void *bucket_split(Bucket *bucket, Bucket *buckets, uint32_t bucket_index, Heap *heap, uint32_t block_size) { uint32_t first_block_index = bucket_get_first_block_index(bucket); Block *first_block_header = block_get_header(heap, first_block_index); uint32_t first_block_size = block_get_size(first_block_header); // Calculate the remaining size of the first block. uint32_t rem_size = first_block_size - block_size; // Create a new header for the new block we have created. uint32_t alloc_index = first_block_index + block_size_to_bytes(rem_size); Block *alloc_header = block_get_header(heap, alloc_index); uint32_t next_block_index = block_get_next_index(first_block_header); Block *next_block_header = block_get_header(heap, next_block_index); // If we are simply replacing the block, we don't need to update the previous // and next indexes of memory, since they will not change: no blocks are // being created or merged. if (rem_size != 0) { block_set_size(alloc_header, block_size); block_set_prev_index(alloc_header, first_block_index); block_set_next_index(alloc_header, next_block_index); } block_set_allocated(alloc_header, true); // If there is no left over space in the block, there is no need to split it. // Simply remove this block from the bucket and return an address to it. if (rem_size == 0) { bucket_remove(bucket, heap, first_block_index); return &heap->memory[block_index_skip_header(alloc_index)]; } // Update the header of the remaining part of the block. block_set_next_index(first_block_header, alloc_index); block_set_size(first_block_header, rem_size); // Update the header of the next block. next_block_header = block_get_header(heap, next_block_index); block_set_prev_index(next_block_header, alloc_index); // If the remaining space from the block is now too small for its bucket, it // is removed from this bucket and reinserted into the bucket structure. uint32_t first_block_bucket_index = block_get_bucket_index( first_block_header); if (first_block_bucket_index != bucket_index) { bucket_remove(bucket, heap, first_block_index); bucket_insert(&buckets[first_block_bucket_index], heap, first_block_index); } return &heap->memory[block_index_skip_header(alloc_index)]; }
static int add_channels(rh_aout_api_itf self, int channels) { int i ; rh_aout_itf * itf = alloca( channels * sizeof(rh_aout_itf) ); struct sles_api_instance * api_instance = (struct sles_api_instance *)self; for(i=0; i<channels; i++) { printf("about to create audio channel\n"); if( rh_aout_create_sles(self, &(itf[i])) != 0) { while(i >= 0) { (*(itf[i]))->close(&(itf[i])); --i; } return -1; } printf("created rh_aout_itf @ %p\n", itf[i] ); } for(i=0; i<channels; i++) if((bucket_add(api_instance->aout_itf_bucket, (void*)itf[i] )) != 0) { while(i >= 0) { bucket_remove(api_instance->aout_itf_bucket,(void*)itf[i] ); (*(itf[i]))->close(&(itf[i])); --i; } return -1; } return 0; }
int test_file(FILE *fp, int argc, char **argv) { char buf[65535 + 1]; char *pos; unsigned int strategy = 0; /* what bucketing strategy we're using */ void *ptr = NULL; unsigned int bucketsize = 0; struct params params = {0}; struct chash *hash = NULL; char name[256]; if (!parse_params(argc, argv, ¶ms)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to parse params\n"); return 0; } while (fgets((char *) buf, 65535, fp)) { str_rtrim(buf); pos = (char *) str_ltrim(buf); if (!str_casecmp(pos, "new")) { /* creating a new bucket */ unsigned int size = -1; if (ptr) { chash_delete(hash); free(ptr); } /* read parameters */ if ((fscanf(fp, "%255s %u %u", name, &strategy, &size) == 3) && (size <= 65535) && (bucketsize = size) && (ptr = malloc(size)) && (hash = chash_ptr_new(1, 2.0, /* some fn pointer casting dodginess */ (unsigned int (*)(const void *)) str_len, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) str_cmp)) && (bucket_new(ptr, bucketsize, strategy))) { /* succeeded, do nothing */ if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: new bucket with size %u strategy %u\n", name, size, strategy); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to create bucket\n", name); return 0; } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "add")) { /* adding a term to the bucket */ void *ret; unsigned int veclen, succeed, len; int toobig; if (!ptr) { return 0; } /* read parameters */ if ((fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u %u", buf, &veclen, &succeed) == 3) && (veclen <= 65535)) { len = str_len(buf); if ((((ret = bucket_alloc(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, len, veclen, &toobig, NULL)) && succeed) || (!ret && !succeed))) { /* do nothing */ if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: added term '%s'\n", name, buf); } } else if (succeed) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to add '%s' to bucket\n", name, buf); return 0; } else if (!succeed) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: add '%s' succeeded but shouldn't " "have\n", name, buf); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to add\n", name); return 0; } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "ls")) { /* matching stuff in the bucket */ unsigned int numterms, i, len, veclen, veclen2, state; void *addr; struct chash *tmphash; const char *term; void **tmpptr, *tmp; if (!ptr) { return 0; } if (!(tmphash = chash_ptr_new(1, 2.0, /* some fn pointer casting dodginess */ (unsigned int (*)(const void *)) str_len, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) str_cmp))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to init hashtable\n", name); return 0; } /* first, fill hashtable with all terms from bucket */ state = 0; while ((term = bucket_next_term(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, &state, &len, &addr, &veclen))) { if (!((term = str_ndup(term, len)) && (chash_ptr_ptr_insert(tmphash, term, (void*) term) == CHASH_OK))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to init hashtable\n", name); return 0; } } /* now, take terms from file, comparing them with hashtable * entries */ if (fscanf(fp, "%u", &numterms)) { for (i = 0; i < numterms; i++) { if (fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u ", buf, &veclen)) { if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: ls checking %s\n", name, buf); } if ((addr = bucket_find(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, str_len(buf), &veclen2, NULL)) /* remove it from hashtable */ && chash_ptr_ptr_find(tmphash, buf, &tmpptr) == CHASH_OK && chash_ptr_ptr_remove(tmphash, *tmpptr, &tmp) == CHASH_OK && (free(tmp), 1) && (veclen <= 65535) && (veclen2 == veclen) && fread(buf, veclen, 1, fp) && ((buf[veclen] = '\0'), 1) && (!params.verbose || printf("%s: ls check read '%s'\n", name, buf)) && !memcmp(buf, addr, veclen)) { /* do nothing */ } else { unsigned int j; fprintf(stderr, "%s: ls failed cmp '%s' with '", name, buf); for (j = 0; j < veclen; j++) { putc(((char *) addr)[j], stderr); } fprintf(stderr, "'\n"); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ls failed\n", name); return 0; } } if (chash_size(tmphash)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ls failed\n", name); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ls failed\n", name); return 0; } chash_delete(tmphash); if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: matched all (%u) entries\n", name, numterms); } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "set")) { /* setting the vector for a term in the bucket */ unsigned int veclen, reallen; void *addr; if (!ptr) { return 0; } /* read parameters */ if ((fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u ", buf, &veclen) == 2) && (veclen <= 65535)) { addr = bucket_find(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, str_len(buf), &reallen, NULL); if (addr && (reallen == veclen) && fread(addr, 1, veclen, fp)) { /* do nothing */ if (params.verbose) { unsigned int j; printf("%s: set term '%s' to '", name, buf); for (j = 0; j < reallen; j++) { putc(((char *) addr)[j], stdout); } printf("'\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to set!\n", name); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to set\n", name); return 0; } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "realloc")) { /* reallocating a term in the bucket */ unsigned int veclen, succeed; int toobig; if (!ptr) { return 0; } /* read parameters */ if ((fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u %u", buf, &veclen, &succeed) == 3) && (veclen <= 65535)) { if (!bucket_realloc(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, str_len(buf), veclen, &toobig)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to realloc!\n", name); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to realloc\n", name); return 0; } if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: realloc'd term '%s'\n", name, buf); } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "rm")) { /* removing something from the bucket */ unsigned int succeed; if (!ptr) { return 0; } if (fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u", buf, &succeed) == 2) { if (succeed) { if (!(bucket_remove(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, str_len(buf)))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to rm '%s'\n", name, buf); return 0; } else if (params.verbose) { printf("%s: rm term '%s'\n", name, buf); } } else if (succeed) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to rm\n", name); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to rm\n", name); return 0; } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "print")) { /* printing out the bucket contents */ unsigned int state = 0, len, veclen; const char *term; char format[100]; void *addr; if (!ptr) { printf("can't print, no bucket\n"); } else { do { term = bucket_next_term(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, &state, &len, &addr, &veclen); } while (term && memcpy(buf, term, len) && ((buf[len] = '\0') || 1) && snprintf(format, 100, "%%.%us (%%u): '%%.%us' (%%u) " "(off %%u)\n", len, veclen) && printf(format, term, len, (char*) addr, veclen, ((char *) addr) - (char *) ptr)); if (!state) { printf("(empty)\n"); } printf("%u entries, %u data, %u string, %u overhead, %u free\n", bucket_entries(ptr, bucketsize, strategy), bucket_utilised(ptr, bucketsize, strategy), bucket_string(ptr, bucketsize, strategy), bucket_overhead(ptr, bucketsize, strategy), bucket_unused(ptr, bucketsize, strategy)); } } else if (!str_casecmp(pos, "match")) { unsigned int veclen, veclen2; void *addr; if (fscanf(fp, "%65535s %u ", buf, &veclen)) { if ((addr = bucket_find(ptr, bucketsize, strategy, buf, str_len(buf), &veclen2, NULL)) && (veclen <= 65535) && (veclen2 >= veclen) && (!params.verbose || printf("%s: match on '%s' ", name, buf)) && fread(buf, veclen, 1, fp) && !memcmp(buf, addr, veclen)) { if (params.verbose) { printf("content succeeded\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: match failed (%s vs %s)\n", name, buf, (char *) addr); return 0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: match failed\n", name); return 0; } } else if ((*pos != '#') && str_len(pos)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown command '%s'\n", name, pos); return 0; } } if (ptr) { chash_delete(hash); free(ptr); } return 1; }