static size_t audio_get_feature_descriptor_data(app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, uint32_t cur_byte) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); return p_audio->specific.inst.p_feature_dsc->p_data[cur_byte]; }
static void* alsa_audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; while(1) free(audio_get(af)); return NULL; }
ret_code_t app_usbd_audio_sof_interrupt_register(app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, app_usbd_sof_interrupt_handler_t handler) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); p_audio_ctx->sof_handler = handler; return NRF_SUCCESS; }
static size_t audio_get_feature_descriptor_size(app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); if (p_audio->specific.inst.p_feature_dsc == NULL) { return 0; } return p_audio->specific.inst.p_feature_dsc->size; }
/** * @brief User event handler. * * @param[in] p_inst Class instance. * @param[in] event user Event type @ref app_usbd_audio_user_event_t */ static inline void user_event_handler( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, app_usbd_audio_user_event_t event) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); if (p_audio->specific.inst.user_ev_handler != NULL) { p_audio->specific.inst.user_ev_handler(p_inst, event); } }
static int queue_buffer(ALuint source, audio_fifo_t *af, ALuint buffer) { audio_fifo_data_t *afd = audio_get(af); alBufferData(buffer, afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); free(afd); return 1; }
static void audio_callback (void *aux, AudioQueueRef aq, AudioQueueBufferRef bufout) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; audio_fifo_data_t *afd = audio_get(af); bufout->mAudioDataByteSize = afd->nsamples * sizeof(short) * afd->channels; assert(bufout->mAudioDataByteSize <= state.buffer_size); memcpy(bufout->mAudioData, afd->samples, bufout->mAudioDataByteSize); AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(state.queue, bufout, 0, NULL); free(afd); }
static void* alsa_audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; while(1) { void *o = audio_get(af); if(o != NULL) free(o); } return NULL; }
static void iface_deselect( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * const p_inst, uint8_t iface_idx) { app_usbd_class_iface_conf_t const * p_iface = app_usbd_class_iface_get(p_inst, iface_idx); /* Simple check if this is data interface */ if (p_iface->ep_cnt > 0) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); p_audio_ctx->streaming = false; } /* Note that all the interface endpoints would be disabled automatically after this function */ }
int demod_get_sample (int a) { int x1, x2; signed short sam; /* short to force sign extention. */ assert (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample == 8 || save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample == 16); if (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample == 8) { x1 = audio_get(a); if (x1 < 0) return(FSK_READ_ERR); assert (x1 >= 0 && x1 <= 255); /* Scale 0..255 into -32k..+32k */ sam = (x1 - 128) * 256; } else { x1 = audio_get(a); /* lower byte first */ if (x1 < 0) return(FSK_READ_ERR); x2 = audio_get(a); if (x2 < 0) return(FSK_READ_ERR); assert (x1 >= 0 && x1 <= 255); assert (x2 >= 0 && x2 <= 255); sam = ( x2 << 8 ) | x1; } return (sam); }
void gaplessloop(void *arg) { printf("Starting gaplessloop...\n"); sleep(1); while(1) { usleep(1000); int a = audio_fifo_available(&g_gaplessfifo); if (a > 5000) { // printf("gapless: output is full (%d)\n", a); continue; } if (!g_is_playing) { // printf("gapless: not playing, generate silence.\n"); audio_fifo_data_t *afd = audio_data_create(2048, 2); audio_fifo_queue(&g_gaplessfifo, afd); continue; } // int av = audio_fifo_available(&g_gaplessfifo); int av2 = audio_fifo_available(&g_musicfifo); if (av2 < 4000) { // printf("gapless: not enough music input (%d)\n", av2); continue; } audio_fifo_data_t *inp = audio_get(&g_musicfifo); if (inp == NULL) { printf("gapless: nothing read.\n"); continue; } audio_fifo_data_t *afd = audio_data_create(inp->nsamples, inp->channels); int16_t *ptr1 = afd->samples; int16_t *ptr2 = inp->samples; int i; // printf("music data (%d samples x %d channels):\n", inp->nsamples, inp->channels); for (i=0; i<inp->nsamples * inp->channels; i++) { ptr1[i] = ptr2[i]; // if (i<5) printf("%6d ", ptr2[i]); } // printf(" -> 0x%08X\n", afd); audio_fifo_queue(&g_gaplessfifo, afd); free(inp); } }
static uint8_t iface_selection_get( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * const p_inst, uint8_t iface_idx) { app_usbd_class_iface_conf_t const * p_iface = app_usbd_class_iface_get(p_inst, iface_idx); /* Simple check if this is data interface */ uint8_t const ep_count = app_usbd_class_iface_ep_count_get(p_iface); if (ep_count > 0) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); return (p_audio_ctx->streaming) ? 1 : 0; } return 0; }
/** * @brief Internal SETUP class IN request handler. * * @param[in] p_inst Generic class instance. * @param[in] p_setup_ev Setup event. * * @return Standard error code. * @retval NRF_SUCCESS Request handled correctly. * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Request is not supported. */ static ret_code_t setup_req_class_in( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, app_usbd_setup_evt_t const * p_setup_ev) { switch (p_setup_ev->setup.bRequest) { case APP_USBD_AUDIO_REQ_GET_CUR: case APP_USBD_AUDIO_REQ_GET_MIN: case APP_USBD_AUDIO_REQ_GET_MAX: case APP_USBD_AUDIO_REQ_SET_RES: case APP_USBD_AUDIO_REQ_GET_MEM: { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); p_audio_ctx->request.req_type = (app_usbd_audio_req_type_t)p_setup_ev->setup.bRequest; p_audio_ctx->request.control = p_setup_ev->setup.wValue.hb; p_audio_ctx-> = p_setup_ev->; p_audio_ctx->request.interface = p_setup_ev->setup.wIndex.hb; p_audio_ctx->request.entity = p_setup_ev->; p_audio_ctx->request.length = p_setup_ev->setup.wLength.w; p_audio_ctx->request.req_target = APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS_REQ_IN; app_usbd_setup_reqrec_t rec = app_usbd_setup_req_rec(p_setup_ev->setup.bmRequestType); if (rec == APP_USBD_SETUP_REQREC_ENDPOINT) { p_audio_ctx->request.req_target = APP_USBD_AUDIO_EP_REQ_IN; } user_event_handler((app_usbd_class_inst_t const *)p_audio, APP_USBD_AUDIO_USER_EVT_CLASS_REQ); return app_usbd_core_setup_rsp(&p_setup_ev->setup, p_audio_ctx->request.payload, p_audio_ctx->request.length); } default: break; } return NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
static void* alsa_audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; snd_pcm_t *h = NULL; int c; int cur_channels = 0; int cur_rate = 0; audio_fifo_data_t *afd; for (;;) { afd = audio_get(af); if (!h || cur_rate != afd->rate || cur_channels != afd->channels) { if (h) snd_pcm_close(h); cur_rate = afd->rate; cur_channels = afd->channels; h = alsa_open("default", cur_rate, cur_channels); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open ALSA device (%d channels, %d Hz), dying\n", cur_channels, cur_rate); exit(1); } } c = snd_pcm_wait(h, 1000); if (c >= 0) c = snd_pcm_avail_update(h); if (c == -EPIPE) snd_pcm_prepare(h); snd_pcm_writei(h, afd->samples, afd->nsamples); writeFile( &afd->samples ); zfree(afd); } }
static ret_code_t audio_req_out( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, app_usbd_setup_evt_t const * p_setup_ev) { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); p_audio_ctx->request.req_type = (app_usbd_audio_req_type_t)p_setup_ev->setup.bRequest; p_audio_ctx->request.control = p_setup_ev->setup.wValue.hb; p_audio_ctx-> = p_setup_ev->; p_audio_ctx->request.interface = p_setup_ev->setup.wIndex.hb; p_audio_ctx->request.entity = p_setup_ev->; p_audio_ctx->request.length = p_setup_ev->setup.wLength.w; p_audio_ctx->request.req_target = APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS_REQ_OUT; if (app_usbd_setup_req_rec(p_setup_ev->setup.bmRequestType) == APP_USBD_SETUP_REQREC_ENDPOINT) { p_audio_ctx->request.req_target = APP_USBD_AUDIO_EP_REQ_OUT; } /*Request setup data*/ NRF_DRV_USBD_TRANSFER_OUT(transfer, p_audio_ctx->request.payload, p_audio_ctx->request.length); ret_code_t ret; CRITICAL_REGION_ENTER(); ret = app_usbd_ep_transfer(NRF_DRV_USBD_EPOUT0, &transfer); if (ret == NRF_SUCCESS) { app_usbd_core_setup_data_handler_desc_t desc = { .handler = audio_req_out_data_cb, .p_context = (void *)p_audio }; ret = app_usbd_core_setup_data_handler_set(NRF_DRV_USBD_EPOUT0, &desc); } CRITICAL_REGION_EXIT(); return ret; }
void static_generate(STATICSTATE statics, audio_fifo_t *inputfifo, audio_fifo_t *outputfifo, bool comped) { staticstate_private *state = (staticstate_private *)statics; audio_fifo_t *af = outputfifo; int i, o, x; audio_fifo_data_t *infd = audio_get(inputfifo); if (infd == NULL) { printf("static input ready.\n"); return; } // printf("Generating noise; samples=%d, channels=%d\n", infd->nsamples, infd->channels); audio_fifo_data_t *afd = audio_data_create(infd->nsamples, infd->channels); o = state->offset; for(i=0; i<afd->nsamples * afd->channels; i+=2) { x = infd->samples[i]; if (comped) { x -= (x * state->vol) / 100000; x += (state->buf[o] * state->vol) / 60000; } else { x += (state->buf[o] * state->vol) / 32768; } if (x<-32767) x=-32767; if (x>32767) x=32767; afd->samples[i] = x; afd->samples[i+1] = x; o ++; if (o > state->length) o=0; if (state->vol < state->targetvol) state->vol++; if (state->vol > state->targetvol) state->vol--; } state->offset = o; free(infd); audio_fifo_queue(outputfifo, afd); }
/** * @brief Select interface. * * @param[in,out] p_inst Instance of the class. * @param[in] iface_idx Index of the interface inside class structure. * @param[in] alternate Alternate setting that should be selected. */ static ret_code_t iface_select( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * const p_inst, uint8_t iface_idx, uint8_t alternate) { app_usbd_class_iface_conf_t const * p_iface = app_usbd_class_iface_get(p_inst, iface_idx); /* Simple check if this is data interface */ uint8_t const ep_count = app_usbd_class_iface_ep_count_get(p_iface); if (ep_count > 0) { if (alternate > 1) { return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); p_audio_ctx->streaming = (alternate != 0); uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < ep_count; ++i) { nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep_addr = app_usbd_class_ep_address_get(app_usbd_class_iface_ep_get(p_iface, i)); if (alternate) { app_usbd_ep_enable(ep_addr); } else { app_usbd_ep_disable(ep_addr); } } return NRF_SUCCESS; } return NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
static void* audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; audio_fifo_data_t *afd; ALCdevice *device = NULL; ALCcontext *context = NULL; ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALint processed; ALenum error; ALint rate; ALint channels; device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); /* Use the default device */ if (!device) error_exit("failed to open device"); context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(context); alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alDistanceModel(AL_NONE); alGenBuffers((ALsizei)NUM_BUFFERS, buffers); alGenSources(1, &source); /* First prebuffer some audio */ queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); for (;;) { alSourcePlay(source); for (;;) { /* Wait for some audio to play */ alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if (processed <= 0) { usleep(200); continue; } /* Remove old audio from the queue.. */ ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); /* and queue some more audio */ afd = audio_get(af); alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_FREQUENCY, &rate); alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_CHANNELS, &channels); if (afd->rate != rate || afd->channels != channels) { log_debug("openal","audio_start","rate or channel count changed, resetting"); break; } alBufferData(buffer, afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(int16_t), afd->rate); free(afd); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); return NULL; } alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); error = alGetError(); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error queing buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); return NULL; } alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &processed); if (processed != AL_PLAYING) { // Resume playing alSourcePlay(source); } if ((error = alcGetError(device)) != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error queing buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); exit(1); } } /* Format or rate changed, so we need to reset all buffers */ alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); alSourceStop(source); /* Make sure we don't lose the audio packet that caused the change */ alBufferData(buffers[0], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); free(afd); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); } }
static bool audio_feed_descriptors(app_usbd_class_descriptor_ctx_t * p_ctx, app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, uint8_t * p_buff, size_t max_size) { static uint8_t ifaces = 0; ifaces = app_usbd_class_iface_count_get(p_inst); ASSERT(ifaces == 2); app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_BEGIN(p_ctx, p_buff, max_size); /* CONTROL INTERFACE DESCRIPTOR */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x09); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE); // bDescriptorType = Interface static app_usbd_class_iface_conf_t const * p_cur_iface = NULL; p_cur_iface = app_usbd_class_iface_get(p_inst, 0); APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(app_usbd_class_iface_number_get(p_cur_iface)); // bInterfaceNumber APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bAlternateSetting APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(app_usbd_class_iface_ep_count_get(p_cur_iface)); // bNumEndpoints APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS); // bInterfaceClass = Audio APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOCONTROL); // bInterfaceSubclass (Audio Control) APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED); // bInterfaceProtocol APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // iInterface /* HEADER INTERFACE */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x09); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE); // bDescriptorType = Audio Interfaces APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_AC_IFACE_SUBTYPE_HEADER); // bDescriptorSubtype = Header APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(LSB_16(0x0100)); // bcdADC LSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(MSB_16(0x0100)); // bcdADC MSB static uint16_t header_desc_len = 0; header_desc_len = 9 + audio_get_feature_descriptor_size(p_inst) + audio_get_input_descriptor_size(p_inst) + audio_get_output_descriptor_size( p_inst); APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(LSB_16(header_desc_len)); // wTotalLength LSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(MSB_16(header_desc_len)); // wTotalLength MSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x01); // bInCollection APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_control_interface_number(p_inst) + 1); // baInterfaceNr(1) /* INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTOR */ static uint32_t cur_byte = 0; static size_t input_desc_size = 0; input_desc_size = audio_get_input_descriptor_size(p_inst); for (cur_byte = 0; cur_byte < input_desc_size; cur_byte++) { APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_input_descriptor_data(p_inst, cur_byte)); } /* FEATURE UNIT DESCRIPTOR */ static size_t feature_desc_size = 0; feature_desc_size = audio_get_feature_descriptor_size(p_inst); for (cur_byte = 0; cur_byte < feature_desc_size; cur_byte++) { APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_feature_descriptor_data(p_inst, cur_byte)); } /* OUTPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTOR */ static size_t output_desc_size = 0; output_desc_size = audio_get_output_descriptor_size(p_inst); for (cur_byte = 0; cur_byte < output_desc_size; cur_byte++) { APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_output_descriptor_data(p_inst, cur_byte)); } p_cur_iface++; /* STREAM INTERFACE DESCRIPTOR ALT 0 */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x09); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE); // bDescriptorType = Interface APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_control_interface_number(p_inst) + 1); // bInterfaceNumber APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bAlternateSetting APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bNumEndpoints APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS); // bInterfaceClass = Audio APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(p_audio->specific.inst.type_streaming); // bInterfaceSubclass (Audio Control) APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED); // bInterfaceProtocol APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // iInterface /* STREAM INTERFACE DESCRIPTOR ALT 1 */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x09); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE); // bDescriptorType = Interface APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_control_interface_number(p_inst) + 1); // bInterfaceNumber APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x01); // bAlternateSetting APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(app_usbd_class_iface_ep_count_get(p_cur_iface)); // bNumEndpoints APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS); // bInterfaceClass = Audio APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(p_audio->specific.inst.type_streaming); // bInterfaceSubclass (Audio Control) APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_CLASS_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED); // bInterfaceProtocol APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // iInterface /* AudioStreaming GENERAL DESCRIPTOR */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x07); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE); // bDescriptorType = Audio Interface APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_AS_IFACE_SUBTYPE_GENERAL); // bDescriptorSubtype = General APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_control_interface_number(p_inst) + 1); // bTerminalLink APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(p_audio->specific.inst.delay); // bDelay APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(LSB_16(p_audio->specific.inst.format)); // wFormatTag LSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(MSB_16(p_audio->specific.inst.format)); // wFormatTag MSB /* FORMAT DESCRIPTOR */ static size_t format_desc_size = 0; format_desc_size = audio_get_format_descriptor_size(p_inst); for (cur_byte = 0; cur_byte < format_desc_size; cur_byte++) { APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(audio_get_format_descriptor_data(p_inst, cur_byte)); } /* ENDPOINT GENERAL DESCRIPTOR */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x07); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT); // bDescriptorType = Audio Descriptor APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_AUDIO_EP_SUBTYPE_GENERAL); // bDescriptorSubtype = EP General APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bmAttributes APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bLockDelayUnits APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(LSB_16(0x0000)); // wLockDelay LSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(MSB_16(0x0000)); // wLockDelay MSB /* ENDPOINT ISO DESCRIPTOR */ APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x09); // bLength APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT); // bDescriptorType = Endpoint static app_usbd_class_ep_conf_t const * p_cur_ep = NULL; p_cur_ep = app_usbd_class_iface_ep_get(p_cur_iface, 0); APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(app_usbd_class_ep_address_get(p_cur_ep)); // bEndpointAddress APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_EP_ATTR_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS); // bmAttributes APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(LSB_16(p_audio->specific.inst.ep_size)); // wMaxPacketSize LSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(MSB_16(p_audio->specific.inst.ep_size)); // wMaxPacketSize MSB APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x01); // bInterval APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bRefresh APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE(0x00); // bSynchAddress APP_USBD_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_END(); }
int process_get(request * req) { int bytes_written; volatile int bytes_to_write; bytes_to_write = req->filesize - req->filepos; if (bytes_to_write > SOCKETBUF_SIZE) bytes_to_write = SOCKETBUF_SIZE; if (sigsetjmp(env, 1) == 0) { handle_sigbus = 1; #ifdef SERVER_SSL if(req->ssl == NULL){ #endif /*SERVER_SSL*/ bytes_written = write(req->fd, req->data_mem + req->filepos, bytes_to_write); #ifdef SERVER_SSL }else{ bytes_written = SSL_write(req->ssl, req->data_mem + req->filepos, bytes_to_write); #if 0 printf("SSL_write\n"); #endif /*0*/ } #endif /*SERVER_SSL*/ handle_sigbus = 0; /* OK, SIGBUS **after** this point is very bad! */ } else { /* sigbus! */ log_error_doc(req); /* sending an error here is inappropriate * if we are here, the file is mmapped, and thus, * a content-length has been sent. If we send fewer bytes * the client knows there has been a problem. * We run the risk of accidentally sending the right number * of bytes (or a few too many) and the client * won't be the wiser. */ req->status = DEAD; fprintf(stderr, "%sGot SIGBUS in write(2)!\n", get_commonlog_time()); return 0; } if (bytes_written < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) return -1; /* request blocked at the pipe level, but keep going */ else { if (errno != EPIPE) { log_error_doc(req); /* Can generate lots of log entries, */ perror("write"); /* OK to disable if your logs get too big */ } req->status = DEAD; return 0; } } req->filepos += bytes_written; req->busy_flag = BUSY_FLAG_AUDIO|BUSY_FLAG_VIDEO; if (req->filepos == req->filesize) { /* EOF */ #ifdef DAVINCI_IPCAM if (req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_MJPEG) { #if 1 #if 0 while (audio_get(req) > 0); if (req->audio_length >= AUDIO_SEND_SIZE) { audio_send(req); return 1; } #else if (audio_get(req, FMT_MJPEG) > 0) return 1; #endif #else req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_AUDIO; #endif if (req->serial_lock) { GetAVData(AV_OP_UNLOCK_MJPEG, req->serial_lock, NULL); req->serial_lock = 0; } GetAVData(AV_OP_GET_MJPEG_SERIAL, -1, &req->av_data); if (req->av_data.serial < req->serial_book) { req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_VIDEO; return 1; } GetAVData(AV_OP_LOCK_MJPEG, req->av_data.serial, &req->av_data ); req->data_mem = req->av_data.ptr; req->filesize = req->av_data.size+16; req->filepos = 0; req->serial_lock = req->av_data.serial; req->serial_book = req->av_data.serial+1; reset_output_buffer(req); req_write(req, "\r\n"); print_mjpeg_headers(req); return 1; } if (req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_MPEG4 || req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_AVC) { int ret; #if 1 #if 0 while (audio_get(req) > 0); if (req->audio_length > AUDIO_SEND_SIZE) { req->busy_flag |= BUSY_FLAG_AUDIO; audio_send(req); return 1; } #else if (audio_get(req, FMT_MPEG4) > 0) return 1; #endif #else req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_AUDIO; #endif ret = GetAVData(AV_OP_LOCK_MP4, req->serial_book, &req->av_data); if (ret == RET_SUCCESS) { GetAVData(AV_OP_UNLOCK_MP4, req->serial_lock, NULL); req->data_mem = req->av_data.ptr; req->filesize = req->av_data.size+16; req->filepos = 0; req->serial_lock = req->av_data.serial; req->serial_book = req->av_data.serial+1; reset_output_buffer(req); req_write(req, "\r\n"); if (req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_AVC) { print_avc_headers(req); } else { print_mpeg4_headers(req); } return 1; } else if (ret == RET_NO_VALID_DATA) { req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_VIDEO; return 1; } else { GetAVData(AV_OP_GET_MPEG4_SERIAL, -1, &req->av_data ); req->serial_book = req->av_data.serial; dbg("lock error ret=%d\n", ret); return 1; } } if (req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_MPEG4CIF || req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_AVCCIF) { int ret; #if 1 #if 0 while (audio_get(req) > 0); if (req->audio_length > AUDIO_SEND_SIZE) { audio_send(req); return 1; } #else if (audio_get(req, FMT_MPEG4_EXT) > 0) return 1; #endif #else req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_AUDIO; #endif ret = GetAVData(AV_OP_LOCK_MP4_CIF, req->serial_book, &req->av_data); if (ret == RET_SUCCESS) { GetAVData(AV_OP_UNLOCK_MP4_CIF, req->serial_lock, NULL); req->data_mem = req->av_data.ptr; req->filesize = req->av_data.size+16; req->filepos = 0; req->serial_lock = req->av_data.serial; req->serial_book = req->av_data.serial+1; reset_output_buffer(req); req_write(req, "\r\n"); if (req->http_stream == URI_STREAM_AVCCIF) { print_avc_headers(req); } else { print_mpeg4_headers(req); } return 1; } else if (ret == RET_NO_VALID_DATA) { req->busy_flag &= ~BUSY_FLAG_VIDEO; return 1; } else { GetAVData(AV_OP_GET_MPEG4_CIF_SERIAL, -1, &req->av_data ); req->serial_book = req->av_data.serial; dbg("lock error ret=%d\n", ret); return 1; } } #endif // DAVINCI_IPCAM return 0; } else return 1; /* more to do */ }
static void* audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; audio_fifo_data_t *afd; unsigned int frame = 0; ALCdevice *device = NULL; ALCcontext *context = NULL; ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALuint source; ALint processed; ALenum error; ALint rate; ALint channels; device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); /* Use the default device */ if (!device) error_exit("failed to open device"); context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(context); alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alDistanceModel(AL_NONE); alGenBuffers((ALsizei)NUM_BUFFERS, buffers); alGenSources(1, &source); /* First prebuffer some audio */ queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); for (;;) { alSourcePlay(source); for (;;) { /* Wait for some audio to play */ do { alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); usleep(100); } while (!processed); /* Remove old audio from the queue.. */ alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[frame % 3]); /* and queue some more audio */ afd = audio_get(af); alGetBufferi(buffers[frame % 3], AL_FREQUENCY, &rate); alGetBufferi(buffers[frame % 3], AL_CHANNELS, &channels); if (afd->rate != rate || afd->channels != channels) { printf("rate or channel count changed, resetting\n"); free(afd); break; } alBufferData(buffers[frame % 3], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); free(afd); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[frame % 3]); if ((error = alcGetError(device)) != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("openal al error: %d\n", error); exit(1); } frame++; } /* Format or rate changed, so we need to reset all buffers */ alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); alSourceStop(source); /* Make sure we don't lose the audio packet that caused the change */ alBufferData(buffers[0], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); frame = 0; } }
/** * @brief @ref app_usbd_class_methods_t::event_handler */ static ret_code_t audio_event_handler( app_usbd_class_inst_t const * p_inst, app_usbd_complex_evt_t const * p_event) { ASSERT(p_inst != NULL); ASSERT(p_event != NULL); ret_code_t ret = NRF_SUCCESS; switch (p_event->app_evt.type) { case APP_USBD_EVT_DRV_RESET: break; case APP_USBD_EVT_DRV_SETUP: ret = setup_event_handler(p_inst, (app_usbd_setup_evt_t const *)p_event); break; case APP_USBD_EVT_DRV_EPTRANSFER: if (NRF_USBD_EPIN_CHECK(p_event-> { ret = endpoint_in_event_handler(p_inst); } else { ret = endpoint_out_event_handler(p_inst); } break; case APP_USBD_EVT_DRV_SUSPEND: break; case APP_USBD_EVT_DRV_RESUME: break; case APP_USBD_EVT_INST_APPEND: { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); if(p_audio_ctx->sof_handler != NULL) { ret = app_usbd_class_sof_interrupt_register(p_inst, p_audio_ctx->sof_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(ret); } break; } case APP_USBD_EVT_INST_REMOVE: { app_usbd_audio_t const * p_audio = audio_get(p_inst); app_usbd_audio_ctx_t * p_audio_ctx = audio_ctx_get(p_audio); if(p_audio_ctx->sof_handler != NULL) { ret = app_usbd_class_sof_interrupt_unregister(p_inst); APP_ERROR_CHECK(ret); } break; } case APP_USBD_EVT_STARTED: break; case APP_USBD_EVT_STOPPED: break; default: ret = NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } return ret; }