int32_t iguana_peergetrequest(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,uint8_t *data,int32_t recvlen,int32_t getblock) { int32_t i,reqvers,len,n,flag = 0; bits256 hash2; if ( getblock != 0 ) addr->msgcounts.getblocks++; else addr->msgcounts.getheaders++; len = iguana_rwnum(0,&data[0],sizeof(uint32_t),&reqvers); len += iguana_rwvarint32(0,&data[len],(uint32_t *)&n); for (i=0; i<n&&len<=recvlen-sizeof(bits256)*2; i++) { len += iguana_rwbignum(0,&data[len],sizeof(bits256),hash2.bytes); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 ) break; if ( flag == 0 ) { if ( getblock != 0 && iguana_peerblockrequest(coin,addr->blockspace,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,addr,hash2,0) > 0 ) flag = 1; else if ( getblock == 0 && iguana_peerhdrrequest(coin,addr->blockspace,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE,addr,hash2) > 0 ) flag = 1; } } len += iguana_rwbignum(0,&data[len],sizeof(bits256),hash2.bytes); //for (i=0; i<69; i++) // printf("%02x ",data[i]); //printf("version.%d num blocks.%d recvlen.%d len.%d\n",reqvers,n,recvlen,len); return(len); }
int32_t dpow_checkutxo(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_block *bp,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,int32_t *voutp,char *coinaddr) { int32_t haveutxo,completed,minutxo,n; bits256 signedtxid; cJSON *addresses; char *rawtx,*sendtx; if ( strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) == 0 ) { minutxo = 199; n = 10; } else { minutxo = 49; n = 10; } if ( (haveutxo= dpow_haveutxo(myinfo,coin,txidp,voutp,coinaddr)) <= minutxo && time(NULL) > dp->lastsplit+bp->duration && (bp->myind != 0 || dp->ratifying == 0) ) { addresses = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(addresses,coinaddr); if ( (rawtx= iguana_utxoduplicates(myinfo,coin,dp->minerkey33,DPOW_UTXOSIZE,n,&completed,&signedtxid,0,addresses)) != 0 ) { if ( (sendtx= dpow_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx)) != 0 ) { printf("sendrawtransaction.(%s)\n",sendtx); free(sendtx); } free(rawtx); } free_json(addresses); dp->lastsplit = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } if ( bits256_nonz(*txidp) == 0 ) return(-1); return(haveutxo); }
int32_t iguana_queueblock(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height,bits256 hash2,int32_t priority) { queue_t *Q; char *str; struct iguana_blockreq *req; if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) == 0 ) { printf("cant queue zerohash height.%d\n",height), getchar(); return(-1); } if ( height < 0 || (height >= coin->blocks.recvblocks && iguana_blockptr(coin,height) == 0) ) { if ( priority != 0 ) str = "priorityQ", Q = &coin->priorityQ; else //if ( GETBIT(coin->R.waitingbits,height) == 0 ) str = "blocksQ", Q = &coin->blocksQ; //else str = "already pending", Q = 0; if ( Q != 0 ) { req = mycalloc('r',1,sizeof(*req)); req->hash2 = hash2; req->height = height; if ( (height % 1000) == 0 ) printf("%s %d %s recv.%d numranked.%d\n",str,height,bits256_str(hash2),coin->blocks.recvblocks,coin->peers.numranked); queue_enqueue(str,Q,&req->DL,0); return(1); } } //printf("iguana_queueblock skip.%d %s recvblocks.%d %p GETBIT.%d\n",height,bits256_str(hash2),coin->blocks.recvblocks,iguana_recvblock(coin,height),GETBIT(coin->R.waitingbits,height)); return(0); }
void dpow_destconfirm(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_checkpoint *checkpoint) { int32_t i; if ( bits256_nonz(checkpoint->approved.hash) != 0 ) { for (i=DPOW_FIFOSIZE-1; i>0; i--) dp->notarized[i] = dp->notarized[i-1]; dp->notarized[0] = checkpoint->approved; } }
int32_t SuperNET_hexmsgfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 category,bits256 subhash,char *hexmsg,int32_t addflag) { static int lastpurge; static uint64_t Packetcache[1024]; bits256 packethash; int32_t i,datalen; datalen = (int32_t)strlen(hexmsg) + 1; vcalc_sha256(0,packethash.bytes,(void *)hexmsg,datalen); if ( bits256_nonz(category) == 0 ) category = GENESIS_PUBKEY; if ( bits256_nonz(subhash) == 0 ) subhash = GENESIS_PUBKEY; packethash = curve25519(category,packethash); //printf("addflag.%d packethash.%llx dest.%llx\n",addflag,(long long)packethash.txid,(long long)category.txid); for (i=0; i<sizeof(Packetcache)/sizeof(*Packetcache); i++) { if ( Packetcache[i] == 0 ) { if ( addflag != 0 ) { Packetcache[i] = packethash.txid; //printf("add.%llx packetcache(%s) -> slot[%d]\n",(long long)packethash.txid,hexmsg,i); } break; } else if ( Packetcache[i] == packethash.txid ) { printf("SuperNET_DHTsend reject duplicate packet.%llx\n",(long long)packethash.txid); return(i); } } if ( i == sizeof(Packetcache)/sizeof(*Packetcache) ) { if ( addflag != 0 ) { printf("purge slot[%d]\n",lastpurge); Packetcache[lastpurge++] = packethash.txid; if ( lastpurge >= sizeof(Packetcache)/sizeof(*Packetcache) ) lastpurge = 0; } } return(-1); }
void dpow_approvedset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_checkpoint *checkpoint,bits256 *txs,int32_t numtx) { int32_t i,j; bits256 txid; if ( txs != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<numtx; i++) { txid = txs[i]; if ( bits256_nonz(txid) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j<DPOW_FIFOSIZE; j++) { if ( bits256_cmp(txid,dp->approved[j].hash) == 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(checkpoint->approved.hash) == 0 || dp->approved[j].height >= checkpoint->approved.height ) checkpoint->approved = dp->approved[j]; } } } } } }
void dpow_fifoupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_checkpoint *fifo,struct dpow_checkpoint tip) { int32_t i,ind; struct dpow_checkpoint newfifo[DPOW_FIFOSIZE]; memset(newfifo,0,sizeof(newfifo)); for (i=DPOW_FIFOSIZE-1; i>0; i--) { if ( (0) && bits256_nonz(fifo[i-1].blockhash.hash) != 0 && (tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height) != i ) printf("(%d != %d) ",(tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height),i); if ( (ind= (tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height)) >= 0 && ind < DPOW_FIFOSIZE ) newfifo[ind] = fifo[i-1]; } newfifo[0] = tip; memcpy(fifo,newfifo,sizeof(newfifo)); //for (i=0; i<DPOW_FIFOSIZE; i++) // printf("%d ",bits256_nonz(fifo[i].blockhash.hash)); //printf(" <- fifo %s\n",bits256_str(str,tip.blockhash.hash)); }
void SuperNET_hexmsgprocess(struct supernet_info *myinfo,cJSON *retjson,cJSON *json,char *hexmsg,char *remoteaddr) { int32_t len,flag=0; char *str; uint8_t _buf[8192],*buf = _buf; bits256 categoryhash,subhash; struct private_chain *cat; if ( hexmsg != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexmsg); if ( is_hexstr(hexmsg,len) > 0 ) { len >>= 1; if ( len > sizeof(_buf) ) buf = malloc(len); decode_hex(buf,len,hexmsg); //printf("hex.(%s) -> (%s)\n",hexmsg,buf); categoryhash = jbits256(json,"categoryhash"); subhash = jbits256(json,"categoryhash"); if ( bits256_nonz(subhash) == 0 ) subhash = GENESIS_PUBKEY; if ( (cat= category_find(categoryhash,subhash)) != 0 ) { if ( cat->processfunc != 0 ) { if ( (str= (*cat->processfunc)(myinfo,cat,buf,len,remoteaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( retjson != 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"processfunc",str); else free(str); } flag = 1; //printf("PROCESSFUNC\n"); } } if ( flag == 0 ) { printf("no processfunc, posthexmsg\n"); category_posthexmsg(myinfo,categoryhash,jbits256(json,"subhash"),hexmsg,tai_now(),remoteaddr); } //char str[65]; printf("HEXPROCESS.(%s) -> %s\n",hexmsg,bits256_str(str,categoryhash)); if ( buf != _buf ) free(buf); }
void dpow_srcupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,int32_t height,bits256 hash,uint32_t timestamp,uint32_t blocktime) { void **ptrs; char str[65]; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint; int32_t freq,minsigs; //uint8_t pubkeys[64][33]; dpow_checkpointset(myinfo,&dp->last,height,hash,timestamp,blocktime); checkpoint = dp->srcfifo[dp->srcconfirms]; if ( strcmp("BTC",dp->dest) == 0 ) { freq = DPOW_CHECKPOINTFREQ; minsigs = DPOW_MINSIGS; } else { freq = 1; //minsigs = 7;//(komodo_notaries(dp->symbol,pubkeys,height) >> 1) + 1; //if ( minsigs < DPOW_MINSIGS ) minsigs = DPOW_MINSIGS; } printf("%s/%s src ht.%d dest.%u nonz.%d %s minsigs.%d\n",dp->symbol,dp->dest,checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->destupdated,bits256_nonz(checkpoint.blockhash.hash),bits256_str(str,dp->last.blockhash.hash),minsigs); dpow_fifoupdate(myinfo,dp->srcfifo,dp->last); if ( dp->SRCREALTIME == 0 && strcmp(dp->dest,"KMD") == 0 ) return; if ( bits256_nonz(checkpoint.blockhash.hash) != 0 && (checkpoint.blockhash.height % freq) == 0 ) { dpow_heightfind(myinfo,dp,checkpoint.blockhash.height + 1000); ptrs = calloc(1,sizeof(void *)*5 + sizeof(struct dpow_checkpoint)); ptrs[0] = (void *)myinfo; ptrs[1] = (void *)dp; ptrs[2] = (void *)(uint64_t)minsigs; ptrs[3] = (void *)DPOW_DURATION; ptrs[4] = 0; memcpy(&ptrs[5],&checkpoint,sizeof(checkpoint)); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)dpow_statemachinestart,(void *)ptrs) != 0 ) { } } }
void dpow_statemachinestart(void *ptr) { void **ptrs = ptr; struct supernet_info *myinfo; struct dpow_info *dp; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint; int32_t i,j,ht,extralen,destprevvout0,srcprevvout0,numratified=0,kmdheight,myind = -1; uint8_t extras[10000],pubkeys[64][33]; cJSON *ratified=0,*item; struct iguana_info *src,*dest; char *jsonstr,*handle,*hexstr,str[65],str2[65],srcaddr[64],destaddr[64]; bits256 zero,srchash,destprevtxid0,srcprevtxid0; struct dpow_block *bp; struct dpow_entry *ep = 0; uint32_t duration,minsigs,starttime,srctime; memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero)); srcprevtxid0 = destprevtxid0 = zero; srcprevvout0 = destprevvout0 = -1; myinfo = ptrs[0]; dp = ptrs[1]; minsigs = (uint32_t)(long)ptrs[2]; duration = (uint32_t)(long)ptrs[3]; jsonstr = ptrs[4]; kmdheight = -1; memcpy(&checkpoint,&ptrs[5],sizeof(checkpoint)); src = iguana_coinfind(dp->symbol); dest = iguana_coinfind(dp->dest); dpow_getchaintip(myinfo,&srchash,&srctime,dp->srctx,&dp->numsrctx,src); dpow_getchaintip(myinfo,&srchash,&srctime,dp->desttx,&dp->numdesttx,dest); if ( src == 0 || dest == 0 ) { printf("null coin ptr? (%s %p or %s %p)\n",dp->symbol,src,dp->dest,dest); return; } if ( strcmp(src->symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) kmdheight = checkpoint.blockhash.height; else if ( strcmp(dest->symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) kmdheight = dest->longestchain; if ( (bp= dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height]) == 0 ) { bp = calloc(1,sizeof(*bp)); bp->minsigs = minsigs; bp->duration = duration; bp->srccoin = src; bp->destcoin = dest; bp->myind = -1; bp->opret_symbol = dp->symbol; if ( jsonstr != 0 && (ratified= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { bp->isratify = 1; if ( (numratified= cJSON_GetArraySize(ratified)) > 0 ) { if ( numratified > 64 ) { fprintf(stderr,"cant ratify more than 64 notaries ratified has %d\n",numratified); return; } for (i=0; i<numratified; i++) { item = jitem(ratified,i); hexstr = handle = 0; if ( (hexstr= jstr(item,"pubkey")) != 0 && is_hexstr(hexstr,0) == 66 ) { decode_hex(bp->ratified_pubkeys[i],33,hexstr); for (j=0; j<i; j++) if ( memcmp(bp->ratified_pubkeys[j],bp->ratified_pubkeys[i],33) == 0 ) { printf("ratification.%d is the same as %d, reject this donkey\n",j,i); exit(-1); } if ( (handle= jstr(item,"handle")) != 0 ) safecopy(bp->handles[i],handle,sizeof(bp->handles[i])); if ( i == 0 ) { destprevtxid0 = jbits256(item,"destprevtxid0"); destprevvout0 = jint(item,"destprevvout0"); srcprevtxid0 = jbits256(item,"srcprevtxid0"); srcprevvout0 = jint(item,"srcprevvout0"); if ( bits256_nonz(destprevtxid0) != 0 && bits256_nonz(srcprevtxid0) != 0 ) bp->require0 = 1; } } else { printf("break loop hexstr.%p handle.%p\n",hexstr,handle); break; } } if ( i == numratified ) { bp->numratified = numratified; bp->ratified = ratified; printf("numratified.%d %s\n",numratified,jprint(ratified,0)); } else { printf("i.%d numratified.%d\n",i,numratified); free_json(ratified); } } } bp->bestk = -1; dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height] = bp; bp->beacon = rand256(0); vcalc_sha256(0,bp->commit.bytes,bp->beacon.bytes,sizeof(bp->beacon)); /*if ( checkpoint.blockhash.height >= DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY && dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY] != 0 ) { printf("purge %s.%d\n",dp->dest,checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY); free(dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY]); dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - DPOW_FIRSTRATIFY] = 0; }*/ } if ( bp->isratify != 0 && dp->ratifying != 0 ) { printf("new ratification starting dp->ratifying.%d\n",dp->ratifying); dp->ratifying++; while ( dp->ratifying > 1 ) sleep(3); printf("other ratifications stopped\n"); } if ( dp->ratifying != 0 && bp->isratify == 0 ) { printf("skip notarization ht.%d when ratifying\n",bp->height); free(ptr); return; } dp->ratifying += bp->isratify; bitcoin_address(srcaddr,src->chain->pubtype,dp->minerkey33,33); bitcoin_address(destaddr,dest->chain->pubtype,dp->minerkey33,33); if ( kmdheight >= 0 ) { ht = kmdheight;///strcmp("KMD",src->symbol) == 0 ? kmdheight : bp->height; if ( strcmp("KMD",dest->symbol) == 0 ) { bp->numnotaries = komodo_notaries(dest->symbol,pubkeys,ht); } else { if ( ht == 0 ) ht = strcmp("KMD",src->symbol) == 0 ? src->longestchain : dest->longestchain; bp->numnotaries = komodo_notaries(src->symbol,pubkeys,ht); } for (i=0; i<bp->numnotaries; i++) { //int32_t j; for (j=0; j<33; j++) // printf("%02x",pubkeys[i][j]); //printf(" <= pubkey[%d]\n",i); memcpy(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,pubkeys[i],33); if ( strcmp("KMD",src->symbol) == 0 ) memcpy(myinfo->notaries[i],pubkeys[i],33); if ( memcmp(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,dp->minerkey33,33) == 0 ) { myind = i; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; for (j=0; j<33; j++) printf("%02x",dp->minerkey33[j]); printf(" MYIND.%d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n",myind); } } if ( strcmp("KMD",src->symbol) == 0 ) myinfo->numnotaries = bp->numnotaries; if ( myind < 0 || ep == 0 ) { printf("minerkey33-> "); for (i=0; i<33; i++) printf("%02x",dp->minerkey33[i]); printf(" statemachinestart this node %s %s is not official notary numnotaries.%d kmdht.%d bpht.%d\n",srcaddr,destaddr,bp->numnotaries,kmdheight,bp->height); free(ptr); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } printf("myind.%d\n",myind); } else { printf("statemachinestart no kmdheight.%d\n",kmdheight); free(ptr); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } bp->myind = myind; printf("[%d] notarize %s->%s %s ht.%d minsigs.%d duration.%d start.%u\n",bp->myind,dp->symbol,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash),checkpoint.blockhash.height,minsigs,duration,checkpoint.timestamp); if ( bp->isratify != 0 && memcmp(bp->notaries[0].pubkey,bp->ratified_pubkeys[0],33) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<33; i++) printf("%02x",bp->notaries[0].pubkey[i]); printf(" current vs "); for (i=0; i<33; i++) printf("%02x",bp->ratified_pubkeys[0][i]); printf(" new, cant change notary0\n"); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } //printf(" myind.%d myaddr.(%s %s)\n",myind,srcaddr,destaddr); if ( myind == 0 && bits256_nonz(destprevtxid0) != 0 && bits256_nonz(srcprevtxid0) != 0 && destprevvout0 >= 0 && srcprevvout0 >= 0 ) { ep->dest.prev_hash = destprevtxid0; ep->dest.prev_vout = destprevvout0; ep->src.prev_hash = srcprevtxid0; ep->src.prev_vout = srcprevvout0; bp->notaries[myind].ratifysrcutxo = srcprevtxid0; bp->notaries[myind].ratifysrcvout = srcprevvout0; bp->notaries[myind].ratifydestutxo = destprevtxid0; bp->notaries[myind].ratifydestvout = destprevvout0; printf("Use override utxo %s/v%d %s/v%d\n",bits256_str(str,destprevtxid0),destprevvout0,bits256_str(str2,srcprevtxid0),srcprevvout0); } else { if ( dpow_checkutxo(myinfo,dp,bp,bp->destcoin,&ep->dest.prev_hash,&ep->dest.prev_vout,destaddr) < 0 ) { printf("dont have %s %s utxo, please send funds\n",dp->dest,destaddr); free(ptr); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } if ( dpow_checkutxo(myinfo,dp,bp,bp->srccoin,&ep->src.prev_hash,&ep->src.prev_vout,srcaddr) < 0 ) { printf("dont have %s %s utxo, please send funds\n",dp->symbol,srcaddr); free(ptr); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } if ( bp->isratify != 0 ) { bp->notaries[myind].ratifysrcutxo = ep->src.prev_hash; bp->notaries[myind].ratifysrcvout = ep->src.prev_vout; bp->notaries[myind].ratifydestutxo = ep->dest.prev_hash; bp->notaries[myind].ratifydestvout = ep->dest.prev_vout; } } bp->recvmask |= (1LL << myind); bp->notaries[myind].othermask |= (1LL << myind); dp->checkpoint = checkpoint; bp->height = checkpoint.blockhash.height; bp->timestamp = checkpoint.timestamp; bp->hashmsg = checkpoint.blockhash.hash; bp->myind = myind; while ( bp->isratify == 0 && dp->destupdated == 0 ) { if ( dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height > checkpoint.blockhash.height ) { printf("abort %s ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",dp->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height); dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; return; } sleep(1); } starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( bp->isratify == 0 ) { //if ( (starttime= checkpoint.timestamp) == 0 ) bp->starttime = starttime; extralen = dpow_paxpending(extras,&bp->paxwdcrc); bp->notaries[bp->myind].paxwdcrc = bp->paxwdcrc; } printf("PAXWDCRC.%x myind.%d isratify.%d DPOW.%s statemachine checkpoint.%d %s start.%u+dur.%d vs %ld\n",bp->paxwdcrc,bp->myind,bp->isratify,src->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash),starttime,bp->duration,time(NULL)); for (i=0; i<sizeof(srchash); i++) srchash.bytes[i] = dp->minerkey33[i+1]; //printf("start utxosync start.%u %u\n",starttime,(uint32_t)time(NULL)); //dpow_utxosync(myinfo,dp,bp,0,myind,srchash); //printf("done utxosync start.%u %u\n",starttime,(uint32_t)time(NULL)); while ( time(NULL) < starttime+bp->duration && src != 0 && dest != 0 && bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { if ( bp->isratify == 0 ) { if ( myinfo->DPOWS[0].ratifying != 0 ) { printf("break due to already ratifying\n"); break; } extralen = dpow_paxpending(extras,&bp->paxwdcrc); bp->notaries[bp->myind].paxwdcrc = bp->paxwdcrc; } sleep(13); if ( dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height > checkpoint.blockhash.height ) { if ( bp->isratify == 0 ) { printf("abort %s ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",dp->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height); break; } } if ( dp->ratifying > 1 ) { printf("new ratification started. abort ht.%d\n",bp->height); break; } if ( bp->isratify == 0 ) { bits256 checkhash; checkhash = dpow_getblockhash(myinfo,bp->srccoin,bp->height); if ( bits256_cmp(checkhash,bp->hashmsg) != 0 ) { printf("%s ht.%d %s got reorged to %s, abort notarization\n",bp->srccoin->symbol,bp->height,bits256_str(str,bp->hashmsg),bits256_str(str2,checkhash)); bp->state = 0xffffffff; } } if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { dpow_send(myinfo,dp,bp,srchash,bp->hashmsg,0,bp->height,(void *)"ping",0); dpow_nanomsg_update(myinfo); } else { dp->lastnotarized = checkpoint.blockhash.hash; printf("notarized %s %s\n",dp->symbol,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash)); } if ( 0 && dp->cancelratify != 0 && bp->isratify != 0 ) { printf("abort pending ratify\n"); break; } } printf("END isratify.%d:%d bestk.%d %llx sigs.%llx state.%x machine ht.%d completed state.%x %s.%s %s.%s recvmask.%llx paxwdcrc.%x %p %p\n",bp->isratify,dp->ratifying,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,(long long)(bp->bestk>=0?bp->destsigsmasks[bp->bestk]:0),bp->state,bp->height,bp->state,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,bp->desttxid),dp->symbol,bits256_str(str2,bp->srctxid),(long long)bp->recvmask,bp->paxwdcrc,src,dest); bp->state = 0xffffffff; dp->lastrecvmask = bp->recvmask; dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; dp->blocks[bp->height] = 0; free(ptr); }
cJSON *iguana_blockjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block,int32_t txidsflag) { char str[65],hexstr[1024]; int32_t i,len,size; struct iguana_txid *tx,T; struct iguana_msgzblock zmsg; struct iguana_msgblock *msg = (void *)&zmsg; struct iguana_zblock *zblock; bits256 hash2,nexthash2; uint8_t serialized[1024]; cJSON *array,*json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result","success"); jaddstr(json,"hash",bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2)); jaddnum(json,"height",block->height); //jaddnum(json,"ipbits",block->fpipbits); jaddstr(json,"merkleroot",bits256_str(str,block->RO.merkle_root)); jaddstr(json,"previousblockhash",bits256_str(str,block->RO.prev_block)); if ( block->height > 0 ) { nexthash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,block->height+1); if ( bits256_nonz(nexthash2) != 0 ) jaddstr(json,"nextblockhash",bits256_str(str,nexthash2)); } jaddnum(json,"timestamp",block->RO.timestamp); jaddstr(json,"utc",utc_str(str,block->RO.timestamp)); jaddnum(json,"nonce",block->RO.nonce); jaddnum(json,"version",block->RO.version); jaddnum(json,"numvouts",block->RO.numvouts); jaddnum(json,"numvins",block->RO.numvins); jaddnum(json,"recvlen",block->RO.recvlen); jaddnum(json,"hdrsi",block->hdrsi); jaddnum(json,"difficulty",PoW_from_compact(block->RO.bits,coin->chain->unitval)); jaddnum(json,"bundlei",block->bundlei); jaddnum(json,"mainchain",block->mainchain); jaddnum(json,"valid",block->valid); jaddnum(json,"txn_count",block->RO.txn_count); jaddnum(json,"nBits",block->RO.bits); serialized[0] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[3]; serialized[1] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[2]; serialized[2] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[1]; serialized[3] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[0]; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,serialized,sizeof(uint32_t)); jaddstr(json,"nBitshex",hexstr); if ( block->RO.allocsize == sizeof(struct iguana_zblock) ) { zblock = (void *)block; memset(&zmsg,0,sizeof(zmsg)); zmsg.zH.version = zblock->RO.version; zmsg.zH.merkle_root = zblock->RO.merkle_root; zmsg.zH.timestamp = zblock->RO.timestamp; zmsg.zH.bits = zblock->RO.bits; zmsg.zH.bignonce = zblock->zRO.bignonce; if ( iguana_rwvarint32(1,zmsg.zH.var_numelements,&zblock->zRO.numelements) != sizeof(zmsg.zH.var_numelements) ) printf("unexpected varint size for zmsg.zH.numelements <- %d\n",zblock->zRO.numelements); for (i=0; i<ZCASH_SOLUTION_ELEMENTS; i++) zmsg.zH.solution[i] = zblock->zRO.solution[i]; zmsg.txn_count = 0;//block->RO.txn_count; len = iguana_rwblock(myinfo,coin->symbol,coin->chain->zcash,coin->chain->auxpow,coin->chain->hashalgo,1,&hash2,serialized,&zmsg,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*2); } else { memset(msg,0,sizeof(&msg)); msg->H.version = block->RO.version; msg->H.prev_block = block->RO.prev_block; msg->H.merkle_root = block->RO.merkle_root; msg->H.timestamp = block->RO.timestamp; msg->H.bits = block->RO.bits; msg->H.nonce = block->RO.nonce; msg->txn_count = 0;//block->RO.txn_count; len = iguana_rwblock(myinfo,coin->symbol,coin->chain->zcash,coin->chain->auxpow,coin->chain->hashalgo,1,&hash2,serialized,&zmsg,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*2); } init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,serialized,len); jaddstr(json,"blockheader",hexstr); if ( txidsflag != 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<block->RO.txn_count; i++) { if ( (tx= iguana_blocktx(coin,&T,block,i)) != 0 ) jaddistr(array,bits256_str(str,tx->txid)); } jadd(json,"tx",array); //printf("add txids[%d]\n",block->txn_count); } if ( (size= iguana_peerblockrequest(myinfo,coin,coin->blockspace,coin->blockspacesize,0,block->RO.hash2,0)) < 0 ) jaddstr(json,"error","couldnt generate raw bytes for block"); else jaddnum(json,"size",size); return(json); }