예제 #1
void Gosu::drawText(Bitmap& bitmap, const std::wstring& text, int x, int y,
    Color c, const std::wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight,
    unsigned fontFlags)
    if (text.find_first_of(L"\r\n") != std::wstring::npos)
        throw std::invalid_argument("the argument to drawText cannot contain line breaks");
    if (text.empty())

    CachedFontInfo& font = getFont(fontName);
    ATSULayoutAndStyle atlas(text, fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags);
    Rect rect = atlas.textExtents();
    unsigned width = rect.right + 1 - rect.left + 1; // add one pixel on OS X
    std::vector<std::tr1::uint32_t> buf(width * fontHeight);
        MacBitmap helper(&buf[0], width, fontHeight);
        atlas.drawToContext(X2Fix(-rect.left), X2Fix(fontHeight / font.heightAt1Pt * font.descentAt1Pt),

    for (unsigned relY = 0; relY < fontHeight; ++relY)
        for (unsigned relX = 0; relX < width; ++relX)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
            Color::Channel alpha = buf[relY * width + relX];
            Color::Channel alpha = Color(buf[relY * width + relX]).alpha();
            if (alpha != 0)
                bitmap.setPixel(x + relX, y + relY, multiply(c, Color(alpha, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)));
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    ControlleurMain atlas(0);

    return a.exec();
// Name: CreateTextureAtlases()
// Desc: Creates atlases for the given textures.
//       All options/info is stored in the options parameter.
//       Returns false if errors occur.
bool CMyD3DApplication::CreateTextureAtlases(CmdLineOptionCollection const &options) const
    // Create an array of texture objects and load the filenames/textures into that array.
    int const   kNumTextures = options.GetNumFilenames();
    char const *pFilename = NULL;
    int         i;

    Texture2D * pSourceTex = new Texture2D[kNumTextures];

    for (i = 0; i < kNumTextures; ++i)
        options.GetFilename(i, &pFilename);
        pSourceTex[i].Init(m_pd3dDevice, pFilename);
        if (FAILED(pSourceTex[i].LoadTexture(options)))
            delete [] pSourceTex;
            return false;

    // Bin these textures into format groups (maps of vectors)
    TNewFormatMap   formatMap;
    for (i = 0; i < kNumTextures; ++i)
        formatMap[pSourceTex[i].GetFormat()].push_back( &(pSourceTex[i]) );

    // We do not do format conversions, so all these different formats 
    // require their own atlases.  Each format may have multiple atlases, e.g., 
    // there is not enough space in a single atlas for all textures of the 
    // same format.  An atlas container contains all these concepts.
    AtlasContainer   atlas(options, formatMap.size());

    // For each format-vector of textures, Sort textures by size (width*height, then height
    TNewFormatMap::iterator fmSort;
    for ( fmSort = formatMap.begin(); fmSort != formatMap.end(); ++fmSort)
        std::sort( (*fmSort).second.begin(), (*fmSort).second.end(), Texture2DGreater() );

    // For each format-vector of textures, insert them into their respective 
    // atlas vector: 
    TNewFormatMap::const_iterator fmIter;
    for (i = 0, fmIter = formatMap.begin(); fmIter != formatMap.end(); ++fmIter, ++i)
        atlas.Insert(i, fmIter->second);

    // Done inserting data: shrink all atlases to minimum size

    // Write all atlases to disk w/ the filenames they have stored

    // Save the Texture Atlas Info (tai) file.
    // For each original texture read-out where it landed up
    // and write that into the tai file.
    bool const kSuccess = CreateTAIFile(options, formatMap);

    // free all memory: clear all vectors of everything
    delete [] pSourceTex;
    return kSuccess;
예제 #4
unsigned Gosu::textWidth(const std::wstring& text,
    const std::wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight, unsigned fontFlags)
    if (text.find_first_of(L"\r\n") != std::wstring::npos)
        throw std::invalid_argument("the argument to textWidth cannot contain line breaks");
    // TODO: Why 1?
    if (text.empty())
        return 1;
    // TODO: special case :(
    // TODO: Why? I guess it was empty otherwise?
    if (text == L" ")
        return fontHeight / 3;
    ATSULayoutAndStyle atlas(text, fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags);
    Rect rect = atlas.textExtents();
    return rect.right + 1 - rect.left + 1; // add one pixel on OS X
Animation AnimationLoader::loadFromResources(const Resources::ResourcePack& resourcePack)
	auto atlasResource = resourcePack.resource("atlas");
	Texture atlas(atlasResource);
	auto configResource = resourcePack.resource("config");
	ConfigReader reader(configResource.asString());
	unsigned frames = reader.getInt("Frames");
	if (frames == 1)
		return Animation(atlas);

	int frameDuration = reader.getInt("FrameDuration");
	std::vector<Rectangle> frameRects;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
		String rectName = String("Rect") + String::fromInt(i + 1);
		std::vector<String> rectCoords = reader.getArray(rectName);
		int x = rectCoords[0].toInt(), y = rectCoords[1].toInt();
		unsigned w = rectCoords[2].toInt(), h = rectCoords[3].toInt();
		frameRects.emplace_back(x, y, w, h);
	return Animation(atlas, frameRects, std::chrono::milliseconds(frameDuration));
void SUSY_bRPV_m0_vs_m12_all_withBand_cls( TString fname0="", TString fname1="",
        TString fname2="",
        TString gridname="",
        const char* prefix="test",
        const float& lumi = 20.3,
        bool showsig = true,
        int discexcl = 1,
        int showtevatron = 0,
        int showcms = 0,
        int showOneSigmaExpBand = 0,
        bool showSR = false,
        bool useShape = false,
        int channel = -1,
        TString hname0 = "sigp1clsf",
        TString hname1 = "sigp1expclsf",
        TString hname3 = "sigclsu1s",
        TString hname5 = "sigclsd1s",
        TString hname6 = "sigp1ref",
        TString fnameMass= "contourmacros/mSugraGridtanbeta10_gluinoSquarkMasses.root")
    // set style and remove existing canvas'

    cout << "--- Plotting m0 versus m12 " << endl;

    // --- prepare
    // open reference files, and retrieve histogram
    cout << "--- Reading root base file: " << fname0 << endl;
    TFile* f0 = TFile::Open( fname0, "READ" );
    if (!f0) {
        cout << "*** Error: could not retrieve histogram: " << hname0 << " in file: " << f0->GetName() 
            << " ==> abort macro execution" << endl;
    TFile *f1; TFile *f2;

    if(fname1 != "")
        f1 = TFile::Open( fname1, "READ" );
        if(!f1) cout << "Warning: could not open " << fname1 << endl;
    if(fname2 != "")
        f2 = TFile::Open( fname2, "READ" );
        if(!f2) cout << "Warning: could not open " << fname2 << endl;

    TH2F* histecls = (TH2F*)f0->Get( "sigp1expclsf" ); 
    TH2F* histocls = (TH2F*)f0->Get( "sigp1clsf" ); 
    if (histecls!=0) histecls->SetDirectory(0);
    if (histocls!=0) histocls->SetDirectory(0);

    TH2F* histe_esigxsp1s;
    if (fname1 != "" && f1)  {
        histe_esigxsp1s = (TH2F*)f1->Get( hname0 );
        cout << "Read up histogram " << histe_esigxsp1s << endl;

    TH2F* histe_esigxsm1s;
    if (fname2 != "" && f2) { 
        histe_esigxsm1s = (TH2F*)f2->Get( hname0 ); 
        cout << "Read down histogram " << histe_esigxsm1s << endl;

    if (histe_esigxsp1s!=0) histe_esigxsp1s->SetDirectory(0);
    if (histe_esigxsm1s!=0) histe_esigxsm1s->SetDirectory(0);

    TH2F* contour_esigxsp1s
        = ( histe_esigxsp1s!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *histe_esigxsp1s, "contour_esigxsp1s", "contour_esigxsp1s", 0 ) : 0);
    TH2F* contour_esigxsm1s
        = ( histe_esigxsm1s!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *histe_esigxsm1s, "contour_esigxsm1s", "contour_esigxsm1s", 0 ) : 0);

    //    TFile* f3 = TFile::Open( fname3, "READ" );
    TH2F* histe(0);
    TH2F* histe_u1s(0);
    TH2F* histe_d1s(0);

    //    TFile* f4 = TFile::Open( fname4, "READ" );

    bool extExpectation = 0;

    TH2F* hist0 = (TH2F*)f0->Get( hname0 );
    TH2F* hist1 = (TH2F*)f0->Get( hname1 );
    TH2F* hist3 = (TH2F*)f0->Get( hname3 );
    TH2F* hist5 = (TH2F*)f0->Get( hname5 );
    TH2F* hist6 = (TH2F*)f0->Get( hname6 );

    if (hist0!=0) hist0->SetDirectory(0);
    if (hist1!=0) hist1->SetDirectory(0);
    if (hist3!=0) hist3->SetDirectory(0);
    if (hist5!=0) hist5->SetDirectory(0);
    if (hist6!=0) hist6->SetDirectory(0);

    TH2F* histe_esigxsp1s; 
    if (fname1!="" && f1) histe_esigxsp1s  = (TH2F*)f1->Get( hname0 ); 
    TH2F* histe_esigxsm1s; 
    if (fname2!="" && f2) histe_esigxsm1s  = (TH2F*)f2->Get( hname0 ); 

    if (fname1!="" &&histe_esigxsp1s!=0) histe_esigxsp1s->SetDirectory(0);
    if (fname2!="" && histe_esigxsm1s!=0) histe_esigxsm1s->SetDirectory(0);

    TH2F* contour_esigxsp1s
        = ( histe_esigxsp1s!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *histe_esigxsp1s, "contour_esigxsp1s", "contour_esigxsp1s", 0 ) : 0);
    TH2F* contour_esigxsm1s
        = ( histe_esigxsm1s!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *histe_esigxsm1s, "contour_esigxsm1s", "contour_esigxsm1s", 0 ) : 0);

    TH2F* contour         = ( hist1!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *hist1, "contour", "contour", 0 ) : 0);
    TH2F* contour_obs     = ( hist0!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *hist0, "contour_obs", "contour_obs") : 0 );

    TH2F* contour_ep1s    = ( hist3!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *hist3, "contour", "contour", 0 ) : 0 );
    TH2F* contour_em1s    = ( hist5!=0 ? FixAndSetBorders( *hist5, "contour", "contour", 0 ) : 0 );

    // For Band
    if (showOneSigmaExpBand){
        TGraph* gr_contour_ep1s = ContourGraph( contour_ep1s )->Clone(); 
        TGraph* gr_contour_em1s= ContourGraph( contour_em1s )->Clone(); 
    TH2F* contour_exp(0);
    if (histe!=0)     { contour_exp     = FixAndSetBorders( *histe, "contour_exp", "contour_exp", 0 ); } 
    TH2F* contour_au1s(0);
    if (histe_u1s!=0) {  contour_au1s   = FixAndSetBorders( *histe_u1s, "contour", "contour", 0 ); }
    TH2F* contour_ad1s(0);
    if (histe_d1s!=0) {  contour_ad1s   = FixAndSetBorders( *histe_d1s, "contour", "contour", 0 ); }

    TH2F* contour_expcls(0);
    if (histecls!=0)     { contour_expcls     = FixAndSetBorders( *histecls, "contour_expcls", "contour_expcls", 0 ); }
    TH2F* contour_obscls(0);
    if (histocls!=0)     { contour_obscls     = FixAndSetBorders( *histocls, "contour_obscls", "contour_obscls", 0 ); }

    if (contour_obs==0) { 
        cout << "contour is zero" << endl;

    // set text style
    if (hist1!=0) hist1->SetMarkerStyle(21);
    if (hist1!=0) hist1->SetMarkerSize(1.5);
    Float_t nsigmax(0)
        if (hist1!=0) nsigmax = hist1->GetMaximum();

    // --- draw

    // create canvas
    TCanvas* c = new TCanvas( "c", "A scan of "+gridname, 0, 0, 
            CombinationGlob::StandardCanvas[0], CombinationGlob::StandardCanvas[1] );  

    // create and draw the frame
    double plotrange=2250.;
    TH2F *frame = new TH2F("frame", "m_{gluino} vs. m_{lsp} - ATLAS work in progress", 100, 350.,plotrange, 100, 200., 900. );
    // set common frame style
    CombinationGlob::SetFrameStyle2D( frame, 1.0 ); // the size (scale) is 1.0
    frame->SetXTitle( "m_{0} [GeV]" );
    frame->SetYTitle( "m_{1/2} [GeV]" );

    //frame->SetTextFont( 42 );
    frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont( 42 );
    frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont( 42 );
    frame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont( 42 );
    frame->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont( 42 );

    frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.04 );
    frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.04 );
    frame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( 0.04 );
    frame->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize( 0.04 );


    const int nsig(3);
    //TH2F *chist[3];
    // draw contours
    //!instead of printing sigma in 68% 95% 98% levels now printing +1 sigma deviations 
    //for (Int_t nsigma=1; nsigma<=nsig; nsigma++)
    //  DrawContourSameColor( contour, nsigma, "blue", kFALSE, (nsigma==1?inverse:0) ) ;

    TString basecolor="yellow";
    Int_t nsigma=2;

    TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6,0.7,0.92,0.9);

    leg->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize );
    leg->SetTextSize( 0.03 );
    leg->SetTextFont( 42 );
    leg->SetFillColor( 0 );

    if (false && channel==1) { // electron

        cout << "removing islands in electron channel ..." << endl;
        // contour line is drawn for values at 1.64485
        TAxis* ax = contour_obs->GetXaxis();
        TAxis* ay = contour_obs->GetYaxis();

               for (int xbin = 1; xbin <= contour_obs->GetNbinsX(); xbin++) {
               for (int ybin = 1; ybin <= contour_obs->GetNbinsY(); ybin++) {
        // island 2
        if ( ax->GetBinCenter( xbin) > 420. && ax->GetBinCenter( xbin) < 480. &&
        ay->GetBinCenter( ybin) > 140. && ay->GetBinCenter( ybin) < 160. ) {
        cout << "Found spot here: " << xbin << " (" << ax->GetBinCenter( xbin)  << "), "
        << ybin << " (" << ay->GetBinCenter( ybin) << "), "
        << " value: " << contour->GetBinContent(xbin,ybin) <<   endl;
        cout << "   HACK : Setting above point by hand to 1.50 (!)" << endl;
        contour->SetBinContent(xbin, ybin, 1.50);


    if (false && channel==2) { // combined
        cout << "removing islands in combined channel ..." << endl;

    //// add 2011 results 

    Int_t c_myYellow   = TColor::GetColor("#ffe938");
    Int_t c_myRed      = TColor::GetColor("#aa000");

    // turn off yellow band    
    if (showOneSigmaExpBand) TGraph* grshadeExp= DrawExpectedBand( gr_contour_ep1s, gr_contour_em1s, CombinationGlob::c_DarkYellow , 1001 , 0)->Clone();

    if (discexcl==1) {
        DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_obs,     "Observed limit (#pm1 #sigma^{SUSY}_{theory})", c_myRed, 1, 4 );   // 95% CL_{S}
        if (contour_esigxsp1s)
            DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_esigxsp1s, "", c_myRed, 3, 2 );    // Observed limit #pm 1 #sigma^{SUSY}_{theory}
        if (contour_esigxsm1s)
            DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_esigxsm1s, "", c_myRed, 3, 2 );    // Observed limit #pm 1 #sigma^{SUSY}_{theory}
        if (!extExpectation) { 
            // Compare the expected limits!
            if (contour_expcls!=0) { 
                //DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_expcls, fname0, CombinationGlob::c_DarkGray, 6 );
                DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_expcls, fname0, CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 6 );
            if (showOneSigmaExpBand) {
                if (contour_ep1s!=0) {	   
                    DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_ep1s, "", c_myYellow, 1 ); 

                if (contour_em1s!=0)  {	   
                    DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_em1s, "", c_myYellow, 1 );
                DummyLegendExpected(leg, "Expected limit (#pm1 #sigma_{exp})", c_myYellow, 1001, CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 6, 2);

            } else {
                //if (contour!=0) DrawContourLine68( leg, contour, "exp. limit 68% CL", CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 2 );
                //if (contour!=0) DrawContourLine99( leg, contour, "exp. limit 99% CL", CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 3 );

        } else { // expectation from asimov
            if (contour_exp!=0) DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_exp, "Median expected limit", CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 6);
            if (showOneSigmaExpBand) {
                if (contour_au1s!=0) DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_au1s, "Expected limit #pm1#sigma", CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 3 );
                if (contour_ad1s!=0) DrawContourLine95( leg, contour_ad1s, "", CombinationGlob::c_DarkBlueT3, 3 );

    // plot tevatron limits
    TGraph* lep2slep(0);
    TGraph* lep2char(0);
    TGraph* d0o(0);
    TGraph* d0graph(0);
    TGraph* cdfgraph(0);
    TGraph* atlas(0);
    TGraph* atlasexp(0);

    if (showtevatron==1 && discexcl==1) {
        lep2char = ol1();
        d0graph = d0tanb3muneg();
        cdfgraph = cdftanb5();
        //atlas = ATLAS10_1lepton();
        //atlasexp = ATLAS10_1leptonexp();

    //:w(void) stautanb3();

    TGraph* cmscurve(0);
    if (showcms==1) { 
        //cmscurve = cmsoff();
        cmscurve = cms();

    // legend
    Float_t textSizeOffset = +0.000;
    Double_t xmax = frame->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
    Double_t xmin = frame->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
    Double_t ymax = frame->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
    Double_t ymin = frame->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
    Double_t dx   = xmax - xmin;
    Double_t dy   = ymax - ymin;

    //TString t1a = "99%, 95%, 68% CL fit contour (excluded)" ;
    // TString t1a = "-1#sigma, central, +1#sigma  fit contour (excluded)" ;
    TString t1b = "tan#beta = 3, A_{0}= 0, #mu < 0" ;
    Float_t nbkg(0);
    if( hist5!=0) nbkg = hist5->GetMaximum();
    TString t1c = Form("MC: n_{bkg}= %.1f", nbkg) ;

    // TLatex* text1a = new TLatex( 70, 260, t1a );
    TLatex* text1b = new TLatex( 150, ymax + dy*0.025, t1b );
    TLatex* text1c = new TLatex( 70, 280, t1c );

    // text1a->SetTextColor( 1 ); //CombinationGlob::c_VDarkGreen );
    text1b->SetTextColor( 1 ); //CombinationGlob::c_VDarkGreen );
    text1c->SetTextColor( 1 );
    text1b->SetTextFont( 42 ); //CombinationGlob::c_VDarkGreen );

    // text1a->SetTextAlign( 11 );
    text1b->SetTextAlign( 11 );
    text1c->SetTextAlign( 11 );

    //  text1a->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize + textSizeOffset );
    text1b->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize  );
    text1c->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize  );
    TString plottitle="bRPV-MSUGRA: tan #beta = 30, A_{0}= -2m_{0}, #mu>0";
        std::cout << "--- printing best SRs" << std::endl;
        Show_SR(fname0, c, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, useShape, leg);
    TLatex *Leg0 = new TLatex( xmin, ymax + dy*0.025,plottitle );
    Leg0->SetTextAlign( 11 );
    Leg0->SetTextFont( 42 );
    Leg0->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize);
    Leg0->SetTextColor( 1 );

    TLatex *Leg1 = new TLatex();
    Leg1->SetTextAlign( 11 );
    Leg1->SetTextFont( 42 );
    Leg1->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize );
    Leg1->SetTextColor( 1 );
    Leg1->DrawLatex(0.15,0.78, Form("#int L dt = %1.1f fb^{-1},  #sqrt{s}=8 TeV",lumi));  // 0.32,0.87
        Leg1->DrawLatex(0.15,0.72, "0 leptons, 2-6 jets, 5-bin");  // 0.32,0.87
    } else {
        Leg1->DrawLatex(0.15,0.72, "0 leptons, 2-6 jets");  // 0.32,0.87


    TLatex *Leg2 = new TLatex();
    Leg2->SetTextAlign( 11 );
    Leg2->SetTextSize( CombinationGlob::DescriptionTextSize );
    Leg2->SetTextColor( 1 );
    if (prefix!=0) { 
        Leg2->DrawLatex(0.7,0.85,prefix); // 0.15,0.81

    TLatex *atlasLabel = new TLatex();
    atlasLabel->SetTextFont( 42 );
    atlasLabel->SetTextColor( 1 );
    atlasLabel->SetTextSize( 0.05 );
    atlasLabel->DrawLatex(0.15,0.87, "#bf{#it{ATLAS}} Internal"); // 0.15,0.87


    //// draw number of signal events
    if (nsigmax>0 && showsig) {  hist1->Draw("textsame"); }
    //else {
    //  // draw grid for clarity
    //  c->SetGrid();
    //reddraw cahnnel label
    //  c->SetGrid();

    if (prefix!=0) { Leg2->AppendPad(); }

    // redraw axes
    frame->Draw( "sameaxis" );

    //  leg->Draw("same");

    // update the canvas
    double xline=1000.;
    double yline=1000.;
    if (fname0.Contains("SS")) {
    TLine *line=new TLine(200.,200.,xline,yline);




    TObjArray *contours = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours");
    if (contours!=0) {

        TList *lcontour1 = (TList*)contours->At(0);
        if (lcontour1!=0) {
            TGraph *gc1 = (TGraph*)lcontour1->First();
            if (gc1!=0) { 
                //if (gc1->GetN() < 10) return;


    // create plots
    // store histograms to output file
    TObjArray* arr = fname0.Tokenize("/");
    TObjString* objstring = (TObjString*)arr->At( arr->GetEntries()-1 );
    TString outfile = TString(Form("%1.2finvfb_",lumi)) + TString(Form("wband%d_",showOneSigmaExpBand)) + TString(Form("showcms%d_",showcms)) + objstring->GetString().ReplaceAll(".root","");
    delete arr;
    if(!showSR) outfile += TString("_noLabel");
    TString prefixsave = TString(prefix).ReplaceAll(" ","_") + Form("%1.2finvfb_",lumi) + Form("wband%d_",showOneSigmaExpBand);
    CombinationGlob::imgconv( c, Form("plots/atlascls_m0m12_%s",outfile.Data()) );   

예제 #7
 void glDeinit()
     atlas().audienceForReposition() -= this;