예제 #1
파일: bli_check.c 프로젝트: elemental/blis
err_t bli_check_valid_uplo( uplo_t uplo )
	err_t e_val = BLIS_SUCCESS;

	if ( !bli_is_lower( uplo ) &&
	     !bli_is_upper( uplo ) )

	return e_val;
예제 #2
파일: bli_conjmr.c 프로젝트: pgawron/tlash
void bli_cconjmr( uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, scomplex* a, int a_rs, int a_cs )
	float   m1 = bli_sm1();
	float*  a_conj;
	int     lda, inca;
	int     n_iter;
	int     n_elem_max;
	int     n_elem;
	int     j;

	// Return early if possible.
	if ( bli_zero_dim2( m, n ) ) return;

	// We initialize for column-major.
	n_iter     = n;
	n_elem_max = m;
	lda        = a_cs;
	inca       = a_rs;

	// An optimization: if A is row-major, then let's access the matrix
	// by rows instead of by columns to increase spatial locality.
	if ( bli_is_row_storage( a_rs, a_cs ) )
		bli_swap_ints( n_iter, n_elem_max );
		bli_swap_ints( lda, inca );
		bli_toggle_uplo( uplo );

	if ( bli_is_upper( uplo ) )
		for ( j = 0; j < n_iter; ++j )
			n_elem = bli_min( j + 1, n_elem_max );
			a_conj = ( float* )( a + j*lda ) + 1;
			bli_sscal( n_elem,
			           a_conj, 2*inca );
	else // if ( bli_is_lower( uplo ) )
		for ( j = 0; j < n_iter; ++j )
			n_elem = bli_max( 0, n_elem_max - j );
			a_conj = ( float* )( a + j*lda + j*inca ) + 1;
			if ( n_elem <= 0 ) break;

			bli_sscal( n_elem,
			           a_conj, 2*inca );
예제 #3
파일: bli_setmr.c 프로젝트: pgawron/tlash
void bli_dsetmr( uplo_t uplo, int m, int n, double* sigma, double* a, int a_rs, int a_cs )
	double*   a_begin;
	int       lda, inca;
	int       n_iter;
	int       n_elem_max;
	int       n_elem;
	int       j;

	// Return early if possible.
	if ( bli_zero_dim2( m, n ) ) return;

	// Initialize with optimal values for column-major storage.
	n_iter     = n;
	n_elem_max = m;
	lda        = a_cs;
	inca       = a_rs;

	// An optimization: if A is row-major, then let's access the matrix by
	// rows instead of by columns to increase spatial locality.
	if ( bli_is_row_storage( a_rs, a_cs ) )
		bli_swap_ints( n_iter, n_elem_max );
		bli_swap_ints( lda, inca );
		bli_toggle_uplo( uplo );
	if ( bli_is_upper( uplo ) )
		for ( j = 0; j < n_iter; j++ )
			n_elem  = bli_min( j, n_elem_max );
			a_begin = a + j*lda;

			bli_dsetv( n_elem,
			           a_begin, inca );
	else // if ( bli_is_lower( uplo ) )
		for ( j = 0; j < n_iter; j++ )
			n_elem  = bli_max( 0, n_elem_max - j - 1 );
			a_begin = a + j*lda + (j + 1)*inca;

			bli_dsetv( n_elem,
			           a_begin, inca );
예제 #4
int main( int argc, char** argv )

#if 0
	obj_t a, b, c;
	obj_t aa, bb, cc;
	dim_t m, n, k;
	num_t dt;
	uplo_t uploa, uplob, uploc;


		m = 6;
		k = 6;
		n = 6;

		bli_obj_create( dt, m, k, 0, 0, &a );
		bli_obj_create( dt, k, n, 0, 0, &b );
		bli_obj_create( dt, m, n, 0, 0, &c );

		uploa = BLIS_UPPER;
		uploa = BLIS_LOWER;
		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, a );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uploa, a );
		bli_obj_set_diag_offset( -2, a );

		uplob = BLIS_UPPER;
		uplob = BLIS_LOWER;
		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, b );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uplob, b );
		bli_obj_set_diag_offset( -2, b );

		uploc = BLIS_UPPER;
		//uploc = BLIS_LOWER;
		//uploc = BLIS_ZEROS;
		//uploc = BLIS_DENSE;
		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_HERMITIAN, c );
		//bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, c );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uploc, c );
		bli_obj_set_diag_offset(  1, c );

		bli_obj_alias_to( a, aa ); (void)aa;
		bli_obj_alias_to( b, bb ); (void)bb;
		bli_obj_alias_to( c, cc ); (void)cc;

		bli_randm( &a );
		bli_randm( &b );
		bli_randm( &c );
		//bli_mkherm( &a );
		//bli_mktrim( &a );

		bli_prune_unref_mparts( &cc, BLIS_M,
		                        &aa, BLIS_N );

		bli_printm( "c orig", &c, "%4.1f", "" );
		bli_printm( "c alias", &cc, "%4.1f", "" );
		bli_printm( "a orig", &a, "%4.1f", "" );
		bli_printm( "a alias", &aa, "%4.1f", "" );
		//bli_obj_print( "a struct", &a );

	dim_t  p_begin, p_max, p_inc;
	gint_t m_input, n_input;
	char   uploa_ch;
	doff_t diagoffa;
	dim_t  bf;
	dim_t  n_way;
	char   part_dim_ch;
	bool_t go_fwd;
	char   out_ch;

	obj_t  a;

	thrinfo_t thrinfo;
	dim_t  m, n;
	uplo_t uploa;
	bool_t part_m_dim, part_n_dim;
	bool_t go_bwd;
	dim_t  p;
	num_t  dt;
	dim_t  start, end;

	dim_t  width;
	siz_t  area;

	gint_t t_begin, t_stop, t_inc;
	dim_t  t;

	if ( argc == 13 )
		sscanf( argv[1], "%lu", &p_begin );
		sscanf( argv[2], "%lu", &p_max );
		sscanf( argv[3], "%lu", &p_inc );
		sscanf( argv[4], "%ld", &m_input );
		sscanf( argv[5], "%ld", &n_input );
		sscanf( argv[6], "%c",  &uploa_ch );
		sscanf( argv[7], "%ld", &diagoffa );
		sscanf( argv[8], "%lu", &bf );
		sscanf( argv[9], "%lu", &n_way );
		sscanf( argv[10], "%c", &part_dim_ch );
		sscanf( argv[11], "%lu", &go_fwd );
		sscanf( argv[12], "%c", &out_ch );
		printf( "\n" );
		printf( " %s\n", argv[0] );
		printf( "\n" );
		printf( "  Simulate the dimension ranges assigned to threads when\n" );
		printf( "  partitioning a matrix for parallelism in BLIS.\n" );
		printf( "\n" );
		printf( " Usage:\n" );
		printf( "\n" );
		printf( "  %s p_beg p_max p_inc m n uplo doff bf n_way part_dim go_fwd out\n", argv[0] );
		printf( "\n" );
		printf( "  p_beg:    the first problem size p to test.\n" );
		printf( "  p_max:    the maximum problem size p to test.\n" );
		printf( "  p_inc:    the increase in problem size p between tests.\n" );
		printf( "  m:        the m dimension:\n" );
		printf( "  n:        the n dimension:\n" );
		printf( "            if m,n = -1: bind m,n to problem size p.\n" );
		printf( "            if m,n =  0: bind m,n to p_max.\n" );
		printf( "            if m,n >  0: hold m,n = c constant for all p.\n" );
		printf( "  uplo:     the uplo field of the matrix being partitioned:\n" );
		printf( "            'l': lower-stored (BLIS_LOWER)\n" );
		printf( "            'u': upper-stored (BLIS_UPPER)\n" );
		printf( "            'd': densely-stored (BLIS_DENSE)\n" );
		printf( "  doff:     the diagonal offset of the matrix being partitioned.\n" );
		printf( "  bf:       the simulated blocking factor. all thread ranges must\n" );
		printf( "            be a multiple of bf, except for the range that contains\n" );
		printf( "            the edge case (if one exists). the blocking factor\n" );
		printf( "            would typically correspond to a register blocksize.\n" );
		printf( "  n_way:    the number of ways of parallelism for which we are\n" );
		printf( "            partitioning (i.e.: the number of threads, or thread\n" );
		printf( "            groups).\n" );
		printf( "  part_dim: the dimension to partition:\n" );
		printf( "            'm': partition the m dimension.\n" );
		printf( "            'n': partition the n dimension.\n" );
		printf( "  go_fwd:   the direction to partition:\n" );
		printf( "            '1': forward, e.g. left-to-right (part_dim = 'm') or\n" );
		printf( "                 top-to-bottom (part_dim = 'n')\n" );
		printf( "            '0': backward, e.g. right-to-left (part_dim = 'm') or\n" );
		printf( "                 bottom-to-top (part_dim = 'n')\n" );
		printf( "            NOTE: reversing the direction does not change the\n" );
		printf( "            subpartitions' widths, but it does change which end of\n" );
		printf( "            the index range receives the edge case, if it exists.\n" );
		printf( "  out:      the type of output per thread-column:\n" );
		printf( "            'w': the width (and area) of the thread's subpartition\n" );
		printf( "            'r': the actual ranges of the thread's subpartition\n" );
		printf( "                 where the start and end points of each range are\n" );
		printf( "                 inclusive and exclusive, respectively.\n" );
		printf( "\n" );


	if ( m_input == 0 ) m_input = p_max;
	if ( n_input == 0 ) n_input = p_max;

	if ( part_dim_ch == 'm' ) { part_m_dim = TRUE;  part_n_dim = FALSE; }
	else                      { part_m_dim = FALSE; part_n_dim = TRUE;  }

	go_bwd = !go_fwd;

	if      ( uploa_ch == 'l' ) uploa = BLIS_LOWER;
	else if ( uploa_ch == 'u' ) uploa = BLIS_UPPER;
	else                        uploa = BLIS_DENSE;

	if ( part_n_dim )
		if ( bli_is_upper( uploa ) ) { t_begin = n_way-1; t_stop = -1;    t_inc = -1; }
		else /* if lower or dense */ { t_begin = 0;       t_stop = n_way; t_inc =  1; }
	else // if ( part_m_dim )
		if ( bli_is_lower( uploa ) ) { t_begin = n_way-1; t_stop = -1;    t_inc = -1; }
		else /* if upper or dense */ { t_begin = 0;       t_stop = n_way; t_inc =  1; }

	printf( "\n" );
	printf( "  part: %3s   doff: %3ld   bf: %3ld   output: %s\n",
	        ( part_n_dim ? ( go_fwd ? "l2r" : "r2l" )
	                     : ( go_fwd ? "t2b" : "b2t" ) ),
	        diagoffa, bf,
            ( out_ch == 'w' ? "width(area)" : "ranges" ) );
	printf( "              uplo: %3c   nt: %3ld\n", uploa_ch, n_way );
	printf( "\n" );

	printf( "             " );
	for ( t = t_begin; t != t_stop; t += t_inc )
		if ( part_n_dim )
			if      ( t == t_begin      ) printf( "left...      " );
			else if ( t == t_stop-t_inc ) printf( "     ...right" );
			else                          printf( "             " );
		else // if ( part_m_dim )
			if      ( t == t_begin      ) printf( "top...       " );
			else if ( t == t_stop-t_inc ) printf( "    ...bottom" );
			else                          printf( "             " );
	printf( "\n" );

	printf( "%4c x %4c  ", 'm', 'n' );
	for ( t = t_begin; t != t_stop; t += t_inc )
		printf( "%9s %lu  ", "thread", t );
	printf( "\n" );
	printf( "-------------" );
	for ( t = t_begin; t != t_stop; t += t_inc )
		printf( "-------------" );
	printf( "\n" );

	for ( p = p_begin; p <= p_max; p += p_inc )
		if ( m_input < 0 ) m = ( dim_t )p;
		else               m = ( dim_t )m_input;
		if ( n_input < 0 ) n = ( dim_t )p;
		else               n = ( dim_t )n_input;

		bli_obj_create( dt, m, n, 0, 0, &a );

		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, a );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uploa, a );
		bli_obj_set_diag_offset( diagoffa, a );

		bli_randm( &a );

		printf( "%4lu x %4lu  ", m, n );

		for ( t = t_begin; t != t_stop; t += t_inc )
			thrinfo.n_way   = n_way;
			thrinfo.work_id = t;

			if      ( part_n_dim && go_fwd )
				area = bli_get_range_weighted_l2r( &thrinfo, &a, bf, &start, &end );
			else if ( part_n_dim && go_bwd )
				area = bli_get_range_weighted_r2l( &thrinfo, &a, bf, &start, &end );
			else if ( part_m_dim && go_fwd )
				area = bli_get_range_weighted_t2b( &thrinfo, &a, bf, &start, &end );
			else // ( part_m_dim && go_bwd )
				area = bli_get_range_weighted_b2t( &thrinfo, &a, bf, &start, &end );

			width = end - start;

			if ( out_ch == 'w' ) printf( "%4lu(%6lu) ", width, area );
			else                 printf( "[%4lu,%4lu)  ", start, end );

		printf( "\n" );

		bli_obj_free( &a );


	return 0;