예제 #1
RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap> RenderObject::addDynamicBitmap(uint width, uint height) {
	RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap> bitmapPtr((new DynamicBitmap(this->getHandle(), width, height))->getHandle());
	if (bitmapPtr.isValid() && bitmapPtr->getInitSuccess())
		return bitmapPtr;
	else {
		if (bitmapPtr.isValid())
		return RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap>();
예제 #2
RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap> RenderObject::addBitmap(const Common::String &filename) {
	RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap> bitmapPtr((new StaticBitmap(this->getHandle(), filename))->getHandle());
	if (bitmapPtr.isValid() && bitmapPtr->getInitSuccess())
		return RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap>(bitmapPtr);
	else {
		if (bitmapPtr.isValid())
		return RenderObjectPtr<Bitmap>();
예제 #3
void DumpImageBufferToTempFile( std::string filename, std::string targetFilename, const LoadFunctions& functions )
  FILE* fp = fopen( filename.c_str() , "rb" );
  AutoCloseFile autoClose( fp );

  Dali::Integration::Bitmap* bitmap = Dali::Integration::Bitmap::New( Dali::Integration::Bitmap::BITMAP_2D_PACKED_PIXELS,  false );
  Dali::Integration::BitmapPtr bitmapPtr( bitmap );
  Dali::ImageAttributes attributes;

  DALI_TEST_CHECK( functions.loader( fp, *bitmap, attributes ) );

  Dali::PixelBuffer* bufferPtr( bitmapPtr->GetBuffer() );

  FILE* writeFp = fopen( targetFilename.c_str(), "wb" );
  AutoCloseFile autoCloseWrite( writeFp );
  fwrite( bufferPtr, sizeof( Dali::PixelBuffer ), attributes.GetWidth() * attributes.GetHeight(), writeFp );
예제 #4
void TestImageLoading( const ImageDetails& image, const LoadFunctions& functions )
  FILE* fp = fopen( image.name.c_str() , "rb" );
  AutoCloseFile autoClose( fp );

  // Check the header file.

  unsigned int width(0), height(0);
  Dali::ImageAttributes attributes;
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( functions.header( fp, attributes, width, height ) );

  DALI_TEST_EQUALS( width,  image.reportedWidth,  TEST_LOCATION );
  DALI_TEST_EQUALS( height, image.reportedHeight, TEST_LOCATION );

  // Loading the header moves the pointer within the file so reset to start of file.
  fseek( fp, 0, 0 );

  // Create a bitmap object and store a pointer to that object so it is destroyed at the end.
  Dali::Integration::Bitmap * bitmap = Dali::Integration::Bitmap::New( Dali::Integration::Bitmap::BITMAP_2D_PACKED_PIXELS,  false  );
  Dali::Integration::BitmapPtr bitmapPtr( bitmap );

  // Load Bitmap and check its return values.
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( functions.loader( fp, *bitmap, attributes ) );
  DALI_TEST_EQUALS( image.width,  attributes.GetWidth(),  TEST_LOCATION );
  DALI_TEST_EQUALS( image.height, attributes.GetHeight(), TEST_LOCATION );

  // Compare buffer generated with reference buffer.
  Dali::PixelBuffer* bufferPtr( bitmapPtr->GetBuffer() );
  Dali::PixelBuffer* refBufferPtr( image.refBuffer );
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < image.refBufferSize; ++i, ++bufferPtr, ++refBufferPtr )
    if( *bufferPtr != *refBufferPtr )
      tet_result( TET_FAIL );
      tet_printf("%s Failed in %s at line %d\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);