 * Reposition the device to file, block
 * Returns: false on failure
 *          true  on success
bool generic_tape_device::reposition(DCR *dcr, uint32_t rfile, uint32_t rblock)
   Dmsg4(100, "reposition from %u:%u to %u:%u\n", file, block_num, rfile, rblock);
   if (rfile < file) {
      Dmsg0(100, "Rewind\n");
      if (!rewind(NULL)) {
         return false;

   if (rfile > file) {
      Dmsg1(100, "fsf %d\n", rfile-file);
      if (!fsf(rfile-file)) {
         Dmsg1(100, "fsf failed! ERR=%s\n", bstrerror());
         return false;
      Dmsg2(100, "wanted_file=%d at_file=%d\n", rfile, file);

   if (rblock < block_num) {
      Dmsg2(100, "wanted_blk=%d at_blk=%d\n", rblock, block_num);
      Dmsg0(100, "bsf 1\n");
      Dmsg0(100, "fsf 1\n");
      Dmsg2(100, "wanted_blk=%d at_blk=%d\n", rblock, block_num);

   if (has_cap(CAP_POSITIONBLOCKS) && rblock > block_num) {
       * Ignore errors as Bareos can read to the correct block.
      Dmsg1(100, "fsr %d\n", rblock-block_num);
      return fsr(rblock-block_num);
   } else {
      while (rblock > block_num) {
         if (!dcr->read_block_from_dev(NO_BLOCK_NUMBER_CHECK)) {
            berrno be;
            dev_errno = errno;
            Dmsg2(30, "Failed to find requested block on %s: ERR=%s", prt_name, be.bstrerror());
            return false;
         Dmsg2(300, "moving forward wanted_blk=%d at_blk=%d\n", rblock, block_num);

   return true;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
	int postsize;
	char *xmldata, *data;
	xmlDocPtr doc;
        xmlNodePtr cur, anode;
	int bbdnsock;
	int bbdnport;
	char *status = NULL;
	struct config_t maincfg;

	/* Read in config file */
	maincfg = maincfgopen();
	bbdnport = maincfg_get_int(&maincfg, "BLDPORT");
	char *request_method;

	if (!bbdn_conect(&bbdnsock, "", bbdnport))
		cgi_error(500, bstrerror());

	request_method = getenv("HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD")!=NULL ? strdup(getenv("HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD")) : strdup(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"));
	// We will handel the post stuf our self. Set REQUEST_METHOD to GET so cgi-util ignores it.
	setenv("REQUEST_METHOD", "GET", 1);

	if (cgi_init() != CGIERR_NONE) {
		cgi_error(500, "Can't init cgi-util");		

	 * Either called from command line, and then we want a file.
	 * or a http get/put
	 * Or we are handling a web request, and getting the data from stdin.
	if ((cgi_getentrystr("method") != NULL) && (strcmp(cgi_getentrystr("method"),"rest") == 0)) {

		char api[100], coll[100], url[512];
		char *requrle;

		if (getenv("REQUEST_URI") == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "Can't read REQUEST_URI");

		requrle = strdup(getenv("REQUEST_URI"));
		sscanf(requrle,"/%[a-z]/%[a-zA-Z0-9_-]/%[^?]", api, coll, url);

		#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "api: \"%s\"\n",api);
			fprintf(stderr, "coll: \"%s\"\n",coll);
			fprintf(stderr, "url: \"%s\"\n",url);
			fprintf(stderr, "request_method: \"%s\"\n",request_method);
			fprintf(stderr, "reques url \"%s\"\n",getenv("REQUEST_URI"));
			fprintf(stderr, "reques url unescaped \"%s\"\n",requrle);


		if (strcmp(request_method,"POST") == 0 || strcmp(request_method,"ADDDELAYED") == 0 || strcmp(request_method,"PUT") == 0) {

			if (getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") == NULL) {
				cgi_error(500, "Can't read CONTENT_LENGTH");

	               // Get data length
	                postsize = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"));
	                data = malloc(postsize + 1);
			if (data == NULL) {
				cgi_error(500, "Can't allocate data.");
	                // Read data
	                fread(data, 1, postsize, stdin);
	                data[postsize] = '\0';

			// add in to repo
	        	if (bbdn_docadd(bbdnsock, 
					coll, 											// collection name
					url, 											// url
					cgi_getentrystr("documenttype"), 							// document type
					data,											// data
					postsize, 										// data size
					0, 											// lastmodified
					cgi_getentrystr("acl_allow")!=NULL ? cgi_getentrystr("acl_allow") : "Everyone", 	// acl allow
					cgi_getentrystr("acl_denied"), 								// acl denied
					cgi_getentrystr("title"), 								// title
					cgi_getentrystr("documentformat"), 							// document format
					cgi_getentrystr("attributes"),								// attributes
					NULL,											// image
					0											// image size
				) != 1) {
				cgi_error(500, "bbdn_docadd() failed. Can't add document.");

			if (strcmp(request_method,"ADDDELAYED") != 0) {
	                	// close it
	                	sd_close(bbdnsock, coll);

			asprintf(&status,"Added %s to %s\n",url,coll);

		else if (strcmp(request_method,"DELETE") == 0) {

			if (url[0] == '\0') {

				if (sd_deletecollection(bbdnsock, coll) != 1) {
					cgi_error(500, "Can't delete collection");

				asprintf(&status,"Deleted collection %s\n",coll);
			else {
				if (bbdn_deleteuri(bbdnsock, coll, url) != 1) {
					cgi_error(500, "Can't delete document");

				asprintf(&status,"Deleted url %s in %s\n",url,coll);

		else if (strcmp(request_method,"CLOSE") == 0) {
			sd_close(bbdnsock, coll);

			asprintf(&status,"Closed %s\n",coll);

		else {
			cgi_error(500, "Unknown request method \"%s\"", request_method );

		#ifdef DEBUG
			// Print the envirement so we can better see what is going on.
	                char** env;
	                for (env = envp; *env != 0; env++) {
	                    char* thisEnv = *env;
	                    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", thisEnv);

	else if ((cgi_getentrystr("do") != NULL) && (strcmp(cgi_getentrystr("do"),"add") == 0)) {

		char *data;
		int datasize;
		int n;

		const char *url = getenv("HTTP_X_FILENAME") ? getenv("HTTP_X_FILENAME") : cgi_getentrystr("url");
		const char *coll = cgi_getentrystr("collection");

		if (url == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "No url specified. Either set http header HTTP_X_FILENAME or get parameter 'url'.\n");
		if (coll == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "No collection specified\n");

		char *tmpname;
		FILE *fh;
		fh = fopen(tmpname,"wb");
		if (fh == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "Can't open file %s",tmpname);

		if ((data = malloc( atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")) )) == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "Can't malloc data");

		datasize = 0;
		while ((n = fread ((unsigned char *)(data + datasize),1,1024,stdin)) > 0) {
			datasize += n;



		//        bbdn_docadd(bbdnsock, xmldoc.collection, uri, xmldoc.documenttype, xmldoc.body, xmldoc.bodysize,
		//            xmldoc.lastmodified, xmldoc.aclallow, xmldoc.acldeny, xmldoc.title, xmldoc.documentformat, xmldoc.attributes, image, image_size);
        	bbdn_docadd(bbdnsock, coll, url, "", data, datasize,
      		    0, "Everyone", "", "omp1", "", "", NULL, 0);

		// close it
		sd_close(bbdnsock, coll);
	else if ((cgi_getentrystr("do") != NULL) && (strcmp(cgi_getentrystr("do"),"delete") == 0)) {

		const char *url = getenv("HTTP_X_FILENAME") ? getenv("HTTP_X_FILENAME") : cgi_getentrystr("url");
		const char *coll = cgi_getentrystr("collection");

		if (url == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "No url specified. Either set http header HTTP_X_FILENAME or get parameter 'url'.\n");
		if (coll == NULL) {
			cgi_error(500, "No collection specified\n");

		bbdn_deleteuri(bbdnsock, coll, url);

		asprintf(&status,"%s deleted.\n", url);
	else if (getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") != NULL) {
		// Get data length
		postsize = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"));
		xmldata = malloc(postsize + 1);	
		// Read data
		fread(xmldata, 1, postsize, stdin);
		xmldata[postsize] = '\0';

		//fprintf(stderr, "Received %i bytes.\n", postsize);
		//fprintf(stderr, "Got document:\n%s\n", xmldata);

		//parsing xml
        	doc = xmlParseDoc((xmlChar*)xmldata);

        	if (doc == NULL)
		cgi_error(500, "Unable to parse document");

        	cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);

        	if (cur == NULL) {
        	        cgi_error(500, "empty document");

		// Some document checking
        	if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)ROOT_NODE_NAME)) {
        	        cgi_error(500, "document of the wrong type, root node != %s, but %s\n", ROOT_NODE_NAME, cur->name);

		if ((anode = xml_find_child(cur, "key")) != NULL) {
			char *p;
			p = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, anode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
			if (p == NULL)
				cgi_error(500, "No key data");

			if ((systemkey[0] != '\0') && (!key_equal(systemkey, p))) {
				cgi_error(500, "Keys does not match:  Got \"%s\" but wanted \"%s\"\n",p,systemkey);
		} else {
			cgi_error(500, "Did not receive a key");
		if ((anode = xml_find_child(cur, "version")) != NULL) {
			xmlChar *p;

			p = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, anode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
			version = atoi((char*)p);

		} else {
			cgi_error(500, "Did not receive a version number");

		for (cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
			if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "key"))){
				// Ignore
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "version"))){
				// Ignore
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "add"))){
				xml_add(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "delete"))){
				xml_delete(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "close"))) {
				xml_close(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "create"))) {
				xml_create(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "users"))) {
				xml_users(doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "gcwhispers"))) {
				xml_gcwhispers(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "error"))) {
				xml_errormsg(bbdnsock, doc, cur);
			} else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (xmlChar*)"text"))) {
				//fprintf(stderr, "Got text: %s\n", xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur, 1));
				// Ignore for now
			} else {
				warnx("Unknown xml node '%s'", cur->name);

	} else {
		cgi_error(500, "Didn't receive any command or data.");

	if (status != NULL) {
		printf("Content-type: text/plain\n\n");
	else {
		cgi_error(500, "Reached end of program without status.");

	return 0;