예제 #1
bool b2RopeJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
	float32 aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
	b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
	float32 aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;

	b2Rot qA(aA), qB(aB);

	b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(qA, m_localAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
	b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);
	b2Vec2 u = cB + rB - cA - rA;

	float32 length = u.Normalize();
	float32 C = length - m_maxLength;

	C = b2Clamp(C, 0.0f, b2_maxLinearCorrection);

	float32 impulse = -m_mass * C;
	b2Vec2 P = impulse * u;

	cA -= m_invMassA * P;
	aA -= m_invIA * b2Cross(rA, P);
	cB += m_invMassB * P;
	aB += m_invIB * b2Cross(rB, P);

	data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
	data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
	data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
	data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;

	return length - m_maxLength < b2_linearSlop;
예제 #2
파일: b2RopeJoint.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kolf
bool b2RopeJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(qreal baumgarte)

	b2Body* bA = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* bB = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(bA->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchorA - bA->GetLocalCenter());
	b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(bB->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchorB - bB->GetLocalCenter());

	b2Vec2 u = bB->m_sweep.c + rB - bA->m_sweep.c - rA;

	qreal length = u.Normalize();
	qreal C = length - m_maxLength;

	C = b2Clamp(C, 0.0f, b2_maxLinearCorrection);

	qreal impulse = -m_mass * C;
	b2Vec2 P = impulse * u;

	bA->m_sweep.c -= bA->m_invMass * P;
	bA->m_sweep.a -= bA->m_invI * b2Cross(rA, P);
	bB->m_sweep.c += bB->m_invMass * P;
	bB->m_sweep.a += bB->m_invI * b2Cross(rB, P);


	return length - m_maxLength < b2_linearSlop;
bool b2DistanceJoint::SolvePositionConstraints()
	if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0f)
		return true;

	b2Body* b1 = m_body1;
	b2Body* b2 = m_body2;

	b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
	b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

	b2Vec2 d = b2->m_sweep.c + r2 - b1->m_sweep.c - r1;

	float32 length = d.Normalize();
	float32 C = length - m_length;
	C = b2Clamp(C, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, b2_maxLinearCorrection);

	float32 impulse = -m_mass * C;
	m_u = d;
	b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_u;

	b1->m_sweep.c -= b1->m_invMass * P;
	b1->m_sweep.a -= b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P);
	b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P;
	b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P);


	return b2Abs(C) < b2_linearSlop;
예제 #4
// Sequential solver.
bool b2ContactSolver::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)
	float32 minSeparation = 0.0f;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* bodyA = c->bodyA;
		b2Body* bodyB = c->bodyB;

		float32 invMassA = bodyA->m_mass * bodyA->m_invMass;
		float32 invIA = bodyA->m_mass * bodyA->m_invI;
		float32 invMassB = bodyB->m_mass * bodyB->m_invMass;
		float32 invIB = bodyB->m_mass * bodyB->m_invI;

		// Solve normal constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2PositionSolverManifold psm;
			psm.Initialize(c, j);
			b2Vec2 normal = psm.normal;

			b2Vec2 point = psm.point;
			float32 separation = psm.separation;

			b2Vec2 rA = point - bodyA->m_sweep.c;
			b2Vec2 rB = point - bodyB->m_sweep.c;

			// Track max constraint error.
			minSeparation = b2Min(minSeparation, separation);

			// Prevent large corrections and allow slop.
			float32 C = b2Clamp(baumgarte * (separation + b2_linearSlop), -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);

			// Compute the effective mass.
			float32 rnA = b2Cross(rA, normal);
			float32 rnB = b2Cross(rB, normal);
			float32 K = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rnA * rnA + invIB * rnB * rnB;

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 impulse = K > 0.0f ? - C / K : 0.0f;

			b2Vec2 P = impulse * normal;

			bodyA->m_sweep.c -= invMassA * P;
			bodyA->m_sweep.a -= invIA * b2Cross(rA, P);

			bodyB->m_sweep.c += invMassB * P;
			bodyB->m_sweep.a += invIB * b2Cross(rB, P);

	// We can't expect minSpeparation >= -b2_linearSlop because we don't
	// push the separation above -b2_linearSlop.
	return minSeparation >= -1.5f * b2_linearSlop;
예제 #5
void b2MotorJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
	float32 wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;
	b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
	float32 wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

	float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
	float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

	float32 h = data.step.dt;
	float32 inv_h = data.step.inv_dt;

	// Solve angular friction
		float32 Cdot = wB - wA + inv_h * m_correctionFactor * m_angularError;
		float32 impulse = -m_angularMass * Cdot;

		float32 oldImpulse = m_angularImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = h * m_maxTorque;
		m_angularImpulse = b2Clamp(m_angularImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_angularImpulse - oldImpulse;

		wA -= iA * impulse;
		wB += iB * impulse;

	// Solve linear friction
		b2Vec2 Cdot = vB + b2Cross(wB, m_rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, m_rA) + inv_h * m_correctionFactor * m_linearError;

		b2Vec2 impulse = -b2Mul(m_linearMass, Cdot);
		b2Vec2 oldImpulse = m_linearImpulse;
		m_linearImpulse += impulse;

		float32 maxImpulse = h * m_maxForce;

		if (m_linearImpulse.LengthSquared() > maxImpulse * maxImpulse)
			m_linearImpulse *= maxImpulse;

		impulse = m_linearImpulse - oldImpulse;

		vA -= mA * impulse;
		wA -= iA * b2Cross(m_rA, impulse);

		vB += mB * impulse;
		wB += iB * b2Cross(m_rB, impulse);

	data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
	data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
예제 #6
// Sequential solver.
bool b2ContactSolver::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)
	float32 minSeparation = 0.0f;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* b1 = c->body1;
		b2Body* b2 = c->body2;
		float32 invMass1 = b1->m_mass * b1->m_invMass;
		float32 invI1 = b1->m_mass * b1->m_invI;
		float32 invMass2 = b2->m_mass * b2->m_invMass;
		float32 invI2 = b2->m_mass * b2->m_invI;

		b2Vec2 normal = c->normal;

		// Solver normal constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, ccp->localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
			b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, ccp->localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

			b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;
			b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;
			b2Vec2 dp = p2 - p1;

			// Approximate the current separation.
			float32 separation = b2Dot(dp, normal) + ccp->separation;

			// Track max constraint error.
			minSeparation = b2Min(minSeparation, separation);

			// Prevent large corrections and allow slop.
			float32 C = baumgarte * b2Clamp(separation + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 impulse = -ccp->equalizedMass * C;

			b2Vec2 P = impulse * normal;

			b1->m_sweep.c -= invMass1 * P;
			b1->m_sweep.a -= invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);

			b2->m_sweep.c += invMass2 * P;
			b2->m_sweep.a += invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);

	// We can't expect minSpeparation >= -b2_linearSlop because we don't
	// push the separation above -b2_linearSlop.
	return minSeparation >= -1.5f * b2_linearSlop;
예제 #7
int32 b2CalculateParticleIterations(
	float32 gravity, float32 radius, float32 timeStep)
	// In some situations you may want more particle iterations than this,
	// but to avoid excessive cycle cost, don't recommend more than this.
	const float32 B2_RADIUS_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;
	int32 iterations =
		(int32) ceilf(b2Sqrt(gravity / (B2_RADIUS_THRESHOLD * radius)) * timeStep);
	return b2Clamp(iterations, 1, B2_MAX_RECOMMENDED_PARTICLE_ITERATIONS);
bool b2ElasticRopeJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
    if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0f)
        // There is no position correction for soft distance constraints.
        return true;

    b2Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
    float32 aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
    b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
    float32 aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;

    b2Rot qA(aA), qB(aB);

    b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(qA, m_localAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
    b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);
    b2Vec2 u = cB + rB - cA - rA;

    float32 length = u.Normalize();

    float32 C;
    if(length-m_length < 0) {
        C = 0;//length - m_length;
    } else {
        C = length - m_length;

    C = b2Clamp(C, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, b2_maxLinearCorrection);

    float32 impulse = -m_mass * C;
    b2Vec2 P = impulse * u;

    cA -= m_invMassA * P;
    aA -= m_invIA * b2Cross(rA, P);
    cB += m_invMassB * P;
    aB += m_invIB * b2Cross(rB, P);

    data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
    data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
    data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
    data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;

    return b2Abs(C) < b2_linearSlop;
예제 #9
inline void MoveAABB(b2AABB* aabb)
	b2Vec2 d;
	d.x = b2Random(-0.5f, 0.5f);
	d.y = b2Random(-0.5f, 0.5f);
	//d.x = 2.0f;
	//d.y = 0.0f;
	aabb->lowerBound += d;
	aabb->upperBound += d;

	b2Vec2 c0 = 0.5f * (aabb->lowerBound + aabb->upperBound);
	b2Vec2 min; min.Set(-k_extent, 0.0f);
	b2Vec2 max; max.Set(k_extent, 2.0f * k_extent);
	b2Vec2 c = b2Clamp(c0, min, max);

	aabb->lowerBound += c - c0;
	aabb->upperBound += c - c0;
예제 #10
void Box2DVehicleBody::update(float delta, float throtle, float desiredAngle) {



   	//control steering
   	float turnSpeedPerSec = 160 * DEGTORAD;//from lock to lock in 0.5 sec
   	float turnPerTimeStep = turnSpeedPerSec * delta;
   	float angleNow = flJoint->GetJointAngle();
   	float angleToTurn = desiredAngle - angleNow;
   	angleToTurn = b2Clamp( angleToTurn, -turnPerTimeStep, turnPerTimeStep );
   	float newAngle = angleNow + angleToTurn;
   	flJoint->SetLimits( newAngle, newAngle );
   	frJoint->SetLimits( newAngle, newAngle );
예제 #11
bool b2DistanceJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

    if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0f)
        // There is no position correction for soft distance constraints.
        return true;

    b2Body* b1 = m_body1;
    b2Body* b2 = m_body2;

    b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
    b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetXForm().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

    b2Vec2 d = b2->m_sweep.c + r2 - b1->m_sweep.c - r1;

    float32 length = d.Normalize();
    float32 C = length - m_length;
    C = b2Clamp(C, -(settings->b2_maxLinearCorrection), settings->b2_maxLinearCorrection);

    float32 impulse = -m_mass * C;
    m_u = d;
    b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_u;

    b1->m_sweep.c -= b1->m_invMass * P;
    b1->m_sweep.a -= b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P);
    b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P;
    b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P);


    return b2Abs(C) < settings->b2_linearSlop;
예제 #12
// Sequential position solver for position constraints.
bool b2ContactSolver::SolveTOIPositionConstraints(int32 toiIndexA, int32 toiIndexB)
	float32 minSeparation = 0.0f;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2ContactPositionConstraint* pc = m_positionConstraints + i;

		int32 indexA = pc->indexA;
		int32 indexB = pc->indexB;
		b2Vec2 localCenterA = pc->localCenterA;
		b2Vec2 localCenterB = pc->localCenterB;
		int32 pointCount = pc->pointCount;

		float32 mA = 0.0f;
		float32 iA = 0.0f;
		if (indexA == toiIndexA || indexA == toiIndexB)
			mA = pc->invMassA;
			iA = pc->invIA;

		float32 mB = 0.0f;
		float32 iB = 0.;
		if (indexB == toiIndexA || indexB == toiIndexB)
			mB = pc->invMassB;
			iB = pc->invIB;

		b2Vec2 cA = m_positions[indexA].c;
		float32 aA = m_positions[indexA].a;

		b2Vec2 cB = m_positions[indexB].c;
		float32 aB = m_positions[indexB].a;

		// Solve normal constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2Transform xfA, xfB;
			xfA.p = cA - b2Mul(xfA.q, localCenterA);
			xfB.p = cB - b2Mul(xfB.q, localCenterB);

			b2PositionSolverManifold psm;
			psm.Initialize(pc, xfA, xfB, j);
			b2Vec2 normal = psm.normal;

			b2Vec2 point = psm.point;
			float32 separation = psm.separation;

			b2Vec2 rA = point - cA;
			b2Vec2 rB = point - cB;

			// Track max constraint error.
			minSeparation = b2Min(minSeparation, separation);

			// Prevent large corrections and allow slop.
			float32 C = b2Clamp(b2_toiBaugarte * (separation + b2_linearSlop), -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);

			// Compute the effective mass.
			float32 rnA = b2Cross(rA, normal);
			float32 rnB = b2Cross(rB, normal);
			float32 K = mA + mB + iA * rnA * rnA + iB * rnB * rnB;

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 impulse = K > 0.0f ? - C / K : 0.0f;

			b2Vec2 P = impulse * normal;

			cA -= mA * P;
			aA -= iA * b2Cross(rA, P);

			cB += mB * P;
			aB += iB * b2Cross(rB, P);

		m_positions[indexA].c = cA;
		m_positions[indexA].a = aA;

		m_positions[indexB].c = cB;
		m_positions[indexB].a = aB;

	// We can't expect minSpeparation >= -b2_linearSlop because we don't
	// push the separation above -b2_linearSlop.
	return minSeparation >= -1.5f * b2_linearSlop;
예제 #13
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		b2ContactVelocityConstraint* vc = m_velocityConstraints + i;

		int32 indexA = vc->indexA;
		int32 indexB = vc->indexB;
		float32 mA = vc->invMassA;
		float32 iA = vc->invIA;
		float32 mB = vc->invMassB;
		float32 iB = vc->invIB;
		int32 pointCount = vc->pointCount;

		b2Vec2 vA = m_velocities[indexA].v;
		float32 wA = m_velocities[indexA].w;
		b2Vec2 vB = m_velocities[indexB].v;
		float32 wB = m_velocities[indexB].w;

		b2Vec2 normal = vc->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 friction = vc->friction;

		b2Assert(pointCount == 1 || pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints first because non-penetration is more important
		// than friction.
		for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent) - vc->tangentSpeed;
			float32 lambda = vcp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * vcp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(vcp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - vcp->tangentImpulse;
			vcp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= mA * P;
			wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

			vB += mB * P;
			wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (pointCount == 1 || g_blockSolve == false)
			for (int32 j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
				b2VelocityConstraintPoint* vcp = vc->points + j;

				// Relative velocity at contact
				b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, vcp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, vcp->rA);

				// Compute normal impulse
				float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
				float32 lambda = -vcp->normalMass * (vn - vcp->velocityBias);

				// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
				float32 newImpulse = b2Max(vcp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
				lambda = newImpulse - vcp->normalImpulse;
				vcp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;

				// Apply contact impulse
				b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
				vA -= mA * P;
				wA -= iA * b2Cross(vcp->rA, P);

				vB += mB * P;
				wB += iB * b2Cross(vcp->rB, P);
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, , vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = a + d
			// a := old total impulse
			// x := new total impulse
			// d := incremental impulse 
			// For the current iteration we extend the formula for the incremental impulse
			// to compute the new total impulse:
			// vn = A * d + b
			//    = A * (x - a) + b
			//    = A * x + b - A * a
			//    = A * x + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp1 = vc->points + 0;
			b2VelocityConstraintPoint* cp2 = vc->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;

			// Compute b'
			b -= b2Mul(vc->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x + b'
				// Solve for x:
				// x = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(vc->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1 + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1 + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = vc->K.ex.y * x.x + b.y;
				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Get the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2 + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2 + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
				vn1 = vc->K.ey.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= mA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= iA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += mB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += iB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		m_velocities[indexA].v = vA;
		m_velocities[indexA].w = wA;
		m_velocities[indexB].v = vB;
		m_velocities[indexB].w = wB;
예제 #14
void b2Island::Solve(const b2TimeStep& step, const b2Vec2& gravity, bool allowSleep)
	// Integrate velocities and apply damping.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		if (b->GetType() != b2_dynamicBody)

		// Integrate velocities.
		b->m_linearVelocity += step.dt * (gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
		b->m_angularVelocity += step.dt * b->m_invI * b->m_torque;

		// Apply damping.
		// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
		// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
		// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
		// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
		// Taylor expansion:
		// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
		b->m_linearVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		b->m_angularVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	// Partition contacts so that contacts with static bodies are solved last.
	int32 i1 = -1;
	for (int32 i2 = 0; i2 < m_contactCount; ++i2)
		b2Fixture* fixtureA = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureB();
		b2Body* bodyA = fixtureA->GetBody();
		b2Body* bodyB = fixtureB->GetBody();
		bool nonStatic = bodyA->GetType() != b2_staticBody && bodyB->GetType() != b2_staticBody;
		if (nonStatic)
			b2Swap(m_contacts[i1], m_contacts[i2]);

	// Initialize velocity constraints.
	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator, step.dtRatio);
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)

	// Solve velocity constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i)
		for (int32 j = 0; j < m_jointCount; ++j)


	// Post-solve (store impulses for warm starting).

	// Integrate positions.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

		// Check for large velocities.
		b2Vec2 translation = step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			b->m_linearVelocity *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			b->m_angularVelocity *= ratio;

		// Store positions for continuous collision.
		b->m_sweep.c0 = b->m_sweep.c;
		b->m_sweep.a0 = b->m_sweep.a;

		// Integrate
		b->m_sweep.c += step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
		b->m_sweep.a += step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;

		// Compute new transform

		// Note: shapes are synchronized later.

	// Iterate over constraints.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);

		bool jointsOkay = true;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
			bool jointOkay = m_joints[i]->SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);
			jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;

		if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
			// Exit early if the position errors are small.


	if (allowSleep)
		float32 minSleepTime = b2_maxFloat;

		const float32 linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
		const float32 angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
			b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 ||
				b->m_angularVelocity * b->m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
				b2Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime += step.dt;
				minSleepTime = b2Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		if (minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep)
			for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
				b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
예제 #15
void b2PrismaticJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2TimeStep& step)
	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 v1 = b1->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 w1 = b1->m_angularVelocity;
	b2Vec2 v2 = b2->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 w2 = b2->m_angularVelocity;

	// Solve linear motor constraint.
	if (m_enableMotor && m_limitState != e_equalLimits)
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_axis, v2 - v1) + m_a2 * w2 - m_a1 * w1;
		float32 impulse = m_motorMass * (m_motorSpeed - Cdot);
		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = step.dt * m_maxMotorForce;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_axis;
		float32 L1 = impulse * m_a1;
		float32 L2 = impulse * m_a2;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;

	b2Vec2 Cdot1;
	Cdot1.x = b2Dot(m_perp, v2 - v1) + m_s2 * w2 - m_s1 * w1;
	Cdot1.y = w2 - w1;

	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit)
		// Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
		float32 Cdot2;
		Cdot2 = b2Dot(m_axis, v2 - v1) + m_a2 * w2 - m_a1 * w1;
		b2Vec3 Cdot(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

		b2Vec3 f1 = m_impulse;
		b2Vec3 df =  m_K.Solve33(-Cdot);
		m_impulse += df;

		if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			m_impulse.z = b2Max(m_impulse.z, 0.0f);
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			m_impulse.z = b2Min(m_impulse.z, 0.0f);

		// f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
		b2Vec2 b = -Cdot1 - (m_impulse.z - f1.z) * b2Vec2(m_K.col3.x, m_K.col3.y);
		b2Vec2 f2r = m_K.Solve22(b) + b2Vec2(f1.x, f1.y);
		m_impulse.x = f2r.x;
		m_impulse.y = f2r.y;

		df = m_impulse - f1;

		b2Vec2 P = df.x * m_perp + df.z * m_axis;
		float32 L1 = df.x * m_s1 + df.y + df.z * m_a1;
		float32 L2 = df.x * m_s2 + df.y + df.z * m_a2;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;
		// Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
		b2Vec2 df = m_K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
		m_impulse.x += df.x;
		m_impulse.y += df.y;

		b2Vec2 P = df.x * m_perp;
		float32 L1 = df.x * m_s1 + df.y;
		float32 L2 = df.x * m_s2 + df.y;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;

	b1->m_linearVelocity = v1;
	b1->m_angularVelocity = w1;
	b2->m_linearVelocity = v2;
	b2->m_angularVelocity = w2;
예제 #16
파일: b2WheelJoint.cpp 프로젝트: Zooooi/PTS
void b2WheelJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2TimeStep& step)
	b2Body* bA = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* bB = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 vA = bA->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 wA = bA->m_angularVelocity;
	b2Vec2 vB = bB->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 wB = bB->m_angularVelocity;

	// Solve spring constraint
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_ax, vB - vA) + m_sBx * wB - m_sAx * wA;
		float32 impulse = -m_springMass * (Cdot + m_bias + m_gamma * m_springImpulse);
		m_springImpulse += impulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_ax;
		float32 LA = impulse * m_sAx;
		float32 LB = impulse * m_sBx;

		vA -= m_invMassA * P;
		wA -= m_invIA * LA;

		vB += m_invMassB * P;
		wB += m_invIB * LB;

	// Solve rotational motor constraint
		float32 Cdot = wB - wA - m_motorSpeed;
		float32 impulse = -m_motorMass * Cdot;

		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = step.dt * m_maxMotorTorque;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		wA -= m_invIA * impulse;
		wB += m_invIB * impulse;

	// Solve point to line constraint
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_ay, vB - vA) + m_sBy * wB - m_sAy * wA;
		float32 impulse = m_mass * (-Cdot);
		m_impulse += impulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_ay;
		float32 LA = impulse * m_sAy;
		float32 LB = impulse * m_sBy;

		vA -= m_invMassA * P;
		wA -= m_invIA * LA;

		vB += m_invMassB * P;
		wB += m_invIB * LB;

	bA->m_linearVelocity = vA;
	bA->m_angularVelocity = wA;
	bB->m_linearVelocity = vB;
	bB->m_angularVelocity = wB;
예제 #17
bool b2LineJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 c1 = b1->m_sweep.c;
	float32 a1 = b1->m_sweep.a;

	b2Vec2 c2 = b2->m_sweep.c;
	float32 a2 = b2->m_sweep.a;

	// Solve linear limit constraint.
	float32 linearError = 0.0f, angularError = 0.0f;
	bool active = false;
	float32 C2 = 0.0f;

	b2Mat22 R1(a1), R2(a2);

	b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(R1, m_localAnchor1 - m_localCenterA);
	b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(R2, m_localAnchor2 - m_localCenterB);
	b2Vec2 d = c2 + r2 - c1 - r1;

	if (m_enableLimit)
		m_axis = b2Mul(R1, m_localXAxis1);

		m_a1 = b2Cross(d + r1, m_axis);
		m_a2 = b2Cross(r2, m_axis);

		float32 translation = b2Dot(m_axis, d);
		if (b2Abs(m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * b2_linearSlop)
			// Prevent large angular corrections
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = b2Abs(translation);
			active = true;
		else if (translation <= m_lowerTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_lowerTranslation + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
			linearError = m_lowerTranslation - translation;
			active = true;
		else if (translation >= m_upperTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_upperTranslation - b2_linearSlop, 0.0f, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = translation - m_upperTranslation;
			active = true;

	m_perp = b2Mul(R1, m_localYAxis1);

	m_s1 = b2Cross(d + r1, m_perp);
	m_s2 = b2Cross(r2, m_perp);

	b2Vec2 impulse;
	float32 C1;
	C1 = b2Dot(m_perp, d);

	linearError = b2Max(linearError, b2Abs(C1));
	angularError = 0.0f;

	if (active)
		float32 m1 = m_invMassA, m2 = m_invMassB;
		float32 i1 = m_invIA, i2 = m_invIB;

		float32 k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_s1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_s2;
		float32 k12 = i1 * m_s1 * m_a1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_a2;
		float32 k22 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_a1 * m_a1 + i2 * m_a2 * m_a2;

		m_K.col1.Set(k11, k12);
		m_K.col2.Set(k12, k22);

		b2Vec2 C;
		C.x = C1;
		C.y = C2;

		impulse = m_K.Solve(-C);
		float32 m1 = m_invMassA, m2 = m_invMassB;
		float32 i1 = m_invIA, i2 = m_invIB;

		float32 k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * m_s1 * m_s1 + i2 * m_s2 * m_s2;

		float32 impulse1;
		if (k11 != 0.0f)
			impulse1 = - C1 / k11;
			impulse1 = 0.0f;

		impulse.x = impulse1;
		impulse.y = 0.0f;

	b2Vec2 P = impulse.x * m_perp + impulse.y * m_axis;
	float32 L1 = impulse.x * m_s1 + impulse.y * m_a1;
	float32 L2 = impulse.x * m_s2 + impulse.y * m_a2;

	c1 -= m_invMassA * P;
	a1 -= m_invIA * L1;
	c2 += m_invMassB * P;
	a2 += m_invIB * L2;

	// TODO_ERIN remove need for this.
	b1->m_sweep.c = c1;
	b1->m_sweep.a = a1;
	b2->m_sweep.c = c2;
	b2->m_sweep.a = a2;

	return linearError <= b2_linearSlop && angularError <= b2_angularSlop;
예제 #18
bool b2PulleyJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(float32 baumgarte)

	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 s1 = m_groundAnchor1;
	b2Vec2 s2 = m_groundAnchor2;

	float32 linearError = 0.0f;

	if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

		b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;
		b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

		// Get the pulley axes.
		m_u1 = p1 - s1;
		m_u2 = p2 - s2;

		float32 length1 = m_u1.Length();
		float32 length2 = m_u2.Length();

		if (length1 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

		if (length2 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

		float32 C = m_constant - length1 - m_ratio * length2;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);

		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_pulleyMass * C;

		b2Vec2 P1 = -impulse * m_u1;
		b2Vec2 P2 = -m_ratio * impulse * m_u2;

		b1->m_sweep.c += b1->m_invMass * P1;
		b1->m_sweep.a += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);
		b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P2;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);


	if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 p1 = b1->m_sweep.c + r1;

		m_u1 = p1 - s1;
		float32 length1 = m_u1.Length();

		if (length1 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u1 *= 1.0f / length1;

		float32 C = m_maxLength1 - length1;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);
		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_limitMass1 * C;

		b2Vec2 P1 = -impulse * m_u1;
		b1->m_sweep.c += b1->m_invMass * P1;
		b1->m_sweep.a += b1->m_invI * b2Cross(r1, P1);


	if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit)
		b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->GetTransform().R, m_localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());
		b2Vec2 p2 = b2->m_sweep.c + r2;

		m_u2 = p2 - s2;
		float32 length2 = m_u2.Length();

		if (length2 > b2_linearSlop)
			m_u2 *= 1.0f / length2;

		float32 C = m_maxLength2 - length2;
		linearError = b2Max(linearError, -C);
		C = b2Clamp(C + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
		float32 impulse = -m_limitMass2 * C;

		b2Vec2 P2 = -impulse * m_u2;
		b2->m_sweep.c += b2->m_invMass * P2;
		b2->m_sweep.a += b2->m_invI * b2Cross(r2, P2);


	return linearError < b2_linearSlop;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// Place a communicator at serialport (Default COM1)
	communicator = new Communicator(serialport);

	// Hide joints

	// Set startup view position

	simulatorPageCount = 0;
	while (g_simulatorPageEntries[simulatorPageCount].createFcn != NULL)

	simulatorPageIndex = b2Clamp(simulatorPageIndex, 0, simulatorPageCount-1);
	simulatorPageSelection = simulatorPageIndex;

	entry = g_simulatorPageEntries + simulatorPageIndex;
	simulatorPage = entry->createFcn(communicator);

	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE);
	glutInitWindowSize(width, height);

	char title[32];
	sprintf(title, "Educational simulator for control-system development");

	mainWindow = glutCreateWindow(title);



	glui = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mainWindow,

	GLUI_Listbox* simulatorPageList =
		glui->add_listbox("", &simulatorPageSelection);

	int32 simulatorPageCount = 0;
	SimulatorPageEntry* e = g_simulatorPageEntries;
	while (e->createFcn)
		simulatorPageList->add_item(simulatorPageCount, e->name);
	glui->add_edittext( "Serialport:", GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, serialport );
	glui->add_button("Apply", 0, (GLUI_Update_CB)SetSerialPort);


	glui->add_button("Pause", 0, Pause);
	glui->add_button("Single Step", 0, SingleStep);
	glui->add_button("Restart", 0, Restart);

	glui->add_button("Quit", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)Exit);


	glui->add_button("Help", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)Help);
	glui->add_button("About", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)About);

	glui->set_main_gfx_window( mainWindow );

	// Use a timer to control the frame rate.
	glutTimerFunc(framePeriod, Timer, 0);


	return 0;
예제 #20
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* bodyA = c->bodyA;
		b2Body* bodyB = c->bodyB;
		float32 wA = bodyA->m_angularVelocity;
		float32 wB = bodyB->m_angularVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vA = bodyA->m_linearVelocity;
		b2Vec2 vB = bodyB->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 invMassA = bodyA->m_invMass;
		float32 invIA = bodyA->m_invI;
		float32 invMassB = bodyB->m_invMass;
		float32 invIB = bodyB->m_invI;
		b2Vec2 normal = c->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);
		float32 convspeed1 = c->fixtureA->GetConveyorSpeed();
		float32 convspeed2 = c->fixtureB->GetConveyorSpeed();
		float32 friction = c->friction;

		b2Assert(c->pointCount == 1 || c->pointCount == 2);

		// Solve tangent constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent);

			/// Conveyor
			int flip = (c->manifold->type == b2Manifold::e_faceB ? -1 : 1);
			vt += convspeed1 * flip;
			vt -= convspeed2 * flip;
			/// END Conveyor

			float32 lambda = ccp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = friction * ccp->normalImpulse;
			float32 newImpulse = b2Clamp(ccp->tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->tangentImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * tangent;

			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);

			ccp->tangentImpulse = newImpulse;

		// Solve normal constraints
		if (c->pointCount == 1)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + 0;

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = vB + b2Cross(wB, ccp->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, ccp->rA);

			// Compute normal impulse
			float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
			float32 lambda = -ccp->normalMass * (vn - ccp->velocityBias);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
			float32 newImpulse = b2Max(ccp->normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0f);
			lambda = newImpulse - ccp->normalImpulse;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = lambda * normal;
			vA -= invMassA * P;
			wA -= invIA * b2Cross(ccp->rA, P);

			vB += invMassB * P;
			wB += invIB * b2Cross(ccp->rB, P);
			ccp->normalImpulse = newImpulse;
			// Block solver developed in collaboration with Dirk Gregorius (back in 01/07 on Box2D_Lite).
			// Build the mini LCP for this contact patch
			// vn = A * x + b, vn >= 0, , vn >= 0, x >= 0 and vn_i * x_i = 0 with i = 1..2
			// A = J * W * JT and J = ( -n, -r1 x n, n, r2 x n )
			// b = vn_0 - velocityBias
			// The system is solved using the "Total enumeration method" (s. Murty). The complementary constraint vn_i * x_i
			// implies that we must have in any solution either vn_i = 0 or x_i = 0. So for the 2D contact problem the cases
			// vn1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x1 = 0 and x2 = 0, x1 = 0 and vn2 = 0, x2 = 0 and vn1 = 0 need to be tested. The first valid
			// solution that satisfies the problem is chosen.
			// In order to account of the accumulated impulse 'a' (because of the iterative nature of the solver which only requires
			// that the accumulated impulse is clamped and not the incremental impulse) we change the impulse variable (x_i).
			// Substitute:
			// x = x' - a
			// Plug into above equation:
			// vn = A * x + b
			//    = A * (x' - a) + b
			//    = A * x' + b - A * a
			//    = A * x' + b'
			// b' = b - A * a;

			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp1 = c->points + 0;
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* cp2 = c->points + 1;

			b2Vec2 a(cp1->normalImpulse, cp2->normalImpulse);
			b2Assert(a.x >= 0.0f && a.y >= 0.0f);

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
			b2Vec2 dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

			// Compute normal velocity
			float32 vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
			float32 vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

			b2Vec2 b;
			b.x = vn1 - cp1->velocityBias;
			b.y = vn2 - cp2->velocityBias;
			b -= b2Mul(c->K, a);

			const float32 k_errorTol = 1e-3f;

			for (;;)
				// Case 1: vn = 0
				// 0 = A * x' + b'
				// Solve for x':
				// x' = - inv(A) * b'
				b2Vec2 x = - b2Mul(c->normalMass, b);

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && x.y >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);
					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 2: vn1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				//   0 = a11 * x1' + a12 * 0 + b1' 
				// vn2 = a21 * x1' + a22 * 0 + b2'
				x.x = - cp1->normalMass * b.x;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = 0.0f;
				vn2 = c->K.col1.y * x.x + b.y;

				if (x.x >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp1->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp1->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn1 = b2Dot(dv1, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn1 - cp1->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 3: vn2 = 0 and x1 = 0
				// vn1 = a11 * 0 + a12 * x2' + b1' 
				//   0 = a21 * 0 + a22 * x2' + b2'
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = - cp2->normalMass * b.y;
				vn1 = c->K.col2.x * x.y + b.x;
				vn2 = 0.0f;

				if (x.y >= 0.0f && vn1 >= 0.0f)
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;

#if B2_DEBUG_SOLVER == 1
					// Postconditions
					dv2 = vB + b2Cross(wB, cp2->rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, cp2->rA);

					// Compute normal velocity
					vn2 = b2Dot(dv2, normal);

					b2Assert(b2Abs(vn2 - cp2->velocityBias) < k_errorTol);

				// Case 4: x1 = 0 and x2 = 0
				// vn1 = b1
				// vn2 = b2;
				x.x = 0.0f;
				x.y = 0.0f;
				vn1 = b.x;
				vn2 = b.y;

				if (vn1 >= 0.0f && vn2 >= 0.0f )
					// Resubstitute for the incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 d = x - a;

					// Apply incremental impulse
					b2Vec2 P1 = d.x * normal;
					b2Vec2 P2 = d.y * normal;
					vA -= invMassA * (P1 + P2);
					wA -= invIA * (b2Cross(cp1->rA, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rA, P2));

					vB += invMassB * (P1 + P2);
					wB += invIB * (b2Cross(cp1->rB, P1) + b2Cross(cp2->rB, P2));

					// Accumulate
					cp1->normalImpulse = x.x;
					cp2->normalImpulse = x.y;


				// No solution, give up. This is hit sometimes, but it doesn't seem to matter.

		bodyA->m_linearVelocity = vA;
		bodyA->m_angularVelocity = wA;
		bodyB->m_linearVelocity = vB;
		bodyB->m_angularVelocity = wB;
예제 #21
void b2WheelJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2SolverData& data) {
	float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
	float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

	b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
	float32 wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;
	b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
	float32 wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

	// Solve spring constraint
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_ax, vB - vA) + m_sBx * wB - m_sAx * wA;
		float32 impulse = -m_springMass
				* (Cdot + m_bias + m_gamma * m_springImpulse);
		m_springImpulse += impulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_ax;
		float32 LA = impulse * m_sAx;
		float32 LB = impulse * m_sBx;

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * LA;

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * LB;

	// Solve rotational motor constraint
		float32 Cdot = wB - wA - m_motorSpeed;
		float32 impulse = -m_motorMass * Cdot;

		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = data.step.dt * m_maxMotorTorque;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse,
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		wA -= iA * impulse;
		wB += iB * impulse;

	// Solve point to line constraint
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_ay, vB - vA) + m_sBy * wB - m_sAy * wA;
		float32 impulse = -m_mass * Cdot;
		m_impulse += impulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_ay;
		float32 LA = impulse * m_sAy;
		float32 LB = impulse * m_sBy;

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * LA;

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * LB;

	data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
	data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
예제 #22
void b2ContactSolver::SolveVelocityConstraints()
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_constraintCount; ++i)
		b2ContactConstraint* c = m_constraints + i;
		b2Body* b1 = c->body1;
		b2Body* b2 = c->body2;
		float32 invMass1 = b1->m_invMass;
		float32 invI1 = b1->m_invI;
		float32 invMass2 = b2->m_invMass;
		float32 invI2 = b2->m_invI;
		b2Vec2 normal = c->normal;
		b2Vec2 tangent = b2Cross(normal, 1.0f);

		// Solve normal constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->m_xf.R, ccp->localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
			b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->m_xf.R, ccp->localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = b2->m_linearVelocity + b2Cross(b2->m_angularVelocity, r2) - b1->m_linearVelocity - b2Cross(b1->m_angularVelocity, r1);

			// Compute normal force
			float32 vn = b2Dot(dv, normal);
			float32 lambda = - m_step.inv_dt * ccp->normalMass * (vn - ccp->velocityBias);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 newForce = b2Max(ccp->normalForce + lambda, 0.0f);
			lambda = newForce - ccp->normalForce;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = m_step.dt * lambda * normal;

			b1->m_linearVelocity -= invMass1 * P;
			b1->m_angularVelocity -= invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);

			b2->m_linearVelocity += invMass2 * P;
			b2->m_angularVelocity += invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);

			ccp->normalForce = newForce;

		// Solve tangent constraints
		for (int32 j = 0; j < c->pointCount; ++j)
			b2ContactConstraintPoint* ccp = c->points + j;

			b2Vec2 r1 = b2Mul(b1->m_xf.R, ccp->localAnchor1 - b1->GetLocalCenter());
			b2Vec2 r2 = b2Mul(b2->m_xf.R, ccp->localAnchor2 - b2->GetLocalCenter());

			// Relative velocity at contact
			b2Vec2 dv = b2->m_linearVelocity + b2Cross(b2->m_angularVelocity, r2) - b1->m_linearVelocity - b2Cross(b1->m_angularVelocity, r1);

			// Compute tangent force
			float32 vt = b2Dot(dv, tangent);
			float32 lambda = m_step.inv_dt * ccp->tangentMass * (-vt);

			// b2Clamp the accumulated force
			float32 maxFriction = c->friction * ccp->normalForce;
			float32 newForce = b2Clamp(ccp->tangentForce + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
			lambda = newForce - ccp->tangentForce;

			// Apply contact impulse
			b2Vec2 P = m_step.dt * lambda * tangent;

			b1->m_linearVelocity -= invMass1 * P;
			b1->m_angularVelocity -= invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);

			b2->m_linearVelocity += invMass2 * P;
			b2->m_angularVelocity += invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);

			ccp->tangentForce = newForce;
예제 #23
void b2RevoluteJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
	float32 wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;
	b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
	float32 wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

	float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
	float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

	bool fixedRotation = (iA + iB == 0.0f);

	// Solve motor constraint.
	if (m_enableMotor && m_limitState != e_equalLimits && fixedRotation == false)
		float32 Cdot = wB - wA - m_motorSpeed;
		float32 impulse = -m_motorMass * Cdot;
		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = data.step.dt * m_maxMotorTorque;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		wA -= iA * impulse;
		wB += iB * impulse;

	// Solve limit constraint.
	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit && fixedRotation == false)
		b2Vec2 Cdot1 = vB + b2Cross(wB, m_rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, m_rA);
		float32 Cdot2 = wB - wA;
		b2Vec3 Cdot(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

		b2Vec3 impulse = -m_mass.Solve33(Cdot);

		if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits)
			m_impulse += impulse;
		else if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			float32 newImpulse = m_impulse.z + impulse.z;
			if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
				b2Vec2 rhs = -Cdot1 + m_impulse.z * b2Vec2(m_mass.ez.x, m_mass.ez.y);
				b2Vec2 reduced = m_mass.Solve22(rhs);
				impulse.x = reduced.x;
				impulse.y = reduced.y;
				impulse.z = -m_impulse.z;
				m_impulse.x += reduced.x;
				m_impulse.y += reduced.y;
				m_impulse.z = 0.0f;
				m_impulse += impulse;
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			float32 newImpulse = m_impulse.z + impulse.z;
			if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
				b2Vec2 rhs = -Cdot1 + m_impulse.z * b2Vec2(m_mass.ez.x, m_mass.ez.y);
				b2Vec2 reduced = m_mass.Solve22(rhs);
				impulse.x = reduced.x;
				impulse.y = reduced.y;
				impulse.z = -m_impulse.z;
				m_impulse.x += reduced.x;
				m_impulse.y += reduced.y;
				m_impulse.z = 0.0f;
				m_impulse += impulse;

		b2Vec2 P(impulse.x, impulse.y);

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * (b2Cross(m_rA, P) + impulse.z);

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * (b2Cross(m_rB, P) + impulse.z);
		// Solve point-to-point constraint
		b2Vec2 Cdot = vB + b2Cross(wB, m_rB) - vA - b2Cross(wA, m_rA);
		b2Vec2 impulse = m_mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

		m_impulse.x += impulse.x;
		m_impulse.y += impulse.y;

		vA -= mA * impulse;
		wA -= iA * b2Cross(m_rA, impulse);

		vB += mB * impulse;
		wB += iB * b2Cross(m_rB, impulse);

	data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
	data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
예제 #24
파일: Main.cpp 프로젝트: Discordia/box2d
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (glfwInit() == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n");
		return -1;

	char title[64];
	sprintf(title, "Box2D Testbed Version %d.%d.%d", b2_version.major, b2_version.minor, b2_version.revision);
	mainWindow = glfwCreateWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, title, NULL, NULL);
	if (mainWindow == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open GLFW mainWindow.\n");
		return -1;

	glfwSetScrollCallback(mainWindow, sScrollCallback);
	glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(mainWindow, sResizeWindow);
	glfwSetKeyCallback(mainWindow, sKeyCallback);
	glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(mainWindow, sMouseButton);
	glfwSetCursorPosCallback(mainWindow, sMouseMotion);
	glfwSetScrollCallback(mainWindow, sScrollCallback);

	GLenum err = glewInit();
	if (GLEW_OK != err)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));


	testCount = 0;
	while (g_testEntries[testCount].createFcn != NULL)

	testIndex = b2Clamp(testIndex, 0, testCount - 1);
	testSelection = testIndex;

	entry = g_testEntries + testIndex;
	test = entry->createFcn();

	// Control the frame rate. One draw per monitor refresh.

	glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f);
	// glfw scrolling
	int glfwscroll = 0;
	while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(mainWindow))
		glfwGetWindowSize(mainWindow, &windowWidth, &windowHeight);
		glViewport(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight);


		unsigned char mousebutton = 0;
		int mscroll = ui.scroll;
		ui.scroll = 0;

		double xd, yd;
		glfwGetCursorPos(mainWindow, &xd, &yd);
		int mousex = int(xd);
		int mousey = int(yd);

		mousey = windowHeight - mousey;
		int leftButton = glfwGetMouseButton(mainWindow, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT);
		if (leftButton == GLFW_PRESS)
			mousebutton |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT;

		imguiBeginFrame(mousex, mousey, mousebutton, mscroll);


		imguiRenderGLDraw(windowWidth, windowHeight);




	return 0;
예제 #25
bool b2RevoluteJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
	float32 aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
	b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
	float32 aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;

	b2Rot qA(aA), qB(aB);

	float32 angularError = 0.0f;
	float32 positionError = 0.0f;

	bool fixedRotation = (m_invIA + m_invIB == 0.0f);

	// Solve angular limit constraint.
	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit && fixedRotation == false)
		float32 angle = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle;
		float32 limitImpulse = 0.0f;

		if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits)
			// Prevent large angular corrections
			float32 C = b2Clamp(angle - m_lowerAngle, -b2_maxAngularCorrection, b2_maxAngularCorrection);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;
			angularError = b2Abs(C);
		else if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			float32 C = angle - m_lowerAngle;
			angularError = -C;

			// Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop.
			C = b2Clamp(C + b2_angularSlop, -b2_maxAngularCorrection, 0.0f);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			float32 C = angle - m_upperAngle;
			angularError = C;

			// Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop.
			C = b2Clamp(C - b2_angularSlop, 0.0f, b2_maxAngularCorrection);
			limitImpulse = -m_motorMass * C;

		aA -= m_invIA * limitImpulse;
		aB += m_invIB * limitImpulse;

	// Solve point-to-point constraint.
		b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(qA, m_localAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
		b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);

		b2Vec2 C = cB + rB - cA - rA;
		positionError = C.Length();

		float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
		float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

		b2Mat22 K;
		K.ex.x = mA + mB + iA * rA.y * rA.y + iB * rB.y * rB.y;
		K.ex.y = -iA * rA.x * rA.y - iB * rB.x * rB.y;
		K.ey.x = K.ex.y;
		K.ey.y = mA + mB + iA * rA.x * rA.x + iB * rB.x * rB.x;

		b2Vec2 impulse = -K.Solve(C);

		cA -= mA * impulse;
		aA -= iA * b2Cross(rA, impulse);

		cB += mB * impulse;
		aB += iB * b2Cross(rB, impulse);

	data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
	data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
	data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
	data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;

	return positionError <= b2_linearSlop && angularError <= b2_angularSlop;
예제 #26
void b2PrismaticJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
	float32 wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;
	b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
	float32 wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

	float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
	float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

	// Solve linear motor constraint.
	if (m_enableMotor && m_limitState != e_equalLimits)
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_axis, vB - vA) + m_a2 * wB - m_a1 * wA;
		float32 impulse = m_motorMass * (m_motorSpeed - Cdot);
		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = data.step.dt * m_maxMotorForce;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_axis;
		float32 LA = impulse * m_a1;
		float32 LB = impulse * m_a2;

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * LA;

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * LB;

	b2Vec2 Cdot1;
	Cdot1.x = b2Dot(m_perp, vB - vA) + m_s2 * wB - m_s1 * wA;
	Cdot1.y = wB - wA;

	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit)
		// Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
		float32 Cdot2;
		Cdot2 = b2Dot(m_axis, vB - vA) + m_a2 * wB - m_a1 * wA;
		b2Vec3 Cdot(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

		b2Vec3 f1 = m_impulse;
		b2Vec3 df =  m_K.Solve33(-Cdot);
		m_impulse += df;

		if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			m_impulse.z = b2Max(m_impulse.z, 0.0f);
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			m_impulse.z = b2Min(m_impulse.z, 0.0f);

		// f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
		b2Vec2 b = -Cdot1 - (m_impulse.z - f1.z) * b2Vec2(m_K.ez.x, m_K.ez.y);
		b2Vec2 f2r = m_K.Solve22(b) + b2Vec2(f1.x, f1.y);
		m_impulse.x = f2r.x;
		m_impulse.y = f2r.y;

		df = m_impulse - f1;

		b2Vec2 P = df.x * m_perp + df.z * m_axis;
		float32 LA = df.x * m_s1 + df.y + df.z * m_a1;
		float32 LB = df.x * m_s2 + df.y + df.z * m_a2;

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * LA;

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * LB;
		// Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
		b2Vec2 df = m_K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
		m_impulse.x += df.x;
		m_impulse.y += df.y;

		b2Vec2 P = df.x * m_perp;
		float32 LA = df.x * m_s1 + df.y;
		float32 LB = df.x * m_s2 + df.y;

		vA -= mA * P;
		wA -= iA * LA;

		vB += mB * P;
		wB += iB * LB;

		b2Vec2 Cdot10 = Cdot1;

		Cdot1.x = b2Dot(m_perp, vB - vA) + m_s2 * wB - m_s1 * wA;
		Cdot1.y = wB - wA;

		if (b2Abs(Cdot1.x) > 0.01f || b2Abs(Cdot1.y) > 0.01f)
			b2Vec2 test = b2Mul22(m_K, df);
			Cdot1.x += 0.0f;

	data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
	data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
	data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
예제 #27
void b2LineJoint::SolveVelocityConstraints(const b2TimeStep& step)
	b2Body* b1 = m_bodyA;
	b2Body* b2 = m_bodyB;

	b2Vec2 v1 = b1->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 w1 = b1->m_angularVelocity;
	b2Vec2 v2 = b2->m_linearVelocity;
	float32 w2 = b2->m_angularVelocity;

	// Solve linear motor constraint.
	if (m_enableMotor && m_limitState != e_equalLimits)
		float32 Cdot = b2Dot(m_axis, v2 - v1) + m_a2 * w2 - m_a1 * w1;
		float32 impulse = m_motorMass * (m_motorSpeed - Cdot);
		float32 oldImpulse = m_motorImpulse;
		float32 maxImpulse = step.dt * m_maxMotorForce;
		m_motorImpulse = b2Clamp(m_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
		impulse = m_motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

		b2Vec2 P = impulse * m_axis;
		float32 L1 = impulse * m_a1;
		float32 L2 = impulse * m_a2;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;

	float32 Cdot1 = b2Dot(m_perp, v2 - v1) + m_s2 * w2 - m_s1 * w1;

	if (m_enableLimit && m_limitState != e_inactiveLimit)
		// Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
		float32 Cdot2 = b2Dot(m_axis, v2 - v1) + m_a2 * w2 - m_a1 * w1;
		b2Vec2 Cdot(Cdot1, Cdot2);

		b2Vec2 f1 = m_impulse;
		b2Vec2 df =  m_K.Solve(-Cdot);
		m_impulse += df;

		if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit)
			m_impulse.y = b2Max(m_impulse.y, 0.0f);
		else if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit)
			m_impulse.y = b2Min(m_impulse.y, 0.0f);

		// f2(1) = invK(1,1) * (-Cdot(1) - K(1,2) * (f2(2) - f1(2))) + f1(1)
		float32 b = -Cdot1 - (m_impulse.y - f1.y) * m_K.col2.x;
		float32 f2r;
		if (m_K.col1.x != 0.0f)
			f2r = b / m_K.col1.x + f1.x;
			f2r = f1.x;	

		m_impulse.x = f2r;

		df = m_impulse - f1;

		b2Vec2 P = df.x * m_perp + df.y * m_axis;
		float32 L1 = df.x * m_s1 + df.y * m_a1;
		float32 L2 = df.x * m_s2 + df.y * m_a2;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;
		// Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
		float32 df;
		if (m_K.col1.x != 0.0f)
			df = - Cdot1 / m_K.col1.x;
			df = 0.0f;
		m_impulse.x += df;

		b2Vec2 P = df * m_perp;
		float32 L1 = df * m_s1;
		float32 L2 = df * m_s2;

		v1 -= m_invMassA * P;
		w1 -= m_invIA * L1;

		v2 += m_invMassB * P;
		w2 += m_invIB * L2;

	b1->m_linearVelocity = v1;
	b1->m_angularVelocity = w1;
	b2->m_linearVelocity = v2;
	b2->m_angularVelocity = w2;
예제 #28
bool b2PrismaticJoint::SolvePositionConstraints(const b2SolverData& data)
	b2Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
	float32 aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
	b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
	float32 aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;

	b2Rot qA(aA), qB(aB);

	float32 mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
	float32 iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

	// Compute fresh Jacobians
	b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(qA, m_localAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
	b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);
	b2Vec2 d = cB + rB - cA - rA;

	b2Vec2 axis = b2Mul(qA, m_localXAxisA);
	float32 a1 = b2Cross(d + rA, axis);
	float32 a2 = b2Cross(rB, axis);
	b2Vec2 perp = b2Mul(qA, m_localYAxisA);

	float32 s1 = b2Cross(d + rA, perp);
	float32 s2 = b2Cross(rB, perp);

	b2Vec3 impulse;
	b2Vec2 C1;
	C1.x = b2Dot(perp, d);
	C1.y = aB - aA - m_referenceAngle;

	float32 linearError = b2Abs(C1.x);
	float32 angularError = b2Abs(C1.y);

	bool active = false;
	float32 C2 = 0.0f;
	if (m_enableLimit)
		float32 translation = b2Dot(axis, d);
		if (b2Abs(m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * b2_linearSlop)
			// Prevent large angular corrections
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = b2Max(linearError, b2Abs(translation));
			active = true;
		else if (translation <= m_lowerTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_lowerTranslation + b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
			linearError = b2Max(linearError, m_lowerTranslation - translation);
			active = true;
		else if (translation >= m_upperTranslation)
			// Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
			C2 = b2Clamp(translation - m_upperTranslation - b2_linearSlop, 0.0f, b2_maxLinearCorrection);
			linearError = b2Max(linearError, translation - m_upperTranslation);
			active = true;

	if (active)
		float32 k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
		float32 k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
		float32 k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2;
		float32 k22 = iA + iB;
		if (k22 == 0.0f)
			// For fixed rotation
			k22 = 1.0f;
		float32 k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2;
		float32 k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2;

		b2Mat33 K;
		K.ex.Set(k11, k12, k13);
		K.ey.Set(k12, k22, k23);
		K.ez.Set(k13, k23, k33);

		b2Vec3 C;
		C.x = C1.x;
		C.y = C1.y;
		C.z = C2;

		impulse = K.Solve33(-C);
		float32 k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
		float32 k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
		float32 k22 = iA + iB;
		if (k22 == 0.0f)
			k22 = 1.0f;

		b2Mat22 K;
		K.ex.Set(k11, k12);
		K.ey.Set(k12, k22);

		b2Vec2 impulse1 = K.Solve(-C1);
		impulse.x = impulse1.x;
		impulse.y = impulse1.y;
		impulse.z = 0.0f;

	b2Vec2 P = impulse.x * perp + impulse.z * axis;
	float32 LA = impulse.x * s1 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a1;
	float32 LB = impulse.x * s2 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a2;

	cA -= mA * P;
	aA -= iA * LA;
	cB += mB * P;
	aB += iB * LB;

	data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
	data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
	data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
	data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;

	return linearError <= b2_linearSlop && angularError <= b2_angularSlop;
예제 #29
void b2Island::Solve(b2Profile* profile, const b2TimeStep& step, const b2Vec2& gravity, bool allowSleep)
	b2Timer timer;

	float32 h = step.dt;

	// Integrate velocities and apply damping. Initialize the body state.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];

		b2Vec2 c = b->m_sweep.c;
		float32 a = b->m_sweep.a;
		b2Vec2 v = b->m_linearVelocity;
		float32 w = b->m_angularVelocity;

		// Store positions for continuous collision.
		b->m_sweep.c0 = b->m_sweep.c;
		b->m_sweep.a0 = b->m_sweep.a;

		if (b->m_type == b2_dynamicBody)
			// Integrate velocities.
			v += h * (b->m_gravityScale * gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
			w += h * b->m_invI * b->m_torque;

			// Apply damping.
			// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
			// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
			// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
			// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
			// Taylor expansion:
			// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
			v *= b2Clamp(1.0f - h * b->m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			w *= b2Clamp(1.0f - h * b->m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;


	// Solver data
	b2SolverData solverData;
	solverData.step = step;
	solverData.positions = m_positions;
	solverData.velocities = m_velocities;

	// Initialize velocity constraints.
	b2ContactSolverDef contactSolverDef;
	contactSolverDef.step = step;
	contactSolverDef.contacts = m_contacts;
	contactSolverDef.count = m_contactCount;
	contactSolverDef.positions = m_positions;
	contactSolverDef.velocities = m_velocities;
	contactSolverDef.allocator = m_allocator;

	b2ContactSolver contactSolver(&contactSolverDef);

	if (step.warmStarting)
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)

	profile->solveInit = timer.GetMilliseconds();

	// Solve velocity constraints
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i)
		for (int32 j = 0; j < m_jointCount; ++j)


	// Store impulses for warm starting
	profile->solveVelocity = timer.GetMilliseconds();

	// Integrate positions
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Vec2 c = m_positions[i].c;
		float32 a = m_positions[i].a;
		b2Vec2 v = m_velocities[i].v;
		float32 w = m_velocities[i].w;

		// Check for large velocities
		b2Vec2 translation = h * v;
		if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
			v *= ratio;

		float32 rotation = h * w;
		if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
			float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
			w *= ratio;

		// Integrate
		c += h * v;
		a += h * w;

		m_positions[i].c = c;
		m_positions[i].a = a;
		m_velocities[i].v = v;
		m_velocities[i].w = w;

	// Solve position constraints
	bool positionSolved = false;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i)
		bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints();

		bool jointsOkay = true;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
			bool jointOkay = m_joints[i]->SolvePositionConstraints(solverData);
			jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;

		if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
			// Exit early if the position errors are small.
			positionSolved = true;

	// Copy state buffers back to the bodies
	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
		b2Body* body = m_bodies[i];
		body->m_sweep.c = m_positions[i].c;
		body->m_sweep.a = m_positions[i].a;
		body->m_linearVelocity = m_velocities[i].v;
		body->m_angularVelocity = m_velocities[i].w;

	profile->solvePosition = timer.GetMilliseconds();


	if (allowSleep)
		float32 minSleepTime = b2_maxFloat;

		const float32 linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
		const float32 angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
			b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
			if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)

			if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 ||
				b->m_angularVelocity * b->m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
				b2Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
				b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
				minSleepTime = 0.0f;
				b->m_sleepTime += h;
				minSleepTime = b2Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);

		if (minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep && positionSolved)
			for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
				b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
예제 #30
파일: Main.cpp 프로젝트: 4ian/GD
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	testCount = 0;
	while (g_testEntries[testCount].createFcn != NULL)

	testIndex = b2Clamp(testIndex, 0, testCount-1);
	testSelection = testIndex;

	entry = g_testEntries + testIndex;
	test = entry->createFcn();

	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE);
	glutInitWindowSize(width, height);
	char title[32];
	sprintf(title, "Box2D Version %d.%d.%d", b2_version.major, b2_version.minor, b2_version.revision);
	mainWindow = glutCreateWindow(title);


	glui = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mainWindow, 

	GLUI_Listbox* testList =
		glui->add_listbox("", &testSelection);


	GLUI_Spinner* velocityIterationSpinner =
		glui->add_spinner("Vel Iters", GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &settings.velocityIterations);
	velocityIterationSpinner->set_int_limits(1, 500);

	GLUI_Spinner* positionIterationSpinner =
		glui->add_spinner("Pos Iters", GLUI_SPINNER_INT, &settings.positionIterations);
	positionIterationSpinner->set_int_limits(0, 100);

	GLUI_Spinner* hertzSpinner =
		glui->add_spinner("Hertz", GLUI_SPINNER_FLOAT, &settingsHz);

	hertzSpinner->set_float_limits(5.0f, 200.0f);

	glui->add_checkbox("Warm Starting", &settings.enableWarmStarting);
	glui->add_checkbox("Time of Impact", &settings.enableContinuous);


	GLUI_Panel* drawPanel =	glui->add_panel("Draw");
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Shapes", &settings.drawShapes);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Joints", &settings.drawJoints);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "AABBs", &settings.drawAABBs);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Pairs", &settings.drawPairs);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Points", &settings.drawContactPoints);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Normals", &settings.drawContactNormals);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Forces", &settings.drawContactForces);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Friction Forces", &settings.drawFrictionForces);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Center of Masses", &settings.drawCOMs);
	glui->add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Statistics", &settings.drawStats);

	int32 testCount = 0;
	TestEntry* e = g_testEntries;
	while (e->createFcn)
		testList->add_item(testCount, e->name);

	glui->add_button("Pause", 0, Pause);
	glui->add_button("Single Step", 0, SingleStep);
	glui->add_button("Restart", 0, Restart);

	glui->add_button("Quit", 0,(GLUI_Update_CB)exit);
	glui->set_main_gfx_window( mainWindow );

	// Use a timer to control the frame rate.
	glutTimerFunc(framePeriod, Timer, 0);


	return 0;