CString CBCGPTagManager::WriteBrush (const CString& strTag, const CBCGPBrush& value)
	CString strValue;

	WriteTag (strValue, WriteInt (s_BrushType, value.GetGradientType(), CBCGPBrush::BCGP_NO_GRADIENT));

	if (value.GetGradientType() == CBCGPBrush::BCGP_NO_GRADIENT)
		WriteTag (strValue, WriteColor (s_BrushColor, value.GetColor()));
		CString strColors;
		WriteTag (strColors, WriteColor (s_BrushColor, value.GetColor()));
		WriteTag (strColors, WriteColor (s_BrushColor, value.GetGradientColor()));
		WriteItem (strValue, s_BrushColors, strColors);

	WriteTag (strValue, WriteInt (s_Opacity, bcg_clamp(bcg_round(value.GetOpacity() * 255.0), 0, 255), 255));

	CString str;
	WriteItem (str, strTag, strValue);

	return str;
예제 #2
double bcg_double_precision(double value, int precision)
	if (precision < 0)
		return value;

    if (value == 0.0)
        return 0.0;
    if (precision > DBL_DIG)
        precision = DBL_DIG;
    double fract = modf(value, &value);
    double prec = pow((double)10.0, (int)precision);
    if (fabs(fract) > DBL_EPSILON / 2.0)
        double f = bcg_sign(fract) * DBL_EPSILON / 2.0;
        fract = bcg_round(fract * prec) / prec + f;
        fract = 0.0;
    return value + fract;
예제 #3
CBCGPSize CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl::GetTextLabelMaxSize(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM)
	CBCGPSize sizeMaxLabel (5., 5.);

	for (int iScale = 0; iScale < m_arScales.GetSize(); iScale++)
		CBCGPGaugeScaleObject* pScale = m_arScales[iScale];

		double dblStep = (pScale->m_dblFinish > pScale->m_dblStart) ? pScale->m_dblStep : -pScale->m_dblStep;

		int i = 0;

		for (double dblVal = pScale->m_dblStart; 
			(dblStep > 0. && dblVal <= pScale->m_dblFinish) || (dblStep < 0. && dblVal >= pScale->m_dblFinish); 
			dblVal += dblStep, i++)
			const BOOL bIsLastTick = (pScale->m_dblFinish > pScale->m_dblStart && dblVal + dblStep > pScale->m_dblFinish);

			BOOL bIsMajorTick = pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkStep != 0. && ((i % bcg_round(pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkStep)) == 0);

			if (!bIsMajorTick && (i == 0 || bIsLastTick))
				// Always draw first and last ticks
				bIsMajorTick = TRUE;

			if (bIsMajorTick)
				CString strLabel;
				GetTickMarkLabel(strLabel, pScale->m_strLabelFormat, dblVal, i);

				if (!strLabel.IsEmpty())
					CBCGPSize sizeText = GetTickMarkTextLabelSize(pGM, strLabel, m_textFormat);

					sizeMaxLabel.cx = max(sizeMaxLabel.cx, sizeText.cx);
					sizeMaxLabel.cy = max(sizeMaxLabel.cy, sizeText.cy);

	return sizeMaxLabel;
예제 #4
void CBCGPEngine3D::FillPolygon(const CBCGPPointsArray& arPoints, const CBCGPBrush& brush)
	int nNumPoints = (int)arPoints.GetSize();

	if (m_pDefaultGM == NULL || nNumPoints == 0)


	if (m_pDefaultGM->GetType() == CBCGPGraphicsManager::BCGP_GRAPHICS_MANAGER_GDI)
		CBCGPPolygonGeometry g(arPoints);

		m_pDefaultGM->FillGeometry(g, brush);
		LPPOINT arPointsGDI = new POINT[nNumPoints];

		for (int i = 0; i < nNumPoints; i++)
			arPointsGDI[i] = CPoint(bcg_round(arPoints[i].x), bcg_round(arPoints[i].y));

		HRGN hrgn = ::CreatePolygonRgn(arPointsGDI, nNumPoints, ALTERNATE);
		UINT nBytesCount = ::GetRegionData(hrgn, sizeof(RGNDATA), NULL);

		if (nBytesCount == 0)
			delete [] arPointsGDI;

		LPBYTE lpRgnData = new BYTE[nBytesCount];
		ZeroMemory( lpRgnData, nBytesCount);
		if (::GetRegionData(hrgn, nBytesCount, (LPRGNDATA)lpRgnData) != nBytesCount)
			delete [] arPointsGDI;
			delete [] lpRgnData;


		LPRECT points = (LPRECT)pData->Buffer;

		for (DWORD k = 0; k < pData->rdh.nCount; k++)
			m_pDefaultGM->FillRectangle(CBCGPRect(points[k]), brush);

		delete [] arPointsGDI;
		delete [] lpRgnData;

CString CBCGPTagManager::WriteColor (const CString& strTag, const CBCGPColor& value)
	CString strValue;
	COLORREF clr = value;

	if (value.a == 1.0)
		strValue.Format (_T("%d, %d, %d"), GetRValue (clr), GetGValue (clr), GetBValue (clr));
		strValue.Format (_T("%d, %d, %d, %d"), GetRValue (clr), GetGValue (clr), GetBValue (clr), bcg_clamp(bcg_round(value.a * 255.0), 0, 255));

	return WriteString (strTag, strValue);
예제 #6
void CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl::OnDrawScale(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, int nScale)
	CBCGPGaugeScaleObject* pScale = GetScale(nScale);
	if (pScale == NULL)

	const double scaleRatio = GetScaleRatioMid();

	const CBCGPBrush& brFill = pScale->m_brFill.IsEmpty() ? m_Colors.m_brScaleFill : pScale->m_brFill;
	const CBCGPBrush& brOutline = pScale->m_brOutline.IsEmpty() ? m_Colors.m_brScaleOutline : pScale->m_brOutline;

	if (!brFill.IsEmpty() || !brOutline.IsEmpty())
		CBCGPRect rectRange;
		CBCGPPolygonGeometry shapeRange;

		if (GetRangeShape(rectRange, shapeRange, 
			pScale->m_dblStart, pScale->m_dblFinish, 
			pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkSize, pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkSize,
			0, nScale))
			if (!rectRange.IsRectEmpty())
				pGM->FillRectangle(rectRange, brFill);
				pGM->DrawRectangle(rectRange, brOutline, scaleRatio);
				pGM->FillGeometry(shapeRange, brFill);
				pGM->DrawGeometry(shapeRange, brOutline, scaleRatio);

	int i = 0;
	double dblStep = (pScale->m_dblFinish > pScale->m_dblStart) ? pScale->m_dblStep : -pScale->m_dblStep;

	double dblMinorTickSize = pScale->m_dblMinorTickMarkSize * scaleRatio;
	double dblMajorTickSize = pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkSize * scaleRatio;
	CBCGPGaugeScaleObject::BCGP_TICKMARK_POSITION position = pScale->m_MinorTickMarkPosition;
	for (double dblVal = pScale->m_dblStart; 
		(dblStep > 0. && dblVal <= pScale->m_dblFinish) || (dblStep < 0. && dblVal >= pScale->m_dblFinish); 
		dblVal += dblStep, i++)
		const BOOL bIsLastTick = (pScale->m_dblFinish > pScale->m_dblStart && dblVal + dblStep > pScale->m_dblFinish);
		BOOL bIsMajorTick = pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkStep != 0. && ((i % bcg_round(pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkStep)) == 0);

		if (!bIsMajorTick && (i == 0 || bIsLastTick))
			// Always draw first and last ticks
			bIsMajorTick = TRUE;

		double dblCurrTickSize = bIsMajorTick ? dblMajorTickSize : dblMinorTickSize;

		CBCGPPoint ptFrom;
		ValueToPoint(dblVal, ptFrom, nScale);

		if (!bIsMajorTick && position != CBCGPGaugeScaleObject::BCGP_TICKMARK_POSITION_NEAR && 
			dblCurrTickSize < dblMajorTickSize)
			double dblDeltaTick = dblMajorTickSize - dblCurrTickSize;

			if (position == CBCGPGaugeScaleObject::BCGP_TICKMARK_POSITION_CENTER)
				dblDeltaTick /= 2.0;

			if (m_bIsVertical)
				ptFrom.x += dblDeltaTick;
				ptFrom.y += dblDeltaTick;

		CBCGPPoint ptTo = ptFrom;

		if (m_bIsVertical)
			ptTo.x += dblCurrTickSize;
			ptTo.y += dblCurrTickSize;

		if (dblCurrTickSize > 0.)
			OnDrawTickMark(pGM, ptFrom, ptTo, 
				bIsMajorTick ? pScale->m_MajorTickMarkStyle : pScale->m_MinorTickMarkStyle,
				bIsMajorTick, dblVal, nScale,
				bIsMajorTick ? pScale->m_brTickMarkMajor : pScale->m_brTickMarkMinor,
				bIsMajorTick ? pScale->m_brTickMarkMajorOutline : pScale->m_brTickMarkMinorOutline);

		if (bIsMajorTick)
			CString strLabel;
			GetTickMarkLabel(strLabel, pScale->m_strLabelFormat, dblVal, nScale);

			if (!strLabel.IsEmpty())
				double offset = 0;

				if (pScale->m_dblMajorTickMarkSize == 0.)
					offset = m_dblMaxRangeSize;

				CBCGPRect rectText;

				double xLabel = ptTo.x;
				double yLabel = ptTo.y;

				CBCGPSize sizeText = GetTickMarkTextLabelSize(pGM, strLabel, m_textFormat);

				if (m_bIsVertical)
					rectText.left = xLabel + 2 + offset;
					rectText.top = yLabel - sizeText.cy / 2;
					rectText.left = xLabel - sizeText.cx / 2;
					rectText.top = yLabel + offset;

				rectText.right = rectText.left + sizeText.cx;
				rectText.bottom = rectText.top + sizeText.cy;

				OnDrawTickMarkTextLabel(pGM, m_textFormat, rectText, strLabel, dblVal, nScale, 
					pScale->m_brText.IsEmpty() ? m_Colors.m_brText : pScale->m_brText);