예제 #1
파일: socket.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
 * Text_to_buffer()
 * Stores outbound text in a buffer, where it will
 * stay untill it is flushed in the gameloop.
 * Will also parse ANSI colors and other tags.
void text_to_buffer(SOCKET_DATA *dsock, const char *txt)
  // if we're at the head of the outbuf and haven't entered a command, 
  // also copy a newline so we're not printing in front of the prompt
  if(bufferLength(dsock->outbuf) == 0 && !dsock->bust_prompt)
    bufferCat(dsock->outbuf, "\r\n");

  /* add data to buffer */
  bufferCat(dsock->outbuf, txt);
예제 #2
파일: pysocket.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
// Send a message with Python statements potentially embedded in it. For 
PyObject *PySocket_send(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
  static char *kwlist[ ] = { "mssg", "dict", "newline", NULL };
  char      *text = NULL;
  PyObject  *dict = NULL;
  bool    newline = TRUE;

  if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s|Ob", kwlist, 
				  &text, &dict, &newline)) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid arguments supplied to Mudsock.send");
    return NULL;

  // is dict None? set it to NULL for expand_to_char
  if(dict == Py_None)
    dict = NULL;

  // make sure the dictionary is a dictionary
  if(!(dict == NULL || PyDict_Check(dict))) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Mudsock.send expects second argument to be a dict object.");
    return NULL;
  // make sure we exist
  if( (me = PySocket_AsSocket(self)) == NULL) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Tried to send nonexistent socket.");
    return NULL;

  if(dict != NULL)
    PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", self);

  // build our script environment
  BUFFER   *buf = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(buf, text);

  // expand out our dynamic descriptions if we have a dictionary supplied
  if(dict != NULL) {
    PyObject *env = restricted_script_dict();
    PyDict_Update(env, dict);

    // do the expansion
    expand_dynamic_descs_dict(buf, env, get_script_locale());

  if(newline == TRUE)
    bufferCat(buf, "\r\n");
  text_to_buffer(me, bufferString(buf));

  // garbage collection
  return Py_BuildValue("");
예제 #3
파일: hedit.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
HELP_OLC *newHelpOLC(const char *keywords, const char *info, 
		     const char *user_groups, const char *related) {
  HELP_OLC     *data = malloc(sizeof(HELP_OLC));
  data->old_keywords = strdupsafe(keywords);
  data->keywords     = strdupsafe(keywords);
  data->user_groups  = strdupsafe(user_groups);
  data->related      = strdupsafe(related);
  data->info         = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(data->info, info);
  return data;
예제 #4
파일: socket.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
bool flush_output(SOCKET_DATA *dsock) {
  bool  success = TRUE;
  BUFFER   *buf = NULL;

  // run any hooks prior to flushing our text
  hookRun("flush", hookBuildInfo("sk", dsock));

  // quit if we have no output and don't need/can't have a prompt
  if(bufferLength(dsock->outbuf) <= 0 && 
     (!dsock->bust_prompt || !socketHasPrompt(dsock)))
    return success;

  buf = newBuffer(1);

  // send our outbound text
  if(bufferLength(dsock->outbuf) > 0) {
    hookRun("process_outbound_text",  hookBuildInfo("sk", dsock));
    hookRun("finalize_outbound_text", hookBuildInfo("sk", dsock));
    //success = text_to_socket(dsock, bufferString(dsock->outbuf));
    bufferCat(buf, bufferString(dsock->outbuf));

  // send our prompt
  if(dsock->bust_prompt && success) {
    hookRun("process_outbound_prompt",  hookBuildInfo("sk", dsock));
    hookRun("finalize_outbound_prompt", hookBuildInfo("sk", dsock));
    //success = text_to_socket(dsock, bufferString(dsock->outbuf));
    bufferCat(buf, bufferString(dsock->outbuf));
    dsock->bust_prompt = FALSE;

  success = text_to_socket(dsock, bufferString(buf));

  // return our success
  return success;
예제 #5
파일: socket.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
void next_cmd_from_buffer(SOCKET_DATA *dsock) {
  // do we have stuff in our input list? If so, use that instead of inbuf
  dsock->cmd_read = FALSE;
  if(listSize(dsock->input) > 0) {
    char *cmd = listPop(dsock->input);
    bufferCat(dsock->next_command, cmd);
    dsock->cmd_read    = TRUE;
    dsock->bust_prompt = TRUE;
  else {
    int i = 0, cmd_end = -1;

    // are we building an IAC command? Try to continue it
    if(bufferLength(dsock->iac_sequence) > 0)
      i += read_iac_sequence(dsock, 0);

    // copy over characters until we hit a newline, an IAC command, or \0
    for(; dsock->inbuf[i] != '\0' && cmd_end < 0; i++) {
      switch(dsock->inbuf[i]) {
	// append us to the command
	bufferCatCh(dsock->next_command, dsock->inbuf[i]);
      case '\n':
	// command end found
	cmd_end = ++i;
      case '\r':
	// ignore \r ... only pay attention to \n
      case (signed char) IAC:
	i += read_iac_sequence(dsock, i) - 1;
      if(cmd_end >= 0)

    // move the context of inbuf down
    int begin = 0;
    while(dsock->inbuf[i] != '\0')
      dsock->inbuf[begin++] = dsock->inbuf[i++];
    dsock->inbuf[begin] = '\0';
    // did we find a command?
    if(cmd_end >= 0) {
      dsock->cmd_read    = TRUE;
      dsock->bust_prompt = TRUE;
예제 #6
파일: room_reset.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
RESET_DATA    *resetRead        (STORAGE_SET *set) {
  RESET_DATA *reset = malloc(sizeof(RESET_DATA));
  reset->type     = read_int(set, "type");
  reset->times    = read_int(set, "times");
  reset->chance   = read_int(set, "chance");
  reset->max      = read_int(set, "max");
  reset->room_max = read_int(set, "room_max");
  reset->on       = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "on"),   resetRead);
  reset->in       = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "in"),   resetRead);
  reset->then     = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "then"), resetRead);
  reset->arg = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(reset->arg, read_string(set, "arg"));
  return reset;
예제 #7
void expand_to_char(CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *mssg, PyObject *dict, 
		    const char *locale, bool newline) {
  BUFFER *buf = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(buf, mssg);
  if(dict != NULL) {
    // build the script dictionary
    PyObject *script_dict = restricted_script_dict();
    PyDict_Update(script_dict, dict);

    // do the expansion
    expand_dynamic_descs_dict(buf, script_dict, locale);

    // garbage collection and end

  if(newline == TRUE)
    bufferCat(buf, "\r\n");
  text_to_char(ch, bufferString(buf));

  // garbage collection
예제 #8
파일: pysocket.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
int PySocket_set_outbound_text(PySocket *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) {
  if(!PyString_Check(value)) {
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Outbound text must be in string format.");
    return -1;

  SOCKET_DATA *sock = PySocket_AsSocket((PyObject *)self);
  if(sock == NULL)
    return -1;
  else {
    bufferCat(socketGetOutbound(sock), PyString_AsString(value));
    return 0;
예제 #9
파일: room_reset.c 프로젝트: KaSt/nereamud
void           resetSetArg      (RESET_DATA *reset, const char *arg) {
  bufferCat(reset->arg, arg);
예제 #10
void expand_dynamic_descs_dict(BUFFER *desc, PyObject *dict,const char *locale){
  // make our new buffer
  BUFFER *new_desc = newBuffer(bufferLength(desc)*2);
  BUFFER     *code = newBuffer(1); // for things we have to evaluate
  bool   proc_cond = FALSE; // are we processing a conditional statement?

  // copy over all of our description that is not dynamic text
  int start, end, i, j, size = bufferLength(desc);
  for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    // figure out when our next dynamic desc is.
    start = next_letter_in(bufferString(desc) + i, '[');

    // no more
    if(start == -1) {
      // copy the rest and skip to the end of the buffer
      bprintf(new_desc, "%s", bufferString(desc) + i);
      i = size - 1;
    // we have another desc
    else {
      // copy everything up to start
      while(start > 0) {
	bprintf(new_desc, "%c", *(bufferString(desc) + i));

      // skip the start marker

      // find our end
      end = next_letter_in(bufferString(desc) + i, ']');

      // make sure we have it
      if(end == -1)

      // copy everything between start and end, and format the code
      for(j = 0; j < end; j++)
	bprintf(code, "%c", *(bufferString(desc) + i + j));
      bufferReplace(code, "\n", " ", TRUE);
      bufferReplace(code, "\r", "", TRUE);

      // skip i up to the end
      i = i + end;

      // are we trying to process a conditional statement?
      if(!strncasecmp(bufferString(code), "if ", 3)) {
	// strip out the leading if and whitespace
	char *code_copy = strdup(bufferString(code));
	char       *ptr = code_copy + 3;
	while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
	// copy over the cleaned-up code, signal we're processing a conditional
	bufferCat(code, ptr);
	proc_cond = TRUE;

	// garbage collection

      // evaluate the code
      PyObject *retval = eval_script(dict, bufferString(code), locale);

      // did we encounter an error?
      if(retval == NULL)
      // are we evaluating a conditional or no?
      else if(proc_cond) {
	BUFFER *cond_retval =
	  expand_dynamic_conditional(desc, dict, retval, locale, &i);

	// if we have something to print, expand its embedded python
	  expand_dynamic_descs_dict(cond_retval, dict, locale);

	bufferCat(new_desc, bufferString(cond_retval));
	proc_cond = FALSE;
      // append the output
      else if(PyString_Check(retval))
	bprintf(new_desc, "%s", PyString_AsString(retval));
      else if(PyInt_Check(retval))
	bprintf(new_desc, "%ld", PyInt_AsLong(retval));
      else if(PyFloat_Check(retval))
	bprintf(new_desc, "%lf", PyFloat_AsDouble(retval));
      // invalid return type...
      else if(retval != Py_None)
	log_string("dynamic desc had invalid evaluation: %s", 

      // oddly, freeing retval here corrupt memory. 
      // And not freeing it doesn't cause a memory leak. So bizarre...
      //   Py_XDECREF(retval);

  // copy over our contents
  bufferCopyTo(new_desc, desc);

  // garbage collection