int show_config_gtmProxy(int flag, int idx, char *hostname) { char lineBuf[MAXLINE+1]; char editBuf[MAXPATH+1]; lineBuf[0] = 0; if (flag) strncat(lineBuf, "GTM Proxy: ", MAXLINE); if (hostname) { snprintf(editBuf, MAXPATH, "host: %s", hostname); strncat(lineBuf, editBuf, MAXLINE); } if (flag || hostname) strncat(lineBuf, "\n", MAXLINE); lockLogFile(); if (lineBuf[0]) elog(NOTICE, "%s", lineBuf); print_simple_node_info(aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[idx], aval(VAR_gtmProxyPorts)[idx], aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx], sval(VAR_gtmPxyExtraConfig), aval(VAR_gtmPxySpecificExtraConfig)[idx]); unlockLogFile(); return 0; }
/* * Get all the servers --> VAR_allServers */ static void addServer(char **name) { int ii, jj; int flag; confirm_var(VAR_allServers); for (ii = 0; name[ii]; ii++) { flag = TRUE; for (jj = 0; aval(VAR_allServers)[jj]; jj++) { if (strcmp(name[ii], aval(VAR_allServers)[jj]) != 0) continue; else { flag = FALSE; break; } } if (flag) add_val(find_var(VAR_allServers), name[ii]); } }
int gtmProxyIdx(char *gtmProxyName) { int ii; for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (strcmp(aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii], gtmProxyName) == 0) return ii; } return -1; }
int coordIdx(char *coordName) { int ii; if (is_none(coordName)) return -1; for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (strcmp(aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii], coordName) == 0) return ii; } return -1; }
int datanodeIdx(char *datanodeName) { int ii; if (is_none(datanodeName)) return -1; for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (strcmp(aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii], datanodeName) == 0) return ii; } return -1; }
int getEffectiveGtmProxyIdxFromServerName(char *serverName) { int ii; if (serverName == NULL) return (-1); for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (strcmp(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii], serverName) == 0) return ii; } return -1; }
NodeType getNodeType(char *nodeName) { int ii; /* Check GTM */ if (strcmp(nodeName, sval(VAR_gtmName)) == 0) return NodeType_GTM; /* GTM_Proxy */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcmp(nodeName, aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]) == 0) return NodeType_GTM_PROXY; /* Coordinator */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcmp(nodeName, aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]) == 0) return NodeType_COORDINATOR; /* Datanode */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcmp(nodeName, aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]) == 0) return NodeType_DATANODE; /* Nodename */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_allServers)[ii]; ii++) if (strcmp(nodeName, aval(VAR_allServers)[ii]) == 0) return NodeType_SERVER; return NodeType_UNDEF; }
int getDefaultWalSender(int isCoord) { int ii; char *names = isCoord ? VAR_coordNames : VAR_datanodeNames; char *walSender = isCoord ? VAR_coordMaxWALSenders : VAR_datanodeMaxWALSenders; for (ii = 0; aval(names)[ii]; ii++) { if (doesExist(names, ii) && !is_none(aval(names)[ii]) && (atoi(aval(walSender)[ii]) >= 0)) return atoi(aval(walSender)[ii]); } return 0; }
/* * Cleanup -- nodeName must be valid. Instead, NULL will bereturned. */ cmd_t * prepare_cleanGtmProxy(char *nodeName) { cmd_t *cmd; int idx; if ((idx = gtmProxyIdx(nodeName)) < 0) return NULL; cmd = initCmd(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx]); snprintf(newCommand(cmd), MAXLINE, "rm -rf %s; mkdir -p %s; chmod 0700 %s;rm -f /tmp/.s.*%d*", aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx], aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx], aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx], atoi(aval(VAR_gtmProxyPorts)[idx])); return cmd; }
void QRtmp::setConnData(const QByteArray &data) { m_connData = data; AVal connData = aval(m_connData); if(!RTMP_SetOpt(m_rtmp, &av_conn, &connData)) RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Invalid AMF parameter"); }
/* * Stop gtm proxy ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static cmd_t * prepare_stopGtmProxy(char *nodeName) { cmd_t *cmd; int idx; if ((idx = gtmProxyIdx(nodeName)) < 0) { elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Specified name %s is not GTM Proxy\n", nodeName); return NULL; } cmd = initCmd(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx]); snprintf(newCommand(cmd), MAXLINE, "gtm_ctl stop -Z gtm_proxy -D %s", aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx]); return(cmd); }
/* * Test each node and build target server list */ void makeServerList(void) { /* Initialize */ reset_var(VAR_allServers); /* GTM Master */ addServer(aval(VAR_gtmMasterServer)); /* GTM Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmSlave)) addServer(aval(VAR_gtmSlaveServer)); /* GTM_Proxy */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) addServer(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)); /* Coordinator Master */ if (find_var(VAR_coordMasterServers)) addServer(aval(VAR_coordMasterServers)); /* Coordinator Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_coordSlave)) addServer(aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)); /* Datanode Master */ addServer(aval(VAR_datanodeMasterServers)); /* Datanode Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_datanodeSlave)) addServer(aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)); /* Should add secondary slaves */ }
/* * Reconnect to the current GTM master -------------------------------------------------- * * When failed over, the current Master must have been updated. * Remember to update gtm_proxy configuration file so that it * connects to the new master at the next start. * Please note that we assume GTM has already been failed over. * First argument is gtm_proxy nodename */ static cmd_t * prepare_reconnectGtmProxy(char *nodeName) { cmd_t *cmdGtmCtl, *cmdGtmProxyConf; int idx; FILE *f; char date[MAXTOKEN+1]; if ((idx = gtmProxyIdx(nodeName)) < 0) { elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Specified name %s is not GTM Proxy\n", nodeName); return(NULL); } /* gtm_ctl reconnect */ cmdGtmCtl = initCmd(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx]); snprintf(newCommand(cmdGtmCtl), MAXLINE, "gtm_ctl reconnect -Z gtm_proxy -D %s -o \\\"-s %s -t %s\\\"", aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx], sval(VAR_gtmMasterServer), sval(VAR_gtmMasterPort)); /* gtm_proxy.conf */ appendCmdEl(cmdGtmCtl, (cmdGtmProxyConf = initCmd(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx]))); if ((f = prepareLocalStdin(newFilename(cmdGtmProxyConf->localStdin), MAXPATH, NULL)) == NULL) { cleanCmd(cmdGtmCtl); return(NULL); } fprintf(f, "#===================================================\n" "# Updated due to GTM Proxy reconnect\n" "# %s\n" "gtm_host = '%s'\n" "gtm_port = %s\n" "#----End of reconfiguration -------------------------\n", timeStampString(date, MAXTOKEN), sval(VAR_gtmMasterServer), sval(VAR_gtmMasterPort)); fclose(f); snprintf(newCommand(cmdGtmProxyConf), MAXLINE, "cat >> %s/gtm_proxy.conf", aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx]); return(cmdGtmCtl); }
int init_gtm_proxy_all(void) { elog(NOTICE, "Initialize all the gtm proxies.\n"); if (!isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) { elog(ERROR, "ERROR: GTM Proxy is not configured.\n"); return(1); } return(init_gtm_proxy(aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames))); }
int show_config_gtmProxies(char **nameList) { int ii; lockLogFile(); for(ii = 0; nameList[ii]; ii++) show_config_gtmProxy(TRUE, ii, aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii]); unlockLogFile(); return 0; }
/* * Note that 1 will be returned when a conflict is found */ int checkNameConflict(char *name, int is_gtm) { int ii; /* * GTM Master */ if (!is_gtm && strcasecmp(name, sval(VAR_gtmName)) == 0) return 1; /* * GTM Proxy */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcasecmp(name, aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]) == 0) return 1; /* * Coordinator */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcasecmp(name, aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]) == 0) return 1; /* * Datanode */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) if (strcasecmp(name, aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]) == 0) return 1; return 0; }
static void xml_start(void *data, const char *el, const char **attr) { xml_parser *p = (xml_parser *)data; p->m_current->name.assign(el); for (size_t i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { std::string aname(attr[i]); std::string aval(attr[i+1]); auto it = p->m_current->attrs.find(aname); if (it == p->m_current->attrs.end()) { p->m_current->attrs[aname] = std::vector<std::string>({aval}); } else { it->second.emplace_back(aval); } } p->on_start(*p->m_current); }
int main(void) { int n, i; /*n sera el grau del polinomi, i servira per iterar*/ double t, pt, ft, er; /* t, fx, pn i er serviran per guardar i printar amb precisio el nodes t equidistants entre 0 i 2*PI, el resultat de f(t), el resultat del polinomi interpolador p(t) i l'error relatiu entre p(t) i f(t), sobretot en el cas d'error relatiu*/ double *px, *py; /* els punters px i py serviran per guardar tots els nodes t i els seus respectius f(t) */ /*demanem i escanegem el grau del polinomi interpolador*/ printf("Grau del polinomi:\n"); scanf("%i", &n); /*reservem memoria i comprovem que l'operacio pugui ser efectuada*/ px = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); py = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); if(px == NULL || py == NULL){ printf("No hi ha pru memoria"); exit(1); } /* volem que x tingui els n+1 primers nodes t equidistants entre 0 i 2*PI i que y tingui f(xi) en cada node i de x, no cal utilitzar la variable t en aquesta iteracio ja que es implicita */ for(i=0;i<(n+1);i++){ px[i]=i*((2*acos(-1))/(1000)); /* t = i*((2*acos(-1))/(1000)) */ py[i]=f(px[i]); } /* apliquem diferencies dvidides*/ dif_dividides(px,py,n); /* printem una especie de capcelera de taula*/ printf("\t_____________________________________________________________\n\n"); printf("\t\tt\t\tf(t)\t\tPn(t)\t\ter(t)\n"); printf("\t_____________________________________________________________\n\n"); /* calculem t, pn(t), f(t), er(t) i ho printem en una linia seguint la forma de la taula que hem printat abans*/ for(i=0;i<=20;i++){ t = i *(2*acos(-1))/(1000); pt = aval(px,py,n,t); ft = f(t); er = (fabs(pt-ft))/ft; printf("\t%e \t%e \t%e \t%e\n",t,ft,pt,er); } /*final del main*/ return 0; }
/* * Kill gtm proxy ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Although gtm proxy does not have significant resources to carry over to the next * run, it is a good habit to stop gtm proxy with stop command gracefully. */ static cmd_t * prepare_killGtmProxy(char *nodeName) { cmd_t *cmd; int idx; pid_t gtmPxyPid; if ((idx = gtmProxyIdx(nodeName)) < 0) { elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Specified name %s is not GTM Proxy\n", nodeName); return NULL; } cmd = initCmd(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx]); gtmPxyPid = get_gtmProxy_pid(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[idx], aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx]); if (gtmPxyPid > 0) snprintf(newCommand(cmd), MAXLINE, "kill -9 %d; rm -rf /tmp/.s.'*'%d'*' %s/", gtmPxyPid, atoi(aval(VAR_gtmProxyPorts)[idx]), aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx]); else snprintf(newCommand(cmd), MAXLINE, "killall -u %s -9 gtm; rm -rf /tmp/.s.'*'%d'*' %s/", sval(VAR_pgxcUser), atoi(aval(VAR_gtmProxyPorts)[idx]), aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[idx]); return(cmd); }
void BMI160::measure() { if (hrt_absolute_time() < _reset_wait) { // we're waiting for a reset to complete return; } struct BMIReport bmi_report; struct Report { int16_t accel_x; int16_t accel_y; int16_t accel_z; int16_t temp; int16_t gyro_x; int16_t gyro_y; int16_t gyro_z; } report; /* start measuring */ perf_begin(_sample_perf); /* * Fetch the full set of measurements from the BMI160 in one pass. */ bmi_report.cmd = BMIREG_GYR_X_L | DIR_READ; uint8_t status = read_reg(BMIREG_STATUS); if (OK != transfer((uint8_t *)&bmi_report, ((uint8_t *)&bmi_report), sizeof(bmi_report))) { return; } check_registers(); if ((!(status & (0x80))) && (!(status & (0x04)))) { perf_end(_sample_perf); perf_count(_duplicates); _got_duplicate = true; return; } _last_accel[0] = bmi_report.accel_x; _last_accel[1] = bmi_report.accel_y; _last_accel[2] = bmi_report.accel_z; _got_duplicate = false; uint8_t temp_l = read_reg(BMIREG_TEMP_0); uint8_t temp_h = read_reg(BMIREG_TEMP_1); report.temp = ((temp_h << 8) + temp_l); report.accel_x = bmi_report.accel_x; report.accel_y = bmi_report.accel_y; report.accel_z = bmi_report.accel_z; report.gyro_x = bmi_report.gyro_x; report.gyro_y = bmi_report.gyro_y; report.gyro_z = bmi_report.gyro_z; if (report.accel_x == 0 && report.accel_y == 0 && report.accel_z == 0 && report.temp == 0 && report.gyro_x == 0 && report.gyro_y == 0 && report.gyro_z == 0) { // all zero data - probably a SPI bus error perf_count(_bad_transfers); perf_end(_sample_perf); // note that we don't call reset() here as a reset() // costs 20ms with interrupts disabled. That means if // the bmi160 does go bad it would cause a FMU failure, // regardless of whether another sensor is available, return; } perf_count(_good_transfers); if (_register_wait != 0) { // we are waiting for some good transfers before using // the sensor again. We still increment // _good_transfers, but don't return any data yet _register_wait--; return; } /* * Report buffers. */ accel_report arb; gyro_report grb; /* * Adjust and scale results to m/s^2. */ grb.timestamp = arb.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); // report the error count as the sum of the number of bad // transfers and bad register reads. This allows the higher // level code to decide if it should use this sensor based on // whether it has had failures grb.error_count = arb.error_count = perf_event_count(_bad_transfers) + perf_event_count(_bad_registers); /* * 1) Scale raw value to SI units using scaling from datasheet. * 2) Subtract static offset (in SI units) * 3) Scale the statically calibrated values with a linear * dynamically obtained factor * * Note: the static sensor offset is the number the sensor outputs * at a nominally 'zero' input. Therefore the offset has to * be subtracted. * * Example: A gyro outputs a value of 74 at zero angular rate * the offset is 74 from the origin and subtracting * 74 from all measurements centers them around zero. */ /* NOTE: Axes have been swapped to match the board a few lines above. */ arb.x_raw = report.accel_x; arb.y_raw = report.accel_y; arb.z_raw = report.accel_z; float xraw_f = report.accel_x; float yraw_f = report.accel_y; float zraw_f = report.accel_z; // apply user specified rotation rotate_3f(_rotation, xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f); float x_in_new = ((xraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.x_offset) * _accel_scale.x_scale; float y_in_new = ((yraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.y_offset) * _accel_scale.y_scale; float z_in_new = ((zraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.z_offset) * _accel_scale.z_scale; arb.x = _accel_filter_x.apply(x_in_new); arb.y = _accel_filter_y.apply(y_in_new); arb.z = _accel_filter_z.apply(z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval(x_in_new, y_in_new, z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval_integrated; bool accel_notify = _accel_int.put(arb.timestamp, aval, aval_integrated, arb.integral_dt); arb.x_integral = aval_integrated(0); arb.y_integral = aval_integrated(1); arb.z_integral = aval_integrated(2); arb.scaling = _accel_range_scale; arb.range_m_s2 = _accel_range_m_s2; _last_temperature = 23 + report.temp * 1.0f / 512.0f; arb.temperature_raw = report.temp; arb.temperature = _last_temperature; /* return device ID */ arb.device_id = _device_id.devid; grb.x_raw = report.gyro_x; grb.y_raw = report.gyro_y; grb.z_raw = report.gyro_z; xraw_f = report.gyro_x; yraw_f = report.gyro_y; zraw_f = report.gyro_z; // apply user specified rotation rotate_3f(_rotation, xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f); float x_gyro_in_new = ((xraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.x_offset) * _gyro_scale.x_scale; float y_gyro_in_new = ((yraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.y_offset) * _gyro_scale.y_scale; float z_gyro_in_new = ((zraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.z_offset) * _gyro_scale.z_scale; grb.x = _gyro_filter_x.apply(x_gyro_in_new); grb.y = _gyro_filter_y.apply(y_gyro_in_new); grb.z = _gyro_filter_z.apply(z_gyro_in_new); math::Vector<3> gval(x_gyro_in_new, y_gyro_in_new, z_gyro_in_new); math::Vector<3> gval_integrated; bool gyro_notify = _gyro_int.put(arb.timestamp, gval, gval_integrated, grb.integral_dt); grb.x_integral = gval_integrated(0); grb.y_integral = gval_integrated(1); grb.z_integral = gval_integrated(2); grb.scaling = _gyro_range_scale; grb.range_rad_s = _gyro_range_rad_s; grb.temperature_raw = report.temp; grb.temperature = _last_temperature; /* return device ID */ grb.device_id = _gyro->_device_id.devid; _accel_reports->force(&arb); _gyro_reports->force(&grb); /* notify anyone waiting for data */ if (accel_notify) { poll_notify(POLLIN); } if (gyro_notify) { _gyro->parent_poll_notify(); } if (accel_notify && !(_pub_blocked)) { /* log the time of this report */ perf_begin(_controller_latency_perf); /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_topic, &arb); } if (gyro_notify && !(_pub_blocked)) { /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro->_gyro_topic, &grb); } /* stop measuring */ perf_end(_sample_perf); }
/* * Check if there's any conflict among src and dest, checks duplicate in names, servers, ports and directories. * * The rules are: * * 1) Each node (gtm, gtm_proxy, coordinator, datanode) must have unique name. * * 2) A port, in a given host, must be owned (listed to) only by single node. * * 3) A directory, in a given host, must be owned (used) only by single node. */ static void checkResourceConflict(char *srcNames, char *srcServers, char *srcPorts, char *srcPoolers, char *srcDirs, char *destNames, char *destServers, char *destPorts, char *destPoolers, char *destDirs, int destOnly, int checkName) { int ii, jj; if (!srcNames || !find_var(srcNames)) { /* No source specified */ return; } if (!destOnly) { /* Check conflict among the source first */ for (ii = 0; aval(srcNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (is_none(aval(srcNames)[ii])) continue; /* Pooler and the port in the same name */ if (srcPoolers && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) == atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]))) { if (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) > 0) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in between port and pooler within %s variable.\n", srcNames); } } if (checkName && srcNames && !doesExist(srcNames, ii)) assign_arrayEl(srcNames, ii, "none", NULL); if (srcServers && !doesExist(srcServers, ii)) assign_arrayEl(srcServers, ii, "none", NULL); if (srcPoolers && !doesExist(srcPoolers, ii)) assign_arrayEl(srcPoolers, ii, "-1", "-1"); if (srcPorts && !doesExist(srcPorts, ii)) assign_arrayEl(srcPorts, ii, "-1", "-1"); if (srcDirs && !doesExist(srcDirs, ii)) assign_arrayEl(srcDirs, ii, "none", NULL); for (jj = ii+1; aval(srcNames)[jj]; jj++) { /* Name conflict */ if (checkName && srcNames && !doesExist(srcNames, jj)) assign_arrayEl(srcNames, jj, "none", NULL); if (checkName && srcNames && (strcmp(aval(srcNames)[ii], aval(srcNames)[jj]) == 0)) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in resource name within %s variable.\n", srcNames); } if (srcServers && is_none(aval(srcServers)[ii])) continue; if (srcServers && !doesExist(srcServers, jj)) assign_arrayEl(srcServers, jj, "none", NULL); if (srcServers && strcmp(aval(srcServers)[ii], aval(srcServers)[jj]) == 0) { /* Ports and Poolers */ if (srcPorts && !doesExist(srcPorts, jj)) assign_arrayEl(srcPorts, jj, "-1", "-1"); if (srcPoolers && !doesExist(srcPoolers, jj)) assign_arrayEl(srcPoolers, jj, "-1", "-1"); if((srcPorts && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) > 0) && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) == atoi(aval(srcPorts)[jj]))) || (srcPorts && srcPoolers && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) > 0) && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) == atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[jj]))) || (srcPoolers && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) > 0) && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) == atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[jj])))) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in port and pooler numbers within %s variable.\n", srcNames); } /* Directories */ if (srcDirs && !doesExist(srcDirs, jj)) assign_arrayEl(srcDirs, jj, "none", NULL); if (srcDirs && strcmp(aval(srcDirs)[ii], aval(srcDirs)[jj]) == 0) { if (!is_none(aval(srcDirs)[ii])) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in directories within %s variable.\n", srcNames); } } } } } } /* Check between src and destination */ if (destNames) { for (ii = 0; aval(srcNames)[ii]; ii++) { if (is_none(aval(srcNames)[ii])) continue; for (jj = 0; aval(destNames)[jj]; jj++) { /* Resource names */ if (checkName && (strcmp(aval(srcNames)[ii], aval(destNames)[jj]) == 0)) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in names between %s and %s variable.\n", srcNames, destNames); } if (destServers && !doesExist(destServers, jj)) assign_arrayEl(destServers, jj, "none", NULL); if (srcServers && destServers && (strcmp(aval(srcServers)[ii], aval(destServers)[jj]) == 0) && !is_none(aval(srcServers)[ii])) { /* Ports and poolers */ if (destPorts && !doesExist(destPorts, jj)) assign_arrayEl(destPorts, jj, "-1", "-1"); if (destPoolers && !doesExist(destPoolers, jj)) assign_arrayEl(destPoolers, jj, "-1", "-1"); if ((srcPorts && destPorts && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) == atoi(aval(destPorts)[jj])) && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) > 0)) || (destPoolers && srcPorts && (destPoolers && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) == atoi(aval(destPoolers)[jj]))) && (atoi(aval(srcPorts)[ii]) > 0)) || (srcPoolers && destPorts && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) == atoi(aval(destPorts)[jj])) && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) > 0)) || (srcPoolers && destPoolers && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) == atoi(aval(destPoolers)[jj])) && (atoi(aval(srcPoolers)[ii]) > 0))) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in port/pooler in %s and %s variable.\n", srcNames, destNames); } /* Dir Names */ if (srcDirs && destDirs && !is_none(aval(srcDirs)[ii]) && (strcmp(aval(srcDirs)[ii], aval(destDirs)[jj]) == 0)) { anyConfigErrors = TRUE; elog(ERROR, "ERROR: Conflict in directory names in %s and %s variable.\n", srcNames, destNames); } } } } } }
int checkDirConflict(char *host, char *dir) { int ii; /* GTM Master */ if ((strcasecmp(host, sval(VAR_gtmMasterServer)) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, sval(VAR_gtmMasterDir)) == 0)) return 1; /* GTM Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmSlave) && (strcasecmp(host, sval(VAR_gtmSlaveServer)) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, sval(VAR_gtmSlaveDir)) == 0)) return 1; /* GTM Proxy */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii]) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, aval(VAR_gtmProxyDirs)[ii]) == 0)) return 1; /* Coordinator Master */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_coordMasterServers)[ii]) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, aval(VAR_coordMasterDirs)[ii]) == 0)) return 1; /* Coordinator Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_coordSlave)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)[ii]) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, aval(VAR_coordSlaveDirs)[ii]) == 0)) return 1; /* Datanode Master */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_datanodeMasterServers)[ii]) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, aval(VAR_datanodeMasterDirs)[ii]) == 0)) return 1; /* Datanode Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_datanodeSlave)) if (doesExist(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers, ii) && doesExist(VAR_datanodeSlaveDirs, ii) && (strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)[ii]) == 0) && (strcmp(dir, aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveDirs)[ii]) == 0)) return 1; return 0; }
/* * Note that 1 will be returned when a conflict is found. */ int checkPortConflict(char *host, int port) { int ii; /* GTM Master */ if ((strcasecmp(host, sval(VAR_gtmMasterServer)) == 0) && (atoi(sval(VAR_gtmMasterPort)) == port)) return 1; /* GTM Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmSlave) && (strcasecmp(host, sval(VAR_gtmSlaveServer)) == 0) && (atoi(sval(VAR_gtmSlavePort)) == port)) return 1; /* GTM Proxy */ if (isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii]) == 0) && (atoi(aval(VAR_gtmProxyPorts)[ii]) == port)) return 1; /* Coordinator Master */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_coordMasterServers)[ii]) == 0) && ((atoi(aval(VAR_coordPorts)[ii]) == port) || (atoi(aval(VAR_poolerPorts)[ii])) == port)) return 1; /* Coordinator Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_coordSlave)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordNames)[ii]; ii++) if (doesExist(VAR_coordSlaveServers, ii) && !is_none(aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)[ii]) && (strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)[ii]) == 0) && (atoi(aval(VAR_coordPorts)[ii]) == port)) return 1; /* Datanode Master */ for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) if ((strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_datanodeMasterServers)[ii]) == 0) && (atoi(aval(VAR_datanodePorts)[ii]) == port)) return 1; /* Datanode Slave */ if (isVarYes(VAR_datanodeSlave)) for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeNames)[ii]; ii++) if (doesExist(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers, ii) && !is_none(aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)[ii]) && (strcasecmp(host, aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)[ii]) == 0) && (atoi(aval(VAR_datanodePorts)[ii]) == port)) return 1; return 0; }
/* * Scans initial configuration and set up "not configured" things. * * If, for example, gtm proxy is not configured, * we set gtmProxy variable to "n". * * When gtmProxy varieble is already set to "n", remove gtm_proxy * configuration information. * * Similar handling will be done for gtm slave, coordinator slaves * and datanode slaves. */ void handle_no_slaves() { int is_empty; int ii; /* GTM Slave */ if (!find_var(VAR_gtmSlave)) reset_var_val(VAR_gtmSlave, "n"); if (!isVarYes(VAR_gtmSlave)) emptyGtmSlave(); else { confirm_var(VAR_gtmSlaveServer); if (!sval(VAR_gtmSlaveServer) || is_none(sval(VAR_gtmSlaveServer))) { emptyGtmSlave(); reset_var_val(VAR_gtmSlaveServer, "n"); } } /* GTM Proxy */ if (!find_var(VAR_gtmProxy)) reset_var_val(VAR_gtmProxy, "n"); if (!isVarYes(VAR_gtmProxy)) emptyGtmProxies(); else { is_empty = TRUE; for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii]; ii++) { if (is_none(aval(VAR_gtmProxyServers)[ii])) continue; else { is_empty = FALSE; break; } } if (is_empty) { reset_var_val(VAR_gtmProxy, "n"); emptyGtmProxies(); } } /* Coordinator Slaves */ if (!find_var(VAR_coordSlave)) reset_var_val(VAR_coordSlave, "n"); if (!isVarYes(VAR_coordSlave)) emptyCoordSlaves(); else { is_empty = TRUE; if (find_var(VAR_coordSlaveServers)) { for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)[ii]; ii++) { if (is_none(aval(VAR_coordSlaveServers)[ii])) continue; else { is_empty = FALSE; break; } } if (is_empty) { reset_var_val(VAR_coordSlave, "n"); emptyCoordSlaves(); } } else { elog(WARNING, "WARNING: coordSlaveServers variable not found where coordSlave is set to \"y\"\n"); reset_var_val(VAR_coordSlave, "n"); emptyCoordSlaves(); } } /* Datanode Slaves */ if (!find_var(VAR_datanodeSlave)) reset_var_val(VAR_datanodeSlave, "n"); if (!isVarYes(VAR_datanodeSlave)) emptyDatanodeSlaves(); else { is_empty = TRUE; if (find_var(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)) { for (ii = 0; aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)[ii]; ii++) { if (is_none(aval(VAR_datanodeSlaveServers)[ii])) continue; else { is_empty = FALSE; break; } } if (is_empty) { reset_var_val(VAR_datanodeSlave, "n"); emptyDatanodeSlaves(); } } else { elog(WARNING, "WARNING: datanodeSlaveServers variable not found where datanodeSlave is set to \"y\"\n"); reset_var_val(VAR_datanodeSlave, "n"); emptyDatanodeSlaves(); } } }
void QRtmp::start() { m_error.clear(); m_stop = false; if(m_hostname.isEmpty()) { setError("You must specify a hostname (--host) or url (-r \"rtmp://host[:port]/playpath\") containing a hostname"); return; } if(m_playpath.isEmpty()) { setError("You must specify a playpath (--playpath) or url (-r \"rtmp://host[:port]/playpath\") containing a playpath"); return; } if(m_proto == Undefined) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "You haven't specified a protocol (--protocol) or rtmp url (-r), using default protocol RTMP"); m_proto = RTMP; } if(m_port == -1) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "You haven't specified a port (--port) or rtmp url (-r), using default port"); m_port = 0; } int protocol = rtmpProto(m_proto); if(m_port == 0) { if(protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_SSL) m_port = 443; else if(protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) m_port = 80; else m_port = 1935; } // calculate hash { unsigned char hash[RTMP_SWF_HASHLEN]; if(RTMP_HashSWF(, &m_swfSize, hash, m_swfAge) == 0) m_swfHash = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hash), sizeof(hash)); } if(m_swfHash.isEmpty() && m_swfSize > 0) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Ignoring SWF size, supply also the hash with --swfhash"); m_swfSize = 0; } if(!m_swfHash.isEmpty() && m_swfSize == 0) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Ignoring SWF hash, supply also the swf size with --swfsize"); m_swfHash.clear(); } if(m_tcUrl.isEmpty()) m_tcUrl = QString("%1://%2:%3/%4") .arg(RTMPProtocolStringsLower[protocol]) .arg(QString(m_hostname)) .arg(m_port) .arg(QString(m_app)) .toLocal8Bit(); if(dStartOffset > 0 && m_bLiveStream) { RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Can't seek in a live stream, ignoring --start option"); dStartOffset = 0; } // usherToken is unavailable for librtmp 2.3 AVal hostname = aval(m_hostname), proxy = aval(m_proxy), playpath = aval(m_playpath), tcUrl = aval(m_tcUrl), swfUrl = aval(m_swfUrl), pageUrl = aval(m_pageUrl), app = aval(m_app), auth = aval(m_auth), swfHash = aval(m_swfHash), flashVer = aval(m_flashVer), subscribePath = aval(m_subscribepath); RTMP_SetupStream(m_rtmp, protocol, &hostname, m_port, &proxy, &playpath, &tcUrl, &swfUrl, &pageUrl, &app, &auth, &swfHash, m_swfSize, &flashVer, &subscribePath, /*&aval(m_usherToken),*/ dSeek, dStopOffset, m_bLiveStream, m_timeout); /* Try to keep the stream moving if it pauses on us */ if(!m_bLiveStream && !(protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP)) m_rtmp->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_BUFX; QThread::start(); }
void FXOS8700CQ::measure() { /* status register and data as read back from the device */ #pragma pack(push, 1) struct { uint8_t cmd[2]; uint8_t status; int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; int16_t mx; int16_t my; int16_t mz; } raw_accel_mag_report; #pragma pack(pop) accel_report accel_report; /* start the performance counter */ perf_begin(_accel_sample_perf); check_registers(); if (_register_wait != 0) { // we are waiting for some good transfers before using // the sensor again. _register_wait--; perf_end(_accel_sample_perf); return; } /* fetch data from the sensor */ memset(&raw_accel_mag_report, 0, sizeof(raw_accel_mag_report)); raw_accel_mag_report.cmd[0] = DIR_READ(FXOS8700CQ_DR_STATUS); raw_accel_mag_report.cmd[1] = ADDR_7(FXOS8700CQ_DR_STATUS); transfer((uint8_t *)&raw_accel_mag_report, (uint8_t *)&raw_accel_mag_report, sizeof(raw_accel_mag_report)); if (!(raw_accel_mag_report.status & DR_STATUS_ZYXDR)) { perf_end(_accel_sample_perf); perf_count(_accel_duplicates); return; } /* * 1) Scale raw value to SI units using scaling from datasheet. * 2) Subtract static offset (in SI units) * 3) Scale the statically calibrated values with a linear * dynamically obtained factor * * Note: the static sensor offset is the number the sensor outputs * at a nominally 'zero' input. Therefore the offset has to * be subtracted. * * Example: A gyro outputs a value of 74 at zero angular rate * the offset is 74 from the origin and subtracting * 74 from all measurements centers them around zero. */ accel_report.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); /* * Eight-bit 2’s complement sensor temperature value with 0.96 °C/LSB sensitivity. * Temperature data is only valid between –40 °C and 125 °C. The temperature sensor * output is only valid when M_CTRL_REG1[m_hms] > 0b00. Please note that the * temperature sensor is uncalibrated and its output for a given temperature will vary from * one device to the next */ write_checked_reg(FXOS8700CQ_M_CTRL_REG1, M_CTRL_REG1_HMS_A | M_CTRL_REG1_OS(7)); _last_temperature = (read_reg(FXOS8700CQ_TEMP)) * 0.96f; write_checked_reg(FXOS8700CQ_M_CTRL_REG1, M_CTRL_REG1_HMS_AM | M_CTRL_REG1_OS(7)); accel_report.temperature = _last_temperature; // report the error count as the sum of the number of bad // register reads and bad values. This allows the higher level // code to decide if it should use this sensor based on // whether it has had failures accel_report.error_count = perf_event_count(_bad_registers) + perf_event_count(_bad_values); accel_report.x_raw = swap16RightJustify14(raw_accel_mag_report.x); accel_report.y_raw = swap16RightJustify14(raw_accel_mag_report.y); accel_report.z_raw = swap16RightJustify14(raw_accel_mag_report.z); /* Save off the Mag readings todo: revist integrating theses */ _last_raw_mag_x = swap16(; _last_raw_mag_y = swap16(; _last_raw_mag_z = swap16(; float xraw_f = accel_report.x_raw; float yraw_f = accel_report.y_raw; float zraw_f = accel_report.z_raw; // apply user specified rotation rotate_3f(_rotation, xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f); float x_in_new = ((xraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.x_offset) * _accel_scale.x_scale; float y_in_new = ((yraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.y_offset) * _accel_scale.y_scale; float z_in_new = ((zraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.z_offset) * _accel_scale.z_scale; /* we have logs where the accelerometers get stuck at a fixed large value. We want to detect this and mark the sensor as being faulty */ if (fabsf(_last_accel[0] - x_in_new) < 0.001f && fabsf(_last_accel[1] - y_in_new) < 0.001f && fabsf(_last_accel[2] - z_in_new) < 0.001f && fabsf(x_in_new) > 20 && fabsf(y_in_new) > 20 && fabsf(z_in_new) > 20) { _constant_accel_count += 1; } else { _constant_accel_count = 0; } if (_constant_accel_count > 100) { // we've had 100 constant accel readings with large // values. The sensor is almost certainly dead. We // will raise the error_count so that the top level // flight code will know to avoid this sensor, but // we'll still give the data so that it can be logged // and viewed perf_count(_bad_values); _constant_accel_count = 0; } _last_accel[0] = x_in_new; _last_accel[1] = y_in_new; _last_accel[2] = z_in_new; accel_report.x = _accel_filter_x.apply(x_in_new); accel_report.y = _accel_filter_y.apply(y_in_new); accel_report.z = _accel_filter_z.apply(z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval(x_in_new, y_in_new, z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval_integrated; bool accel_notify = _accel_int.put(accel_report.timestamp, aval, aval_integrated, accel_report.integral_dt); accel_report.x_integral = aval_integrated(0); accel_report.y_integral = aval_integrated(1); accel_report.z_integral = aval_integrated(2); accel_report.scaling = _accel_range_scale; accel_report.range_m_s2 = _accel_range_m_s2; /* return device ID */ accel_report.device_id = _device_id.devid; _accel_reports->force(&accel_report); /* notify anyone waiting for data */ if (accel_notify) { poll_notify(POLLIN); if (!(_pub_blocked)) { /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_topic, &accel_report); } } _accel_read++; /* stop the perf counter */ perf_end(_accel_sample_perf); }
void QRtmp::setSecureToken(const QByteArray &data) { m_secureToken = data; AVal secureToken = aval(m_secureToken); RTMP_SetOpt(m_rtmp, &av_token, &secureToken); }
int main(void) { int n, i,h,count,count2,linia, linia2; double *x, *y, *t, *z, val1, val2, val3, val4, pn, data; /*s'obre el fitxer on es té totes les dades*/ FILE *fitxer = fopen("dades_apophis.dat","r"); FILE *resultat = fopen("resultats.dat","w"); if(fitxer==NULL){ /*es comprova que el fitxer*/ printf("Error a l'obrir el fitxer"); } /*es fa un bucle per avaluar el polinomi interpolador en les distintes n's*/ for(i=6;i<=15;i+=3){ /*s'assigna un tamany de memoria per les variables x i y*/ x = (double *)malloc( (i+1)*sizeof(double *)); y = (double *)malloc( (i+1)*sizeof(double *)); /*es mira que no sigui NULL el valor obtingut*/ if(x == NULL || y == NULL){ printf("No hi ha prou memoria"); exit(1); } h = 414-(i+1); /*es calula en quina línia s'ha de començar a obtenir les variables */ /*contadors per saber en quina línia s'està llegint*/ count=0; count2=0; /*es llegeix cada línia i es guarden les variables de t,x,y,z en val1,val2... fins l'última línia*/ while ((fscanf(fitxer, "%le %le %le %le\n", &val1,&val2,&val3,&val4)) != EOF ){ if(count>=h){ /*quan s'arriba a la línia es guarden els valors de t i x del fitxer en l'array x i y*/ x[count2]=val1; y[count2]=val2; count2++; printf("%d\n",count); } count++; } printf("end"); dif_dividides(x,y,i); /*obtenim el polinomi interpolador*/ pn = aval(x,y,i,2462225.5); /*s'avalua el polinomi interpolador en el punt 2462225.5 */ fprintf(resultat,"Per a n=%i, el resultat en avaluar el polinomi en t=246225.5 es %f\n", i,pn); /*s'esborra la memoria de les variables x i y per tornar-les a omplir i es començar a llegir el fitxer des del principi*/ free(x); free(y); rewind(fitxer); } /*Jugador Filipe Luis del Chelsea, va neixer el 09/08/1985*/ n=7; /*s'assigna un tamany de memoria per les variables t, x, y i z*/ t = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); x = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); y = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); z = (double *)malloc( (n+1)*sizeof(double *)); data = datajuliana(28,1,2020); /*es crida a la funció datajuliana */ /*es calcula en quina línia es podrià trobar la data del jugador*/ linia = ((data-2453979.5)/20)-3;/*4 dies per sota de la data del jugador*/ linia2 = ((data-2453979.5)/20)+4;/*4 dies pe sobre de la dara del jugador*/ count=0; count2=0; while ((fscanf(fitxer, "%le %le %le %le\n", &val1,&val2,&val3,&val4)) != EOF ){ if(count>=linia && count<=linia2){/*obtenim els valors de les varibles del fitxer de les 8 línies i es guarden en 4 arrays*/ t[count2]=val1; x[count2]=val2; y[count2]=val3; z[count2]=val4; count2++; } count++; } /*es crea un fitxer anomenat resultats*/ fprintf(resultat,"En la data %f l\'asteroide estara en les cordenades: ",data); /*es calcula els polinomis interpoladors de x,y i z i s'avalua en la data juliana del jugador i es guarda en el fitxer creat*/ dif_dividides(t,x,n); pn = aval(t,x,n,data); fprintf(resultat,"x:%f ",pn); dif_dividides(t,y,n); pn = aval(t,y,n,data); fprintf(resultat,"y:%f ",pn); dif_dividides(t,z,n); pn = aval(t,z,n,data); fprintf(resultat,"z:%f ",pn); return 0; }
void MPU9250::measure() { if (hrt_absolute_time() < _reset_wait) { // we're waiting for a reset to complete return; } struct MPUReport mpu_report; struct Report { int16_t accel_x; int16_t accel_y; int16_t accel_z; int16_t temp; int16_t gyro_x; int16_t gyro_y; int16_t gyro_z; } report; /* start measuring */ perf_begin(_sample_perf); /* * Fetch the full set of measurements from the MPU9250 in one pass. */ if (OK != _interface->read(MPU9250_SET_SPEED(MPUREG_INT_STATUS, MPU9250_HIGH_BUS_SPEED), (uint8_t *)&mpu_report, sizeof(mpu_report))) { return; } check_registers(); if (check_duplicate(&mpu_report.accel_x[0])) { return; } #ifdef USE_I2C if (_mag->is_passthrough()) { #endif _mag->_measure(mpu_report.mag); #ifdef USE_I2C } else { _mag->measure(); } #endif /* * Convert from big to little endian */ report.accel_x = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.accel_x); report.accel_y = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.accel_y); report.accel_z = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.accel_z); report.temp = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.temp); report.gyro_x = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.gyro_x); report.gyro_y = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.gyro_y); report.gyro_z = int16_t_from_bytes(mpu_report.gyro_z); if (check_null_data((uint32_t *)&report, sizeof(report) / 4)) { return; } if (_register_wait != 0) { // we are waiting for some good transfers before using the sensor again // We still increment _good_transfers, but don't return any data yet _register_wait--; return; } /* * Swap axes and negate y */ int16_t accel_xt = report.accel_y; int16_t accel_yt = ((report.accel_x == -32768) ? 32767 : -report.accel_x); int16_t gyro_xt = report.gyro_y; int16_t gyro_yt = ((report.gyro_x == -32768) ? 32767 : -report.gyro_x); /* * Apply the swap */ report.accel_x = accel_xt; report.accel_y = accel_yt; report.gyro_x = gyro_xt; report.gyro_y = gyro_yt; /* * Report buffers. */ accel_report arb; gyro_report grb; /* * Adjust and scale results to m/s^2. */ grb.timestamp = arb.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); // report the error count as the sum of the number of bad // transfers and bad register reads. This allows the higher // level code to decide if it should use this sensor based on // whether it has had failures grb.error_count = arb.error_count = perf_event_count(_bad_transfers) + perf_event_count(_bad_registers); /* * 1) Scale raw value to SI units using scaling from datasheet. * 2) Subtract static offset (in SI units) * 3) Scale the statically calibrated values with a linear * dynamically obtained factor * * Note: the static sensor offset is the number the sensor outputs * at a nominally 'zero' input. Therefore the offset has to * be subtracted. * * Example: A gyro outputs a value of 74 at zero angular rate * the offset is 74 from the origin and subtracting * 74 from all measurements centers them around zero. */ /* NOTE: Axes have been swapped to match the board a few lines above. */ arb.x_raw = report.accel_x; arb.y_raw = report.accel_y; arb.z_raw = report.accel_z; float xraw_f = report.accel_x; float yraw_f = report.accel_y; float zraw_f = report.accel_z; // apply user specified rotation rotate_3f(_rotation, xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f); float x_in_new = ((xraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.x_offset) * _accel_scale.x_scale; float y_in_new = ((yraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.y_offset) * _accel_scale.y_scale; float z_in_new = ((zraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale.z_offset) * _accel_scale.z_scale; arb.x = _accel_filter_x.apply(x_in_new); arb.y = _accel_filter_y.apply(y_in_new); arb.z = _accel_filter_z.apply(z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval(x_in_new, y_in_new, z_in_new); math::Vector<3> aval_integrated; bool accel_notify = _accel_int.put(arb.timestamp, aval, aval_integrated, arb.integral_dt); arb.x_integral = aval_integrated(0); arb.y_integral = aval_integrated(1); arb.z_integral = aval_integrated(2); arb.scaling = _accel_range_scale; arb.range_m_s2 = _accel_range_m_s2; _last_temperature = (report.temp) / 361.0f + 35.0f; arb.temperature_raw = report.temp; arb.temperature = _last_temperature; grb.x_raw = report.gyro_x; grb.y_raw = report.gyro_y; grb.z_raw = report.gyro_z; xraw_f = report.gyro_x; yraw_f = report.gyro_y; zraw_f = report.gyro_z; // apply user specified rotation rotate_3f(_rotation, xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f); float x_gyro_in_new = ((xraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.x_offset) * _gyro_scale.x_scale; float y_gyro_in_new = ((yraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.y_offset) * _gyro_scale.y_scale; float z_gyro_in_new = ((zraw_f * _gyro_range_scale) - _gyro_scale.z_offset) * _gyro_scale.z_scale; grb.x = _gyro_filter_x.apply(x_gyro_in_new); grb.y = _gyro_filter_y.apply(y_gyro_in_new); grb.z = _gyro_filter_z.apply(z_gyro_in_new); math::Vector<3> gval(x_gyro_in_new, y_gyro_in_new, z_gyro_in_new); math::Vector<3> gval_integrated; bool gyro_notify = _gyro_int.put(arb.timestamp, gval, gval_integrated, grb.integral_dt); grb.x_integral = gval_integrated(0); grb.y_integral = gval_integrated(1); grb.z_integral = gval_integrated(2); grb.scaling = _gyro_range_scale; grb.range_rad_s = _gyro_range_rad_s; grb.temperature_raw = report.temp; grb.temperature = _last_temperature; _accel_reports->force(&arb); _gyro_reports->force(&grb); /* notify anyone waiting for data */ if (accel_notify) { poll_notify(POLLIN); } if (gyro_notify) { _gyro->parent_poll_notify(); } if (accel_notify && !(_pub_blocked)) { /* log the time of this report */ perf_begin(_controller_latency_perf); /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_topic, &arb); } if (gyro_notify && !(_pub_blocked)) { /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro->_gyro_topic, &grb); } /* stop measuring */ perf_end(_sample_perf); }
int main() { A aval(100); B bval; bval.change_A(aval); }