void planning_environment::convertAllowedContactSpecificationMsgToAllowedContactVector(const std::vector<arm_navigation_msgs::AllowedContactSpecification>& acmv,
                                                                                       std::vector<collision_space::EnvironmentModel::AllowedContact>& acv)
  //assumes that poses are in the global frame
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < acmv.size(); i++) {
    const arm_navigation_msgs::AllowedContactSpecification& acs = acmv[i];
    if(acs.link_names.size() != 2) {
      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Allowed collision specification has link_names size " << acs.link_names.size()
                      << " while the only supported size is 2");
    shapes::Shape* shape = constructObject(acs.shape);
    boost::shared_ptr<bodies::Body> bodysp(bodies::createBodyFromShape(shape));
    delete shape;
    tf::Transform trans;
    tf::poseMsgToTF(acs.pose_stamped.pose, trans);

    collision_space::EnvironmentModel::AllowedContact allc;
    allc.bound = bodysp;
    allc.body_name_1 = acs.link_names[0];
    allc.body_name_2 = acs.link_names[1];
    allc.depth = acs.penetration_depth;
void AstWhile::addNextStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode* belowp) {
    // Special, as statements need to be put in different places
    // Belowp is how we came to recurse up to this point
    // Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal rule for other statement types)
    if (belowp == precondsp()) {
	// Next in precond list
    } else if (belowp == condp()) {
	// Becomes first statement in body, body may have been empty
	if (bodysp()) {
	} else {
    } else if (belowp == bodysp()) {
	// Next statement in body
    } else {
	belowp->v3fatalSrc("Doesn't look like this was really under the while");
void AstWhile::addBeforeStmt(AstNode* newp, AstNode* belowp) {
    // Special, as statements need to be put in different places
    // Belowp is how we came to recurse up to this point
    // Preconditions insert first just before themselves (the normal rule for other statement types)
    if (belowp == precondsp()) {
	// Must have been first statement in precondsp list, so newp is new first statement
    } else if (belowp == condp()) {
	// Goes before condition, IE in preconditions
    } else if (belowp == bodysp()) {
	// Was first statement in body, so new front
    } else {
	belowp->v3fatalSrc("Doesn't look like this was really under the while");