int Unixy_pid_file(bstring path) { FILE *pid_file = NULL; int rc = 0; struct stat sb; char *pid_path = NULL; pid_path = bstr2cstr(path, '\0'); check_mem(pid_path); rc = stat(pid_path, &sb); check(rc == -1, "PID file already exists, something bad happened."); // pid file isn't there, open it and make it pid_file = fopen(pid_path, "w"); check(pid_file, "Failed to open PID file %s for writing.", pid_path); rc = fprintf(pid_file, "%d", getpid()); check(rc > 0, "Failed to write PID to file %s", pid_path); if(pid_path) free(pid_path); fclose(pid_file); return 0; error: if(pid_path) free(pid_path); if(pid_file) fclose(pid_file); return -1; }
void removeSignalWatch( Signals* signals, char* busname, char* objectpath, char* interface, char* signalname) { DBusError dbusError; dbus_error_init(&dbusError); bstring rule = createRule(busname, objectpath, interface, signalname); char* cstr_rule = bstr2cstr(rule,'\0'); printf("Rule : %s\n",cstr_rule); pthread_mutex_lock(&signals->dbus_mutex); dbus_bus_remove_match(signals->con,cstr_rule,&dbusError); pthread_mutex_unlock(&signals->dbus_mutex); if (dbus_error_is_set(&dbusError)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %d: Error occurred: %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, dbusError.message); dbus_error_free(&dbusError); } bcstrfree(cstr_rule); bdestroy(rule); }
struct lprov_entry* list_revert(list_t* list) { struct lprov_entry* first = NULL; struct lprov_entry* previous = NULL; struct lprov_entry* current = NULL; struct lconv_entry* entry = NULL; if (list == NULL) return NULL; list_iterator_start(list); while (list_iterator_hasnext(list)) { entry = list_iterator_next(list); current = malloc(sizeof(struct lprov_entry)); current->address = entry->address; current->label = bstr2cstr(entry->label, '0'); current->next = NULL; if (previous != NULL) previous->next = current; if (first == NULL) first = current; previous = current; } list_iterator_stop(list); return first; }
SkObject *sk_message_dispatch_simple(SkObject *self) { SkObject *result = NULL; bstring name = sk_string_get_bstring(sk_message_get_name(self)); /* is a string */ if(bchar(name, 0) == '"' && bchar(name, name->slen - 1) == '"') { return sk_string_from_bstring(self->vm, bmidstr(name, 1, name->slen - 2)); } /* is a number */ else if(is_number(name)) { return sk_number_create(self->vm, atoi(bstr2cstr(name, '\0'))); } /* is a command terminator. */ else if(biseqcstr(name, ";") == 1) { return NULL; } /* a message. */ else { int i; SkObjectList *callstack = sk_vm_callstack(SK_VM); for(i = kv_size(*callstack) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SkObject *object = kv_A(*callstack, i); result = sk_object_dispatch_message(object, self); if(result) { return result; } } sk_printf("name: %s\n", name->data); sk_printf("thread: 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self()); sk_exc_raise(SK_VM, sk_exception_create_lazy(SK_VM, "MessageError", bformat("Nobody is answering to the message '%s'.", name->data))); return NULL; } }
void screen_delete_char(struct te_buffer *buf) { if (buf == NULL) return; move_left(buf); bstring previous_line = current_line_as_bstring(buf->contents, max(buf->point - 1, 0)); char c = curr_char(buf); delete_char(buf); bstring s = current_line_as_bstring(buf->contents, max(buf->point, 0)); if (c == '\n') { statusprintf("s : %s", bstr2cstr(s, '\0')); clear_nfirst_lines(buffer_win, max(buf->y, 0)); scroll_up(buffer_win); paint_buffer_nlines(buf, buf->y + 1); screen_prev_line(buf); buf->x = max(screen_line_length(previous_line, 0) - 1, 0); /* max because scr_l_len("a") == 1 and coords begin at 0 */ move(buf->y, buf->x); } else { draw_line(s, buf->y); screen_move_left(buf); move_right(buf); /* yes it's ugly but I don't feel like recoding screen_move_right atm */ } bdestroy(previous_line); bdestroy(s); }
int TryCompileShader(GLenum eGLSLShaderType, char* inFilename, char* shader, double* pCompileTime) { GLint iCompileStatus; GLuint hShader; Timer_t timer; InitTimer(&timer); InitOpenGL(); hShader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(eGLSLShaderType); glShaderSourceARB(hShader, 1, (const char **)&shader, NULL); ResetTimer(&timer); glCompileShaderARB(hShader); *pCompileTime = ReadTimer(&timer); /* Check it compiled OK */ glGetObjectParameterivARB (hShader, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &iCompileStatus); if (iCompileStatus != GL_TRUE) { FILE* errorFile; GLint iInfoLogLength = 0; char* pszInfoLog; bstring filename = bfromcstr(inFilename); char* cstrFilename; glGetObjectParameterivARB (hShader, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &iInfoLogLength); pszInfoLog = malloc(iInfoLogLength); printf("Error: Failed to compile GLSL shader\n"); glGetInfoLogARB (hShader, iInfoLogLength, NULL, pszInfoLog); printf(pszInfoLog); bcatcstr(filename, "_compileErrors.txt"); cstrFilename = bstr2cstr(filename, '\0'); //Dump to file errorFile = fopen(cstrFilename, "w"); fprintf(errorFile, pszInfoLog); fclose(errorFile); bdestroy(filename); free(cstrFilename); free(pszInfoLog); return 0; } return 1; }
/* Consume el fin de línea. * Indica si encontro basura antes del fin de línea*/ int parse_next_line (Lexer *input){ bool result = PARSER_OK; /*si es EOF (o el sig char es '\n'), sera true*/ bstring taken = NULL; /*caracteres leidos*/ /*Pre:*/ assert(input != NULL); /*consumo toda la basura anterior al primer '\n' (o EOF)*/ taken = next_bstring (input, END_LINE); /*si leyo algo, entonces taken no es nulo*/ if (taken != NULL){ result = PARSER_ERR; bdestroy (taken); return result; } /*INTERNAS*/ /*Parsea un argumento de los ingresados. * Si no hubo error, asigna el argumento parseado en 'arg' y retorna PARSER_OK * Si hubo error, no asigna nada a 'arg' y retorna PARSER_ERR * El llamador se encarga de liberarlo. */ static int parse_argument (Lexer *input, u32 arg){ int result = PARSER_ERR; /*retorno (error al menos que todo salga bien)*/ bstring barg = NULL; /*argumento leido en tipo bstring*/ char * sarg = NULL; /*argumento leido convertido a string*/ assert(input != NULL); if (!lexer_is_off (input)){ /*leo hasta el siguiente caracter distinto de 'DIGIT'*/ barg = next_bstring (input, ALPHA BLANK); if (barg != NULL){ /* lo convierto a string*/ sarg = bstr2cstr (barg, '\0'); if (sarg != NULL){ /* lo convierto a u32*/ arg = (u32) atoi(sarg); result = PARSER_OK; /*destruyo sarg*/ bcstrfree (sarg); } /*destruyo barg*/ bdestroy (barg); } } return result, }
static int cpustr_to_cpulist_scatter(bstring bcpustr, int* cpulist, int length) { topology_init(); CpuTopology_t cpuid_topology = get_cpuTopology(); affinity_init(); AffinityDomains_t affinity = get_affinityDomains(); char* cpustring = bstr2cstr(bcpustr, '\0'); if (bstrchrp(bcpustr, ':', 0) != BSTR_ERR) { int insert = 0; int suitidx = 0; int* suitable = (int*)malloc(affinity->numberOfAffinityDomains*sizeof(int)); if (!suitable) { bcstrfree(cpustring); return -ENOMEM; } for (int i=0; i<affinity->numberOfAffinityDomains; i++) { if (bstrchrp(affinity->domains[i].tag, cpustring[0], 0) != BSTR_ERR) { suitable[suitidx] = i; suitidx++; } } int* sortedList = (int*) malloc(affinity->domains[suitable[0]].numberOfProcessors * sizeof(int)); if (!sortedList) { free(suitable); bcstrfree(cpustring); return -ENOMEM; } for (int off=0;off<affinity->domains[suitable[0]].numberOfProcessors;off++) { for(int i=0;i < suitidx; i++) { cpulist_sort(affinity->domains[suitable[i]].processorList, sortedList, affinity->domains[suitable[i]].numberOfProcessors); cpulist[insert] = sortedList[off]; insert++; if (insert == length) goto scatter_done; } } scatter_done: bcstrfree(cpustring); free(sortedList); free(suitable); return insert; } bcstrfree(cpustring); return 0; }
void dbg_lua_handle_hook(struct dbg_state* state, void* ud, freed_bstring type, uint16_t pos) { struct lua_debugst* ds; unsigned int i; char* cstr; // Convert the name to lowercase. btolower(type.ref); cstr = bstr2cstr(type.ref, '0'); printd(LEVEL_EVERYTHING, "firing hook %s.\n", cstr); // Loop through all of the modules. for (i = 0; i < list_size(&modules); i++) { ds = list_get_at(&modules, i); // Set stack top (I don't know why the top of the // stack is negative!) lua_settop(ds->state, 0); // Search handler table for entries. lua_getglobal(ds->state, HANDLER_TABLE_HOOKS_NAME); lua_getfield(ds->state, -1, cstr); if (!lua_istable(ds->state, -1)) { // No such entry. printd(LEVEL_EVERYTHING, "no matching hook for %s.\n", cstr); lua_pop(ds->state, 2); continue; } // Call the handler function. printd(LEVEL_EVERYTHING, "calling hook %s.\n", cstr); lua_getfield(ds->state, -1, HANDLER_FIELD_FUNCTION_NAME); dbg_lua_push_state(ds, state, ud); lua_pushnumber(ds->state, pos); if (lua_pcall(ds->state, 2, 0, 0) != 0) { printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "error: unable to call debugger hook handler for '%s'.\n", type.ref->data); printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "%s\n", lua_tostring(ds->state, -1)); lua_pop(ds->state, 2); continue; } } // Clean up. bcstrfree(cstr); bautodestroy(type); }
void log_console_message(lua_State *L, char *level) { Engine *engine = luaL_get_engine(L); // Manipulate bstr with var args bstring totalstr = bfromcstr(""); concat_log_message(L, totalstr); char *bcstr = bstr2cstr(totalstr, ' '); engine->console->_(log)(engine->console, bcstr, level); bcstrfree(bcstr); bdestroy(totalstr); }
/// /// Returns the directory name component of the specified path. /// /// Returns the directory component of the specified path in a /// cross-platform manner. /// /// @param path The path to retrieve the directory name of. /// @return The directory name component. /// bstring osutil_dirname(bstring path) { bstring bpath; char* cpath; char* opath; cpath = bstr2cstr(path, '0'); // needs to return in case of dirname implementation not changing parameter // in particular this doesn't work on OS X check $ man 3 dirname opath = dirname(cpath); bpath = bfromcstr(opath); bcstrfree(cpath); return bpath; }
/* strtoarray(dest[], size = sizeof dest, String:source, bool:packed = false) */ static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_bstrtoarray(AMX *amx,cell *params) { char *cstr = bstr2cstr((const bstring)params[3], '#'); int length = strlen(cstr) + 1; cell *cellptr; if (params[4]) length *= sizeof(cell); if (params[2] >= length) { amx_GetAddr(amx, params[1], &cellptr); amx_SetString(cellptr, cstr, params[4], 0); } /* if */ free(cstr); return 0; }
int write_pops(hgt_pop **ps, hgt_params *params, int rank, int numprocs) { bstring to_json(hgt_pop **ps, hgt_params *params); int dest, tag; dest = 0; tag = 0; char *rc; bstring b = to_json(ps, params); rc = bstr2cstr(b, '\n'); if (rank != 0) { MPI_Send(rc, blength(b), MPI_CHAR, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); free(rc); } else { FILE *fp = create_file(params->prefix, "populations", "json"); // fprintf(fp, "[\n"); MPI_Status status; int i; for (i = 0; i < numprocs; i++) { if (i != 0) { MPI_Probe(i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); int count; MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_CHAR, &count); rc = malloc(count*sizeof(char)); MPI_Recv(rc, count, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); } fprintf(fp, "%s\n", rc); // if (i < numprocs - 1){ // fprintf(fp, ",\n"); // } free(rc); } // fprintf(fp, "]\n"); fclose(fp); } bdestroy(b); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int TextResource_getString(TextResource tr, const char* key, unsigned int maxSize, char* buffer) { bstring str = tr_evalKey(tr, key); normalize_space(str); char* cstr = bstr2cstr(str,'0'); //copy no more than maxSize bytes int copysize = strlen(cstr) + 1; int rv = copysize; if (copysize > maxSize) { copysize = maxSize-1; buffer[maxSize-1] = '\0'; //null terminate the buffer rv = -maxSize; //negative signals we got truncated } strncpy(buffer,cstr,copysize); bcstrfree(cstr); bdestroy(str); return rv; }
// Parses the blueprint object inside the file-level object // Returns 0 if successful, 1 if not int parse_blueprint(bstring json, blueprint bp) { JSON_Value *bp_json; JSON_Object *root; char *cjson = bstr2cstr(json, '0'); bp_json = json_parse_string(cjson); free(cjson); if (bp_json == NULL) return 1; root = json_value_get_object(bp_json); int retval; if ((retval = parse_blueprint_root(root, bp)) != 0) { json_value_free(bp_json); return retval; } json_value_free(bp_json); return 0; }
void pp_lua_handle(struct pp_state* state, void* scanner, bstring name, list_t* parameters) { struct lua_preproc* pp; struct customarg_entry* carg; char* cstr; bstring dot; unsigned int i; int paramtbl; // Convert the name to lowercase. btolower(name); cstr = bstr2cstr(name, '0'); // Loop through all of the modules. list_iterator_start(&modules); while (list_iterator_hasnext(&modules)) { pp = list_iterator_next(&modules); // Set stack top (I don't know why the top of the // stack is negative!) lua_settop(pp->state, 0); // Search handler table for entries. lua_getglobal(pp->state, HANDLER_TABLE_NAME); lua_getfield(pp->state, -1, cstr); if (!lua_istable(pp->state, -1)) { // No such entry. lua_pop(pp->state, 2); continue; } // Call the handler function. lua_getfield(pp->state, -1, HANDLER_FIELD_FUNCTION_NAME); pp_lua_push_state(pp, state, scanner); lua_newtable(pp->state); paramtbl = lua_gettop(pp->state); for (i = 0; i < list_size(parameters); i++) { carg = list_get_at(parameters, i); lua_newtable(pp->state); if (carg->expr != NULL) lua_pushstring(pp->state, "EXPRESSION"); else if (carg->string != NULL) lua_pushstring(pp->state, "STRING"); else if (carg->word != NULL) lua_pushstring(pp->state, "WORD"); else lua_pushstring(pp->state, "NUMBER"); lua_setfield(pp->state, -2, "type"); if (carg->expr != NULL) luaX_pushexpression(pp->state, carg->expr); else if (carg->string != NULL) lua_pushstring(pp->state, carg->string->data); else if (carg->word != NULL) lua_pushstring(pp->state, carg->word->data); else lua_pushnumber(pp->state, carg->number); lua_setfield(pp->state, -2, "value"); lua_rawseti(pp->state, paramtbl, i + 1); } if (lua_pcall(pp->state, 2, 0, 0) != 0) { printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "error: unable to call preprocessor handler for '%s'.\n", name->data); printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "%s\n", lua_tostring(pp->state, -1)); bdestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); lua_pop(pp->state, 2); list_iterator_stop(&modules); list_destroy(parameters); return; } bdestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); lua_pop(pp->state, 2); list_iterator_stop(&modules); list_destroy(parameters); return; } list_iterator_stop(&modules); // There is no custom preprocessor module that handles this directive, however // it could be a directive that is recognised by the underlying assembler / compiler, // so pass it through as output. dot = bfromcstr("."); bconcat(dot, name); btoupper(dot); bconchar(dot, ' '); list_iterator_start(parameters); while (list_iterator_hasnext(parameters)) { carg = list_iterator_next(parameters); // Output the parameter based on the type. if (carg->word != NULL) bconcat(dot, carg->word); else if (carg->string != NULL) { bconchar(dot, '"'); bescape(carg->string); bconcat(dot, carg->string); bconchar(dot, '"'); } else bformata(dot, "%i", carg->number); } list_iterator_stop(parameters); handle_pp_lua_print_line(dot->data, scanner); // Clean up. list_destroy(parameters); bdestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); }
void syncLineNumbers(bstring infoString, int * lineNoL, int * lineNoR) { sscanf(bstr2cstr(infoString, ' '), "@@ -%d,%*d +%d,%*d", lineNoL, lineNoR); }
char * getHTML() { bstring html = bfromcstr("<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n"); balloc(html, style_css_len); bcatcstr(html, "<head>"); bcatcstr(html, "<title>mdr</title>"); bcatcstr(html, "<style type='text/css'>"); bcatcstr(html, (char *)style_css); bcatcstr(html, "</style>"); bcatcstr(html, "</head>"); bcatcstr(html, "<body>\n<table cellpadding='0'>\n"); // Read from stdin bstring stdinContents = bread ((bNread) fread, stdin); if (stdinContents == NULL) { return "There was an error reading from stdin."; } // Split into lines struct bstrList * inputLines; if ((inputLines = bsplit(stdinContents, '\n')) != NULL) { // We are going to build a map showing which lines in the input belong // in which lines in the output and how they should be displayed. We'll // allocate the left and right maps to be big enough to each hold all // the input data, which is more than enough. lineData * lineMapL = malloc(inputLines->qty * sizeof(lineData)); if (lineMapL == NULL) { free(lineMapL); printf("Memory allocation error.\n"); exit(-1); } lineData * lineMapR = malloc(inputLines->qty * sizeof(lineData)); if (lineMapR == NULL) { free(lineMapR); printf("Memory allocation error.\n"); exit(-1); } int lineMapPosL = 0; int lineMapPosR = 0; int useL; int useR; enum lineType type; int padding; int lineNoL = 0; int lineNoR = 0; int firstInfoLine = TRUE; int startNewFileOk = TRUE; int startOldFileOk = TRUE; // Map input lines to their output column (left, right, or both) int i; for (i = 0; i < inputLines->qty; i++) { useL = 0; useR = 0; type = SHARED; padding = 1; if (startOldFileOk && stringStartsWith(inputLines->entry[i], "---")) { type = OLD_FILE; useL = 1; padding = 4; lineNoL = -1; lineNoR = -1; startOldFileOk = FALSE; } else if (startNewFileOk && stringStartsWith(inputLines->entry[i], "+++")) { type = NEW_FILE; useR = 1; padding = 4; lineNoL = -1; lineNoR = -1; startNewFileOk = FALSE; } else if (stringStartsWith(inputLines->entry[i], "@@")) { syncLineNumbers(inputLines->entry[i], &lineNoL, &lineNoR); if (firstInfoLine) { // Don't print the info row but still increment the line // numbers normally. // TODO: Might be better to mark the row as the first and // hide it with CSS instead of just not printing it. lineNoL++; lineNoR++; } else { type = INFO; useR = 1; useL = 1; padding = 1; } firstInfoLine = FALSE; } else if (bdata(inputLines->entry[i])[0] == '-') { type = OLD; useL = 1; } else if (bdata(inputLines->entry[i])[0] == '+') { type = NEW; useR = 1; } else if (bdata(inputLines->entry[i])[0] == ' ') { type = SHARED; useL = 1; useR = 1; } else { type = HEADER; lineNoL = 0; lineNoR = 0; firstInfoLine = TRUE; startNewFileOk = TRUE; startOldFileOk = TRUE; } // Balance. if (type == HEADER || (type == SHARED && (useL || useR)) || i == inputLines->qty - 1) { int difference = lineMapPosL - lineMapPosR; int j; if (difference > 0) { for (j = 0; j < difference; j++) { lineMapR[lineMapPosR].type = EMPTY; lineMapPosR++; } } else if (difference < 0) { for (j = 0; j < (difference * -1); j++) { lineMapL[lineMapPosL].type = EMPTY; lineMapPosL++; } } } if (useL) { lineMapL[lineMapPosL].inputPos = i; lineMapL[lineMapPosL].type = type; lineMapL[lineMapPosL].padding = padding; lineMapL[lineMapPosL].lineNo = lineNoL - 1; lineMapL[lineMapPosL].leadingSpaces = 0; lineMapPosL++; lineNoL++; } if (useR) { lineMapR[lineMapPosR].inputPos = i; lineMapR[lineMapPosR].type = type; lineMapR[lineMapPosR].padding = padding; lineMapR[lineMapPosR].lineNo = lineNoR - 1; lineMapR[lineMapPosR].leadingSpaces = 0; lineMapPosR++; lineNoR++; } } // Mapping complete. Quick sanity check that both L and R cols have the // same length. if (lineMapPosL != lineMapPosR) { return "Error displaying diff (generated columns not equal in length)."; } // Now we do the formatting work based on the map. for (i = 0; i < lineMapPosL; i++) { int * highlightMaskA = NULL; int * highlightMaskB = NULL; bstring contentL; bstring contentR; int leadingSpacesL = 0; int leadingSpacesR = 0; if (lineMapL[i].type != EMPTY) { contentL = getContentFromLine( inputLines->entry[lineMapL[i].inputPos], lineMapL[i].padding, &leadingSpacesL ); lineMapL[i].leadingSpaces = leadingSpacesL; } if (lineMapR[i].type != EMPTY) { contentR = getContentFromLine( inputLines->entry[lineMapR[i].inputPos], lineMapR[i].padding, &leadingSpacesR ); lineMapR[i].leadingSpaces = leadingSpacesR; } // Compare changed lines if (lineMapL[i].type == OLD && lineMapR[i].type == NEW) { lineMapL[i].type = CHANGE; lineMapR[i].type = CHANGE; determineLineHighlighting( contentL, contentR, &highlightMaskA, &highlightMaskB ); } // Format output bcatcstr(html, "<tr>\n"); if (lineMapL[i].type == EMPTY) { createEmptyLine(html); } else { createLine(LEFT, html, contentL, lineMapL[i], highlightMaskA); bdestroy(contentL); } if (lineMapR[i].type == EMPTY) { createEmptyLine(html); } else { createLine(RIGHT, html, contentR, lineMapR[i], highlightMaskB); bdestroy(contentR); } bcatcstr(html, "</tr>\n"); free(highlightMaskA); free(highlightMaskB); } bcatcstr(html, "</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n"); free(lineMapL); free(lineMapR); } bdestroy(stdinContents); bstrListDestroy(inputLines); char * result = bstr2cstr(html, '-'); bdestroy(html); return result; // Caller should free() }
static bstring tr_eval(TextResource tr, trnode_t* node) { //internally we work with bstrings trnode_t* tmpNode; switch(node->type) { case TRNODE_TEXT: return bstrcpy(node->textData); case TRNODE_REPR: ; int match=0; if (node->condKey) { assert(node->condValue); //conditional char* condkey = bstr2cstr(node->condKey,'\0'); bstring val = ght_get(tr->parameters,strlen(condkey),condkey); bcstrfree(condkey); if (val && !bstrcmp(node->condValue, val)) { //matches match = 1; } } else { //unconditional, so go too match=1; } if (match) { return tr_evalKey(tr,node->reprKey->data); } else return bfromcstr(""); case TRNODE_STRING: //these guys have a blob of nodes that needs to be catted together smartly tmpNode = node->children_list; bstring tmpStr = bfromcstralloc(32,""); while(tmpNode) { bstring childStr = tr_eval(tr,tmpNode); bconchar(tmpStr,' '); bconcat(tmpStr,childStr); bdestroy(childStr); tmpNode = tmpNode->next; } return tmpStr; case TRNODE_SWITCH: //look through the children for matching choice ; char* switchVar = bstr2cstr(node->switchVar,'\0'); bstring val = ght_get(tr->parameters,strlen(switchVar),switchVar); bcstrfree(switchVar); tmpNode = node->children_list; while(tmpNode) { assert(tmpNode->type == TRNODE_STRING); assert(tmpNode->caseValue); if (!bstrcmp(tmpNode->caseValue,val)) { //we match, return this return tr_eval(tr,tmpNode); } //try next tmpNode = tmpNode->next; } return bfromcstr(""); default: assert(0); } assert(0); return NULL; }
HLSLCC_API int HLSLCC_APIENTRY TranslateHLSLFromMem(const char* shader, unsigned int flags, GLLang language, const GlExtensions *extensions, GLSLCrossDependencyData* dependencies, GLSLShader* result) { uint32_t* tokens; Shader* psShader; char* glslcstr = NULL; int GLSLShaderType = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB; int success = 0; uint32_t i; tokens = (uint32_t*)shader; psShader = DecodeDXBC(tokens); if(psShader) { HLSLCrossCompilerContext sContext; if(psShader->ui32MajorVersion <= 3) { flags &= ~HLSLCC_FLAG_COMBINE_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS; } sContext.psShader = psShader; sContext.flags = flags; sContext.psDependencies = dependencies; for(i=0; i<NUM_PHASES;++i) { sContext.havePostShaderCode[i] = 0; } TranslateToGLSL(&sContext, &language,extensions); switch(psShader->eShaderType) { case VERTEX_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB; break; } case GEOMETRY_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER; break; } case DOMAIN_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER; break; } case HULL_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER; break; } case COMPUTE_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER; break; } default: { break; } } glslcstr = bstr2cstr(sContext.glsl, '\0'); bdestroy(sContext.glsl); bdestroy(sContext.earlyMain); for(i=0; i<NUM_PHASES; ++i) { bdestroy(sContext.postShaderCode[i]); } for(i=0; i<NUM_PHASES;++i) { if(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsDecl != 0) { uint32_t k; for(k=0; k < psShader->asPhase[i].ui32InstanceCount; ++k) { hlslcc_free(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsDecl[k]); } hlslcc_free(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsDecl); } if(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsInst != 0) { uint32_t k; for(k=0; k < psShader->asPhase[i].ui32InstanceCount; ++k) { FreeSubOperands(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsInst[k], psShader->asPhase[i].pui32InstCount[k]); hlslcc_free(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsInst[k]); } hlslcc_free(psShader->asPhase[i].ppsInst); } } memcpy(&result->reflection,&psShader->sInfo,sizeof(psShader->sInfo)); result->textureSamplerInfo.ui32NumTextureSamplerPairs = psShader->textureSamplerInfo.ui32NumTextureSamplerPairs; for (i=0; i<result->textureSamplerInfo.ui32NumTextureSamplerPairs; i++) strcpy(result->textureSamplerInfo.aTextureSamplerPair[i].Name, psShader->textureSamplerInfo.aTextureSamplerPair[i].Name); hlslcc_free(psShader); success = 1; } shader = 0; tokens = 0; /* Fill in the result struct */ result->shaderType = GLSLShaderType; result->sourceCode = glslcstr; result->GLSLLanguage = language; return success; }
int parse_blueprint_json(JSON_Object *blueprint, blueprint_t *bp) { bstring Name, bp_name, name, game_version; uint32_t resource_cost[5]; bp->revision = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "blueprintVersion"); bp_name = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "blueprintName")); name = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Name")); game_version = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "GameVersion")); bstring param1 = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Parameter1")); bstring param2 = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Parameter2")); bstring lpos = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalPosition")); bstring lrot = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalRotation")); bp->name = name; bp->blueprint_name = bp_name; bp->Name = Name; bp->game_version = game_version; const char* cpos = json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalPosition"); bstring pos = bfromcstr(cpos); struct bstrList *pval = bsplit(pos, ','); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(pval->entry[i], '0'); uint32_t n = strtol(str, &ptr, 10); } const char* crot = json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalRotation"); bstring rot = bfromcstr(crot); struct bstrList *rval = bsplit(rot, ','); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(rval->entry[i], '0'); double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr); free(str); bp->local_rotation[i] = dbl; } bp->parameter1 = param1; bp->parameter2 = param2; bp->design_changed = json_object_get_boolean(blueprint, "designChanged"); bp->id = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "Id"); bp->force_id = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "ForceId"); bp->item_number = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "ItemNumber"); JSON_Array *jresource_cost = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "ResourceCost"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) bp->resource_cost[i] = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(jresource_cost, i); JSON_Array *min_coords = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "MinCords"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bp->min_coords[i] = (int32_t) json_array_get_number(min_coords, i); JSON_Array *max_coords = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "MaxCords"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) bp->max_coords[i] = (int32_t) json_array_get_number(max_coords, i); JSON_Array *csi = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "CSI"); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) bp->constructable_special_info[i] = json_array_get_number(csi, i); bp->last_alive_block = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "LastAliveBlock"); JSON_Array *palette = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "COL"); for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { uint32_t rbga = 0; const char* ccolor = json_array_get_string(palette, i); bstring color = bfromcstr(ccolor); // Create array of substrings struct bstrList *values = bsplit(color, ','); for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(values->entry[n], '0'); double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr); free(str); bp->color_palette[i].array[n] = round(dbl * 255.0); } bstrListDestroy(values); bdestroy(color); } JSON_Array *material = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockIds"); JSON_Array *position = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BLP"); JSON_Array *rotation = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BLR"); JSON_Array *color = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BCI"); JSON_Array *bp1 = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BP1"); JSON_Array *bp2 = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BP2"); JSON_Array *block_string_ids = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockStringDataIds"); JSON_Array *block_data = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockStringData"); bp->total_block_count = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "TotalBlockCount"); bp->main_block_count = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "BlockCount"); bp->blocks = calloc(bp->main_block_count, sizeof(block_t)); for (int i = 0; i < bp->main_block_count; i++) { block_t *act = &bp->blocks[i]; act->material = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(material, i); act->rotation = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(rotation, i); act->color = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(color, i); bstring pos_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(position, i)); struct bstrList *pos_list = bsplit(pos_string, ','); for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(pos_list->entry[n], '0'); double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr); uint32_t val = round(dbl); act->position.array[n] = val; free(str); } bstrListDestroy(pos_list); bdestroy(pos_string); bstring bp1_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(bp1, i)); struct bstrList *bp1_values = bsplit(bp1_string, ','); for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(bp1_values->entry[n], '0'); double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr); act->bp1[n] = dbl; } bstring bp2_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(bp2, i)); struct bstrList *bp2_values = bsplit(bp2_string, ','); for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { char *ptr; char *str = bstr2cstr(bp2_values->entry[n], '0'); double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr); uint32_t val = round(dbl); act->bp2[n] = val; } // Only used for lookup, not saved after that since it has no further semantic value const char *cb1 = json_array_get_string(bp1, i); if (act->bp1[3] != 0) { for (int n = 0; n < json_array_get_count(block_string_ids); n++) { uint32_t test_id = json_array_get_number(block_string_ids, n); if (test_id == 0) { break; } if (test_id == act->bp1[3]) { // BlockStringData at index n is the one we want act->string_data = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(block_data, n)); } } } } JSON_Array *subconstructables = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "SCs"); bp->num_sc = json_array_get_count(subconstructables); bp->SCs = calloc(bp->num_sc, sizeof(blueprint_t)); for (int i = 0; i < bp->num_sc; i++) { JSON_Value *sc_json = json_array_get_value(subconstructables, i); JSON_Object *sc_obj = json_value_get_object(sc_json); int retval = parse_blueprint_json(sc_obj, &bp->SCs[i]); if (retval != 0) return retval; } return 0; }
TileMapParseStatus TileMap_parse_tileset(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, Engine *engine, TileMap *map, Tileset **out_tileset) { TileMapParseStatus status = TILEMAP_PARSE_OK; Tileset *tileset = calloc(1, sizeof(Tileset)); check(tileset != NULL, "Couldn't create tileset"); while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader)) { xmlChar *attrName = xmlTextReaderName(reader); xmlChar *attrVal = xmlTextReaderValue(reader); if (streq(attrName, "firstgid")) { tileset->first_gid = atoi((const char *)attrVal); } else if (streq(attrName, "tilewidth")) { tileset->tile_size.w = atoi((const char *)attrVal); } else if (streq(attrName, "tileheight")) { tileset->tile_size.h = atoi((const char *)attrVal); } else if (streq(attrName, "name")) { tileset->name = calloc(1, strlen((const char *)attrVal) + 1); strcpy(tileset->name, (const char *)attrVal); } } while (xmlTextReaderRead(reader)) { xmlChar *childName = xmlTextReaderName(reader); if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) == XML_ELEMENT_DECL && streq(childName, "tileset")) { break; } else if (streq(childName, "image")) { while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader)) { xmlChar *attrName = xmlTextReaderName(reader); xmlChar *attrVal = xmlTextReaderValue(reader); if (streq(attrName, "source")) { // Check for existence of image bstring imgpath = bfromcstr("media/tilesets/"); bstring src = bfromcstr((const char *)attrVal); bconcat(imgpath, src); char *cpath = bstr2cstr(imgpath, '\0'); bdestroy(imgpath); bdestroy(src); FILE *fileexists = load_resource(cpath); if (fileexists == NULL) { free(cpath); Tileset_destroy(tileset); Engine_log("Cannot open map. Missing tileset <%s>", attrVal); return TILEMAP_PARSE_MISSING_IMAGE; } fclose(fileexists); tileset->texture = Graphics_texture_from_image(engine->graphics, cpath); tileset->img_src = cpath; } } } } *out_tileset = tileset; return status; error: if (tileset) Tileset_destroy(tileset); if (status == TILEMAP_PARSE_OK) status = TILEMAP_PARSE_UNKNOWN_ERR; return status; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { bstring b = bfromcstr ("Hello WORLDDDD"); if (!b) { fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory"); } else { puts ((char *) b->data); } bdestroy (b); b = bfromcstralloc (64, "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"); if (b) { b->data[63] = 'x'; puts ((char *) b->data); printf("dump is %s\n", dumpBstring(b)); } else { puts("bfromcstralloc failed"); } bdestroy (b); b = blk2bstr ("AWHOLEnewworld", sizeof("wholenewworld")-3); puts ((char *) b->data); char *cstr = bstr2cstr(b, '\0'); puts(cstr); free(cstr); cstr = bstr2cstr(b, '0'); puts(cstr); free(cstr); bstring copy = bstrcpy(b); printf("copy is %s\n", (char *) copy->data); bdestroy (b); b = bfromcstralloc (64, "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"); bassign(copy, b); printf("copy is %s\n", (char *) copy->data); printf("b is %s\n", (char *) b->data); bdestroy (b); b = blk2bstr ("AWHOLEnewworld", sizeof("wholenewworld")); bassign(copy, b); printf("copy is %s\n", (char *) copy->data); printf("b is %s\n", (char *) b->data); bdestroy(b); bdestroy(copy); int i = 0; b = bfromcstralloc (64, "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"); struct bstrList *blist = bsplit(b, '0'); printf("made blist. qty is %d, mlen is %d. entry[0] is %s\n", blist->qty, blist->mlen, blist->entry[0]->data); for(i=0; i<blist->qty; i++) { printf("entry[%d] is %s\n", i, blist->entry[i]->data); } bstrListDestroy(blist); blist = bsplit(b, '\0'); printf("made blist. qty is %d, mlen is %d. entry[0] is %s\n", blist->qty, blist->mlen, blist->entry[0]->data); for(i=0; i<blist->qty; i++) { printf("entry[%d] is %s\n", i, blist->entry[i]->data); } bstrListDestroy(blist); struct tagbstring split = bsStatic ("123"); blist = bsplitstr(b, &split); printf("made blist. qty is %d, mlen is %d. entry[0] is %s\n", blist->qty, blist->mlen, blist->entry[0]->data); for(i=0; i<blist->qty; i++) { printf("entry[%d] is %s\n", i, blist->entry[i]->data); } bdestroy(b); /* * *#define CHUNK 1024 [> read 1024 bytes at a time <] * char buf[CHUNK]; * FILE *file; * size_t nread; * * file = fopen("./LICENSE", "r"); * if (file) { * while ((nread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, file)) > 0) * fwrite(buf, 1, nread, stdout); * if (ferror(file)) { * [> deal with error <] * } * fclose(file); * } */ FILE *lic_fd = fopen("./LICENSE", "r"); struct bStream *bslic_fd = bsopen((bNread) fread, lic_fd); bstring lic_bstr = bread( (bNread) fread, lic_fd); printf("bstring is %s", lic_bstr->data); return 0; }
void process_line(struct ast_node_line* line) { struct instruction_mapping* insttype; struct process_parameters_results ppresults; struct process_parameter_results dparam; struct ast_node_parameter* dcurrent; uint32_t dchrproc; uint16_t i, flimit, fchar, opos; struct aout_byte* result = NULL; struct dbg_sym* newsym; // Change depending on the type of line. switch (line->type) { case type_keyword: switch (line->keyword) { case SYMBOL: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".SYMBOL %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit debugging symbol. list_append(&newsyms, dbgfmt_create_symbol(DBGFMT_SYMBOL_STRING, dbgfmt_create_symbol_string(line->keyword_data_string, DBGFMT_UNDETERMINED))); break; case SECTION: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".SECTION %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit section metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_section(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case OUTPUT: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".OUTPUT %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit output metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_output(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case BOUNDARY: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".BOUNDARY"); // Emit safety boundary of 16 NULL words. for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(0)); break; case FILL: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".FILL"); if (line->keyword_data_expr_1 == NULL || line->keyword_data_expr_2 == NULL) { if (line->keyword_data_string != NULL) dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, line->keyword_data_string->data); else dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, ""); } // Emit N words with value X flimit = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_1, &dhalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &dhalt_expression_exit_handler); fchar = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_2, &dhalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &dhalt_expression_exit_handler); for (i = 0; i < flimit; i++) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(fchar)); break; case EXTENSION: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".EXTENSION %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit extension metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_extension(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case INCBIN: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".INCBIN %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit binary include metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_incbin(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case ORIGIN: if (line->keyword_data_expr_1 == NULL) { if (line->keyword_data_string != NULL) dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, line->keyword_data_string->data); else dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, ""); } opos = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_1, &dhalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &dhalt_expression_exit_handler); printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".ORIGIN 0x%04X", opos); // Emit origin set metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_origin(opos)); break; case SEEK: if (line->keyword_data_expr_1 == NULL) { if (line->keyword_data_string != NULL) dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, line->keyword_data_string->data); else dhalt(ERR_LABEL_RESOLUTION_NOT_PERMITTED, ""); } opos = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_1, &dhalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &dhalt_expression_exit_handler); printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".SEEK 0x%04X", opos); // Emit seek metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_seek(opos)); break; case EXPORT: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".EXPORT %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit export metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_export(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case IMPORT: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".IMPORT %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit import metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_import(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case IMPORT_OPTIONAL: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".IMPORT OPTIONAL %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit import metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_import_optional(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case JUMP: if (line->keyword_data_string == NULL) printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".JUMP <table>"); else printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".JUMP %s", bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0')); // Emit jump metadata. if (line->keyword_data_string == NULL) aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_jump(NULL)); else aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_jump(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; default: printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "?? UNKNOWN KEYWORD\n"); dhalt(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEYWORD, NULL); } printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "\n"); break; case type_instruction: // Check to see if this is DAT. if (strcmp(line->instruction->instruction, "DAT") == 0) { // Handle data. printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "EMIT DAT"); // Process parameters as data. reverse_parameters(line->instruction->parameters); dcurrent = line->instruction->parameters->last; while (dcurrent != NULL) { // Process parameter normally. dparam = process_parameter(dcurrent); // Output depending on what kind of parameter it was. if (dparam.v_label != NULL) // If this is a label, output something that we need to replace. aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(dparam.v_label))))); else if (dparam.v_raw != NULL) // If the raw field is not null, get each character and output it. { printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, " \"%s\"", dparam.v_raw->data); for (dchrproc = 0; dchrproc < (uint32_t)blength(dparam.v_raw); dchrproc++) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(dparam.v_raw->data[dchrproc])); } else if (dparam.v_extra_used == true) // Just a single address. aout_emit(aout_create_expr(dparam.v_extra)); else // Something that isn't handled by DAT. { printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "\n"); dhalt(ERR_DAT_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, NULL); } dcurrent = dcurrent->prev; } } else { // Handle instruction. insttype = get_instruction_by_name(line->instruction->instruction); if (insttype == NULL) dhalt(ERR_UNKNOWN_OPCODE, line->instruction->instruction); printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "EMIT %s", insttype->name); // Check parameter count. if (line->instruction->parameters == NULL && strcmp(line->instruction->instruction, "RFI") == 0) { // Handle RFI (which can accept no parameters). result = aout_emit(aout_create_opcode(insttype->opcode, insttype->nbopcode, 0x21 /* 0 literal */)); printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "\n"); break; } else if (line->instruction->parameters == NULL) { // Halt and error. dhalt(ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_COUNT, NULL); } // Process parameters normally. ppresults = process_parameters(line->instruction->parameters); // Force the parameter value to be NXT if it's a label. if (ppresults.a_label != NULL) ppresults.a = NXT_LIT; if (ppresults.b_label != NULL) ppresults.b = NXT_LIT; if (ppresults.a_label != NULL && ppresults.a_label_bracketed) ppresults.a = NXT; if (ppresults.b_label != NULL && ppresults.b_label_bracketed) ppresults.b = NXT; // Check for relative addressing. if ((insttype->opcode == OP_ADD || insttype->opcode == OP_SUB || insttype->opcode == OP_MUL || insttype->opcode == OP_DIV) && ppresults.a == PC) { // Warn about relative addressing portability. dwarn(WARN_RELATIVE_PC_ADDRESSING, NULL); } // Output the initial opcode. if (insttype->opcode != OP_NONBASIC) result = aout_emit(aout_create_opcode(insttype->opcode, ppresults.a, ppresults.b)); else result = aout_emit(aout_create_opcode(insttype->opcode, insttype->nbopcode, ppresults.a)); // If the parameter is a label or requires an extra word, output them. if (ppresults.b_label != NULL) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(ppresults.b_label))))); else if (ppresults.b_extra_used) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(ppresults.b_extra)); if (ppresults.a_label != NULL) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(ppresults.a_label))))); else if (ppresults.a_extra_used) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(ppresults.a_extra)); } printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, "\n"); break; case type_label: // Handle label definition. list_append(&newsyms, dbgfmt_create_symbol(DBGFMT_SYMBOL_LABEL, dbgfmt_create_symbol_label(bfromcstr(line->label->name), DBGFMT_UNDETERMINED))); printd(LEVEL_VERBOSE, ":%s\n", line->label->name); aout_emit(aout_create_label(line->label->name)); break; default: assert(false); } // If we can associate debugging symbols with this instruction... if (result != NULL) { // While the new symbols list is not empty, copy those symbols // into the output and associate. while (list_size(&newsyms) > 0) { newsym = list_extract_at(&newsyms, 0); printd(LEVEL_DEBUG, "Debugging custom symbol: %i\n", newsym->length); list_append(&result->symbols, newsym); list_append(assem_dbg_symbols, newsym); } // If the line information is provided, output // debugging symbols. if (line != NULL && line->file != NULL) { // Output a file / line number debugging symbol here. newsym = dbgfmt_create_symbol(DBGFMT_SYMBOL_LINE, dbgfmt_create_symbol_line(line->file, line->line, DBGFMT_UNDETERMINED)); list_append(&result->symbols, newsym); list_append(assem_dbg_symbols, newsym); printd(LEVEL_DEBUG, "Debugging symbol: %i %s\n", line->line, line->file->data); } // If the higher-language line information is // provided, output debugging symbols. if (line != NULL && line->ufile != NULL) { // Output a file / line number debugging symbol here. newsym = dbgfmt_create_symbol(DBGFMT_SYMBOL_LINE, dbgfmt_create_symbol_line(line->ufile, line->uline, DBGFMT_UNDETERMINED)); list_append(&result->symbols, newsym); list_append(assem_dbg_symbols, newsym); printd(LEVEL_DEBUG, "High-level debugging symbol: %i %s\n", line->uline, line->ufile->data); } } }
HLSLCC_API int HLSLCC_APIENTRY TranslateHLSLFromMem(const char* shader, unsigned int flags, GLLang language, const GlExtensions *extensions, GLSLCrossDependencyData* dependencies, GLSLShader* result) { uint32_t* tokens; Shader* psShader; char* glslcstr = NULL; int GLSLShaderType = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB; int success = 0; uint32_t i; tokens = (uint32_t*)shader; psShader = DecodeDXBC(tokens); if(psShader) { HLSLCrossCompilerContext sContext; sContext.psShader = psShader; sContext.flags = flags; sContext.psDependencies = dependencies; for(i=0; i<NUM_PHASES;++i) { sContext.havePostShaderCode[i] = 0; } TranslateToGLSL(&sContext, &language,extensions); switch(psShader->eShaderType) { case VERTEX_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB; break; } case GEOMETRY_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER; break; } case DOMAIN_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER; break; } case HULL_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER; break; } case COMPUTE_SHADER: { GLSLShaderType = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER; break; } default: { break; } } glslcstr = bstr2cstr(sContext.glsl, '\0'); bdestroy(sContext.glsl); bdestroy(sContext.earlyMain); for(i=0; i<NUM_PHASES; ++i) { bdestroy(sContext.postShaderCode[i]); } hlslcc_free(psShader->psHSControlPointPhaseDecl); FreeSubOperands(psShader->psHSControlPointPhaseInstr, psShader->ui32HSControlPointInstrCount); hlslcc_free(psShader->psHSControlPointPhaseInstr); for(i=0; i < psShader->ui32ForkPhaseCount; ++i) { hlslcc_free(psShader->apsHSForkPhaseDecl[i]); FreeSubOperands(psShader->apsHSForkPhaseInstr[i], psShader->aui32HSForkInstrCount[i]); hlslcc_free(psShader->apsHSForkPhaseInstr[i]); } hlslcc_free(psShader->psHSJoinPhaseDecl); FreeSubOperands(psShader->psHSJoinPhaseInstr, psShader->ui32HSJoinInstrCount); hlslcc_free(psShader->psHSJoinPhaseInstr); hlslcc_free(psShader->psDecl); FreeSubOperands(psShader->psInst, psShader->ui32InstCount); hlslcc_free(psShader->psInst); memcpy(&result->reflection,&psShader->sInfo,sizeof(psShader->sInfo)); hlslcc_free(psShader); success = 1; } shader = 0; tokens = 0; /* Fill in the result struct */ result->shaderType = GLSLShaderType; result->sourceCode = glslcstr; result->GLSLLanguage = language; return success; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- * FUNCTION : parse_line * DESCRIPTION : This function will process a line of data * : from a configuration file. * INPUT : 0 - Line (bstring) * ---------------------------------------------------------- */ void parse_line (bstring line) { bstring param, value; struct bstrList *list; int i; /* Check to see if this line has something to read. */ if (line->data[0] == '\0' || line->data[0] == '#') return; /* Check to see if this line has a comment in it. */ if ((list = bsplit(line, '#')) != NULL) { if ((bassign(line, list->entry[0])) == -1) { log_message("warning: 'bassign' in function 'parse_line' failed."); } if (list != NULL) bstrListDestroy(list); } /* Seperate line into a parameter and a value. */ if ((i = bstrchr(line, ' ')) == BSTR_ERR) return; if ((param = bmidstr(line, 0, i)) == NULL) return; if ((value = bmidstr(line, i + 1, line->slen - i)) == NULL) return; /* Normalize Strings */ if ((btolower(param)) != 0) log_message("warning: 'btolower' in function 'parse_line' failed."); if ((bltrim(value)) != 0) log_message("warning: 'bltrim' in function 'parse_line' failed."); if ((brtrim(value)) != 0) log_message("warning: 'brtrim' in function 'parse_line' failed."); /* Do something based upon value. */ if ((biseqcstr(param, "daemon")) == 1) { /* DAEMON */ if (!gc.daemon_mode) { if (value->data[0] == '1') gc.daemon_mode = 1; else gc.daemon_mode = 0; } } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "pid_file")) == 1) { /* PID FILE */ gc.pid_file = bstrcpy(value); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "sig_file")) == 1) { /* SIGNATURE FILE */ gc.sig_file = bstrcpy(value); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "mac_file")) == 1) { /* MAC / VENDOR RESOLUTION FILE */ gc.mac_file = bstrcpy(value); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "output")) == 1) { /* OUTPUT */ conf_module_plugin(value, &activate_output_plugin); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "user")) == 1) { /* USER */ gc.priv_user = bstrcpy(value); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "group")) == 1) { /* GROUP */ gc.priv_group = bstrcpy(value); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "interface")) == 1) { /* INTERFACE */ = bstr2cstr(value, '-'); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "filter")) == 1) { /* FILTER */ gc.pcap_filter = bstr2cstr(value, '-'); } else if ((biseqcstr(param, "network")) == 1) { /* NETWORK */ parse_networks(bdata(value)); } verbose_message("config - PARAM: |%s| / VALUE: |%s|", bdata(param), bdata(value)); /* Clean Up */ if (param != NULL) bdestroy(param); if (value != NULL) bdestroy(value); }
void process_line(struct ast_node_line* line) { struct instruction_mapping* insttype; struct process_parameters_results ppresults; struct process_parameter_results dparam; struct ast_node_parameter* dcurrent; uint32_t dchrproc; uint16_t i, flimit, fchar, opos; // Change depending on the type of line. switch (line->type) { case type_keyword: switch (line->keyword) { case BOUNDARY: fprintf(stderr, ".BOUNDARY"); // Emit safety boundary of 16 NULL words. for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(0)); break; case FILL: fprintf(stderr, ".FILL"); // Emit N words with value X flimit = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_1, &ahalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &ahalt_expression_exit_handler); fchar = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_2, &ahalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &ahalt_expression_exit_handler); for (i = 0; i < flimit; i++) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(fchar)); break; case EXTENSION: fprintf(stderr, ".EXTENSION %s", line->keyword_data_string); // Emit extension metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_extension(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case INCBIN: fprintf(stderr, ".INCBIN %s", line->keyword_data_string); // Emit binary include metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_incbin(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case ORIGIN: opos = expr_evaluate(line->keyword_data_expr_1, &ahalt_label_resolution_not_permitted, &ahalt_expression_exit_handler); fprintf(stderr, ".ORIGIN 0x%04X", opos); // Emit origin set metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_origin(opos)); break; case EXPORT: fprintf(stderr, ".EXPORT %s", line->keyword_data_string); // Emit export metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_export(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; case IMPORT: fprintf(stderr, ".IMPORT %s", line->keyword_data_string); // Emit export metadata. aout_emit(aout_create_metadata_import(bstr2cstr(line->keyword_data_string, '0'))); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); ahalt(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_KEYWORD, NULL); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case type_instruction: // Check to see if this is DAT. if (strcmp(line->instruction->instruction, "DAT") == 0) { // Handle data. fprintf(stderr, "EMIT DAT"); // Process parameters as data. reverse_parameters(line->instruction->parameters); dcurrent = line->instruction->parameters->last; while (dcurrent != NULL) { // Process parameter normally. dparam = process_parameter(dcurrent); // Output depending on what kind of parameter it was. if (dparam.v_label != NULL) // If this is a label, output something that we need to replace. aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(dparam.v_label))))); else if (dparam.v_raw != NULL) // If the raw field is not null, get each character and output it. { fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\"", dparam.v_raw->data); for (dchrproc = 0; dchrproc < blength(dparam.v_raw); dchrproc++) aout_emit(aout_create_raw(dparam.v_raw->data[dchrproc])); } else if (dparam.v_extra_used == true) // Just a single address. aout_emit(aout_create_expr(dparam.v_extra)); else // Something that isn't handled by DAT. { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); ahalt(ERR_DAT_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, NULL); } dcurrent = dcurrent->prev; } } else { // Handle instruction. insttype = get_instruction_by_name(line->instruction->instruction); if (insttype == NULL) ahalt(ERR_UNKNOWN_OPCODE, line->instruction->instruction); fprintf(stderr, "EMIT %s", insttype->name); // Process parameters normally. ppresults = process_parameters(line->instruction->parameters); // Force the parameter value to be NXT if it's a label. if (ppresults.a_label != NULL) ppresults.a = NXT_LIT; if (ppresults.b_label != NULL) ppresults.b = NXT_LIT; if (ppresults.a_label != NULL && ppresults.a_label_bracketed) ppresults.a = NXT; if (ppresults.b_label != NULL && ppresults.b_label_bracketed) ppresults.b = NXT; // Output the initial opcode. if (insttype->opcode != OP_NONBASIC) aout_emit(aout_create_opcode(insttype->opcode, ppresults.a, ppresults.b)); else aout_emit(aout_create_opcode(insttype->opcode, insttype->nbopcode, ppresults.a)); // If the parameter is a label or requires an extra word, output them. if (ppresults.b_label != NULL) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(ppresults.b_label))))); else if (ppresults.b_extra_used) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(ppresults.b_extra)); if (ppresults.a_label != NULL) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(expr_new_label(bautofree(bfromcstr(ppresults.a_label))))); else if (ppresults.a_extra_used) aout_emit(aout_create_expr(ppresults.a_extra)); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case type_label: // Handle label definition. fprintf(stderr, ":%s\n", line->label->name); aout_emit(aout_create_label(line->label->name)); break; } }
void dbg_lua_handle_command(struct dbg_state* state, void* ud, freed_bstring name, list_t* parameters) { struct lua_debugst* ds; struct customarg_entry* carg; char* cstr; unsigned int i, k; int paramtbl; // Convert the name to lowercase. btolower(name.ref); cstr = bstr2cstr(name.ref, '0'); // Loop through all of the modules. for (k = 0; k < list_size(&modules); k++) { ds = list_get_at(&modules, k); // Set stack top (I don't know why the top of the // stack is negative!) lua_settop(ds->state, 0); // Search handler table for entries. lua_getglobal(ds->state, HANDLER_TABLE_COMMANDS_NAME); lua_getfield(ds->state, -1, cstr); if (!lua_istable(ds->state, -1)) { // No such entry. lua_pop(ds->state, 2); continue; } // Call the handler function. lua_getfield(ds->state, -1, HANDLER_FIELD_FUNCTION_NAME); dbg_lua_push_state(ds, state, ud); lua_newtable(ds->state); paramtbl = lua_gettop(ds->state); for (i = 0; i < list_size(parameters); i++) { carg = list_get_at(parameters, i); lua_newtable(ds->state); if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_PATH) lua_pushstring(ds->state, "PATH"); else if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_PARAM) lua_pushstring(ds->state, "PARAM"); else if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_STRING) lua_pushstring(ds->state, "STRING"); else lua_pushstring(ds->state, "NUMBER"); lua_setfield(ds->state, -2, "type"); if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_PATH) lua_pushstring(ds->state, carg->path->data); else if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_PARAM) lua_pushstring(ds->state, carg->param->data); else if (carg->type == DBG_CUSTOMARG_TYPE_STRING) lua_pushstring(ds->state, carg->string->data); else lua_pushnumber(ds->state, carg->number); lua_setfield(ds->state, -2, "value"); lua_rawseti(ds->state, paramtbl, i + 1); } if (lua_pcall(ds->state, 2, 0, 0) != 0) { printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "error: unable to call debugger command handler for '%s'.\n", name.ref->data); printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "%s\n", lua_tostring(ds->state, -1)); bautodestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); lua_pop(ds->state, 2); list_iterator_stop(&modules); list_destroy(parameters); return; } bautodestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); lua_pop(ds->state, 2); list_iterator_stop(&modules); list_destroy(parameters); // The command may have started the virtual machine, check the // status of the VM and execute if needed. if (state->get_vm()->halted == false) vm_execute(state->get_vm(), NULL); return; } // There is no command to handle this. printd(LEVEL_ERROR, "no such command found.\n"); // Clean up. list_destroy(parameters); bautodestroy(name); bcstrfree(cstr); }