GList *find_dangling_aliases(const char * const name) { int result; char *username; GList *uids = NULL; GList *fwds = NULL; GList *dangling = NULL; /* For each alias, figure out if it resolves to a valid user * or some forwarding address. If neither, remove it. */ result = auth_check_user_ext(name,&uids,&fwds,0); if (!result) { qerrorf("Nothing found searching for [%s].\n", name); serious_errors = 1; return dangling; } uids = g_list_first(uids); while (uids) { username = auth_get_userid(*(u64_t *)uids->data); if (!username) dangling = g_list_prepend(dangling, uids->data); g_free(username); if (! g_list_next(uids)) break; uids = g_list_next(uids); } return dangling; }
int send_alert(uint64_t user_idnr, char *subject, char *body) { DbmailMessage *new_message; Field_T postmaster; char *from; int msgflags[IMAP_NFLAGS]; // Only send each unique alert once a day. char *tmp = g_strconcat(subject, body, NULL); char *userchar = g_strdup_printf("%" PRIu64 "", user_idnr); char handle[FIELDSIZE]; memset(handle, 0, sizeof(handle)); dm_md5(tmp, handle); if (db_replycache_validate(userchar, "send_alert", handle, 1) != DM_SUCCESS) { TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Already sent alert [%s] to user [%" PRIu64 "] today", subject, user_idnr); g_free(userchar); g_free(tmp); return 0; } else { TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Sending alert [%s] to user [%" PRIu64 "]", subject, user_idnr); db_replycache_register(userchar, "send_alert", handle); g_free(userchar); g_free(tmp); } // From the Postmaster. if (config_get_value("POSTMASTER", "DBMAIL", postmaster) < 0) { TRACE(TRACE_NOTICE, "no config value for POSTMASTER"); } if (strlen(postmaster)) from = postmaster; else from = DEFAULT_POSTMASTER; // Set the \Flagged flag. memset(msgflags, 0, sizeof(msgflags)); msgflags[IMAP_FLAG_FLAGGED] = 1; // Get the user's login name. char *to = auth_get_userid(user_idnr); new_message = dbmail_message_new(NULL); new_message = dbmail_message_construct(new_message, to, from, subject, body); // Pre-insert the message and get a new_message->id dbmail_message_store(new_message); uint64_t tmpid = new_message->id; if (sort_deliver_to_mailbox(new_message, user_idnr, "INBOX", BOX_BRUTEFORCE, msgflags, NULL) != DSN_CLASS_OK) { TRACE(TRACE_ERR, "Unable to deliver alert [%s] to user [%" PRIu64 "]", subject, user_idnr); } g_free(to); db_delete_message(tmpid); dbmail_message_free(new_message); return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Http_getUsers(T R) { struct evbuffer *buf; char *username = NULL; uint64_t id = 0; if (Request_getId(R)) { /* * id can be specified both by name and number * * C < /users/testuser1 * C < /users/123 * */ if ((id = strtoull(Request_getId(R), NULL, 10))) username = auth_get_userid(id); else if (auth_user_exists(Request_getId(R), &id)) username = g_strdup(Request_getId(R)); if (! (username && id)) Request_error(R, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "User not found"); } buf = evbuffer_new(); if (Request_getMethod(R) == NULL) { GList *users = NULL; if (username) { MailboxState_T M; const char *mailbox; uint64_t mboxid; /* * retrieve user meta-data * C < /users/testuser1 * create/delete mailbox for user * POST C < /users/testuser1 */ if ((mailbox = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R),"create"))) { const char *message; if (db_mailbox_create_with_parents(mailbox, BOX_COMMANDLINE, id, &mboxid, &message)) { Request_error(R, HTTP_BADREQUEST, message); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } } if ((mailbox = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R),"delete"))) { int access; /* check if there is an attempt to delete inbox */ if (MATCH(mailbox, "INBOX")) { Request_error(R, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "NO cannot delete special mailbox INBOX"); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } if (! (db_findmailbox(mailbox, id, &mboxid)) ) { Request_error(R, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "NO mailbox doesn't exists"); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } /* Check if the user has ACL delete rights to this mailbox */ M = MailboxState_new(mboxid); access = acl_has_right(M, id, ACL_RIGHT_DELETE); if (access != 1) { Request_error(R, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "NO permission denied"); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } /* ok remove mailbox */ if (db_delete_mailbox(mboxid, 0, 1)) { Request_error(R, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "NO delete failed"); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } } users = g_list_append_printf(users, "%s", username); } else { /* * list all users * C < /users/ * * create,edit,delete user * POST C < /users/ */ const char *user = NULL; if ((user = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R),"create"))) { const char *password, *encoding, *quota; password = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R), "password"); encoding = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R), "encoding"); quota = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R), "quota"); TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, "create user: [%s] password: [%s] encoding [%s] quota [%s]", user, password, encoding, quota); } else if ((user = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R),"edit"))) { TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, "edit user: [%s]", user); } else if ((user = evhttp_find_header(Request_getPOST(R),"delete"))) { TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, "delete user: [%s]", user); } users = auth_get_known_users(); } Request_setContentType(R,"application/json; charset=utf-8"); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "{\"users\": {\n"); while(users->data) { uint64_t id; if (auth_user_exists((char *)users->data, &id)) evbuffer_add_printf(buf, " \"%lu\":{\"name\":\"%s\"}", id, (char *)users->data); if (! g_list_next(users)) break; users = g_list_next(users); evbuffer_add_printf(buf,",\n"); } evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "\n}}\n"); g_list_destroy(users); } else if (MATCH(Request_getMethod(R),"mailboxes")) { GList *mailboxes = NULL; if (! username) { Request_error(R, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "User not found"); evbuffer_free(buf); return; } /* * list mailboxes for user * GET C < /users/testuser1/mailboxes * */ db_findmailbox_by_regex(id, "*", &mailboxes, FALSE); Request_setContentType(R,"application/json; charset=utf-8"); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "{\"mailboxes\": {\n"); while (mailboxes->data) { MailboxState_T b = MailboxState_new(*((uint64_t *)mailboxes->data)); MailboxState_setOwner(b, id); //if (MailboxState_reload(b) == DM_SUCCESS) evbuffer_add_printf(buf, " \"%lu\":{\"name\":\"%s\",\"exists\":%u}", MailboxState_getId(b), MailboxState_getName(b), MailboxState_getExists(b)); MailboxState_free(&b); if (! g_list_next(mailboxes)) break; mailboxes = g_list_next(mailboxes); evbuffer_add_printf(buf,",\n"); } evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "\n}}\n"); } if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(buf)) Request_send(R, HTTP_OK, "OK", buf); else Request_error(R, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Server error"); if (username) g_free(username); evbuffer_free(buf); }