ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_localDevInfo(new LocalDeviceInfo(this)), m_deviceListing( new DeviceListing(this)), s_model( new bb::cascades::GroupDataModel( QStringList() << "slideNum" << "slideType" << "image", this)) { s_cm = this; connect(this, SIGNAL(BTDeviceSignal(int, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleBTDeviceEvent(int, QString, QString))); connect(&m_IDT, SIGNAL(recordHeader(int,QString)), SLOT(recordHeader(int,QString))); connect(&m_IDT, SIGNAL(slide(int,int,QString)), SLOT(slide(int,int,QString))); connect(&m_IDT, SIGNAL(received()), SLOT(received())); bt_device_init(CMCallback); bt_spp_init(); m_localDevInfo->update(); m_record = 0; s_model->setSortingKeys(QStringList() << "slideType"); s_model->setGrouping(bb::cascades::ItemGrouping::ByFullValue); is_connected = false; s_currentSlide = "Slide - "; s_currentNote = ""; }
BlueToothManager::BlueToothManager(Scope * sc) : GateFactory("BlueToothManager"), scope(sc), started(false), thread(NULL) { Gate g(this, "BlueToothManager()"); if (ldev != NULL) { ldev = new LocalDeviceInfo(); } g.log() << "init" << bt_device_init(btCallback); g.log() << "spp_init" << bt_spp_init(); connect(this,SIGNAL(sppCallbackSignal(int)),this,SLOT(sppCallbackInternal(int))); }
QBluetoothSocketPrivate::QBluetoothSocketPrivate() : socket(-1), socketType(QBluetoothServiceInfo::UnknownProtocol), state(QBluetoothSocket::UnconnectedState), socketError(QBluetoothSocket::NoSocketError), readNotifier(0), connectWriteNotifier(0), connecting(false), discoveryAgent(0), isServerSocket(false) { #ifdef QT_QNX_BT_BLUETOOTH if (!initCounter && (bt_spp_init() == -1)) qCDebug(QT_BT_QNX) << "Could not initialize Bluetooth library. " << qt_error_string(errno); initCounter++; #else ppsRegisterControl(); #endif }
/* * bt_spp_start(): * * Called by the main application to initialize and connect to a network * */ void bt_spp_start(void) { hci_reset_all(); l2cap_reset_all(); sdp_reset_all(); rfcomm_reset_all(); LWIP_DEBUGF(BT_SPP_DEBUG, ("bt_spp_start\n")); hci_cmd_complete(command_complete); hci_pin_req(pin_req); hci_link_key_req(link_key_req); hci_link_key_not(link_key_not); bt_spp_state.btctrl = 0; bt_spp_state.p = NULL; hci_reset(); if(bt_spp_init() != ERR_OK) /* Initialize the SPP role */ { LWIP_DEBUGF(BT_SPP_DEBUG, ("bt_spp_start: couldn't init role\n")); return; } }
ArduinoBTController::ArduinoBTController(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { // Initialize the bt device and SPP library APIs. int errorCode; errorCode = bt_device_init(BTControllerCallbackArduino); errorCode = bt_spp_init(); bt_remote_device_t **remote_device_array; bt_remote_device_t *next_remote_device = 0; // Retrieve and show all devices. remote_device_array = bt_disc_retrieve_devices(BT_DISCOVERY_ALL, 0); if (remote_device_array) { for (int i = 0; (next_remote_device = remote_device_array[i]); ++i) { QVariantMap map; char buffer[128]; const int bufferSize = sizeof(buffer); bt_rdev_get_friendly_name(next_remote_device, buffer, bufferSize); map["deviceName"] = QString::fromLatin1(buffer); bt_rdev_get_addr(next_remote_device, buffer); map["deviceAddress"] = QString::fromLatin1(buffer); if ( (strcmp(buffer, "00:12:09:12:02:05") == 0) or (strcmp(buffer, "20:13:06:18:04:04") == 0) ) { //this are my devicesis my device's mac adress qDebug() << "Found the BT device"; int rssi = 0; bool ok = false; QString m_rssi; const QString unknown = tr("Unknown"); bt_remote_device_t *remote_device = bt_rdev_get_device(buffer); ok = (bt_rdev_get_rssi(remote_device, &rssi) == 0); m_rssi = (ok ? QString::number(rssi) : unknown); const int fd = bt_spp_open(buffer, (char *) SPP_SERVICE_UUID, false); if (fd >= 0) { fflush(stdout); if (fd >= 0) { //starting the reciever/thread, I could use this to get data from a sensor m_sppDataThread.init(fd,false); m_sppDataThread.start(); //the shield has the bad habit of disconnecting if the app idles to long, so I'm sending a heartbeatsignal m_keepAliveThread.init(fd); m_keepAliveThread.start(); if ( { char buffer[80] = "HELLO"; //it is nice to say hello! write(m_sppDataThread.getFD(), buffer, strlen(buffer)); } } } else { qDebug() << "spp_open fail errno =" << QString::number(errno); } } map["deviceClass"] = QString::number( bt_rdev_get_device_class(next_remote_device, BT_COD_DEVICECLASS)); map["deviceType"] = tr("Bluetooth Devices Paired"); // qDebug() << "map" << map; } bt_rdev_free_array(remote_device_array); } // Initialize the btdevice and SPP library APIs. bt_device_init(BTControllerCallbackArduino); bt_spp_init(); }