static Line* consume(Line *ptr, int *eaten) { Line *next; int blanks=0; for (; ptr && blankline(ptr); ptr = next, blanks++ ) { next = ptr->next; ___mkd_freeLine(ptr); } if ( ptr ) *eaten = blanks; return ptr; }
/* * Send mail to a bunch of user names. The interface is through * the mail routine below. * save a copy of the letter */ static int Sendmail(char *str) { struct header head; if (blankline(str)) head.h_to = NOSTR; else head.h_to = addto(NOSTR, str); head.h_subject = head.h_cc = head.h_bcc = head.h_defopt = NOSTR; head.h_others = NOSTRPTR; head.h_seq = 0; mail1(&head, 1, NOSTR); return(0); }
void writebreak() { int q; if (assylen) writeline(0, 1); q = TXTLEN; if (o_sp) { if (o_sp + line_no > q) newpage(); else if (line_no) while (o_sp) { blankline(); o_sp--; } } }
/* * Print the top so many lines of each desired message. * The number of lines is taken from the variable "toplines" * and defaults to 5. */ int top(void *v) { int *msgvec = v; int *ip; struct message *mp; int c, topl, lines, lineb; char *valtop, *linebuf = NULL; size_t linesize; FILE *ibuf; topl = 5; valtop = value("toplines"); if (valtop != NULL) { topl = atoi(valtop); if (topl < 0 || topl > 10000) topl = 5; } lineb = 1; for (ip = msgvec; *ip && ip-msgvec < msgCount; ip++) { mp = &message[*ip - 1]; touch(mp); setdot(mp); did_print_dot = 1; if (value("quiet") == NULL) printf(catgets(catd, CATSET, 19, "Message %2d:\n"), *ip); if (mp->m_flag & MNOFROM) printf("From %s %s\n", fakefrom(mp), fakedate(mp->m_time)); if ((ibuf = setinput(&mb, mp, NEED_BODY)) == NULL) /* XXX could use TOP */ return 1; c = mp->m_lines; if (!lineb) printf("\n"); for (lines = 0; lines < c && lines <= topl; lines++) { if (readline(ibuf, &linebuf, &linesize) < 0) break; puts(linebuf); lineb = blankline(linebuf); } } if (linebuf) free(linebuf); return(0); }
LogSetAttribute::LogSetAttribute(const char *k, const char *n, const char *val, bool dirty) { op_type = CondorLogOp_SetAttribute; key = strdup(k); name = strdup(n); value_expr = NULL; if (val && strlen(val) && !blankline(val) && !ParseClassAdRvalExpr(val, value_expr)) { value = strdup(val); } else { if (value_expr) delete value_expr; value_expr = NULL; value = strdup("UNDEFINED"); } is_dirty = dirty; }
static int endoftextblock(Line *t, int toplevelblock, DWORD flags) { int z; if ( blankline(t)||isquote(t)||ishdr(t,&z)||ishr(t) ) return 1; /* HORRIBLE STANDARDS KLUDGE: non-toplevel paragraphs absorb adjacent * code blocks */ if ( toplevelblock && iscode(t) ) return 1; /* HORRIBLE STANDARDS KLUDGE: Toplevel paragraphs eat absorb adjacent * list items, but sublevel blocks behave properly. */ return toplevelblock ? 0 : islist(t,&z,flags, &z); }
static int islist(Line *t, int *clip, DWORD flags, int *list_type) { int i, j; char *q; if ( /*iscode(t) ||*/ blankline(t) || ishdr(t,&i) || ishr(t) ) return 0; if ( !(flags & (MKD_NODLIST|MKD_STRICT)) && isdefinition(t,clip,list_type) ) return DL; if ( strchr("*-+", T(t->text)[t->dle]) && isspace(T(t->text)[t->dle+1]) ) { i = nextnonblank(t, t->dle+1); *clip = (i > 4) ? 4 : i; *list_type = UL; return AL; } if ( (j = nextblank(t,t->dle)) > t->dle ) { if ( T(t->text)[j-1] == '.' ) { if ( !(flags & (MKD_NOALPHALIST|MKD_STRICT)) && (j == t->dle + 2) && isalpha(T(t->text)[t->dle]) ) { j = nextnonblank(t,j); *clip = (j > 4) ? 4 : j; *list_type = AL; return AL; } strtoul(T(t->text)+t->dle, &q, 10); if ( (q > T(t->text)+t->dle) && (q == T(t->text) + (j-1)) ) { j = nextnonblank(t,j); *clip = (j > 4) ? 4 : j; *list_type = OL; return AL; } } } return 0; }
static Line* is_extra_dt(Line *t, int *clip) { #if USE_EXTRA_DL int i; if ( t && t->next && T(t->text)[0] != '=' && T(t->text)[S(t->text)-1] != '=') { Line *x; if ( iscode(t) || blankline(t) || ishdr(t,&i) || ishr(t) ) return 0; if ( (x = skipempty(t->next)) && is_extra_dd(x) ) { *clip = x->dle+2; return t; } if ( x=is_extra_dt(t->next, clip) ) return x; } #endif return 0; }
static void decomment_sh(const char *fname, FILE *in) { register int c, c1; char outbuf[4 * 1024]; char *op = outbuf; enum { NORMAL, SH_COMMENT, DOUBLEQUOTESTRING, SINGLEQUOTESTRING } state = NORMAL; while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) { switch (state) { case NORMAL: switch (c) { case '\'': state = SINGLEQUOTESTRING; *op++ = c; break; case '"': state = DOUBLEQUOTESTRING; *op++ = c; break; case '#': state = SH_COMMENT; break; case '\\': *op++ = c; c1 = getc(in); *op++ = c1; break; default: *op++ = c; break; } break; case SH_COMMENT: /* C++ comment */ if (c == '\n') { state = NORMAL; } break; case DOUBLEQUOTESTRING: *op++ = c; switch (c) { case '"': state = NORMAL; break; case '\\': /* handle quoted quotes */ c1 = getc(in); *op++ = c1; break; } break; case SINGLEQUOTESTRING: *op++ = c; switch (c) { case '\'': state = NORMAL; break; case '\\': getc(in); break; } break; } /* If we just stuffed a \n into the output buffer... */ if (op > outbuf && op[-1] == '\n') { blankline(outbuf, &op); } } }
static void decomment_c(const char *fname, FILE *in) { register int c, c1; char outbuf[4 * 1024]; char *op = outbuf; enum { NORMAL, C_COMMENT, CC_COMMENT, STRINGLITERAL, CHARLITERAL } state = NORMAL; while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) { switch (state) { case NORMAL: switch (c) { case '\'': state = CHARLITERAL; *op++ = c; break; case '"': state = STRINGLITERAL; *op++ = c; break; case '/': c1 = getc(in); switch (c1) { case '/': state = CC_COMMENT; break; case '*': state = C_COMMENT; break; case EOF: break; default: *op++ = c; ungetc(c1, in); break; } break; default: *op++ = c; break; } break; case C_COMMENT: /* K&R C comment */ if (c == '*') { c1 = getc(in); if (c1 == '/') { state = NORMAL; } else { ungetc(c1, in); } } break; case CC_COMMENT: /* C++ comment */ if (c == '\n') { state = NORMAL; } break; case STRINGLITERAL: *op++ = c; switch (c) { case '"': state = NORMAL; break; case '\\': /* handle quoted quotes */ c1 = getc(in); *op++ = c1; break; } break; case CHARLITERAL: *op++ = c; switch (c) { case '\'': state = NORMAL; break; case '\\': getc(in); break; } break; } /* If we just stuffed a \n into the output buffer... */ if (op > outbuf && op[-1] == '\n') { blankline(outbuf, &op); } }; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { has_proc = false; MyString constraint; Qmgr_connection *q; int nextarg = 1, cluster=0, proc=0; bool UseConstraint = false; MyString schedd_name; MyString pool_name; ExprTree* value_expr; myDistro->Init( argc, argv ); config(); #if !defined(WIN32) install_sig_handler(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); #endif if (argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); } // if -debug is present, it must be first. sigh. if (argv[nextarg][0] == '-' && argv[nextarg][1] == 'd') { // output dprintf messages to stderror at TOOL_DEBUG level dprintf_set_tool_debug("TOOL", 0); nextarg++; } // if it is present, it must be first after debug. if (argv[nextarg][0] == '-' && argv[nextarg][1] == 'n') { nextarg++; // use the given name as the schedd name to connect to if (argc <= nextarg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -n requires another argument\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } schedd_name = argv[nextarg]; nextarg++; } if (argc <= nextarg) { usage(argv[0]); } // if it is present, it must be just after -n flag if (argv[nextarg][0] == '-' && argv[nextarg][1] == 'p') { nextarg++; if (argc <= nextarg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -pool requires another argument\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } pool_name = argv[nextarg]; nextarg++; } DCSchedd schedd((schedd_name.Length() == 0) ? NULL : schedd_name.Value(), (pool_name.Length() == 0) ? NULL : pool_name.Value()); if ( schedd.locate() == false ) { if (schedd_name == "") { fprintf( stderr, "%s: ERROR: Can't find address of local schedd\n", argv[0] ); exit(1); } if (pool_name == "") { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No such schedd named %s in local pool\n", argv[0], schedd_name.Value() ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No such schedd named %s in " "pool %s\n", argv[0], schedd_name.Value(), pool_name.Value() ); } exit(1); } // Open job queue q = ConnectQ( schedd.addr(), 0, false, NULL, NULL, schedd.version() ); if( !q ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to connect to queue manager %s\n", schedd.addr() ); exit(1); } if (argc <= nextarg) { usage(argv[0]); } if (isdigit(argv[nextarg][0])) { char *tmp; cluster = strtol(argv[nextarg], &tmp, 10); if (cluster <= 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid cluster # from %s.\n", argv[nextarg]); exit(1); } if (*tmp == '.') { proc = strtol(tmp + 1, &tmp, 10); if (cluster <= 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid proc # from %s.\n", argv[nextarg]); exit(1); } UseConstraint = false; has_proc = true; } else { constraint.formatstr("(%s == %d)", ATTR_CLUSTER_ID, cluster); UseConstraint = true; } nextarg++; } else if (!match_prefix(argv[nextarg], "-constraint")) { constraint.formatstr("(%s == \"%s\")", ATTR_OWNER, argv[nextarg]); nextarg++; UseConstraint = true; } if (argc <= nextarg) { usage(argv[0]); } while (match_prefix(argv[nextarg], "-constraint")) { if ( has_proc ){ fprintf(stderr, "condor_qedit: proc_id specified. Ignoring constraint option\n"); nextarg+=2; continue; } nextarg++; if (argc <= nextarg) { usage(argv[0]); } if ( !UseConstraint ){ constraint = argv[nextarg]; } else{ constraint = "( " + constraint + " ) && " + argv[nextarg]; } nextarg++; UseConstraint = true; } if (argc <= nextarg) { usage(argv[0]); } for (; nextarg < argc; nextarg += 2) { if (argc <= nextarg+1) { usage(argv[0]); } if (ProtectedAttribute(argv[nextarg])) { fprintf(stderr, "Update of attribute \"%s\" is not allowed.\n", argv[nextarg]); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } // Check validity of attribute-name if ( blankline(argv[nextarg]) || !IsValidAttrName(argv[nextarg]) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Update aborted, illegal attribute-name specified for attribute \"%s\".\n", argv[nextarg]); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } // Check validity of attribute-value value_expr = NULL; if ( blankline(argv[nextarg+1]) || !IsValidAttrValue(argv[nextarg+1]) || ParseClassAdRvalExpr(argv[nextarg+1], value_expr) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Update aborted, illegal attribute-value specified for attribute \"%s\".\n", argv[nextarg]); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } if (value_expr) delete value_expr; if (UseConstraint) { // Try to communicate with the newer protocol first if (SetAttributeByConstraint(constraint.Value(), argv[nextarg], argv[nextarg+1], SETDIRTY) < 0) { if (SetAttributeByConstraint(constraint.Value(), argv[nextarg], argv[nextarg+1]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set attribute \"%s\" by constraint: %s\n", argv[nextarg], constraint.Value()); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } } } else { if (SetAttribute(cluster, proc, argv[nextarg], argv[nextarg+1], SETDIRTY) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set attribute \"%s\" for job %d.%d.\n", argv[nextarg], cluster, proc); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } } printf("Set attribute \"%s\".\n", argv[nextarg]); } if (!DisconnectQ(q)) { fprintf(stderr, "Queue transaction failed. No attributes were set.\n"); exit(1); } return 0; }
/* Main routine */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *shellargv[MAXARGS]; int child_pid; char c; char *bufp; FILE *tracefp; int n=0; struct stat statbuf; /* Install the signal handler */ signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler); printf("%d\n",n); /* Parse the command line */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hVxs:f:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': /* Print help message */ usage(""); break; case 'V': /* Be more verbose */ verbose++; break; case 's': /* The shell program name (default ./tsh) */ shellprog = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': /* Trace file name */ tracefile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'x': /* Enable sandboxing */ sandboxing = 1; /* Hidden argument */ break; default: usage("Unrecognized argument"); } } if (!tracefile) usage("Missing required argument (-f)"); /* Make sure the requested shell is executable */ if (stat(shellprog, &statbuf) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: File not found\n", shellprog); exit(1); } if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: File is not executable\n", shellprog); exit(1); } /* Open the trace file for reading */ if ((tracefp = fopen(tracefile, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open trace file %s\n", tracefile); exit(1); } /* Socket pair for data transfers between runtrace and shell */ if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, datafd) < 0) { perror("socketpair datafd"); exit(1); } /* Socket pair for synchronization between runtrace and shell jobs */ if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, syncfd) < 0) { perror("socketpair syncfd"); exit(1); } /* * Create an environment variable that tells shell jobs * such as myspin which descriptor to synchronize on. */ sprintf(buf, "SYNCFD=%d", syncfd[1]); if (putenv(buf) < 0) { perror("putenv"); exit(1); } if (verbose) { printf("Created environment variable %s\n", buf); } /************************* * Child code runs a shell *************************/ if ((child_pid = fork()) == 0) { /* Close the descriptor the child is not using */ close(datafd[0]); /* Redirect stdin and stdout to the domain socket */ dup2(datafd[1], 0); dup2(datafd[1], 1); /* Create the shell command line arguments */ shellargv[0] = shellprog; if (verbose) { shellargv[1] = "-v"; shellargv[2] = '\0'; } else { shellargv[1] = '\0'; } /* Modify the environment if sandboxing is enabled */ if (sandboxing) { strcpy(line, "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ ./"); putenv(line); } /* Now go ahead and run the shell */ if (execve(shellprog, shellargv, environ) < 0) { perror("execve"); exit(1); } } /******************************************************** * Parent code sends trace-driven commands to child shell *******************************************************/ /* Close the descriptor the parent is not using */ close(datafd[1]); /* Read the initial prompt from the shell */ if (readable(datafd[0], DRIVER_TIMEOUT) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Runtrace timed out waiting for initial shell prompt\n", tracefile); } else { bzero(buf, MAXBUF); n = recv(datafd[0], buf, MAXBUF, 0); if (strcmp(buf, PROMPT)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Runtrace expected initial shell prompt but got '%s' instead.\n", tracefile, buf); exit(1); } } /* * Parent reads trace file and sends commands to the shell */ while (fgets(line, MAXBUF, tracefp)) { /* Delete newline character */ line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; /* Ignore blank lines */ if (blankline(line)) { if (verbose) printf("runtrace: Ignoring blank line\n"); continue; } /* Echo comment lines */ if (line[0] == '#') { printf("%s\n", line); continue; } /* Parse the command line */ sscanf(line, "%s", command); if (verbose) printf("runtrace: command=%s line=%s\n", command, line); /* WAIT command */ if (!strcmp(command, "WAIT")) { if (readable(syncfd[0], DRIVER_TIMEOUT) == 0) { printf("%s: Runtrace timed out waiting for sync from job\n", tracefile); exit(1); } else { bzero(buf, MAXBUF); if ((recv(syncfd[0], buf, MAXBUF, 0)) < 0) { perror("recv syncfd"); exit(1); } if (verbose) printf("runtrace: received sync from job\n"); continue; } } /* NEXT command */ else if (!strcmp(command, "NEXT")) { if (next_prompt() == 0) exit(0); continue; } /* SIGNAL command */ else if (!strcmp(command, "SIGNAL")) { bufp = "signal"; if ((send(syncfd[0], bufp, strlen(bufp), 0)) < 0) { perror("send syncfd"); exit(1); } if (verbose) printf("runtrace: sent sync to shell job\n"); continue; } /* SIGINT command */ else if (!strcmp(command, "SIGINT")) { if (kill(child_pid, SIGINT) < 0) { perror("kill SIGINT"); exit(1); } if (verbose) printf("Runtrace sent SIGINT to process %d\n", child_pid); continue; } /* SIGTSTP command */ else if (!strcmp(command, "SIGTSTP")) { if (kill(child_pid, SIGTSTP) < 0) { perror("kill SIGTSTP"); exit(1); } if (verbose) printf("Runtrace sent SIGTSTP to process %d\n", child_pid); continue; } /* Pass the command line on to the shell */ else { if (verbose) { printf("runtrace: Sending '%s' to shell\n", line); } strcat(line, "\n"); if ((send(datafd[0], line, strlen(line), 0)) < 0) { perror("send datafd[0]"); exit(1); } } } /* while loop */ /* Signal EOF to the shell */ bufp = ""; send(datafd[0], bufp, 0, 0); /* Wait for the shell to terminate */ alarm(DRIVER_TIMEOUT); state = "waiting for shell to terminate"; waitpid(child_pid, NULL, 0); /* Kill any of our stray shells and jobs */ clean(); exit(0); }