int lua_to_bson(lua_State *L) { lua_settop(L, 1); int argc = lua_gettop(L); luaL_checktype(L, lua_gettop(L), LUA_TTABLE); bson bs; bson_init_as_query(&bs); lua_to_bson_impl(L, lua_gettop(L), &bs); if (bs.err || bson_finish(&bs)) { lua_pushstring(L, bson_first_errormsg(&bs)); bson_destroy(&bs); return lua_error(L); } lua_pushlstring(L, bson_data(&bs), bson_size(&bs)); //+1 bson data as string bson_destroy(&bs); if (lua_gettop(L) - argc != 1) { return luaL_error(L, "lua_to_bson: Invalid stack size: %d should be: %d", (lua_gettop(L) - argc), 1); } return 1; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); jb = ejdbnew(); if (!ejdbopen(jb, "addressbook", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT | JBOTRUNC)) { return 1; } //Get or create collection 'contacts' EJCOLL *coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "contacts", NULL); bson bsrec; bson_oid_t oid; //One record bson_init(&bsrec); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "name", "John Travolta"); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "phone", "333-222-333"); bson_append_int(&bsrec, "age", 58); bson_finish(&bsrec); ejdbsavebson(coll, &bsrec, &oid); fprintf(stderr, "\nSaved Travolta"); bson_destroy(&bsrec); //Another record bson_init(&bsrec); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "name", "Bruce Willis"); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "phone", "222-333-222"); bson_append_int(&bsrec, "age", 57); bson_finish(&bsrec); ejdbsavebson(coll, &bsrec, &oid); fprintf(stderr, "\nSaved Bruce Willis"); bson_destroy(&bsrec); //Now select one record. //Query: {'name' : {'$begin' : 'Bru'}} //Name starts with 'Bru' string bson bq1; bson_init_as_query(&bq1); bson_append_start_object(&bq1, "name"); bson_append_string(&bq1, "$begin", "Bru"); bson_append_finish_object(&bq1); bson_finish(&bq1); EJQ *q1 = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bq1, NULL, 0, NULL); uint32_t count; TCLIST *res = ejdbqryexecute(coll, q1, &count, 0, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "\n\nRecords found: %d\n", count); for (int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(res); ++i) { void *bsdata = TCLISTVALPTR(res, i); bson_print_raw((char*) bsdata, 0); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); //Dispose result set tclistdel(res); //Dispose query ejdbquerydel(q1); bson_destroy(&bq1); //Close database ejdbclose(jb); ejdbdel(jb); getc(stdin); return 0; }
void testBuildQuery1() { CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(jb); /* Query = { "name" : Петров Петр, "age" : 33, "family" : { "wife" : { "name" : "Jeniffer", "age" : {"$gt" : 25}, "phone" : "444-111" }, "children" : [ { "name" : "Dasha", "age" : {"$in" : [1, 4, 10]} } ] } */ bson q1; bson_init_as_query(&q1); bson_append_string(&q1, "name", "Петров Петр"); bson_append_int(&q1, "age", 33); bson q1family_wife; bson_init_as_query(&q1family_wife); bson_append_string(&q1family_wife, "name", "Jeniffer"); bson_append_start_object(&q1family_wife, "age"); bson_append_int(&q1family_wife, "$gt", 25); bson_append_finish_object(&q1family_wife); bson_append_string(&q1family_wife, "phone", "444-111"); bson_finish(&q1family_wife); bson q1family_child; bson_init_as_query(&q1family_child); bson_append_string(&q1family_child, "name", "Dasha"); //"age" : {"$in" : [1, 4, 10]} bson q1family_child_age_IN; bson_init_as_query(&q1family_child_age_IN); bson_append_start_array(&q1family_child_age_IN, "$in"); bson_append_int(&q1family_child_age_IN, "0", 1); bson_append_int(&q1family_child_age_IN, "1", 4); bson_append_int(&q1family_child_age_IN, "2", 10); bson_append_finish_array(&q1family_child_age_IN); bson_finish(&q1family_child_age_IN); bson_append_bson(&q1family_child, "age", &q1family_child_age_IN); bson_finish(&q1family_child); bson q1family; bson_init_as_query(&q1family); bson_append_bson(&q1family, "wife", &q1family_wife); bson_append_start_array(&q1family, "children"); bson_append_bson(&q1family, "0", &q1family_child); bson_append_finish_array(&q1family); bson_finish(&q1family); bson_append_bson(&q1, "family", &q1family); bson_finish(&q1); CU_ASSERT_FALSE_FATAL(q1.err); CU_ASSERT_FALSE_FATAL(q1family.err); CU_ASSERT_FALSE_FATAL(q1family_wife.err); CU_ASSERT_FALSE_FATAL(q1family_child.err); CU_ASSERT_FALSE_FATAL(q1family_child_age_IN.err); EJQ *ejq = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &q1, NULL, 0, NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(ejq); bson_destroy(&q1); bson_destroy(&q1family); bson_destroy(&q1family_wife); bson_destroy(&q1family_child); bson_destroy(&q1family_child_age_IN); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(ejq->qobjlist); TCLIST *qmap = ejq->qobjlist; CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qmap->num, 7); for (int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(qmap); ++i) { const EJQF *qf = TCLISTVALPTR(qmap, i); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(qf); const char* key = qf->fpath; switch (i) { case 0: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, "name"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "Петров Петр"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCSTREQ); break; } case 1: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, "age"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "33"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCNUMEQ); break; } case 2: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, ""); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "Jeniffer"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCSTREQ); break; } case 3: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, "family.wife.age"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "25"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCNUMGT); break; } case 4: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, ""); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "444-111"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCSTREQ); break; } case 5: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, ""); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(qf->expr, "Dasha"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCSTREQ); break; } case 6: { CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(key, "family.children.0.age"); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(qf); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->ftype, BSON_ARRAY); TCLIST *al = tclistload(qf->expr, qf->exprsz); char* als = tcstrjoin(al, ','); CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(als, "1,4,10"); TCFREE(als); tclistdel(al); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(qf->tcop, TDBQCNUMOREQ); break; } } } ejdbquerydel(ejq); }
void testPerf1() { CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(jb); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(recs); EJCOLL *coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "pcoll1", NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(coll); unsigned long st = tcmstime(); for (int i = 0; i < RS; ++i) { bson_oid_t oid; ejdbsavebson(coll, recs + i, &oid); } ejdbsyncoll(coll); fprintf(stderr, "\ntestPerf1(): SAVED %d BSON OBJECTS, TIME %lu ms\n", RS, tcmstime() - st); st = tcmstime(); uint32_t acount = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < QRS; ++i) { int idx = rand() % QRS; bson *bs = recs + idx; assert(bs); EJQ *q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, bs, NULL, 0, NULL); assert(q); uint32_t count; ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); assert(count); if (count != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "CNT=%u\n", count); } acount += count; ejdbquerydel(q); } CU_ASSERT_TRUE(i <= acount); fprintf(stderr, "testPerf1(): %u QUERIES, TIME: %lu ms, PER QUERY TIME: %lu ms\n", i, tcmstime() - st, (unsigned long) ((tcmstime() - st) / QRS)); st = tcmstime(); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(ejdbsetindex(coll, "rstring", JBIDXSTR)); fprintf(stderr, "testPerf1(): SET INDEX 'rstring' TIME: %lu ms\n", tcmstime() - st); st = tcmstime(); acount = 0; for (i = 0; i < QRS; ++i) { int idx = rand() % QRS; bson *bs = recs + idx; assert(bs); EJQ *q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, bs, NULL, 0, NULL); assert(q); uint32_t count; ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); assert(count); acount += count; ejdbquerydel(q); } CU_ASSERT_TRUE(i <= acount); fprintf(stderr, "testPerf1(): %u QUERIES WITH 'rstring' INDEX, TIME: %lu ms, PER QUERY TIME: %lu ms\n", i, tcmstime() - st, (unsigned long) ((tcmstime() - st) / QRS)); bson bsq1; bson_init_as_query(&bsq1); bson_append_start_object(&bsq1, "$set"); bson_append_int(&bsq1, "intv", 1); bson_append_finish_object(&bsq1); bson_finish(&bsq1); EJQ *q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bsq1, NULL, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(q); uint32_t count; st = tcmstime(); //$set op ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); if (ejdbecode(jb) != 0) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "$set test"); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(false); } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, RS); fprintf(stderr, "testPerf1(): {'$set' : {'intv' : 1}} FOR %u OBJECTS, TIME %lu ms\n", count, tcmstime() - st); ejdbquerydel(q); bson_destroy(&bsq1); bson_init_as_query(&bsq1); bson_append_start_object(&bsq1, "$inc"); bson_append_int(&bsq1, "intv", 1); bson_append_finish_object(&bsq1); bson_finish(&bsq1); q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bsq1, NULL, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(q); st = tcmstime(); //$inc op ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); if (ejdbecode(jb) != 0) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "$inc test"); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(false); } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, RS); fprintf(stderr, "testPerf1(): {'$inc' : {'intv' : 1}} FOR %u OBJECTS, TIME %lu ms\n", count, tcmstime() - st); ejdbquerydel(q); bson_destroy(&bsq1); bson_init_as_query(&bsq1); bson_append_int(&bsq1, "intv", 2); bson_finish(&bsq1); q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bsq1, NULL, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, JBQRYCOUNT, NULL); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, RS); ejdbquerydel(q); bson_destroy(&bsq1); ejdbrmcoll(jb, coll->cname, true); }
static void *threadrace1(void *_tr) { const int iterations = 500; TARGRACE *tr = (TARGRACE*) _tr; bool err = false; bson bq; bson_init_as_query(&bq); bson_append_int(&bq, "tid", tr->id); bson_finish(&bq); bson_type bt; bson_iterator it; void *bsdata; bool saved = false; int lastcnt = 0; EJCOLL *coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "threadrace1", NULL); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(coll); EJQ *q = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bq, NULL, 0, NULL); TCXSTR *log = tcxstrnew(); for (int i = 0; !err && i < iterations; ++i) { CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(q); tcxstrclear(log); bson_oid_t oid2; bson_oid_t *oid = NULL; int cnt = 0; uint32_t count; TCLIST *res = NULL; if (ejdbecode(jb) != 0) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "threadrace1"); err = true; goto ffinish; } res = ejdbqryexecute(coll, q, &count, 0, log); if (ejdbecode(jb) != 0) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "threadrace1.ejdbqryexecute"); err = true; goto ffinish; } if (count != 1 && saved) { fprintf(stderr, "%d:COUNT=%d it=%d\n", tr->id, count, i); CU_ASSERT_TRUE(false); goto ffinish; } if (count > 0) { bsdata = TCLISTVALPTR(res, 0); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(bsdata); bt = bson_find_from_buffer(&it, bsdata, "cnt"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL(bt, BSON_INT); cnt = bson_iterator_int(&it); bt = bson_find_from_buffer(&it, bsdata, "_id"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL(bt, BSON_OID); oid = bson_iterator_oid(&it); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(oid); } bson sbs; bson_init(&sbs); if (oid) { bson_append_oid(&sbs, "_id", oid); } bson_append_int(&sbs, "tid", tr->id); bson_append_int(&sbs, "cnt", ++cnt); bson_finish(&sbs); if (!ejdbsavebson(coll, &sbs, &oid2)) { eprint(jb, __LINE__, "threadrace1.ejdbsavebson"); err = true; } saved = true; bson_destroy(&sbs); lastcnt = cnt; ffinish: if (res) tclistdel(res); } if (q) ejdbquerydel(q); if (log) tcxstrdel(log); bson_destroy(&bq); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(lastcnt, iterations); //fprintf(stderr, "\nThread %d finished", tr->id); return err ? "error" : NULL; }