예제 #1
ustring resource_viewer_produce_anchor(unsigned int book, unsigned int chapter, unsigned int verse)
// Produces the anchor, e.g.: Matthew_1_1 or Song_of_Solomon_2_2.
  ustring anchor(books_id_to_english(book) + "_" + convert_to_string(chapter) + "_" + convert_to_string(verse));
  replace_text(anchor, " ", "_");
  return anchor;
예제 #2
void WindowMerge::copy_master_to_edited_chapter(unsigned int bk, unsigned int ch, bool gui)
  // Only copy if the master and edited version differ. This saves a lot of git operations.
  vector <ustring> master_lines = project_retrieve_chapter(current_master_project, bk, ch);
  vector <ustring> edited_lines = project_retrieve_chapter(current_edited_project, bk, ch);
  bool master_is_edited = false;
  if (master_lines.size() == edited_lines.size()) {
    master_is_edited = true;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < master_lines.size(); i++) {
      if (master_lines[i] != edited_lines[i]) {
        master_is_edited = false;
  CategorizeChapterVerse ccv(master_lines);
  if (master_is_edited) {
    if (gui) 
      gtkw_dialog_info(NULL, _("Both chapters are already the same"));
  } else {
    project_store_chapter(current_edited_project, bk, ccv);
    // A normal snapshot may be removed over time, so we need a persistent one to enable future merges.
    snapshots_shoot_chapter (current_master_project, bk, ch, 0, true);
    snapshots_shoot_chapter (current_edited_project, bk, ch, 0, true);
    if (gui) {
      ustring message = books_id_to_english(bk) + " " + convert_to_string(ch) + _(" was copied from project ") + current_master_project + _(" to project ") + current_edited_project;
      gtkw_dialog_info(NULL, message.c_str());
예제 #3
ustring bibleworks_exported_file_get_bookname(const ustring & filename)
// Retrieves the bookname from a file exported by BibleWorks. Though there can
// be several books in such a file, this functions retrieves only the name
// of the first book.
#define MYMAX 10
  ReadText rt(filename, true, false);
  unsigned int maximum = MYMAX;
  maximum = CLAMP(maximum, 0, rt.lines.size());
  unsigned int goodline = 0;
  ustring bookname;
  try {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maximum; i++) {
      de_byte_order_mark (rt.lines[i]);
      ustring bookabbreviation = rt.lines[i].substr(0, 3);
      unsigned int id = books_bibleworks_to_id(bookabbreviation);
      if (id) {
        bookname = books_id_to_english(id);
  catch(exception & ex) {
  if (goodline != MYMAX)
  return bookname;
#undef MYMAX
예제 #4
unsigned int bibleworks_clipboard_file_line_get_extract_book_id (ustring& line)
// Gets the id of a book from a line of a BibleWorks database copied through the clipboard.
// The amount of text that make up the book is removed from the line.
// Normally a line of text would look like this:
// SCR Matthew 1:1  Βίβλος γενέσεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, υἱοῦ Δαβὶδ, υἱοῦ Ἀβραάμ.
// or:
// SCR 1 Corinthians 1:1  Παῦλος κλητὸς ἀπόστολος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ διὰ θελήματος Θεοῦ, καὶ Σωσθένης ὁ ἀδελφός,
  // Remove whitespace from the start of the line.
  while (line.substr (0, 1) == " ") 
    line.erase (0, 1);
  // Remove the module abbreviation.
  size_t pos = line.find (" ");
  if (pos == string::npos)
    return 0;
  line.erase (0, ++pos);
  // Get the name of the book.
  vector <unsigned int> ids = books_type_to_ids (btUnknown);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
    ustring english_name = books_id_to_english (ids[i]);
    if (line.find (english_name) == 0) {
      line.erase (0, english_name.length());
      return ids[i];
  return 0;
예제 #5
void ShowNotesDialog::timeout()
  // Clear the event id.
  event_id = 0;

  // Get the parameters from the dialog, not from the Settings object, since these have not yet been stored.
  extern Settings * settings;
  ustring currentreference = books_id_to_english(settings->genconfig.book_get()) + " " + settings->genconfig.chapter_get() + ":" + settings->genconfig.verse_get();
  NotesSelectionReferenceType refselection = get_reference_selection ();
  NotesSelectionEditedType editedselection = get_edited_selection ();
  ustring category = combobox_get_active_string(combobox_category);
  if (category == all_categories())
  bool currentprojectselection = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radiobutton_current_project));
  // Get notes count.
  vector <unsigned int> ids;
  unsigned int id_cursor;
  notes_select (ids, id_cursor, currentreference, category, refselection, editedselection, currentprojectselection, from_day, to_day);
  // Update GUI.
  ustring message = _("This selection would display ") + convert_to_string ((unsigned int)ids.size()) + " ";
  if (ids.size() == 1)
    message.append (_("note"));
    message.append (_("notes"));
  gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_result), message.c_str());
예제 #6
CheckValidateUsfm::CheckValidateUsfm(const ustring & project, const vector < unsigned int >&books, bool gui, bool checksheet)
It performs checks related to the USFM standard.
project: project to check.
books: books to check; if empty it checks them all.
gui: whether to show graphical progressbar.
checksheet: check whether markers are in the stylesheet of the project.
  // Init variables.
  cancelled = false;
  mychecksheet = checksheet;
  // Get a list of the books to check. If no books were given, take them all.
  vector < unsigned int >mybooks(books.begin(), books.end());
  if (mybooks.empty())
    mybooks = project_get_books(project);
  // Get all styles in the attached stylesheet.
  vector <ustring> styless = stylesheet_get_markers(stylesheet_get_actual (), NULL);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < styless.size(); i++)
  // GUI.
  progresswindow = NULL;
  if (gui) {
    progresswindow = new ProgressWindow(_("Validating markers"), true);
    progresswindow->set_iterate(0, 1, mybooks.size());
  // Check each book.
  for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < mybooks.size(); bk++) {
    if (gui) {
      if (progresswindow->cancel) {
        cancelled = true;
    book = mybooks[bk];
    // Check each chapter.
    vector <unsigned int> chapters = project_get_chapters(project, book);
    for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {
      chapter = chapters[ch];
      vector <ustring> verses = project_get_verses(project, book, chapter);
      // Check each verse.
      for (unsigned int vs = 0; vs < verses.size(); vs++) {
        verse = verses[vs];
        ustring line = project_retrieve_verse(project, book, chapter, verse);
        // Check each line.
        ParseLine parseline(line);
        for (unsigned int ln = 0; ln < parseline.lines.size(); ln++) {
예제 #7
void temporal_convert_parallel_passages()
// This was used to convert file NT_order_of_OT_Quotations_in_NT.pps to xml.
// Then for converting NT_Parallel_Passages.pps.
// Then for converting OT_Parallel_Passages.pps.
  bool set_opened = false;
  xmlBufferPtr buffer = xmlBufferCreate();
  xmlTextWriterPtr writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buffer, 0);
  xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-8", NULL);
  xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer, 1);
  xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "ot-parallel-passages");

  ReadText rt("/home/joe/parallel-passages/OT_Parallel_Passages.pps", true);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt.lines.size(); i++) {
    if (rt.lines[i].find("\\key ") == 0) {
      rt.lines[i].erase(0, 5);
      xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "section");
      xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "title", BAD_CAST rt.lines[i].c_str());
    if (rt.lines[i].find("\\ref ") == 0) {
      if (!set_opened) {
        xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "set");
        set_opened = true;
      xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "reference");
      rt.lines[i].erase(0, 5);
      ustring book, chapter, verse;
      decode_reference(rt.lines[i], book, chapter, verse);
      book = books_id_to_english(books_paratext_to_id(book));
      xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "book", BAD_CAST book.c_str());
      xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "chapter", BAD_CAST chapter.c_str());
      xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "verse", BAD_CAST verse.c_str());
    if (rt.lines[i].empty() || (rt.lines[i].find("\\com") == 0)) {
      set_opened = false;
    if (rt.lines[i].empty()) {

  g_file_set_contents("/home/joe/ot-parallel-passages.xml", (const gchar *)buffer->content, -1, NULL);
  if (writer)
  if (buffer)
예제 #8
ustring Reference::human_readable(const ustring & language)
// Gives a reference in a human readable format. If no language is given,
// it takes the English names of the books.
  ustring s;
  if (language.empty())
    s.append(books_id_to_name(language, book));
  s.append(" ");
  return s;
예제 #9
void WindowMerge::on_button_merge()
  // Settings.
  extern Settings * settings;
  // Save all editors.

  // Ask what to do.
  ustring book_chapter = books_id_to_english(book) + " " + convert_to_string(chapter);
  vector < ustring > labels;
  labels.push_back(_("Merge ") + book_chapter + _(" of project ") + current_edited_project + _(" and ") + current_master_project);
  labels.push_back(_("Merge ") + book_chapter + _(" of project ") + current_edited_project + _(" and ") + current_master_project + ",\n" + _("and approve of each change as compared to project ") + current_master_project);
  labels.push_back(_("Copy ") + book_chapter + _(" of project ") + current_master_project + _(" to project ") + current_edited_project);
  labels.push_back(_("Copy everything of project ") + current_master_project + _(" to project ") + current_edited_project);
  RadiobuttonDialog dialog(_("Select action"), _("Select the type of merge or copy to be done"), labels, settings->session.merge_action, false);
  if (dialog.run() != GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
  // Store action taken.
  settings->session.merge_action = dialog.selection;
  // Take the selected action.
  switch (dialog.selection) {
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 2:
      copy_master_to_edited_chapter(book, chapter, true);
  case 3:

  // Reload the editors.
예제 #10
CheckChaptersVerses::CheckChaptersVerses(const ustring & project, const vector < unsigned int >&books, bool gui)
It checks the number of chapters per book and the number of verses per chapter.
project: project to check.
books: books to check; if empty it checks them all.
gui: show graphical progressbar.
  cancelled = false;
  myproject = project;
  extern Settings *settings;
  ProjectConfiguration *projectconfig = settings->projectconfig(project);
  myversification = projectconfig->versification_get();
  // If no books given, take them all.
  vector < unsigned int >mybooks(books.begin(), books.end());
  if (mybooks.empty())
    mybooks = project_get_books(project);
  progresswindow = NULL;
  if (gui) {
    progresswindow = new ProgressWindow(_("Checking chapters and verses"), true);
    progresswindow->set_iterate(0, 1, mybooks.size());
  for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < mybooks.size(); bk++) {
    if (gui) {
      if (progresswindow->cancel) {
        cancelled = true;
    first_chapter_found = false;
    vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(project, mybooks[bk]);
    for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {
      new_chapter_check(mybooks[bk], chapters[ch]);
      vector < ustring > verses;
      verses = project_get_verses(project, mybooks[bk], chapters[ch]);
      highest_verse_get(mybooks[bk], chapters[ch]);
      verses_check(mybooks[bk], chapters[ch], verses);
    last_chapter_check(mybooks[bk], chapters);
예제 #11
map < unsigned int, ustring > resource_get_books2(const ustring & templatefile)
  map < unsigned int, ustring > books2;
  GKeyFile *keyfile = g_key_file_new();
  if (g_key_file_load_from_file(keyfile, templatefile.c_str(), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL)) {
    vector < unsigned int >ids = books_type_to_ids(btUnknown);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
      ustring english_name = books_id_to_english(ids[i]);
      gchar *value;
      value = g_key_file_get_string(keyfile, resource_template_books2_group(), english_name.c_str(), NULL);
      if (value) {
        books2[i] = value;
  return books2;
예제 #12
void NotesTransferDialog::on_okbutton()
  // Get the project.
  extern Settings *settings;
  ustring project = settings->genconfig.project_get();

  // Progress.
  ProgressWindow progresswindow(_("Transferring text to notes"), false);

  // Get the category into which to insert notes.
  ustring category = combobox_get_active_string(combobox1);

  // Go through the books in the project.
  vector < unsigned int >books = project_get_books(project);
  for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < books.size(); bk++) {

    // Progress.

    // Go through the chapters in this book. Progress.
    vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(project, books[bk]);
    progresswindow.set_iterate(0, 1, chapters.size());
    for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {

      // Go through the verses in this chapter.
      vector < ustring > verses = project_get_verses(project, books[bk], chapters[ch]);
      for (unsigned int vs = 0; vs < verses.size(); vs++) {

        // Retrieve each verse and insert it into the notes.
        ustring text = project_retrieve_verse(project, books[bk], chapters[ch], verses[vs]);
        if (!text.empty()) {
          transfer_note(project, books[bk], chapters[ch], verses[vs], text, category);

예제 #13
void SelectBooksDialog::on_okbutton()
    // Get the list of books now selected.
    vector < ustring > books;
    gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach(selectbooks, selection_foreach_function, gpointer(&books));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) {
        unsigned int book = books_name_to_id(mylanguage, books[i]);
        if (book)
    // Also produce a set out of that list.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) {
    // If portions are showing, store the values there too.
    if (myshowportions) {
        // Get books, includes and portions.
        vector < ustring > reordered_books;
        vector < bool > reordered_includes;
        vector < ustring > reordered_portions;
            vector < ustring > books = listview_get_strings(treeviewbooks);
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) {
                unsigned int book = books_name_to_id(mylanguage, books[i]);
                bool include = (selectionset.find(book) != selectionset.end());
        reordered_portions = listview_get_strings(treeviewportions);
        // Save books, includes and portions.
        extern Settings *settings;
        ProjectConfiguration *projectconfig = settings->projectconfig(myproject);
예제 #14
void WindowMerge::approval_setup(const ustring & maindata, const ustring & mergedata)
  // Initialize the approval system's variables and gui.
  approve_master_project = current_master_project;
  approve_edited_project = current_edited_project;
  approve_book = book;
  approve_chapter = chapter;
  ustring label = _("Changes approval, ") + books_id_to_english(approve_book) + " " + convert_to_string(approve_chapter);
  gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(label_approve), label.c_str());
  gtk_notebook_set_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook1), 1);
  approve_master_file = gw_build_filename(workingdirectory, "master");
  approve_merge_file = gw_build_filename(workingdirectory, "merged");

  // Save both sets of data to file.
  g_file_set_contents(approve_master_file.c_str(), merge_split_data(trim(maindata)).c_str(), -1, NULL);
  g_file_set_contents(approve_merge_file.c_str(), merge_split_data(trim(mergedata)).c_str(), -1, NULL);

  // Show differences in the GUI.

  // Info for user.
  gtkw_dialog_info(NULL, _("The chapters are ready for approving the individual changes"));
예제 #15
void mechon_mamre_action_page (HtmlWriter2& htmlwriter)
  htmlwriter.heading_open (3);
  htmlwriter.text_add ("Hebrew import from Mechon Mamre");
  htmlwriter.heading_close ();

  vector <ustring> messages;
  bool keep_going = true;

  // Locate the downloaded file.
  ustring ct005zipfilename = gw_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "ct005.zip");
  messages.push_back ("Looking for file " + ct005zipfilename);
  if (!g_file_test (ct005zipfilename.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
  if (ct005zipfilename.empty()) {
    ct005zipfilename = gw_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Desktop", "ct005.zip");
    messages.push_back ("Looking for file " + ct005zipfilename);
    if (!g_file_test (ct005zipfilename.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
  if (ct005zipfilename.empty()) {
    ct005zipfilename = gw_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Downloads", "ct005.zip");
    messages.push_back ("Looking for file " + ct005zipfilename);
    if (!g_file_test (ct005zipfilename.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
  if (ct005zipfilename.empty()) {
    messages.push_back ("Can't find Hebrew input file");
    keep_going = false;
  if (keep_going) {
    messages.push_back ("Using file " + ct005zipfilename);

  // Unpack the zipped file.
  ustring directory;
  if (keep_going) {
    directory = gw_build_filename (Directories->get_temp (), "uncompress");
    unix_rmdir (directory);
    gw_mkdir_with_parents (directory);
    if (!uncompress (ct005zipfilename, directory)) {
      messages.push_back ("Could not unpack the file");
      keep_going = false;
    messages.push_back ("Unpacking into folder " + directory);

  // Show the readme file.
  if (keep_going) {
    ustring readmefile = gw_build_filename (directory, "readme.txt");
    ReadText rt (readmefile, true, true);
    ustring line;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt.lines.size(); i++) {
      if (rt.lines[i].empty()) {
        if (!line.empty()) {
          messages.push_back (line);
      } else {
        line.append (rt.lines[i] + " ");
    messages.push_back (line);

  // Look for the directory where all the html files reside.
  if (keep_going) {
    directory = gw_build_filename (directory, "c", "ct");
    if (!g_file_test (directory.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
      messages.push_back ("Can't find data in directory " + directory);
    messages.push_back ("Looking for data in directory " + directory);
  // Get a list of the html files that have the data.
  vector <ustring> files;
  if (keep_going) {
    ReadFiles rf (directory, "c", ".htm");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rf.files.size(); i++) {
      ustring filename = gw_build_filename (directory, rf.files[i]);
      // Check on a few characteristics.
      if (mechon_mamre_copyright(filename)) {
        unsigned int digitcount = digit_count_in_string(rf.files[i]);
        if ((digitcount == 3) || (digitcount == 4)) {

  // Create a new Bible into which to import the data.
  ustring bible = "Hebrew Mechon Mamre";
  if (keep_going) {
    if (project_exists (bible)) {
      messages.push_back ("A Bible called \"" + bible + "\" already exists");
      keep_going = false;      
    } else {
      project_create_restore (bible, "");
      messages.push_back ("Creating a new Bible called \"" + bible + "\"");
      // Make a couple of settings.
      extern Settings * settings;
      ProjectConfiguration * projectconfig = settings->projectconfig (bible);
      projectconfig->versification_set ("Original");
      projectconfig->editable_set (false);
      projectconfig->right_to_left_set (true);
      projectconfig->spelling_check_set (false);

  // Store all the chapters 0 in each book.
  if (keep_going) {
    vector <unsigned int> books = books_type_to_ids(btOldTestament);
    ProgressWindow progresswindow ("Creating books", false);
    progresswindow.set_iterate (0, 1, books.size());
    for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < books.size(); bk++) {
      progresswindow.iterate ();
      vector <ustring> usfm;
      usfm.push_back ("\\id " + books_id_to_paratext (books[bk]));
      CategorizeChapterVerse ccv (usfm);      
      project_store_chapter (bible, books[bk], ccv);

  // Store all the chapters.
  if (keep_going) {
    ProgressWindow progresswindow ("Importing chapters", false);
    progresswindow.set_iterate (0, 1, files.size());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
      progresswindow.iterate ();
      unsigned int book = 0;
      unsigned int chapter = 0;
      mechon_mamre_extract_book_chapter (files[i], book, chapter);
      vector <ustring> contents = mechon_mamre_extract_contents (files[i], chapter);
      CategorizeChapterVerse ccv (contents);
      project_store_chapter (bible, book, ccv);
      messages.push_back ("Importing " + books_id_to_english (book) + " " + convert_to_string (chapter) + " from file " + files[i]);

  // Write accumulated messages.
  htmlwriter.heading_open (3);
  if (keep_going) {
    htmlwriter.text_add ("Success! Bible \"" + bible + "\" was created");
  } else {
    htmlwriter.text_add ("Error!");
  htmlwriter.heading_close ();
  if (keep_going) {
    htmlwriter.paragraph_open ();
    htmlwriter.text_add ("To view the Hebrew text, open the Bible in the editor. Optionally set the font for better display of the Hebrew text. A donation made to Mechon Mamre will support their work.");
    htmlwriter.paragraph_close ();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
    htmlwriter.paragraph_open ();
    htmlwriter.text_add (messages[i]);
    htmlwriter.paragraph_close ();
  // Write OK.
  htmlwriter.paragraph_open ();
  htmlwriter.hyperlink_add ("ok", "Ok");
  htmlwriter.paragraph_close ();
예제 #16
void git_resolve_conflict_chapter(const ustring & project, unsigned int book, unsigned int chapter)
// This solves a conflicting chapter.
  // Log message
  gw_message(_("Resolving conflict for project ") + project + _(" book ") + books_id_to_english(book) + " " + convert_to_string(chapter));

  // Directory of the chapter in the data.
  ustring directory = project_data_directory_chapter(project, book, chapter);

  // Data filename.
  ustring datafile = project_data_filename_chapter(project, book, chapter, false);

  /* Read the datafile. If there is a conflict it will look like the example below:

     \c 1
     <<<<<<< HEAD:3 John/1/data
     \v 1 my text.
     \v 1 server's text.
     >>>>>>> a62f843ce41ed2d0325c8a2767993df6acdbc933:3 John/1/data
     \v 2

  ReadText rt(datafile, true);

  // Set about to resolve the conflict.
  vector < ustring > newdata;
  bool withinmine = false;
  bool withinserver = false;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt.lines.size(); i++) {
    // Find out when we've a marker, no actual data.    
    bool minemarker = rt.lines[i].find(git_mine_conflict_marker()) != string::npos;
    bool separatormarker = rt.lines[i] == "=======";
    bool servermarker = rt.lines[i].find(">>>>>>> ") == 0;
    // Do conflict management only if we've actual data.
    bool takeit = false;
    if (!minemarker && !separatormarker && !servermarker) {
      if (withinmine) {
      } else if (withinserver) {
        takeit = true;
      } else {
        takeit = true;
    if (takeit) {
    } else {
    // Set whether we're within a conflict, my data, or the server's data.
    // This setting applies to the next line of data.
    if (minemarker) {
      withinmine = true;
      withinserver = false;
    if (separatormarker) {
      withinmine = false;
      withinserver = true;
    if (servermarker) {
      withinmine = false;
      withinserver = false;
  write_lines(datafile, newdata);
  // Next time that a timed pull and push is done, the conflict will show up as resolved.
예제 #17
void view_parallel_bible_pdf()
  // Log.
  gw_message(_("Printing Parallel Bible"));

  // Configuration
  extern Settings *settings;

  // Get the chapters and check them.
  vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(settings->genconfig.project_get(), settings->genconfig.book_get());
  if (chapters.empty()) {
    gtkw_dialog_info(NULL, books_id_to_english(settings->genconfig.book_get()) + _("does not exist in this project"));
  // Progress system.
  ProgressWindow progresswindow(_("Parallel Bible"), true);
  progresswindow.set_text(_("Collecting verses"));
  progresswindow.set_iterate(0, 1, chapters.size());

  // Messages to be printed first.
  vector < ustring > messages;

  // All the projects to be put in this parallel Bible.
  // If the book exists in the project, add it, else give message.
  vector <ustring> project_s_raw;
    vector <ustring> bibles = settings->genconfig.parallel_bible_projects_get();
    vector <bool> enabled = settings->genconfig.parallel_bible_enabled_get();
    if (bibles.size () == enabled.size()) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < enabled.size(); i++) {
        if (enabled[i]) {
          project_s_raw.push_back (bibles[i]);
  vector < ustring > project_names;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < project_s_raw.size(); i++) {
    if (project_book_exists(project_s_raw[i], settings->genconfig.book_get())) {
    } else {
      messages.push_back(_("Project ") + project_s_raw[i] + _(" was requested to be included, but it does not contain ") + books_id_to_english(settings->genconfig.book_get()) + _(". It was left out."));

  // References to print.
  vector < Reference > references;

  // Portion selection.
  WithinReferencesRange inrange;
    vector < unsigned int >portions_chapter_from, portions_chapter_to;
    vector < ustring > portions_verse_from, portions_verse_to;
    select_portion_get_values(settings->genconfig.project_get(), settings->genconfig.book_get(), settings->genconfig.parallel_bible_chapters_verses_get(), portions_chapter_from, portions_verse_from, portions_chapter_to, portions_verse_to);
    inrange.add_portion(settings->genconfig.book_get(), portions_chapter_from, portions_verse_from, portions_chapter_to, portions_verse_to);

  // Go through the chapters.
  for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {



    // Go through the verse numbers in this chapter.
    vector < ustring > verses = project_get_verses(settings->genconfig.project_get(), settings->genconfig.book_get(), chapters[ch]);
    for (unsigned int vs = 0; vs < verses.size(); vs++) {

      if (!inrange.in_range())

      // See whether to print verses zero.
      if (!settings->genconfig.parallel_bible_include_verse_zero_get())
        if (verses[vs] == "0")

      // Store the reference.
      Reference reference(settings->genconfig.book_get(), chapters[ch], verses[vs]);

  // Hide progeressbar.

  // Do the printing.
  ProjectMemory projectmemory(settings->genconfig.project_get(), true);
  view_parallel_references_pdf(projectmemory, &project_names, references, settings->genconfig.parallel_bible_keep_verses_together_get(), &messages, false);

  // Log: ready.
  gw_message(_("Ready printing the Parallel Bible"));
예제 #18
vector < Reference > search_in_bibledit()
// Advanced searching in Bibledit.
  // Configuration / session
  extern Settings *settings;
  // Set some variables in memory for higher speed.
  bool casesensitive = settings->session.search_case_sensitive;
  bool search_current_book = settings->session.search_current_book;
  bool search_current_chapter = settings->session.search_current_chapter;
  bool search_globbing = settings->session.search_globbing;
  bool search_start_word_match = settings->session.search_start_word_match;
  bool search_end_word_match = settings->session.search_end_word_match;
  set < unsigned int >selected_books = settings->session.selected_books;
  AreaType areatype = settings->session.area_type;
  bool area_id = settings->session.area_id;
  bool area_intro = settings->session.area_intro;
  bool area_heading = settings->session.area_heading;
  bool area_chapter = settings->session.area_chapter;
  bool area_study = settings->session.area_study;
  bool area_notes = settings->session.area_notes;
  bool area_xref = settings->session.area_xref;
  bool area_verse = settings->session.area_verse;

  // Progress information.
  ProgressWindow progresswindow(_("Searching"), true);

  // The string to search for. 
  // Note any apostrophies need to be doubled for SQLite.
  // We need to normalize the search expression when comparing strings.
  ustring localsearchword(settings->session.searchword.normalize());
  if (!casesensitive)
    localsearchword = localsearchword.casefold();
  ustring localsearchword2(localsearchword);

  // Storage for references: search results.
  vector < Reference > results;

  // Get our position in the text.
  ustring project = settings->genconfig.project_get();
  ustring book = books_id_to_english(settings->genconfig.book_get());
  unsigned int chapter = convert_to_int(settings->genconfig.chapter_get());

  // Go through each book in the project. Progress information.
  vector < unsigned int >availablebooks = project_get_books(project);
  progresswindow.set_iterate(0, 1, availablebooks.size());
  for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < availablebooks.size(); bk++) {
    if (progresswindow.cancel) {
      return results;
    // If the book is not to be searched, skip it.
    if (search_current_book)
      if (book != books_id_to_english(availablebooks[bk]))
    if (selected_books.find(availablebooks[bk]) == selected_books.end())

    try {
      // Go through each chapter in the book.
      vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(project, availablebooks[bk]);
      for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {

        // Do we search this chapter?
        if (search_current_chapter)
          if (chapter != chapters[ch])

        // Read the chapter.
        vector < ustring > lines = project_retrieve_chapter(project, availablebooks[bk], chapters[ch]);
        CategorizeChapterVerse ccv(lines);

        // Go through the verses.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ccv.verse.size(); i++) {

          // Verse number.
          ustring verse = ccv.verse[i];

          // Handle casesensitive and area selection.
          // Assemble text to search through.
          ustring input(ccv.line[i]);
          if (!casesensitive)
            input = input.casefold();
          ustring text = search_in_bibledit_assemble_line(input, areatype, area_id, area_intro, area_heading, area_chapter, area_study, area_notes, area_xref, area_verse);

          // Use glob-style pattern matching or straight match.
          if (search_globbing) {
            ustring patternword = "*" + localsearchword + "*";
            if (!g_pattern_match_simple(patternword.c_str(), text.c_str()))
          } else {
            if (text.find(localsearchword) == string::npos)

          // Do the word boundary matching.
          if (!search_in_bibledit_word_boundaries_match(text, localsearchword, search_start_word_match, search_end_word_match, search_globbing))

          // This verse "passed" all tests: a search result.  
          Reference reference(availablebooks[bk], chapters[ch], verse);
    catch(exception & ex) {

  // Give the results.
  return results;
예제 #19
파일: xetex.cpp 프로젝트: alerque/bibledit
void XeTeX::write_document_tex_file ()
  // Settings.
  extern Settings * settings;
  ProjectConfiguration *projectconfig = settings->projectconfig(settings->genconfig.project_get());
  // Style sheet.
  extern Styles * styles;
  Stylesheet * sheet = styles->stylesheet (stylesheet_get_actual ());
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Configuration file created by Bibledit-Gtk"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% You can modify it to suit your needs"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% After modification, run the following command in this directory:"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   xetex document.tex"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% After that look carefully at the output"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% If it says that a re-run is required, repeat this command"));

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Include the ptx2pdf macros"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\input paratext2.tex");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Paper size"));
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    document_tex.push_back ("\\CropMarkstrue");

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  document_tex.push_back ("\\MarginUnit=1cm");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Relative sizes of margins, based on the unit above"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\TopMarginFactor{" + convert_to_string (settings->genconfig.paper_top_margin_get()) + "}");
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    document_tex.push_back ("\\BindingGuttertrue");
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    if (font_desc){
      // Assemble the string for the font mapping.
      ustring font_mapping = projectconfig->xetex_font_mapping_file_get();
      if (!font_mapping.empty()) {
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          font_mapping = gw_path_get_basename (font_mapping);
          // Remove the .tec suffix.
          font_mapping.erase (font_mapping.length() - 4, 4);
          // Insert the mapping command.
          font_mapping.insert (0, "mapping=");
        } else {
          gw_warning (_("Font mapping file ") + font_mapping +  _(" should have the .tec suffix - ignoring this file"));

      // Assemble the string for the shaping engine.
      ustring shaping_engine;
      switch (XeTeXScriptingEngineType (projectconfig->xetex_shaping_engine_get())) {
        case xtxsetGeneric:                                 break;
        case xtxsetArab:    shaping_engine = "script=arab"; break;

      // Assemble the addition to the font.
      ustring font_addition;
      if (!font_mapping.empty()) {
        if (font_addition.empty())
          font_addition.append (":");
          font_addition.append (";");
        font_addition.append (font_mapping);
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      ustring font_family = pango_font_description_get_family (font_desc);
      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Fonts to use for \"plain\", \"bold\", \"italic\", and \"bold italic\" from the stylesheet"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% (they need not really be italic, etc.)"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Add e.g. \":mapping=farsidigits\" to get digits in Farsi, provided the farsidigits.tec TECkit mapping is available"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Add e.g. \":script=arab\" to use the arab shaping engine instead of the generic one"));
      document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\regular{\"" + font_family + font_addition + "\"}");
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    document_tex.push_back ("\\RTLtrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The unit for font sizes in the stylesheet; changing this will scale all text proportionately"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\FontSizeUnit=1pt");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Scaling factor used to adjust line spacing, relative to font size"));
  double line_spacing_factor = 1.0;
  double vertical_space_factor = 1.0;
  if (!projectconfig->editor_font_default_get()){
    line_spacing_factor = projectconfig->text_line_height_get() / 100;
    vertical_space_factor = projectconfig->text_line_height_get() / 100;
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\LineSpacingFactor{" + convert_to_string (line_spacing_factor) + "}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\VerticalSpaceFactor{" + convert_to_string (vertical_space_factor) + "}");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Information to include in the running header (at top of pages, except first)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% We set the items to print at left/center/right of odd and even pages separately"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Possible contents:"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\rangeref = Scripture reference of the range of text on the page;"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\firstref = reference of the first verse on the page)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\lastref = reference of the last verse on the page)"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\pagenumber = the page number"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("%   \\empty = print nothing in this position"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddleft{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddcenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHoddright{\\rangeref}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevenleft{\\rangeref}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevencenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHevenright{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitleleft{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitlecenter{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RHtitleright{\\empty}");
  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFoddcenter{\\pagenumber}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFevencenter{\\pagenumber}");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\RFtitlecenter{\\pagenumber}");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to include verse number in running head, or only chapter"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\VerseRefstrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to skip printing verse number 1 at start of chapter"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\OmitVerseNumberOnetrue");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% Whether to use paragraph indent at drop-cap chapter numbers"));
  document_tex.push_back (_("% \\IndentAtChaptertrue"));

  // Go through the stylesheet looking for note markers.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sheet->styles.size(); i++) {
    bool retrieve_note_data = false;
    StyleV2 * style = sheet->styles[i];
    if (style->type == stFootEndNote) {
      if ((style->subtype == fentFootnote) || (style->subtype == fentEndnote)) {
        retrieve_note_data = true;
    if ((style->type == stFootEndNote) || (style->type == stCrossreference)) {
      if (style->subtype == ctCrossreference) {
        retrieve_note_data = true;
    if (retrieve_note_data) {

      ustring marker = style->marker;
      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Reformat \\") + marker + " notes as a single paragraph");
      document_tex.push_back ("\\ParagraphedNotes{" + marker + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      NoteNumberingType note_numbering = NoteNumberingType (style->userint1);
      switch (note_numbering) {
        case nntNumerical:
          document_tex.push_back (_("% Numerical callers for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
          document_tex.push_back ("\\NumericCallers{" + marker + "}");
        case nntAlphabetical:
          document_tex.push_back (_("% Alphabetical callers for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
          document_tex.push_back ("\\AutoCallers{" + marker+ "}{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z}");
        case nntUserDefined:
          ustring autocallers;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < style->userstring1.size(); i++) {
            if (i)
              autocallers.append (",");
            autocallers.append (style->userstring1.substr (i, 1));
          if (!autocallers.empty()) {
            document_tex.push_back (_("% Special caller sequence for \\") + marker + " notes");
            document_tex.push_back ("\\AutoCallers{" + marker+ "}{" + autocallers + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      NoteNumberingRestartType note_restart = NoteNumberingRestartType (style->userint2);
      switch (note_restart) {
        case nnrtNever:
        case nnrtBook:
        case nnrtChapter:
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Reset callers every page for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
      document_tex.push_back ("\\PageResetCallers{" + marker + "}");

      document_tex.push_back ("");
      document_tex.push_back (_("% Omit callers in the note for \\") + marker + _(" notes"));
      document_tex.push_back (_("% \\OmitCallerInNote{") + marker + "}");


  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The number of columns"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\TitleColumns=1");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\IntroColumns=1");
  document_tex.push_back ("\\BodyColumns=2");

  document_tex.push_back ("");
  document_tex.push_back (_("% The gutter between double cols, relative to font size"));
  document_tex.push_back ("\\def\\ColumnGutterFactor{15}");

  // Define the Paratext stylesheet to be used as a basis for formatting
  write_stylesheet ();

  // Write the data and add their filenames.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < book_ids.size(); i++) {
    ustring filename = convert_to_string (book_ids[i]) + " " + books_id_to_english(book_ids[i]) + ".usfm";
    replace_text (filename, " ", "_");
    write_lines (gw_build_filename (working_directory, filename), book_data[i]);
    document_tex.push_back ("\\ptxfile{" + filename + "}");

  // End of document input.
  document_tex.push_back ("\\end");

  // Write document.text to file.
  write_lines (gw_build_filename (working_directory, "document.tex"), document_tex);
예제 #20
CheckParallelPassages::CheckParallelPassages(bool nt, const ustring & project, const vector < unsigned int >&books, bool includetext, bool gui,const ustring & project2)
  // Language.
  extern Settings *settings;
  ustring language = settings->projectconfig(project, false)->language_get();

  // Mapping.
  ustring versification = settings->projectconfig(project, false)->versification_get();
  Mapping mapping(versification, 0);

  // Get a list of the books to check. If no books were given, take them all.
  vector < unsigned int >mybooks(books.begin(), books.end());
  if (mybooks.empty())
    mybooks = project_get_books(project);
  set < unsigned int >bookset(mybooks.begin(), mybooks.end());

  // Get the parallel passages.
  OtNtParallels otntparallels(0);
  if (nt)

  // GUI.
  progresswindow = NULL;
  if (gui) {
    progresswindow = new ProgressWindow(_("Producing passages"), true);
    progresswindow->set_iterate(0, 1, otntparallels.sections.size());
  // Go through each section.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < otntparallels.sections.size(); i++) {
    if (gui) {
      if (progresswindow->cancel)
    OtNtParallelDataSection datasection(0);
    // Section's heading.
    datasection.title = otntparallels.sections[i].title;
    // Go through each set of references.
    for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < otntparallels.sections[i].sets.size(); i2++) {
      // Go through the references in the set.
      OtNtParallelDataSet dataset(0);
      for (unsigned int i3 = 0; i3 < otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references.size(); i3++) {
        // Skip if NT book is not to be included.
        if (bookset.find(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].book) == bookset.end())
        vector < int >remapped_chapter;
        vector < int >remapped_verse;
        mapping.original_to_me(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].chapter, otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].verse, remapped_chapter, remapped_verse);
        Reference mapped_reference(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].book, remapped_chapter[0], convert_to_string(remapped_verse[0]));
        ustring verse = mapped_reference.human_readable(language);
        if (includetext) {
          verse.append(" ");
          verse.append(usfm_get_verse_text_only(project_retrieve_verse(project, mapped_reference.book, mapped_reference.chapter, mapped_reference.verse)));
        references.push_back(books_id_to_english(mapped_reference.book) + " " + convert_to_string(mapped_reference.chapter) + ":" + mapped_reference.verse);

      //output verses of second project
      OtNtParallelDataSet dataset2(0);
      //TODO refactor this loop into a separate function
      if (project2!="")
    	  ustring language2 = settings->projectconfig(project2, false)->language_get();

    	  // Mapping.
    	  ustring versification2 = settings->projectconfig(project2, false)->versification_get();
    	  Mapping mapping2(versification2, 0);

    	  for (unsigned int i3 = 0; i3 < otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references.size(); i3++) {
    		  // Skip if NT book is not to be included.
    		  if (bookset.find(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].book) == bookset.end())
    		  vector < int >remapped_chapter;
    		  vector < int >remapped_verse;
    		  mapping2.original_to_me(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].chapter, otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].verse, remapped_chapter, remapped_verse);
    		  Reference mapped_reference(otntparallels.sections[i].sets[i2].references[i3].book, remapped_chapter[0], convert_to_string(remapped_verse[0]));
    		  ustring verse = mapped_reference.human_readable(language);
    		  if (includetext) {
    			  verse.append(" ");
    			  verse.append(usfm_get_verse_text_only(project_retrieve_verse(project2, mapped_reference.book, mapped_reference.chapter, mapped_reference.verse)));
    		  references.push_back(books_id_to_english(mapped_reference.book) + " " + convert_to_string(mapped_reference.chapter) + ":" + mapped_reference.verse);

예제 #21
void CheckChaptersVerses::message(unsigned int book, unsigned int chapter, const ustring & verse, const ustring & message)
  references.push_back(books_id_to_english(book) + " " + convert_to_string(chapter) + ":" + verse);
예제 #22
void CheckValidateUsfm::message(const ustring & message)
  references.push_back(books_id_to_english(book) + " " + convert_to_string(chapter) + ":" + verse);
예제 #23
void notes_store_index_entry (sqlite3 *db, gint32 id)
    gchar *sql;

    // Delete optional previous entry with "id".
    sql = g_strdup_printf("delete from notes where id = %d;", id);
    sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    // Read the note with "id".
    ustring note;
    ustring project;
    ustring references;
    ustring category;
    int date_created;
    ustring user_created;
    int date_modified;
    ustring logbook;
    notes_read_one_from_file (id, note, project, references, category, date_created, user_created, date_modified, logbook);

    // Bail out if there's no note.
    if (note.empty()) {

    // Attend to the id: use variable "id".

    // Attend to the encoded references.
    Parse parse(references, false);
    ustring encoded_references;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parse.words.size(); i++) {
        Reference oldRef;
        Reference newRef;
        reference_discover(oldRef, parse.words[i], newRef);
        ustring book = books_id_to_english(newRef.book_get());
        ustring chapter = convert_to_string(newRef.chapter_get());
        vector < int >verses = verses_encode(newRef.verse_get());
        int book_chapter = reference_to_numerical_equivalent(book, chapter, "0");
        for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < verses.size(); i2++) {
            encoded_references.append(" ");
            encoded_references.append(convert_to_string(int (book_chapter + verses[i2])));
    encoded_references.append(" ");

    // Attend to the project: use variable "project".
    // Apostrophies need to be doubled before storing them.
    project = double_apostrophy(project);

    // Attend to the category: use variable "category".
    // Apostrophies need to be doubled before storing them.
    category = double_apostrophy(category);

    // Attend to the note text in case folded form
    // Apostrophies need to be doubled before storing them.
    note = note.casefold ();
    note = double_apostrophy(note);

    // Attend to the date created: use variable "date_created".

    // Attend to the date modified: use variable "date_modified".

    // Put new data in the database.
    sql = g_strdup_printf("insert into notes values (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d);",
                          id, encoded_references.c_str(), project.c_str(), category.c_str(), note.c_str(), date_created, date_modified);
    sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL);
예제 #24
void Wordlist::run(vector < ustring > &allmessages)
  // No project given: bail out.
  if (project.empty()) {
    message(_("No project"));
  // Pass 1: Collect words and handle asterisks.

  // Go through the books.
  vector < unsigned int >books = project_get_books(project);
  progresswindow->set_iterate(0, 1, books.size());
  for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < books.size(); bk++) {

    // Go through the chapters.
    vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(project, books[bk]);
    for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {

      // Go through the lines of the chapter, and process them.
      vector <ustring> lines = project_retrieve_chapter(project, books[bk], chapters[ch]);
      set <ustring> section_entries;
      bool chapter_content_was_changed = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        ustring line(lines[i]);
        process_line(line, section_entries);
        if (line != lines[i]) {
          chapter_content_was_changed = true;
          lines[i] = line;
      if (chapter_content_was_changed) {
        CategorizeChapterVerse ccv(lines);
        project_store_chapter(project, books[bk], ccv);
  // Informative messages.
  message(_("Total entries: ") + convert_to_string(wordcount));
  message(_("Unique entries: ") + convert_to_string((unsigned int)words.size()));

  // Pass 2: Insert word lists.

  // Only proceed if there is something to insert.
  if (!words.empty()) {

    // Whether a list was inserted.
    bool inserted = false;

    // Go through the books.
    progresswindow->set_iterate(0, 1, books.size());
    for (unsigned int bk = 0; bk < books.size(); bk++) {

      // Go through the chapters.
      vector < unsigned int >chapters = project_get_chapters(project, books[bk]);
      for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < chapters.size(); ch++) {

        // Go through the lines of the chapter to look for the position to insert the list.
        unsigned int opener_offset = 0;
        unsigned int closer_offset = 0;
        vector < ustring > lines = project_retrieve_chapter(project, books[bk], chapters[ch]);
        for (unsigned int ln = 0; ln < lines.size(); ln++) {
          if (lines[ln].find(list_opener) == 0) {
            opener_offset = ln;
          if (lines[ln].find(list_closer) == 0) {
            closer_offset = ln;

        // If something like a position was found, process that.
        if (opener_offset || closer_offset) {
          if (opener_offset && closer_offset && (opener_offset < closer_offset)) {
            insert_list(lines, opener_offset, closer_offset);
            CategorizeChapterVerse ccv(lines);
            project_store_chapter(project, books[bk], ccv);
            message(_("Word list inserted in ") + books_id_to_english(books[bk]) + " " + convert_to_string(chapters[ch]));
            inserted = true;
          } else {
            message(_("Invalid word list location in ") + books_id_to_english(books[bk]) + " " + convert_to_string(chapters[ch]));

    // Message if the list was not inserted.
    if (!inserted)
      message(_("No place found to insert the word list"));
  // Store messages.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {