static int destination_each (Babl *babl, void *userdata) { Babl *source = userdata; Babl *destination = babl; qux++; if (qux % babl_formats_count () == qux / babl_formats_count ()) printf (" "); else { Babl *temp = babl_fish_path (source, destination); if (temp) { printf ("%s", utf8_bar[babl_list_size (temp->fish_path.conversion_list)]); total_length += babl_list_size (temp->fish_path.conversion_list); total_cost += temp->fish_path.cost; ok++; total++; } else { printf (" "); total++; } } return 0; }
static void item_conversions_introspect (Babl *babl) { int i; BablList *list; list = babl->type.from_list; if (list) { babl_log ("\t\tconversions from %s: %i", babl->, babl_list_size (list)); for (i = 0; i < babl_list_size (list); i++) babl_log ("\t\t\t'%s'", BABL (list->items[i])->; } }
static int table_destination_each (Babl *babl, void *userdata) { Babl *source = userdata; Babl *destination = babl; qux++; if (qux % babl_formats_count () == qux / babl_formats_count ()) fprintf (output_file, "<td class='cell'> </td>"); else { const Babl *fish = babl_fish (source, destination); babl_assert (fish); switch (fish->class_type) { case BABL_FISH_PATH: fprintf (output_file, "<td class='cell'%s><a href='javascript:o()'>%s", fish->fish.pixels / sum_pixels > LIMIT ? " style='background-color: #69f'" : "", utf8_bar[babl_list_size (fish->fish_path.conversion_list)]); { int i; fprintf (output_file, "<div class='tooltip'>"); fprintf (output_file, "<h3><span class='g'>path</span> %s <span class='g'>to</span> %s</h3>", source->, destination->; if (fish->fish.processings > 0) { fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Processings:</span>%i<br/>", fish->fish.processings); fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Pixels:</span>%li<br/>", fish->fish.pixels); } fprintf (output_file, "<table>\n"); fprintf (output_file, "<tr>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td><em>conversion</em></td>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td style='text-align:right'><em>cost</em></td>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td style='text-align:right'><em>error</em></td>"); fprintf (output_file, "</tr>"); for (i = 0; i < babl_list_size (fish->fish_path.conversion_list); i++) { fprintf (output_file, "<tr>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td>%s</td>", BABL (fish->fish_path.conversion_list->items[i])->; fprintf (output_file, "<td class='r'>%li</td>", babl_conversion_cost (&BABL (fish->fish_path.conversion_list->items[i])->conversion)); fprintf (output_file, "<td class='r'>%e</td>", babl_conversion_error (&BABL (fish->fish_path.conversion_list->items[i])->conversion)); fprintf (output_file, "</tr>"); } fprintf (output_file, "<tr>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td><em>total</em></td>"); fprintf (output_file, "<td class='r'><em>%3.0f</em></td>", fish->fish_path.cost); fprintf (output_file, "<td class='r'><em>%e</em></td>", fish->fish.error); fprintf (output_file, "</tr>"); fprintf (output_file, "</table>"); fprintf (output_file, "</div>"); } fprintf (output_file, "</a></td>\n"); break; case BABL_FISH_REFERENCE: fprintf (output_file, "<td class='cell'%s><a href='javascript:o()'> ", fish->fish.pixels / sum_pixels > LIMIT ? " style='background-color: #f99'" : ""); fprintf (output_file, "<div class='tooltip'>"); fprintf (output_file, "<h3><span class='g'>Reference</span> %s <span class='g'>to</span> %s</h3>", source->, destination->; if (fish->fish.processings > 1) { fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Processings:</span>%i<br/>", fish->fish.processings); fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Pixels:</span>%li<br/>", fish->fish.pixels); } fprintf (output_file, "</div>"); fprintf (output_file, "</a></td>\n"); break; case BABL_FISH_SIMPLE: fprintf (output_file, "<td class='cell'%s><a href='javascript:o()'>·", fish->fish.pixels / sum_pixels > LIMIT ? " style='background-color: #69f'" : ""); fprintf (output_file, "<div class='tooltip'>"); fprintf (output_file, "<h3><span class='g'>Simple</span> %s <span class='g'>to</span> %s</h3>", source->, destination->; fprintf (output_file, "%s<br/>", BABL (fish->fish_simple.conversion)->; fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>cost:</span> %li<br/>", babl_conversion_cost ((fish->fish_simple.conversion))); fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>error:</span> %e<br/>", babl_conversion_error ((fish->fish_simple.conversion))); if (fish->fish.processings > 0) { fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Processings:</span>%i<br/>", fish->fish.processings); fprintf (output_file, "<span class='g'>Pixels:</span>%li<br/>", fish->fish.pixels); } fprintf (output_file, "</div>"); fprintf (output_file, "</a></td>\n"); break; default: babl_fatal ("Unknown fish type"); break; } } return 0; }
static long process_conversion_path (BablList *path, const void *source_buffer, int source_bpp, void *destination_buffer, int dest_bpp, long n) { int conversions = babl_list_size (path); if (conversions == 1) { babl_conversion_process (BABL (babl_list_get_first (path)), source_buffer, destination_buffer, n); } else { long j; void *temp_buffer = align_16 (alloca (MIN(n, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) * sizeof (double) * 5 + 16)); void *temp_buffer2 = NULL; if (conversions > 2) { /* We'll need one more auxiliary buffer */ temp_buffer2 = align_16 (alloca (MIN(n, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) * sizeof (double) * 5 + 16)); } for (j = 0; j < n; j+= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { long c = MIN (n - j, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); int i; /* this is where the loop unrolling should happen */ void *aux1_buffer = temp_buffer; void *aux2_buffer = NULL; void *swap_buffer = NULL; aux2_buffer = temp_buffer2; /* The first conversion goes from source_buffer to aux1_buffer */ babl_conversion_process (babl_list_get_first (path), (void*)(((unsigned char*)source_buffer) + (j * source_bpp)), aux1_buffer, c); /* Process, if any, conversions between the first and the last * conversion in the path, in a loop */ for (i = 1; i < conversions - 1; i++) { babl_conversion_process (path->items[i], aux1_buffer, aux2_buffer, c); /* Swap the auxiliary buffers */ swap_buffer = aux1_buffer; aux1_buffer = aux2_buffer; aux2_buffer = swap_buffer; } /* The last conversion goes from aux1_buffer to destination_buffer */ babl_conversion_process (babl_list_get_last (path), aux1_buffer, (void*)((unsigned char*)destination_buffer + (j * dest_bpp)), c); } } return n; }
Babl * babl_fish_path (const Babl *source, const Babl *destination) { Babl *babl = NULL; char name[BABL_MAX_NAME_LEN]; create_name (name, source, destination, 1); babl = babl_db_exist_by_name (babl_fish_db (), name); if (babl) { /* There is an instance already registered by the required name, * returning the preexistent one instead. */ return babl; } babl = babl_calloc (1, sizeof (BablFishPath) + strlen (name) + 1); babl_set_destructor (babl, babl_fish_path_destroy); babl->class_type = BABL_FISH_PATH; babl-> = babl_fish_get_id (source, destination); babl-> = ((char *) babl) + sizeof (BablFishPath); strcpy (babl->, name); babl->fish.source = source; babl->fish.destination = destination; babl->fish.processings = 0; babl->fish.pixels = 0; babl->fish.error = BABL_MAX_COST_VALUE; babl->fish_path.cost = BABL_MAX_COST_VALUE; babl->fish_path.loss = BABL_MAX_COST_VALUE; babl->fish_path.conversion_list = babl_list_init_with_size (BABL_HARD_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); { PathContext pc; pc.current_path = babl_list_init_with_size (BABL_HARD_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); pc.fish_path = babl; pc.to_format = (Babl *) destination; if (babl_in_fish_path <= 0) babl_mutex_lock (babl_format_mutex); /* we hold a global lock whilerunning get_conversion_path since * it depends on keeping the various format.visited members in * a consistent state, this code path is not performance critical * since created fishes are cached. */ babl_in_fish_path++; get_conversion_path (&pc, (Babl *) source, 0, max_path_length ()); babl_in_fish_path--; if (babl_in_fish_path <= 0) babl_mutex_unlock (babl_format_mutex); babl_free (pc.current_path); } if (babl_list_size (babl->fish_path.conversion_list) == 0) { babl_free (babl); return NULL; } /* Since there is not an already registered instance by the required * name, inserting newly created class into database. */ babl_db_insert (babl_fish_db (), babl); return babl; }
static void get_conversion_path (PathContext *pc, Babl *current_format, int current_length, int max_length) { if (current_length > max_length) { /* We have reached the maximum recursion * depth, let's bail out */ return; } else if ((current_length > 0) && (current_format == pc->to_format)) { /* We have found a candidate path, let's * see about it's properties */ double path_cost = 0.0; double ref_cost = 0.0; double path_error = 1.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < babl_list_size (pc->current_path); i++) { path_error *= (1.0 + babl_conversion_error ((BablConversion *) pc->current_path->items[i])); } if (path_error - 1.0 <= legal_error ()) /* check this before the next; which does a more accurate measurement of the error */ { FishPathInstrumentation fpi; memset (&fpi, 0, sizeof (fpi)); fpi.source = (Babl*) babl_list_get_first (pc->current_path)->conversion.source; fpi.destination = pc->to_format; get_path_instrumentation (&fpi, pc->current_path, &path_cost, &ref_cost, &path_error); if ((path_cost < ref_cost) && /* do not use paths that took longer to compute than reference */ (path_cost < pc->fish_path->fish_path.cost) && (path_error <= legal_error ())) { /* We have found the best path so far, * let's copy it into our new fish */ pc->fish_path->fish_path.cost = path_cost; pc->fish_path->fish.error = path_error; babl_list_copy (pc->current_path, pc->fish_path->fish_path.conversion_list); } destroy_path_instrumentation (&fpi); } } else { /* * Bummer, we have to search deeper... */ BablList *list; int i; list = current_format->format.from_list; if (list) { /* Mark the current format in conversion path as visited */ current_format->format.visited = 1; /* Iterate through unvisited formats from the current format ...*/ for (i = 0; i < babl_list_size (list); i++) { Babl *next_conversion = BABL (list->items[i]); Babl *next_format = BABL (next_conversion->conversion.destination); if (!next_format->format.visited) { /* next_format is not in the current path, we can pay a visit */ babl_list_insert_last (pc->current_path, next_conversion); get_conversion_path (pc, next_format, current_length + 1, max_length); babl_list_remove_last (pc->current_path); } } /* Remove the current format from current path */ current_format->format.visited = 0; } } }