예제 #1
파일: Bishops.cpp 프로젝트: mnuck/chess
BitBoard Bishops::getAttacksFrom(Square square, BitBoard targets,
                                 BitBoard friendlies) {
  BitBoard blockers((targets | friendlies) & _moveMask[square]);
  unsigned int index((blockers * _magicNumber[square]) >> _magicShift[square]);
  BitBoard attacks(*(_magicAttacks[square] + index));
  return attacks & ~friendlies;
예제 #2
    int laneOffset,
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
    SUMOReal& latDist) const {

    ChangerIt target = myCandi + laneOffset;
    MSVehicle* vehicle = veh(myCandi);
    const MSLane& neighLane = *(target->lane);
    int blocked = 0;

    //gDebugFlag1 = vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().debugVehicle();

    MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighLeaders = getLeaders(target, vehicle);
    MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighFollowers = target->lane->getFollowersOnConsecutive(vehicle, true);
    MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighBlockers(&neighLane, vehicle, vehicle->getLane()->getRightSideOnEdge() - neighLane.getRightSideOnEdge());
    MSLeaderDistanceInfo leaders = getLeaders(myCandi, vehicle);
    MSLeaderDistanceInfo followers = myCandi->lane->getFollowersOnConsecutive(vehicle, true);
    MSLeaderDistanceInfo blockers(vehicle->getLane(), vehicle, 0);

    if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout << SIMTIME
                                   << " checkChangeSublane: veh=" << vehicle->getID()
                                   << " laneOffset=" << laneOffset
                                   << "\n  leaders=" << leaders.toString()
                                   << "\n  neighLeaders=" << neighLeaders.toString()
                                   << "\n";

    const int wish = vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().wantsChangeSublane(
                         leaders, followers, blockers,
                         neighLeaders, neighFollowers, neighBlockers,
                         neighLane, preb,
                         &(myCandi->lastBlocked), &(myCandi->firstBlocked), latDist, blocked);
    int state = blocked | wish;

    // XXX
    // do are more carefull (but expensive) check to ensure that a
    // safety-critical leader is not being overloocked

    // XXX
    // ensure that a continuous lane change manoeuvre can be completed
    // before the next turning movement

#ifndef NO_TRACI
    // let TraCI influence the wish to change lanes and the security to take
    //const int oldstate = state;
    state = vehicle->influenceChangeDecision(state);
    //if (vehicle->getID() == "150_2_36000000") {
    //    std::cout << STEPS2TIME(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep()) << " veh=" << vehicle->getID() << " oldstate=" << oldstate << " newstate=" << state << "\n";
    gDebugFlag1 = false;
    return state;
예제 #3
파일: Bishops.cpp 프로젝트: mnuck/chess
    : _moveMask({0x40201008040200LL, 0x402010080400LL, 0x4020100a00LL,
                 0x40221400LL, 0x2442800LL, 0x204085000LL, 0x20408102000LL,
                 0x2040810204000LL, 0x20100804020000LL, 0x40201008040000LL,
                 0x4020100a0000LL, 0x4022140000LL, 0x244280000LL,
                 0x20408500000LL, 0x2040810200000LL, 0x4081020400000LL,
                 0x10080402000200LL, 0x20100804000400LL, 0x4020100a000a00LL,
                 0x402214001400LL, 0x24428002800LL, 0x2040850005000LL,
                 0x4081020002000LL, 0x8102040004000LL, 0x8040200020400LL,
                 0x10080400040800LL, 0x20100a000a1000LL, 0x40221400142200LL,
                 0x2442800284400LL, 0x4085000500800LL, 0x8102000201000LL,
                 0x10204000402000LL, 0x4020002040800LL, 0x8040004081000LL,
                 0x100a000a102000LL, 0x22140014224000LL, 0x44280028440200LL,
                 0x8500050080400LL, 0x10200020100800LL, 0x20400040201000LL,
                 0x2000204081000LL, 0x4000408102000LL, 0xa000a10204000LL,
                 0x14001422400000LL, 0x28002844020000LL, 0x50005008040200LL,
                 0x20002010080400LL, 0x40004020100800LL, 0x20408102000LL,
                 0x40810204000LL, 0xa1020400000LL, 0x142240000000LL,
                 0x284402000000LL, 0x500804020000LL, 0x201008040200LL,
                 0x402010080400LL, 0x2040810204000LL, 0x4081020400000LL,
                 0xa102040000000LL, 0x14224000000000LL, 0x28440200000000LL,
                 0x50080402000000LL, 0x20100804020000LL, 0x40201008040200LL}),
      _magicShift({58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59,
                   59, 59, 59, 57, 57, 57, 57, 59, 59, 59, 59, 57, 55, 55, 57,
                   59, 59, 59, 59, 57, 55, 55, 57, 59, 59, 59, 59, 57, 57, 57,
                   57, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 58, 59, 59, 59,
                   59, 59, 59, 58}),
          {0x450010148020840LL, 0x10048100420000LL, 0x4010401080008LL,
           0x9040300400004LL, 0x2408484010000004LL, 0x1112010480100LL,
           0x400420211410800LL, 0x808400a00400LL, 0x5001100410040050LL,
           0x13820a1094128484LL, 0x208100086085000LL, 0x1044080849000830LL,
           0x2020020210014040LL, 0xc210008804402801LL, 0x21008208024082LL,
           0x620124010440LL, 0x40042008421081LL, 0x10292084288091LL,
           0x20180990044010a1LL, 0x612002422020200LL, 0xa004422011021LL,
           0x4025001201010168LL, 0x100200bc01410828LL, 0xa280206011408LL,
           0x4282080020881010LL, 0x11040200a0a12LL, 0x1008880210044811LL,
           0x4201080061004100LL, 0x8045011001014001LL, 0x25040100c4900090LL,
           0x1041840440402LL, 0x10404240101090cLL, 0xa101268402e80LL,
           0x8008a82800610200LL, 0x3081004808810800LL, 0x2004040140101LL,
           0x1001010400020020LL, 0x100808300020120LL, 0x1830020608006100LL,
           0x80120c2620510080LL, 0x80013010ec401010LL, 0x11043002004404LL,
           0xa001001802000404LL, 0x4420216000400LL, 0x402200a002500LL,
           0x404010010040420aLL, 0x8100106088440LL, 0x2041402310080LL,
           0x614040213300000LL, 0x40809404092c0840LL, 0x680002020092220eLL,
           0x80020020881200LL, 0x380041002022005LL, 0x2080328220100LL,
           0xa028883004007010LL, 0x40020802248a0000LL, 0x245004802480200LL,
           0x1102604108288202LL, 0xc24020902882400LL, 0x2080080941400LL,
           0x12080011020200LL, 0x80040820200d3241LL, 0x1502410108a00LL,
      _data(nullptr) {
  _data = new BitBoard[5248];

  size_t squareIndex = 0;

  for (Square square = 0; square < 64; ++square) {
    _magicAttacks[square] = _data + squareIndex;
    squareIndex += (1 << (64 - _magicShift[square]));

    for (BitBoard occupied : genOccupancyVariations(square)) {
      BitBoard bishops(1LL << square);

      BitBoard neAttacks = shiftNE(smearNE(bishops, ~occupied));
      BitBoard seAttacks = shiftSE(smearSE(bishops, ~occupied));
      BitBoard swAttacks = shiftSW(smearSW(bishops, ~occupied));
      BitBoard nwAttacks = shiftNW(smearNW(bishops, ~occupied));
      BitBoard attacks = neAttacks | seAttacks | swAttacks | nwAttacks;

      BitBoard blockers(occupied & _moveMask[square]);
      unsigned int index((blockers * _magicNumber[square]) >>
      *(_magicAttacks[square] + index) = attacks;
예제 #4
    std::pair<double, double>
    run_test(barrier_inserter& insert_barrier,
             bool prefill,
             uint64_t tasks_per_queue,
             unsigned num_queues,
             unsigned num_threads,
             uint64_t delay_us,
             unsigned idle_queues)
        EXPECT_LT(0U, tasks_per_queue);
        EXPECT_LT(0U, num_queues);
        EXPECT_LE(0U, idle_queues);

        boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
        pt.put("version", 1);
        std::unique_ptr<threadpool_type> tp(new threadpool_type(pt));

            EXPECT_NO_THROW(tp->stop()) << "Failed to stop threadpool";

            blocker_ptr_vec blockers(idle_queues);

            for (size_t i = 0; i < idle_queues; ++i)
                blockers[i] = blocker_ptr(new Blocker(*tp, num_queues + i));

        callback_ptr_vec callbacks(num_queues);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); ++i)
            callbacks[i] = callback_ptr(new Callback(tasks_per_queue, delay_us));

        youtils::wall_timer t;

        double post_time;

        if (prefill)
            blocker_ptr_vec blockers(num_queues);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < blockers.size(); ++i)
                blockers[i] = blocker_ptr(new Blocker(*tp, i));

            post_time = post_tasks_(insert_barrier, *tp, callbacks, tasks_per_queue);
            post_time = post_tasks_(insert_barrier, *tp, callbacks, tasks_per_queue);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); ++i)
            callback_ptr cb = callbacks[i];
            std::unique_lock<Callback::lock_type> u(cb->lock_);
            while (cb->count_ > 0)
                ASSERT(cb->count_ <= tasks_per_queue);

        const double proc_time = t.elapsed();

        std::cout <<
            "# queues: " << num_queues <<
            ", tasks per queue: " << tasks_per_queue <<
            ", # idle queues: " << idle_queues <<
            ", threads in pool: " << tp->getNumThreads() <<
            ", delay per task (us): " << delay_us <<
            ", processing duration (s): " << proc_time <<

        return std::make_pair(post_time, proc_time);