예제 #1
  void CG::operator()(cudaColorSpinorField &x, cudaColorSpinorField &b) 

    // Check to see that we're not trying to invert on a zero-field source    
    const double b2 = norm2(b);
    if(b2 == 0){
      printfQuda("Warning: inverting on zero-field source\n");
      param.true_res = 0.0;
      param.true_res_hq = 0.0;

    cudaColorSpinorField r(b);

    ColorSpinorParam csParam(x);
    csParam.create = QUDA_ZERO_FIELD_CREATE;
    cudaColorSpinorField y(b, csParam); 
    mat(r, x, y);
//    zeroCuda(y);

    double r2 = xmyNormCuda(b, r);
    cudaColorSpinorField Ap(x, csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField tmp(x, csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField *tmp2_p = &tmp;
    // tmp only needed for multi-gpu Wilson-like kernels
    if (mat.Type() != typeid(DiracStaggeredPC).name() && 
	mat.Type() != typeid(DiracStaggered).name()) {
      tmp2_p = new cudaColorSpinorField(x, csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField &tmp2 = *tmp2_p;

    cudaColorSpinorField *x_sloppy, *r_sloppy;
    if (param.precision_sloppy == x.Precision()) {
      csParam.create = QUDA_REFERENCE_FIELD_CREATE;
      x_sloppy = &x;
      r_sloppy = &r;
    } else {
      csParam.create = QUDA_COPY_FIELD_CREATE;
      x_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(x, csParam);
      r_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(r, csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField &xSloppy = *x_sloppy;
    cudaColorSpinorField &rSloppy = *r_sloppy;
    cudaColorSpinorField p(rSloppy);

    if(&x != &xSloppy){
    const bool use_heavy_quark_res = 
      (param.residual_type & QUDA_HEAVY_QUARK_RESIDUAL) ? true : false;

    double r2_old;
    double stop = b2*param.tol*param.tol; // stopping condition of solver

    double heavy_quark_res = 0.0; // heavy quark residual
    if(use_heavy_quark_res) heavy_quark_res = sqrt(HeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(x,r).z);
    int heavy_quark_check = 10; // how often to check the heavy quark residual

    double alpha=0.0, beta=0.0;
    double pAp;
    int rUpdate = 0;

    double rNorm = sqrt(r2);
    double r0Norm = rNorm;
    double maxrx = rNorm;
    double maxrr = rNorm;
    double delta = param.delta;

    // this parameter determines how many consective reliable update
    // reisudal increases we tolerate before terminating the solver,
    // i.e., how long do we want to keep trying to converge
    int maxResIncrease = 0; // 0 means we have no tolerance 

    blas_flops = 0;

    int k=0;
    PrintStats("CG", k, r2, b2, heavy_quark_res);

    int steps_since_reliable = 1;

    while ( !convergence(r2, heavy_quark_res, stop, param.tol_hq) && 
	    k < param.maxiter) {
      matSloppy(Ap, p, tmp, tmp2); // tmp as tmp
      double sigma;

      bool breakdown = false;

      if (param.pipeline) {
	double3 triplet = tripleCGReductionCuda(rSloppy, Ap, p);
	r2 = triplet.x; double Ap2 = triplet.y; pAp = triplet.z;
	r2_old = r2;

	alpha = r2 / pAp;        
	sigma = alpha*(alpha * Ap2 - pAp);
	if (sigma < 0.0 || steps_since_reliable==0) { // sigma condition has broken down
	  r2 = axpyNormCuda(-alpha, Ap, rSloppy);
	  sigma = r2;
	  breakdown = true;

	r2 = sigma;
      } else {
	r2_old = r2;
	pAp = reDotProductCuda(p, Ap);
	alpha = r2 / pAp;        

	// here we are deploying the alternative beta computation 
	Complex cg_norm = axpyCGNormCuda(-alpha, Ap, rSloppy);
	r2 = real(cg_norm); // (r_new, r_new)
	sigma = imag(cg_norm) >= 0.0 ? imag(cg_norm) : r2; // use r2 if (r_k+1, r_k+1-r_k) breaks

      // reliable update conditions
      rNorm = sqrt(r2);
      if (rNorm > maxrx) maxrx = rNorm;
      if (rNorm > maxrr) maxrr = rNorm;
      int updateX = (rNorm < delta*r0Norm && r0Norm <= maxrx) ? 1 : 0;
      int updateR = ((rNorm < delta*maxrr && r0Norm <= maxrr) || updateX) ? 1 : 0;
      // force a reliable update if we are within target tolerance (only if doing reliable updates)
      if ( convergence(r2, heavy_quark_res, stop, param.tol_hq) && delta >= param.tol) updateX = 1;

      if ( !(updateR || updateX)) {
	//beta = r2 / r2_old;
	beta = sigma / r2_old; // use the alternative beta computation

	if (param.pipeline && !breakdown) tripleCGUpdateCuda(alpha, beta, Ap, rSloppy, xSloppy, p);
	else axpyZpbxCuda(alpha, p, xSloppy, rSloppy, beta);

	if (use_heavy_quark_res && k%heavy_quark_check==0) { 
	  heavy_quark_res = sqrt(xpyHeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(xSloppy, tmp, rSloppy).z);

      } else {
	axpyCuda(alpha, p, xSloppy);
	if (x.Precision() != xSloppy.Precision()) copyCuda(x, xSloppy);
	xpyCuda(x, y); // swap these around?
	mat(r, y, x); // here we can use x as tmp
	r2 = xmyNormCuda(b, r);

	if (x.Precision() != rSloppy.Precision()) copyCuda(rSloppy, r);            

	// break-out check if we have reached the limit of the precision
	static int resIncrease = 0;
	if (sqrt(r2) > r0Norm && updateX) { // reuse r0Norm for this
	  warningQuda("CG: new reliable residual norm %e is greater than previous reliable residual norm %e", sqrt(r2), r0Norm);
	  if (++resIncrease > maxResIncrease) break; 
	} else {
	  resIncrease = 0;

	rNorm = sqrt(r2);
	maxrr = rNorm;
	maxrx = rNorm;
	r0Norm = rNorm;      

	// explicitly restore the orthogonality of the gradient vector
	double rp = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy, p) / (r2);
	axpyCuda(-rp, rSloppy, p);

	beta = r2 / r2_old; 
	xpayCuda(rSloppy, beta, p);

	if(use_heavy_quark_res) heavy_quark_res = sqrt(HeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(y,r).z);
	steps_since_reliable = 0;

      breakdown = false;

      PrintStats("CG", k, r2, b2, heavy_quark_res);

    if (x.Precision() != xSloppy.Precision()) copyCuda(x, xSloppy);
    xpyCuda(y, x);


    param.secs = profile.Last(QUDA_PROFILE_COMPUTE);
    double gflops = (quda::blas_flops + mat.flops() + matSloppy.flops())*1e-9;
      param.gflops = gflops;
    param.iter += k;

    if (k==param.maxiter) 
      warningQuda("Exceeded maximum iterations %d", param.maxiter);

    if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE)
      printfQuda("CG: Reliable updates = %d\n", rUpdate);

    // compute the true residuals
    mat(r, x, y);
    param.true_res = sqrt(xmyNormCuda(b, r) / b2);
#if (__COMPUTE_CAPABILITY__ >= 200)
    param.true_res_hq = sqrt(HeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(x,r).z);
    param.true_res_hq = 0.0;

    PrintSummary("CG", k, r2, b2);

    // reset the flops counters
    quda::blas_flops = 0;


    if (&tmp2 != &tmp) delete tmp2_p;

    if (param.precision_sloppy != x.Precision()) {
      delete r_sloppy;
      delete x_sloppy;


예제 #2
  void MultiShiftCG::operator()(cudaColorSpinorField **x, cudaColorSpinorField &b)

    int num_offset = param.num_offset;
    double *offset = param.offset;
    if (num_offset == 0) return;

    const double b2 = normCuda(b);
    // Check to see that we're not trying to invert on a zero-field source
    if(b2 == 0){
      printfQuda("Warning: inverting on zero-field source\n");
      for(int i=0; i<num_offset; ++i){
        *(x[i]) = b;
	param.true_res_offset[i] = 0.0;
	param.true_res_hq_offset[i] = 0.0;

    double *zeta = new double[num_offset];
    double *zeta_old = new double[num_offset];
    double *alpha = new double[num_offset];
    double *beta = new double[num_offset];
    int j_low = 0;   
    int num_offset_now = num_offset;
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) {
      zeta[i] = zeta_old[i] = 1.0;
      beta[i] = 0.0;
      alpha[i] = 1.0;
    // flag whether we will be using reliable updates or not
    bool reliable = false;
    for (int j=0; j<num_offset; j++) 
      if (param.tol_offset[j] < param.delta) reliable = true;

    cudaColorSpinorField *r = new cudaColorSpinorField(b);
    cudaColorSpinorField **y = reliable ? new cudaColorSpinorField*[num_offset] : NULL;
    ColorSpinorParam csParam(b);
    csParam.create = QUDA_ZERO_FIELD_CREATE;

    if (reliable)
      for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) y[i] = new cudaColorSpinorField(*r, csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField *r_sloppy;
    if (param.precision_sloppy == x[0]->Precision()) {
      r_sloppy = r;
    } else {
      csParam.create = QUDA_COPY_FIELD_CREATE;
      r_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(*r, csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField **x_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField*[num_offset];
    if (param.precision_sloppy == x[0]->Precision() ||
	!param.use_sloppy_partial_accumulator) {
      for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) x_sloppy[i] = x[i];
    } else {
      csParam.create = QUDA_ZERO_FIELD_CREATE;
      for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++)
	x_sloppy[i] = new cudaColorSpinorField(*x[i], csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField **p = new cudaColorSpinorField*[num_offset];  
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) p[i]= new cudaColorSpinorField(*r_sloppy);    
    csParam.create = QUDA_ZERO_FIELD_CREATE;
    cudaColorSpinorField* Ap = new cudaColorSpinorField(*r_sloppy, csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField tmp1(*Ap, csParam);

    // tmp2 only needed for multi-gpu Wilson-like kernels
    cudaColorSpinorField *tmp2_p = !mat.isStaggered() ?
      new cudaColorSpinorField(*Ap, csParam) : &tmp1;
    cudaColorSpinorField &tmp2 = *tmp2_p;

    // additional high-precision temporary if Wilson and mixed-precision
    cudaColorSpinorField *tmp3_p =
      (param.precision != param.precision_sloppy && !mat.isStaggered()) ?
      new cudaColorSpinorField(*r, csParam) : &tmp1;
    cudaColorSpinorField &tmp3 = *tmp3_p;


    // stopping condition of each shift
    double stop[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    double r2[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) {
      r2[i] = b2;
      stop[i] = Solver::stopping(param.tol_offset[i], b2, param.residual_type);

    double r2_old;
    double pAp;

    double rNorm[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    double r0Norm[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    double maxrx[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    double maxrr[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) {
      rNorm[i] = sqrt(r2[i]);
      r0Norm[i] = rNorm[i];
      maxrx[i] = rNorm[i];
      maxrr[i] = rNorm[i];
    double delta = param.delta;

    // this parameter determines how many consective reliable update
    // reisudal increases we tolerate before terminating the solver,
    // i.e., how long do we want to keep trying to converge
    const int maxResIncrease =  param.max_res_increase; // check if we reached the limit of our tolerance
    const int maxResIncreaseTotal = param.max_res_increase_total;
    int resIncrease = 0;
    int resIncreaseTotal[QUDA_MAX_MULTI_SHIFT];
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) {

    int k = 0;
    int rUpdate = 0;
    quda::blas_flops = 0;


    if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) 
      printfQuda("MultiShift CG: %d iterations, <r,r> = %e, |r|/|b| = %e\n", k, r2[0], sqrt(r2[0]/b2));
    while (r2[0] > stop[0] &&  k < param.maxiter) {
      matSloppy(*Ap, *p[0], tmp1, tmp2);
      // FIXME - this should be curried into the Dirac operator
      if (r->Nspin()==4) axpyCuda(offset[0], *p[0], *Ap); 

      pAp = reDotProductCuda(*p[0], *Ap);

      // compute zeta and alpha
      updateAlphaZeta(alpha, zeta, zeta_old, r2, beta, pAp, offset, num_offset_now, j_low);
      r2_old = r2[0];
      Complex cg_norm = axpyCGNormCuda(-alpha[j_low], *Ap, *r_sloppy);
      r2[0] = real(cg_norm);
      double zn = imag(cg_norm);

      // reliable update conditions
      rNorm[0] = sqrt(r2[0]);
      for (int j=1; j<num_offset_now; j++) rNorm[j] = rNorm[0] * zeta[j];

      int updateX=0, updateR=0;
      int reliable_shift = -1; // this is the shift that sets the reliable_shift
      for (int j=num_offset_now-1; j>=0; j--) {
	if (rNorm[j] > maxrx[j]) maxrx[j] = rNorm[j];
	if (rNorm[j] > maxrr[j]) maxrr[j] = rNorm[j];
	updateX = (rNorm[j] < delta*r0Norm[j] && r0Norm[j] <= maxrx[j]) ? 1 : updateX;
	updateR = ((rNorm[j] < delta*maxrr[j] && r0Norm[j] <= maxrr[j]) || updateX) ? 1 : updateR;
	if ((updateX || updateR) && reliable_shift == -1) reliable_shift = j;

      if ( !(updateR || updateX) || !reliable) {
	//beta[0] = r2[0] / r2_old;	
	beta[0] = zn / r2_old;
	// update p[0] and x[0]
	axpyZpbxCuda(alpha[0], *p[0], *x_sloppy[0], *r_sloppy, beta[0]);	

	for (int j=1; j<num_offset_now; j++) {
	  beta[j] = beta[j_low] * zeta[j] * alpha[j] / (zeta_old[j] * alpha[j_low]);
	  // update p[i] and x[i]
	  axpyBzpcxCuda(alpha[j], *p[j], *x_sloppy[j], zeta[j], *r_sloppy, beta[j]);
      } else {
	for (int j=0; j<num_offset_now; j++) {
	  axpyCuda(alpha[j], *p[j], *x_sloppy[j]);
	  copyCuda(*x[j], *x_sloppy[j]);
	  xpyCuda(*x[j], *y[j]);

	mat(*r, *y[0], *x[0], tmp3); // here we can use x as tmp
	if (r->Nspin()==4) axpyCuda(offset[0], *y[0], *r);

	r2[0] = xmyNormCuda(b, *r);
	for (int j=1; j<num_offset_now; j++) r2[j] = zeta[j] * zeta[j] * r2[0];
	for (int j=0; j<num_offset_now; j++) zeroCuda(*x_sloppy[j]);

	copyCuda(*r_sloppy, *r);            

	// break-out check if we have reached the limit of the precision

	if (sqrt(r2[reliable_shift]) > r0Norm[reliable_shift]) { // reuse r0Norm for this
	  warningQuda("MultiShiftCG: Shift %d, updated residual %e is greater than previous residual %e (total #inc %i)", 
		      reliable_shift, sqrt(r2[reliable_shift]), r0Norm[reliable_shift], resIncreaseTotal[reliable_shift]);

	  if (resIncrease > maxResIncrease or resIncreaseTotal[reliable_shift] > maxResIncreaseTotal) break; // check if we reached the limit of our tolerancebreak;
	} else {
	  resIncrease = 0;

	// explicitly restore the orthogonality of the gradient vector
	for (int j=0; j<num_offset_now; j++) {
	  double rp = reDotProductCuda(*r_sloppy, *p[j]) / (r2[0]);
	  axpyCuda(-rp, *r_sloppy, *p[j]);

	// update beta and p
	beta[0] = r2[0] / r2_old; 
	xpayCuda(*r_sloppy, beta[0], *p[0]);
	for (int j=1; j<num_offset_now; j++) {
	  beta[j] = beta[j_low] * zeta[j] * alpha[j] / (zeta_old[j] * alpha[j_low]);
	  axpbyCuda(zeta[j], *r_sloppy, beta[j], *p[j]);

	// update reliable update parameters for the system that triggered the update
	int m = reliable_shift;
	rNorm[m] = sqrt(r2[0]) * zeta[m];
	maxrr[m] = rNorm[m];
	maxrx[m] = rNorm[m];
	r0Norm[m] = rNorm[m];      

      // now we can check if any of the shifts have converged and remove them
      for (int j=1; j<num_offset_now; j++) {
        if (zeta[j] == 0.0) {
          if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE)
              printfQuda("MultiShift CG: Shift %d converged after %d iterations\n", j, k + 1);
        else {
	r2[j] = zeta[j] * zeta[j] * r2[0];
	if (r2[j] < stop[j]) {
	  if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE)
	    printfQuda("MultiShift CG: Shift %d converged after %d iterations\n", j, k+1);

      if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE) 
	printfQuda("MultiShift CG: %d iterations, <r,r> = %e, |r|/|b| = %e\n", k, r2[0], sqrt(r2[0]/b2));
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) {
      copyCuda(*x[i], *x_sloppy[i]);
      if (reliable) xpyCuda(*y[i], *x[i]);


    if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE)
      printfQuda("MultiShift CG: Reliable updates = %d\n", rUpdate);

    if (k==param.maxiter) warningQuda("Exceeded maximum iterations %d\n", param.maxiter);
    param.secs = profile.Last(QUDA_PROFILE_COMPUTE);
    double gflops = (quda::blas_flops + mat.flops() + matSloppy.flops())*1e-9;
    param.gflops = gflops;
    param.iter += k;

    for(int i=0; i < num_offset; i++) { 
      mat(*r, *x[i]); 
      if (r->Nspin()==4) {
	axpyCuda(offset[i], *x[i], *r); // Offset it.
      } else if (i!=0) {
	axpyCuda(offset[i]-offset[0], *x[i], *r); // Offset it.
      double true_res = xmyNormCuda(b, *r);
      param.true_res_offset[i] = sqrt(true_res/b2);
#if (__COMPUTE_CAPABILITY__ >= 200)
      param.true_res_hq_offset[i] = sqrt(HeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(*x[i], *r).z);
      param.true_res_hq_offset[i] = 0.0;

    if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_SUMMARIZE){
      printfQuda("MultiShift CG: Converged after %d iterations\n", k);
      for(int i=0; i < num_offset; i++) { 
	printfQuda(" shift=%d, relative residual: iterated = %e, true = %e\n", 
		   i, sqrt(r2[i]/b2), param.true_res_offset[i]);
    // reset the flops counters
    quda::blas_flops = 0;


    if (&tmp3 != &tmp1) delete tmp3_p;
    if (&tmp2 != &tmp1) delete tmp2_p;

    if (r_sloppy->Precision() != r->Precision()) delete r_sloppy;
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) 
       if (x_sloppy[i]->Precision() != x[i]->Precision()) delete x_sloppy[i];
    delete []x_sloppy;
    delete r;
    for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) delete p[i];
    delete []p;

    if (reliable) {
      for (int i=0; i<num_offset; i++) delete y[i];
      delete []y;

    delete Ap;
    delete []zeta_old;
    delete []zeta;
    delete []alpha;
    delete []beta;


예제 #3
  void PreconCG::operator()(cudaColorSpinorField &x, cudaColorSpinorField &b)

    // Check to see that we're not trying to invert on a zero-field source
    const double b2 = norm2(b);
    if(b2 == 0){
      printfQuda("Warning: inverting on zero-field source\n");
      param.true_res = 0.0;
      param.true_res_hq = 0.0;

    int k=0;
    int rUpdate=0;

    cudaColorSpinorField* minvrPre;
    cudaColorSpinorField* rPre;
    cudaColorSpinorField* minvr;
    cudaColorSpinorField* minvrSloppy;
    cudaColorSpinorField* p;

    ColorSpinorParam csParam(b);
    cudaColorSpinorField r(b);
    if(K) minvr = new cudaColorSpinorField(b);
    csParam.create = QUDA_ZERO_FIELD_CREATE;
    cudaColorSpinorField y(b,csParam);

    mat(r, x, y); // => r = A*x;
    double r2 = xmyNormCuda(b,r);

    cudaColorSpinorField tmpSloppy(x,csParam);
    cudaColorSpinorField Ap(x,csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField *r_sloppy;
    if(param.precision_sloppy == x.Precision())
      r_sloppy = &r;
      minvrSloppy = minvr;
      csParam.create = QUDA_COPY_FIELD_CREATE;
      r_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(r,csParam);
      if(K) minvrSloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(*minvr,csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField *x_sloppy;
    if(param.precision_sloppy == x.Precision() ||
        !param.use_sloppy_partial_accumulator) {
      csParam.create = QUDA_REFERENCE_FIELD_CREATE;
      x_sloppy = &x;
      csParam.create = QUDA_COPY_FIELD_CREATE;
      x_sloppy = new cudaColorSpinorField(x,csParam);

    cudaColorSpinorField &xSloppy = *x_sloppy;
    cudaColorSpinorField &rSloppy = *r_sloppy;

    if(&x != &xSloppy){
      copyCuda(y, x); // copy x to y
      zeroCuda(y); // no reliable updates // NB: check this

    const bool use_heavy_quark_res = (param.residual_type & QUDA_HEAVY_QUARK_RESIDUAL) ? true : false;

      csParam.create = QUDA_COPY_FIELD_CREATE;
      rPre = new cudaColorSpinorField(rSloppy,csParam);
      // Create minvrPre 
      minvrPre = new cudaColorSpinorField(*rPre);
      globalReduce = false;
      (*K)(*minvrPre, *rPre);  
      globalReduce = true;
      *minvrSloppy = *minvrPre;
      p = new cudaColorSpinorField(*minvrSloppy);
      p = new cudaColorSpinorField(rSloppy);



    double stop = stopping(param.tol, b2, param.residual_type); // stopping condition of solver
    double heavy_quark_res = 0.0; // heavy quark residual 
    if(use_heavy_quark_res) heavy_quark_res = sqrt(HeavyQuarkResidualNormCuda(x,r).z);
    int heavy_quark_check = 10; // how often to check the heavy quark residual

    double alpha = 0.0, beta=0.0;
    double pAp;
    double rMinvr  = 0;
    double rMinvr_old = 0.0;
    double r_new_Minvr_old = 0.0;
    double r2_old = 0;
    r2 = norm2(r);

    double rNorm = sqrt(r2);
    double r0Norm = rNorm;
    double maxrx = rNorm;
    double maxrr = rNorm;
    double delta = param.delta;

    if(K) rMinvr = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy,*minvrSloppy);


    quda::blas_flops = 0;

    int steps_since_reliable = 1;

    const int maxResIncrease = 0;

    while(!convergence(r2, heavy_quark_res, stop, param.tol_hq) && k < param.maxiter){

      matSloppy(Ap, *p, tmpSloppy);

      double sigma;
      bool breakdown = false;
      pAp   = reDotProductCuda(*p,Ap);

      alpha = (K) ? rMinvr/pAp : r2/pAp;
      Complex cg_norm = axpyCGNormCuda(-alpha, Ap, rSloppy); 
      // r --> r - alpha*A*p
      r2_old = r2;
      r2 = real(cg_norm);
      sigma = imag(cg_norm) >= 0.0 ? imag(cg_norm) : r2; // use r2 if (r_k+1, r_k-1 - r_k) breaks

      if(K) rMinvr_old = rMinvr;

      rNorm = sqrt(r2);
      if(rNorm > maxrx) maxrx = rNorm;
      if(rNorm > maxrr) maxrr = rNorm;

      int updateX = (rNorm < delta*r0Norm && r0Norm <= maxrx) ? 1 : 0;
      int updateR = ((rNorm < delta*maxrr && r0Norm <= maxrr) || updateX) ? 1 : 0;

      // force a reliable update if we are within target tolerance (only if doing reliable updates)
      if( convergence(r2, heavy_quark_res, stop, param.tol_hq) && delta >= param.tol) updateX = 1;

      if( !(updateR || updateX) ){

          r_new_Minvr_old = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy,*minvrSloppy);
          *rPre = rSloppy;
          globalReduce = false;
          (*K)(*minvrPre, *rPre);
          globalReduce = true;

          *minvrSloppy = *minvrPre;

          rMinvr = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy,*minvrSloppy);
          beta = (rMinvr - r_new_Minvr_old)/rMinvr_old; 
          axpyZpbxCuda(alpha, *p, xSloppy, *minvrSloppy, beta);
          beta = sigma/r2_old; // use the alternative beta computation
          axpyZpbxCuda(alpha, *p, xSloppy, rSloppy, beta);
      } else { // reliable update

        axpyCuda(alpha, *p, xSloppy); // xSloppy += alpha*p
        copyCuda(x, xSloppy);
        xpyCuda(x, y); // y += x
        // Now compute r 
        mat(r, y, x); // x is just a temporary here
        r2 = xmyNormCuda(b, r);
        copyCuda(rSloppy, r); // copy r to rSloppy

        // break-out check if we have reached the limit of the precision
        static int resIncrease = 0;
        if(sqrt(r2) > r0Norm && updateX) { // reuse r0Norm for this 
          warningQuda("PCG: new reliable residual norm %e is greater than previous reliable residual norm %e", sqrt(r2), r0Norm);

          if(++resIncrease > maxResIncrease) break;
          resIncrease = 0;

        rNorm = sqrt(r2);
        maxrr = rNorm;
        maxrx = rNorm;
        r0Norm = rNorm;

          *rPre = rSloppy;
          globalReduce = false;
          (*K)(*minvrPre, *rPre);
          globalReduce = true;

          *minvrSloppy = *minvrPre;

          rMinvr = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy,*minvrSloppy);
          beta = rMinvr/rMinvr_old;        

          xpayCuda(*minvrSloppy, beta, *p); // p = minvrSloppy + beta*p
        }else{ // standard CG - no preconditioning

          // explicitly restore the orthogonality of the gradient vector
          double rp = reDotProductCuda(rSloppy, *p)/(r2);
          axpyCuda(-rp, rSloppy, *p);

          beta = r2/r2_old;
          xpayCuda(rSloppy, beta, *p);

          steps_since_reliable = 0;
      breakdown = false;
      PrintStats("PCG", k, r2, b2, heavy_quark_res);



    if(x.Precision() != param.precision_sloppy) copyCuda(x, xSloppy);
    xpyCuda(y, x); // x += y

    param.secs = profile.Last(QUDA_PROFILE_COMPUTE);
    double gflops = (quda::blas_flops + mat.flops() + matSloppy.flops() + matPrecon.flops())*1e-9;
    param.gflops = gflops;
    param.iter += k;

    if (k==param.maxiter)
      warningQuda("Exceeded maximum iterations %d", param.maxiter);

    if (getVerbosity() >= QUDA_VERBOSE)
      printfQuda("CG: Reliable updates = %d\n", rUpdate);

    // compute the true residual 
    mat(r, x, y);
    double true_res = xmyNormCuda(b, r);
    param.true_res = sqrt(true_res / b2);

    // reset the flops counters
    quda::blas_flops = 0;


    if(K){ // These are only needed if preconditioning is used
      delete minvrPre;
      delete rPre;
      delete minvr;
      if(x.Precision() != param.precision_sloppy)  delete minvrSloppy;
    delete p;

    if(x.Precision() != param.precision_sloppy){
      delete x_sloppy;
      delete r_sloppy;
