/* * After receiving a connection (in dircmd.c) if it is * from the File daemon, this routine is called. */ void handle_filed_connection(BSOCK *fd, char *job_name, int fd_version, int sd_version) { JCR *jcr; if (!(jcr=get_jcr_by_full_name(job_name))) { Jmsg1(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("FD connect failed: Job name not found: %s\n"), job_name); Dmsg1(3, "**** Job \"%s\" not found.\n", job_name); fd->destroy(); return; } Dmsg1(100, "Found Filed Job %s\n", job_name); if (jcr->authenticated) { Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Hey!!!! JobId %u Job %s already authenticated.\n"), (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); Dmsg2(050, "Hey!!!! JobId %u Job %s already authenticated.\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); fd->destroy(); free_jcr(jcr); return; } jcr->file_bsock = fd; jcr->file_bsock->set_jcr(jcr); jcr->FDVersion = fd_version; jcr->SDVersion = sd_version; Dmsg2(050, "fd_version=%d sd_version=%d\n", fd_version, sd_version); /* * Authenticate the File daemon */ if (jcr->authenticated || !authenticate_filed(jcr)) { Dmsg1(50, "Authentication failed Job %s\n", jcr->Job); Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to authenticate File daemon\n")); } else { jcr->authenticated = true; Dmsg2(050, "OK Authentication jid=%u Job %s\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); } if (!jcr->authenticated) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); } Dmsg3(050, "=== Auth OK, unblock Job %s jid=%d sd_ver=%d\n", job_name, jcr->JobId, sd_version); if (sd_version > 0) { jcr->sd_client = true; } pthread_cond_signal(&jcr->job_start_wait); /* wake waiting job */ free_jcr(jcr); return; }
/* * After receiving a connection (in dircmd.c) if it is * from the File daemon, this routine is called. */ void handle_filed_connection(BSOCK *fd, char *job_name) { JCR *jcr; /* * With the following bmicrosleep on, running the * SD under the debugger fails. */ // bmicrosleep(0, 50000); /* wait 50 millisecs */ if (!(jcr=get_jcr_by_full_name(job_name))) { Jmsg1(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("FD connect failed: Job name not found: %s\n"), job_name); Dmsg1(3, "**** Job \"%s\" not found.\n", job_name); fd->close(); return; } Dmsg1(50, "Found Job %s\n", job_name); if (jcr->authenticated) { Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Hey!!!! JobId %u Job %s already authenticated.\n"), (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); Dmsg2(50, "Hey!!!! JobId %u Job %s already authenticated.\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); fd->close(); free_jcr(jcr); return; } jcr->file_bsock = fd; jcr->file_bsock->set_jcr(jcr); /* * Authenticate the File daemon */ if (jcr->authenticated || !authenticate_filed(jcr)) { Dmsg1(50, "Authentication failed Job %s\n", jcr->Job); Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to authenticate File daemon\n")); } else { jcr->authenticated = true; Dmsg2(50, "OK Authentication jid=%u Job %s\n", (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, jcr->Job); } if (!jcr->authenticated) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); } pthread_cond_signal(&jcr->job_start_wait); /* wake waiting job */ free_jcr(jcr); return; }
bool run_cmd(JCR *jcr) { struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; struct timespec timeout; int errstat = 0; Dsm_check(200); Dmsg1(200, "Run_cmd: %s\n", jcr->dir_bsock->msg); /* If we do not need the FD, we are doing a virtual backup. */ if (jcr->no_client_used()) { do_vbackup(jcr); return false; } jcr->sendJobStatus(JS_WaitFD); /* wait for FD to connect */ Dmsg2(050, "sd_calls_client=%d sd_client=%d\n", jcr->sd_calls_client, jcr->sd_client); if (jcr->sd_calls_client) { if (!read_client_hello(jcr)) { return false; } /* * Authenticate the File daemon */ Dmsg0(050, "=== Authenticate FD\n"); if (jcr->authenticated || !authenticate_filed(jcr, jcr->file_bsock, jcr->FDVersion)) { Dmsg1(050, "Authentication failed Job %s\n", jcr->Job); Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to authenticate File daemon\n")); } else { jcr->authenticated = true; } } else if (!jcr->sd_client) { /* We wait to receive connection from Client */ gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); timeout.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; timeout.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + me->client_wait; Dmsg3(050, "%s waiting %d sec for FD to contact SD key=%s\n", jcr->Job, (int)(timeout.tv_sec-time(NULL)), jcr->sd_auth_key); Dmsg3(800, "=== Block Job=%s jid=%d %p\n", jcr->Job, jcr->JobId, jcr); /* * Wait for the File daemon to contact us to start the Job, * when he does, we will be released, unless the 30 minutes * expires. */ P(mutex); while ( !jcr->authenticated && !job_canceled(jcr) ) { errstat = pthread_cond_timedwait(&jcr->job_start_wait, &mutex, &timeout); if (errstat == ETIMEDOUT || errstat == EINVAL || errstat == EPERM) { break; } Dmsg1(800, "=== Auth cond errstat=%d\n", errstat); } Dmsg4(050, "=== Auth=%d jid=%d canceled=%d errstat=%d\n", jcr->JobId, jcr->authenticated, job_canceled(jcr), errstat); V(mutex); Dmsg2(800, "Auth fail or cancel for jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); } memset(jcr->sd_auth_key, 0, strlen(jcr->sd_auth_key)); if (jcr->authenticated && !job_canceled(jcr)) { Dmsg2(800, "Running jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); run_job(jcr); /* Run the job */ } Dmsg2(800, "Done jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); return false; }
bool run_cmd(JCR *jcr) { struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; struct timespec timeout; int errstat = 0; BSOCK *cl; int fd_version = 0; int sd_version = 0; char job_name[500]; int i; int stat; Dsm_check(200); Dmsg1(200, "Run_cmd: %s\n", jcr->dir_bsock->msg); /* If we do not need the FD, we are doing a virtual backup. */ if (jcr->no_client_used()) { do_vbackup(jcr); return false; } jcr->sendJobStatus(JS_WaitFD); /* wait for FD to connect */ Dmsg2(050, "sd_calls_client=%d sd_client=%d\n", jcr->sd_calls_client, jcr->sd_client); if (jcr->sd_calls_client) { /* We connected to Client, so finish work */ cl = jcr->file_bsock; if (!cl) { Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Client socket not open. Could not connect to Client.\n")); Dmsg0(050, "Client socket not open. Could not connect to Client.\n"); return false; } /* Get response to Hello command sent earlier */ Dmsg0(050, "Read Hello command from Client\n"); for (i=0; i<60; i++) { stat = cl->recv(); if (stat <= 0) { bmicrosleep(1, 0); } else { break; } } if (stat <= 0) { berrno be; Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Recv request to Client failed. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror()); Dmsg1(050, _("Recv request to Client failed. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror()); return false; } Dmsg1(050, "Got from FD: %s\n", cl->msg); if (sscanf(cl->msg, "Hello Bacula SD: Start Job %127s %d %d", job_name, &fd_version, &sd_version) != 3) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad Hello from Client: %s.\n"), cl->msg); Dmsg1(050, _("Bad Hello from Client: %s.\n"), cl->msg); return false; } unbash_spaces(job_name); jcr->FDVersion = fd_version; jcr->SDVersion = sd_version; Dmsg1(050, "FDVersion=%d\n", fd_version); /* * Authenticate the File daemon */ Dmsg0(050, "=== Authenticate FD\n"); if (jcr->authenticated || !authenticate_filed(jcr)) { Dmsg1(050, "Authentication failed Job %s\n", jcr->Job); Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to authenticate File daemon\n")); } else { jcr->authenticated = true; } } else if (!jcr->sd_client) { /* We wait to receive connection from Client */ gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); timeout.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; timeout.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + me->client_wait; Dmsg3(050, "%s waiting %d sec for FD to contact SD key=%s\n", jcr->Job, (int)(timeout.tv_sec-time(NULL)), jcr->sd_auth_key); Dmsg3(800, "=== Block Job=%s jid=%d %p\n", jcr->Job, jcr->JobId, jcr); /* * Wait for the File daemon to contact us to start the Job, * when he does, we will be released, unless the 30 minutes * expires. */ P(mutex); while ( !jcr->authenticated && !job_canceled(jcr) ) { errstat = pthread_cond_timedwait(&jcr->job_start_wait, &mutex, &timeout); if (errstat == ETIMEDOUT || errstat == EINVAL || errstat == EPERM) { break; } Dmsg1(800, "=== Auth cond errstat=%d\n", errstat); } Dmsg4(050, "=== Auth=%d jid=%d canceled=%d errstat=%d\n", jcr->JobId, jcr->authenticated, job_canceled(jcr), errstat); V(mutex); Dmsg2(800, "Auth fail or cancel for jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); } memset(jcr->sd_auth_key, 0, strlen(jcr->sd_auth_key)); if (jcr->authenticated && !job_canceled(jcr)) { Dmsg2(800, "Running jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); run_job(jcr); /* Run the job */ } Dmsg2(800, "Done jid=%d %p\n", jcr->JobId, jcr); return false; }