c_vector<double,2> AnotherFunction(c_vector<double,2>& rX, double t)
    c_vector<double,2> body_force;
    body_force(0) = rX(0)*t;
    body_force(1) = 10*rX(1)*t;
    return body_force;
c_vector<double,2> SomeFunction(c_vector<double,2>& rX, double t)
    c_vector<double,2> body_force;
    body_force(0) = rX(0)+t;
    body_force(1) = 2*(rX(1)+t);
    return body_force;
예제 #3
c_vector<double,2> MyBodyForce(c_vector<double,2>& rX, double t)
    // check the point rX has been interpolated correctly. The mesh
    // is the canonical triangle translated by (0.5,0.8).
    assert(rX(0)>0.0 + 0.5);
    assert(rX(1)>0.0 + 0.8);
    assert(rX(0)+rX(1)<1.0 + 0.5 + 0.8);

    c_vector<double,2> body_force;
    body_force(0) = 10.0;
    body_force(1) = 20.0;
    return body_force;
    static c_vector<double,3> GetBodyForce(c_vector<double,3>& rX, double t)
        assert(rX(0)>=0 && rX(0)<=1 && rX(1)>=0 && rX(1)<=1 && rX(2)>=0 && rX(2)<=1);

        double lam1 = 1+a*rX(0);
        double lam2 = 1+b*rX(1);
        double invlam1 = 1.0/lam1;
        double invlam2 = 1.0/lam2;

        c_vector<double,3> body_force;
        body_force(0) = a;
        body_force(1) = b;
        body_force(2) = 2*rX(2)*invlam1*invlam2*( a*a*invlam1*invlam1 + b*b*invlam2*invlam2 );

        return -2*c1*body_force;
    // Test all the functionality inside ContinuumMechanicsProblemDefinition,
    // which will be common to other problem definition classes
    void TestContinuumMechanicsProblemDefinition() throw(Exception)
        QuadraticMesh<2> mesh(0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

        ContinuumMechanicsProblemDefinition<2> problem_defn(mesh);

        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_THIS(problem_defn.Validate(), "No Dirichlet boundary conditions (eg fixed displacement or fixed flow) have been set");

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetDensity(), 1.0, 1e-12);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetBodyForceType(), CONSTANT_BODY_FORCE);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetConstantBodyForce()(0), 0.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetConstantBodyForce()(1), 0.0, 1e-12);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetTractionBoundaryConditionType(), NO_TRACTIONS);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetDensity(), 2.0, 1e-12);

        // Body force

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetBodyForceType(), FUNCTIONAL_BODY_FORCE);
        c_vector<double,2> X;
        X(0) = 10.0;
        X(1) = 11.0;
        double t = 0.5;
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.EvaluateBodyForceFunction(X,t)(0), 10.5, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.EvaluateBodyForceFunction(X,t)(1), 23.0, 1e-12);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetBodyForce(X,t)(0), 10.5, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetBodyForce(X,t)(1), 23.0, 1e-12);

        c_vector<double,2> body_force;
        body_force(0) = -9.81;
        body_force(1) = 0.01;
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetBodyForceType(), CONSTANT_BODY_FORCE);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetConstantBodyForce()(0), -9.81,  1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetConstantBodyForce()(1),  0.01, 1e-12);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetBodyForce(X,t)(0), -9.81, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetBodyForce(X,t)(1),  0.01, 1e-12);

        // Traction

        std::vector<BoundaryElement<1,2>*> boundary_elements;
        std::vector<c_vector<double,2> > tractions;

        TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator iter
           = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();

        c_vector<double,2> vec = zero_vector<double>(2);


        problem_defn.SetTractionBoundaryConditions(boundary_elements, tractions);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetTractionBoundaryConditionType(), ELEMENTWISE_TRACTION);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements().size(), 2u);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetElementwiseTractions().size(), 2u);

        // comparing addresses
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements()[0], boundary_elements[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements()[1], boundary_elements[1]);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.rGetElementwiseTractions()[0](0), 1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.rGetElementwiseTractions()[0](1), 0.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.rGetElementwiseTractions()[1](0), 1.0, 1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.rGetElementwiseTractions()[1](1), 2.0, 1e-12);

        double pressure = 3423.342;

        problem_defn.SetApplyNormalPressureOnDeformedSurface(boundary_elements, pressure);

        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements().size(), 3u);

        // comparing addresses
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements()[0], boundary_elements[0]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements()[1], boundary_elements[1]);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements()[2], boundary_elements[2]);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetNormalPressure(), 3423.342, 1e-12);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.GetNormalPressure(), 3423.342*10/43, 1e-12);


        problem_defn.SetTractionBoundaryConditions(boundary_elements, AnotherFunction);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.rGetTractionBoundaryElements().size(), 4u);

        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.EvaluateTractionFunction(X,t)(0), 5.0,  1e-12);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.EvaluateTractionFunction(X,t)(1), 55.0, 1e-12);

        problem_defn.SetApplyNormalPressureOnDeformedSurface(boundary_elements, PressureFunction);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(problem_defn.GetTractionBoundaryConditionType(), FUNCTIONAL_PRESSURE_ON_DEFORMED);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(problem_defn.EvaluateNormalPressureFunction(3.64455), 3*3.64455, 1e-12);

        std::vector<unsigned> fixed_nodes;
        problem_defn.SetZeroDirichletNodes(fixed_nodes); // note, this functionality is all tested properly below

        // should not throw anything
예제 #6
     * Test that the matrix is calculated correctly on the cannonical triangle.
     * Tests against the analytical solution calculated by hand.
    void TestAssembler()  throw(Exception)
        QuadraticMesh<2> mesh;
        TrianglesMeshReader<2,2> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/canonical_triangle_quadratic", 2, 2, false);

        double mu = 2.0;
        c_vector<double,2> body_force;
        double g1 = 1.34254;
        double g2 = 75.3422;
        body_force(0) = g1;
        body_force(1) = g2;

        StokesFlowProblemDefinition<2> problem_defn(mesh);

        StokesFlowAssembler<2> assembler(&mesh, &problem_defn);

        // The tests below test the assembler against hand-calculated variables for
        // an OLD weak form (corresponding to different boundary conditions), not the
        // current Stokes weak form. This factor converts the assembler to use the old
        // weak form. See documentation for this variable for more details.
        assembler.mScaleFactor = 0.0;

        Vec vec = PetscTools::CreateVec(18);
        Mat mat;
        PetscTools::SetupMat(mat, 18, 18, 18);

        assembler.SetVectorToAssemble(vec, true);
        assembler.SetMatrixToAssemble(mat, true);

        double A[6][6] = {
            {      1.0,  1.0/6.0,  1.0/6.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0},
            {  1.0/6.0,  1.0/2.0,      0.0,      0.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0},
            {  1.0/6.0,      0.0,  1.0/2.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0,      0.0},
            {      0.0,      0.0,      0.0,  8.0/3.0, -4.0/3.0, -4.0/3.0},
            { -2.0/3.0,      0.0, -2.0/3.0, -4.0/3.0,  8.0/3.0,      0.0},
            { -2.0/3.0, -2.0/3.0,      0.0, -4.0/3.0,      0.0,  8.0/3.0}

        double Bx[6][3] = {
            { -1.0/6.0,      0.0,      0.0},
            {      0.0,  1.0/6.0,      0.0},
            {      0.0,      0.0,      0.0},
            {  1.0/6.0,  1.0/6.0,  1.0/3.0},
            { -1.0/6.0, -1.0/6.0, -1.0/3.0},
            {  1.0/6.0, -1.0/6.0,      0.0},

        double By[6][3] = {
            { -1.0/6.0,      0.0,      0.0},
            {      0.0,      0.0,      0.0},
            {      0.0,      0.0,  1.0/6.0},
            {  1.0/6.0,  1.0/3.0,  1.0/6.0},
            {  1.0/6.0,      0.0, -1.0/6.0},
            { -1.0/6.0, -1.0/3.0, -1.0/6.0},

        c_matrix<double,18,18> exact_A = zero_matrix<double>(18);

        // The diagonal 6x6 blocks
        for (unsigned i=0; i<6; i++)
            for (unsigned j=0; j<6; j++)
                exact_A(3*i,  3*j)   = mu*A[i][j];
                exact_A(3*i+1,3*j+1) = mu*A[i][j];

        // The 6x3 Blocks
        for (unsigned i=0; i<6; i++)
            for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
                exact_A(3*i,3*j+2)   = -Bx[i][j];
                exact_A(3*i+1,3*j+2) = -By[i][j];
                //- as -Div(U)=0
                exact_A(3*j+2,3*i)   = -Bx[i][j];
                exact_A(3*j+2,3*i+1) = -By[i][j];

        int lo, hi;
        MatGetOwnershipRange(mat, &lo, &hi);
        for (unsigned i=lo; i<(unsigned)hi; i++)
            for (unsigned j=0; j<18; j++)
                TS_ASSERT_DELTA(PetscMatTools::GetElement(mat,i,j), exact_A(i,j), 1e-9);
        ReplicatableVector vec_repl(vec);

        // The first 6 entries in the vector correspond to nodes 0, 1, 2, i.e. the vertices.
        // For these nodes, it can be shown that the integral of the corresponding
        // basis function is zero, i.e. \intgl_{canonical element} \phi_i dV = 0.0  for i=0,1,2, phi_i the
        // i-th QUADRATIC basis.
        for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[3*i],   g1*0.0, 1e-8);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[3*i+1], g2*0.0, 1e-8);

        // The next 6 entries in the vector correspond to nodes 3, 4, 5, i.e. the internal edges.
        // For these nodes, it can be shown that the integral of the corresponding
        // basis function is 1/6, i.e. \intgl_{canonical element} \phi_i dV = 1/6  for i=3,4,5, phi_i the
        // i-th QUADRATIC basis.
        for(unsigned i=3; i<6; i++)
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[3*i],   g1/6.0, 1e-8);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[3*i+1], g2/6.0, 1e-8);

        // The pressure-block of the RHS vector should be zero.
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[2], 0.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[5], 0.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[8], 0.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[11], 0.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[14], 0.0, 1e-9);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl[17], 0.0, 1e-9);

        // Replace the body force with a functional body force (see MyBodyForce) above, and
        // assemble the vector again. This bit isn't so much to test the vector, but
        // to test the physical location being integrated at is interpolated correctly
        // and passed into the force function - see asserts in MyBodyForce.
        mesh.Translate(0.5, 0.8);

        Vec vec2 = PetscTools::CreateVec(18);
        assembler.SetVectorToAssemble(vec2, true);

        ReplicatableVector vec_repl2(vec2);
        for(unsigned i=3; i<6; i++)
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl2[3*i],   10.0/6.0, 1e-8);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vec_repl2[3*i+1], 20.0/6.0, 1e-8);

    /* == Incompressible deformation: 2D shape hanging under gravity with a balancing traction ==
     * We now repeat the above test but include a traction on the bottom surface (Y=0). We apply this
     * in the inward direction so that is counters (somewhat) the effect of gravity. We also show how stresses
     * and strains can be written to file.
    void TestIncompressibleProblemWithTractions() throw(Exception)
        /* All of this is exactly as above */
        QuadraticMesh<2> mesh;
        mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.1 /*stepsize*/, 0.8 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);

        MooneyRivlinMaterialLaw<2> law(1.0);

        c_vector<double,2> body_force;
        body_force(0) =  0.0;
        body_force(1) = -2.0;

        std::vector<unsigned> fixed_nodes = NonlinearElasticityTools<2>::GetNodesByComponentValue(mesh, 1, 1.0);

        /* Now the traction boundary conditions. We need to collect all the boundary elements on the surface which we want to
         * apply non-zero tractions, put them in a `std::vector`, and create a corresponding `std::vector` of the tractions
         * for each of the boundary elements. Note that the each traction is a 2D vector with dimensions of pressure.
         * First, declare the data structures:
        std::vector<BoundaryElement<1,2>*> boundary_elems;
        std::vector<c_vector<double,2> > tractions;
        /* Create a constant traction */
        c_vector<double,2> traction;
        traction(0) = 0;
        traction(1) = 1.0; // this choice of sign corresponds to an inward force (if applied to the bottom surface)
        /* Loop over boundary elements */
        for (TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
             iter != mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd();
            /* If the centre of the element has Y value of 0.0, it is on the surface we need */
            if (fabs((*iter)->CalculateCentroid()[1] - 0.0) < 1e-6)
                /* Put the boundary element and the constant traction into the stores. */
                BoundaryElement<1,2>* p_element = *iter;
        /* A quick check */
        assert(boundary_elems.size() == 8u);

        /* Now create the problem definition object, setting the material law, fixed nodes and body force as
         * before (this time not calling `SetDensity()`, so using the default density of 1.0,
         * and also calling a method for setting tractions, which takes in the boundary elements
         * and tractions for each of those elements.
        SolidMechanicsProblemDefinition<2> problem_defn(mesh);
        problem_defn.SetTractionBoundaryConditions(boundary_elems, tractions);

        /* Create solver as before */
        IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver<2> solver(mesh,

        /* In this test we also output the stress and strain. For the former, we have to tell the solver to store
         * the stresses that are computed during the solve.

        /* Call `Solve()` */

        /* If VTK output is written (discussed above) strains can be visualised. Alternatively, we can create text files
         * for strains and stresses by doing the following.
         * Write the final deformation gradients to file. The i-th line of this file provides the deformation gradient F,
         * written as 'F(0,0) F(0,1) F(1,0) F(1,1)', evaluated at the centroid of the i-th element. The first variable
         * can also be DEFORMATION_TENSOR_C or LAGRANGE_STRAIN_E to write C or E. The second parameter is the file name.

        /* Since we called `SetComputeAverageStressPerElementDuringSolve`, we can write the stresses to file too. However,
         * note that for each element this is not the stress evaluated at the centroid, but the mean average of the stresses
         * evaluated at the quadrature points - for technical cardiac electromechanics reasons, it is difficult to
         * define the stress at non-quadrature points.

        /* Another quick check */
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(solver.GetNumNewtonIterations(), 4u);

        /* Visualise as before by going to the output directory and doing
         * `x=load('solution.nodes'); plot(x(:,1),x(:,2),'m*')` in Matlab/octave, or by using Cmgui.
         * The effect of the traction should be clear (especially when compared to
         * the results of the first test).
         * Create Cmgui output

        /* This is just to check that nothing has been accidentally changed in this test */
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solver.rGetDeformedPosition()[8](0), 0.8561, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(solver.rGetDeformedPosition()[8](1), 0.0310, 1e-3);
    /* In the first test we use INCOMPRESSIBLE nonlinear elasticity. For incompressible elasticity, there
     * is a constraint on the deformation, which results in a pressure field (a Lagrange multiplier)
     * which is solved for together with the deformation.
     * All the mechanics solvers solve for the deformation using the finite element method with QUADRATIC
     * basis functions for the deformation. This necessitates the use of a `QuadraticMesh` - such meshes have
     * extra nodes that aren't vertices of elements, in this case midway along each edge. (The displacement
     * is solved for at ''each node'' in the mesh (including internal [non-vertex] nodes), whereas the pressure
     * is only solved for at each vertex - in FEM terms, quadratic interpolation for displacement, linear
     * interpolation for pressure, which is required for stability. The pressure at internal nodes is computed
     * by linear interpolation).
    void TestSimpleIncompressibleProblem() throw(Exception)
        /* First, define the geometry. This should be specified using the `QuadraticMesh` class, which inherits from `TetrahedralMesh`
         * and has mostly the same interface. Here we define a 0.8 by 1 rectangle, with elements 0.1 wide.
         * (`QuadraticMesh`s can also be read in using `TrianglesMeshReader`; see next tutorial/rest of code base for examples of this).
        QuadraticMesh<2> mesh;
        mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.1 /*stepsize*/, 0.8 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);

        /* We use a Mooney-Rivlin material law, which applies to isotropic materials and has two parameters.
         * Restricted to 2D however, it only has one parameter, which can be thought of as the total
         * stiffness. We declare a Mooney-Rivlin law, setting the parameter to 1.
        MooneyRivlinMaterialLaw<2> law(1.0);

        /* Next, the body force density. In realistic problems this will either be
         * acceleration due to gravity (ie b=(0,-9.81)) or zero if the effect of gravity can be neglected.
         * In this problem we apply a gravity-like downward force.
        c_vector<double,2> body_force;
        body_force(0) =  0.0;
        body_force(1) = -2.0;

        /* Two types of boundary condition are required: displacement and traction. As with the other PDE solvers,
         * the displacement (Dirichlet) boundary conditions are specified at nodes, whereas traction (Neumann) boundary
         * conditions are specified on boundary elements.
         * In this test we apply displacement boundary conditions on one surface of the mesh, the upper (Y=1.0) surface.
         * We are going to specify zero-displacement at these nodes.
         * We do not specify any traction boundary conditions, which means that (effectively) zero-traction boundary
         * conditions (ie zero pressures) are applied on the three other surfaces.
         * We need to get a `std::vector` of all the node indices that we want to fix. The `NonlinearElasticityTools`
         * has a static method for helping do this: the following gets all the nodes for which Y=1.0. The second
         * argument (the '1') indicates Y . (So, for example, `GetNodesByComponentValue(mesh, 0, 10)` would get the nodes on X=10).
        std::vector<unsigned> fixed_nodes = NonlinearElasticityTools<2>::GetNodesByComponentValue(mesh, 1, 1.0);

         * Before creating the solver we create a `SolidMechanicsProblemDefinition` object,  which contains
         * everything that defines the problem: mesh, material law, body force,
         * the fixed nodes and their locations, any traction boundary conditions, and the density
         * (which multiplies the body force, otherwise isn't used).
        SolidMechanicsProblemDefinition<2> problem_defn(mesh);

        /* Set the material problem on the problem definition object, saying that the problem, and
         * the material law, is incompressible. All material law files can be found in
         * `continuum_mechanics/src/problem/material_laws`. */

        /* Set the fixed nodes, choosing zero displacement for these nodes (see later for how
         * to provide locations for the fixed nodes). */
        /* Set the body force and the density. (Note that the second line isn't technically
         * needed, as internally the density is initialised to 1)

        /* Now we create the (incompressible) solver, passing in the mesh, problem definition
         * and output directory
        IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver<2> solver(mesh,

        /* .. and to compute the solution, just call `Solve()` */

        /* '''Visualisation'''. Go to the folder `SimpleIncompressibleElasticityTutorial` in your test-output directory.
         * There should be 2 files, initial.nodes and solution.nodes. These are the original nodal positions and the deformed
         * positions. Each file has two columns, the x and y locations of each node. To visualise the solution in say
         * Matlab or Octave, you could do: `x=load('solution.nodes'); plot(x(:,1),x(:,2),'k*')`. For Cmgui output, see below.
         * To get the actual solution from the solver, use these two methods. Note that the first
         * gets the deformed position (ie the new location, not the displacement). They are both of size
         * num_total_nodes.
        std::vector<c_vector<double,2> >& r_deformed_positions = solver.rGetDeformedPosition();
        std::vector<double>& r_pressures = solver.rGetPressures();
        /* Let us obtain the values of the new position, and the pressure, at the bottom right corner node. */
        unsigned node_index = 8;
        assert( fabs(mesh.GetNode(node_index)->rGetLocation()[0] - 0.8) < 1e-6); // check that X=0.8, ie that we have the correct node,
        assert( fabs(mesh.GetNode(node_index)->rGetLocation()[1] - 0.0) < 1e-6); // check that Y=0.0, ie that we have the correct node,
        std::cout << "New position: " << r_deformed_positions[node_index](0) << " " << r_deformed_positions[node_index](1) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Pressure: " << r_pressures[node_index] << "\n";

        /* HOW_TO_TAG Continuum mechanics
         * Visualise nonlinear elasticity problems solutions, including visualisng strains

        /* One visualiser is Cmgui. This method can be used to convert all the output files to Cmgui format.
         * They are placed in `[OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]/cmgui`. A script is created to easily load the data: in a
         * terminal cd to this directory and call `cmgui LoadSolutions.com`. (In this directory, the initial position is given by
         * solution_0.exnode, the deformed by solution_1.exnode).

        /* The recommended visualiser is Paraview, for which Chaste must be installed with VTK. With paraview, strains (and in the future
         * stresses) can be visualised on the undeformed/deformed geometry). We can create VTK output using
         * the `VtkNonlinearElasticitySolutionWriter` class. The undeformed geometry, solution displacement, and pressure (if incompressible
         * problem) are written to file, and below we also choose to write the deformation tensor C for each element.
        VtkNonlinearElasticitySolutionWriter<2> vtk_writer(solver);
        vtk_writer.SetWriteElementWiseStrains(DEFORMATION_TENSOR_C); // other options are DEFORMATION_GRADIENT_F and LAGRANGE_STRAIN_E

        /* These are just to check that nothing has been accidentally changed in this test.
         * Newton's method (with damping) was used to solve the nonlinear problem, and we check that
         * 4 iterations were needed to converge.
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(r_deformed_positions[node_index](0),  0.7980, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_DELTA(r_deformed_positions[node_index](1), -0.1129, 1e-3);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(solver.GetNumNewtonIterations(), 4u);
void CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver<DIM>::AssembleOnElement(
            Element<DIM, DIM>& rElement,
            c_matrix<double, STENCIL_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE >& rAElem,
            c_matrix<double, STENCIL_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE >& rAElemPrecond,
            c_vector<double, STENCIL_SIZE>& rBElem,
            bool assembleResidual,
            bool assembleJacobian)
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> jacobian;
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> inverse_jacobian;
    double jacobian_determinant;

    this->mrQuadMesh.GetInverseJacobianForElement(rElement.GetIndex(), jacobian, jacobian_determinant, inverse_jacobian);

    if (assembleJacobian)

    if (assembleResidual)

    // Get the current displacement at the nodes
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT> element_current_displacements;
    for (unsigned II=0; II<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT; II++)
        for (unsigned JJ=0; JJ<DIM; JJ++)
            element_current_displacements(JJ,II) = this->mCurrentSolution[DIM*rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(II) + JJ];

    // Allocate memory for the basis functions values and derivative values
    static c_vector<double, NUM_VERTICES_PER_ELEMENT> linear_phi;
    static c_vector<double, NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT> quad_phi;
    static c_matrix<double, DIM, NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT> grad_quad_phi;
    static c_matrix<double, NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT, DIM> trans_grad_quad_phi;

    // Get the material law
    AbstractCompressibleMaterialLaw<DIM>* p_material_law
       = this->mrProblemDefinition.GetCompressibleMaterialLaw(rElement.GetIndex());

    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> grad_u; // grad_u = (du_i/dX_M)

    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> F;      // the deformation gradient, F = dx/dX, F_{iM} = dx_i/dX_M
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> C;      // Green deformation tensor, C = F^T F
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> inv_C;  // inverse(C)
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> inv_F;  // inverse(F)
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> T;      // Second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor (= dW/dE = 2dW/dC)

    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> F_T;    // F*T
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT> F_T_grad_quad_phi; // F*T*grad_quad_phi

    c_vector<double,DIM> body_force;

    static FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM> dTdE;    // dTdE(M,N,P,Q) = dT_{MN}/dE_{PQ}
    static FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM> dSdF;    // dSdF(M,i,N,j) = dS_{Mi}/dF_{jN}

    static FourthOrderTensor<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT,DIM,DIM,DIM> temp_tensor;
    static FourthOrderTensor<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT,DIM,NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT,DIM> dSdF_quad_quad;

    static c_matrix<double, DIM, NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT> temp_matrix;
    static c_matrix<double,NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT,DIM> grad_quad_phi_times_invF;

        this->mAverageStressesPerElement[rElement.GetIndex()] = zero_vector<double>(DIM*(DIM+1)/2);

    // Loop over Gauss points
    for (unsigned quadrature_index=0; quadrature_index < this->mpQuadratureRule->GetNumQuadPoints(); quadrature_index++)
        // This is needed by the cardiac mechanics solver
        unsigned current_quad_point_global_index =   rElement.GetIndex()*this->mpQuadratureRule->GetNumQuadPoints()
                                                   + quadrature_index;

        double wJ = jacobian_determinant * this->mpQuadratureRule->GetWeight(quadrature_index);

        const ChastePoint<DIM>& quadrature_point = this->mpQuadratureRule->rGetQuadPoint(quadrature_index);

        // Set up basis function information
        LinearBasisFunction<DIM>::ComputeBasisFunctions(quadrature_point, linear_phi);
        QuadraticBasisFunction<DIM>::ComputeBasisFunctions(quadrature_point, quad_phi);
        QuadraticBasisFunction<DIM>::ComputeTransformedBasisFunctionDerivatives(quadrature_point, inverse_jacobian, grad_quad_phi);
        trans_grad_quad_phi = trans(grad_quad_phi);

        // Get the body force, interpolating X if necessary
        if (assembleResidual)
            switch (this->mrProblemDefinition.GetBodyForceType())
                case FUNCTIONAL_BODY_FORCE:
                    c_vector<double,DIM> X = zero_vector<double>(DIM);
                    // interpolate X (using the vertices and the /linear/ bases, as no curvilinear elements
                    for (unsigned node_index=0; node_index<NUM_VERTICES_PER_ELEMENT; node_index++)
                        X += linear_phi(node_index)*this->mrQuadMesh.GetNode( rElement.GetNodeGlobalIndex(node_index) )->rGetLocation();
                    body_force = this->mrProblemDefinition.EvaluateBodyForceFunction(X, this->mCurrentTime);
                case CONSTANT_BODY_FORCE:
                    body_force = this->mrProblemDefinition.GetConstantBodyForce();

        // Interpolate grad_u
        grad_u = zero_matrix<double>(DIM,DIM);
        for (unsigned node_index=0; node_index<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT; node_index++)
            for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
                    grad_u(i,M) += grad_quad_phi(M,node_index)*element_current_displacements(i,node_index);

        // Calculate C, inv(C) and T
        for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
            for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
                F(i,M) = (i==M?1:0) + grad_u(i,M);

        C = prod(trans(F),F);
        inv_C = Inverse(C);
        inv_F = Inverse(F);

        // Compute the passive stress, and dTdE corresponding to passive stress
        this->SetupChangeOfBasisMatrix(rElement.GetIndex(), current_quad_point_global_index);
        p_material_law->ComputeStressAndStressDerivative(C, inv_C, 0.0, T, dTdE, assembleJacobian);

            // Add any active stresses, if there are any. Requires subclasses to overload this method,
            // see for example the cardiac mechanics assemblers.
            this->AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative(C, rElement.GetIndex(), current_quad_point_global_index,
                                                     T, dTdE, assembleJacobian);


        // Residual vector
        if (assembleResidual)
            F_T = prod(F,T);
            F_T_grad_quad_phi = prod(F_T, grad_quad_phi);

            for (unsigned index=0; index<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT*DIM; index++)
                unsigned spatial_dim = index%DIM;
                unsigned node_index = (index-spatial_dim)/DIM;

                rBElem(index) += - this->mrProblemDefinition.GetDensity()
                                 * body_force(spatial_dim)
                                 * quad_phi(node_index)
                                 * wJ;

                // The T(M,N)*F(spatial_dim,M)*grad_quad_phi(N,node_index) term
                rBElem(index) +=   F_T_grad_quad_phi(spatial_dim,node_index)
                                 * wJ;

        // Jacobian matrix
        if (assembleJacobian)
            // Save trans(grad_quad_phi) * invF
            grad_quad_phi_times_invF = prod(trans_grad_quad_phi, inv_F);

            // Set up the tensor dSdF
            // dSdF as a function of T and dTdE (which is what the material law returns) is given by:
            // dS_{Mi}/dF_{jN} = (dT_{MN}/dC_{PQ}+dT_{MN}/dC_{PQ}) F{iP} F_{jQ}  + T_{MN} delta_{ij}
            // todo1: this should probably move into the material law (but need to make sure
            // memory is handled efficiently
            // todo2: get material law to return this immediately, not dTdE

            // Set up the tensor 0.5(dTdE(M,N,P,Q) + dTdE(M,N,Q,P))
            for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
                for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
                    for (unsigned P=0; P<DIM; P++)
                        for (unsigned Q=0; Q<DIM; Q++)
                            // this is NOT dSdF, just using this as storage space
                            dSdF(M,N,P,Q) = 0.5*(dTdE(M,N,P,Q) + dTdE(M,N,Q,P));

            // This is NOT dTdE, just reusing memory. A^{MdPQ}  = F^d_N * dTdE_sym^{MNPQ}
            dTdE.template SetAsContractionOnSecondDimension<DIM>(F, dSdF);

            // dSdF{MdPe} := F^d_N * F^e_Q * dTdE_sym^{MNPQ}
            dSdF.template SetAsContractionOnFourthDimension<DIM>(F, dTdE);

            // Now add the T_{MN} delta_{ij} term
            for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
                for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
                    for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                        dSdF(M,i,N,i) += T(M,N);

            // Set up the tensor
            //   dSdF_quad_quad(node_index1, spatial_dim1, node_index2, spatial_dim2)
            //            =    dS_{M,spatial_dim1}/d_F{spatial_dim2,N}
            //               * grad_quad_phi(M,node_index1)
            //               * grad_quad_phi(P,node_index2)
            //            =    dSdF(M,spatial_index1,N,spatial_index2)
            //               * grad_quad_phi(M,node_index1)
            //               * grad_quad_phi(P,node_index2)
            temp_tensor.template SetAsContractionOnFirstDimension<DIM>(trans_grad_quad_phi, dSdF);
            dSdF_quad_quad.template SetAsContractionOnThirdDimension<DIM>(trans_grad_quad_phi, temp_tensor);

            for (unsigned index1=0; index1<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT*DIM; index1++)
                unsigned spatial_dim1 = index1%DIM;
                unsigned node_index1 = (index1-spatial_dim1)/DIM;

                for (unsigned index2=0; index2<NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT*DIM; index2++)
                    unsigned spatial_dim2 = index2%DIM;
                    unsigned node_index2 = (index2-spatial_dim2)/DIM;

                    // The dSdF*grad_quad_phi*grad_quad_phi term
                    rAElem(index1,index2) +=   dSdF_quad_quad(node_index1,spatial_dim1,node_index2,spatial_dim2)
                                             * wJ;

    if (assembleJacobian)
        rAElemPrecond = rAElem;

        for(unsigned i=0; i<DIM*(DIM+1)/2; i++)
            this->mAverageStressesPerElement[rElement.GetIndex()](i) /= this->mpQuadratureRule->GetNumQuadPoints();
