int HttpConnection::request(const char* data, OutputStream& response, bool log_request) { int requestStatus = 0; StringBuffer dataString(data); BufferInputStream bufferStream(dataString); requestStatus = request(bufferStream, response, log_request); return requestStatus; }
void QCodesysNVTelegram::initializeTelegram(void) { if(length<20) { data.resize(length); } else { data.resize(length); } QByteArray buffer; QDataStream bufferStream(identity); quint32 identityInt; bufferStream >> identityInt; QCodesysNVConvert<quint32>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::DWORD, identityInt); data.replace(0,4,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint32>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::DWORD, id); data.replace(4,4,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint16>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::WORD, cob_id); data.replace(8,2,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint16>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::WORD, subindex); data.replace(10,2,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint16>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::WORD, items); data.replace(12,2,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint16>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::WORD, length); data.replace(14,2,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint16>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::WORD, counter); data.replace(16,2,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint8>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::BYTE, flags); data.replace(18,1,buffer); buffer.clear(); QCodesysNVConvert<quint8>::convertToBytes(buffer, QCodesysNVType::BYTE, checksum); data.replace(19,1,buffer); }
StringVector &split(const std::string &haystack, const char delimiter, bool ignoreEmpty = false) { std::stringstream bufferStream(haystack); std::string findBuffer; StringVector *finds = new StringVector(); while(std::getline(bufferStream, findBuffer, delimiter)) { if(!ignoreEmpty || findBuffer.length() > 0) //Don´t add if empty and ignoreEmpty is set finds->push_back(findBuffer); } return *finds; }
void QmlProfilerTraceFile::loadQzt(QIODevice *device) { QDataStream stream(device); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_5); QByteArray magic; stream >> magic; if (magic != QByteArray("QMLPROFILER")) { fail(tr("Invalid magic: %1").arg(QLatin1String(magic))); return; } qint32 dataStreamVersion; stream >> dataStreamVersion; if (dataStreamVersion > QDataStream::Qt_DefaultCompiledVersion) { fail(tr("Unknown data stream version: %1").arg(dataStreamVersion)); return; } stream.setVersion(dataStreamVersion); qint64 traceStart, traceEnd; stream >> traceStart >> traceEnd; setTraceStart(traceStart); setTraceEnd(traceEnd); QBuffer buffer; QDataStream bufferStream(&buffer); bufferStream.setVersion(dataStreamVersion); QByteArray data; setDeviceProgress(device); QmlProfilerModelManager *manager = modelManager(); if (!isCanceled()) { stream >> data; buffer.setData(qUncompress(data));; quint32 numEventTypes; bufferStream >> numEventTypes; if (numEventTypes > quint32(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())) { fail(tr("Excessive number of event types: %1").arg(numEventTypes)); return; } for (int typeId = 0; typeId < static_cast<int>(numEventTypes); ++typeId) { QmlEventType type; bufferStream >> type; manager->setEventType(typeId, std::move(type)); } buffer.close(); setDeviceProgress(device); }
void loadRegion(std::istream &in) { FileUtils::streamRead(in, _locationTable.get(), 4096); FileUtils::streamRead(in, _timestampTable.get(), 4096); std::memset(_regionGrid.get(), 0, 512*256*512*sizeof(ElementType)); std::memset(_biomes.get(), 0xFF, 512*512*sizeof(uint8)); _regionHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { int chunkX = i % 32; int chunkZ = i / 32; uint32 offset = 4*1024*( (uint32(_locationTable[i*4 + 0]) << 16) + (uint32(_locationTable[i*4 + 1]) << 8) + uint32(_locationTable[i*4 + 2])); uint32 length = uint32(_locationTable[i*4 + 3])*4*1024; if (offset == 0 || length == 0) continue; in.seekg(offset); FileUtils::streamRead(in, _compressedChunk.get(), length); uint32 chunkLength = (uint32(_compressedChunk[0]) << 24) + (uint32(_compressedChunk[1]) << 16) + (uint32(_compressedChunk[2]) << 8) + uint32(_compressedChunk[3]); if (_compressedChunk[4] != 2) { // Only accept Zlib compression tfm::printf("Ignoring chunk %i, %i with unsupported compression mode %i\n", chunkX, chunkZ, _compressedChunk[4]); std::cout.flush(); continue; } uLongf destLength = DecompressedChunkSize; if (uncompress(_decompressedChunk.get(), &destLength, _compressedChunk.get() + 5, chunkLength) != Z_OK) { tfm::printf("Decompression failed for chunk %i, %i\n", chunkX, chunkZ); std::cout.flush(); continue; } MemBuf buffer(reinterpret_cast<char *>(_decompressedChunk.get()), destLength); std::istream bufferStream(&buffer); loadChunk(bufferStream, i % 32, i/32); } }
bool MeshData::loadFromFile(const tstring& filePath) { BUFFER_DATA bufferData; if (!FileUtil::readFile(bufferData, filePath)) return false; tstring baseDir = StringUtil::getFileDir(filePath); BufferStream bufferStream(bufferData); if (parseMeshFile(&bufferStream, baseDir)) { setId(filePath); return true; } return false; }
void POP3Message::fetch(ref <POP3Folder> msgFolder, const int options) { ref <POP3Folder> folder = m_folder.acquire(); if (folder != msgFolder) throw exceptions::folder_not_found(); // FETCH_STRUCTURE and FETCH_FLAGS are not supported by POP3. if (options & (folder::FETCH_STRUCTURE | folder::FETCH_FLAGS)) throw exceptions::operation_not_supported(); // Check for the real need to fetch the full header static const int optionsRequiringHeader = folder::FETCH_ENVELOPE | folder::FETCH_CONTENT_INFO | folder::FETCH_FULL_HEADER | folder::FETCH_IMPORTANCE; if (!(options & optionsRequiringHeader)) return; // No need to differenciate between FETCH_ENVELOPE, // FETCH_CONTENT_INFO, ... since POP3 only permits to // retrieve the whole header and not fields in particular. // Emit the "TOP" command std::ostringstream oss; oss << "TOP " << m_num << " 0"; ref <POP3Store> store = folder->m_store.acquire(); store->sendRequest(oss.str()); try { string buffer; utility::outputStreamStringAdapter bufferStream(buffer); POP3Response::readLargeResponse(store->m_socket, store->m_timeoutHandler, bufferStream, /* progress */ NULL, /* predictedSize */ 0); m_header = vmime::create <header>(); m_header->parse(buffer); } catch (exceptions::command_error& e) { throw exceptions::command_error("TOP", e.response()); } }
void POP3Message::fetch(shared_ptr <POP3Folder> msgFolder, const fetchAttributes& options) { shared_ptr <POP3Folder> folder = m_folder.lock(); if (folder != msgFolder) throw exceptions::folder_not_found(); // STRUCTURE and FLAGS attributes are not supported by POP3 if (options.has(fetchAttributes::STRUCTURE | fetchAttributes::FLAGS)) throw exceptions::operation_not_supported(); // Check for the real need to fetch the full header static const int optionsRequiringHeader = fetchAttributes::ENVELOPE | fetchAttributes::CONTENT_INFO | fetchAttributes::FULL_HEADER | fetchAttributes::IMPORTANCE; if (!options.has(optionsRequiringHeader)) return; // No need to differenciate between ENVELOPE, CONTENT_INFO, ... // since POP3 only permits to retrieve the whole header and not // fields in particular. // Emit the "TOP" command shared_ptr <POP3Store> store = folder->m_store.lock(); POP3Command::TOP(m_num, 0)->send(store->getConnection()); try { string buffer; utility::outputStreamStringAdapter bufferStream(buffer); POP3Response::readLargeResponse(store->getConnection(), bufferStream, /* progress */ NULL, /* predictedSize */ 0); m_header = make_shared <header>(); m_header->parse(buffer); } catch (exceptions::command_error& e) { throw exceptions::command_error("TOP", e.response()); } }
int MeshLoader::loadOBJ(string path) { _mesh = new Mesh(); string aux; ifstream ifs(path.c_str()); string buffer; Vertex center; center.x = 0.0; center.y = 0.0; center.z = 0.0;; ifs.clear(); if (!ifs.is_open()) { return -1; } string id, ind1, ind2, ind3, temp; double dato1, dato2, dato3; while (!ifs.eof()) { getline(ifs, buffer); istringstream bufferStream(buffer); aux = buffer.substr(0,2); if (aux == "v ") { bufferStream >> id >> dato1 >> dato2 >> dato3; _mesh->addVertex(dato1, dato2, dato3); center.x += dato1; center.y += dato2; center.z += dato3; } else if (aux == "f ")
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // name Get Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the binary rep GLC_3DRep GLC_BSRep::loadRep() { GLC_3DRep loadedRep; if (open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (headerIsOk()) { timeStampOk(QDateTime()); GLC_BoundingBox boundingBox; m_DataStream >> boundingBox; bool useCompression; m_DataStream >> useCompression; if (useCompression) { QByteArray CompresseBuffer; m_DataStream >> CompresseBuffer; QByteArray uncompressedBuffer= qUncompress(CompresseBuffer); uncompressedBuffer.squeeze(); CompresseBuffer.clear(); CompresseBuffer.squeeze(); QDataStream bufferStream(uncompressedBuffer); bufferStream >> loadedRep; } else { m_DataStream >> loadedRep; } loadedRep.setFileName(m_FileInfo.filePath()); if (!close()) { QString message(QString("GLC_BSRep::loadRep An error occur when loading file ") + m_FileInfo.fileName()); GLC_FileFormatException fileFormatException(message, m_FileInfo.fileName(), GLC_FileFormatException::WrongFileFormat); throw(fileFormatException); } } else {
bool QmlProfilerFileReader::loadQzt(QIODevice *device) { QDataStream stream(device); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_5); QByteArray magic; stream >> magic; if (magic != QByteArray("QMLPROFILER")) { emit error(tr("Invalid magic: %1").arg(QLatin1String(magic))); return false; } qint32 dataStreamVersion; stream >> dataStreamVersion; if (dataStreamVersion > QDataStream::Qt_DefaultCompiledVersion) { emit error(tr("Unknown data stream version: %1").arg(dataStreamVersion)); return false; } stream.setVersion(dataStreamVersion); stream >> m_traceStart >> m_traceEnd; QBuffer buffer; QDataStream bufferStream(&buffer); bufferStream.setVersion(dataStreamVersion); QByteArray data; updateProgress(device); stream >> data; buffer.setData(qUncompress(data));; bufferStream >> m_eventTypes; buffer.close(); emit typesLoaded(m_eventTypes); updateProgress(device); stream >> data; buffer.setData(qUncompress(data));; bufferStream >> m_notes; buffer.close(); emit notesLoaded(m_notes); updateProgress(device); const int eventBufferLength = 1024; QVector<QmlEvent> eventBuffer(eventBufferLength); int eventBufferIndex = 0; while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> data; buffer.setData(qUncompress(data));; while (!buffer.atEnd()) { if (isCanceled()) return false; QmlEvent &event = eventBuffer[eventBufferIndex]; bufferStream >> event; if (bufferStream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) { if (event.typeIndex() >= m_eventTypes.length()) { emit error(tr("Invalid type index %1").arg(event.typeIndex())); return false; } m_loadedFeatures |= (1ULL << m_eventTypes[event.typeIndex()].feature()); } else if (bufferStream.status() == QDataStream::ReadPastEnd) { break; // Apparently EOF is a character so we end up here after the last event. } else if (bufferStream.status() == QDataStream::ReadCorruptData) { emit error(tr("Corrupt data before position %1.").arg(device->pos())); return false; } else { Q_UNREACHABLE(); } if (++eventBufferIndex == eventBufferLength) { emit qmlEventsLoaded(eventBuffer); eventBufferIndex = 0; } } buffer.close(); updateProgress(device); } eventBuffer.resize(eventBufferIndex); emit qmlEventsLoaded(eventBuffer); emit success(); return true; }
int eMoviePlayer::playStream(eString mrl) { int apid = -1, vpid = -1, ac3 = -1; // receive video stream from VLC on PC eDebug("[MOVIEPLAYER] start playing stream..."); status.BUFFERFILLED = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); tsBuffer.clear(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (requestStream() < 0) { eDebug("[MOVIEPLAYER] requesting stream failed..."); close(fd); return -1; } int ibuff; if(status.PLG) ibuff = initialBuffer; else ibuff = INITIALBUFFER; if (bufferStream(fd, ibuff) == 0) { eDebug("[MOVIEPLAYER] buffer is empty."); close(fd); if (cancelBuffering > 0) return 0; else return -4; } status.BUFFERFILLED = true; find_avpids(&tsBuffer, &vpid, &apid, &ac3); if (vpid == -1 || apid == -1) { if(status.NSF ) // plugin can playback file without A or V too { eDebug("[MOVIEPLAYER] both AV pids not found: vpid %d apid %d, but play.",vpid,apid); } else { eDebug("[MOVIEPLAYER] no AV pids found."); close(fd); return -5; } } status.NSF=false; status.AVPIDS_FOUND = true; if(!status.DVB) stopDVB(); Decoder::setMpegDevice(-1); // set pids Decoder::parms.vpid = vpid; Decoder::parms.apid = apid; Decoder::parms.audio_type = DECODE_AUDIO_MPEG; int ac3default = 0; eConfig::getInstance()->getKey("/elitedvb/audio/ac3default", ac3default); if (ac3 && ac3default) { if (mrl.right(3) == "vob" || mrl.left(3) == "dvd") Decoder::parms.audio_type = DECODE_AUDIO_AC3_VOB; else Decoder::parms.audio_type = DECODE_AUDIO_AC3; } eZapMain::getInstance()->hideInfobar(); usleep(100000); Decoder::SetStreamType(TYPE_PES); Decoder::Set(); #ifndef DISABLE_LCD unsigned int pos = mrl.find_last_of('/'); eZapLCD::getInstance()->lcdMain->ServiceName->setText(mrl.right(mrl.size() - pos - 1)); #endif createThreads(); status.ACTIVE = true; return 0; }