예제 #1
void b2MouseJoint::InitVelocityConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	m_indexB = m_bodyB->m_islandIndex;
	m_localCenterB = m_bodyB->m_sweep.localCenter;
	m_invMassB = m_bodyB->m_invMass;
	m_invIB = m_bodyB->m_invI;

	b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
	float32 aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;
	b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
	float32 wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

	b2Rot qB(aB);

	float32 mass = m_bodyB->GetMass();

	// Frequency
	float32 omega = 2.0f * b2_pi * m_frequencyHz;

	// Damping coefficient
	float32 d = 2.0f * mass * m_dampingRatio * omega;

	// Spring stiffness
	float32 k = mass * (omega * omega);

	// magic formulas
	// gamma has units of inverse mass.
	// beta has units of inverse time.
	float32 h = data.step.dt;
	b2Assert(d + h * k > b2_epsilon);
	m_gamma = h * (d + h * k);
	if (m_gamma != 0.0f)
		m_gamma = 1.0f / m_gamma;
	m_beta = h * k * m_gamma;

	// Compute the effective mass matrix.
	m_rB = b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);

	// K    = [(1/m1 + 1/m2) * eye(2) - skew(r1) * invI1 * skew(r1) - skew(r2) * invI2 * skew(r2)]
	//      = [1/m1+1/m2     0    ] + invI1 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] + invI2 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y]
	//        [    0     1/m1+1/m2]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]
	b2Mat22 K;
	K.ex.x = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y + m_gamma;
	K.ex.y = -m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y;
	K.ey.x = K.ex.y;
	K.ey.y = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x + m_gamma;

	m_mass = K.GetInverse();

	m_C = cB + m_rB - m_targetA;
	m_C *= m_beta;

	// Cheat with some damping
	wB *= 0.98f;

	if (data.step.warmStarting)
		m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio;
		vB += m_invMassB * m_impulse;
		wB += m_invIB * b2Cross(m_rB, m_impulse);

	data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
예제 #2
void b2World::DestroyBody(b2Body* b)
	b2Assert(m_bodyCount > 0);
	b2Assert(IsLocked() == false);
	if (IsLocked())

	// Delete the attached joints.
	b2JointEdge* je = b->m_jointList;
	while (je)
		b2JointEdge* je0 = je;
		je = je->next;

		if (m_destructionListener)


		b->m_jointList = je;
	b->m_jointList = NULL;

	// Delete the attached contacts.
	b2ContactEdge* ce = b->m_contactList;
	while (ce)
		b2ContactEdge* ce0 = ce;
		ce = ce->next;
	b->m_contactList = NULL;

	// Delete the attached fixtures. This destroys broad-phase proxies.
	b2Fixture* f = b->m_fixtureList;
	while (f)
		b2Fixture* f0 = f;
		f = f->m_next;

		if (m_destructionListener)

		m_blockAllocator.Free(f0, sizeof(b2Fixture));

		b->m_fixtureList = f;
		b->m_fixtureCount -= 1;
	b->m_fixtureList = NULL;
	b->m_fixtureCount = 0;

	// Remove world body list.
	if (b->m_prev)
		b->m_prev->m_next = b->m_next;

	if (b->m_next)
		b->m_next->m_prev = b->m_prev;

	if (b == m_bodyList)
		m_bodyList = b->m_next;

	m_blockAllocator.Free(b, sizeof(b2Body));
예제 #3
// Find islands, integrate and solve constraints, solve position constraints
void b2World::Solve(const b2TimeStep& step)
	// Size the island for the worst case.
	b2Island island(m_bodyCount,

	// Clear all the island flags.
	for (b2Body* b = m_bodyList; b; b = b->m_next)
		b->m_flags &= ~b2Body::e_islandFlag;
	for (b2Contact* c = m_contactManager.m_contactList; c; c = c->m_next)
		c->m_flags &= ~b2Contact::e_islandFlag;
	for (b2Joint* j = m_jointList; j; j = j->m_next)
		j->m_islandFlag = false;

	// Build and simulate all awake islands.
	b2_int32 stackSize = m_bodyCount;
	b2Body** stack = (b2Body**)m_stackAllocator.Allocate(stackSize * sizeof(b2Body*));
	for (b2Body* seed = m_bodyList; seed; seed = seed->m_next)
		if (seed->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag)

		if (seed->IsAwake() == false || seed->IsActive() == false)

		// The seed can be dynamic or kinematic.
		if (seed->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

		// Reset island and stack.
		b2_int32 stackCount = 0;
		stack[stackCount++] = seed;
		seed->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;

		// Perform a depth first search (DFS) on the constraint graph.
		while (stackCount > 0)
			// Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island.
			b2Body* b = stack[--stackCount];
			b2Assert(b->IsActive() == true);

			// Make sure the body is awake.

			// To keep islands as small as possible, we don't
			// propagate islands across static bodies.
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			// Search all contacts connected to this body.
			for (b2ContactEdge* ce = b->m_contactList; ce; ce = ce->next)
				b2Contact* contact = ce->contact;

				// Has this contact already been added to an island?
				if (contact->m_flags & b2Contact::e_islandFlag)

				// Is this contact solid and touching?
				if (contact->IsEnabled() == false ||
					contact->IsTouching() == false)

				// Skip sensors.
				bool sensorA = contact->m_fixtureA->m_isSensor;
				bool sensorB = contact->m_fixtureB->m_isSensor;
				if (sensorA || sensorB)

				contact->m_flags |= b2Contact::e_islandFlag;

				b2Body* other = ce->other;

				// Was the other body already added to this island?
				if (other->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag)

				b2Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
				stack[stackCount++] = other;
				other->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;

			// Search all joints connect to this body.
			for (b2JointEdge* je = b->m_jointList; je; je = je->next)
				if (je->joint->m_islandFlag == true)

				b2Body* other = je->other;

				// Don't simulate joints connected to inactive bodies.
				if (other->IsActive() == false)

				je->joint->m_islandFlag = true;

				if (other->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag)

				b2Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
				stack[stackCount++] = other;
				other->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;

		island.Solve(step, m_gravity, m_allowSleep);

		// Post solve cleanup.
		for (b2_int32 i = 0; i < island.m_bodyCount; ++i)
			// Allow static bodies to participate in other islands.
			b2Body* b = island.m_bodies[i];
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)
				b->m_flags &= ~b2Body::e_islandFlag;


		// Synchronize fixtures, check for out of range bodies.
		for (b2Body* b = m_bodyList; b; b = b->GetNext())
			// If a body was not in an island then it did not move.
			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag) == 0)

			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			// Update fixtures (for broad-phase).

		// Look for new contacts.
예제 #4
b2ContactSolver::b2ContactSolver(b2ContactSolverDef* def)
	m_step = def->step;
	m_allocator = def->allocator;
	m_count = def->count;
	m_positionConstraints = (b2ContactPositionConstraint*)m_allocator->Allocate(m_count * sizeof(b2ContactPositionConstraint));
	m_velocityConstraints = (b2ContactVelocityConstraint*)m_allocator->Allocate(m_count * sizeof(b2ContactVelocityConstraint));
	m_positions = def->positions;
	m_velocities = def->velocities;
	m_contacts = def->contacts;

	// Initialize position independent portions of the constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2Contact* contact = m_contacts[i];

		b2Fixture* fixtureA = contact->m_fixtureA;
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = contact->m_fixtureB;
		b2Shape* shapeA = fixtureA->GetShape();
		b2Shape* shapeB = fixtureB->GetShape();
		float32 radiusA = shapeA->m_radius;
		float32 radiusB = shapeB->m_radius;
		b2Body* bodyA = fixtureA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bodyB = fixtureB->GetBody();
		b2Manifold* manifold = contact->GetManifold();

		int32 pointCount = manifold->pointCount;
		b2Assert(pointCount > 0);

		b2ContactVelocityConstraint* vc = m_velocityConstraints + i;
		vc->friction = contact->m_friction;
		vc->restitution = contact->m_restitution;
		vc->tangentSpeed = contact->m_tangentSpeed;
		vc->indexA = bodyA->m_islandIndex;
		vc->indexB = bodyB->m_islandIndex;
		vc->invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
		vc->invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
		vc->invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
		vc->invIB = bodyB->m_invI;
		vc->contactIndex = i;
		vc->pointCount = pointCount;

		b2ContactPositionConstraint* pc = m_positionConstraints + i;
		pc->indexA = bodyA->m_islandIndex;
		pc->indexB = bodyB->m_islandIndex;
		pc->invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
		pc->invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
		pc->localCenterA = bodyA->m_sweep.localCenter;
		pc->localCenterB = bodyB->m_sweep.localCenter;
		pc->invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
		pc->invIB = bodyB->m_invI;
		pc->localNormal = manifold->localNormal;
		pc->localPoint = manifold->localPoint;
		pc->pointCount = pointCount;
		pc->radiusA = radiusA;
		pc->radiusB = radiusB;
		pc->type = manifold->type;

		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2ManifoldPoint* cp = manifold->points + j;
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;
			if (m_step.warmStarting)
				vcp->normalImpulse = m_step.dtRatio * cp->normalImpulse;
				vcp->tangentImpulse = m_step.dtRatio * cp->tangentImpulse;
				vcp->normalImpulse = 0.0f;
				vcp->tangentImpulse = 0.0f;

			vcp->normalMass = 0.0f;
			vcp->tangentMass = 0.0f;
			vcp->velocityBias = 0.0f;

			pc->localPoints[j] = cp->localPoint;
예제 #5
bool b2PolygonShape::RayCast(b2RayCastOutput* output, const b2RayCastInput& input,
								const b2Transform& xf, int32 childIndex) const

	// Put the ray into the polygon's frame of reference.
	b2Vec2 p1 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p1 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 p2 = b2MulT(xf.q, input.p2 - xf.p);
	b2Vec2 d = p2 - p1;

	float32 lower = 0.0f, upper = input.maxFraction;

	int32 index = -1;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; ++i)
		// p = p1 + a * d
		// dot(normal, p - v) = 0
		// dot(normal, p1 - v) + a * dot(normal, d) = 0
		float32 numerator = b2Dot(m_normals[i], m_vertices[i] - p1);
		float32 denominator = b2Dot(m_normals[i], d);

		if (denominator == 0.0f)
			if (numerator < 0.0f)
				return false;
			// Note: we want this predicate without division:
			// lower < numerator / denominator, where denominator < 0
			// Since denominator < 0, we have to flip the inequality:
			// lower < numerator / denominator <==> denominator * lower > numerator.
			if (denominator < 0.0f && numerator < lower * denominator)
				// Increase lower.
				// The segment enters this half-space.
				lower = numerator / denominator;
				index = i;
			else if (denominator > 0.0f && numerator < upper * denominator)
				// Decrease upper.
				// The segment exits this half-space.
				upper = numerator / denominator;

		// The use of epsilon here causes the assert on lower to trip
		// in some cases. Apparently the use of epsilon was to make edge
		// shapes work, but now those are handled separately.
		//if (upper < lower - b2_epsilon)
		if (upper < lower)
			return false;

	b2Assert(0.0f <= lower && lower <= input.maxFraction);

	if (index >= 0)
		output->fraction = lower;
		output->normal = b2Mul(xf.q, m_normals[index]);
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #6
void b2Body::ResetMassData()
	// Compute mass data from shapes. Each shape has its own density.
	m_mass = 0.0f;
	m_invMass = 0.0f;
	m_I = 0.0f;
	m_invI = 0.0f;

	// Static and kinematic bodies have zero mass.
	if (m_type == b2_staticBody || m_type == b2_kinematicBody)
		m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = m_xf.position;

	b2Assert(m_type == b2_dynamicBody);

	// Accumulate mass over all fixtures.
	b2Vec2 center = b2Vec2_zero;
	for (b2Fixture* f = m_fixtureList; f; f = f->m_next)
		if (f->m_density == 0.0f)

		b2MassData massData;
		m_mass += massData.mass;
		center += massData.mass * massData.center;
		m_I += massData.I;

	// Compute center of mass.
	if (m_mass > 0.0f)
		m_invMass = 1.0f / m_mass;
		center *= m_invMass;
		// Force all dynamic bodies to have a positive mass.
		m_mass = 1.0f;
		m_invMass = 1.0f;

	if (m_I > 0.0f && (m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0)
		// Center the inertia about the center of mass.
		m_I -= m_mass * b2Dot(center, center);
		b2Assert(m_I > 0.0f);
		m_invI = 1.0f / m_I;

		m_I = 0.0f;
		m_invI = 0.0f;

	// Move center of mass.
	b2Vec2 oldCenter = m_sweep.c;
	m_sweep.localCenter = center;
	m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);

	// Update center of mass velocity.
	m_linearVelocity += b2Cross(m_angularVelocity, m_sweep.c - oldCenter);
예제 #7
// Initialize position dependent portions of the velocity constraints.
void b2ContactSolver::InitializeVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2ContactVelocityConstraint* vc = m_velocityConstraints + i;
		b2ContactPositionConstraint* pc = m_positionConstraints + i;

		float32 radiusA = pc->radiusA;
		float32 radiusB = pc->radiusB;
		b2Manifold* manifold = m_contacts[vc->contactIndex]->GetManifold();

		int32 indexA = vc->indexA;
		int32 indexB = vc->indexB;

		float32 mA = vc->invMassA;
		float32 mB = vc->invMassB;
		float32 iA = vc->invIA;
		float32 iB = vc->invIB;
		b2Vec2 localCenterA = pc->localCenterA;
		b2Vec2 localCenterB = pc->localCenterB;

		b2Vec2 cA = m_positions[indexA].c;
		float32 aA = m_positions[indexA].a;
		b2Vec2 vA = m_velocities[indexA].v;
		float32 wA = m_velocities[indexA].w;

		b2Vec2 cB = m_positions[indexB].c;
		float32 aB = m_positions[indexB].a;
		b2Vec2 vB = m_velocities[indexB].v;
		float32 wB = m_velocities[indexB].w;

		b2Assert(manifold->pointCount > 0);

		b2Transform xfA, xfB;
		xfA.p = cA - b2Mul(xfA.q, localCenterA);
		xfB.p = cB - b2Mul(xfB.q, localCenterB);

		b2WorldManifold worldManifold;
		worldManifold.Initialize(manifold, xfA, radiusA, xfB, radiusB);

		vc->normal = worldManifold.normal;

		int32 pointCount = vc->pointCount;
		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

			vcp->rA = worldManifold.points[j] - cA;
			vcp->rB = worldManifold.points[j] - cB;

			float32 rnA = b2Cross(vcp->rA, vc->normal);
			float32 rnB = b2Cross(vcp->rB, vc->normal);

			float32 kNormal = mA + mB + iA * rnA * rnA + iB * rnB * rnB;

			vcp->normalMass = kNormal > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kNormal : 0.0f;

			b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(vc->normal, 1.0f);

			float32 rtA = b2Cross(vcp->rA, tangent);
			float32 rtB = b2Cross(vcp->rB, tangent);

			float32 kTangent = mA + mB + iA * rtA * rtA + iB * rtB * rtB;

			vcp->tangentMass = kTangent > 0.0f ? 1.0f /  kTangent : 0.0f;

			// Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
			vcp->velocityBias = 0.0f;
			float32 vRel = b2Dot(vc->normal, vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA));
			if (vRel < -b2_velocityThreshold)
				vcp->velocityBias = -vc->restitution * vRel;

		// If we have two points, then prepare the block solver.
		if (vc->pointCount == 2 && g_blockSolve)
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp1 = vc->points + 0;
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp2 = vc->points + 1;

			float32 rn1A = b2Cross(vcp1->rA, vc->normal);
			float32 rn1B = b2Cross(vcp1->rB, vc->normal);
			float32 rn2A = b2Cross(vcp2->rA, vc->normal);
			float32 rn2B = b2Cross(vcp2->rB, vc->normal);

			float32 k11 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn1A + iB * rn1B * rn1B;
			float32 k22 = mA + mB + iA * rn2A * rn2A + iB * rn2B * rn2B;
			float32 k12 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn2A + iB * rn1B * rn2B;

			// Ensure a reasonable condition number.
			const float32 k_maxConditionNumber = 1000.0f;
			if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12))
				// K is safe to invert.
				vc->K.ex.Set(k11, k12);
				vc->K.ey.Set(k12, k22);
				vc->normalMass = vc->K.GetInverse();
				// The constraints are redundant, just use one.
				// TODO_ERIN use deepest?
				vc->pointCount = 1;
예제 #8
// Compute contact points for edge versus circle.
// This accounts for edge connectivity.
void b2CollideEdgeAndCircle(b2Manifold* manifold,
							const b2EdgeShape* edgeA, const b2Transform& xfA,
							const b2CircleShape* circleB, const b2Transform& xfB)
	manifold->pointCount = 0;

	// Compute circle in frame of edge
	b2Vec2 Q = b2MulT(xfA, b2Mul(xfB, circleB->m_p));

	b2Vec2 A = edgeA->m_vertex1, B = edgeA->m_vertex2;
	b2Vec2 e = B - A;

	// Barycentric coordinates
	float32 u = b2Dot(e, B - Q);
	float32 v = b2Dot(e, Q - A);

	float32 radius = edgeA->m_radius + circleB->m_radius;

	b2ContactFeature cf;
	cf.indexB = 0;
	cf.typeB = b2ContactFeature::e_vertex;

	// Region A
	if (v <= 0.0f)
		b2Vec2 P = A;
		b2Vec2 d = Q - P;
		float32 dd = b2Dot(d, d);
		if (dd > radius * radius)

		// Is there an edge connected to A?
		if (edgeA->m_hasVertex0)
			b2Vec2 A1 = edgeA->m_vertex0;
			b2Vec2 B1 = A;
			b2Vec2 e1 = B1 - A1;
			float32 u1 = b2Dot(e1, B1 - Q);

			// Is the circle in Region AB of the previous edge?
			if (u1 > 0.0f)

		cf.indexA = 0;
		cf.typeA = b2ContactFeature::e_vertex;
		manifold->pointCount = 1;
		manifold->type = b2Manifold::e_circles;
		manifold->localPoint = P;
		manifold->points[0].id.key = 0;
		manifold->points[0].id.cf = cf;
		manifold->points[0].localPoint = circleB->m_p;
	// Region B
	if (u <= 0.0f)
		b2Vec2 P = B;
		b2Vec2 d = Q - P;
		float32 dd = b2Dot(d, d);
		if (dd > radius * radius)

		// Is there an edge connected to B?
		if (edgeA->m_hasVertex3)
			b2Vec2 B2 = edgeA->m_vertex3;
			b2Vec2 A2 = B;
			b2Vec2 e2 = B2 - A2;
			float32 v2 = b2Dot(e2, Q - A2);

			// Is the circle in Region AB of the next edge?
			if (v2 > 0.0f)

		cf.indexA = 1;
		cf.typeA = b2ContactFeature::e_vertex;
		manifold->pointCount = 1;
		manifold->type = b2Manifold::e_circles;
		manifold->localPoint = P;
		manifold->points[0].id.key = 0;
		manifold->points[0].id.cf = cf;
		manifold->points[0].localPoint = circleB->m_p;

	// Region AB
	float32 den = b2Dot(e, e);
	b2Assert(den > 0.0f);
	b2Vec2 P = (1.0f / den) * (u * A + v * B);
	b2Vec2 d = Q - P;
	float32 dd = b2Dot(d, d);
	if (dd > radius * radius)

	b2Vec2 n(-e.y, e.x);
	if (b2Dot(n, Q - A) < 0.0f)
		n.Set(-n.x, -n.y);

	cf.indexA = 0;
	cf.typeA = b2ContactFeature::e_face;
	manifold->pointCount = 1;
	manifold->type = b2Manifold::e_faceA;
	manifold->localNormal = n;
	manifold->localPoint = A;
	manifold->points[0].id.key = 0;
	manifold->points[0].id.cf = cf;
	manifold->points[0].localPoint = circleB->m_p;
예제 #9
void b2PolygonShape::Set(const b2Vec2* vertices, int32 count)
	if (count < 3)
		SetAsBox(0.01f, 0.01f);
	count = b2Min(count, b2_maxPolygonVertices);

	// Copy vertices into local buffer
	b2Vec2 ps[b2_maxPolygonVertices];
	for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		ps[i] = vertices[i];

	// Create the convex hull using the Gift wrapping algorithm
	// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gift_wrapping_algorithm

	// Find the right most point on the hull
	int32 i0 = 0;
	float32 x0 = ps[0].x;
	for (int32 i = 1; i < count; ++i)
		float32 x = ps[i].x;
		if (x > x0 || (x == x0 && ps[i].y < ps[i0].y))
			i0 = i;
			x0 = x;

	int32 hull[b2_maxPolygonVertices];
	int32 m = 0;
	int32 ih = i0;

	for (;;)
		hull[m] = ih;

		int32 ie = 0;
		for (int32 j = 1; j < count; ++j)
			if (ie == ih)
				ie = j;

			b2Vec2 r = ps[ie] - ps[hull[m]];
			b2Vec2 v = ps[j] - ps[hull[m]];
			float32 c = b2Cross(r, v);
			if (c < 0.0f)
				ie = j;

			// Collinearity check
			if (c == 0.0f && v.LengthSquared() > r.LengthSquared())
				ie = j;

		ih = ie;

		if (ie == i0)
	if (m < 3)
		SetAsBox(0.01f, 0.01f);
	m_count = m;

	// Copy vertices.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		m_vertices[i] = ps[hull[i]];

	// Compute normals. Ensure the edges have non-zero length.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		int32 i1 = i;
		int32 i2 = i + 1 < m ? i + 1 : 0;
		b2Vec2 edge = m_vertices[i2] - m_vertices[i1];
		b2Assert(edge.LengthSquared() > b2_epsilon * b2_epsilon);
		m_normals[i] = b2Cross(edge, 1.0f);

	// Compute the polygon centroid.
	m_centroid = ComputeCentroid(m_vertices, m);
예제 #10
// TODO_ERIN adjust linear velocity and torque to account for movement of center.
void b2Body::SetMassFromShapes()
	// Compute mass data from shapes. Each shape has its own density.
	m_mass = 0.0f;
	m_invMass = 0.0f;
	m_I = 0.0f;
	m_invI = 0.0f;

	b2Vec2 center = b2Vec2_zero;
	for (b2Fixture* f = m_fixtureList; f; f = f->m_next)
		b2MassData massData;
		m_mass += massData.mass;
		center += massData.mass * massData.center;
		m_I += massData.I;

	// Compute center of mass, and shift the origin to the COM.
	if (m_mass > 0.0f)
		m_invMass = 1.0f / m_mass;
		center *= m_invMass;

	if (m_I > 0.0f && (m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0)
		// Center the inertia about the center of mass.
		m_I -= m_mass * b2Dot(center, center);
		b2Assert(m_I > 0.0f);
		m_invI = 1.0f / m_I;
		m_I = 0.0f;
		m_invI = 0.0f;

	// Move center of mass.
	m_sweep.localCenter = center;
	m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);

	int16 oldType = m_type;
	if (m_invMass == 0.0f && m_invI == 0.0f)
		m_type = e_staticType;
		m_type = e_dynamicType;

	// If the body type changed, we need to refilter the broad-phase proxies.
	if (oldType != m_type)
		for (b2Fixture* f = m_fixtureList; f; f = f->m_next)
			f->RefilterProxy(m_world->m_broadPhase, m_xf);
예제 #11
b2Joint* b2Joint::Create(const b2JointDef* def, b2BlockAllocator* allocator)
	b2Joint* joint = NULL;

	switch (def->type)
	case e_distanceJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2DistanceJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2DistanceJoint((b2DistanceJointDef*)def);

	case e_mouseJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2MouseJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2MouseJoint((b2MouseJointDef*)def);

	case e_prismaticJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2PrismaticJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2PrismaticJoint((b2PrismaticJointDef*)def);

	case e_revoluteJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2RevoluteJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2RevoluteJoint((b2RevoluteJointDef*)def);

	case e_pulleyJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2PulleyJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2PulleyJoint((b2PulleyJointDef*)def);

	case e_gearJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2GearJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2GearJoint((b2GearJointDef*)def);

	case e_wheelJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2WheelJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2WheelJoint((b2WheelJointDef*)def);

	case e_weldJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2WeldJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2WeldJoint((b2WeldJointDef*)def);
	case e_frictionJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2FrictionJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2FrictionJoint((b2FrictionJointDef*)def);

	case e_ropeJoint:
			void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2RopeJoint));
			joint = new (mem) b2RopeJoint((b2RopeJointDef*)def);


	return joint;
예제 #12
	float32 Initialize(const b2SimplexCache* cache,
		const b2DistanceProxy* proxyA, const b2Sweep& sweepA,
		const b2DistanceProxy* proxyB, const b2Sweep& sweepB,
		float32 t1)
		m_proxyA = proxyA;
		m_proxyB = proxyB;
		int32 count = cache->count;
		b2Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

		m_sweepA = sweepA;
		m_sweepB = sweepB;

		b2Transform xfA, xfB;
		m_sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, t1);
		m_sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, t1);

		if (count == 1)
			m_type = e_points;
			b2Vec2 localPointA = m_proxyA->GetVertex(cache->indexA[0]);
			b2Vec2 localPointB = m_proxyB->GetVertex(cache->indexB[0]);
			b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, localPointA);
			b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, localPointB);
			m_axis = pointB - pointA;
			float32 s = m_axis.Normalize();
			return s;
		else if (cache->indexA[0] == cache->indexA[1])
			// Two points on B and one on A.
			m_type = e_faceB;
			b2Vec2 localPointB1 = proxyB->GetVertex(cache->indexB[0]);
			b2Vec2 localPointB2 = proxyB->GetVertex(cache->indexB[1]);

			m_axis = b2Cross(localPointB2 - localPointB1, 1.0f);
			b2Vec2 normal = b2Mul(xfB.R, m_axis);

			m_localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
			b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, m_localPoint);

			b2Vec2 localPointA = proxyA->GetVertex(cache->indexA[0]);
			b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, localPointA);

			float32 s = b2Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
			if (s < 0.0f)
				m_axis = -m_axis;
				s = -s;
			return s;
			// Two points on A and one or two points on B.
			m_type = e_faceA;
			b2Vec2 localPointA1 = m_proxyA->GetVertex(cache->indexA[0]);
			b2Vec2 localPointA2 = m_proxyA->GetVertex(cache->indexA[1]);
			m_axis = b2Cross(localPointA2 - localPointA1, 1.0f);
			b2Vec2 normal = b2Mul(xfA.R, m_axis);

			m_localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
			b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, m_localPoint);

			b2Vec2 localPointB = m_proxyB->GetVertex(cache->indexB[0]);
			b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, localPointB);

			float32 s = b2Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
			if (s < 0.0f)
				m_axis = -m_axis;
				s = -s;
			return s;
예제 #13
// CCD via the local separating axis method. This seeks progression
// by computing the largest time at which separation is maintained.
void b2TimeOfImpact(b2TOIOutput* output, const b2TOIInput* input)

	output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_unknown;
	output->t = input->tMax;

	const b2DistanceProxy* proxyA = &input->proxyA;
	const b2DistanceProxy* proxyB = &input->proxyB;

	b2Sweep sweepA = input->sweepA;
	b2Sweep sweepB = input->sweepB;

	// Large rotations can make the root finder fail, so we normalize the
	// sweep angles.

	float32 tMax = input->tMax;

	float32 totalRadius = proxyA->m_radius + proxyB->m_radius;
	float32 target = b2Max(b2_linearSlop, totalRadius - 3.0f * b2_linearSlop);
	float32 tolerance = 0.25f * b2_linearSlop;
	b2Assert(target > tolerance);

	float32 t1 = 0.0f;
	const int32 k_maxIterations = 20;	// TODO_ERIN b2Settings
	int32 iter = 0;

	// Prepare input for distance query.
	b2SimplexCache cache;
	cache.count = 0;
	b2DistanceInput distanceInput;
	distanceInput.proxyA = input->proxyA;
	distanceInput.proxyB = input->proxyB;
	distanceInput.useRadii = false;

	// The outer loop progressively attempts to compute new separating axes.
	// This loop terminates when an axis is repeated (no progress is made).
		b2Transform xfA, xfB;
		sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, t1);
		sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, t1);

		// Get the distance between shapes. We can also use the results
		// to get a separating axis.
		distanceInput.transformA = xfA;
		distanceInput.transformB = xfB;
		b2DistanceOutput distanceOutput;
		b2Distance(&distanceOutput, &cache, &distanceInput);

		// If the shapes are overlapped, we give up on continuous collision.
		if (distanceOutput.distance <= 0.0f)
			// Failure!
			output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_overlapped;
			output->t = 0.0f;

		if (distanceOutput.distance < target + tolerance)
			// Victory!
			output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_touching;
			output->t = t1;

		// Initialize the separating axis.
		b2SeparationFunction fcn;
		fcn.Initialize(&cache, proxyA, sweepA, proxyB, sweepB, t1);
#if 0
		// Dump the curve seen by the root finder
			const int32 N = 100;
			float32 dx = 1.0f / N;
			float32 xs[N+1];
			float32 fs[N+1];

			float32 x = 0.0f;

			for (int32 i = 0; i <= N; ++i)
				sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, x);
				sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, x);
				float32 f = fcn.Evaluate(xfA, xfB) - target;

				printf("%g %g\n", x, f);

				xs[i] = x;
				fs[i] = f;

				x += dx;

		// Compute the TOI on the separating axis. We do this by successively
		// resolving the deepest point. This loop is bounded by the number of vertices.
		bool done = false;
		float32 t2 = tMax;
		int32 pushBackIter = 0;
		for (;;)
			// Find the deepest point at t2. Store the witness point indices.
			int32 indexA, indexB;
			float32 s2 = fcn.FindMinSeparation(&indexA, &indexB, t2);

			// Is the final configuration separated?
			if (s2 > target + tolerance)
				// Victory!
				output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_separated;
				output->t = tMax;
				done = true;

			// Has the separation reached tolerance?
			if (s2 > target - tolerance)
				// Advance the sweeps
				t1 = t2;

			// Compute the initial separation of the witness points.
			float32 s1 = fcn.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t1);

			// Check for initial overlap. This might happen if the root finder
			// runs out of iterations.
			if (s1 < target - tolerance)
				output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_failed;
				output->t = t1;
				done = true;

			// Check for touching
			if (s1 <= target + tolerance)
				// Victory! t1 should hold the TOI (could be 0.0).
				output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_touching;
				output->t = t1;
				done = true;

			// Compute 1D root of: f(x) - target = 0
			int32 rootIterCount = 0;
			float32 a1 = t1, a2 = t2;
			for (;;)
				// Use a mix of the secant rule and bisection.
				float32 t;
				if (rootIterCount & 1)
					// Secant rule to improve convergence.
					t = a1 + (target - s1) * (a2 - a1) / (s2 - s1);
					// Bisection to guarantee progress.
					t = 0.5f * (a1 + a2);

				float32 s = fcn.Evaluate(indexA, indexB, t);

				if (b2Abs(s - target) < tolerance)
					// t2 holds a tentative value for t1
					t2 = t;

				// Ensure we continue to bracket the root.
				if (s > target)
					a1 = t;
					s1 = s;
					a2 = t;
					s2 = s;


				if (rootIterCount == 50)

			b2_toiMaxRootIters = b2Max(b2_toiMaxRootIters, rootIterCount);


			if (pushBackIter == b2_maxPolygonVertices)


		if (done)

		if (iter == k_maxIterations)
			// Root finder got stuck. Semi-victory.
			output->state = b2TOIOutput::e_failed;
			output->t = t1;

	b2_toiMaxIters = b2Max(b2_toiMaxIters, iter);
예제 #14
	float32 FindMinSeparation(int32* indexA, int32* indexB, float32 t) const
		b2Transform xfA, xfB;
		m_sweepA.GetTransform(&xfA, t);
		m_sweepB.GetTransform(&xfB, t);

		switch (m_type)
		case e_points:
				b2Vec2 axisA = b2MulT(xfA.R,  m_axis);
				b2Vec2 axisB = b2MulT(xfB.R, -m_axis);

				*indexA = m_proxyA->GetSupport(axisA);
				*indexB = m_proxyB->GetSupport(axisB);

				b2Vec2 localPointA = m_proxyA->GetVertex(*indexA);
				b2Vec2 localPointB = m_proxyB->GetVertex(*indexB);
				b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, localPointA);
				b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, localPointB);

				float32 separation = b2Dot(pointB - pointA, m_axis);
				return separation;

		case e_faceA:
				b2Vec2 normal = b2Mul(xfA.R, m_axis);
				b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, m_localPoint);

				b2Vec2 axisB = b2MulT(xfB.R, -normal);
				*indexA = -1;
				*indexB = m_proxyB->GetSupport(axisB);

				b2Vec2 localPointB = m_proxyB->GetVertex(*indexB);
				b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, localPointB);

				float32 separation = b2Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
				return separation;

		case e_faceB:
				b2Vec2 normal = b2Mul(xfB.R, m_axis);
				b2Vec2 pointB = b2Mul(xfB, m_localPoint);

				b2Vec2 axisA = b2MulT(xfA.R, -normal);

				*indexB = -1;
				*indexA = m_proxyA->GetSupport(axisA);

				b2Vec2 localPointA = m_proxyA->GetVertex(*indexA);
				b2Vec2 pointA = b2Mul(xfA, localPointA);

				float32 separation = b2Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
				return separation;

			*indexA = -1;
			*indexB = -1;
			return 0.0f;
예제 #15
void b2Body::DestroyFixture(b2Fixture* fixture)
	b2Assert(m_world->IsLocked() == false);
	if (m_world->IsLocked() == true)

	b2Assert(fixture->m_body == this);

	// Remove the fixture from this body's singly linked list.
	b2Assert(m_fixtureCount > 0);
	b2Fixture** node = &m_fixtureList;
	bool found = false;
	while (*node != NULL)
		if (*node == fixture)
			*node = fixture->m_next;
			found = true;

		node = &(*node)->m_next;

	// You tried to remove a shape that is not attached to this body.

	// Destroy any contacts associated with the fixture.
	b2ContactEdge* edge = m_contactList;
	while (edge)
		b2Contact* c = edge->contact;
		edge = edge->next;

		b2Fixture* fixtureA = c->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = c->GetFixtureB();

		if (fixture == fixtureA || fixture == fixtureB)
			// This destroys the contact and removes it from
			// this body's contact list.

	b2BlockAllocator* allocator = &m_world->m_blockAllocator;

	if (m_flags & e_activeFlag)
		b2Assert(fixture->m_proxyId != b2BroadPhase::e_nullProxy);
		b2BroadPhase* broadPhase = &m_world->m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
		b2Assert(fixture->m_proxyId == b2BroadPhase::e_nullProxy);

	fixture->m_body = NULL;
	fixture->m_next = NULL;
	allocator->Free(fixture, sizeof(b2Fixture));


	// Reset the mass data.
예제 #16
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* bodyA = c->bodyA;
		b2Body* bodyB = c->bodyB;
		float32 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity;
		float32 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
		float32 invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
		float32 invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
		float32 invIB = bodyB->m_invI;
		b2Vec2 normal = c->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 friction = c->friction;

		b2Assert(c->pointCount == 1 || c->pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent);
			float32 lambda = ccp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * ccp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(ccp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->tangentImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);

			ccp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (c->pointCount == 1)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + 0;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
			float32 lambda = -ccp->normalMass * (vn - ccp->velocityBias);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
			float32 newImpulse = b2Max(ccp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->normalImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);
			ccp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, , vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn_0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = x' - a
			// Plug into above equation:
			// vn = A * x + b
			//    = A * (x' - a) + b
			//    = A * x' + b - A * a
			//    = A * x' + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp1 = c->points + 0;
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp2 = c->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;
			b -= b2Mul(c->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x' + b'
				// Solve for x':
				// x' = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(c->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1' + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1' + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = c->K.col1.y * x.x + b.y;

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: wB = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2' + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2' + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
				vn1 = c->K.col2.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		bodyA->m_linearVelocity = vA;
		bodyA->m_angularVelocity = wA;
		bodyB->m_linearVelocity = vB;
		bodyB->m_angularVelocity = wB;
예제 #17
b2Body::b2Body(const b2BodyDef* bd, b2World* world)
	b2Assert(b2IsValid(bd->inertiaScale) && bd->inertiaScale >= 0.0f);
	b2Assert(b2IsValid(bd->angularDamping) && bd->angularDamping >= 0.0f);
	b2Assert(b2IsValid(bd->linearDamping) && bd->linearDamping >= 0.0f);

	m_flags = 0;

	if (bd->bullet)
		m_flags |= e_bulletFlag;
	if (bd->fixedRotation)
		m_flags |= e_fixedRotationFlag;
	if (bd->allowSleep)
		m_flags |= e_autoSleepFlag;
	if (bd->awake)
		m_flags |= e_awakeFlag;
	if (bd->active)
		m_flags |= e_activeFlag;

	m_world = world;

	m_xf.position = bd->position;

	m_sweep.a0 = m_sweep.a = bd->angle;
	m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);

	m_jointList = NULL;
	m_contactList = NULL;
	m_prev = NULL;
	m_next = NULL;

	m_linearVelocity = bd->linearVelocity;
	m_angularVelocity = bd->angularVelocity;

	m_linearDamping = bd->linearDamping;
	m_angularDamping = bd->angularDamping;

	m_torque = 0.0f;

	m_sleepTime = 0.0f;

	m_type = bd->type;

	if (m_type == b2_dynamicBody)
		m_mass = 1.0f;
		m_invMass = 1.0f;
		m_mass = 0.0f;
		m_invMass = 0.0f;

	m_I = 0.0f;
	m_invI = 0.0f;

	m_userData = bd->userData;

	m_fixtureList = NULL;
	m_fixtureCount = 0;
예제 #18
b2ContactSolver::b2ContactSolver(const b2TimeStep& step, b2Contact** contacts, int32 contactCount, b2StackAllocator* allocator)
	m_step = step;
	m_allocator = allocator;

	m_constraintCount = contactCount;
	m_constraints = (b2ContactConstraint*)m_allocator->Allocate(m_constraintCount * sizeof(b2ContactConstraint));

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2Contact* contact = contacts[i];

		b2Fixture* fixtureA = contact->m_fixtureA;
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = contact->m_fixtureB;
		b2Shape* shapeA = fixtureA->GetShape();
		b2Shape* shapeB = fixtureB->GetShape();
		float32 radiusA = shapeA->m_radius;
		float32 radiusB = shapeB->m_radius;
		b2Body* bodyA = fixtureA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bodyB = fixtureB->GetBody();
		b2Manifold* manifold = contact->GetManifold();

		float32 friction = b2MixFriction(fixtureA->GetFriction(), fixtureB->GetFriction());
		float32 restitution = b2MixRestitution(fixtureA->GetRestitution(), fixtureB->GetRestitution());

		b2Vec2 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity;
		float32 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity;

		b2Assert(manifold->m_pointCount > 0);

		b2WorldManifold worldManifold;
		worldManifold.Initialize(manifold, bodyA->m_xf, radiusA, bodyB->m_xf, radiusB);

		b2ContactConstraint* cc = m_constraints + i;
		cc->bodyA = bodyA;
		cc->bodyB = bodyB;
		cc->manifold = manifold;
		cc->normal = worldManifold.m_normal;
		cc->pointCount = manifold->m_pointCount;
		cc->friction = friction;
		cc->restitution = restitution;

		cc->localPlaneNormal = manifold->m_localPlaneNormal;
		cc->localPoint = manifold->m_localPoint;
		cc->radius = radiusA + radiusB;
		cc->type = manifold->m_type;

		for (int32 j = 0; j < cc->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ManifoldPoint* cp = manifold->m_points + j;
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = cc->points + j;

			ccp->normalImpulse = cp->m_normalImpulse;
			ccp->tangentImpulse = cp->m_tangentImpulse;

			ccp->localPoint = cp->m_localPoint;

			ccp->rA = worldManifold.m_points[j] - bodyA->m_sweep.c;
			ccp->rB = worldManifold.m_points[j] - bodyB->m_sweep.c;

			float32 rnA = b2Cross(ccp->rA, cc->normal);
			float32 rnB = b2Cross(ccp->rB, cc->normal);
			rnA *= rnA;
			rnB *= rnB;

			float32 kNormal = bodyA->m_invMass + bodyB->m_invMass + bodyA->m_invI * rnA + bodyB->m_invI * rnB;

			b2Assert(kNormal > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
			ccp->normalMass = 1.0f / kNormal;

			float32 kEqualized = bodyA->m_mass * bodyA->m_invMass + bodyB->m_mass * bodyB->m_invMass;
			kEqualized += bodyA->m_mass * bodyA->m_invI * rnA + bodyB->m_mass * bodyB->m_invI * rnB;

			b2Assert(kEqualized > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
			ccp->equalizedMass = 1.0f / kEqualized;

			b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(cc->normal, 1.0f);

			float32 rtA = b2Cross(ccp->rA, tangent);
			float32 rtB = b2Cross(ccp->rB, tangent);
			rtA *= rtA;
			rtB *= rtB;

			float32 kTangent = bodyA->m_invMass + bodyB->m_invMass + bodyA->m_invI * rtA + bodyB->m_invI * rtB;

			b2Assert(kTangent > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
			ccp->tangentMass = 1.0f /  kTangent;

			// Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
			ccp->velocityBias = 0.0f;
			float32 vRel = b2Dot(cc->normal, vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA));
			if (vRel < -b2_velocityThreshold)
				ccp->velocityBias = -cc->restitution * vRel;

		// If we have two points, then prepare the block solver.
		if (cc->pointCount == 2)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp1 = cc->points + 0;
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp2 = cc->points + 1;
			float32 invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
			float32 invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
			float32 invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
			float32 invIB = bodyB->m_invI;

			float32 rn1A = b2Cross(ccp1->rA, cc->normal);
			float32 rn1B = b2Cross(ccp1->rB, cc->normal);
			float32 rn2A = b2Cross(ccp2->rA, cc->normal);
			float32 rn2B = b2Cross(ccp2->rB, cc->normal);

			float32 k11 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn1A + invIB * rn1B * rn1B;
			float32 k22 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn2A * rn2A + invIB * rn2B * rn2B;
			float32 k12 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn2A + invIB * rn1B * rn2B;

			// Ensure a reasonable condition number.
			const float32 k_maxConditionNumber = 100.0f;
			if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12))
				// K is safe to invert.
				cc->K.col1.Set(k11, k12);
				cc->K.col2.Set(k12, k22);
				cc->normalMass = cc->K.GetInverse();
				// The constraints are redundant, just use one.
				// TODO_ERIN use deepest?
				cc->pointCount = 1;
예제 #19
	b2Assert(m_shape == NULL);
	b2Assert(m_proxyId == b2BroadPhase::e_nullProxy);
예제 #20
void b2GearJoint::SetRatio(float32 ratio)
	m_ratio = ratio;
예제 #21
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2ContactVelocityConstraint* vc = m_velocityConstraints + i;

		int32 indexA = vc->indexA;
		int32 indexB = vc->indexB;
		float32 mA = vc->invMassA;
		float32 iA = vc->invIA;
		float32 mB = vc->invMassB;
		float32 iB = vc->invIB;
		int32 pointCount = vc->pointCount;

		b2Vec2 vA = m_velocities[indexA].v;
		float32 wA = m_velocities[indexA].w;
		b2Vec2 vB = m_velocities[indexB].v;
		float32 wB = m_velocities[indexB].w;

		b2Vec2 normal = vc->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 friction = vc->friction;

		b2Assert(pointCount == 1 || pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints first because non-penetration is more important
		// than friction.
		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent) - vc->tangentSpeed;
			float32 lambda = vcp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * vcp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(vcp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - vcp->tangentImpulse;
			vcp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= mA * P;
			wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

			vB += mB * P;
			wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (pointCount == 1 || g_blockSolve == false)
			for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
				b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

				// Relative velocity at contact
				b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

				// Compute normal impulse
				float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
				float32 lambda = -vcp->normalMass * (vn - vcp->velocityBias);

				// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
				float32 newImpulse = b2Max(vcp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
				lambda = newImpulse - vcp->normalImpulse;
				vcp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;

				// Apply contact impulse
				b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
				vA -= mA * P;
				wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

				vB += mB * P;
				wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = a + d
			// a := old total impulse
			// x := new total impulse
			// d := incremental impulse 
			// For the current iteration we extend the formula for the incremental impulse
			// to compute the new total impulse:
			// vn = A * d + b
			//    = A * (x - a) + b
			//    = A * x + b - A * a
			//    = A * x + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp1 = vc->points + 0;
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp2 = vc->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;

			// Compute b'
			b -= b2Mul(vc->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x + b'
				// Solve for x:
				// x = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(vc->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1 + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1 + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = vc->K.ex.y * x.x + b.y;
				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2 + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2 + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
				vn1 = vc->K.ey.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		m_velocities[indexA].v = vA;
		m_velocities[indexA].w = wA;
		m_velocities[indexB].v = vB;
		m_velocities[indexB].w = wB;
예제 #22
b2GearJoint::b2GearJoint(const b2GearJointDef* def)
: b2Joint(def)
	m_joint1 = def->joint1;
	m_joint2 = def->joint2;

	m_typeA = m_joint1->GetType();
	m_typeB = m_joint2->GetType();

	b2Assert(m_typeA == e_revoluteJoint || m_typeA == e_prismaticJoint);
	b2Assert(m_typeB == e_revoluteJoint || m_typeB == e_prismaticJoint);

	float32 coordinateA, coordinateB;

	// TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in b2Joint.

	m_bodyC = m_joint1->GetBodyA();
	m_bodyA = m_joint1->GetBodyB();

	// Get geometry of joint1
	b2Transform xfA = m_bodyA->m_xf;
	float32 aA = m_bodyA->m_sweep.a;
	b2Transform xfC = m_bodyC->m_xf;
	float32 aC = m_bodyC->m_sweep.a;

	if (m_typeA == e_revoluteJoint)
		b2RevoluteJoint* revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint*)def->joint1;
		m_localAnchorC = revolute->m_localAnchorA;
		m_localAnchorA = revolute->m_localAnchorB;
		m_referenceAngleA = revolute->m_referenceAngle;

		coordinateA = aA - aC - m_referenceAngleA;
		b2PrismaticJoint* prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint*)def->joint1;
		m_localAnchorC = prismatic->m_localAnchorA;
		m_localAnchorA = prismatic->m_localAnchorB;
		m_referenceAngleA = prismatic->m_referenceAngle;
		m_localAxisC = prismatic->m_localXAxisA;

		b2Vec2 pC = m_localAnchorC;
		b2Vec2 pA = b2MulT(xfC.q, b2Mul(xfA.q, m_localAnchorA) + (xfA.p - xfC.p));
		coordinateA = b2Dot(pA - pC, m_localAxisC);

	m_bodyD = m_joint2->GetBodyA();
	m_bodyB = m_joint2->GetBodyB();

	// Get geometry of joint2
	b2Transform xfB = m_bodyB->m_xf;
	float32 aB = m_bodyB->m_sweep.a;
	b2Transform xfD = m_bodyD->m_xf;
	float32 aD = m_bodyD->m_sweep.a;

	if (m_typeB == e_revoluteJoint)
		b2RevoluteJoint* revolute = (b2RevoluteJoint*)def->joint2;
		m_localAnchorD = revolute->m_localAnchorA;
		m_localAnchorB = revolute->m_localAnchorB;
		m_referenceAngleB = revolute->m_referenceAngle;

		coordinateB = aB - aD - m_referenceAngleB;
		b2PrismaticJoint* prismatic = (b2PrismaticJoint*)def->joint2;
		m_localAnchorD = prismatic->m_localAnchorA;
		m_localAnchorB = prismatic->m_localAnchorB;
		m_referenceAngleB = prismatic->m_referenceAngle;
		m_localAxisD = prismatic->m_localXAxisA;

		b2Vec2 pD = m_localAnchorD;
		b2Vec2 pB = b2MulT(xfD.q, b2Mul(xfB.q, m_localAnchorB) + (xfB.p - xfD.p));
		coordinateB = b2Dot(pB - pD, m_localAxisD);

	m_ratio = def->ratio;

	m_constant = coordinateA + m_ratio * coordinateB;

	m_impulse = 0.0f;
예제 #23
void b2World::DrawShape(b2Fixture* fixture, const b2Transform& xf, const b2Color& color)
	switch (fixture->GetType())
	case b2Shape::e_circle:
			b2CircleShape* circle = (b2CircleShape*)fixture->GetShape();

			b2Vec2 center = b2Mul(xf, circle->m_p);
			float32 radius = circle->m_radius;
			b2Vec2 axis = b2Mul(xf.q, b2Vec2(1.0f, 0.0f));

			m_debugDraw->DrawSolidCircle(center, radius, axis, color);

	case b2Shape::e_edge:
			b2EdgeShape* edge = (b2EdgeShape*)fixture->GetShape();
			b2Vec2 v1 = b2Mul(xf, edge->m_vertex1);
			b2Vec2 v2 = b2Mul(xf, edge->m_vertex2);
			m_debugDraw->DrawSegment(v1, v2, color);

	case b2Shape::e_chain:
			b2ChainShape* chain = (b2ChainShape*)fixture->GetShape();
			int32 count = chain->m_count;
			const b2Vec2* vertices = chain->m_vertices;

			b2Vec2 v1 = b2Mul(xf, vertices[0]);
			for (int32 i = 1; i < count; ++i)
				b2Vec2 v2 = b2Mul(xf, vertices[i]);
				m_debugDraw->DrawSegment(v1, v2, color);
				m_debugDraw->DrawCircle(v1, 0.05f, color);
				v1 = v2;

	case b2Shape::e_polygon:
			b2PolygonShape* poly = (b2PolygonShape*)fixture->GetShape();
			int32 vertexCount = poly->m_count;
			b2Assert(vertexCount <= b2_maxPolygonVertices);
			b2Vec2 vertices[b2_maxPolygonVertices];

			for (int32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
				vertices[i] = b2Mul(xf, poly->m_vertices[i]);

			m_debugDraw->DrawSolidPolygon(vertices, vertexCount, color);

예제 #24
파일: b2Island.cpp 프로젝트: ArekX/RAGE
void b2Island::SolveTOI(const b2TimeStep& subStep, int32 toiIndexA, int32 toiIndexB)
	b2Assert(toiIndexA < m_bodyCount);
	b2Assert(toiIndexB < m_bodyCount);

	// Initialize the body state.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
		m_positions[i].c = b->m_sweep.c;
		m_positions[i].a = b->m_sweep.a;
		m_velocities[i].v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		m_velocities[i].w = b->m_angularVelocity;

	b2ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator;
	contactSolverDef.step = subStep;
	contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);

	// Solve position constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA, toiIndexB);
		if (contactsOkay)

#if 0
	// Is the new position really safe?
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_contactCount; ++i)
		b2Contact* c = m_contacts[i];
		b2Fixture* fA = c->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fB = c->GetFixtureB();

		b2Body* bA = fA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bB = fB->GetBody();

		int32 indexA = c->GetChildIndexA();
		int32 indexB = c->GetChildIndexB();

		b2DistanceInput input;
		input.proxyA.Set(fA->GetShape(), indexA);
		input.proxyB.Set(fB->GetShape(), indexB);
		input.transformA = bA->GetTransform();
		input.transformB = bB->GetTransform();
		input.useRadii = false;

		b2DistanceOutput output;
		b2SimplexCache cache;
		cache.count = 0;
		b2Distance(&output, &cache, &input);

		if (output.distance == 0 || cache.count == 3)
			cache.count += 0;

	// Leap of faith to new safe state.
	m_bodies[toiIndexA]->m_sweep.c0 = m_positions[toiIndexA].c;
	m_bodies[toiIndexA]->m_sweep.a0 = m_positions[toiIndexA].a;
	m_bodies[toiIndexB]->m_sweep.c0 = m_positions[toiIndexB].c;
	m_bodies[toiIndexB]->m_sweep.a0 = m_positions[toiIndexB].a;

	// No warm starting is needed for TOI events because warm
	// starting impulses were applied in the discrete solver.

	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < subStep.velocityIterations; ++i)

	// Don't store the TOI contact forces for warm starting
	// because they can be quite large.

	float32 h = subStep.dt;

	// Integrate positions
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Vec2 c = m_positions[i].c;
		float32 a = m_positions[i].a;
		b2Vec2 v = m_velocities[i].v;
		float32 w = m_velocities[i].w;

		// Check for large velocities
		b2Vec2 translation = h * v;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			v *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = h * w;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			w *= ratio;

		// Integrate
		c += h * v;
		a += h * w;

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;

		// Sync bodies
		b2Body* body = m_bodies[i];
		body->m_sweep.c = c;
		body->m_sweep.a = a;
		body->m_linearVelocity = v;
		body->m_angularVelocity = w;

예제 #25
void b2PolygonShape::ComputeMass(b2MassData* massData, float32 density) const
	// Polygon mass, centroid, and inertia.
	// Let rho be the polygon density in mass per unit area.
	// Then:
	// mass = rho * int(dA)
	// centroid.x = (1/mass) * rho * int(x * dA)
	// centroid.y = (1/mass) * rho * int(y * dA)
	// I = rho * int((x*x + y*y) * dA)
	// We can compute these integrals by summing all the integrals
	// for each triangle of the polygon. To evaluate the integral
	// for a single triangle, we make a change of variables to
	// the (u,v) coordinates of the triangle:
	// x = x0 + e1x * u + e2x * v
	// y = y0 + e1y * u + e2y * v
	// where 0 <= u && 0 <= v && u + v <= 1.
	// We integrate u from [0,1-v] and then v from [0,1].
	// We also need to use the Jacobian of the transformation:
	// D = cross(e1, e2)
	// Simplification: triangle centroid = (1/3) * (p1 + p2 + p3)
	// The rest of the derivation is handled by computer algebra.

	b2Assert(m_vertexCount >= 3);

	b2Vec2 center; center.Set(0.0f, 0.0f);
	float32 area = 0.0f;
	float32 I = 0.0f;

	// s is the reference point for forming triangles.
	// It's location doesn't change the result (except for rounding error).
	b2Vec2 s(0.0f, 0.0f);

	// This code would put the reference point inside the polygon.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; ++i)
		s += m_vertices[i];
	s *= 1.0f / m_vertexCount;

	const float32 k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; ++i)
		// Triangle vertices.
		b2Vec2 e1 = m_vertices[i] - s;
		b2Vec2 e2 = i + 1 < m_vertexCount ? m_vertices[i+1] - s : m_vertices[0] - s;

		float32 D = b2Cross(e1, e2);

		float32 triangleArea = 0.5f * D;
		area += triangleArea;

		// Area weighted centroid
		center += triangleArea * k_inv3 * (e1 + e2);

		float32 ex1 = e1.x, ey1 = e1.y;
		float32 ex2 = e2.x, ey2 = e2.y;

		float32 intx2 = ex1*ex1 + ex2*ex1 + ex2*ex2;
		float32 inty2 = ey1*ey1 + ey2*ey1 + ey2*ey2;

		I += (0.25f * k_inv3 * D) * (intx2 + inty2);

	// Total mass
	massData->mass = density * area;

	// Center of mass
	b2Assert(area > b2_epsilon);
	center *= 1.0f / area;
	massData->center = center + s;

	// Inertia tensor relative to the local origin (point s).
	massData->I = density * I;
	// Shift to center of mass then to original body origin.
	massData->I += massData->mass * (b2Dot(massData->center, massData->center) - b2Dot(center, center));
예제 #26
b2PolygonAndCircleContact::b2PolygonAndCircleContact(b2Fixture* fixtureA, b2Fixture* fixtureB)
: b2Contact(fixtureA, fixtureB)
	b2Assert(m_fixtureA->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon);
	b2Assert(m_fixtureB->GetType() == b2Shape::e_circle);
예제 #27
void b2World::DestroyJoint(b2Joint* j)
	b2Assert(IsLocked() == false);
	if (IsLocked())

	bool collideConnected = j->m_collideConnected;

	// Remove from the doubly linked list.
	if (j->m_prev)
		j->m_prev->m_next = j->m_next;

	if (j->m_next)
		j->m_next->m_prev = j->m_prev;

	if (j == m_jointList)
		m_jointList = j->m_next;

	// Disconnect from island graph.
	b2Body* bodyA = j->m_bodyA;
	b2Body* bodyB = j->m_bodyB;

	// Wake up connected bodies.

	// Remove from body 1.
	if (j->m_edgeA.prev)
		j->m_edgeA.prev->next = j->m_edgeA.next;

	if (j->m_edgeA.next)
		j->m_edgeA.next->prev = j->m_edgeA.prev;

	if (&j->m_edgeA == bodyA->m_jointList)
		bodyA->m_jointList = j->m_edgeA.next;

	j->m_edgeA.prev = NULL;
	j->m_edgeA.next = NULL;

	// Remove from body 2
	if (j->m_edgeB.prev)
		j->m_edgeB.prev->next = j->m_edgeB.next;

	if (j->m_edgeB.next)
		j->m_edgeB.next->prev = j->m_edgeB.prev;

	if (&j->m_edgeB == bodyB->m_jointList)
		bodyB->m_jointList = j->m_edgeB.next;

	j->m_edgeB.prev = NULL;
	j->m_edgeB.next = NULL;

	b2Joint::Destroy(j, &m_blockAllocator);

	b2Assert(m_jointCount > 0);

	// If the joint prevents collisions, then flag any contacts for filtering.
	if (collideConnected == false)
		b2ContactEdge* edge = bodyB->GetContactList();
		while (edge)
			if (edge->other == bodyA)
				// Flag the contact for filtering at the next time step (where either
				// body is awake).

			edge = edge->next;
예제 #28
void b2PulleyJoint::InitVelocityConstraints(const b2TimeStep& step)
	b2Body* b1 = m_body1;
	b2Body* b2 = m_body2;

	b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
	b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

	b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;
	b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

	b2Vec2 s1 = m_ground->GetXForm().position + m_groundAnchor1;
	b2Vec2 s2 = m_ground->GetXForm().position + m_groundAnchor2;

	// Get the pulley axes.
	m_u1 = p1 - s1;
	m_u2 = p2 - s2;

	float32 length1 = m_u1.Length();
	float32 length2 = m_u2.Length();

	if (length1 > b2_linearSlop)
		m_u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

	if (length2 > b2_linearSlop)
		m_u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

	float32 C = m_constant - length1 - m_ratio * length2;
	if (C > 0.0f)
		m_state = e_inactiveLimit;
		m_force = 0.0f;
		m_state = e_atUpperLimit;
		m_positionImpulse = 0.0f;

	if (length1 < m_maxLength1)
		m_limitState1 = e_inactiveLimit;
		m_limitForce1 = 0.0f;
		m_limitState1 = e_atUpperLimit;
		m_limitPositionImpulse1 = 0.0f;

	if (length2 < m_maxLength2)
		m_limitState2 = e_inactiveLimit;
		m_limitForce2 = 0.0f;
		m_limitState2 = e_atUpperLimit;
		m_limitPositionImpulse2 = 0.0f;

	// Compute effective mass.
	float32 cr1u1 = b2Cross(r1, m_u1);
	float32 cr2u2 = b2Cross(r2, m_u2);

	m_limitMass1 = b1->m_invMass + b1->m_invI * cr1u1 * cr1u1;
	m_limitMass2 = b2->m_invMass + b2->m_invI * cr2u2 * cr2u2;
	m_pulleyMass = m_limitMass1 + m_ratio * m_ratio * m_limitMass2;
	b2Assert(m_limitMass1 > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
	b2Assert(m_limitMass2 > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
	b2Assert(m_pulleyMass > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
	m_limitMass1 = 1.0f / m_limitMass1;
	m_limitMass2 = 1.0f / m_limitMass2;
	m_pulleyMass = 1.0f / m_pulleyMass;

	if (step.warmStarting)
		// Warm starting.
		b2Vec2 P1 = B2FORCE_SCALE(step.dt) * (-m_force - m_limitForce1) * m_u1;
		b2Vec2 P2 = B2FORCE_SCALE(step.dt) * (-m_ratio * m_force - m_limitForce2) * m_u2;
		b1->m_linearVelocity += b1->m_invMass * P1;
		b1->m_angularVelocity += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);
		b2->m_linearVelocity += b2->m_invMass * P2;
		b2->m_angularVelocity += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);
		m_force = 0.0f;
		m_limitForce1 = 0.0f;
		m_limitForce2 = 0.0f;
예제 #29
// Find TOI contacts and solve them.
void b2World::SolveTOI(const b2TimeStep& step)
	b2Island island(2 * b2_maxTOIContacts, b2_maxTOIContacts, 0, &m_stackAllocator, m_contactManager.m_contactListener);

	if (m_stepComplete)
		for (b2Body* b = m_bodyList; b; b = b->m_next)
			b->m_flags &= ~b2Body::e_islandFlag;
			b->m_sweep.alpha0 = 0.0f;

		for (b2Contact* c = m_contactManager.m_contactList; c; c = c->m_next)
			// Invalidate TOI
			c->m_flags &= ~(b2Contact::e_toiFlag | b2Contact::e_islandFlag);
			c->m_toiCount = 0;
			c->m_toi = 1.0f;

	// Find TOI events and solve them.
	for (;;)
		// Find the first TOI.
		b2Contact* minContact = NULL;
		b2_float32 minAlpha = 1.0f;

		for (b2Contact* c = m_contactManager.m_contactList; c; c = c->m_next)
			// Is this contact disabled?
			if (c->IsEnabled() == false)

			// Prevent excessive sub-stepping.
			if (c->m_toiCount > b2_maxSubSteps)

			b2_float32 alpha = 1.0f;
			if (c->m_flags & b2Contact::e_toiFlag)
				// This contact has a valid cached TOI.
				alpha = c->m_toi;
				b2Fixture* fA = c->GetFixtureA();
				b2Fixture* fB = c->GetFixtureB();

				// Is there a sensor?
				if (fA->IsSensor() || fB->IsSensor())

				b2Body* bA = fA->GetBody();
				b2Body* bB = fB->GetBody();

				b2BodyType typeA = bA->m_type;
				b2BodyType typeB = bB->m_type;
				b2Assert(typeA == b2_dynamicBody || typeB == b2_dynamicBody);

				bool activeA = bA->IsAwake() && typeA != b2_staticBody;
				bool activeB = bB->IsAwake() && typeB != b2_staticBody;

				// Is at least one body active (awake and dynamic or kinematic)?
				if (activeA == false && activeB == false)

				bool collideA = bA->IsBullet() || typeA != b2_dynamicBody;
				bool collideB = bB->IsBullet() || typeB != b2_dynamicBody;

				// Are these two non-bullet dynamic bodies?
				if (collideA == false && collideB == false)

				// Compute the TOI for this contact.
				// Put the sweeps onto the same time interval.
				b2_float32 alpha0 = bA->m_sweep.alpha0;

				if (bA->m_sweep.alpha0 < bB->m_sweep.alpha0)
					alpha0 = bB->m_sweep.alpha0;
				else if (bB->m_sweep.alpha0 < bA->m_sweep.alpha0)
					alpha0 = bA->m_sweep.alpha0;

				b2Assert(alpha0 < 1.0f);

				b2_int32 indexA = c->GetChildIndexA();
				b2_int32 indexB = c->GetChildIndexB();

				// Compute the time of impact in interval [0, minTOI]
				b2TOIInput input;
				input.proxyA.Set(fA->GetShape(), indexA);
				input.proxyB.Set(fB->GetShape(), indexB);
				input.sweepA = bA->m_sweep;
				input.sweepB = bB->m_sweep;
				input.tMax = 1.0f;

				b2TOIOutput output;
				b2TimeOfImpact(&output, &input);

				// Beta is the fraction of the remaining portion of the .
				b2_float32 beta = output.t;
				if (output.state == b2TOIOutput::e_touching)
					alpha = b2Min(alpha0 + (1.0f - alpha0) * beta, 1.0f);
					alpha = 1.0f;

				c->m_toi = alpha;
				c->m_flags |= b2Contact::e_toiFlag;

			if (alpha < minAlpha)
				// This is the minimum TOI found so far.
				minContact = c;
				minAlpha = alpha;

		if (minContact == NULL || 1.0f - 10.0f * b2_epsilon < minAlpha)
			// No more TOI events. Done!
			m_stepComplete = true;

		// Advance the bodies to the TOI.
		b2Fixture* fA = minContact->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fB = minContact->GetFixtureB();
		b2Body* bA = fA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bB = fB->GetBody();

		b2Sweep backup1 = bA->m_sweep;
		b2Sweep backup2 = bB->m_sweep;


		// The TOI contact likely has some new contact points.
		minContact->m_flags &= ~b2Contact::e_toiFlag;

		// Is the contact solid?
		if (minContact->IsEnabled() == false || minContact->IsTouching() == false)
			// Restore the sweeps.
			bA->m_sweep = backup1;
			bB->m_sweep = backup2;


		// Build the island

		bA->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;
		bB->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;
		minContact->m_flags |= b2Contact::e_islandFlag;

		// Get contacts on bodyA and bodyB.
		b2Body* bodies[2] = {bA, bB};
		for (b2_int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
			b2Body* body = bodies[i];
			if (body->m_type == b2_dynamicBody)
				for (b2ContactEdge* ce = body->m_contactList; ce; ce = ce->next)
					if (island.m_bodyCount == island.m_bodyCapacity)

					if (island.m_contactCount == island.m_contactCapacity)

					b2Contact* contact = ce->contact;

					// Has this contact already been added to the island?
					if (contact->m_flags & b2Contact::e_islandFlag)

					// Only add static, kinematic, or bullet bodies.
					b2Body* other = ce->other;
					if (other->m_type == b2_dynamicBody &&
						body->IsBullet() == false && other->IsBullet() == false)

					// Skip sensors.
					bool sensorA = contact->m_fixtureA->m_isSensor;
					bool sensorB = contact->m_fixtureB->m_isSensor;
					if (sensorA || sensorB)

					// Tentatively advance the body to the TOI.
					b2Sweep backup = other->m_sweep;
					if ((other->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag) == 0)

					// Update the contact points

					// Was the contact disabled by the user?
					if (contact->IsEnabled() == false)
						other->m_sweep = backup;

					// Are there contact points?
					if (contact->IsTouching() == false)
						other->m_sweep = backup;

					// Add the contact to the island
					contact->m_flags |= b2Contact::e_islandFlag;

					// Has the other body already been added to the island?
					if (other->m_flags & b2Body::e_islandFlag)
					// Add the other body to the island.
					other->m_flags |= b2Body::e_islandFlag;

					if (other->m_type != b2_staticBody)


		b2TimeStep subStep;
		subStep.dt = (1.0f - minAlpha) * step.dt;
		subStep.inv_dt = 1.0f / subStep.dt;
		subStep.dtRatio = 1.0f;
		subStep.positionIterations = 20;
		subStep.velocityIterations = step.velocityIterations;
		subStep.warmStarting = false;
		island.SolveTOI(subStep, bA->m_islandIndex, bB->m_islandIndex);

		// Reset island flags and synchronize broad-phase proxies.
		for (b2_int32 i = 0; i < island.m_bodyCount; ++i)
			b2Body* body = island.m_bodies[i];
			body->m_flags &= ~b2Body::e_islandFlag;

			if (body->m_type != b2_dynamicBody)


			// Invalidate all contact TOIs on this displaced body.
			for (b2ContactEdge* ce = body->m_contactList; ce; ce = ce->next)
				ce->contact->m_flags &= ~(b2Contact::e_toiFlag | b2Contact::e_islandFlag);

		// Commit fixture proxy movements to the broad-phase so that new contacts are created.
		// Also, some contacts can be destroyed.

		if (m_subStepping)
			m_stepComplete = false;
예제 #30
/// Free a b2TrackedBlock.
void b2TrackedBlock::Free(b2TrackedBlock *block)