/* * If error is not set, set code from first document in array like * [{"code": 64, "errmsg": "duplicate"}, ...]. Format the error message * from all errors in array. */ static void _set_error_from_response (bson_t *bson_array, mongoc_error_domain_t domain, const char *error_type, bson_error_t *error /* OUT */) { bson_iter_t array_iter; bson_iter_t doc_iter; bson_string_t *compound_err; const char *errmsg = NULL; int32_t code = 0; uint32_t n_keys, i; compound_err = bson_string_new (NULL); n_keys = bson_count_keys (bson_array); if (n_keys > 1) { bson_string_append_printf ( compound_err, "Multiple %s errors: ", error_type); } if (!bson_empty0 (bson_array) && bson_iter_init (&array_iter, bson_array)) { /* get first code and all error messages */ i = 0; while (bson_iter_next (&array_iter)) { if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&array_iter) && bson_iter_recurse (&array_iter, &doc_iter)) { /* parse doc, which is like {"code": 64, "errmsg": "duplicate"} */ while (bson_iter_next (&doc_iter)) { /* use the first error code we find */ if (BSON_ITER_IS_KEY (&doc_iter, "code") && code == 0) { code = bson_iter_int32 (&doc_iter); } else if (BSON_ITER_IS_KEY (&doc_iter, "errmsg")) { errmsg = bson_iter_utf8 (&doc_iter, NULL); /* build message like 'Multiple write errors: "foo", "bar"' */ if (n_keys > 1) { bson_string_append_printf (compound_err, "\"%s\"", errmsg); if (i < n_keys - 1) { bson_string_append (compound_err, ", "); } } else { /* single error message */ bson_string_append (compound_err, errmsg); } } } i++; } } if (code && compound_err->len) { bson_set_error ( error, domain, (uint32_t) code, "%s", compound_err->str); } } bson_string_free (compound_err, true); }
void mongoc_log_trace_bytes (const char *domain, const uint8_t *_b, size_t _l) { bson_string_t *str, *astr; int32_t _i; uint8_t _v; #ifdef MONGOC_TRACE if (!gLogTrace) { return; } #endif str = bson_string_new(NULL); astr = bson_string_new(NULL); for (_i = 0; _i < _l; _i++) { _v = *(_b + _i); if ((_i % 16) == 0) { bson_string_append_printf(str, "%05x: ", _i); } bson_string_append_printf(str, " %02x", _v); if (isprint(_v)) { bson_string_append_printf(astr, " %c", _v); } else { bson_string_append(astr, " ."); } if ((_i % 16) == 15) { mongoc_log(MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, domain, "%s %s", str->str, astr->str); bson_string_truncate(str, 0); bson_string_truncate(astr, 0); } else if ((_i % 16) == 7) { bson_string_append(str, " "); bson_string_append(astr, " "); } } if (_i != 16) { mongoc_log(MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, domain, "%-56s %s", str->str, astr->str); } bson_string_free(str, true); bson_string_free(astr, true); }
mongoc_client_t * ha_sharded_cluster_get_client (ha_sharded_cluster_t *cluster) { const ha_node_t *iter; mongoc_client_t *client; bson_string_t *str; BSON_ASSERT (cluster); BSON_ASSERT (cluster->routers); str = bson_string_new ("mongodb://"); for (iter = cluster->routers; iter; iter = iter->next) { bson_string_append_printf (str, "", iter->port, iter->next ? "," : ""); } bson_string_append (str, "/"); client = mongoc_client_new (str->str); bson_string_free (str, TRUE); return client; }
static void _bson_append_cftyperef (bson_string_t *retval, const char *label, CFTypeRef str) { char *cs; if (str) { cs = _mongoc_cfstringref_to_cstring (str); if (cs) { bson_string_append_printf (retval, "%s%s", label, cs); bson_free (cs); } else { bson_string_append_printf (retval, "%s(null)", label); } } }
void _bson_append_cftyperef (bson_string_t *retval, const char *label, CFTypeRef str) { if (str) { if (CFGetTypeID (str) == CFStringGetTypeID ()) { const char *cs = CFStringGetCStringPtr (str, CFStringGetFastestEncoding(str)); bson_string_append_printf (retval, "%s%s", label, cs); } } }
static void ha_config_add_shard (ha_node_t *node, ha_replica_set_t *replica_set) { mongoc_collection_t *collection; mongoc_client_t *client; bson_string_t *shardstr; bson_error_t error; bson_bool_t r; bson_t reply; bson_t cmd = BSON_INITIALIZER; char *uristr; uristr = bson_strdup_printf ("mongodb://", node->port); client = mongoc_client_new (uristr); collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "admin", "fake"); shardstr = bson_string_new (NULL); bson_string_append_printf (shardstr, "%s/", replica_set->name, replica_set->nodes->port); bson_append_utf8 (&cmd, "addShard", -1, shardstr->str, shardstr->len); bson_string_free (shardstr, TRUE); again: sleep (1); r = mongoc_collection_command_simple (collection, &cmd, NULL, &reply, &error); if (!r) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error.message); goto again; } #if 1 { char *str; str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL); printf ("%s\n", str); bson_free (str); } #endif bson_destroy (&reply); bson_destroy (&cmd); mongoc_collection_destroy (collection); mongoc_client_destroy (client); bson_free (uristr); }
/* a uri with one bogus host */ mongoc_uri_t * uri_from_ismaster_plus_one (bson_t *ismaster_response) { /* start with one bad host and a comma */ bson_string_t *uri_str = bson_string_new ("mongodb://" BAD_HOST ","); char *name; bson_iter_t iter; bson_iter_t hosts_iter; if ((name = set_name (ismaster_response))) { bson_iter_init_find (&iter, ismaster_response, "hosts"); bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &hosts_iter); while (bson_iter_next (&hosts_iter)) { assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8 (&hosts_iter)); bson_string_append (uri_str, bson_iter_utf8 (&hosts_iter, NULL)); while (bson_iter_next (&hosts_iter)) { bson_string_append (uri_str, ","); bson_string_append (uri_str, bson_iter_utf8 (&hosts_iter, NULL)); } bson_string_append_printf ( uri_str, "/?replicaSet=%s&connecttimeoutms=1000", name); } bson_free (name); } else { char *host = test_framework_get_host (); bson_string_append (uri_str, host); bson_string_append (uri_str, "/?connecttimeoutms=1000"); bson_free (host); } return mongoc_uri_new (bson_string_free (uri_str, false)); }
static void _set_platform_string (mongoc_handshake_t *handshake) { bson_string_t *str; char *config_str; str = bson_string_new (""); config_str = _mongoc_handshake_get_config_hex_string (); bson_string_append_printf (str, "cfg=%s", config_str); bson_free (config_str); #ifdef _POSIX_VERSION bson_string_append_printf (str, " posix=%ld", _POSIX_VERSION); #endif #ifdef __STDC_VERSION__ bson_string_append_printf (str, " stdc=%ld", __STDC_VERSION__); #endif bson_string_append_printf (str, " CC=%s", MONGOC_COMPILER); #ifdef MONGOC_COMPILER_VERSION bson_string_append_printf (str, " %s", MONGOC_COMPILER_VERSION); #endif if (strlen (MONGOC_EVALUATE_STR (MONGOC_USER_SET_CFLAGS)) > 0) { bson_string_append_printf ( str, " CFLAGS=%s", MONGOC_EVALUATE_STR (MONGOC_USER_SET_CFLAGS)); } if (strlen (MONGOC_EVALUATE_STR (MONGOC_USER_SET_LDFLAGS)) > 0) { bson_string_append_printf ( str, " LDFLAGS=%s", MONGOC_EVALUATE_STR (MONGOC_USER_SET_LDFLAGS)); } handshake->platform = bson_string_free (str, false); }
void ha_sharded_cluster_start (ha_sharded_cluster_t *cluster) { bson_string_t *configopt; struct stat st; ha_node_t *iter; char *cmd; int i; bson_return_if_fail(cluster); if (!stat(cluster->name, &st)) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { /* Ayyyeeeeeee */ cmd = bson_strdup_printf("rm -rf \"%s\"", cluster->name); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd); system(cmd); bson_free(cmd); } } if (!!mkdir(cluster->name, 0750)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create directory \"%s\"\n", cluster->name); abort(); } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (cluster->replicas[i]) { ha_replica_set_start(cluster->replicas[i]); } } configopt = bson_string_new (NULL); for (iter = cluster->configs; iter; iter = iter->next) { ha_node_setup(iter); ha_node_restart(iter); bson_string_append_printf (configopt, "", iter->port, iter->next ? "," : ""); } sleep (5); for (iter = cluster->routers; iter; iter = iter->next) { bson_free (iter->configopt); iter->configopt = bson_strdup (configopt->str); ha_node_setup (iter); ha_node_restart (iter); } ha_sharded_cluster_wait_for_healthy (cluster); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (cluster->replicas[i]) { ha_config_add_shard (cluster->routers, cluster->replicas[i]); } } bson_string_free (configopt, TRUE); }
void mongoc_log_trace_iovec (const char *domain, const mongoc_iovec_t *_iov, size_t _iovcnt) { bson_string_t *str, *astr; const char *_b; unsigned _i = 0; unsigned _j = 0; unsigned _k = 0; size_t _l = 0; uint8_t _v; #ifdef MONGOC_TRACE if (!gLogTrace) { return; } #endif for (_i = 0; _i < _iovcnt; _i++) { _l += _iov[_i].iov_len; } _i = 0; str = bson_string_new(NULL); astr = bson_string_new(NULL); for (_j = 0; _j < _iovcnt; _j++) { _b = (char *)_iov[_j].iov_base; _l = _iov[_j].iov_len; for (_k = 0; _k < _l; _k++, _i++) { _v = *(_b + _k); if ((_i % 16) == 0) { bson_string_append_printf(str, "%05x: ", _i); } bson_string_append_printf(str, " %02x", _v); if (isprint(_v)) { bson_string_append_printf(astr, " %c", _v); } else { bson_string_append(astr, " ."); } if ((_i % 16) == 15) { mongoc_log(MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, domain, "%s %s", str->str, astr->str); bson_string_truncate(str, 0); bson_string_truncate(astr, 0); } else if ((_i % 16) == 7) { bson_string_append(str, " "); bson_string_append(astr, " "); } } } if (_i != 16) { mongoc_log(MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, domain, "%-56s %s", str->str, astr->str); } bson_string_free(str, true); bson_string_free(astr, true); }
/* returns a hex string for all config flag bits, which must be freed. */ char * _mongoc_handshake_get_config_hex_string (void) { uint32_t byte_count; uint8_t *bf; bson_string_t *str; int i; byte_count = (LAST_MONGOC_MD_FLAG + 7) / 8; /* ceil (num_bits / 8) */ /* allocate enough bytes to fit all config bits. */ bf = (uint8_t *) bson_malloc0 (byte_count); #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL_SECURE_CHANNEL _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL_SECURE_CHANNEL); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO_CNG _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO_CNG); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL_SECURE_TRANSPORT _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SSL_SECURE_TRANSPORT); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO_COMMON_CRYPTO _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_CRYPTO_COMMON_CRYPTO); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL_OPENSSL _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SSL_OPENSSL); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO_LIBCRYPTO _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_CRYPTO_LIBCRYPTO); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SSL); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_CRYPTO); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_PROFILE _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_PROFILE); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SASL _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SASL); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_SASL_CLIENT_DONE _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_HAVE_SASL_CLIENT_DONE); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_NO_AUTOMATIC_GLOBALS _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_NO_AUTOMATIC_GLOBALS); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SSL_LIBRESSL _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SSL_LIBRESSL); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SASL_CYRUS _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SASL_CYRUS); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SASL_SSPI _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SASL_SSPI); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_SOCKLEN _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_HAVE_SOCKLEN); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_COMPRESSION); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SASL_GSSAPI _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SASL_GSSAPI); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_RES_NSEARCH _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_RES_NSEARCH); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_RES_NDESTROY _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_RES_NDESTROY); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_RES_NCLOSE _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_RES_NCLOSE); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_RES_SEARCH _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_RES_SEARCH); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_DNSAPI _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_DNSAPI); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_RDTSCP _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_RDTSCP); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_HAVE_SCHED_GETCPU _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_HAVE_SCHED_GETCPU); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_SHM_COUNTERS _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_SHM_COUNTERS); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_TRACE _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_TRACE); #endif #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_ICU _set_bit (bf, byte_count, MONGOC_MD_FLAG_ENABLE_ICU); #endif str = bson_string_new ("0x"); for (i = 0; i < byte_count; i++) { bson_string_append_printf (str, "%02x", bf[i]); } bson_free (bf); /* free the bson_string_t, but keep the underlying char* alive. */ return bson_string_free (str, false); }