int test_bson_generic( void ) { bson_iterator it, it2, it3; bson_oid_t oid; bson_timestamp_t ts; bson_timestamp_t ts_result; bson b[1]; bson copy[1]; bson scope[1]; ts.i = 1; ts.t = 2; bson_init( b ); bson_append_double( b, "d", 3.14 ); bson_append_string( b, "s", "hello" ); bson_append_string_n( b, "s_n", "goodbye cruel world", 7 ); { bson_append_start_object( b, "o" ); bson_append_start_array( b, "a" ); bson_append_binary( b, "0", 8, "w\0rld", 5 ); bson_append_finish_object( b ); bson_append_finish_object( b ); } bson_append_undefined( b, "u" ); bson_oid_from_string( &oid, "010203040506070809101112" ); ASSERT( !memcmp( oid.bytes, "\x001\x002\x003\x004\x005\x006\x007\x008\x009\x010\x011\x012", 12 ) ); bson_append_oid( b, "oid", &oid ); bson_append_bool( b, "b", 1 ); bson_append_date( b, "date", 0x0102030405060708 ); bson_append_null( b, "n" ); bson_append_regex( b, "r", "^asdf", "imx" ); /* no dbref test (deprecated) */ bson_append_code( b, "c", "function(){}" ); bson_append_code_n( b, "c_n", "function(){}garbage", 12 ); bson_append_symbol( b, "symbol", "symbol" ); bson_append_symbol_n( b, "symbol_n", "symbol and garbage", 6 ); { bson_init( scope ); bson_append_int( scope, "i", 123 ); bson_finish( scope ); bson_append_code_w_scope( b, "cws", "function(){return i}", scope ); bson_destroy( scope ); } bson_append_timestamp( b, "timestamp", &ts ); bson_append_long( b, "l", 0x1122334455667788 ); /* Ensure that we can't copy a non-finished object. */ ASSERT( bson_copy( copy, b ) == BSON_ERROR ); bson_finish( b ); ASSERT( b->err == BSON_VALID ); /* Test append after finish. */ ASSERT( bson_append_string( b, "foo", "bar" ) == BSON_ERROR ); ASSERT( b->err & BSON_ALREADY_FINISHED ); ASSERT( bson_copy( copy, b ) == BSON_OK ); ASSERT( 1 == copy->finished ); ASSERT( 0 == copy->err ); bson_destroy( copy ); bson_print( b ); bson_iterator_init( &it, b ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "d" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_double( &it ) == 3.14 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_STRING ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_STRING ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "s" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "hello" ) ); ASSERT( strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_STRING ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_STRING ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "s_n" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "goodbye" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_OBJECT ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_OBJECT ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "o" ) ); bson_iterator_subiterator( &it, &it2 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it2 ) == BSON_ARRAY ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it2 ) == BSON_ARRAY ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it2 ), "a" ) ); bson_iterator_subiterator( &it2, &it3 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it3 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it3 ) == BSON_BINDATA ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it3 ) == BSON_BINDATA ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it3 ), "0" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_bin_type( &it3 ) == 8 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_bin_len( &it3 ) == 5 ); ASSERT( !memcmp( bson_iterator_bin_data( &it3 ), "w\0rld", 5 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it3 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it3 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it3 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( !bson_iterator_more( &it3 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it2 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it2 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( !bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_UNDEFINED ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_UNDEFINED ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "u" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_OID ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_OID ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "oid" ) ); ASSERT( !memcmp( bson_iterator_oid( &it )->bytes, "\x001\x002\x003\x004\x005\x006\x007\x008\x009\x010\x011\x012", 12 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_oid( &it )->ints[0] == oid.ints[0] ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_oid( &it )->ints[1] == oid.ints[1] ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_oid( &it )->ints[2] == oid.ints[2] ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_BOOL ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_BOOL ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "b" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_bool( &it ) == 1 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DATE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_DATE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "date" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_date( &it ) == 0x0102030405060708 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_NULL ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_NULL ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "n" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_REGEX ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_REGEX ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "r" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_regex( &it ), "^asdf" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_regex_opts( &it ), "imx" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_CODE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_CODE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_code(&it), "function(){}") ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "c" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_CODE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_CODE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "c_n" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_code( &it ), "function(){}" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_SYMBOL ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_SYMBOL ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "symbol" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "symbol" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_SYMBOL ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_SYMBOL ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "symbol_n" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_string( &it ), "symbol" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_CODEWSCOPE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_CODEWSCOPE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "cws" ) ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_code( &it ), "function(){return i}" ) ); { bson scope; bson_iterator_code_scope( &it, &scope ); bson_iterator_init( &it2, &scope ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it2 ) == BSON_INT ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it2 ) == BSON_INT ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it2 ), "i" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_int( &it2 ) == 123 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it2 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it2 ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( !bson_iterator_more( &it2 ) ); } ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_TIMESTAMP ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_TIMESTAMP ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "timestamp" ) ); ts_result = bson_iterator_timestamp( &it ); ASSERT( ts_result.i == 1 ); ASSERT( ts_result.t == 2 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_LONG ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_LONG ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "l" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_long( &it ) == 0x1122334455667788 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( !bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); bson_destroy( b ); { bson bsrc[1]; bson_init( bsrc ); bson_append_double( bsrc, "d", 3.14 ); bson_finish( bsrc ); ASSERT( bsrc->err == BSON_VALID ); bson_init( b ); bson_append_double( b, "", 3.14 ); /* test empty name (in general) */ bson_iterator_init( &it, bsrc ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_type( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); bson_append_element( b, "d", &it ); bson_append_element( b, 0, &it ); /* test null */ bson_append_element( b, "", &it ); /* test empty name */ bson_finish( b ); ASSERT( b->err == BSON_VALID ); /* bson_print( b ); */ bson_iterator_init( &it, b ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_double( &it ) == 3.14 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "d" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_double( &it ) == 3.14 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "d" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_double( &it ) == 3.14 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_DOUBLE ); ASSERT( !strcmp( bson_iterator_key( &it ), "" ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_double( &it ) == 3.14 ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); ASSERT( bson_iterator_next( &it ) == BSON_EOO ); ASSERT( !bson_iterator_more( &it ) ); bson_destroy( bsrc ); bson_destroy( b ); } return 0; }
int main(){ bson_buffer bb; bson b; bson_iterator it, it2, it3; bson_oid_t oid; bson_timestamp_t ts; bson_timestamp_t ts_result; ts.i = 1; ts.t = 2; bson_buffer_init(&bb); bson_append_double(&bb, "d", 3.14); bson_append_string(&bb, "s", "hello"); bson_append_string_n(&bb, "s_n", "goodbye cruel world", 7); { bson_buffer *obj = bson_append_start_object(&bb, "o"); bson_buffer *arr = bson_append_start_array(obj, "a"); bson_append_binary(arr, "0", 8, "w\0rld", 5); bson_append_finish_object(arr); bson_append_finish_object(obj); } bson_append_undefined(&bb, "u"); bson_oid_from_string(&oid, "010203040506070809101112"); ASSERT(!memcmp(oid.bytes, "\x001\x002\x003\x004\x005\x006\x007\x008\x009\x010\x011\x012", 12)); bson_append_oid(&bb, "oid", &oid); bson_append_bool(&bb, "b", 1); bson_append_date(&bb, "date", 0x0102030405060708); bson_append_null(&bb, "n"); bson_append_regex(&bb, "r", "^asdf", "imx"); /* no dbref test (deprecated) */ bson_append_code(&bb, "c", "function(){}"); bson_append_code_n(&bb, "c_n", "function(){}garbage", 12); bson_append_symbol(&bb, "symbol", "SYMBOL"); bson_append_symbol_n(&bb, "symbol_n", "SYMBOL and garbage", 6); { bson_buffer scope_buf; bson scope; bson_buffer_init(&scope_buf); bson_append_int(&scope_buf, "i", 123); bson_from_buffer(&scope, &scope_buf); bson_append_code_w_scope(&bb, "cws", "function(){return i}", &scope); bson_destroy(&scope); } bson_append_timestamp(&bb, "timestamp", &ts); bson_append_long(&bb, "l", 0x1122334455667788); bson_from_buffer(&b, &bb); bson_print(&b); bson_iterator_init(&it,; ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_double); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_double); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "d")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_double(&it) == 3.14); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_string); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_string); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "s")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "hello")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_string); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_string); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "s_n")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "goodbye")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_object); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_object); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "o")); bson_iterator_subiterator(&it, &it2); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it2)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it2) == bson_array); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it2) == bson_array); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2), "a")); bson_iterator_subiterator(&it2, &it3); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it3)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it3) == bson_bindata); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it3) == bson_bindata); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it3), "0")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_bin_type(&it3) == 8); ASSERT(bson_iterator_bin_len(&it3) == 5); ASSERT(!memcmp(bson_iterator_bin_data(&it3), "w\0rld", 5)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it3)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it3) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it3) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(!bson_iterator_more(&it3)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it2)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it2) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it2) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(!bson_iterator_more(&it2)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_undefined); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_undefined); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "u")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_oid); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_oid); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "oid")); ASSERT(!memcmp(bson_iterator_oid(&it)->bytes, "\x001\x002\x003\x004\x005\x006\x007\x008\x009\x010\x011\x012", 12)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_oid(&it)->ints[0] == oid.ints[0]); ASSERT(bson_iterator_oid(&it)->ints[1] == oid.ints[1]); ASSERT(bson_iterator_oid(&it)->ints[2] == oid.ints[2]); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_bool); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_bool); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "b")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_bool(&it) == 1); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_date); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_date); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "date")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_date(&it) == 0x0102030405060708); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_null); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_null); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "n")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_regex); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_regex); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "r")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_regex(&it), "^asdf")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_regex_opts(&it), "imx")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_code); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_code); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "c")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "function(){}")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_code(&it), "function(){}")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_code); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_code); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "c_n")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "function(){}")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_code(&it), "function(){}")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_symbol); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_symbol); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "symbol")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "SYMBOL")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_symbol); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_symbol); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "symbol_n")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_string(&it), "SYMBOL")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_codewscope); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_codewscope); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "cws")); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_code(&it), "function(){return i}")); { bson scope; bson_iterator_code_scope(&it, &scope); bson_iterator_init(&it2,; ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it2)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it2) == bson_int); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it2) == bson_int); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it2), "i")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_int(&it2) == 123); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it2)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it2) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it2) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(!bson_iterator_more(&it2)); } ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_timestamp); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_timestamp); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "timestamp")); ts_result = bson_iterator_timestamp(&it); ASSERT( ts_result.i == 1 ); ASSERT( ts_result.t == 2); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_long); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_long); ASSERT(!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&it), "l")); ASSERT(bson_iterator_long(&it) == 0x1122334455667788); ASSERT(bson_iterator_more(&it)); ASSERT(bson_iterator_next(&it) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(bson_iterator_type(&it) == bson_eoo); ASSERT(!bson_iterator_more(&it)); return 0; }