예제 #1
 * Funkcja parsująca plik konfiguracyjny w pamieci (* buf) w celu rozdzielenia
 * nazw parametrów ( key ) od wartości im przypisanych. Pary nazw parametrów i
 * ich wartości są następnie przypisywane do listy parametrów 'keylist' i
 * zwracane jako wynik działania. Wyłuskane nazwy parametrów jak i ich wartości
 * są duplikowane, dzięki czemu bufor (* buf) można swobodnie kasować i zwolnić.
keylist * parse_config_buf ( char * buf ){

   char * a = buf;
   char * line;
   char * nl, * delim;
   char * k, * v;
   keylist * list = NULL;
   int cstart = 0;
   int cend = 0;
   int len;

   while ( *a ){
      nl = strchr ( a, '\n' );
      if ( ! nl )

      if ( nl - a ){
         line = bstrndup ( a, nl - a );

         delim = strchr ( line, '=' );

         if ( delim ){
            k = bstrndup ( line, delim - line );
            len = strlen ( delim );
            if ( *delim == '"' )
               cstart = 1;
            if ( delim[len - 1] == '"' )
               cend = 1;
            v = bstrndup ( delim + cstart, len - cstart - cend);
            list = add_keylist ( list, k, v );
            cstart = cend = 0;
            free ( k );
            free ( v );

         free ( line );
      a = nl + 1;
   return list;
예제 #2
    char *data, *copy;
    const char string[] = "Test string";

    copy = bstrndup(string, 100);
    printf("%s\n", copy);
    copy = bstrndup(string, strlen(string));
    printf("%s\n", copy);
    copy = bstrndup(string, 4);
    printf("%s\n", copy);
    data = bmalloc(5);
    memset(data, 'a', 5);
    copy = bstrndup(data, 5);
    printf("%s\n", copy);

    return 0;
예제 #3
    struct script_config config;
    struct kerberos_config *krbconf;
    char *user;

     * Load the Kerberos principal and password from a file, but set the
     * principal as extra[0] and use something else bogus as the user.  We
     * want to test that alt_auth_map works when there's no relationship
     * between the mapped principal and the user.
    krbconf = kerberos_setup(TAP_KRB_NEEDS_PASSWORD);
    memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
    config.user = "******";
    config.authtok = krbconf->password;
    config.extra[0] = krbconf->username;
    config.extra[1] = krbconf->userprinc;

     * Generate a testing krb5.conf file with a nonexistent default realm so
     * that we can be sure that our principals will stay fully-qualified in
     * the logs.
    config.extra[2] = "bogus.example.com";

    /* Test without password prompting. */
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/basic", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/basic-debug", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/fail", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/fail-debug", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/force", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/only", &config);

     * If the alternate account exists but the password is incorrect, we
     * should not fall back to the regular account.  Test with debug so that
     * we don't need two principals configured.
    config.authtok = "bogus incorrect password";
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/force-fail-debug", &config);

     * Switch to our correct user (but wrong realm) realm to test username
     * mapping to a different realm.
    config.authtok = krbconf->password;
    config.user = krbconf->username;
    config.extra[2] = krbconf->realm;
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/username-map", &config);

     * Split the username into two parts, one in the PAM configuration and one
     * in the real username, so that we can test interpolation of the username
     * when %s isn't the first token.
    config.user = &krbconf->username[1];
    user = bstrndup(krbconf->username, 1);
    config.extra[3] = user;
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/username-map-prefix", &config);
    config.extra[3] = NULL;

     * Ensure that we don't add the realm of the authentication username when
     * the alt_auth_map already includes a realm.
    basprintf(&user, "*****@*****.**", krbconf->username);
    config.user = user;
    diag("re-running username-map with fully-qualified PAM user");
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/username-map", &config);
    config.user = krbconf->username;

     * Add the password and make the user match our authentication principal,
     * and then test fallback to normal authentication when alternative
     * authentication fails.
    config.user = krbconf->userprinc;
    config.password = krbconf->password;
    config.extra[2] = krbconf->realm;
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/fallback", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/fallback-debug", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/fallback-realm", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/force-fallback", &config);
    run_script("data/scripts/alt-auth/only-fail", &config);

    return 0;