예제 #1
    void * getDirectedEdge(Vector3 const & e0, Vector3 const & e1) const
      typedef std::pair<EdgeMap::const_iterator, EdgeMap::const_iterator> IteratorRange;
      Long3Pair base_key(toGrid(e0), toGrid(e1));

      // Every edge within welding distance of the given edge must be inside a neighbor of the grid cell containing the edge
      for (int dx0 = -1; dx0 <= 1; ++dx0)
        for (int dy0 = -1; dy0 <= 1; ++dy0)
          for (int dz0 = -1; dz0 <= 1; ++dz0)
            for (int dx1 = -1; dx1 <= 1; ++dx1)
              for (int dy1 = -1; dy1 <= 1; ++dy1)
                for (int dz1 = -1; dz1 <= 1; ++dz1)
                  Long3Pair key(Long3(base_key.first.x + dx0, base_key.first.y + dy0, base_key.first.z + dz0),
                                Long3(base_key.second.x + dx1, base_key.second.y + dy1, base_key.second.z + dz1));
                  IteratorRange nbrs = edge_map.equal_range(key);
                  for (EdgeMap::const_iterator ni = nbrs.first; ni != nbrs.second; ++ni)
                    if ((ni->second.e0 - e0).squaredLength() <= squared_weld_radius
                     && (ni->second.e1 - e1).squaredLength() <= squared_weld_radius)
                      return ni->second.edge;

      return NULL;
예제 #2
static void *
_list_find_name(list *l, char *name)
	node *n;

	if (l && !l->ht && list_length(l) > HASH_MIN_SIZE && l->sa) {
		l->ht = hash_new(l->sa, list_length(l), (fkeyvalue)&base_key);

		for (n = l->h; n; n = n->next ) {
			sql_base *b = n->data;
			int key = base_key(b);

			hash_add(l->ht, key, b);
	if (l && l->ht) {
		int key = hash_key(name);
		sql_hash_e *he = l->ht->buckets[key&(l->ht->size-1)]; 

		for (; he; he = he->chain) {
			sql_base *b = he->value;

			if (b->name && strcmp(b->name, name) == 0) 
				return b;
		return NULL;

	if (l)
		for (n = l->h; n; n = n->next) {
			sql_base *b = n->data;

			/* check if names match */
			if (name[0] == b->name[0] && strcmp(name, b->name) == 0) {
				return b;
	return NULL;
예제 #3
// static 
void LLPanelMediaSettingsPermissions::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& media_settings ,  bool editable)
    LLPanelMediaSettingsPermissions *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsPermissions *)userdata;
    std::string base_key( "" );
    std::string tentative_key( "" );

        std::string key_name;
        LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
        std::string ctrl_type;

    } data_set [] = 
		{ LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY,					self->mControls,			"LLComboBox" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_INTERACT_KEY,    self->mPermsOwnerInteract,  "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_CONTROL_KEY,     self->mPermsOwnerControl,   "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_INTERACT_KEY,    self->mPermsGroupInteract,  "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_CONTROL_KEY,     self->mPermsGroupControl,   "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_INTERACT_KEY,   self->mPermsWorldInteract,  "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_CONTROL_KEY,    self->mPermsWorldControl,   "LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
        { "", NULL , "" }

    for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
        base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
        tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );

        // TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
        if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
            if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
				// Most recent change to the "sense" of these checkboxes
				// means the value in the checkbox matches that on the server
                static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
                    setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
            if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLComboBox" )
                static_cast< LLComboBox* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
                    setCurrentByIndex( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );

			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(editable);
            data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );

	// *NOTE: If any of a particular flavor is tentative, we have to disable 
	// them all because of an architectural issue: namely that we represent 
	// these as a bit field, and we can't selectively apply only one bit to all selected
	// faces if they don't match.  Also see the *NOTE below.
	if ( self->mPermsOwnerInteract->getTentative() ||
		 self->mPermsGroupInteract->getTentative() ||
	if ( self->mPermsOwnerControl->getTentative() ||
		 self->mPermsGroupControl->getTentative() ||
	self->getChild< LLTextBox >("controls_label")->setEnabled(editable);
	self->getChild< LLTextBox >("owner_label")->setEnabled(editable);
	self->getChild< LLTextBox >("group_label")->setEnabled(editable);
	self->getChild< LLNameBox >("perms_group_name")->setEnabled(editable);
	self->getChild< LLTextBox >("anyone_label")->setEnabled(editable);
// static 
void LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& _media_settings, bool editable)
	LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral *)userdata;
	self->mMediaEditable = editable;

	LLSD media_settings = _media_settings;
	if ( LLPanelMediaSettingsGeneral::isMultiple() )
		// *HACK:  "edit" the incoming media_settings
		media_settings[LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY] = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
		media_settings[LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY] = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
	std::string base_key( "" );
	std::string tentative_key( "" );

		std::string key_name;
		LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
		std::string ctrl_type;

	} data_set [] = 
        { LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY,				self->mAutoLoop,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY,				self->mAutoPlay,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY,				self->mAutoScale,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY,				self->mAutoZoom,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY,			self->mCurrentURL,		"LLTextBox" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY,			self->mHeightPixels,	"LLSpinCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY,				self->mHomeURL,			"LLLineEditor" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY,	self->mFirstClick,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY,			self->mWidthPixels,		"LLSpinCtrl" },
		{ "", NULL , "" }
	for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
		base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
		tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );
		// TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
		if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLLineEditor" )
				static_cast< LLLineEditor* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setText( media_settings[ base_key ].asString() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
				static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLComboBox" )
				static_cast< LLComboBox* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setCurrentByIndex( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLSpinCtrl" )
				static_cast< LLSpinCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asInteger() );

			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(self->mMediaEditable);
			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );

	// interrogates controls and updates widgets as required
// static 
void LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity::initValues( void* userdata, const LLSD& media_settings , bool editable)
	LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity *self =(LLPanelMediaSettingsSecurity *)userdata;
	std::string base_key( "" );
	std::string tentative_key( "" );

		std::string key_name;
		LLUICtrl* ctrl_ptr;
		std::string ctrl_type;

	} data_set [] = 
		{ LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_ENABLE_KEY,	self->mEnableWhiteList,		"LLCheckBoxCtrl" },
		{ LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_KEY,			self->mWhiteListList,		"LLScrollListCtrl" },
		{ "", NULL , "" }

	for( int i = 0; data_set[ i ].key_name.length() > 0; ++i )
		base_key = std::string( data_set[ i ].key_name );
        tentative_key = base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX );

		bool enabled_overridden = false;
		// TODO: CP - I bet there is a better way to do this using Boost
		if ( media_settings[ base_key ].isDefined() )
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLCheckBoxCtrl" )
				static_cast< LLCheckBoxCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr )->
					setValue( media_settings[ base_key ].asBoolean() );
			if ( data_set[ i ].ctrl_type == "LLScrollListCtrl" )
				// get control 
				LLScrollListCtrl* list = static_cast< LLScrollListCtrl* >( data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr );
				// points to list of white list URLs
				LLSD url_list = media_settings[ base_key ];
				// better be the whitelist
				llassert(data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr == self->mWhiteListList);
				// If tentative, don't add entries
				if (media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean())
					enabled_overridden = true;
				else {
					// iterate over them and add to scroll list
					LLSD::array_iterator iter = url_list.beginArray();
					while( iter != url_list.endArray() )
						std::string entry = *iter;
						self->addWhiteListEntry( entry );
			if ( ! enabled_overridden) data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setEnabled(editable);
			data_set[ i ].ctrl_ptr->setTentative( media_settings[ tentative_key ].asBoolean() );

	// initial update - hides/shows status messages etc.