예제 #1
double BaseFreqs::change(void) {
	/* set all of the flags */
	modelPtr->setAllUpdateCls( true );
	modelPtr->setAllUpdateTis( true );
	/* change the state */
	MbVector<double> bfNew(numStates);
	MbVector<double> bfOld(numStates);
	MbVector<double> aNew(numStates);
	MbVector<double> aOld(numStates);
	for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++)
		aNew[i] = freqs[i] * alpha0;
		bfOld[i] = freqs[i];
	ranPtr->dirichletRv(aNew, bfNew);
	double sum = 0.0;
	for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++)
		if (bfNew[i] < 0.001)
			bfNew[i] = 0.001;
		sum += bfNew[i];
	for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++)
		bfNew[i] /= sum;
	for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++)
		aOld[i] = bfNew[i] * alpha0;
		freqs[i] = bfNew[i];
	return ranPtr->lnDirichletPdf(aNew, bfNew) - ranPtr->lnDirichletPdf(aOld, bfOld);
static inline void SV_PackEntity( 
	int edictIdx, 
	edict_t* ent, 
	SendTable* pSendTable,
	EntityChange_t changeType, 
	CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot )
	int iSerialNum = pSnapshot->m_Entities[ edictIdx ].m_nSerialNumber;

	// Check to see if this entity specifies its changes.
	// If so, then try to early out making the fullpack
	bool bUsedPrev = false;
	if ( changeType == ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE )
		// Now this may not work if we didn't previously send a packet;
		// if not, then we gotta compute it
		bUsedPrev = framesnapshot->UsePreviouslySentPacket( pSnapshot, edictIdx, iSerialNum );
	if ( !bUsedPrev || sv_debugmanualmode.GetInt() )
		// First encode the entity's data.
		char packedData[MAX_PACKEDENTITY_DATA];
		bf_write writeBuf( "SV_PackEntity->writeBuf", packedData, sizeof( packedData ) );
		// (avoid constructor overhead).
		unsigned char tempData[ sizeof( CSendProxyRecipients ) * MAX_DATATABLE_PROXIES ];
		CUtlMemory< CSendProxyRecipients > recip( (CSendProxyRecipients*)tempData, pSendTable->GetNumDataTableProxies() );

		if( !SendTable_Encode( pSendTable, ent->m_pEnt, &writeBuf, NULL, edictIdx, &recip ) )
			Host_Error( "SV_PackEntity: SendTable_Encode returned false (ent %d).\n", edictIdx );

		SV_EnsureInstanceBaseline( edictIdx, packedData, writeBuf.GetNumBytesWritten() );
		int nFlatProps = SendTable_GetNumFlatProps( pSendTable );
		IChangeFrameList *pChangeFrame;

		// If this entity was previously in there, then it should have a valid IChangeFrameList 
		// which we can delta against to figure out which properties have changed.
		// If not, then we want to setup a new IChangeFrameList.
		PackedEntity *pPrevFrame = framesnapshot->GetPreviouslySentPacket( edictIdx, pSnapshot->m_Entities[ edictIdx ].m_nSerialNumber );
		if ( pPrevFrame )
			// Calculate a delta.
			bf_read bfPrev( "SV_PackEntity->bfPrev", pPrevFrame->LockData(), pPrevFrame->GetNumBytes() );
			bf_read bfNew( "SV_PackEntity->bfNew", packedData, writeBuf.GetNumBytesWritten() );
			int deltaProps[MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS];

			int nChanges = SendTable_CalcDelta(
				pPrevFrame->LockData(), pPrevFrame->GetNumBits(),
				packedData,	writeBuf.GetNumBitsWritten(),
				ARRAYSIZE( deltaProps ),


			// If it's non-manual-mode, but we detect that there are no changes here, then just
			// use the previous pSnapshot if it's available (as though the entity were manual mode).
			// It would be interesting to hook here and see how many non-manual-mode entities 
			// are winding up with no changes.
			if ( nChanges == 0 )
				if ( changeType == ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE )
					for ( int iDeltaProp=0; iDeltaProp < nChanges; iDeltaProp++ )
						Msg( "Entity %d (class '%s') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but '%s' changed.\n", 
							STRING( ent->classname ),
							pSendTable->GetProp( deltaProps[iDeltaProp] )->GetName() );

					if ( pPrevFrame->CompareRecipients( recip ) )
						if ( framesnapshot->UsePreviouslySentPacket( pSnapshot, edictIdx, iSerialNum ) )
			// Ok, now snag the changeframe from the previous frame and update the 'last frame changed'
			// for the properties in the delta.
			pChangeFrame = pPrevFrame->SnagChangeFrameList();
			ErrorIfNot( pChangeFrame && pChangeFrame->GetNumProps() == nFlatProps,
				("SV_PackEntity: SnagChangeFrameList returned null")

			pChangeFrame->SetChangeTick( deltaProps, nChanges, pSnapshot->m_nTickNumber );
			// Ok, init the change frames for the first time.
			pChangeFrame = AllocChangeFrameList( nFlatProps, pSnapshot->m_nTickNumber );

		// Now make a PackedEntity and store the new packed data in there.
		PackedEntity *pCurFrame = framesnapshot->CreatePackedEntity( pSnapshot, edictIdx );
		pCurFrame->SetChangeFrameList( pChangeFrame );
		pCurFrame->m_nEntityIndex = edictIdx;
		pCurFrame->m_pSendTable = pSendTable;
		pCurFrame->AllocAndCopyPadded( packedData, writeBuf.GetNumBytesWritten(), &g_PackedDataAllocator );
		pCurFrame->SetRecipients( recip );