예제 #1
/* virtual */ void JPMiniGame::Render() const
	for (int i = 0; i < blocksNum; ++i)
		Rect texRect = normalizeTexCoords(blockRect(blocks[i]));
		Rect scrRectOrigin = blockRect(i);
		int indent;
		if (blocks[i] == i)	// правильно поставленные идут без отступа
			indent = 0;
		else if (blocks[i] == selectedBlock)	// выделенные с небольшим оступом
			indent = 2;
		else						// у всех остальных отступ большой
			indent = 5;

		scrRectOrigin.left += indent;
		scrRectOrigin.top += indent;
		scrRectOrigin.right -= indent;
		scrRectOrigin.bottom -= indent;

		::Render(scrRectOrigin, cTextureId, texRect);
예제 #2
bool QgsRasterIterator::readNextRasterPart( int bandNumber,
    int& nCols, int& nRows,
    void** rasterData,
    int& topLeftCol, int& topLeftRow )
  //get partinfo
  QMap<int, RasterPartInfo>::iterator partIt = mRasterPartInfos.find( bandNumber );
  if ( partIt == mRasterPartInfos.end() )
    return false;

  RasterPartInfo& pInfo = partIt.value();

  //remove last data block
  // TODO: data are released somewhere else (check)
  //free( pInfo.data );
  pInfo.data = 0;
  delete pInfo.prj;
  pInfo.prj = 0;

  //already at end
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow == pInfo.nRows )
    return false;

  //read data block
  nCols = qMin( mMaximumTileWidth, pInfo.nCols - pInfo.currentCol );
  nRows = qMin( mMaximumTileHeight, pInfo.nRows - pInfo.currentRow );

  //get subrectangle
  QgsRectangle viewPortExtent = mExtent;
  double xmin = viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + pInfo.currentCol / ( double )pInfo.nCols * viewPortExtent.width();
  double xmax = viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + ( pInfo.currentCol + nCols ) / ( double )pInfo.nCols * viewPortExtent.width();
  double ymin = viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - ( pInfo.currentRow + nRows ) / ( double )pInfo.nRows * viewPortExtent.height();
  double ymax = viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - pInfo.currentRow / ( double )pInfo.nRows * viewPortExtent.height();
  QgsRectangle blockRect( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );

  pInfo.data = mInput->block( bandNumber, blockRect, nCols, nRows );

  *rasterData = pInfo.data;
  topLeftCol = pInfo.currentCol;
  topLeftRow = pInfo.currentRow;

  pInfo.currentCol += nCols;
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow + nRows == pInfo.nRows ) //end of raster
    pInfo.currentRow = pInfo.nRows;
  else if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols ) //start new row
    pInfo.currentCol = 0;
    pInfo.currentRow += nRows;

  return true;
예제 #3
RoomDataStores MysteryDungeonMaker::RoomData()
	RoomDataStores roomData;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < dungeonSize->DungeonRowNum(); i++)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < dungeonSize->DungeonColumnNum(); j++)
			if (sections[i][j].HasRoom())
				auto rect = sections[i][j].GetRoom();
				BlockRect blockRect(rect.y1, rect.x1, rect.y2, rect.x2);

	return roomData;
예제 #4
LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBlock* currentBlock) const
    // First check if we cached the offset for the block if it's an ancestor containing block of the box
    // being currently laid out.
    LayoutUnit offset;
    if (cachedOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBlock, offset))
        return offset;

    // If it's the current box being laid out, use the layout state.
    const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox();
    if (currentBlock == currentBoxDescendant) {
        LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState();
        ASSERT(layoutState->renderer() == currentBlock);
        ASSERT(layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated());
        LayoutSize offsetDelta = layoutState->layoutOffset() - layoutState->pageOffset();
        return currentBoxDescendant->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetDelta.height() : offsetDelta.width();

    // As a last resort, take the slow path.
    LayoutRect blockRect(0, 0, currentBlock->width(), currentBlock->height());
    while (currentBlock && !currentBlock->isRenderFlowThread()) {
        RenderBlock* containerBlock = currentBlock->containingBlock();
        if (!containerBlock)
            return 0;
        LayoutPoint currentBlockLocation = currentBlock->location();

        if (containerBlock->style()->writingMode() != currentBlock->style()->writingMode()) {
            // We have to put the block rect in container coordinates
            // and we have to take into account both the container and current block flipping modes
            if (containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
                if (containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                    blockRect.setY(currentBlock->height() - blockRect.maxY());
                    blockRect.setX(currentBlock->width() - blockRect.maxX());
        currentBlock = containerBlock;

    return currentBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? blockRect.y() : blockRect.x();
예제 #5
	void findNextBlockPlacement(Size square,std::vector<Size> blocks,std::vector<std::vector<Rect> >* blockPlacements,std::vector<Rect> currentPlacement)
		Point startPoint = PointDefault;
		for(int i=0;i<currentPlacement.size();i++)
			Rect placement = currentPlacement[i];
			if((placement.x+placement.width)%square.width > startPoint.x)
				startPoint.x = placement.x+placement.width;
			if(placement.y+placement.height > startPoint.y)
				startPoint.y = placement.y+placement.height;
		int currentX = 0;
		for(int i=0;i<currentPlacement.size();i++)
			Rect placement = currentPlacement[i];
			if(placement.y+placement.height == startPoint.y && placement.x+placement.width > currentX)
				currentX = placement.x+placement.width;
		if(square.width == currentX && square.height == startPoint.y)
		for(int i=0;i<blocks.size();i++)
			Size blockSize = blocks[i];
			if(startPoint.x+blockSize.width <= square.width && startPoint.y+blockSize.height <= square.height)
				Rect blockRect(startPoint.x,startPoint.y,blockSize.width,blockSize.height);
예제 #6
void TextContent::updateTextConstraints()
    // 1. actual content stretch
    double prevXScale = 1.0;
    double prevYScale = 1.0;
   /* if (m_textRect.width() > 0 && m_textRect.height() > 0) {
        QRect cRect = contentRect();
        prevXScale = (qreal)cRect.width() / (qreal)m_textRect.width();
        prevYScale = (qreal)cRect.height() / (qreal)m_textRect.height();

    // 2. LAYOUT TEXT. find out Block rects and Document rect
    int minCharSide = 0;
    m_textRect = QRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    for (QTextBlock tb = m_text->begin(); tb.isValid(); tb = tb.next()) {
        if (!tb.isVisible())

        // 2.1.A. calc the Block size uniting Fragments bounding rects
        QRect blockRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        for (QTextBlock::iterator tbIt = tb.begin(); !(tbIt.atEnd()); ++tbIt) {
            QTextFragment frag = tbIt.fragment();
            if (!frag.isValid())

            QString text = frag.text();
            if (text.trimmed().isEmpty())

            QFontMetrics metrics(frag.charFormat().font());
            if (!minCharSide || metrics.height() > minCharSide)
                minCharSide = metrics.height();

            // TODO: implement superscript / subscript (it's in charFormat's alignment)
            // it must be implemented in paint too

            QRect textRect = metrics.boundingRect(text);
            if (textRect.left() > 9999)
            if (textRect.top() < blockRect.top())
            if (textRect.bottom() > blockRect.bottom())

            int textWidth = metrics.width(text);
            blockRect.setWidth(blockRect.width() + textWidth);
        // 2.1.B. calc the Block size of blank lines
        if (tb.begin() == tb.end()) {
            QFontMetrics metrics(tb.charFormat().font());
            int textHeight = metrics.height();

        // 2.2. add the Block's margins
        QTextBlockFormat tbFormat = tb.blockFormat();
        blockRect.adjust(-tbFormat.leftMargin(), -tbFormat.topMargin(), tbFormat.rightMargin(), tbFormat.bottomMargin());

        // 2.3. store the original block rect

        // 2.4. enlarge the Document rect (uniting the Block rect)
        blockRect.translate(0, m_textRect.bottom() - blockRect.top() + 1);
        if (blockRect.left() < m_textRect.left())
        if (blockRect.right() > m_textRect.right())
        if (blockRect.top() < m_textRect.top())
        if (blockRect.bottom() > m_textRect.bottom())
    m_textRect.adjust(-m_textMargin, -m_textMargin, m_textMargin, m_textMargin);

    // 3. use shape-based rendering
    if (hasShape()) {
#if 1
        // more precise, but too close to the path
        m_shapeRect = m_shapePath.boundingRect().toRect();
        // faster, but less precise (as it uses the controls points to determine
        // the path rect, instead of the path itself)
        m_shapeRect = m_shapePath.controlPointRect().toRect();
        minCharSide = qBound(10, minCharSide, 500);
        m_shapeRect.adjust(-minCharSide, -minCharSide, minCharSide, minCharSide);

        // FIXME: layout, save layouting and calc the exact size!
        //int w = m_shapeRect.width();
        //int h = m_shapeRect.height();
        //resizeContents(QRect(-w / 2, -h / 2, w, h));

  //      moveBy(m_shapeRect.left(), m_shapeRect.top());
//        m_shapePath.translate(-m_shapeRect.left(), -m_shapeRect.top());

    // 4. resize content keeping stretch
    int w = (int)(prevXScale * (qreal)m_textRect.width());
    int h = (int)(prevYScale * (qreal)m_textRect.height());
    resizeContents(QRect(-w / 2, -h / 2, w, h));
예제 #7
bool QgsRasterIterator::readNextRasterPart( int bandNumber,
    int &nCols, int &nRows,
    QgsRasterBlock **block,
    int &topLeftCol, int &topLeftRow )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Entered", 4 );
  *block = nullptr;
  //get partinfo
  QMap<int, RasterPartInfo>::iterator partIt = mRasterPartInfos.find( bandNumber );
  if ( partIt == mRasterPartInfos.end() )
    return false;

  RasterPartInfo &pInfo = partIt.value();

  // If we started with zero cols or zero rows, just return (avoids divide by zero below)
  if ( 0 == pInfo.nCols || 0 == pInfo.nRows )
    return false;

  //remove last data block
  delete pInfo.prj;
  pInfo.prj = nullptr;

  //already at end
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow == pInfo.nRows )
    return false;

  //read data block
  nCols = std::min( mMaximumTileWidth, pInfo.nCols - pInfo.currentCol );
  nRows = std::min( mMaximumTileHeight, pInfo.nRows - pInfo.currentRow );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "nCols = %1 nRows = %2" ).arg( nCols ).arg( nRows ), 4 );

  //get subrectangle
  QgsRectangle viewPortExtent = mExtent;
  double xmin = viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + pInfo.currentCol / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nCols ) * viewPortExtent.width();
  double xmax = pInfo.currentCol + nCols == pInfo.nCols ? viewPortExtent.xMaximum() :  // avoid extra FP math if not necessary
                viewPortExtent.xMinimum() + ( pInfo.currentCol + nCols ) / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nCols ) * viewPortExtent.width();
  double ymin = pInfo.currentRow + nRows == pInfo.nRows ? viewPortExtent.yMinimum() :  // avoid extra FP math if not necessary
                viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - ( pInfo.currentRow + nRows ) / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nRows ) * viewPortExtent.height();
  double ymax = viewPortExtent.yMaximum() - pInfo.currentRow / static_cast< double >( pInfo.nRows ) * viewPortExtent.height();
  QgsRectangle blockRect( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );

  *block = mInput->block( bandNumber, blockRect, nCols, nRows, mFeedback );
  topLeftCol = pInfo.currentCol;
  topLeftRow = pInfo.currentRow;

  pInfo.currentCol += nCols;
  if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols && pInfo.currentRow + nRows == pInfo.nRows ) //end of raster
    pInfo.currentRow = pInfo.nRows;
  else if ( pInfo.currentCol == pInfo.nCols ) //start new row
    pInfo.currentCol = 0;
    pInfo.currentRow += nRows;

  return true;
예제 #8
 QRect lineRect( int line ) const {
     const CodeEditor* editor = stacker->editor();
     const TextDocument* document = editor ? editor->textDocument() : 0;
     return document ? blockRect( document->findBlockByNumber( line ) ) : QRect();