[idx]->dims[1])+1;
          row = (k / res->sdata[idx]->dims[1])+1;

          sprintf( thisbol, "%3sC%02zuR%02zu",
                   col,   /* x-coord */
                   row ); /* y-coord */

          one_strlcat( name, thisbol, sizeof(name), status );
          mgrp = grpNew( "bolomap", status );
          grpPut1( mgrp, name, 0, status );

          msgOutf( "", "*** Writing single bolo map %s", status,
                   name );

          /* Try to open an existing extention first. Create a new map
             array, and then later we'll add it to the existing
             one. If it isn't there, create it. */

          smf_open_file( mgrp, 1, "UPDATE", 0, &mapdata, status );

          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            /* Allocate memory for the new rebinned data */
            curmap = astCalloc( msize, sizeof(*curmap) );
            curvar = astCalloc( msize, sizeof(*curvar) );
            addtomap = 1;
          } else if( *status == DAT__NAMIN ) {
            /* Create a new extension */
            errAnnul( status );
            smf_open_newfile ( mgrp, 1, SMF__DOUBLE, 2, lbnd_out,
                               ubnd_out, SMF__MAP_VAR, &mapdata, status);

            /* Rebin directly into the newly mapped space */
            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
              curmap = mapdata->pntr[0];
              curvar = mapdata->pntr[1];
              addtomap = 0;

          /* Rebin the data for this single bolometer. Don't care
             about variance weighting because all samples from
             same detector are about the same. */

          smf_rebinmap1( wf, res->sdata[idx],
                         dat->noi ? dat->noi[0]->sdata[idx] : NULL,
                         lut_data, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0,
                         SMF__Q_GOOD, varmapmethod,
                         AST__REBININIT | AST__REBINEND,
                         curmap, bmapweight, bmapweightsq, bhitsmap,
                         curvar, msize, NULL, status );

          /* If required, add this new map to the existing one */
          if( addtomap ) {
            size_t i;
            double *oldmap=NULL;
            double *oldvar=NULL;
            double weight;

            if( *status == SAI__OK ) {

              oldmap = mapdata->pntr[0];
              oldvar = mapdata->pntr[1];

              for( i=0; i<msize; i++ ) {
                if( oldmap[i]==VAL__BADD ) {
                  /* No data in this pixel in the old map, just copy */
                  oldmap[i] = curmap[i];
                  oldvar[i] = curvar[i];
                } else if( curmap[i]!=VAL__BADD &&
                           oldvar[i]!=VAL__BADD && oldvar[i]!=0 &&
                           curvar[i]!=VAL__BADD && curvar[i]!=0 ) {
                  /* Both old and new values available */
                  weight = 1/oldvar[i] + 1/curvar[i];
                  oldmap[i] = (oldmap[i]/oldvar[i] + curmap[i]/curvar[i]) /
                  oldvar[i] = 1/weight;

            /* Free up temporary arrays */
            curmap = astFree( curmap );
            curvar = astFree( curvar );

          /* Write out COLNUM and ROWNUM to FITS header */
          if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            AstFitsChan *fitschan=NULL;

            fitschan = astFitsChan ( NULL, NULL, " " );

            atlPtfti( fitschan, "COLNUM", col, "bolometer column", status);
            atlPtfti( fitschan, "ROWNUM", row, "bolometer row", status );
            atlPtfts( fitschan, "SUBARRAY", subarray, "Subarray identifier",
                      status );
            kpgPtfts( mapdata->file->ndfid, fitschan, status );

            if( fitschan ) fitschan = astAnnul( fitschan );

            /* Set the bolo to bad quality again */
            qua_data[k*bstride] = SMF__Q_BADB;

            /* Write WCS */
            ndfPtwcs( outfset, mapdata->file->ndfid, status );

          /* Clean up */
          if( mgrp ) grpDelet( &mgrp, status );
          if( mapdata ) smf_close_file( &mapdata, status );


      /* Set quality back to its original state */
      for( k=0; k<nbolo; k++ ) {
        qua_data[k*bstride] = bolomask[k];

    /* Free up memory */
    bolomask = astFree( bolomask );
    bmapweight = astFree( bmapweight );
    bmapweightsq = astFree( bmapweightsq );
    bhitsmap = astFree( bhitsmap );

  msgOutf( "", "*** Wrote %zu bolo maps", status, nbolomaps );

예제 #2
void smf_write_itermap( ThrWorkForce *wf, const double *map, const double *mapvar,
                        const smf_qual_t *mapqua, dim_t msize,
                        const Grp *iterrootgrp, size_t contchunk, int iter,
                        const int *lbnd_out, const int *ubnd_out,
                        AstFrameSet *outfset, const smfHead *hdr,
                        const smfArray *qua, int *status ) {

  int flags;                  /* Flags indicating required NDF components */
  Grp *mgrp=NULL;             /* Temporary group to hold map name */
  smfData *imapdata=NULL;     /* smfData for this iteration map */
  char name[GRP__SZNAM+1];    /* Buffer for storing name */
  char *pname=NULL;           /* Poiner to name */
  char tmpname[GRP__SZNAM+1]; /* temp name buffer */
  char tempstr[20];

  if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if( !map || !mapvar || !iterrootgrp || !lbnd_out || !ubnd_out || !outfset ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": NULL inputs supplied", status );

  if( hdr && !qua ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": hdr supplied but qua is NULL", status );

  /* Create a name for this iteration map, take into
     account the chunk number. Only required if we are
     using a single output container. */

  pname = tmpname;
  grpGet( iterrootgrp, 1, 1, &pname, sizeof(tmpname), status );
  one_strlcpy( name, tmpname, sizeof(name), status );
  one_strlcat( name, ".", sizeof(name), status );

  /* Continuous chunk number */
  sprintf(tempstr, "CH%02zd", contchunk);
  one_strlcat( name, tempstr, sizeof(name), status );

  /* Iteration number */
  sprintf( tempstr, "I%03i", iter+1 );
  one_strlcat( name, tempstr, sizeof(name), status );
  mgrp = grpNew( "itermap", status );
  grpPut1( mgrp, name, 0, status );

  msgOutf( "", "*** Writing map from this iteration to %s", status,
           name );

  flags = SMF__MAP_VAR;
  if( mapqua ) flags |= SMF__MAP_QUAL;

  smf_open_newfile ( wf, mgrp, 1, SMF__DOUBLE, 2, lbnd_out,
                     ubnd_out, flags, &imapdata, status);

  /* Copy over the signal and variance maps */
  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    memcpy( imapdata->pntr[0], map, msize*sizeof(*map) );
    memcpy( imapdata->pntr[1], mapvar, msize*sizeof(*mapvar) );
    if( mapqua ) memcpy( imapdata->qual, mapqua, msize*sizeof(*mapqua) );

  /* Write out a FITS header */
  if( (*status == SAI__OK) && hdr && hdr->allState ) {
    AstFitsChan *fitschan=NULL;
    JCMTState *allState = hdr->allState;
    char *obsidss=NULL;
    char obsidssbuf[SZFITSTR];
    double iter_nboloeff;
    size_t nmap;
    size_t ngood_tslices;
    dim_t ntslice;                /* Number of time slices */

    fitschan = astFitsChan ( NULL, NULL, " " );

    obsidss = smf_getobsidss( hdr->fitshdr,
                              NULL, 0, obsidssbuf,
                              sizeof(obsidssbuf), status );
    if( obsidss ) {
      atlPtfts( fitschan, "OBSIDSS", obsidss,
                "Unique observation subsys identifier", status );
    atlPtfti( fitschan, "SEQSTART", allState[0].rts_num,
              "RTS index number of first frame", status );

    ntslice = hdr->nframes;

    atlPtfti( fitschan, "SEQEND", allState[ntslice-1].rts_num,
              "RTS index number of last frame", status );

    /* calculate the effective number of bolometers for this
       iteration */
    smf_qualstats_model( wf, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES, 1, qua, NULL, NULL, &nmap,
                         NULL, NULL, &ngood_tslices, NULL, NULL, status );

    iter_nboloeff = (double)nmap / (double)ngood_tslices;
    atlPtftd( fitschan, "NBOLOEFF", iter_nboloeff,
              "Effective bolometer count", status );

    kpgPtfts( imapdata->file->ndfid, fitschan, status );

    if( fitschan ) fitschan = astAnnul( fitschan );

  /* Write WCS (protecting the pointer dereference) */
  if (*status == SAI__OK && imapdata) {
    ndfPtwcs( outfset, imapdata->file->ndfid, status );

  /* Clean up */
  if( mgrp ) grpDelet( &mgrp, status );
  smf_close_file( wf, &imapdata, status );
예제 #3
void smf_write_shortmap( ThrWorkForce *wf, int shortmap, smfArray *res,
                         smfArray *lut, smfArray *qua, smfDIMMData *dat,
                         dim_t msize, const Grp *shortrootgrp, size_t contchunk,
                         int varmapmethod, const int *lbnd_out,
                         const int *ubnd_out, AstFrameSet *outfset,
                         int *status ) {

  dim_t dsize;                  /* Size of data arrays in containers */
  size_t i;                     /* loop counter */
  size_t idx=0;                 /* index within subgroup */
  size_t istart;                /* First useful timeslice */
  size_t iend;                  /* Last useful timeslice */
  int *lut_data=NULL;           /* Pointer to DATA component of lut */
  char name[GRP__SZNAM+1];      /* Buffer for storing names */
  size_t nshort=0;              /* Number of short maps */
  dim_t ntslice;                /* Number of time slices */
  char *pname=NULL;             /* Poiner to name */
  smf_qual_t *qua_data=NULL;    /* Pointer to DATA component of qua */
  double *res_data=NULL;        /* Pointer to DATA component of res */
  size_t sc;                    /* Short map counter */
  double *shortmapweight=NULL;  /* buffer for shotmap weights */
  double *shortmapweightsq=NULL;/* buffer for shotmap weights squared */
  int *shorthitsmap=NULL;       /* buffer for shotmap hits */
  size_t shortstart;            /* first time slice of short map */
  size_t shortend;              /* last time slice of short map */
  size_t tstride;               /* Time stride */

  if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if( !res || !lut || !qua || !dat || !shortrootgrp ||
      !lbnd_out || !ubnd_out || !outfset || !shortmap ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": NULL inputs supplied", status );

  if( !res || !res->sdata || !res->sdata[idx] || !res->sdata[idx]->hdr ||
      !res->sdata[idx]->hdr->allState ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", FUNC_NAME ": RES does not contain JCMTState", status );

  /* Allocate space for the arrays */
  shortmapweight = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*shortmapweight) );
  shortmapweightsq = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*shortmapweightsq) );
  shorthitsmap = astMalloc( msize*sizeof(*shorthitsmap) );

  /* Use first subarray to figure out time dimension. Get the
     useful start and end points of the time series, and then
     determine "nshort" -- the number of complete blocks of
     shortmap time slices in the useful range. */

  smf_get_dims( qua->sdata[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, &ntslice,
                NULL, NULL, &tstride, status );

  qua_data = (qua->sdata[0]->pntr)[0];
  smf_get_goodrange( qua_data, ntslice, tstride, SMF__Q_BOUND,
                     &istart, &iend, status );

  shortstart = istart;

  if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
    if( shortmap == -1 ) {
      nshort = res->sdata[idx]->hdr->allState[iend].tcs_index -
        res->sdata[idx]->hdr->allState[istart].tcs_index + 1;

      msgOutf( "", FUNC_NAME
               ": writing %zu short maps, once each time TCS_INDEX increments",
               status, nshort );
    } else {
      nshort = (iend-istart+1)/shortmap;

      if( nshort ) {
        msgOutf( "", FUNC_NAME
                 ": writing %zu short maps of length %i time slices.",
                 status, nshort, shortmap );
      } else {
        /* Generate warning message if requested short maps are too long*/
        msgOutf( "", FUNC_NAME
                 ": Warning! short maps of lengths %i requested, but "
                 "data only %zu time slices.", status, shortmap,
                 iend-istart+1 );

  /* Loop over short maps */
  for( sc=0; (sc<nshort)&&(*status==SAI__OK); sc++ ) {

    Grp *mgrp=NULL;             /* Temporary group for map names */
    smfData *mapdata=NULL;      /* smfData for new map */
    char tempstr[20];           /* Temporary string */
    char tmpname[GRP__SZNAM+1]; /* temp name buffer */
    char thisshort[20];         /* name particular to this shortmap */

    /* Create a name for the new map, take into account the
       chunk number. Only required if we are using a single
       output container. */
    pname = tmpname;
    grpGet( shortrootgrp, 1, 1, &pname, sizeof(tmpname), status );
    one_strlcpy( name, tmpname, sizeof(name), status );
    one_strlcat( name, ".", sizeof(name), status );

    /* Continuous chunk number */
    sprintf(tempstr, "CH%02zd", contchunk);
    one_strlcat( name, tempstr, sizeof(name), status );

    /* Shortmap number */
    sprintf( thisshort, "SH%06zu", sc );
    one_strlcat( name, thisshort, sizeof(name), status );
    mgrp = grpNew( "shortmap", status );
    grpPut1( mgrp, name, 0, status );

    msgOutf( "", "*** Writing short map (%zu / %zu) %s", status,
             sc+1, nshort, name );

    smf_open_newfile ( wf, mgrp, 1, SMF__DOUBLE, 2, lbnd_out,
                       ubnd_out, SMF__MAP_VAR, &mapdata,

    /* Time slice indices for start and end of short map -- common to
       all subarrays */

    if( shortmap > 0) {
      /* Evenly-spaced shortmaps in time */
      shortstart = istart+sc*shortmap;
      shortend = istart+(sc+1)*shortmap-1;
    } else {
      /* One map each time TCS_INDEX increments -- just uses header
         for the first subarray */
      for(i=shortstart+1; (i<=iend) &&
            (res->sdata[0]->hdr->allState[i].tcs_index ==
          i++ );
      shortend = i-1;

    /* Bad status if we have invalid shortmap ranges. This might
       happen if there is ever a jump in TCS_INDEX for the shortmap=-1
       case since the total number of shortmaps is calculated simply
       as the difference between the first and final TCS indices. */

    if( !nshort || (iend<istart) || (iend>=ntslice) ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRepf( "", FUNC_NAME ": invalid shortmap range (%zu--%zu, ntslice=%zu)"
               "encountered", status, istart, iend, ntslice );

    /* Loop over subgroup index (subarray) */
    for( idx=0; (idx<res->ndat)&&(*status==SAI__OK); idx++ ) {
      int rebinflag = 0;

      /* Pointers to everything we need */
      res_data = (res->sdata[idx]->pntr)[0];
      lut_data = (lut->sdata[idx]->pntr)[0];
      qua_data = (qua->sdata[idx]->pntr)[0];

      smf_get_dims( res->sdata[idx], NULL, NULL, NULL, &ntslice,
                    &dsize, NULL, &tstride, status );

      /* Rebin the data for this range of tslices. */
      if( idx == 0 ) {
        rebinflag |= AST__REBININIT;

      if( idx == (res->ndat-1) ) {
        rebinflag |= AST__REBINEND;

      smf_rebinmap1( NULL, res->sdata[idx],
                     dat->noi ? dat->noi[0]->sdata[idx] : NULL,
                     lut_data, shortstart, shortend, 1, NULL, 0,
                     SMF__Q_GOOD, varmapmethod,
                     shortmapweight, shortmapweightsq, shorthitsmap,
                     mapdata->pntr[1], msize, NULL, status );

      /* Write out FITS header */
      if( (*status == SAI__OK) && res->sdata[idx]->hdr &&
          res->sdata[idx]->hdr->allState ) {
        AstFitsChan *fitschan=NULL;
        JCMTState *allState = res->sdata[idx]->hdr->allState;
        size_t midpnt = (shortstart + shortend) / 2;

        fitschan = astFitsChan ( NULL, NULL, " " );

        atlPtfti( fitschan, "SEQSTART", allState[shortstart].rts_num,
                  "RTS index number of first frame", status );
        atlPtfti( fitschan, "SEQEND", allState[shortend].rts_num,
                  "RTS index number of last frame", status);
        atlPtftd( fitschan, "MJD-AVG", allState[midpnt].rts_end,
                  "Average MJD of this map", status );
        atlPtfts( fitschan, "TIMESYS", "TAI", "Time system for MJD-AVG",
                  status );
        atlPtfti( fitschan, "TCSINDST", allState[shortstart].tcs_index,
                  "TCS index of first frame", status );
        atlPtfti( fitschan, "TCSINDEN", allState[shortend].tcs_index,
                  "TCS index of last frame", status );

        kpgPtfts( mapdata->file->ndfid, fitschan, status );

        if( fitschan ) fitschan = astAnnul( fitschan );

    /* Update shortstart in case we are counting steps in TCS_INDEX */
    shortstart = shortend+1;

    /* Write WCS */
    smf_set_moving( (AstFrame *) outfset, NULL, status );
    ndfPtwcs( outfset, mapdata->file->ndfid, status );

    /* Clean up */
    if( mgrp ) grpDelet( &mgrp, status );
    smf_close_file( wf, &mapdata, status );


  /* Free up memory */
  shortmapweight = astFree( shortmapweight );
  shortmapweightsq = astFree( shortmapweightsq );
  shorthitsmap = astFree( shorthitsmap );
