예제 #1
	std::string make_magnet_uri(torrent_handle const& handle)
		if (!handle.is_valid()) return "";

		char ret[1024];
		sha1_hash const& ih = handle.info_hash();
		int num_chars = snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s"
			, base32encode(std::string((char const*)&ih[0], 20)).c_str());

		std::string name = handle.name();

		if (!name.empty())
			num_chars += snprintf(ret + num_chars, sizeof(ret) - num_chars, "&dn=%s"
				, escape_string(name.c_str(), name.length()).c_str());

		std::string tracker;
		torrent_status st = handle.status();
		if (!st.current_tracker.empty())
			tracker = st.current_tracker;
			std::vector<announce_entry> const& tr = handle.trackers();
			if (!tr.empty()) tracker = tr[0].url;
		if (!tracker.empty())
			num_chars += snprintf(ret + num_chars, sizeof(ret) - num_chars, "&tr=%s"
				, escape_string(tracker.c_str(), tracker.size()).c_str());

		return ret;
예제 #2
	std::string make_magnet_uri(torrent_handle const& handle)
		std::stringstream ret;
		if (!handle.is_valid()) return ret.str();

		std::string name = handle.name();

		ret << "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" << base32encode(
			std::string((char*)handle.info_hash().begin(), 20));
		if (!name.empty())
			ret << "&dn=" << escape_string(name.c_str(), name.length());
		torrent_status st = handle.status();
		if (!st.current_tracker.empty())
			ret << "&tr=" << escape_string(st.current_tracker.c_str()
				, st.current_tracker.length());
			std::vector<announce_entry> const& tr = handle.trackers();
			if (!tr.empty())
				ret << "&tr=" << escape_string(tr[0].url.c_str()
					, tr[0].url.length());
		return ret.str();
예제 #3
	std::string make_magnet_uri(torrent_info const& info)
		std::stringstream ret;
		if (!info.is_valid()) return ret.str();

		std::string name = info.name();

		ret << "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" << base32encode(
			std::string((char*)info.info_hash().begin(), 20));
		if (!name.empty())
			ret << "&dn=" << escape_string(name.c_str(), name.length());
		std::vector<announce_entry> const& tr = info.trackers();
		if (!tr.empty())
			ret << "&tr=" << escape_string(tr[0].url.c_str()
				, tr[0].url.length());
		return ret.str();
예제 #4
	std::string make_magnet_uri(torrent_info const& info)
		char ret[1024];
		int num_chars = snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s"
			, base32encode(std::string((char*)info.info_hash().begin(), 20)).c_str());

		std::string const& name = info.name();

		if (!name.empty())
			num_chars += snprintf(ret + num_chars, sizeof(ret) - num_chars, "&dn=%s"
				, escape_string(name.c_str(), name.length()).c_str());

		std::vector<announce_entry> const& tr = info.trackers();
		if (!tr.empty())
			num_chars += snprintf(ret + num_chars, sizeof(ret) - num_chars, "&tr=%s"
				, escape_string(tr[0].url.c_str(), tr[0].url.length()).c_str());

		return ret;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    long long r, w;

    if (argv[0])
        if (argv[1])
            if (str_equal(argv[1], "-h"))

    for (;;) {
        r = readblock(0, bufr, sizeof bufr);
        if (r == -1) die_fatal("unable to read input", 0);
        if (r == 0) die();

        w = (((r * 8) + 4) / 5);
        if (!base32encode(bufw, w + 1, bufr, r)) { errno = 0; die_fatal("unable to encode to base32", 0); }
        out(bufw, w);
        if (r != sizeof bufr) die();
    return 0;
예제 #6
tracker_response parse_tracker_response(char const* data, int size, error_code& ec
                                        , int flags, sha1_hash scrape_ih)
    tracker_response resp;

    bdecode_node e;
    int res = bdecode(data, data + size, e, ec);

    if (ec) return resp;

    if (res != 0 || e.type() != bdecode_node::dict_t)
        ec.assign(errors::invalid_tracker_response, get_libtorrent_category());
        return resp;

    int interval = int(e.dict_find_int_value("interval", 0));
    // if no interval is specified, default to 30 minutes
    if (interval == 0) interval = 1800;
    int min_interval = int(e.dict_find_int_value("min interval", 30));

    resp.interval = interval;
    resp.min_interval = min_interval;

    bdecode_node tracker_id = e.dict_find_string("tracker id");
    if (tracker_id)
        resp.trackerid = tracker_id.string_value();

    // parse the response
    bdecode_node failure = e.dict_find_string("failure reason");
    if (failure)
        resp.failure_reason = failure.string_value();
        ec.assign(errors::tracker_failure, get_libtorrent_category());
        return resp;

    bdecode_node warning = e.dict_find_string("warning message");
    if (warning)
        resp.warning_message = warning.string_value();

    if (0 != (flags & tracker_request::scrape_request))
        bdecode_node files = e.dict_find_dict("files");
        if (!files)
            ec.assign(errors::invalid_files_entry, get_libtorrent_category());
            return resp;

        bdecode_node scrape_data = files.dict_find_dict(

        if (!scrape_data)
            ec.assign(errors::invalid_hash_entry, get_libtorrent_category());
            return resp;

        resp.complete = int(scrape_data.dict_find_int_value("complete", -1));
        resp.incomplete = int(scrape_data.dict_find_int_value("incomplete", -1));
        resp.downloaded = int(scrape_data.dict_find_int_value("downloaded", -1));
        resp.downloaders = int(scrape_data.dict_find_int_value("downloaders", -1));

        return resp;

    // look for optional scrape info
    resp.complete = int(e.dict_find_int_value("complete", -1));
    resp.incomplete = int(e.dict_find_int_value("incomplete", -1));
    resp.downloaded = int(e.dict_find_int_value("downloaded", -1));

    bdecode_node peers_ent = e.dict_find("peers");
    if (peers_ent && peers_ent.type() == bdecode_node::string_t)
        char const* peers = peers_ent.string_ptr();
        int len = peers_ent.string_length();
        if (0 != (flags & tracker_request::i2p))
            error_code parse_error;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 32)
                if (len - i < 32) break;
                peer_entry p;
                p.hostname = base32encode(std::string(peers + i, 32), string::i2p);
                p.hostname += ".b32.i2p";
                p.port = 6881;
            resp.peers4.reserve(len / 6);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 6)
                if (len - i < 6) break;

                ipv4_peer_entry p;
                p.ip = detail::read_v4_address(peers).to_v4().to_bytes();
                p.port = detail::read_uint16(peers);
    else if (peers_ent && peers_ent.type() == bdecode_node::list_t)
        int len = peers_ent.list_size();
        error_code parse_error;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            peer_entry p;
            if (!extract_peer_info(peers_ent.list_at(i), p, parse_error))

        // only report an error if all peer entries are invalid
        if (resp.peers.empty() && parse_error)
            ec = parse_error;
            return resp;

    bdecode_node ipv6_peers = e.dict_find_string("peers6");
    if (ipv6_peers)
        char const* peers = ipv6_peers.string_ptr();
        int len = ipv6_peers.string_length();
        resp.peers6.reserve(len / 18);
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 18)
            if (len - i < 18) break;

            ipv6_peer_entry p;
            p.ip = detail::read_v6_address(peers).to_v6().to_bytes();
            p.port = detail::read_uint16(peers);
    bdecode_node ipv6_peers;
    		// if we didn't receive any peers. We don't care if we're stopping anyway
    		if (peers_ent == 0 && ipv6_peers == 0
    			&& tracker_req().event != tracker_request::stopped)
    			ec.assign(errors::invalid_peers_entry, get_libtorrent_category());
    			return resp;
    bdecode_node ip_ent = e.dict_find_string("external ip");
    if (ip_ent)
        char const* p = ip_ent.string_ptr();
        if (ip_ent.string_length() == int(address_v4::bytes_type().size()))
            resp.external_ip = detail::read_v4_address(p);
        else if (ip_ent.string_length() == int(address_v6::bytes_type().size()))
            resp.external_ip = detail::read_v6_address(p);

    return resp;