예제 #1
int main(int argc, char **argv){	
	struct 				tm start_time_tm;
	int outputPorts;

	pthread_t *audioThreads;
	pthread_attr_t custom_sched_attr;	
	int fifo_max_prio = 0;
	int fifo_min_prio = 0;
	int fifo_mid_prio = 0;	
	struct sched_param fifo_param;

	syncbuffer = 0;
	normalbuffer = 0;

	if(argc < 3){
		printf("./<audio_decoder> udp://[IP]:[PORT] [ptsDelay] [Amount of channel] [Channel 0] [Channel n]\n");
		return 0;

	if(argc != 3){


	ff_ctx = malloc(sizeof(ff_ctx_t));


	InitFF(ff_ctx, argv[1], argv[2]);

	if (avformat_open_input (&ff_ctx->avInputCtx, ff_ctx->udp_address, NULL , &ff_ctx->avDic) != 0) {
		printf ("Cloud not open UDP input stream at %s\n", ff_ctx->udp_address);
		return -1;

	if (avformat_find_stream_info(ff_ctx->avInputCtx, NULL) < 0) {
		printf ("Cloud not get stream info\n");
		return -1;

	if (ff_ctx->audioIndexStream = av_find_best_stream(ff_ctx->avInputCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &ff_ctx->avCodec, 0) < 0) {
		printf ("No audio streams found\n");
		return -1;

	printf ("Audio stream found at %d\n", ff_ctx->audioIndexStream);

	ff_ctx->avDicentry = av_dict_get(ff_ctx->avInputCtx->metadata, "service_name", NULL, 0);

	if(ff_ctx->avDicentry != NULL){
		strptime( ff_ctx->avDicentry->value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &start_time_tm);
		start_time = mktime(&start_time_tm);
	else {
		start_time = getSystemTime(NULL);
	ff_ctx->avCodecCtx = ff_ctx->avInputCtx->streams[ff_ctx->audioIndexStream]->codec;
	ff_ctx->avCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->codec_id);

	av_dump_format(ff_ctx->avInputCtx, 0, ff_ctx->udp_address, 0);

	if (avcodec_open2 (ff_ctx->avCodecCtx, ff_ctx->avCodec, NULL) < 0) {
		return -1;

	outputPorts = ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->channels;
	InitBF(ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->channels, &to_audio_buffer, TO_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
	InitBF(ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->channels, &to_jack_buffer, TO_JACK_BUFFER_SIZE);

	//One thread for each channel
	audioThreads = malloc (sizeof(pthread_t)*outputPorts);

 	pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&custom_sched_attr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED /* PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED */);

 	//Options below only are applied when PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED is used!
 	pthread_attr_setscope(&custom_sched_attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );	
 	pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&custom_sched_attr, SCHED_FIFO);	

 	fifo_max_prio = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);	
 	fifo_min_prio = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);	
 	fifo_mid_prio = (fifo_min_prio + fifo_max_prio) / 2;	
 	fifo_param.sched_priority = fifo_mid_prio;	
 	pthread_attr_setschedparam(&custom_sched_attr, &fifo_param);

 	int i;
 	threadArgs_t args[outputPorts];
 	for (i = 0; i < outputPorts; i++) {
 		args[i].channel = i;
 		args[i].process_block_size = AUDIO_PROCESS_BLOCK_SIZE;
 		if (pthread_create(&audioThreads[i], &custom_sched_attr, audioThreadFunction, &args[i])) {
 			printf ("Unable to create audio_thread %d\n", i);
 			return 0;

	static AVFrame frame;
	int frameFinished;
	int nb, ch;

	char samplebuf[30];
	av_get_sample_fmt_string (samplebuf, 30, ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->sample_fmt);
	printf ("Audio sample format is %s\n", samplebuf);

	audio_sync_sample_t **sync_samples;
	sync_samples = malloc (outputPorts*sizeof(audio_sync_sample_t*));

	long double initPTS, PTS, frame_pts_offset;
	unsigned long int frame_count, framePTS, sample_count;

	int sample_rate = ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->sample_rate;

	if (init_jack(&jackCtx, outputPorts)) {
		return 1;

	while(av_read_frame (ff_ctx->avInputCtx, &ff_ctx->avPacket)>=0) {

		if(ff_ctx->avPacket.stream_index == ff_ctx->audioIndexStream ) {
			int contador = 0;
			long double time_1 = getSystemTime(NULL);

			int len = avcodec_decode_audio4 (ff_ctx->avCodecCtx, &frame, &frameFinished, &ff_ctx->avPacket);

			if (frameFinished) {
				int data_size = frame.nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample(frame.format);
				int sync_size = frame.nb_samples * sizeof (audio_sync_sample_t);

				framePTS = av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp (&frame);

				frame_count = framePTS - ff_ctx->avInputCtx->streams[ff_ctx->audioIndexStream]->start_time;
				frame_pts_offset = frame_count * av_q2d(ff_ctx->avInputCtx->streams[ff_ctx->audioIndexStream]->time_base) ;

				initPTS = start_time + frame_pts_offset + ff_ctx->ptsDelay;

#ifdef _DBG_PTS
				printf ("frame decoded PTS %lu, frame count %lu, TB %d/%d, PTS %Lf\n", framePTS, frame_count, ff_ctx->avInputCtx->streams[ff_ctx->audioIndexStream]->time_base.num, ff_ctx->avInputCtx->streams[ff_ctx->audioIndexStream]->time_base.den, initPTS);

				//Build sync info data, sample timing
				for (ch = 0; ch < ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->channels; ch++) {
					sync_samples[ch] =  malloc(sync_size);

					PTS = initPTS;

					for (sample_count = 0; sample_count < frame.nb_samples; sample_count++) {
						PTS += (1/(float) sample_rate);
						sync_samples[ch][sample_count].samplePTS = PTS;

#ifdef _DBG_PTS
				printf ("ended samples PTS %Lf\n", PTS);
				for (ch = 0; ch < ff_ctx->avCodecCtx->channels; ch++) {
					ProduceSyncToBuffer (&to_audio_buffer, ch, (uint8_t*) sync_samples[ch], sync_size);
					ProduceAudioToBuffer(&to_audio_buffer, ch, (uint8_t*) frame.extended_data[ch], data_size);


	       	long double time_2 = getSystemTime(NULL);
	       	adaptativeSleep( (1/READ_INPUT_FRAME_RATE) - (time_2 - time_1));
예제 #2
void avcodec_sample_fmt_string (char *buf, int buf_size, int sample_fmt)
    av_get_sample_fmt_string(buf, buf_size, sample_fmt);