BOOL vmsFdmWebInterfaceServer::ProcessRequest(vmsHttpRequest &request, vmsHttpResponse &response)
	if (lstrcmpiA (request.get_RequestType (), "GET"))
		return FALSE;

	CString strU = AfxGetApp ()->GetProfileString (_T("Network"), _T("Login")), 
		strP = AfxGetApp ()->GetProfileString (_T("Network"), _T("Password"));
	CString strAuth = strU + ":" + strP;
#ifdef UNICODE
	_bstr_t bstrAuth((LPCWSTR)strAuth);
	_bstr_t bstrAuth((LPCSTR)strAuth);

	if (strU.IsEmpty () == FALSE && 
			lstrcmpA (request.get_Auth (), (LPCSTR)bstrAuth))
		response.set_ResponseCode ("401 Authorization Required");
		return FALSE;

	LPCSTR pszRes = request.get_ResourcePath ();

	if (lstrcmpA (pszRes, "/") == 0)
		return RequestRootPage (response);

	if (strncmp (pszRes, "/adddownload.req?", lstrlenA ("/adddownload.req?")) == 0)
		return RequestCreateNewDownload (pszRes, response);

	if (strncmp (pszRes, "/compdlds.req", lstrlenA ("/compdlds.req")) == 0)
		return RequestListOfCompletedDownloads (pszRes, response);

	response.set_ResponseCode ("404 Not Found");
	return FALSE;
예제 #2
void Connection::open(const tstring& host, const tstring& login, const tstring& password, const tstring& nmspace)

	// Format the full connection path.
	tstring path = host + nmspace;

	if (, 2, TXT("\\\\")) != 0)
		path = TXT("\\\\") + path;

	// Create the connection.
	IWbemServicesPtr	services;
	IWbemLocatorPtr		locator(CLSID_WbemLocator);
	WCL::ComStr			bstrPath(path);
	WCL::ComStr			bstrAuth(TXT(""));
	HRESULT				result;

	if (login.empty())
		result = locator->ConnectServer(bstrPath.Get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0,
										bstrAuth.Get(), nullptr, AttachTo(services));
		WCL::ComStr	bstrLogin(login);
		WCL::ComStr	bstrPassword(password);

		result = locator->ConnectServer(bstrPath.Get(), bstrLogin.Get(), bstrPassword.Get(), nullptr, 0,
										bstrAuth.Get(), nullptr, AttachTo(services));

	if (FAILED(result))
		throw Exception(result, locator, Core::fmt(TXT("Failed to connect to the WMI provider on '%s'"), host.c_str()).c_str());

	// Enable impersonation on the connection.
    result = ::CoSetProxyBlanket(services.get(), RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_DEFAULT, nullptr,
									nullptr, EOAC_NONE);

	if (FAILED(result))
		throw Exception(result, locator, TXT("Failed to enable impersonation on the WMI connection"));

	// Update state.
	m_locator  = locator;
	m_services = services;