예제 #1
void bmerge_r(int xlowIn, int xuppIn, int ilowIn, int iuppIn, int col, int lowmax, int uppmax)
// col is >0 and <=ncol-1 if this range of [xlow,xupp] and [ilow,iupp] match up to but not including that column
// lowmax=1 if xlowIn is the lower bound of this group (needed for roll)
// uppmax=1 if xuppIn is the upper bound of this group (needed for roll)
    int xlow=xlowIn, xupp=xuppIn, ilow=ilowIn, iupp=iuppIn, j, k, ir, lir, tmp;
    ir = lir = ilow + (iupp-ilow)/2;           // lir = logical i row.
    if (o) ir = o[lir]-1;                      // ir = the actual i row if i were ordered

    ic = VECTOR_ELT(i,icols[col]-1);  // ic = i column
    xc = VECTOR_ELT(x,xcols[col]-1);  // xc = x column
    // it was checked in bmerge() that the types are equal

    switch (TYPEOF(xc)) {
    case LGLSXP :
    case INTSXP :   // including factors
        ival.i = INTEGER(ic)[ir];
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;   // Same as (xlow+xupp)/2 but without risk of overflow
            xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[mid];
            if (xval.i<ival.i) {          // relies on NA_INTEGER == INT_MIN, tested in init.c
            } else if (xval.i>ival.i) {   // TO DO: is *(&xlow, &xupp)[0|1]=mid more efficient than branch?
            } else { // xval.i == ival.i  including NA_INTEGER==NA_INTEGER
                // branch mid to find start and end of this group in this column
                // TO DO?: not if mult=first|last and col<ncol-1
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[mid];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid;
                    else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[mid];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid;
                    else xlow=mid;
                // xlow and xupp now surround the group in xc, we only need this range for the next column
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {   // TO DO: could double up from lir rather than halving from iupp
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];   // reuse xval to search in i
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid;
            else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid;
            else ilow=mid;
        // ilow and iupp now surround the group in ic, too
    case STRSXP :
        ival.s = STRING_ELT(ic,ir);
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.s = STRING_ELT(xc,mid);
            if (enc_warn && (ENC_KNOWN(ival.s) || ENC_KNOWN(xval.s))) {
                // The || is only done here to avoid the warning message being repeating in this code.
                warning("A known encoding (latin1 or UTF-8) was detected in a join column. data.table compares the bytes currently, so doesn't support *mixed* encodings well; i.e., using both latin1 and UTF-8, or if any unknown encodings are non-ascii and some of those are marked known and others not. But if either latin1 or UTF-8 is used exclusively, and all unknown encodings are ascii, then the result should be ok. In future we will check for you and avoid this warning if everything is ok. The tricky part is doing this without impacting performance for ascii-only cases.");
                // TO DO: check and warn in forder whether any strings are non-ascii (>127) but unknown encoding
                //        check in forder whether both latin1 and UTF-8 have been used
                //        See bugs #5159 and #5266 and related #5295 to revisit
                enc_warn = FALSE;  // just warn once
            tmp = StrCmp(xval.s, ival.s);  // uses pointer equality first, NA_STRING are allowed and joined to, then uses strcmp on CHAR().
            if (tmp == 0) {                // TO DO: deal with mixed encodings and locale optionally
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.s = STRING_ELT(xc,mid);
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmplow=mid;
                    else xupp=mid;  // the == here assumes (within this column) no mixing of latin1 and UTF-8, and no unknown non-ascii
                }                                                     // TO DO: add checks to forder, see above.
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.s = STRING_ELT(xc,mid);
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmpupp=mid;
                    else xlow=mid;  // see above re ==
            } else if (tmp < 0) {
            } else {
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.s = STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid);
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmplow=mid;
            else iupp=mid;   // see above re ==
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.s = STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid);
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmpupp=mid;
            else ilow=mid;   // see above re ==
    case REALSXP :
        class = getAttrib(xc, R_ClassSymbol);
        twiddle = (isString(class) && STRING_ELT(class, 0)==char_integer64) ? &i64twiddle : &dtwiddle;
        ival.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), ir, 1);
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), mid, 1);
            if (xval.ll<ival.ll) {
            } else if (xval.ll>ival.ll) {
            } else { // xval.ll == ival.ll)
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), mid, 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid;
                    else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), mid, 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid;
                    else xlow=mid;
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid;
            else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid;
            else ilow=mid;
        error("Type '%s' not supported as key column", type2char(TYPEOF(xc)));

    if (xlow<xupp-1) {      // if value found, low and upp surround it, unlike standard binary search where low falls on it
        if (col<ncol-1) bmerge_r(xlow, xupp, ilow, iupp, col+1, 1, 1);  // final two 1's are lowmax and uppmax
        else {
            int len = xupp-xlow-1;
            if (len>1) allLen1[0] = FALSE;
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {   // usually iterates once only for j=ir
                if (o) k=o[j]-1;
                else k=j;
                retFirst[k] = xlow+2;       // extra +1 for 1-based indexing at R level
                retLength[k]= len;
    else if (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1) {
        // runs once per i row (not each search test), so not hugely time critical
        if (xlow != xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn) error("Internal error: xlow!=xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn");
        if (nearest) {   // value of roll ignored currently when nearest
            if ( (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) ) {
                if (  ( TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && REAL(ic)[ir]-REAL(xc)[xlow] <= REAL(xc)[xupp]-REAL(ic)[ir] )
                        || ( TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[xlow] <= INTEGER(xc)[xupp]-INTEGER(ic)[ir] )) {
                    retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
                } else {
                    retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (uppmax && xupp==xuppIn && rollends[1]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (lowmax && xlow==xlowIn && rollends[0]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        } else {
            if ( (   (roll>0.0 && (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (xupp<xuppIn || !uppmax || rollends[1]))
                     || (roll<0.0 && xupp==xuppIn && uppmax && rollends[1]) )
                    && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && REAL(ic)[ir]-REAL(xc)[xlow]-rollabs<1e-6)
                           || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[xlow])-rollabs<1e-6 )
                           || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if
            (  (  (roll<0.0 && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) && (xlow>xlowIn || !lowmax || rollends[0]))
                    || (roll>0.0 && xlow==xlowIn && lowmax && rollends[0]) )
                    && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && REAL(xc)[xupp]-REAL(ic)[ir]-rollabs<1e-6)
                           || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(xc)[xupp]-INTEGER(ic)[ir])-rollabs<1e-6 )
                           || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;   // == xlow+2
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        if (iupp-ilow > 2 && retFirst[ir]!=NA_INTEGER) {  // >=2 equal values in the last column being rolling to the same point.
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {                 // will rewrite retFirst[ir] to itself, but that's ok
                if (o) k=o[j]-1;
                else k=j;
                retFirst[k] = retFirst[ir];
                retLength[k]= retLength[ir];
    if (ilow>ilowIn && (xlow>xlowIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xlowIn, xlow+1, ilowIn, ilow+1, col, lowmax, uppmax && xlow+1==xuppIn);
    if (iupp<iuppIn && (xupp<xuppIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xupp-1, xuppIn, iupp-1, iuppIn, col, lowmax && xupp-1==xlowIn, uppmax);
예제 #2
SEXP bmerge(SEXP iArg, SEXP xArg, SEXP icolsArg, SEXP xcolsArg, SEXP isorted, SEXP rollarg, SEXP rollendsArg, SEXP nomatch, SEXP retFirstArg, SEXP retLengthArg, SEXP allLen1Arg)
    int xN, iN, protecti=0;
    roll = 0.0;
    nearest = FALSE;
    enc_warn = TRUE;
    if (isString(rollarg)) {
        if (strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rollarg,0)),"nearest") != 0) error("roll is character but not 'nearest'");
        nearest=TRUE;       // the 1.0 here is just any non-0.0, so roll!=0.0 can be used later
    } else {
        if (!isReal(rollarg)) error("Internal error: roll is not character or double");
        roll = REAL(rollarg)[0];   // more common case (rolling forwards or backwards) or no roll when 0.0
    rollabs = fabs(roll);

    i = iArg;
    x = xArg;  // set globals so bmerge_r can see them.
    if (!isInteger(icolsArg)) error("Internal error: icols is not integer vector");
    if (!isInteger(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: xcols is not integer vector");
    if (LENGTH(icolsArg) > LENGTH(xcolsArg)) error("Internal error: length(icols) [%d] > length(xcols) [%d]", LENGTH(icolsArg), LENGTH(xcolsArg));
    icols = INTEGER(icolsArg);
    xcols = INTEGER(xcolsArg);
    xN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(x,0));
    iN = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(i,0));
    ncol = LENGTH(icolsArg);    // there may be more sorted columns in x than involved in the join
    for(int col=0; col<ncol; col++) {
        if (icols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. icols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (xcols[col]==NA_INTEGER) error("Internal error. xcols[%d] is NA", col);
        if (icols[col]>LENGTH(i) || icols[col]<1) error("icols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(i)=%d]", col, icols[col], LENGTH(i));
        if (xcols[col]>LENGTH(x) || xcols[col]<1) error("xcols[%d]=%d outside range [1,length(x)=%d]", col, xcols[col], LENGTH(x));
        int it = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[col]-1));
        int xt = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(x, xcols[col]-1));
        if (it != xt) error("typeof x.%s (%s) != typeof i.%s (%s)", CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(x,R_NamesSymbol),xcols[col]-1)), type2char(xt), CHAR(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(i,R_NamesSymbol),icols[col]-1)), type2char(it));
    if (!isInteger(retFirstArg) || LENGTH(retFirstArg)!=iN) error("retFirst must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)");
    retFirst = INTEGER(retFirstArg);
    if (!isInteger(retLengthArg) || LENGTH(retLengthArg)!=iN) error("retLength must be integer vector the same length as nrow(i)");
    retLength = INTEGER(retLengthArg);
    if (!isLogical(allLen1Arg) || LENGTH(allLen1Arg) != 1) error("allLen1 must be a length 1 logical vector");
    allLen1 = LOGICAL(allLen1Arg);
    if (!isLogical(rollendsArg) || LENGTH(rollendsArg) != 2) error("rollends must be a length 2 logical vector");
    rollends = LOGICAL(rollendsArg);

    if (nearest && TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(i, icols[ncol-1]-1))==STRSXP) error("roll='nearest' can't be applied to a character column, yet.");

    for (int j=0; j<iN; j++) {
        // defaults need to populated here as bmerge_r may well not touch many locations, say if the last row of i is before the first row of x.
        retFirst[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0];   // default to no match for NA goto below
        // retLength[j] = 0;   // TO DO: do this to save the branch below and later branches at R level to set .N to 0
        retLength[j] = INTEGER(nomatch)[0]==0 ? 0 : 1;
    allLen1[0] = TRUE;  // All-0 and All-NA are considered all length 1 according to R code currently. Really, it means any(length>1).

    o = NULL;
    if (!LOGICAL(isorted)[0]) {
        SEXP order = PROTECT(vec_init(length(icolsArg), ScalarInteger(1))); // rep(1, length(icolsArg))
        SEXP oSxp = PROTECT(forder(i, icolsArg, ScalarLogical(FALSE), ScalarLogical(TRUE), order, ScalarLogical(FALSE)));
        protecti += 2;
        if (!LENGTH(oSxp)) o = NULL;
        else o = INTEGER(oSxp);

    if (iN) bmerge_r(-1,xN,-1,iN,0,1,1);

예제 #3
void bmerge_r(int xlowIn, int xuppIn, int ilowIn, int iuppIn, int col, int lowmax, int uppmax)
// col is >0 and <=ncol-1 if this range of [xlow,xupp] and [ilow,iupp] match up to but not including that column
// lowmax=1 if xlowIn is the lower bound of this group (needed for roll)
// uppmax=1 if xuppIn is the upper bound of this group (needed for roll)
    int xlow=xlowIn, xupp=xuppIn, ilow=ilowIn, iupp=iuppIn, j, k, ir, lir, tmp;
    SEXP class;
    ir = lir = ilow + (iupp-ilow)/2;           // lir = logical i row.
    if (o) ir = o[lir]-1;                      // ir = the actual i row if i were ordered

    ic = VECTOR_ELT(i,icols[col]-1);  // ic = i column
    xc = VECTOR_ELT(x,xcols[col]-1);  // xc = x column
    // it was checked in bmerge() that the types are equal
    switch (TYPEOF(xc)) {
    case LGLSXP : case INTSXP :   // including factors
        ival.i = INTEGER(ic)[ir];
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;   // Same as (xlow+xupp)/2 but without risk of overflow
            xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
            if (xval.i<ival.i) {          // relies on NA_INTEGER == INT_MIN, tested in init.c
            } else if (xval.i>ival.i) {   // TO DO: is *(&xlow, &xupp)[0|1]=mid more efficient than branch?
            } else { // xval.i == ival.i  including NA_INTEGER==NA_INTEGER
                // branch mid to find start and end of this group in this column
                // TO DO?: not if mult=first|last and col<ncol-1
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;
                // xlow and xupp now surround the group in xc, we only need this range for the next column
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {   // TO DO: could double up from lir rather than halving from iupp
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];   // reuse xval to search in i
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;
        // ilow and iupp now surround the group in ic, too
    case STRSXP :
        ival.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic,ir));
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
            tmp = StrCmp(xval.s, ival.s);  // uses pointer equality first, NA_STRING are allowed and joined to, then uses strcmp on CHAR().
            if (tmp == 0) {                // TO DO: deal with mixed encodings and locale optionally
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;  // the == here handles encodings as well. Marked non-utf8 encodings are converted to utf-8 using ENC2UTF8.
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;  // see above re ==
            } else if (tmp < 0) {
            } else {
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid));
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;   // see above re ==
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid));
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;   // see above re == 
    case REALSXP :
        class = getAttrib(xc, R_ClassSymbol);
        twiddle = (isString(class) && STRING_ELT(class, 0)==char_integer64) ? &i64twiddle : &dtwiddle;
        ival.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), ir, 1);
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
            if (xval.ll<ival.ll) {
            } else if (xval.ll>ival.ll) {
            } else { // xval.ll == ival.ll) 
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;
        error("Type '%s' not supported as key column", type2char(TYPEOF(xc)));
    if (xlow<xupp-1) {      // if value found, low and upp surround it, unlike standard binary search where low falls on it
        if (col<ncol-1) bmerge_r(xlow, xupp, ilow, iupp, col+1, 1, 1);  // final two 1's are lowmax and uppmax
        else {
            int len = xupp-xlow-1;
            if (len>1) allLen1[0] = FALSE;
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {   // usually iterates once only for j=ir
                k = o ? o[j]-1 : j;
                retFirst[k] = xlow+2;       // extra +1 for 1-based indexing at R level
                retLength[k]= len; 
    else if (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1) {
        // runs once per i row (not each search test), so not hugely time critical
        if (xlow != xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn) error("Internal error: xlow!=xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn");
        if (rollToNearest) {   // value of roll ignored currently when nearest
            if ( (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) ) {
                if (  ( TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && REAL(ic)[ir]-REAL(xc)[XIND(xlow)] <= REAL(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-REAL(ic)[ir] )
                   || ( TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xlow)] <= INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-INTEGER(ic)[ir] )) {
                    retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
                } else {
                    retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (uppmax && xupp==xuppIn && rollends[1]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (lowmax && xlow==xlowIn && rollends[0]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        } else {
            // fix for #1405
            if (TYPEOF(ic) == REALSXP) {
                xvalupp.ll = REAL(xc)[XIND(xupp)];
                xvallow.ll = REAL(xc)[XIND(xlow)];
                ival.ll = REAL(ic)[ir];
            if ( (   (roll>0.0 && (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (xupp<xuppIn || !uppmax || rollends[1]))
                  || (roll<0.0 && xupp==xuppIn && uppmax && rollends[1]) )
              && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && ((double)(ival.ll-xvallow.ll)-rollabs<1e-6 || 
                                              (double)(ival.ll-xvallow.ll) == rollabs)) // #1007 fix
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xlow)])-rollabs<1e-6 ) 
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if
               (  (  (roll<0.0 && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) && (xlow>xlowIn || !lowmax || rollends[0]))
                  || (roll>0.0 && xlow==xlowIn && lowmax && rollends[0]) )
              && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && ((double)(xvalupp.ll-ival.ll)-rollabs<1e-6 || 
                                              (double)(xvalupp.ll-ival.ll) == rollabs)) // 1007 fix
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-INTEGER(ic)[ir])-rollabs<1e-6 )
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;   // == xlow+2
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        if (iupp-ilow > 2 && retFirst[ir]!=NA_INTEGER) {  // >=2 equal values in the last column being rolling to the same point.  
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {                 // will rewrite retFirst[ir] to itself, but that's ok
                if (o) k=o[j]-1; else k=j;
                retFirst[k] = retFirst[ir];
                retLength[k]= retLength[ir]; 
    if (ilow>ilowIn && (xlow>xlowIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xlowIn, xlow+1, ilowIn, ilow+1, col, lowmax, uppmax && xlow+1==xuppIn);
    if (iupp<iuppIn && (xupp<xuppIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xupp-1, xuppIn, iupp-1, iuppIn, col, lowmax && xupp-1==xlowIn, uppmax);